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An angiosperm phylogeny was reconstructed in a maximum likelihood analysis of sequences of four mitochondrial genes, atpl, matR, had5, and rps3, from 380 species that represent 376 genera and 296 families of seed plants. It is largely congruent with the phylogeny of angiosperms reconstructed from chloroplast genes atpB, matK, and rbcL, and nuclear 18S rDNA. The basalmost lineage consists of Amborella and Nymphaeales (including Hydatellaceae). Austrobaileyales follow this clade and are sister to the mesangiosperms, which include Chloranthaceae, Ceratophyllum, magnoliids, monocots, and eudicots. With the exception of Chloranthaceae being sister to Ceratophyllum, relationships among these five lineages are not well supported. In eudicots, Ranunculales, Sabiales, Proteales, Trochodendrales, Buxales, Gunnerales, Saxifragales, Vitales, Berberidopsidales, and Dilleniales form a basal grade of lines that diverged before the diversification of rosids and asterids. Within rosids, the COM (Celastrales-Oxalidales-Malpighiales) clade is sister to malvids (or rosid Ⅱ), instead of to the nitrogen-fixing clade as found in all previous large-scale molecular analyses of angiosperms. Santalales and Caryophyllales are members of an expanded asterid clade. This study shows that the mitochondrial genes are informative markers for resolving relationships among genera, families, or higher rank taxa across angiosperms. The low substitution rates and low homoplasy levels of the mitochondrial genes relative to the chloroplast genes, as found in this study, make them particularly useful for reconstructing ancient phylogenetic relationships. A mitochondrial gene-based angiosperm phylogeny provides an independent and essential reference for comparison with hypotheses of angiosperm phylogeny based on chloroplast genes, nuclear genes, and non-molecular data to reconstruct the underlying organismal phylogeny.  相似文献   

Pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) is non-inhibitory serpin with neurotrophic and antiangiogenic functions. In this study, we have assembled PEDF sequences for 9 additional species by data base mining and performed cross-species alignment for 14 PEDF sequences to identify conserved structural domains. We found evolutionary conservation of a leader sequence, a single C-terminal glycosylation site, collagen-binding residues, and four specific conserved PEDF peptides. The C-terminus, 384--415 and an N-terminal region 78--95, show close homology with many other serpins, and there is strong conservation of 39 of 51 consensus key residues involved in serpin structure and function. Two peptide regions, 40--67 and 277--301, are unique to PEDF but conserved in all species. Conserved residues at the N-terminus, helix d (hD), and helix A (hA) of PEDF form a structure similar to the heparin-binding groove of other serpins. We identified a motif in PEDF that is homologous to the nuclear localization signals of other proteins. A bitopographical localization of PEDF was confirmed by immunocytochemistry and Western blots. Our results suggest that secretion is required for PEDF's activity, that PEDF can migrate to the nucleus, and that PEDF has structural and functional features more common with inhibitory serpins.  相似文献   

Segment formation is critical to arthropod development, yet there is still relatively little known about this process in most arthropods. Here, we present the expression patterns of the genes even-skipped (eve), engrailed, and wingless in a centipede, Lithobius atkinsoni. Despite some differences when compared with the patterns in insects and crustaceans, the expression of these genes in the centipede suggests that their basic roles are conserved across the mandibulate arthropods. For example, unlike the seven pair-rule stripes of eve expression in the Drosophila embryonic germband, the centipede eve gene is expressed strongly in the posterior of the embryo, and in only a few stripes between newly formed segments. Nonetheless, this pattern likely reflects a conserved role for eve in the process of segment formation, within the different context of a short-germband mode of embryonic development. In the centipede, the genes wingless and engrailed are expressed in stripes along the middle and posterior of each segment, respectively, similar to their expression in Drosophila. The adjacent expression of the engrailed and wingless stripes suggests that the regulatory relationship between the two genes may be conserved in the centipede, and thus this pathway may be a fundamental mechanism of segmental development in most arthropods.  相似文献   



Social wasps in the subfamily Polistinae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) have been important in studies of the evolution of sociality, kin selection, and within colony conflicts of interest. These studies have generally been conducted within species, because a resolved phylogeny among species is lacking. We used nuclear DNA microsatellite flanking sequences, mitochondrial COI sequence, and morphological characters to generate a phylogeny for the Polistinae (Hymenoptera) using 69 species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the holometabolous insect orders were inferred from cladistic analysis of nucleotide sequences of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) (85 exemplars) and 28S rDNA (52 exemplars) and morphological characters. Exemplar outgroup taxa were Collembola (1 sequence), Archaeognatha (1), Ephemerida (1), Odonata (2), Plecoptera (2), Blattodea (1), Mantodea (1), Dermaptera (1), Orthoptera (1), Phasmatodea (1), Embioptera (1), Psocoptera (1), Phthiraptera (1), Hemiptera (4), and Thysanoptera (1). Exemplar ingroup taxa were Coleoptera: Archostemata (1), Adephaga (2), and Polyphaga (7); Megaloptera (1); Raphidioptera (1); Neuroptera (sensu stricto = Planipennia): Mantispoidea (2), Hemerobioidea (2), and Myrmeleontoidea (2); Hymenoptera: Symphyta (4) and Apocrita (19); Trichoptera: Hydropsychoidea (1) and Limnephiloidea (2); Lepidoptera: Ditrysia (3); Siphonaptera: Pulicoidea (1) and Ceratophylloidea (2); Mecoptera: Meropeidae (1), Boreidae (1), Panorpidae (1), and Bittacidae (2); Diptera: Nematocera (1), Brachycera (2), and Cyclorrhapha (1); and Strepsiptera: Corioxenidae (1), Myrmecolacidae (1), Elenchidae (1), and Stylopidae (3). We analyzed approximately 1 kilobase of 18S rDNA, starting 398 nucleotides downstream of the 5' end, and approximately 400 bp of 28S rDNA in expansion segment D3. Multiple alignment of the 18S and 28S sequences resulted in 1,116 nucleotide positions with 24 insert regions and 398 positions with 14 insert regions, respectively. All Strepsiptera and Neuroptera have large insert regions in 18S and 28S. The secondary structure of 18S insert 23 is composed of long stems that are GC rich in the basal Strepsiptera and AT rich in the more derived Strepsiptera. A matrix of 176 morphological characters was analyzed for holometabolous orders. Incongruence length difference tests indicate that the 28S + morphological data sets are incongruent but that 28S + 18S, 18S + morphology, and 28S + 18S + morphology fail to reject the hypothesis of congruence. Phylogenetic trees were generated by parsimony analysis, and clade robustness was evaluated by branch length, Bremer support, percentage of extra steps required to force paraphyly, and sensitivity analysis using the following parameters: gap weights, morphological character weights, methods of data set combination, removal of key taxa, and alignment region. The following are monophyletic under most or all combinations of parameter values: Holometabola, Polyphaga, Megaloptera + Raphidioptera, Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Amphiesmenoptera (Trichoptera + Lepidoptera), Siphonaptera, Siphonaptera + Mecoptera, Strepsiptera, Diptera, and Strepsiptera + Diptera (Halteria). Antliophora (Mecoptera + Diptera + Siphonaptera + Strepsiptera), Mecopterida (Antliophora + Amphiesmenoptera), and Hymenoptera + Mecopterida are supported in the majority of total evidence analyses. Mecoptera may be paraphyletic because Boreus is often placed as sister group to the fleas; hence, Siphonaptera may be subordinate within Mecoptera. The 18S sequences for Priacma (Coleoptera: Archostemata), Colpocaccus (Coleoptera: Adephaga), Agulla (Raphidioptera), and Corydalus (Megaloptera) are nearly identical, and Neuropterida are monophyletic only when those two beetle sequences are removed from the analysis. Coleoptera are therefore paraphyletic under almost all combinations of parameter values. Halteria and Amphiesmenoptera have high Bremer support values and long branch lengths. The data do not support placement of Strepsiptera outside of Holometabola nor as sister group to Coleoptera. We reject the notion that the monophyly of Halteria is due to long branch attraction because Strepsiptera and Diptera do not have the longest branches and there is phylogenetic congruence between molecules, across the entire parameter space, and between morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of a combined data set for 560 angiosperms and seven outgroups based on three genes, 18S rDNA (1855 bp), rbcL (1428 bp), and atpB (1450 bp) representing a total of 4733 bp is presented. Parsimony analysis was expedited by use of a new computer program, the RATCHET. Parsimony jackknifing was performed to assess the support of clades. The combination of three data sets for numerous species has resulted in the most highly resolved and strongly supported topology yet obtained for angiosperms. In contrast to previous analyses based on single genes, much of the spine of the tree and most of the larger clades receive jackknife support 250%. Some of the noneudicots form a grade followed by a strongly supported eudicot clade. The early‐branching angiosperms are Amborellaceae, Nymphaeaceae, and a clade of Austrobaileyaceae, Illiciaceae, and Schi‐sandraceae. The remaining noneudicots, except Ceratophyllaceae, form a weakly supported core eumagnoliid clade comprising six well‐supported subclades: Chloranthaceae, monocots, WinteraceaeICanellaceae, Piperales, Laurales, and Magnoliales. Ceratophyllaceae are sister to the eudicots. Within the well‐supported eudicot clade, the early‐diverging eudicots (e.g. Proteales, Ranunculales, Trochodendraceae, Sabiaceae) form a grade, followed by the core eudicots, the monophyly of which is also strongly supported. The core eudicots comprise six well‐supported subclades: (1) Berberidopsidaceae/Aextoxicaceae; (2) Myrothamnaceae/ Gunneraceae; (3) Saxifragales, which are the sister to Vitaceae (including Leea) plus a strongly supported eurosid clade; (4) Santalales; (5) Caryophyllales, to which Dilleniaceae are sister; and (6) an asterid clade. The relationships among these six subclades of core eudicots do not receive strong support. This large data set has also helped place a number of enigmatic angiosperm families, including Podostemaceae, Aphloiaceae, and Ixerbaceae. This analysis further illustrates the tractability of large data sets and supports a recent, phylogenetically based, ordinal‐level reclassification of the angiosperms based largely, but not exclusively, on molecular (DNA sequence) data.  相似文献   

We present a multiple alignment of the amino acid sequences of eight class A beta-lactamases and utilized it to propose a phylogeny, based on the nucleotide sequences of their corresponding genes. We have also used the alignment, together with the alpha-carbon co-ordinates of the Staphylococcus aureus protein, to search systematically for neighbouring residues that share the same pattern of conservation among the different members of the protein family. The distribution of invariant residues and of groups of residues with co-ordinate changes map, predominantly, at the region of the active site and at interfaces between structural elements, respectively. We have also contrasted the distribution of conserved residues with the positions which are known to differ in mutants and variants of class A beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

Alismataceae is an aquatic or semi-aquatic herb family with a subcosmopolitan distribution. The family is one of the oldest lineages within monocots and plays an important role in the systematics, biogeography and evolutionary processes of flowering plants. However, the generic relationships of the family are still a subject of debate, and its historical biogeography is less studied. In the present study, we carried out a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis based on multiple DNA sequences (nuclear: ITS; chloroplast: psbA, rbcL, matK, rpoB, rpoC1, trnK 5' intron and trnK 3' intron; mitochondria: cob and atp1). The result supports merging Limnocharitaceae into Alismataceae as one family. Two well-supported clades were obtained based on the combined ITS, psbA, rbcL and matK dataset. Clade B consists of Luronium, Damasonium, Baldellia and Alisma; and clade A consists of the remaining genera of Alismataceae as well as Limnocharitaceae. Biogeographic analysis and bayesian molecular dating suggested that Alismataceae originated in West Palearctic or Afrotropical area during the Late Cretaceous, and subsequently split into two clades. Clade A and clade B diversified in Afrotropical area and West Palearctic area, respectively. The intercontinental distribution of this family mainly resulted from dispersals involving migration across land bridges and long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

The centipede genus Dicellophilus Cook, 1896 (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Mecistocephalidae) has been revised by means of a comparative examination of representative specimens of all the species: morphological variation has been documented by means of both light and scanning electronic microscopy, the geographical distribution has been reassessed and updated based on published and new records, and the phyletic relations between the species have been analysed based on morphological evidence. Dicellophilus is confirmed as a highly distinct lineage, supported by synapomorphies in the labrum and in the pattern of coxal organs. Four species are morphologically recognized, each of them occurring in one of three limited, highly disjunct areas in a restricted boreal temperate belt: Dicellophilus carniolensis (C.L. Koch, 1847) is limited to central Europe (central–eastern Alps, Dinarids, Carpathians, and Dobrogea), Dicellophilus pulcher (Kishida, 1928) occurs in Japan (Honshu), and Dicellophilus anomalus (Chamberlin, 1904) and Dicellophilus limatus (Wood, 1862) both occur in the south‐western part of North America (California and Oregon). High support has been found for the following phyletic relationships: (D. carniolensis (D. pulcher (D. anomalus + D. limatus))). Dicellophilus carniolensis is strongly distinct in some autapomorphic traits, including enlarged clypeus and fewer mandibular lamellae, whereas the sister species D. anomalus and D. limatus share some derived features, including an elongated head and associated appendages, longer antennal setae, and stronger forcipular tubercles. The peculiar geographical distribution of Dicellophilus and the historical scenario suggested by the phylogeny are very unusual in respect to the biogeographical patterns known in all other major groups of terrestrial animals. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 501–532.  相似文献   

The crucial role played by the analysis of microbial diversity in biotechnology-based innovations has increased the interest in the microbial taxonomy research area. Phylogenetic sequence analyses have contributed significantly to the advances in this field, also in the view of the large amount of sequence data collected in recent years. Phylogenetic analyses could be realized on the basis of protein-encoding nucleotide sequences or encoded amino acid molecules: these two mechanisms present different peculiarities, still starting from two alternative representations of the same information. This complementarity could be exploited to achieve a multimodal phylogenetic scheme that is able to integrate gene and protein information in order to realize a single final tree. This aspect has been poorly addressed in the literature. In this paper, we propose to integrate the two phylogenetic analyses using basic schemes derived from the multimodality fusion theory (or multiclassifier systems theory), a well-founded and rigorous branch for which its powerfulness has already been demonstrated in other pattern recognition contexts. The proposed approach could be applied to distance matrix-based phylogenetic techniques (like neighbor joining), resulting in a smart and fast method. The proposed methodology has been tested in a real case involving sequences of some species of lactic acid bacteria. With this dataset, both nucleotide sequence- and amino acid sequence-based phylogenetic analyses present some drawbacks, which are overcome with the multimodal analysis.  相似文献   

The engrailed (en) gene functions throughout Drosophila development and is expressed in a succession of intricate spatial patterns as development proceeds. Normal en function relies on an extremely large cis-acting regulatory region (70 kilobases). We are using evolutionary conservation to help identify en sequences important in regulating patterned expression. Sequence comparison of 2.6 kilobases upstream of the en coding region of D. melanogaster and D. virilis (estimated divergence time, 60 million years) showed that 30% of this DNA occurs in islands of near perfect sequence conservation. One of these conserved islands contains binding sites for homeodomain-containing proteins. It has been shown genetically that homeodomain-containing proteins regulate en expression. Our data suggested that this regulation may be direct. The remaining conserved islands may contain binding sites for other regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract The three living species of manatees, West Indian (Trichechus manatus), Amazonian (Trichechus inunguis) and West African (Trichechus senegalensis), are distributed across the shallow tropical and subtropical waters of America and the western coast of Africa. We have sequenced the mitochondrial DNA control region in 330 Trichechus to compare their phylogeographic patterns. In T. manatus we observed a marked population structure with the identification of three haplotype clusters showing a distinct spatial distribution. A geographic barrier represented by the continuity of the Lesser Antilles to Trinidad Island, near the mouth of the Orinoco River in Venezuela, appears to have restricted the gene flow historically in T. manatus. However, for T. inunguis we observed a single expanding population cluster, with a high diversity of very closely related haplotypes. A marked geographic population structure is likely present in T. senegalensis with at least two distinct clusters. Phylogenetic analyses with the mtDNA cytochrome b gene suggest a clade of the marine Trichechus species, with T. inunguis as the most basal trichechid. This is in agreement with previous morphological analyses. Mitochondrial DNA, autosomal microsatellites and cytogenetic analyses revealed the presence of hybrids between the T. manatus and T. inunguis species at the mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil, extending to the Guyanas and probably as far as the mouth of the Orinoco River. Future conservation strategies should consider the distinct population structure of manatee species, as well as the historical barriers to gene flow and the likely occurrence of interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

We analyzed the 896 base-pair (bp) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences for seven gibbons, representative of three out of four subgenera. The result from our molecular analysis is consistent with previous studies as to the monophyly of subgenus Hylobates species, yet the relationship among subgenera remains slightly ambiguous. A striking result of the analysis is the phylogenetic location of Kloss's gibbon (H. klossii). Kloss's gibbon has been considered to be an initial off-shoot of the subgenus Hylobates because of its morphological primitiveness. However, our molecular data strongly suggest that Kloss's gibbon speciated most recently within the subgenus Hylobates. Correspondence to: S. Horai  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence comparisons of three house-keeping genes, adenylate kinase (adk), shikimate dehydrogenase (aroE), and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (gdh), were used to infer the phylogeny of 33 gamma-proteobacteria. Phylogenetic trees inferred from each gene, and from the concatenated sequences of all three genes, are, in general, similar to a 16S rRNA gene-inferred tree. Similar grouping of bacteria are revealed at the family, genus, species and strain levels in all five trees. The house-keeping genes, however, show a higher rate of nucleotide sequence substitutions. Consequently, they can possibly probe deeper branches of a phylogenetic tree than the 16S rRNA gene. However, because their nucleotide sequences are not as highly conserved among gamma-proteobacteria, family- or genus-specific primers would need to be designed for the amplification of any of these three house-keeping genes. Since these genes are used in multilocus sequence typing, it is expected that the number of sequences publicly available for many taxa will increase over time proving them very useful either at complementing 16S rRNA-inferred phylogenies or for specific, targeted, phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The largest section of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae), sect. Ciliatae, consists of 175 morphologically diverse species. This section is mainly distributed in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions of southwest China and more than 80% of the total number of species are endemic to this region. It remains unknown whether this section is monophyletic and up to now no study has been conducted on the infra-sectional phylogeny. In this study, ITS sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA were firstly determined for 33 species mainly from this section and related sections. We further downloaded the corresponding sequences of the same DNA region for the other 22 species of Saxifraga and Mitella from GenBank. All sequences were together used to construct the phy-logenetic trees. The main implications of the phylogenetic analyses include: (1) sect. Ciliatae, as traditionally defined, constitutes as a monophyletic clade and its sister group is a well supported clade that includes species from 8 sections such as sect. Porphyrion, sect. Saxifraga and sect. Mesogyne; (2) three morphological subsections, i.e., subsect. Gemmiparae, subsect. Hirculoideae and subsect. Rosulares were tentatively recovered despite the relatively low statistic bootstrap support for the last one; however, subsect. Flagellares and subsect. Hemi-sphaericae were not recognized as separate entities, and nested within subsect. Gemmiparae; (3) subsect. Hircu-loideae and subsect. Rosulares clustered together as sister subclades while subsect. Gemmiparae diverged early. In addition, our results suggest that the paired variation of ITS sequences in sect. Ciliatae is relatively low between the sampled species in spite of their diverse morphology. It is suggested that such a scenario may mirror rapid speciation in this section that probably trigged by the uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the extensive selection pressure under the alpine environments.  相似文献   

虎耳草属Saxifraga山羊臭组sect. Ciliatae是该属中最大的一个组, 共有175种, 主要分布在喜马拉雅地区, 我国分布有166种, 占总种数的95%; 其中, 112种为中国特有。约80%的种类分布在我国青藏高原和西南地区, 是中国喜马拉雅植物成分的代表类群。山羊臭组内物种分化十分显著, 分类处理也很困难, 该组是否为单系类群, 组下的系统发育关系也不清楚, 均需进一步验证。本文测定了虎耳草属山羊臭组及其他组33种植物样品的核糖体DNA内转录间隔区ITS序列, 并从GenBank调取虎耳草组sect. Saxifraga等组和近缘属唢呐草属Mitella共22种植物的该序列。ITS分析结果表明: (1)所研究的山羊臭组类群聚为单独一支, 而且与垫状组sect. Porphyrion、虎耳草组、球茎组sect. Mesogyne和仅在欧洲分布的sect. Cymbalaria和sect. Cotylea等8个组聚成的另一分支构成姊妹群; (2)根据形态特征建立的山羊臭组的3个亚组即唐古拉亚组subsect. Hirculoideae、莲座状亚组subsect. Rosulares和具芽亚组subsect. Gemmiparae各自聚为一支, 但是莲座状亚组这一支的支持率较低。同时, 山羊臭组的鞭匐枝亚组subsect. Flagellares和subsect. Hemisphaericae的代表类群单独聚为一支, 位于具芽亚组类群分支内部而不能成立; (3)唐古拉亚组和莲座状亚组又聚为一亚分支与具芽亚组构成姊妹群, 而且具芽亚组最早从山羊臭组这一支中分化出来。我们的研究还发现山羊臭组内种间形态分化较大, 而ITS碱基变异较小, 这可能是山羊臭组类群在青藏高原及毗邻地区的高山环境下物种快速分化的结果。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The subgenus Ceratotropis in the genus Vigna is widely distributed from the Himalayan highlands to South, Southeast and East Asia. However, the interspecific and geographical relationships of its members are poorly understood. This study investigates the phylogeny and biogeography of the subgenus Ceratotropis using chloroplast DNA sequence data.


Sequence data from four intergenic spacer regions (petA-psbJ, psbD-trnT, trnT-trnE and trnT-trnL) of chloroplast DNA, alone and in combination, were analysed using Bayesian and parsimony methods. Divergence times for major clades were estimated with penalized likelihood. Character evolution was examined by means of parsimony optimization and MacClade.

Key Results

Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses on the combined data demonstrated well-resolved species relationships in which 18 Vigna species were divided into two major geographical clades: the East Asia–Southeast Asian clade and the Indian subcontinent clade. Within these two clades, three well-supported eco-geographical groups, temperate and subtropical (the East Asia–Southeast Asian clade) and tropical (the Indian subcontinent clade), are recognized. The temperate group consists of V. minima, V. nepalensis and V. angularis. The subtropical group comprises the V. nakashimaeV. riukiuensisV. minima subgroup and the V. hirtellaV. exilisV. umbellata subgroup. The tropical group contains two subgroups: the V. trinerviaV. reflexo-pilosaV. trilobata subgroup and the V. mungoV. grandiflora subgroup. An evolutionary rate analysis estimated the divergence time between the East Asia–Southeast Asia clade and the Indian subcontinent clade as 3·62 ± 0·3 million years, and that between the temperate and subtropical groups as 2·0 ± 0·2 million years.


The findings provide an improved understanding of the interspecific relationships, and ecological and geographical phylogenetic structure of the subgenus Ceratotropis. The quaternary diversification of the subgenus Ceratotropis implicates its geographical dispersal in the south-eastern part of Asia involving adaptation to climatic condition after the collision of the Indian subcontinent with the Asian plate. The phylogenetic results indicate that the epigeal germination is plesiomorphic, and the germination type evolved independently multiple times in this subgenus, implying its limited taxonomic utility.  相似文献   

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