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The initiation of root primordia in Griselinia littoralis andG. lucida occurred a few millimeters above the cut base. Inall cases the first cellular event was the activation of specificregions of the cambium which were associated with traces fromleaves which themselves were particularly vigorous root-formersif detached. In cuttings from seedlings, the first cells cutoff continued to divide and gave rise to root primordia in situ,whereas those from mature plants produced files of six to 22rows of cells and it was only when the cells first cut off hadbeen displaced outwards towards the fibre caps that the cambiumstopped dividing. Primordium development may then occur at theadvancing front, possibly as a result of a stimulus originatingfrom damaged cells. Thus the same cells were involved in organizedprimordium formation both in seedling and mature cutting, butthe location differed. The reduced rooting and the long lag phase in cuttings frommature plants of G. lucida may be due to the presence of a completering of fibres. This does not seem to present a mechanical barrierto emergence - since elongating primordia can force throughthe ring - nor can it affect the receipt of any root-inducingstimulus by the target cells since it is considered that thisarrives via the vascular tissues. However, evidence suggeststhat it is the initial phase of cambial activation which isprevented in cuttings from mature plants. This suggested eitherthat the initial stimulus was less effective or that the targetcells were less responsive than those of seedlings, which havevery few fibres, or of mature G. littoralis, which only hasfibm associated with the vascular bundles. Griselinia littoralis Raoul Choix, Griselinia licida Forst. f. Prodr., adventitious roots, cuttings, primordium initiation and location  相似文献   

Species of the genus Veronica differ in habitat preferences,growth form and in adventitious root production. The annualspecies rarely or never produce adventitious roots in intactplants in the field but some, for example V. persica and V.arvensis will root vigorously from single node stem segmentsin culture. Others, such as V. agrestis require the presenceof IAA for substantial levels of root formation to occur incultured stem segments. Veronica hederifolia cuttings rarelyproduce roots. Stem cuttings of the perennial species, in general,rooted more vigorously than those of annual plants. Both V.fihiformis and V. serpyllifolia root very strongly. The position of root production from the stem cuttings differedfrom species to species. Roots arose either from the node, theregion of the base or at some intermediate point. Veronica arvensis,V. chamaedrys and V. persica rooted mainly from the basal regionwhereas V. filiformis rooted mainly from the node. Veronicaserpyllifolia cuttings rooted at both of these locations. Veronica filiformis, a perennial species that is infertile inBritain, produces root primordia in intact plants at nodes whichare close to the shoot apex. Thus, even very young stem segmentshave ‘preformed’ root primordia. For this reason,detached stem segments of V. filiformis root very rapidly andthis probably has been of great significance in its successfulinvasion and spread in lawns and short turf areas. Veronica spp., adventitious roots, indol-3-ylacetic acid, root primordia, vegetative reproduction  相似文献   

JOSTEN  P.; KUTSCHERA  U. 《Annals of botany》1999,84(3):337-342
Three-day-old light-grown sunflower seedlings were de-rootedand incubated in nutrient solutions that either contained orlacked boric acid (B). In the absence of B, in the majorityof the seedlings, no adventitious roots were formed. The micronutrientB caused the development of numerous roots in the lower partof the hypocotyl. The effect of B occurred without the supplyof any phytohormones. A dose-response curve of B-induced rootingyielded an optimum concentration of 0.1 mM boric acid. Histologicalstudies revealed that cell divisions occurred in the controlbut no root primordia developed. In cuttings that were incubatedin B (0.1 m M) root primordia were observed that rapidly developedinto well-differentiated adventitious roots. Sunflower cuttingsthat were planted with their cut end in vermiculite that wasmoistened with nutrient solutions without B degenerated afterseveral weeks. In the presence of B the cuttings formed numerousadventitious roots that entirely replaced the tap root systemof intact seedlings. The rooted cuttings developed into sturdyadult sunflower plants. Our results are discussed with respectto the possible role of B in the evolution of vascular fromprevascular plants.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Adventitious roots, boron, cuttings, organogenesis, sunflower seedlings.  相似文献   

High irradiance during treatment of mung bean cuttings favours root formation in response to supplied auxin, whether the latter is IAA or IBA. On the other hand it is inhibitory towards root formation in the absence of supplied auxin. Light promotes the uptake of14C-IAA into cuttings and its upward movement into the leaves. When14C-IAA is applied to leaves of cuttings high irradiance favours movement of radioactivity into the epicotyl and hypocotyl. This movement is also enhanced by concomitant supply of IBA to the base of the cuttings. The irradiance under which stock plants are raised also affects the extent of root formation on cuttings. When cuttings are held in darkness without a supply of exogenous auxin they root best if prepared from seedlings raised under high irradiance. However, transport of14C-IAA out of leaves of cuttings is favoured when cuttings are prepared from seedlings grown under low irradiance. These observations are discussed in relation to auxin transport, photodestruction and, possibly, metabolism.  相似文献   

NG  YUK-KIU; MOORE  RANDY 《Annals of botany》1985,55(3):387-394
The effect of ABA on root growth, secondary-root formation androot gravitropism in seedlings of Zea mays was investigatedby using Fluridone-treated seedlings and a viviparous mutant,both of which lack carotenoids and ABA. Primary roots of seedlingsgrown in the presence of Fluridone grew significantly slowerthan those of control (i.e. untreated) roots. Elongation ofFluridone-treated roots was inhibited significantly by the exogenousapplication of 1 mM ABA. Exogenous application of 1 µMand 1 nM ABA had either no effect or only a slight stimulatoryeffect on root elongation, depending on the method of application.The absence of ABA in Fluridone-treated plants was not an importantfactor in secondary-root formation in seedlings less than 9–10d old. However, ABA may suppress secondary-root formation inolder seedlings, since 11-d-old control seedlings had significantlyfewer secondary roots than Fluridone-treated seedlings. Rootsof Fluridone-treated and control seedlings were graviresponsive.Similar data were obtained for vp-9 mutants of Z. mays, whichare phenotypically identical to Fluridone-treated seedlings.These results indicate that ABA is necessary for neither secondary-rootformation nor for positive gravitropism by primary roots. Zea mays, gravitropism, carotenoid-deficient, Fluridone, root growth, vp-9 mutant  相似文献   

MENZEL  C. M. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(1):65-69
Tuber formation in intact potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.cv. Sebago) was reduced by high shoot or root temperatures andstrongly inhibited when both were high. When both the shootand root temperatures were high, disbudding strongly promotedtuberization. There was a smaller increase with warm roots andcool shoots, but no response with warm shoots and cool roots.When both the shoots and roots were cool, disbudding reducedtuberization. Exogenous GA3, effectively substituted for thebuds at high temperatures, completely preventing tuberization.In apical cuttings, removal of the terminal bud, but not theroots, reduced the inhibitory effects of high temperatures ontuberization. The experiment indicates that tuber productionmay be controlled by at least three factors: a promoter, whichis not assimilate, produced by the buds at cool temperatures;an inhibitor, derived from the buds, but dependent on warm roottemperatures for its formation; and a second inhibitor derivedfrom the mature leaves and produced in response to warm shoottemperatures. Solanum tuberosumL, potato, tuberization, temperature, disbudding, gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Root Formation in Ethylene-Insensitive Plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Experiments with ethylene-insensitive tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and petunia (Petunia x hybrida) plants were conducted to determine if normal or adventitious root formation is affected by ethylene insensitivity. Ethylene-insensitive Never ripe (NR) tomato plants produced more below-ground root mass but fewer above-ground adventitious roots than wild-type Pearson plants. Applied auxin (indole-3-butyric acid) increased adventitious root formation on vegetative stem cuttings of wild-type plants but had little or no effect on rooting of NR plants. Reduced adventitious root formation was also observed in ethylene-insensitive transgenic petunia plants. Applied 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid increased adventitious root formation on vegetative stem cuttings from NR and wild-type plants, but NR cuttings produced fewer adventitious roots than wild-type cuttings. These data suggest that the promotive effect of auxin on adventitious rooting is influenced by ethylene responsiveness. Seedling root growth of tomato in response to mechanical impedance was also influenced by ethylene sensitivity. Ninety-six percent of wild-type seedlings germinated and grown on sand for 7 d grew normal roots into the medium, whereas 47% of NR seedlings displayed elongated tap-roots, shortened hypocotyls, and did not penetrate the medium. These data indicate that ethylene has a critical role in various responses of roots to environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

A new bioassay which employs disbudded epicotyl cuttings takenfrom light grown Azukia seedlings (A. angularis) was devisedfor testing rooting promotion activity. By use of this method,the rooting promoting principle in leaves of Portulaca grandiflorawas isolated and identified with portulal which had been previouslyobtained. Portulal was reported as an inhibitor of rooting inetiolated Raphanus cuttings and has recently been determinedto be a bicyclic diterpene containing a perhydroazulene nucleus.Portulal promoted the adventitious root formation in severalkinds of plants, i.e. Azukia angularis, Vigna Catiang var. sinensis,Phaseolus Mungo and Raphanus sativus var. acanthiformis ‘Risodaikon’. The rooting process in Azukia and Raphanus cuttings seems toinclude at least two phases; a "preparatory phase" or a portulal-and gibberellin-sensitive phase and a "main phase" or an auxin-sensitiveand portulal-insensitive phase. 1Contribution No. 16 from the Botanical Gardens, Faculty ofScience, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. (Received April 3, 1969; )  相似文献   

The involvement of polyamines during adventitious root formationwas evaluated using a de-bladed petiole rooting assay for theeasy-to-root juvenile and difficult-to-root mature phase ofEnglish ivy (Hedera helix L.). Auxin (NAA 0.1 mM) stimulatedroot formation in juvenile phase cuttings, but failed to promoterooting in the mature phase. The addition of putrescine, spermineor spennidine (1.0 mM) with or without NAA (0.1 mM) did notaffect the rooting response in either the juvenile or maturephase cuttings. There was a significant increase in endogenouslevels of putrescine and spermidine in NAA-treated cuttings,but the only significant difference between the root formingjuvenile and the non-root forming mature phase cuttings wasan increase in putrescine levels. In NAA-treated juvenile cuttings,the polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor DFMA (1.0 mM) promotedroot formation from 9.2 to 14.5 roots per cutting, while DFMO(1.0 mM) reduced root formation from 9.1 to 1.4 roots per cutting.The promotion of rooting by DFMA was completely reversed byputrescine (1.0 mM), but putrescine, spermine or spermidine(1.0 mM) could not reverse the inhibitory effect of DFMO. NeitherDFMA nor DFMO promoted root formation in mature phase cuttings.DFMA was also added to NAA-treated juvenile petioles at variousstages during the root formation process. DFMA promoted rootingwhen applied during the early stages of root induction (0–3d), but became inhibitory to root formation when applied duringthe organization (6–9 d) or root elongation stages (9–12d). Key words: Hedera helix, organogenesis, root initiation, polyamines, DFMA, DFMO  相似文献   

When synthesis was estimated by the agar diffusion techniqueboth basal and lateral adventitious roots of Hedera helix L.in the juvenile growth phase were shown to synthesize gibberellin-likesubstances. Seedlings and cuttings from juvenile ivy could begrown in water culture for several weeks. When roots were excisedfrom these plants shoot growth was reduced in comparison withthat of intact plants. The stems, apices, and leaves of derootedseedlings and cuttings contained lower levels of extractablegibberellin-like substances than comparable organs of intactplants. The major zone of gibberellin-like activity in intactplants co-chromatographed with gibberellins A1 and A3. Whenthese gibberellins were applied to plants grown in culture theywere found to promote growth of intact but not derooted plants.These findings are discussed in relation to the role of rootfactors and particularly gibberellins in phase change.  相似文献   

White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) develops proteoid (cluster) rootsin response to phosphorus deficiency. Proteoid roots are composedof tight clusters of rootlets that initiate from the pericycleopposite protoxylem poles and emerge from every protoxylem polewithin the proteoid root axis. Auxins are required for lateralroot development, but little is known of their role in proteoidroot formation. Proteoid root numbers were dramatically increasedin P-sufficient (+P) plants by application of the syntheticauxin, naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), to leaves, and were reducedin P-deficient (-P) plants by the presence of auxin transportinhibitors [2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and naphthylphthalamicacid (NPA)]. While ethylene concentrations in the root zonewere 1.5-fold higher in -P plants, there was no effect on proteoidroot numbers of the ethylene inhibitors aminoethoxyvinvylglycine(AVG) and silver thiosulphate. Phosphonate, which interfereswith plant perception of internal P concentration, dramaticallyincreased the number of proteoid root segments in +P plants.Activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), malatedehydrogenase (MDH) and exuded acid phosphatase in proteoidroot segments were not different from +P controls when NAA wasapplied to +P lupin plants, but increased to levels comparableto -P plants in the phosphonate treatment. Addition of TIBAor NPA to -P plants reduced PEPC and MDH activity of -P proteoidroots to levels found in +P or -P normal root tissues, but didnot affect acid phosphatase in root exudates. These resultssuggest that auxin transport from the shoot plays a role inthe formation of proteoid roots during P deficiency. Auxin-stimulatedproteoid root formation is necessary, but not sufficient, tosignal the up-regulation of PEPC and MDH in proteoid root segments.In contrast, phosphonate applied to P-sufficient white lupinelicits the full suite of coordinated responses to P deficiencyCopyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Lupinus albus L., white lupin, proteoid roots, auxin, ethylene, phosphonate, phosphorus deficiency  相似文献   

Is it possible to manipulate root anchorage in young trees?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The optimal root system architecture for increased tree anchorage has not yet been determined and in particular, the role of the tap root remains elusive. In Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.), tap roots may play an important role in anchoring young trees, but in adult trees, their growth is often impeded by the presence of a hard pan layer in the soil and the tap root becomes a minor component of tree anchorage. To understand better the role of the tap root in young trees, we grew cuttings (no tap root present) and seedlings where the tap root had (?) or had not (+) been pruned, in the field for 7 years. The force (F) necessary to deflect the stem sideways was then measured and divided by stem cross-sectional area (CSA), giving a parameter analogous to stress during bending. Root systems were extracted and root architecture and wood mechanical properties (density and longitudinal modulus of elasticity, E L ) determined. In seedlings (?) tap roots, new roots had regenerated where the tap root had been pruned, whereas in cuttings, one or two lateral roots had grown downwards and acted as tap roots. Cuttings had significantly less lateral roots than the other treatments, but those near the soil surface were 14% and 23% thicker than plants (+) and (?) tap roots, respectively. Cuttings were smaller than seedlings, but were not relatively less resistant to stem deflection, probably because the thicker lateral roots compensated for their lower number. Apart from stem volume which was greater in trees (+) tap roots, no significant differences with regard to size or any root system variable were found in plants (?) or (+) tap roots. In all treatments, lateral roots were structurally reinforced through extra growth along the direction of the prevailing wind, which also improved tap root anchorage. Predictors of log F/CSA differed depending on treatment: in trees (?) tap roots, a combination of the predictors stem taper and %volume allocated to deep roots was highly regressed with log F/CSA (R 2 = 0.83), unlike plants (+) tap roots where the combined predictors of lateral root number and root depth were best regressed with log F/CSA (R 2 = 0.80). In cuttings, no clear relationships between log F/CSA and any parameter could be found. Wood density and E L did not differ between roots, but did diminish with increasing distance from the stem in lateral roots. E L was significantly lower in lateral roots from cuttings. Results showed that nursery techniques influence plant development but that the architectural pattern of Maritime pine root systems is stable, developing a sinker root system even when grown from cuttings. Anchorage is affected but the consequences for the long-term are still not known. Numerical modelling may be the only viable method to investigate the function that each root plays in adult tree anchorage.  相似文献   

Root, callus, and cell suspension cultures have been establishedfrom seedlings of Atropa belladonna, L. and Atropa belladonna,cultivar lutea Döll. The growth of these cultures is described.Callus cultures transferred to auxin (-naphthaleneacetic acid)-freemedium initiated roots and shoots. Excised root cultures havebeen established from such roots and plants from such shoots.Extracts of the cultures have been submitted to the Vitali—Morinreaction and following chromatography, to the Dragendorff reaction.Cultured excised roots and plants raised from shoots initiatedon cultured callus were shown to contain atropine (hyoscyamine)and reactive substances corresponding in Rf to hyoscine andcuscohygrine. These alkaloids were absent from cultured callusand cultured cell suspensions and from leaves when initiatedwithout roots on callus. The cultured calluses and cell suspensionscontained choline (0.022–0.027 g per 100 g dry weightof root callus). The growth of cell suspension cultures wasnot inhibited by incorporating atropine sulphate, L-hyoscyamine,L-hyoscine hydrobromide, or DL-scopoline nitrate in the culturemedium at 250 mg/I. These alkaloids were absorbed by the cells,a high proportion of the added alkaloid could be recovered fromthe cultures even after 4 weeks' growth and no evidence wasobtained of the presence of degradation products of the alkaloids.The suppression of alkaloid formation in actively growing callusand cell suspension cultures is discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper reports results of experiments to develop a system for studying adventitious root initiation in cuttings derived from seedlings. Hypocotyl cuttings of 2-week-old eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings were treated for 5 min with 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 or 600 mg l?1 (0, 0.54, 1.07, 1.61, 2.15, 2.69 or 3.22 mM) 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) to determine the effect on root initiation. The number of root primordia per cutting was correlated with NAA concentration and the square of NAA concentration. Thus, the number increased from less than one per cutting in the 0 NAA treatment to approximately 40 per cutting at 300 mg l-1 NAA, above which no substantial further increase was observed. The larger number of root primordia formed in response to increasing concentrations of NAA was due to the formation of primordia over a larger proportion of the hypocotyls. Histological analysis of the timing of root primordium formation in hypocotyl cuttings revealed three discernible stages. Progression through these stages was relatively synchronous among NAA-treated hypocotyl cuttings and within a given cutting, but variation was observed in the portion of different cuttings undergoing root formation. Control-treated hypocotyl cuttings formed root primordia at lower frequencies and more slowly than NAA-treated cuttings, with fewer primordia per cutting. Epicotyl cuttings from 11-week-old seedlings also formed adventitious roots, but more slowly than hypocotyl cuttings. NAA treatment of epicotyl cuttings caused more rapid root initiation and also affected the origin of adventitious roots in comparison with nontreated cuttings. NAA-treated epicotyl cuttings formed roots in a manner analogous to that of the hypocotyl cuttings, directly from preformed vascular tissue, while control-treated epicotyl cuttings first formed a wound or callus tissue and subsequently differentiated root primordia within that tissue. This system of inducing adventitious roots in pine stem cuttings lends itself to studying the molecular and biochemical steps that occur during root initiation and development.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were made of the responses of resistant and of susceptible Gem tomato plants to infection by Verticillium albo-atrum. When inoculated through roots, there were striking differences in their responses. In susceptible plants, the foliar symptoms and amount of mycelium in the stem increased rapidly for some time. Then the mycelium started to disappear from the stem; this was accompanied by a check to the normal progress of symptoms, and by the formation of tyloses. In resistant plants, a limited invasion of the root and lower stem was accompanied by rapid and extensive tylosis. The mycelium soon disappeared from the stem and the plant then recovered from the initially mild symptoms. There was an inverse relationship between the amount of mycelium and the extent of tylosis in infected plants. The growth of susceptible plants was markedly reduced by infection. Total leaf area was much less because the newly produced leaves did not expand normally. The root system in infected plants was smaller because there were many fewer tertiary roots. In resistant plants infection stimulated growth. Tomato cuttings inoculated with conidia reacted similarly to root-inoculated plants. Hyphae grew well in the vascular system of susceptible cuttings whereas in resistant cuttings the pathogen started to grow but soon disappeared. Detached leaves of susceptible plants, inoculated through cut ends, wilted more than did leaves from resistant plants. It is suggested that resistance is mainly of the active type that develops after infection.  相似文献   

Adventitious roots develop in stem cuttings of Phaseolus aureus Roxb. seedlings when treatment with indole-butyric acid (IBA) is followed by treatment with boron. Root development varies according to the age of seedlings from which cuttings are taken. Increased root number is associated with expansion of the first leaf pair but subsequently declines, whereas root growth increases with increasing seedling age. Removal of leaves furing the first 72 h of treatment impairs root initiation whereas root growth is diminished by removal of leaves at any time during the first 120 h of treatment. IBA stimulates movement of 14C-IAA out of leaves. Vitamin D2 and myo-inositol stimulate rooting of intact cuttings provided cuttings are subsequently supplied with boron. Hypocotyls excised from cuttings pretreated with IBA develop roots in response to myo-inositol in the absence of boron. It is proposed that endogenous auxin, arising in the leaves, and myo-inositol have roles in root initiation whilst the role of boron is suggested as one of initiating or maintaining transport from the leaves.  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover (Trifolium repens) were establishedfrom stolon cuttings rooted in acid-washed silver sand. Allplants were inoculated with Rhizobium trifolii, and receivednutrient solution containing 0·5 mg 15N as either ammoniumor nitrate weekly for 12 weeks (i.e. 6 mg 15N in total). Plantswere then leniently defoliated or left intact, and the labelledN supply was replaced with unlabelled N. Lenient defoliationremoved fully expanded leaves only, leaving immature leaveswhich accounted for 50–55% of the total; growing pointnumbers were not reduced. Nodules, leaves and growing pointswere counted over the following 21 d period, and d. wts, N contents,and 15N enrichments of individual plant organs were determined. Defoliated plants had fewer nodules, but numbers of growingpoints were unaffected by defoliation. The rates of both leafemergence and expansion were accelerated in defoliated plants;in consequence the number of young leaves remained less thanin intact plants until day 21. Total dry matter (DM) and N accumulationwere less in defoliated plants, and a greater proportion oftotal plant DM was invested in roots. About 97 % of plant totalN was derived from fixed atmospheric N, but there was incompletemixing of fixed and mineral N within the plant. Relatively moremineral N was incorporated into roots, whereas there was relativelymore fixed N in nodules. There was isotopic evidence that Nwas remobilized from root and stolon tissue for leaf regrowthafter defoliation; approximately 2 % of plant N turned overdaily in the 7-d period after defoliation, and this contributedabout 50% of the N increment in leaf tissue. White clover, Trifolium repens L. cv. SI84, lenient defoliation, N economy, regrowth, N remobilization  相似文献   

Cuttings obtained from seedlings of Pisum sativum L. were rooted in water solution. Shoot growth continued after excision and shoot length increased considerably before roots emerged. Increase in dry weight was strongly dependent on light supply. Continued growth was dependent on supply of mineral nutrients to the rooting solution. Mineral nutrients had no or slight influence on the number of roots formed on cuttings from stock plants grown in fertilized soil, but the growth in length of the roots was dependent on the presence of calcium in the solution. Root formation was dependent on photosynthetic products formed after excision. No roots were formed on cuttings kept in the dark. The number of roots increased with increasing irradiance given to the leafy part of the cutting. At a low level of irradiance sucrose supply through the rooting medium increased the number of roots. Light given to the basal part of the cuttings had a strongly inhibitory effect on the number of roots formed. It is concluded that the carbohydrate level easily becomes a limiting factor for root formation in growing pea cuttings. Availability of mineral nutrients influences in the first place the growth of the shoots.  相似文献   

In disbudded Azukia stem cuttings, auxin exerted a dual effecton root formation. The first phase of auxin action is identifiedwith the acceleration of cell division, especially longitudinaldivision. In cuttings treated with auxin during the first 24hr, longitudinally divided cells were observed in all 12 rootprimordia, while in water-treated cuttings, such cells wereobserved only in 8 root primordia. The second phase is the promotionof the reaction in which root primordia unable to develop furtherwithout auxin supply develop into roots. Irrespective of thetreatment during the first 24 hr, the auxin-treatment duringthe second 24 hr increased the number of roots protruding fromthe cuttings. Portulal applied during the first 24 hr increased the numberof root primordia which contained longitudinally divided cells.Gibberellin applied during the first 24 hr inhibited both transverseand longitudinal divisions in root primordia. 1 Supported in part by Grant No. 139011 from the Ministry ofEducation, Japan. 2 Present address: Junior College of Toyo University, Hakusan,Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, Japan. (Received June 13, 1978; )  相似文献   

Mineral Nutrition of Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acacia acuminata is a preferred host of the root hemiparasitictree, Santalum spicatum (sandalwood). Comparison between nutrientcontent of adult trees of sandalwood and results for an earlierstudy of the mistletoe, Amyema preissii, on the same host species,A. acuminata, showed similar high levels of K and Na and lowlevels of Zn in both parasites compared with the host plants.Differences in K, Ca, N and Cu levels between parasitized anduninfected Acacias imply that the host plant contributes tothe nutrition of sandalwood. The high K/Ca ratio in sandalwoodconfirms that K uptake in preference to Ca is a general featureof all categories of angiosperm parasites. Patterns of distribution of nutrients between various partsof sandalwood and A. acuminata depend on the type of nutrient,but levels are usually highest in leaves of both species andthe haustoria. Although K, Ca and Na are much lower in the kernelsthan in vegetative parts of the parasite, only seedlings withoutsupplementary Ca in a nutrient omission experiment failed togrow at all in the absence of hosts. Growth is not dependenton the level of K in the unattached plants but other evidenceindicates it may have a role in water uptake in the attachedplant. Calcium supply has a marked effect on internal Ca levelsand growth of unattached plants. Compared with field plants,levels of Ca, and to a lesser extent Zn, were much higher inplants of the Ca/K treatment that produced greatest growth over34 weeks. Haustorial formation is enhanced by the presence of A. acuminataroots. However, competition for nutrients, especially Ca, fromco-planted A. acuminata seedlings results in suppression ofgrowth of young sandalwood compared with their growth in theabsence of the host species. Key words: Mineral nutrients, Santalum spicatum, Acacia acuminata, hemiparasites, K/Ca nutrition, seeds  相似文献   

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