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The somitic involvement in the formation of the vertebral column was examined using the chick-quail chimaera model. Single cervical somites from quail donor embryos were transplanted into similarly staged chick host embryos. Following further incubation, serial sections of variously staged embryos were stained with the Feulgen reaction to distinguish the two cell populations. Quail cells were generally located within a delimited region in one half of each of the two adjacent vertebrae, as well as in the intervening disc. The horizontal plane of division through each vertebra passed approximately through the centre of the body and divided the neural arch into rostral and caudal halves through the rostral border of the caudal notch. These results give support to the controversial theory of resegmentation, in which it was suggested that there is an apparent realignment of segmentation between the somite stage and the subsequent vertebral stage of development.  相似文献   

Somites are mesodermal structures which appear transiently in vertebrates in the course of their development. Cells situated ventromedially in a somite differentiate into the sclerotome, which gives rise to cartilage, while the other part of the somite differentiates into dermomyotome which gives rise to muscle and dermis. The sclerotome is further divided into a rostral half, where neural crest cells settle and motor nerves grow, and a caudal half. To find out when these axes are determined and how they rule later development, especially the morphogenesis of cartilage derived from the somites, we transplanted the newly formed three caudal somites of 2.5-day-old quail embryos into chick embryos of about the same age, with reversal of some axes. The results were summarized as follows. (1) When transplantation reversed only the dorsoventral axis, one day after the operation the two caudal somites gave rise to normal dermomyotomes and sclerotomes, while the most rostral somite gave rise to a sclerotome abnormally situated just beneath ectoderm. These results suggest that the dorsoventral axis was not determined when the somites were formed, but began to be determined about three hours after their formation. (2) When the transplantation reversed only the rostrocaudal axis, two days after the operation the rudiments of dorsal root ganglia were formed at the caudal (originally rostral) halves of the transplanted sclerotomes. The rostrocaudal axis of the somites had therefore been determined when the somites were formed. (3) When the transplantation reversed both the dorsoventral and the rostrocaudal axes, two days after the operation, sclerotomes derived from the prospective dermomyotomal region of the somites were shown to keep their original rostrocaudal axis, judging from the position of the rudiments of ganglia. Combined with results 1 and 2, this suggested that the fate of the sclerotomal cells along the rostrocaudal axis was determined previously and independently of the determination of somite cell differentiation into dermomyotome and sclerotome. (4) In the 9.5-day-old chimeric embryos with rostrocaudally reversed somites, the morphology of vertebrae and ribs derived from the explanted somites were reversed along the rostrocaudal axis. The morphology of cartilage derived from the somites was shown to be determined intrinsically in the somites by the time these were formed from the segmental plate. The rostrocaudal pattern of the vertebral column is therefore controlled by factors intrinsic to the somitic mesoderm, and not by interactions between this mesoderm and the notochord and/or neural tube, arising after segmentation.  相似文献   

The segmental body plan of vertebrates arises from the metameric organization of the paraxial mesoderm into somites. Each mesodermal somite is subdivided into at least two distinct domains: rostral and caudal. The segmental pattern of dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and nerves is imposed by differential properties of either somitic domain. In the present work, we have extended these studies by investigating the contribution of rostral or caudal-half somites to vertebral development using grafts of multiple somite halves. In both rostral and caudal somitic implants, the grafted mesoderm dissociates normally into sclerotome and dermomyotome, and the sclerotome further develops into vertebrae. However, the morphogenetic capabilities of each somitic half differ. The pedicle of the vertebral arch is almost continuous in caudal half-somite grafts and is virtually absent in rostral half-somite implants. Similarly, the intervertebral disk is present in rostral half-somite chimeras, and much reduced or virtually absent in caudal somite chimeras. Thus, only the caudal half cells are committed to give rise to the vertebral pedicle, and only the rostral half cells are committed to give rise to the fibrocartilage of the intervertebral disk. Each vertebra is therefore composed of a pedicle-containing area, apparently formed by the caudal half-somite, followed by a pedicle-free zone, the intervertebral foramen, derived from the rostral somite. These data directly support the hypothesis of resegmentation, in which vertebrae arise by fusion of the caudal and rostral halves of two consecutive somites.  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells and motor axons move in a segmental fashion through the rostral (anterior) half of each somitic sclerotome, avoiding the caudal (posterior) half. This metameric migration pattern is thought to be caused by molecular differences between the rostral and caudal portions of the somite. Here, we describe the distribution of T-cadherin (truncated-cadherin) during trunk neural crest cell migration. T-cadherin, a novel member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules was selectively expressed in the caudal half of each sclerotome at all times examined. T-cadherin immunostaining appeared graded along the rostrocaudal axis, with increasing levels of reactivity in the caudal halves of progressively more mature (rostral) somites. The earliest T-cadherin expression was detected in a small population of cells in the caudal portion of the somite three segments rostral to last-formed somite. This initial T-cadherin expression was observed concomitant with the invasion of the first neural crest cells into the rostral portion of the same somite in stage 16 embryos. When neural crest cells were ablated surgically prior to their emigration from the neural tube, the pattern of T-cadherin immunoreactivity was unchanged compared to unoperated embryos, suggesting that the metameric T-cadherin distribution occurs independent of neural crest cell signals. This expression pattern is consistent with the possibility that T-cadherin plays a role in influencing the pattern of neural crest cell migration and in maintaining somite polarity.  相似文献   

To determine whether resegmentation of somites forms the axial skeleton, we traced the development of the rostral and the caudal half of a somite during skeletogenesis in chick-quail chimeras by replacing the rostral or caudal half of a newly formed chick somite with that of a quail somite. The rostral half-somite transplant formed the caudal half of the vertebral body, the entire spinous process and the distal rib, while the caudal half-somite transplant formed the rostral half of vertebral body, the rostral half of spinous process, the vertebral arch, the transverse process and the entire rib. These findings confirm the resegmentation theory except the spinous process and the distal rib.  相似文献   

The first morphological sign of vertebrate postcranial body segmentation is the sequential production from posterior paraxial mesoderm of blocks of cells termed somites. Each of these embryonic structures is polarized along the anterior/posterior axis, a subdivision first distinguished by marker gene expression restricted to rostral or caudal territories of forming somites. To better understand the generation of segment polarity in vertebrates, we have studied the zebrafish mutant fused somites (fss), because its paraxial mesoderm lacks segment polarity. Previously examined markers of caudal half-segment identity are widely expressed, whereas markers of rostral identity are either missing or dramatically down-regulated, suggesting that the paraxial mesoderm of the fss mutant embryo is profoundly caudalized. These findings gave rise to a model for the formation of segment polarity in the zebrafish in which caudal is the default identity for paraxial mesoderm, upon which is patterned rostral identity in an fss-dependent manner. In contrast to this scheme, the caudal marker gene ephrinA1 was recently shown to be down-regulated in fss embryos. We now show that notch5, another caudal identity marker and a component of the Delta/Notch signaling system, is not expressed in the paraxial mesoderm of early segmentation stage fss embryos. We use cell transplantation to create genetic mosaics between fss and wild-type embryos in order to assay the requirement for fss function in notch5 expression. In contrast to the expression of rostral markers, which have a cell-autonomous requirement for fss, expression of notch5 is induced in fss cells at short range by nearby wild-type cells, indicating a cell-non-autonomous requirement for fss function in this process. These new data suggest that segment polarity is created in a three-step process in which cells that have assumed a rostral identity must subsequently communicate with their partially caudalized neighbors in order to induce the fully caudalized state.  相似文献   

The segmental pattern of peripheral ganglia in higher vertebrates is generated by interactions between neural crest and somite cells. Each mesodermal somite is subdivided into at least two distinct domains represented by its rostral and caudal halves. Most migratory pathways taken by neural crest cells in trunk regions of the axis, as well as the outgrowth of motoneuron fibers are restricted to the rostral domain of each somite. Experimental modification of the somites, achieved by constructing a mesoderm composed of multiple rostral half-somites, results in the formation of continuous and unsegmented nerves, dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and sympathetic ganglia (SG). In contrast, both neurites and crest cells are absent from a mesoderm composed of multiple-caudal half somites. However, the mechanisms responsible for gangliogenesis within the rostral half of the somite, appear to be different for DRG and SG. Vertebral development from the somites is also segmental. In implants of either multiple rostral or caudal somite-halves, the grafted mesoderm dissociates normally into sclerotome and dermomyotome. However, the morphogenetic capabilities of each somitic half differ. The lateral vertebral arch is continuous in the presence of caudal half-somite grafts and is virtually absent in rostral half-somite implants. Therefore, the rostrocaudal subdivision of the sclerotome determines the segmental pattern of neural development and is also important for the proper metameric development of the vertebrae.  相似文献   

The terminal distributions of spinal and dorsal column nuclear projections to tectum, pretectum, and central gray of hedgehog tenrecs (Echinops telfairi and Setifer setosus) were investigated using anterograde axonal flow and various tracer substances. In the inferior colliculus, the densest and most extensive mesencephalic projections were found within the pericentral regions. One target area, referred to as the external portion of the inferior colliculus, was represented as a semicircle of grain patches lateral and caudal to the central nucleus. This region received somesthetic afferents from the dorsal column nuclei and from spinal segments at various levels. In contrast, after high cervical injections, the pericentral portion dorsomedial to the rostral half of the central nucleus was labeled almost exclusively. This area of labeling was distinct from the labeling in the central gray and might be best compared with the intercollicular zone in other species. The superior colliculus received projections predominantly from the high cervical cord; minor projections also arose from lumbar spinal segments and the dorsal column nuclei. The terminal field covered roughly the caudal half of the colliculus and involved the stratum griseum intermediale in a patch-like fashion. Some labeling was also found in the stratum griseum profundum and in the stratum griseum superficiale. Other than in the colliculi, weak pretectal projections were observed following dorsal column nuclear injections, while the nucleus of Darkschewitsch was labeled best following lumbosacral injections. All mesencephalic target areas were labeled consistently on the contralateral side, while their ipsilateral side was involved to a varying degree: The relatively most prominent ipsilateral labeling was seen in the central gray, being roughly similar on both sides; scarcely any labeling was noted in the ipsilateral superior colliculus. Tectal injections of retrograde tracer, in addition, revealed a considerable number of labeled neurons in a relatively cell-poor region immediately ventral to the high cervial dorsal horn. This region might correspond to the lateral cervical nucleus, an aggregation of neurons that so far has only been demonstrated in higher mammals.  相似文献   

The vertebrates are defined by their segmented vertebral column, and vertebral periodicity is thought to originate from embryonic segments, the somites. According to the widely accepted 'resegmentation' model, a single vertebra forms from the recombination of the anterior and posterior halves of two adjacent sclerotomes on both sides of the embryo. Although there is supporting evidence for this model in amniotes, it remains uncertain whether it applies to all vertebrates. To explore this, we have investigated vertebral patterning in the zebrafish. Surprisingly, we find that vertebral bodies (centra) arise by secretion of bone matrix from the notochord rather than somites; centra do not form via a cartilage intermediate stage, nor do they contain osteoblasts. Moreover, isolated, cultured notochords secrete bone matrix in vitro, and ablation of notochord cells at segmentally reiterated positions in vivo prevents the formation of centra. Analysis of fss mutant embryos, in which sclerotome segmentation is disrupted, shows that whereas neural arch segmentation is also disrupted, centrum development proceeds normally. These findings suggest that the notochord plays a key, perhaps ancient, role in the segmental patterning of vertebrae.  相似文献   

Adhesive subdivisions intrinsic to the epithelial somites.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Developing somites express two subtypes of classic cadherin adhesion receptors, N-cadherin and cadherin-11 (cad11). To investigate the role of these adhesion molecules in somite morphogenesis, we analyzed the somites of mice whose N-cadherin and cad11 genes were disrupted. The epithelial somites of N-cadherin null mutant mice were fragmented as reported, whereas those of cad11(-/-) mice showed no structural anomaly. In mice double homozygous for N-cadherin and cad11 mutation, however, somites were further fragmented into smaller clusters than in the N-cadherin-deficient mice, suggesting that these two cadherins cooperate in the maintenance of epithelial somites. Despite the disorganization of epithelial structures, dorsoventral polarity markers were expressed in their correct patterns in all of these mutant somites. Uncx4.1, whose expression is localized only in the caudal region of each somite, was also expressed in a normal pattern in the mutant somites. However, the staining for Uncx4.1 revealed that, in the N-cadherin mutants, each somite tended to be cleaved at the border between the Uncx4. 1-positive and -negative regions and that the cleaved subunits maintained the clustered state, often exhibiting epithelioid morphology. This separation of the rostral and caudal regions was observed as soon as the epithelial somites had been formed. In the N-cadherin/cad11 double-homozygous mutants, this tendency was also observed, although each half of the somite further disintegrated into randomly arranged cell clusters. These results suggest that cells of the rostral and caudal regions of each epithelial somite have an activity to aggregate independently or separate from one another and that one role of N-cadherin and cad11 is to connect the two halves into a single unit.  相似文献   

Groups of three consecutive somites from the first to the eleventh somite from chick embryos of stages 17-18 were grown in tissue culture for seven days. Sympathetic neurons, identified both by phase contrast microscopy and FIF histochemistry, occurred only in cultures which included the sixth, or more caudal, somites. If it is assumed that sympathetic precursor cells (neural crest cells) have not undergone a caudal shift prior to stages 17-18, and taking into account the loss of one or two rostral somites, then the anterior sympathetic ganglia are derived from neural crest caudal to the sixth or seventh somite. Thus, the vagal zone (level with somites 1-7) contributes little to the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

It is known that both neural crest cell migration and motor axon outgrowth in most vertebrate embryos are segmented because of restrictions imposed upon their distribution by the neighbouring sclerotomes, each of which is divided into a rostral and a caudal half. The caudal half does not allow crest migration or axon outgrowth, while the rostral half does. In this paper, we investigate the expression of proteins and glycoproteins in the two halves of the sclerotome of the chick embryo at stages between 20 and 32 pairs of somites by two-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We find that the patterns of expression are complex, and that polypeptides and glycoproteins vary both spatially and temporally: of those that are expressed differentially by the sclerotome, some differ quantitatively and others qualitatively. Some macromolecules change their spatial distribution with developmental age, and some appear or disappear as the embryos become older.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the axial skeleton into distinct regions, once thought to be characteristic of the Tetrapoda, also occurs in the actinopterygian Danio rerio. In these taxa, the boundary between the cervical-thoracic regions correlates with Hoxc6 expression and morphological features such as position of the pectoral fin and associated nerves, and the absence of ribs. In the lungfish Neoceratodus, a member of the extant sister taxon to the Tetrapoda, the first vertebral element to chondrify is situated well posterior to the skull, developing from somites 6 and 7 (6/7) and associated with an enlarged cranial rib and nerves innervating the pectoral fin. Two vertebral elements develop later and more anteriorly, associated with somites 4/5 and 5/6. These three elements become incorporated into the occipital region of the skull during Neoceratodus ontogeny, until the cranial rib itself articulates to the rear of the skull. These features of early development indicate a regionalization of the Neoceratodus vertebral column: the cranial rib marks the boundary between the cervical and thoracic regions, the two more anterior vertebrae lacking ribs represent the cervical region, while somites 1-4 (cranial half), lacking any vertebral development, represent the occipital region. However, the cervical region of the vertebral column is effectively lost during ontogeny of Neoceratodus. A recognizable cervical region in the tetrapod vertebral column, as in zebrafish, suggests that cervical vertebrae are not incorporated into the skull but maintained as distinct elements of the column, representing an important shift in relative developmental timing and the influence of heterochrony in this region during the fish-tetrapod transition.  相似文献   

为探讨有尾目脊椎的划分,本文以小鲵科的山溪鲵(Batrachuperus pinchonii)为例,运用透明骨骼双色法对其脊柱的形态特征进行了观察,并对各部分椎骨特征进行详细描述和绘图.结果显示,山溪鲵的脊椎根据椎骨是否具前关节突、横突、肋骨、肋软骨和脉弓等形态特征可分5部分;同时结合小鲵科其他20种94号标本和蝾螈科6种27号标本的脊柱特征及文献资料,讨论了有尾目脊椎的划分,认为将有尾目脊柱划分为5部分(颈椎、躯椎、荐椎、尾荐椎和尾椎)的观点较将其划分为4部分(颈椎、躯椎、荐椎和尾椎)的观点更合理.  相似文献   

Formation of vertebrae occurs via endochondral ossification, a process involving condensation of precartilaginous cells. Here, we provide the first molecular evidence of mechanism that underlies initiation of this process by showing that the extracellular factor, Epimorphin, plays a role during early steps in vertebral cartilage condensation. Epimorphin mRNA is predominantly localized in the vertebral primordium. When provided exogenously in ovo, it causes precocious differentiation of chondrocytes, resulting in the formation of supernumerary vertebral cartilage in chicken embryos. To further analyze its mode of action, we used an in vitro co-culture system in which labeled 10T1/2 or sclerotomal prechondrogenic cells were co-cultured with unlabeled Epimorphin-producing cells. In the presence of Epimorphin, the labeled cells formed tightly packed aggregates, and sclerotomal cells displayed augmented accumulation of NCAM and other early markers of chondrocyte differentiation. Finally, we found that the Epimorphin expression is initiated during vertebrogenesis by Sonic hedgehog from the notochord mediated by Sox 9. We present a model in which successive action of Epimorphin in recruiting and stacking sclerotomal cells leads to a sequential elongation of a vertebral primordium.  相似文献   

Neural crest cell migration was studied in trunks of quail and chick embryos using HNK-1 and L2 antibodies. At the intersegmental cleft, labeled crest cells were associated with the rostral wall of the somite rather than blood vessels. Migration into and through the rostral part of the sclerotomes was more rapid (40-70 microns/hr; quail) and the onset of localization was earlier (after 13-16 hr; quail) than previously supposed. Crest cells here were initially mono- to multipolar, scattered, and inconsistently oriented and formed numerous close (about 20 nm) homo- and heterotypic cell-cell contacts. In vitro models suggested that significant numbers of crest cells, however, could be unlabeled at this early phase. Somitic properties covarying with the hemisegmental pattern of crest cell immigration were investigated. Laminin distribution, although asymmetric in the somites, was not closely related to that of crest cells. Tenascin distribution matched that of crest cells, but only at the localization stage. Earlier, maximal tenascin expression occurred in the somite's caudal wall, a region avoided by crest cells. Chondroitin 6-sulfate proteoglycan expression was elevated in the caudal somite-half at the localization phase and also, at lumbar levels, at the immigration stage. This is consistent with tenascin and proteoglycan having a negative role in crest cell migration. The rostral somite-half was also labeled by HNK-1 and L2, but only in quails. This was associated with the cell surface, was transient, was stable to mild proteolysis, and was labile to cryoprocessing and lipophilic solvents. The spatial and temporal congruence with crest migration suggests that the HNK/L2 adhesion-related carbohydrate epitope on the somites indicates a molecule (possibly glycolipid) which acts via heterotypic cell-cell contacts to provide one cue in the patterned distribution of crest cells in the somites.  相似文献   

We used Pax-2 mRNA expression and Lim 1/2 antibody staining as markers for the conversion of chick intermediate mesoderm (IM) to pronephric tissue and Lmx-1 mRNA expression as a marker for mesonephros. Pronephric markers were strongly expressed caudal to the fifth somite by stage 9. To determine whether the pronephros was induced by adjacent tissues and, if so, to identify the inducing tissues and the timing of induction, we microsurgically dissected one side of chick embryos developing in culture and then incubated them for up to 3 days. The undisturbed contralateral side served as a control. Most embryos cut parallel to the rostrocaudal axis between the trunk paraxial mesoderm and IM before stage 8 developed a pronephros on the control side only. Embryos manipulated after stage 9 developed pronephric structures on both sides, but the caudal pronephric extension was attenuated on the cut side. These results suggest that a medial signal is required for pronephric development and show that the signal is propagated in a rostral to caudal sequence. In manipulated embryos cultured for 3 days in ovo, the mesonephros as well as the pronephros failed to develop on the experimental side. In contrast, embryos cut between the notochord and the trunk paraxial mesoderm formed pronephric structures on both sides, regardless of the stage at which the operation was performed, indicating that the signal arises from the paraxial mesoderm (PM) and not from axial mesoderm. This cut also served as a control for cuts between the PM and the IM and showed that signaling itself was blocked in the former experiments, not the migration of pronephric or mesonephric precursor cells from the primitive streak. Additional control experiments ruled out the need for signals from lateral plate mesoderm, ectoderm, or endoderm. To determine whether the trunk paraxial mesoderm caudal to the fifth somite maintains its inductive capacity in the absence of contact with more rostral tissue, embryos were transected. Those transected below the prospective level of the fifth somite expressed Pax-2 in both the rostral and the caudal isolates, whereas embryos transected rostral to this level expressed Pax-2 in the caudal isolate only. Thus, a rostral signal is not required to establish the normal pattern of Pax-2 expression and pronephros formation. To determine whether paraxial mesoderm is sufficient for pronephros induction, stage 7 or earlier chick lateral plate mesoderm was cocultured with caudal stage 8 or 9 quail somites in collagen gels. Pax-2 was expressed in chick tissues in 21 of 25 embryos. Isochronic transplantation of stage 4 or 5 quail node into caudal chick primitive streak resulted in the generation of ectopic somites. These somites induced ectopic pronephroi in lateral plate mesoderm, and the IM that received signals from both native and ectopic somites formed enlarged pronephroi with increased Pax-2 expression. We conclude that signals from a localized region of the trunk paraxial mesoderm are both required and sufficient for the induction of the pronephros from the chick IM. Studies to identify the molecular nature of the induction are in progress.  相似文献   

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