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Life history theory predicts tradeoffs among reproductive traits, but the physiological mechanisms underlying such tradeoffs remain unclear. Here we examine reproductive tradeoffs and their association with yolk steroids in an oviparous lizard. Female leopard geckos lay two eggs in a clutch, produce multiple clutches in a breeding season, and reproduce for several years. We detected a significant tradeoff between egg size and the number of clutches laid by females during their first two breeding seasons. Total reproductive effort was strongly condition-dependent in the first season, but much less so in the second season. Although these and other tradeoffs were unmistakable, they were not associated with levels of androstenedione, oestradiol, or testosterone in egg yolk. Female condition and egg size, however, were inversely related to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in egg yolk. Finally, steroid levels in egg yolk were not directly related to steroid levels in the maternal circulation when follicles were developing, indicating that steroid transfer to eggs is regulated. These findings suggest that maternal allocation of DHT could mitigate tradeoffs that lead to poor offspring quality (i.e. poor female condition) and small offspring size (i.e. small egg size).  相似文献   

This paper details the clinical and post-mortem findings of leopard geckos following ingestion of vermiculite bedding material. Death was attributed to the high magnesium content of the vermiculite.  相似文献   

The lizard tail is well known for its ability to autotomize and regenerate. Physical contact of the tail by a predator may induce autotomy at the location at which the tail is grasped, and upon detachment the tail may undergo violent, rapid, and unpredictable movements that appear to be, to some degree, regulated by contact with the physical environment. Neither the mechanism by which tail breakage at a particular location is determined, nor that by which environmental feedback to the tail is received, are known. It has been suggested that mechanoreceptors (sensilla) are the means of mediation of such activities, and reports indicate that the density of sensilla on the tail is high. To determine the feasibility that mechanoreceptors are involved in such phenomena, we mapped scale form and the size, density, distribution, and spacing of sensilla on the head, body, limbs, and tail of the leopard gecko. This species has a full complement of autotomy planes along the length of the tail, and the postautotomic behavior of its tail has been documented. We found that the density of sensilla is highest on the tail relative to all other body regions examined; a dorsoventral gradient of caudal sensilla density is evident on the tail; sensilla are more closely spaced on the dorsal and lateral regions of the tail than elsewhere and are carried on relatively small scales; and that the whorls of scales on the tail bear a one to one relationship with the autotomy planes. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses of sensilla being involved in determining the site at which autotomy will occur, and with them being involved in the mediation of tail behavior following autotomy. These findings open the way for experimental neurological investigations of how autotomy is induced and how the detached tail responds to external environmental input. J. Morphol. 275:961–979, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Male leopard geckos that hatch from eggs incubated at a female‐biased temperature (Tf) behave differently when compared with males hatching at a temperature which produces a male‐biased sex ratio (Tm). We investigated the effect of incubation temperature and androgen implantation on aspects of the dopaminergic system of Tf and Tm males. Our data suggest that more dopamine (DA) is stored in the nucleus accumbens of naive Tf males compared with naïve Tm males when they encounter a receptive female conspecific across a barrier. No difference was measured in the preoptic area and the ventral tegmental area (VTA). This difference in intracellular DA levels in a motivation‐related brain nucleus might be correlated with differences in sociosexual behavior observed between the two morphs. There were no differences in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expressing cell numbers in the VTA of cholesterol (CH)‐implanted naive castrated Tf and Tm males. Only Tf males implanted with testosterone had significantly higher TH immunopositive cell numbers in the VTA compared with CH‐ and dihydrotestosterone‐implanted Tf males. These data indicate that both the embryonic environment as well as the circulating hormonal milieu can modulate neurochemistry, which might in turn be a basis for individual variation in behavior. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2007  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(3):183-191
The tail of many species of lizard is used as a site of fat storage, and caudal autotomy is a widespread phenomenon among lizards. This means that caudal fat stores are at risk of being lost if the tail is autotomized. For fat-tailed species, such as the leopard gecko, this may be particularly costly. Previous work has shown that tail regeneration in juveniles of this species is rapid and that it receives priority for energy allocation, even when dietary resources are markedly reduced. We found that the regenerated tails of juvenile leopard geckos are more massive than their original counterparts, regardless of dietary intake, and that they exhibit greater amounts of skeleton, inner fat, muscle and subcutaneous fat than original tails (as assessed through cross-sectional area measurements of positionally equivalent stations along the tail). Autotomy and regeneration result in changes in tail shape, mass and the pattern of tissue distribution within the tail. The regenerated tail exhibits enhanced fat storage capacity, even in the face of a diet that results in significant slowing of body growth. Body growth is thus sacrificed at the expense of rapid tail growth. Fat stores laid down rapidly in the regenerating tail may later be used to fuel body growth or reproductive investment. The regenerated tail thus seems to have adaptive roles of its own, and provides a potential vehicle for studying trade-offs that relate to life history strategy.  相似文献   

The copulatory neuromuscular system of lizards is highly sexually dimorphic. Adult males possess bilateral penises called hemipenes, which are independently controlled by two muscles, the retractor penis magnus (RPM) and transversus penis (TPN). These structures are not obvious in adult females. However, in adult female leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius), testosterone induces hemipene growth. We investigated whether these structures develop de novo in adulthood or are histologically present as rudimentary structures in the female leopard gecko. We also investigated the extent of sexual dimorphisms and plasticity in the associated neuromuscular components. To do this, we compared copulatory morphology (sizes of hemipenes, RPM and TPN muscle fibers, and associated motoneurons, as well as motoneuron and RPM fiber number) in adult females treated with testosterone, control females, and control males. All of the geckos possessed hemipenes, RPMs and TPNs, but these structures were indeed vestigial in control females. Testosterone induced striking increases in hemipene and copulatory muscle fiber size in females, but not to levels equivalent to control males. In parallel, males with increased levels of androgenic activity had larger hemipenes, suggesting naturally occurring steroid-induced plasticity. Copulatory motoneurons were not sexually dimorphic in size or number, and these measures did not respond to testosterone. The data demonstrate that the copulatory system of leopard geckos, in which gonadal sex is determined by egg incubation temperature, differs from that of many species (both reptilian and mammalian) with genotypic sex determination. Indeed, the system is remarkable in that adult females have normally occurring intersex characteristics and they exhibit substantial steroid-induced morphological plasticity in adulthood.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the ultrastructure and arrangement of pigment cells in the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) skin to explain how wild‐type coloration is formed. The study also attempted to explain, on a morphological level, how skin colour changes occur. Samples of leopard gecko skin were collected from wild‐type coloration adult specimens. The morphology of pigmented cells was determined using light microscopy on haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sections and in transmission electron microscopy. These studies indicate that skin of E. macularis contains xanthophores and melanophores but lacks iridophores and that this is probably related to nocturnal activity. The number and distribution of xanthophores and melanophores determines the skin colour and pigmentation pattern. The colour changes depend on the arrangement of characteristic protrusions of melanophores and the degree of filling them with melanosomes.  相似文献   

Postnatal growth patterns within the vertebral column may be informative about body proportions and regionalization. We measured femur length, lengths of all pre‐sacral vertebrae, and lengths of intervertebral spaces, from radiographs of a series of 21 Eublepharis macularius, raised under standard conditions and covering most of the ontogenetic body size range. Vertebrae were grouped into cervical, sternal, and dorsal compartments, and lengths of adjacent pairs of vertebrae were summed before analysis. Femur length was included as an index of body size. Principal component analysis of the variance‐covariance matrix of these data was used to investigate scaling among them. PC1 explained 94.19% of total variance, interpreted as the variance due to body size. PC1 differed significantly from the hypothetical isometric vector, indicating overall allometry. The atlas and axis vertebrae displayed strong negative allometry; the remainder of the vertebral pairs exhibited weak negative allometry, isometry or positive allometry. PC1 explained a markedly smaller amount of variance for the vertebral pairs of the cervical compartment than for the remainder of the vertebral pairs, with the exception of the final pair. The relative standard deviations of the eigenvalues from the PCAs of the three vertebral compartments indicated that the vertebrae of the cervical compartment were less strongly integrated by scaling than were the sternal or dorsal vertebrae, which did not differ greatly between themselves in their strong integration, suggesting that the growth of the cervical vertebrae is constrained by the mechanical requirements of the head. Regionalization of the remainder of the vertebral column is less clearly defined but may be associated with wave form propagation incident upon locomotion, and by locomotory changes occasioned by tail autotomy and regeneration. Femur length exhibits negative allometry relative to individual vertebral pairs and to vertebral column length, suggesting a change in locomotor requirements over the ontogenetic size range.  相似文献   

Kato K  Oka Y  Park MK 《Zoological science》2008,25(5):492-502
Despite the physiological and evolutionary significance of lipid metabolism in amniotes, the molecular mechanisms involved have been unclear in reptiles. To elucidate this, we investigated peroxisome proliferators-activated receptors (PPARs) in the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius). PPARs belong to a nuclear hormone-receptor family mainly involved in lipid metabolism. Although PPARs have been widely studied in mammals, little information about them is yet available from reptiles. We identified in the leopard gecko partial cDNA sequences of PPARalpha and beta, and full sequences of two isoforms of PPARgamma. This is the first report of reptilian PPARgamma mRNA isoforms. We also evaluated the organ distribution of expression of these genes by using RT-PCR and competitive PCR. The expression level of PPARalpha mRNA was highest in the large intestine, and moderate in the liver and kidney. The expression level of PPARbeta mRNA was highest in the kidney and large intestine, and moderate in the liver. Similarly to the expression of human PPARgamma isoforms, PPARgammaa was expressed ubiquitously, whereas the expression of PPARgammab was restricted. The highest levels of their expression, however, were observed in the large intestine, rather than in the adipose tissue as in mammals. Taken together, these results showed that the profile of PPARbeta mRNA expression in the leopard gecko is similar to that in mammals, and that those of PPAR alpha and gamma are species specific. This may reflect adaptation to annual changes in lipid storage due to seasonal food availability.  相似文献   

Groups of female TMD rats were treated either with estradiol benzoate (EB), dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), testosterone propionate (TP), EB + DHTP (EB/DHTP), or with oil. These groups of females were tested for social aggression and for masculine and feminine sexual behavior. In addition, patterns of masculine and feminine sexual responses during the aggressive encounters, were investigated. TP-treated females of the same strain were used as opponents in the tests for aggression. In accordance with previous results, EB did not activate aggression whereas TP treatment resulted in a significant increase in aggression in females. Aggressive responses were activated by adding DHTP to EB, up to levels equal to those activated by TP. Sexual responses were observed in the tests for aggression as well as in tests for sexual behavior. The results indicated that feminine and masculine sexual responses were affected significantly by hormonal treatment. Mounting behavior in the test for aggression was activated by TP and by EB/DHTP. Lordosis and proceptive responses were inhibited in these groups as compared to EB-treated females, both in tests for aggression and in tests for sexual behavior. The results are consistent with the idea that dihydrotestosterone inhibits feminine and activates masculine sexual activity. The results also indicate that EB and DHTP synergistically activate aggression.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that sex steroids in the eggs, besides affecting progeny phenotype and behavior in the short term, also have enduring effects until adulthood, when they may translate into differences in reproductive strategies and success. Maternal steroids transfer may therefore affect both agonistic behavior and mate choice decisions, either through the promotion of body size and condition or through a priming effect on the neuroendocrine system. However, owing to the prevalence of a short-term perspective, relevance of maternal transfer of sex steroids to sexual selection processes has been seldom studied. Here we investigate the effects of an experimental increase in egg testosterone on male dominance and copulation success in the ring-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, a polygynous galliform with multiple male ornamental traits, in captivity. We found that females from testosterone (T) injected eggs copulated less than control females. Males from T-injected eggs obtained more copulations than control males, specifically with control females. The effect of male ‘ordinary’ and secondary sexual traits on either dominance or copulation frequency did not depend on early exposure to T, nor did T treatment affect male dominance. Present results demonstrate that variation in the early hormonal environment set up by mothers affects sexual behavior of the offspring, which might translate into fitness differences.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), in which the temperature at which an egg incubates determines the sex of the individual, occurs in egg-laying reptiles of three separate orders. Previous studies have shown that the embryonic environment can have effects lasting beyond the period of sex determination. We investigated the relative roles of incubation temperature, exogenous estradiol, and gonadal sex (testis vs. ovary) in the differentiation of adult morphological and physiological traits of the leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius. The results indicate that incubation temperature, steroid hormones, and gonads interact in the development of morphological and physiological characters with incubation temperature resulting in the greatest differences in adult phenotype. Incubation temperature did not affect reproductive success directly, but may influence offspring survival in natural situations through effects on adult female body size. Postnatal hormones seem to be more influential in the formation of adult phenotypes than prenatal hormones. These results demonstrate that TSD species can be used to investigate the effects of the physical environment on development in individuals without a predetermined genetic sex and thus provide further insight into the roles of gonadal sex and the embryonic environment in sexual differentiation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the sex-determining gene, Sry, a number of genes have been identified which are involved in sex determination and gonadogenesis in mammals. Although Sry is known to be the testis-determining factor in mammals, this is not the case in non-mammalian vertebrates. Sox9 is another gene that has been shown to have a male-specific role in sex determination, but, unlike Sry, Sox9 has been shown to be involved in sex determination in mammals, birds, and reptiles. This is the first gene to be described that has a conserved role in sex determination in species with either chromosomal or environmental sex-determining mechanisms. Many reptiles do not have sex chromosomes but exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Sox9 has been shown to be expressed in both turtle and alligator during gonadogenesis. To determine if Sox9 also has a role in a gecko species with TSD, we studied gonadal expression of Sox9 during embryonic development of the Leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius). Gecko Sox9 was found to be highly conserved at the nucleotide level when compared to other vertebrate species including human, chick, alligator, and turtle. Sox9 was found to be expressed in embryos incubated at the male-producing temperature (32.5 degrees C) as well as in embryos incubated at the female-producing temperatures (26 and 34 degrees C), Northern blot analysis showed that Sox9 was expressed at both temperatures from morphological stages 31 to 37. mRNA in situ hybridisation on isolated urogenital systems showed expression at both female- and male-producing temperatures up to stage 36. After this stage, no expression was seen in the female gonads but expression remained in the male. These data provide further evidence that Sox9 is an essential component of a testis-determining pathway that is conserved in species with differing sex-determining mechanisms.  相似文献   

Gonadally intact pseudohermaphroditic female and normal female and neonatally castrated male rhesus monkeys were given estrogen treatment as adults and evaluated for attractivity, proceptivity, and receptivity during tests with a tethered stud male. Pseudohermaphrodites were produced by injecting their mothers during pregnancy with either testosterone propionate (TP) or dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP). Castrated males had reliably lower attractivity than normal females on all indicator responses shown by the tethered males. Additionally, castrated males showed reliably fewer proceptive responses on 4 of 5 measures than normal females. Receptivity could not be assessed in this situation for castrated males, because tethered males never contacted them unless the castrated males were displaying presentation. No reliable differences were observed between pseudohermaphrodites produced by prenatal treatments with TP or DHTP. Pseudohermaphrodites generally showed reliably less attractivity and proceptivity than normal females and reliably more of these traits than castrated males. Attractivity scores for pseudohermaphrodites were not different from those for normal females until proximity to the tethered male was established. Receptivity was not different in pseudohermaphrodites compared with normal females. Results indicate prenatal androgenization and its developmental sequelae lead to a defeminization in adulthood which, in this testing situation, was principally manifested by a deficiency in the performance of proceptive behaviors. Additionally, defeminization in rhesus monkeys, unlike that demonstrated in rodents, does not depend upon actions of an aromatizable androgen.  相似文献   

The egg tooth of squamates evolved to facilitate hatching from mineralized eggshells. Squamate reptiles can assist their hatching with a single unpaired egg tooth (unidentates) or double egg teeth (geckos and dibamids). Egg tooth ontogeny in two gekkotan species, the leopard gecko Eublepharis macularius and the mourning gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris, was compared using microtomography, scanning electron microscopy, and light microscopy. Investigated species are characterized by different hardnesses of their eggshells. Leopard geckos eggs have a relatively soft and flexible parchment (leathery) shell, while eggshells of mourning geckos are hard and rigid. Embryos of both species, like other Gekkota, have double egg teeth, but the morphology of these structures differs between the investigated species. These differences in shape, localization, and spatial orientation were present from the earliest stages of embryonic development. In mourning gecko, anlagen of differentiating egg teeth change their position on the palate during embryonic development. Initially they are separated by condensed mesenchyme, but later in development, their enamel organs are connected. In leopard geckos, the localization of egg tooth germs does not change, but their spatial orientation does. Egg teeth of this species shift from inward to outward orientation. This is likely related to differences in structure and mechanical properties of eggshells in the studied species. In investigated species, two hatching mechanisms are possible during emergence of young individuals. We speculate that mourning geckos break the eggshell through puncturing action with egg teeth, similar to the pipping phase of chick and turtles embryos. Egg teeth of leopard geckos cut egg membranes similarly to most squamates. Our results also revealed differences in egg tooth implantation between Gekkota and Unidentata: gekkotan egg teeth are subthecodont (in shallow sockets), while those in unidentates are acrodont (attached to the top of the alveolar ridge). © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC  相似文献   

Long-term ovariectomy reduces the ability of estradiol and progesterone treatment to induce sexual receptivity in female rats. Previous researchers suggested that this effect may be due to a decreased induction of neural progestin receptors by estradiol in the long-term ovariectomized rats. The present study was designed to replicate and extend this finding, and to search for neuroanatomical correlates by measuring the volume of the ventromedial nucleus (VMN) of the hypothalamus, a putative site of action of estradiol and progesterone for the induction of female sexual behavior. Long-term ovariectomy (5 to 6 weeks) as compared to short-term ovariectomy (1 week) reduced the ability of estradiol-17 beta and progesterone treatment to induce sexually receptive and proceptive behaviors. Consistent with previous reports, our data show that the reduced levels of cytosol progestin receptors after long-term ovariectomy and estradiol treatment are related to a reduced ability of estradiol to induce the receptors. Long-term ovariectomy did not affect the concentration of cytosol progestin receptors in the preoptic area, suggesting a neuroanatomical specificity to this effect. Contrary to our predictions, long-term ovariectomy did not affect the volume of the VMN. In fact, estradiol treatment, while blocking the effect of long-term ovariectomy on sexual behavior, decreased the volume of the VMN. Therefore, the measurement of the volume of the VMN is not a good predictor of the responsiveness to steroid hormone induction of sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to assess the possible involvement of 3′:5′cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in the hormonally mediated activation of masculine and feminine sexual behavior in female rats. In Experiment I, theophylline, a compound shown to be effective in inhibiting the degradation of cAMP, was combined with estradiol benzoate (EB) in an attempt to potentiate the action of estradiol for inducing feminine or masculine sexual behavior. Theophylline, when administered in combination with EB to ovariectomized females, resulted in an increase in masculine sexual behavior but no potentiating action on female receptivity. In Experiment II, theophylline, when given to female rats, potentiated the action of testosterone propionate in stimulating male but not female sexual behavior. These data suggest that estradiol and testosterone may be activating masculine sexual behavior through similar biochemical mechanisms. Likewise, cAMP may be involved in the activation of masculine but not feminine sexual behavior by gonadal steroids.  相似文献   

The effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) infusion of four neuropeptides on female sexual behavior were examined in the female musk shrew (Suncus murinus). In the first experiment, (icv) infusion of 100 ng of the mammalian form of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (mGnRH) facilitated rapid display of receptivity. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone-infused females had shorter latencies to rump present and tail wag, compared with controls. In a second experiment, icv administration of the other form of GnRH present in musk shrew brain, the chicken GnRH-II form, produced no changes in female behavior relative to the control condition. In Experiment 3, icv delivery of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) facilitated female sexual behavior, relative to vasopressin and controls. The females treated with CRH had shorter latencies to display rump present, tail wag, and for the receipt of the first missed intromission compared with females in the other treatment groups. Vasopressin increased female scent marking relative to that of CRH-treated females. These data indicate that neurohormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axes can facilitate reproductive behavior in S. murinus.  相似文献   

Steroid hormones released immediately before and after birth provoke sexual differentiation of neural circuits. Further, steroid hormones secreted during adolescence also exert long lasting effects on the nervous system. Hormones secreted during development may act through two distinct pathways: (1) hormones can directly affect neuron and synapse elimination and (2) endocrine changes in the nervous system may occur secondary to changes in social behaviors. Therefore, a critical period for organization of the nervous system by steroid hormones during adolescence may also be a sensitive period for the effects of social experience. The overall goal of this experiment was to determine whether the opportunity to mate with a sexually receptive female during this adolescent critical period would have enduring effects on behavior and neuronal morphology into adulthood. A second question was to determine the extent to which testosterone mediated the effects of these social interactions on adult outcomes. Compared to sexually inexperienced hamsters and those that experienced sex for the first time in adulthood, hamsters that experienced adolescent sexual experience displayed increased anxiety- and depressive-like behavioral responses. Adolescent sexual experiences decreased the complexity and length of dendrites on prefrontal cortical neurons and increased the expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1β (IL-1β) in the PFC. In a second experiment, administration of testosterone during the adolescent period largely recapitulated the effects of adolescent sexual experience. These data support the overall hypothesis that a sensitive period extends into adolescence and that salient social stimuli during this time can significantly and persistently alter adult phenotype.  相似文献   

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