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Tibetan Fraternal Polyandry: A Test of Sociobiological Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper tests sociobiological hypotheses regarding the way practitioners of fraternal polyandry in a Tibetan population in Nepal may enhance their inclusive fitness. Demographic data demonstrate higher mortality and lower survivorship of offspring in fraternal polyandry than monogamy. Moreover, the probability of allele transmission for an ego is lower in fraternal polyandrous unions than in monogamous unions. On the basis of the measured parameters, Tibetan fraternal polyandry does not appear to enhance the fitness of individuals who practice it and, in fact, seems to entail substantial reproductive sacrifice . [sociobiology, fraternal polyandry, inclusive fitness, demography, Tibet]  相似文献   

Pahari Polyandry: A Comparison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have identified a sample of 53 societies outside of the classical Himalayan and Marquesean area that permit polyandrous unions. Our goal is to broadly describe the demographic, social, marital, and economic characteristics of these societies and to evaluate some hypotheses of the causes of polyandry. We demonstrate that although polyandry is rare it is not as rare as commonly believed, is found worldwide, and is most common in egalitarian societies. We also argue that polyandry likely existed during early human history and should be examined from an evolutionary perspective. Our analysis reveals that it may be a predictable response to a high operational sex ratio favoring males and may also be a response to high rates of male mortality and, possibly, male absenteeism. Other factors may contribute, but our within-polyandry sample limits analysis.  相似文献   

We give a historic overview and critical perspective of polyandry in the context of sexual selection. Early approaches tended to obfuscate the fact that the total matings (copulations) by the two sexes is equal, neglecting female interests and that females often mate with (or receive ejaculates from) more than one male (polyandry). In recent years, we have gained much more insight into adaptive reasons for polyandry, particularly from the female perspective. However, costs and benefits of multiple mating are unlikely to be equal for males and females. These must be assessed for each partner at each potential mating between male i and female j, and will often be highly asymmetric. Interests of i and j may be in conflict, with (typically, ultimately because of primordial sex differences) i benefitting and j losing from mating, although theoretically the reverse can also obtain. Polyandry reduces the sex difference in Bateman gradients, and the probability of sexual conflict over mating by: (i) reducing the potential expected value of each mating to males in inverse proportion to the number of mates per female per clutch, and also often by (ii) increasing ejaculate costs through increased sperm allocation. It can nevertheless create conflict over fertilization and increase conflict over parental investment. The observed mean mating frequency for the population (and hence the degree of polyandry) is likely, at least in part, to reflect a resolution of sexual conflict. Immense diversity exists across and within taxa in the extent of polyandry, and views on its significance have changed radically, as we illustrate using avian polyandry as a case study. Despite recent criticisms, the contribution of the early pioneers of sexual selection, Darwin and Bateman, remains generally valid, and should not, therefore, be negated; as with much in science, pioneering advances are more often amplified and refined, rather than replaced with entirely new paradigms.  相似文献   

Evolution of Classical Polyandry: Three Steps to Female Emancipation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract In classical polyandry, sex roles are reversed and a female reproduces with several males, each of whom raises his offspring with little or no help from her. This mating system occurs in some fishes and birds, and it is of great interest in relation to parental investment, sex role and sexual selection theory. The evolution of classical polyandry, however, is debated and not well understood. It is here suggested to generally take place in three main steps. (1) First evolves male care for eggs, for reasons that differ between fishes and birds. (2) Second, a female becomes able to lay more eggs than a male can accommodate. This can happen, for example, by evolution of male pregnancy or smaller body size, or by female production of more or larger eggs, made possible by larger female body size or more food. Polyandry in several taxa is associated with shift to a habitat rich in food during the breeding season, to novel specialised foraging methods, or to both. A favourable food situation may be crucial for evolution of classical polyandry. (3) In step three, females compete to lay two or more clutches in sequence for different males. Successful polyandrous females obtain more offspring, spreading traits that enhance success in competition over males. Step three may be most likely in species with small body size, for reasons of reproductive constraints and seasonality. Evolution of classical polyandry appears to have followed these steps in shorebirds, coucals and pipefishes, but the reasons why certain species differ from their close phylogenetic relatives in being polyandrous are far from clear. Behavioural and ecological studies of additional species, and detailed phylogenies of taxa with diverse mating systems including polyandry, are needed for testing these ideas.  相似文献   

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