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The temporal pattern of protein production and, in particular, vitellogenin protein synthesis during the sexual maturation of Drosophila grimshawi females has been studied in vivo by briefly feeding the flies with 35S-methionine and 3H-amino acids. The overall level of incorporation was very low in young flies; it then progressively increased to reach a maximum with the onset of sexual maturity at 13-15 days. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analyses revealed three classes of proteins: those synthesized throughout the age spectrum, which constitute the majority of protein species; proteins synthesized primarily or only in young flies; and proteins synthesized only by the older flies. In this Drosophila species, the three vitellogenins (V1, V2, and V3) appeared to be synthesized in a two-phase pattern. In the first phase, small quantities of V1 and V2 were detected immunologically in the fat body and hemolymph of newly emerged and 1 day-old flies. These proteins did not accumulate in the hemolymph or the ovaries, apparently being unstable proteins. The second phase commenced in early vitellogenesis (7-9 days of age) with synthesis in the fat body of small quantities of V1 and V2, followed by V3 proteins. These proteins were secreted and accumulated in the hemolymph and 24 h later were found in the ovaries. Their quantities increased rapidly and a steady state of synthesis, release into the hemolymph, and uptake by the ovaries was reached by days 13-15. We have estimated that during the steady state of vitellogenin synthesis, a fly can synthesize in 24 h at least 152 micrograms of vitellogenins, which is more than 2% of its body weight, at an average rate of about 6.3 micrograms vitellogenins/h. About 2 micrograms of this are synthesized in the fat body, and about 4 micrograms in the ovaries. These findings are discussed in terms of their physiological implications and contrasted with the available data on Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Sexual phenotype and vitellogenin synthesis in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
An ovary transplanted from a Drosophila melanogaster female into a male will mature and form morphologically normal yolk-filled oocytes. Since it has been supposed that the yolk polypeptides come only from the female fat body, it was hypothesized that the implanted ovary induces the fat body of the male host to synthesize and secrete yolk polypeptides (YPs). To test this hypothesis, fat body preparations from females, untreated males, and males containing transplanted ovaries were cultured in vitro with 35S-methionine and the medium was examined for the presence of newly labeled YPs. Female fat body secreted newly labeled YPs, but no freshly synthesized YPs were secreted by fat bodies from untreated males or from males containing transplanted ovaries. In vitro cultured ovaries, however, both from females and from male hosts did secrete newly synthesized YPs. Therefore, the YPs in an ovary that matured in a male come mainly from endogenous synthesis by the implanted ovary. To find whether males were responsive to the hormones that stimulate YP production in isolated female abdomens, we treated males with the juvenile hormone analogue ZR-515 and with 20-hydroxyecdysone. The latter, but not the former, was able to cause synthesis and secretion of three bands migrating precisely as YPs in SDS gels. Partial peptide digests of the 20-hydroxyecdysone-stimulated polypeptides in males showed them to be identical with those stimulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone or ZR-515 in isolated female abdomens and with the three YPs found in normal female hemolymph. Finally, YP synthesis was assayed in mutants that affect the phenotypic sex of a fly. It was found that flies bearing two X chromosomes and the mutations dsx, dsxD, ix or three sets of autosomes continued to make YPs, but tra-3-pseudomales did not. These results suggest that the process of sex determination involves steps leading to synthesis of an ecdysteroid in females, which then activates synthesis of the YPs by the fat body. A hypothesis is suggested to explain the fact that two different hormones can stimulate YP synthesis and two different organs can synthesize YPs.  相似文献   

Ovarian and fat-body vitellogenin synthesis in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ovary and the fat body of Drosophila melanogaster both synthesise vitellogenins in vivo. The ovary contributes nearly as much vitellogenin to the yolk of an oocyte as does the fat body. Densitometry of fluorographs and gels has been used to compare the amount of the smallest vitellogenin polypeptide, yolk protein 3, synthesised by each tissue. Cell-free translations indicate that the ovary, in contrast to the fat body, contains a much reduced level of the mRNA for yolk protein 3 compared with the mRNAs for the other vitellogenin polypeptides. However, if tissues are cultured in vitro, the underproduction of this protein by the ovary is not significant. Because young embryos have levels of this polypeptide which are expected if the ovary has a low level of its corresponding mRNA, we argue that the ovary genuinely underproduces this protein in vivo and that the relative levels synthesised by the ovary in vitro are an artefact. Egg chambers of previtellogenic stages can synthesise vitellogenins, but the maximum level of vitellogenin synthesis occurs in egg chambers of the early vitellogenic stages. We conclude that the expression of the vitellogenin genes is subject to different controls at each site of synthesis. The possible cell types responsible for ovarian vitellogenin synthesis are discussed; the follicle epithelial cells are tentatively nominated for this role. We also suggest that a specific repression mechanism for vitellogenin gene expression exists in the ovary.  相似文献   

P. Hatzopoulos  M. Loukas 《Genetica》1986,71(2):119-122
The three female specific vitellogenin proteins of eight Drosophila species of the obscura group were detected in discontinuous SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The molecular weights of these proteins were estimated. These three genetic markers represent an useful addition to the electrophoretic variation that has been used to construct phylogenies in the genus Drosophila.  相似文献   

The morphology of a sex pheromone-producing gland found in the abdomen of Drosophila grimshawi males was studied by light and electron microscopy. This gland, consisting of two intra-anal lobes, contains cells that resemble those of other insect pheromone glands. However, in contrast to many other insect pheromone glands that release pheromone through the cuticle, cells of the intra-anal lobes secrete into a canaliculi-duct system that empties into the anal region. The liquid secretory product flows along the surface of the intra-anal lobes and is brushed onto the substrate by fingerlike projections on the lobes' surfaces.  相似文献   

Noncoordinate control of RNA synthesis in eucaryotic cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M V Willis  J B Baseman  H Amos 《Cell》1974,3(2):179-184
Inhibition of protein synthesis in confluent monolayers of chick fibroblasts stimulates selectively the synthesis of 4S RNA, resulting in a net accumulation of 4S RNA in the inhibited cells. Under these conditions, inhibition of ribosomal RNA synthesis and processing occurs, as does a decrease in soluble uridine phosphate concentrations; increased pools of certain amino acids are also apparent. Recovery of cells from inhibition is accompanied by a rapidly increasing rate of protein synthesis that lasts for several hours. The small molecular weight RNA synthesized during inhibition of protein synthesis appears properly methylated, and in the presence of cycloheximide and actinomycin D shows a precursor-product conversion. Radiolabeled RNA synthesized during inhibition of protein synthesis is stable following the recovery of cells from inhibition. Stimulation of uridine incorporation into 4S RNA during arrest of protein synthesis is also demonstrated in high-density cultures of L- and Hep-2 cells, suggesting that this non-coordinate stimulation of 4S RNA may be a general property of eucaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Pulse labeling of proteins, in vivo, followed by indirect immunoprecipitation of the vitellogenin polypeptides, has shown that not only the thoracic and abdominal fat bodies but also the ovary devote a significant percentage of their synthetic capacity to vitellogenin (VG) production. These methods have also shown that ovarian stages 9 and 10 contribute the majority of VG synthesized by the ovary and that the follicular epithelium of these stages is the specific site of VG synthesis. In situ hybridization (of a probe containing the coding regions of the two larger polypeptides) to sections of ovaries confirmed that the VG mRNAs are abundant species in the cytoplasm of stage 9 and 10 follicle cells. In addition, two of the three polypeptides (VGP1 and VGP2) are produced at roughly equal levels by the follicle cells, but the smallest polypeptide (VGP3) is produced at one-fourth this level by these cells. Hybridization of cloned genomic probes (T. Barnett, C. Pachl, J. P. Gergen, and P. C. Wensink, 1980, Cell21, 729–738) to RNA bound on nitrocellulose filters has shown that the ovary contributes aproximately 35% of the total amount of the mRNAs coding for VGP1 and VGP2 but only about 10% of the mRNA for VGP3. The same procedure demonstrated that the levels of all three VG mRNAs during follicular development closely parallel VG polypeptide synthesis. Finally, culture of ovaries in males has shown that the mRNA levels accurately reflect the follicle cell contribution to VG synthesis.  相似文献   

Germ line transformation has been used to map the cis regulatory DNA elements responsible for the precise and evolutionarily stable developmental expression of the s18 chorion gene. Constructs containing chimeric combinations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. grimshawi DNA regions, as well as D. grimshawi sequences alone, can direct expression in the follicular epithelium, in an s18-specific temporal and spatial pattern. The results indicate that both positive and negative regulatory elements can function when transferred from D. grimshawi to D. melanogaster. The first ca. 100 bp of the 5'-flanking DNA region constitute a minimal, developmentally regulated promoter, expression of which is inhibited by the next 100-bp DNA segment and activated by positive elements located further upstream. Expression of the minimal promoter can also be enhanced by more distant chorion regulatory elements, provided the inhibitory DNA segment is absent.  相似文献   

The glue genes of Drosophila melanogaster comprise a family of genes expressed at high levels in the salivary glands of late third instar larvae in response to the insect hormone ecdysone. We present evidence that, in contrast to the other glue genes, Sgs-4 is turned on throughout Drosophila development and is not expressed exclusively in the larval salivary glands. Larvae transformed with an Sgs-4/Adh (alcohol dehydrogenase) hybrid gene exhibit Sgs-4-directed Adh expression in the larval proventriculus as well as in the salivary glands as early as the first instar. Sgs-4-specific RNA can be detected at very low levels during all stages of development. During late third instar, levels of Sgs-4 RNA in the salivary glands increase several-thousand-fold, thereby accounting for the large amounts of Sgs-4 protein present in the glue produced by the salivary glands. This pattern of expression is unique to the Sgs-4 gene. While expression of several of the other glue genes can be detected in embryos and early larvae, they appear to be expressed neither throughout development nor in the larval proventriculus. Appearance of the glue gene RNAs in mid third instar salivary glands is noncoordinate, even for the chromosomally clustered genes Sgs-3, Sgs-7, and Sgs-8.  相似文献   

1. The three female-specific vitellogenin proteins, namely V1, V2 and V3, have been isolated and characterized from Drosophila grimshawi. Their mol. wt, as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis are 46,000, 45,000 and 43,000 which are in agreement with those determined by Ferguson plot analysis. 2. All three vitellogenins appear to be monomers in the ovarian extracts and they have very similar biochemical and immunological properties. 3. Ion-exchange chromatography, double immunodiffusion tests and partial digestion with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease indicated more physicochemical and structural similarities between the V1 and the V2 polypeptides. 4. The distribution pattern of the proteolytic polypeptides resulting from limited chymotrypsin digestion suggested partial homology in the primary structure of the three vitellogenin proteins.  相似文献   

Differential detergent gel electrophoresis conditions are described which enable the accurate quantitation of radiolabel incorporated into each of the closely migrating, constituent polypeptides of chicken fibrinogen: glycosylated and nonglycosylated A alpha, B beta, gamma', and gamma. These methods were applied to analysis of fibrinogen synthesis by monolayer cultures of chick embryo hepatocytes to determine whether the cells coordinate biosynthesis of the fibrinogen subunits under nonstimulated or basal conditions (i.e. in the absence of hormones) and in the presence of serum, which is a potent stimulator of fibrinogen production. Since secretion of the subunits apparently depends on their oligomeric assembly into the general structure (A alpha, B beta, gamma)2, it was thought that their synthesis might be stoichiometric. Incorporation of [35S]methionine into the subunit chains was determined for both cellular and secreted fibrinogen, immunoprecipitated from pulse-labeled and continuously labeled cultures. Molar ratios of subunit synthesis and the degree of serum-induced stimulation for each subunit were calculated. Specific subunit mRNA levels were also evaluated with a cell-free translation assay as well as microinjection of RNA into Xenopus oocytes. The results indicate, to the contrary, that in hormone-deprived hepatocytes there is a deficiency in A alpha chain synthesis, correlating with reduced A alpha-specific mRNA levels, which leads to hepatocellular degradation of surplus B beta and gamma chains. Addition of serum to the cellular environment, while increasing rates of subunit synthesis, also corrects the deficiency in A alpha chain synthesis, thereby restoring a measure of balance and preventing much of the degradation. The outcome of this serum-induced enhancement and coordination of fibrinogen subunit gene expression is a dramatic (more than 20-fold) stimulation of fibrinogen secretion.  相似文献   

An α-ecdysone-binding protein fraction, approx. mol. wt. 120,000, has been demonstrated in haemolymph of Drosophila hydei late third instar larvae. The protein has been partly characterized by Sephadex G-25 filtration, hydroxylapatite chromatography, density gradient centrifugation, and ezyme digestion experiments. The protein-steroid complex appears to be heat stable. Binding of labelled ecdysone to the protein fraction is significantly reduced in competition experiments using unlabelled ecdysones.An ecdysone-binding protein fraction has been detected in hand-isolated total alimentary tract tissues (predominantly midgut, Malpighian tubules, and salivary glands) and in mass-isolated midgut and Malpighian tubules. The sedimentation properties of this protein-hormone complex are similar to those of the complex found in haemolymph.  相似文献   

Frequencies of stereotyped lek displays of male Drosophila grimshawi were measured in groups of different sizes (2, 4, 8, or 16 ♂♂ per container). In one experiment ♀♀ were absent, and in a second experiment two ♀♀ were present in each male group. In both experiments the frequency of courtship displays was linearly dependent upon density. Two agonistic displays and a communal display were density-dependent only when ♀♀ were present. The strategy ♂♂ adopted only in the presence of ♀♀ was: (1) to balance the relative frequencies of communal and aggressive behavior, and (2) to increase the ratio of contact to noncontact aggression with increasing density.  相似文献   

In many insects, development of the oocyte arrests temporarily just before vitellogenesis, the period when vitellogenins (yolk proteins) accumulate in the oocyte. Following hormonal and environmental cues, development of the oocyte resumes, and endocytosis of vitellogenins begins. An essential component of yolk uptake is the vitellogenin receptor. In this report, we describe the ovarian expression pattern and subcellular localization of the mRNA and protein encoded by the Drosophila melanogaster vitellogenin receptor gene yolkless (yl). yl RNA and protein are both expressed very early during the development of the oocyte, long before vitellogenesis begins. RNA in situ hybridization and lacZ reporter analyses show that yl RNA is synthesized by the germ line nurse cells and then transported to the oocyte. Yl protein is evenly distributed throughout the oocyte during the previtellogenic stages of oogenesis, demonstrating that the failure to take up yolk in these early stage oocyte is not due to the absence of the receptor. The transition to the vitellogenic stages is marked by the accumulation of yolk via clathrin-coated vesicles. After this transition, yolk protein receptor levels increase markedly at the cortex of the egg. Consistent with its role in yolk uptake, immunogold labeling of the receptor reveals Yl in endocytic structures at the cortex of wild-type vitellogenic oocytes. In addition, shortly after the inception of yolk uptake, we find multivesicular bodies where the yolk and receptor are distinctly partitioned. By the end of vitellogenesis, the receptor localizes predominantly to the cortex of the oocyte. However, during oogenesis in yl mutants that express full-length protein yet fail to incorporate yolk proteins, the receptor remains evenly distributed throughout the oocyte.  相似文献   

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