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Synopsis This study tested the hypothesis that visual contact between fish may result in enhanced rates of growth in a schooling fish. Juvenile chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, were held singly and reared in isolation or in visual contact with conspecifics. Fish were fed at either a low (6% body weight d–1) or high (20% body weight d–1) ration for 42d. Specific rates of weight gain were 18% greater at low ration and 38% greater at high ration for fish in visual contract with conspecifics than for those held in isolation. The results demonstrate a selective advantage of visual cues associated with schooling behavior and suggest that the efficacy of growth models for schooling fishes may be enhanced by the consideration of social interactions which may facilitate growth.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere and surface ocean are rising at an unprecedented rate due to sustained and accelerating anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Previous studies have documented that exposure to elevated CO2 causes impaired antipredator behavior by coral reef fish in response to chemical cues associated with predation. However, whether ocean acidification will impair visual recognition of common predators is currently unknown. This study examined whether sensory compensation in the presence of multiple sensory cues could reduce the impacts of ocean acidification on antipredator responses. When exposed to seawater enriched with levels of CO2 predicted for the end of this century (880 μatm CO2), prey fish completely lost their response to conspecific alarm cues. While the visual response to a predator was also affected by high CO2, it was not entirely lost. Fish exposed to elevated CO2, spent less time in shelter than current‐day controls and did not exhibit antipredator signaling behavior (bobbing) when multiple predator cues were present. They did, however, reduce feeding rate and activity levels to the same level as controls. The results suggest that the response of fish to visual cues may partially compensate for the lack of response to chemical cues. Fish subjected to elevated CO2 levels, and exposed to chemical and visual predation cues simultaneously, responded with the same intensity as controls exposed to visual cues alone. However, these responses were still less than control fish simultaneously exposed to chemical and visual predation cues. Consequently, visual cues improve antipredator behavior of CO2 exposed fish, but do not fully compensate for the loss of response to chemical cues. The reduced ability to correctly respond to a predator will have ramifications for survival in encounters with predators in the field, which could have repercussions for population replenishment in acidified oceans.  相似文献   

Most antipredator strategies increase survival of individuals by signaling to predators, by reducing the chances of being recognized as prey, or by bewildering a predator''s perception. In fish, bobbing and fin‐flicking are commonly considered as pursuit‐deterrent behaviors that signal a predator that it has been detected and thus lost its surprise‐attack advantage. Yet, very few studies assessed whether such behavioral traits are restricted to the visual presence of a predator. In this study, we used the yellow black‐headed triplefin Tripterygion delaisi to investigate the association between these behaviors and the visual exposure to (a) a black scorpionfish predator (Scorpaena porcus), (b) a stone of a size similar to that of S. porcus, (c) a conspecific, and (d) a harmless heterospecific combtooth blenny (Parablennius sanguinolentus). We used a laboratory‐controlled experiment with freshly caught fish designed to test for differences in visual cues only. Distance kept by the focal fish to each stimulus and frequency of bobbing and fin‐flicking were recorded. Triplefins kept greater distance from the stimulus compartment when a scorpionfish predator was visible. Bobbing was more frequent in the visual presence of a scorpionfish, but also shown toward the other stimuli. However, fin flicks were equally abundant across all stimuli. Both behaviors decreased in frequency over time suggesting that triplefin become gradually comfortable in a nonchanging new environment. We discuss why bobbing and fin‐flicking are not exclusive pursuit‐deterrent behaviors in this species, and propose additional nonexclusive functions such as enhancing depth perception by parallax motion (bobbing) or signaling vigilance (fin‐flicking).  相似文献   

Synopsis Acará, Geophagus brasiliensis, and red-breasted bream, Tilapia rendalli, are important planktivorous cichlids in southern Brazilian lakes and reservoirs. In laboratory experiments, I quantified behavior and selectivity of different sizes of these two fish feeding on lake zooplankton. Feeding behavior depended on fish size. Fish < 30 mm were visual feeders. Fish 30–50 mm either visually fed or pump-filter fed depending on zooplankton size. Fish > 70 mm were pump-filter feeders. Replicate 1 h feeding trials revealed that, as the relative proportions of prey changed during an experiment, acará (30–42 mm, standard length) and tilapia (29–42 mm) shifted from visual feeding on large evasive copepods to filter feeding on small cladocerans and rotifers. Electivity and feeding rate increased with prey length, but were distinct for similar-sized cladocerans and copepods. Visual/filter-feeding fish had lowest electivities for small and poorly evasive rotifers and cyclopoid nauplii. They fed non-selectively on cyclopoid copepodites, had intermediate electivities for calanoid nauplii and small cladocerans, and had highest electivities for large cladocerans, cyclopoid adults, and calanoid copepodites and adults. Although belonging to different cichlid genera and native to South America and Africa, respectively, acará and red-breasted bream (= congo tilapia) exhibited similar selectivity for zooplankton. Apparently, few stereotyped feeding behaviors have evolved during the acquisition of microphagy in fish. Shift in feeding modes allows these two species to optimally exploit the variable and dynamic patchy distribution of planktonic resources.  相似文献   

Social behavior depends on sensory input from the visual, mechanical and olfactory systems. One important issue concerns the relative roles of each sensory modality in guiding behavior. The role of visual inputs has been examined by isolating visual stimuli from mechanical and chemosensory stimuli. In some studies (Bruski & Dunham, 1987: Delgado-Morales et al., 2004) visual inputs have been removed with blindfolds or low light intensity, and effects of remaining sensory modalities have been elucidated. An alternative approach is to study the effects of visual inputs in the absence of any appropriate mechanical and chemosensory cues. This approach aims to identify the exclusive role of visual inputs. We have used two methods to provide visual stimuli to crayfish without providing chemical and mechanical cues. In one method, crayfish are videotaped in an aquarium where half of the walls are covered in mirrors to provide a reflective environment, and the other half are covered in a non-reflective (matte finish) plastic. This gives the crayfish a choice between reflective and non-reflective environments. The reflective environment provides visual cues in the form of reflected images of the crayfish as it moves throughout half of the tank; these visual cues are missing from the non-reflective half of the tank. An alternative method is to videotape the behavior of crayfish in an aquarium separated by a smaller chamber at each end, with a crayfish in one small chamber providing visual cues and an inert object in the opposite small chamber providing visual input from a non-moving, non-crayfish source. Our published results indicate that responses of crayfish to the reflective environment depend on socialization and dominance rank. Socialized crayfish spent more time in the reflective environment and exhibited certain behaviors more frequently there than in the non-reflective environment; isolated crayfish showed no such differences. Crayfish that were housed in same-sex pairs developed a social rank of either dominant or subordinate. Responses to reflection differed between dominant and subordinate crayfish (May & Mercier, 2006; May & Mercier, 2007). Dominant crayfish spent more time on the reflective side, entered reflective corners more frequently and spent more time in reflective corners compared to the non-reflective side. Subordinate crayfish walked in reverse more often on the reflective side than on the non-reflective side. Preliminary data suggest similar effects from visual cues provided by a crayfish in a small adjoining chamber (May et al., 2008).Download video file.(129M, mp4)  相似文献   

The Centre for Adaptive Behaviour and Cognition (ABC) has hypothesised that much human decision-making can be described by simple algorithmic process models (heuristics). This paper explains this approach and relates it to research in biology on rules of thumb, which we also review. As an example of a simple heuristic, consider the lexicographic strategy of Take The Best for choosing between two alternatives: cues are searched in turn until one discriminates, then search stops and all other cues are ignored. Heuristics consist of building blocks, and building blocks exploit evolved or learned abilities such as recognition memory; it is the complexity of these abilities that allows the heuristics to be simple. Simple heuristics have an advantage in making decisions fast and with little information, and in avoiding overfitting. Furthermore, humans are observed to use simple heuristics. Simulations show that the statistical structures of different environments affect which heuristics perform better, a relationship referred to as ecological rationality. We contrast ecological rationality with the stronger claim of adaptation. Rules of thumb from biology provide clearer examples of adaptation because animals can be studied in the environments in which they evolved. The range of examples is also much more diverse. To investigate them, biologists have sometimes used similar simulation techniques to ABC, but many examples depend on empirically driven approaches. ABC's theoretical framework can be useful in connecting some of these examples, particularly the scattered literature on how information from different cues is integrated. Optimality modelling is usually used to explain less detailed aspects of behaviour but might more often be redirected to investigate rules of thumb.  相似文献   

Top–down impacts of avian predators are often overlooked in marine environments despite evidence from other systems that birds significantly impact animal distribution and behavior; instead, birds are typically recognized for the impacts of their nutrient rich guano. This is especially true in shallow seagrass meadows where restoration methods utilize bird perches or stakes to attract birds as a passive fertilizer delivery system that promotes the regrowth of damaged seagrasses. However, this method also increases the local density of avian piscivores that may have multiple unexplored non‐consumptive effects on fish behavior and indirect impacts to seagrass communities. We utilized laboratory and field experiments to investigate whether visual cues of avian predators impacted the behavior of the dominant demersal fish in seagrass habitats, the pinfish Lagodon rhomboides, and promoted cascading interactions on seagrass‐associated fauna and epiphytes. In laboratory mesocosms, pinfish displayed species specific responses to models of avian predators, with herons inducing the greatest avoidance behaviors. Avoidance patterns were confirmed in field seagrass meadows where heron models significantly reduced the number of fish caught in traps. In a long term field experiment, we investigated whether avian predators caused indirect non‐consumptive effects on seagrass communities by monitoring fish abundances, invertebrate epiphyte grazers, and the seagrass epiphytes in response to heron models, bird exclusions, and bird stakes. On average, more fish were recovered under bird exclusions and fewer fish under heron models. However, we found no evidence of cascading effects on invertebrate grazers or epiphytes. Bird stake treatments only displayed a simple nutrient effect where higher bird abundances resulted in higher epiphyte biomass. Our results indicate that although birds and their visual cues can affect fish and epiphyte abundance through non‐consumptive effects and nutrient enrichment, these impacts do not propagate beyond one trophic level, most likely because of dampening by omnivory and larger scale processes.  相似文献   

Predator recognition and avoidance by paradise fish have been studied with allopatric species and model experiments. The effect of sympatric predators has not been investigated. Here I report that reactions of paradise fish towards a sympatric predator (Channa micropeltes) are quantitatively different from those shown towards an allopatric predator or different harmless species of fishes. I investigate the possible cues eliciting this differential response and show that visual as well as olfactory stimuli play roles. Olfactory stimuli from the sympatric predator alone elicit an elevated level of activity from paradise fish; the appearance of the sympatric predator (with or without olfactory stimuli) results in an exploratory and display reaction. I speculate what visual stimuli may play roles in predator recognition in paradise fish and I suggest that previously asserted key stimuli such as the eyes of the encountered heterospecific fish may not differentiate the harmful species from innocuous. I conclude that the antipredatory behavior of paradise fish may be affected by both genetic factors and learning and that the relative importance of the former or latter factor may vary depending on the situation.  相似文献   

Elevated water temperatures, a decrease in ocean pH, and an increasing prevalence of severe storms have lead to bleaching and death of the hard corals that underpin coral reef ecosystems. As coral cover declines, fish diversity and abundance declines. How degradation of coral reefs affects behavior of reef inhabitants is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that risk assessment behaviors of prey are severely affected by coral degradation. Juvenile damselfish were exposed to visual and olfactory indicators of predation risk in healthy live, thermally bleached, and dead coral in a series of laboratory and field experiments. While fish still responded to visual cues in all habitats, they did not respond to olfactory indicators of risk in dead coral habitats, likely as a result of alteration or degradation of chemical cues. These cues are critical for learning and avoiding predators, and a failure to respond can have dramatic repercussions for survival and recruitment.  相似文献   

In the praying mantis, vision plays a major role even in newly hatched nymphs, which have compound eyes that are not yet fully developed. This study examines how this factor affects the visual orientation behavior of freely mobile Mantis religiosa. Mantises from three age groups (nymphs newly hatched to 2 h old, three-day-old nymphs, and three- to four-month-old female and male adults) were placed in a completely unprotected open area, either with or without visual cues in the surroundings. As a visual cue, five vertical rods with high-, medium- or low-luminance contrast, having a vertical extension of 45° and overall horizontal extension of 40°, were presented at a distance of 300 mm, simulating a group of plant stems with differing contrasts. The mantis search behavior, probability of reaction to the visual cues, distance at which the first target-related reaction occurred, and target approach behavior were investigated. It was found that the search behavior differed in the different age groups. With high-contrast visual cues, newly hatched nymphs performed similarly to adults, but this was not the case for medium- and low-contrast visual cues. Visual performance was greatly improved 3 days after hatching, presumably due to the complete hardening of the cuticle. Nevertheless, despite differences in visual acuity, it was found that even newly hatched nymphs used visual orientation mechanisms similar to those of adult mantises, including fixation, scanning and peering.  相似文献   

In the concerted effort to discover the mechanisms that animals use to orient through space, little attention has been given to the role of the sensory system on shaping orientational strategy. This study tests whether animals with different sensory systems use different mechanisms to orient. The characin fish Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) exists in two morphs in the same species – a number of populations of blind cave fish that rely on their lateral line to gain fine-scale information from their surroundings, and eyed surface populations that can also use visual cues. Both forms of the species were trained to orient to a goal signalled by landmarks and by egocentrically based cues (turn left or right) in a T-maze. When these cues were placed in conflict by switching the landmark position, only the eyed fish used the landmarks to orient, reflecting a difference in the way that the two sensory systems of these animals operate. Our results have implications for the evolution of the mechanisms of orientation, suggesting that these mechanisms may be constrained by the sensory cues that are available and hence the type of information that animals are able to glean from their surroundings.  相似文献   

Living animals exploit information released from dead animals to conduct adaptive biological responses. For instance, a recently published study has shown that avoidance behavior is triggered by death-associated odors in zebrafish. Stress can clearly act as an adaptive response that allows an organism to deal with an imminent threat. However, it has not been demonstrated whether these chemical cues are stressful for fish. Here, we confirmed that dead zebrafish scents induce defensive behavior in live conspecifics. Additionally, we show for the first time in fish that these scents increase cortisol in conspecifics. To reach this conclusion, firstly, we exposed zebrafish to multi-sensorial cues (e.g., visual, tactile, chemical cues) from dead conspecifics that displayed defensive behaviors and increased cortisol. Also, when we limited zebrafish to chemical cues from dead conspecifics, similar responses arose. These responses coincide with the decaying destruction of epidermal cells, indicating that defensive and stress responses could take place as an effect of substances emanating from decaying flesh, as well as alarm substance released due to rupture of epidermal cells. Taken together, these results illustrate that living zebrafish utilize cues from dead conspecific to avoid or to cope with danger and ensure survival.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by animals that migrate or disperse ultimately determines the biotic and abiotic environment they will experience in subsequent life stages. Intuitively, for habitat selection to be adaptive, animals should respond positively to cues produced by habitat characteristics that will enhance their fitness in the new environment. However, there are many examples of dispersing animals where individuals are attracted to cues produced by factors that reduce their fitness after arrival. In this study, we use a temperate reef fish to examine the relative importance of habitat-associated cues in habitat selection decisions, and assess whether use of these cues is adaptive across early life stages. We used a series of laboratory- and field-based manipulative experiments to test: (1) what habitat-associated cues are likely used to locate suitable habitat; (2) whether in situ settlement patterns reflect the cue response tested in the laboratory; and (3) whether the aspects of the habitat that stimulate settlement are the same as those that maximize survival. We observed a positive response to multiple habitat-associated cues, with conspecific cues eliciting the strongest behavioral response in laboratory choice experiments, and a strong inverse density-dependent relationship at settlement. Macroalgal cues also elicited a positive response at settlement, but were associated with higher mortality after settlement, suggesting that habitat selection decisions are not always adaptive. We argue that this non-intuitive behavior may still be adaptive if it improves fitness at an earlier life stage, as habitat selection behavior is the result of tradeoffs in fitness costs across multiple stages.  相似文献   

Animals use a suite of sensory modalities to precisely locate and capture prey. While numerous studies have examined the effects of sensory deprivation on the behaviors leading to prey capture and while it is generally believed that information in the pre-strike period determines the way fish capture prey, this study is the first to examine the contribution of sensory information to jaw kinematics during capture. Largemouth bass were filmed using high-speed videography while capturing live mosquitofish. Bass were examined intact, with visual deprivation under infrared light, and with lateral line deprivation following treatment with cobalt chloride. Deprived of visual cues, this visual ram-feeding predator switches towards suction-based feeding to successfully capture prey. They approach prey slowly but open their mouths more rapidly, which has been shown to result in greater buccal pressure, causing their prey to move a greater distance at a more rapid velocity as they are being drawn into the predators' mouths. Deprived of lateral line cues, bass have higher forward velocities during capture and capture prey earlier in the gape cycle. This study demonstrates that sensory pre-strike information directly affects the capture modality employed by fishes and that fish can modulate between ram and suction not only by adjusting the amount of ram by increasing or decreasing their movements, but also by actively increasing the amount of suction used. These results suggest that the ability to modulate feeding behavior may allow animals to not only exploit a broader breadth of prey items, but also to be capable of doing so in a wider variety of environments.  相似文献   

Larvae of some species of damselflies respond to chemical cues of fish predators but, while larvae of many species are thought to detect prey through vision, there is little evidence that larvae respond to visual cues of predator presence. This laboratory study indicated larval Ischnura verticalis behaviours are affected by visual cues and, to a much lesser extent, chemical cues of fish; there was no significant interaction between the effects of visual and chemical cues. Responses to chemical cues of fish did not depend on whether fish were fed I. verticalis larvae versus commercial fish food. Larvae were more active in the spring than the fall when they were likely in diapause. Results suggest larvae can use vision to detect large, active predators but can also detect predators through olfaction when visual cues are unreliable.  相似文献   

As animals travel through the environment, powerful reflexes help stabilize their gaze by actively maintaining head and eyes in a level orientation. Gaze stabilization reduces motion blur and prevents image rotations. It also assists in depth perception based on translational optic flow. Here we describe side-to-side flight manoeuvres in honeybees and investigate how the bees’ gaze is stabilized against rotations during these movements. We used high-speed video equipment to record flight paths and head movements in honeybees visiting a feeder. We show that during their approach, bees generate lateral movements with a median amplitude of about 20 mm. These movements occur with a frequency of up to 7 Hz and are generated by periodic roll movements of the thorax with amplitudes of up to ±60°. During such thorax roll oscillations, the head is held close to horizontal, thereby minimizing rotational optic flow. By having bees fly through an oscillating, patterned drum, we show that head stabilization is based mainly on visual motion cues. Bees exposed to a continuously rotating drum, however, hold their head fixed at an oblique angle. This result shows that although gaze stabilization is driven by visual motion cues, it is limited by other mechanisms, such as the dorsal light response or gravity reception.  相似文献   

Successful navigation requires the ability to compute one’s location and heading from incoming multisensory information. Previous work has shown that this multisensory input comes in two forms: body-based idiothetic cues, from one’s own rotations and translations, and visual allothetic cues, from the environment (usually visual landmarks). However, exactly how these two streams of information are integrated is unclear, with some models suggesting the body-based idiothetic and visual allothetic cues are combined, while others suggest they compete. In this paper we investigated the integration of body-based idiothetic and visual allothetic cues in the computation of heading using virtual reality. In our experiment, participants performed a series of body turns of up to 360 degrees in the dark with only a brief flash (300ms) of visual feedback en route. Because the environment was virtual, we had full control over the visual feedback and were able to vary the offset between this feedback and the true heading angle. By measuring the effect of the feedback offset on the angle participants turned, we were able to determine the extent to which they incorporated visual feedback as a function of the offset error. By further modeling this behavior we were able to quantify the computations people used. While there were considerable individual differences in performance on our task, with some participants mostly ignoring the visual feedback and others relying on it almost entirely, our modeling results suggest that almost all participants used the same strategy in which idiothetic and allothetic cues are combined when the mismatch between them is small, but compete when the mismatch is large. These findings suggest that participants update their estimate of heading using a hybrid strategy that mixes the combination and competition of cues.  相似文献   

Determining how prey learn the identity of predators and match their vigilance with current levels of threat is central to understanding the dynamics of predator–prey systems and the determinants of fitness. Our study explores how feeding history influences the relative importance of olfactory and visual sensory modes of learning, and how the experience gained through these sensory modes influences behaviour and survival in the field for a juvenile coral reef damselfish. We collected young fish immediately prior to their settlement to benthic habitats. In the laboratory, these predator-naïve fish were exposed to a high- or low-food ration and then conditioned to recognize the olfactory cues (odours) and/or visual cues from two common benthic predators. Fish were then allowed to settle on reefs in the field, and their behaviour and survival over 70 h were recorded. Feeding history strongly influenced their willingness to take risks in the natural environment. Conditioning in the laboratory with visual, olfactory or both cues from predators led fish in the field to display risk-averse behaviour compared with fish conditioned with sea water alone. Well-fed fish that were conditioned with visual, chemical or a combination of predator cues survived eight times better over the first 48 h on reefs than those with no experience of benthic predator cues. This experiment highlights the importance of a flexible and rapid mechanism of learning the identity of predators for survival of young fish during the critical life-history transition between pelagic and benthic habitats.  相似文献   

Chemical alarm cues released from injured tissue are not released under any other context and therefore reliably inform nearby prey of the presence of a predator. Laboratory and field studies have demonstrated that most aquatic taxa show antipredator responses to chemical alarm cues. Ostariophysan fish (e.g. minnows) possess specialized skin cells that contain an alarm chemical. Magurran et al. (1996, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B,263, 1551-1556) were the first to use underwater video to carefully document the behavioural response of free-ranging wild populations of minnows to minnow alarm cues. They found no evidence of an antipredator response, and challenged the assumption that the contents of these cells indicate risk in the field. They proposed that alarm responses are context dependent in that they are an artefact of enclosed environments such as laboratory aquaria and field traps. Here, we repeat their experiment on free-swimming field populations of littoral fish and report a significant decrease in the number of fish in areas where chemical alarm cues of blacknose shiners, Notropis heterolepis (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae) were released. The effect of these chemical cues was equal in magnitude to the effect of the presentation of a model predator. The response to the approach of a model predator (visual cue) was intensified by pre-exposure to chemical alarm cues. We corroborated this interaction between chemical and visual indicators of predation risk in a laboratory study using glowlight tetras, Hemigrammus erythrozonus (Ostariophysi: Characidae). Response to the visual stimulus of a predator was significantly intensified by previous exposure to conspecific chemical alarm cues. We conclude that ostariophysan skin indeed contains an alarm cue that (1) informs nearby prey of imminent predation risk, (2) induces some form of antipredator behaviour in most contexts, and (3) affects subsequent behavioural responses to stimuli in other sensory modalities.  相似文献   

Habituation to novel environments is frequently studied to analyze cognitive phenotypes in animals, and an open-field test is generally conducted to investigate the changes that occur in animals during habituation. The test has not been used in behavioral studies of medaka (Oryzias latipes), which is recently being used in behavioral research. Therefore, we examined the open-field behavior of medaka on the basis of temporal changes in 2 conventional indexes of locomotion and position. The findings of our study clearly showed that medaka changed its behavior through multiple temporal phases as it became more familiar with new surroundings; this finding is consistent with those of other ethological studies in animals. During repeated open-field testing on 2 consecutive days, we observed that horizontal locomotion on the second day was less than that on the first day, which suggested that habituation is retained in fish for days. This temporal habituation was critically affected by water factors or visual cues of the tank, thereby suggesting that fish have spatial memory of their surroundings. Thus, the data from this study will afford useful fundamental information for behavioral phenotyping of medaka and for elucidating cognitive phenotypes in animals.  相似文献   

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