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Triton-insoluble cytoskeletons were isolated from Dictyostelium discoideum AX3 cells prior to and following stimulation with 2'deoxy cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Temporal changes in the content of actin and a 120,000 dalton actin-binding protein (ABP-120) in cytoskeletons following stimulation were monitored. Both actin and ABP-120 were incorporated into the cytoskeleton at 30-40 seconds following stimulation, which is cotemporal with the onset of pseudopod extension during stimulation of amoebae with chemoattractants. Changes in the content of total cytoskeletal protein and cytoskeletal myosin were determined under the same experimental conditions as controls. These proteins exhibited different kinetics from those of cytoskeletal ABP-120 and actin following the addition of 2'deoxy cAMP. The authors concluded that the association of ABP-120 with the cytoskeleton is regulated during cAMP signalling. Furthermore, these results indicate that ABP-120 is involved in cross-linking newly assembled actin filaments into the cytoskeleton during chemoattractant-stimulated pseudopod extension.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum amebae chemotax toward folate during vegetative growth and toward extracellular cAMP during the aggregation phase that follows starvation. Stimulation of starving amebae with extracellular cAMP leads to both actin polymerization and pseudopod extension (Hall et al., 1988, J. Cell. Biochem. 37, 285-299). We have identified an actin nucleation activity (NA) from starving amebae that is regulated by cAMP receptors and controls actin polymerization (Hall et al., 1989, J. Cell Biol., in press). We show here that NA from vegetative cells is also regulated by chemotactic receptors for folate. Our studies indicate that NA is an essential effector in control of the actin cytoskeleton by chemotactic receptors. Guided by a recently proposed model for signal transduction from the cAMP receptor (Snaar-Jagalska et al., 1988, Dev. Genet. 9, 215-225), we investigated which of three signaling pathways activates the NA effector. Treatment of whole cells with a commercial pertussis toxin preparation (PT) inhibited cAMP-stimulated NA. However, endotoxin contamination of the PT appears to account for this effect. The synag7 mutation and caffeine treatment do not inhibit activation of NA by cAMP. Thus, neither activation of adenylate cyclase nor a G protein sensitive to PT treatment of whole cells is necessary for the NA response. Actin nucleation activity stimulated with folate is normal in vegetative fgdA cells. However, cAMP suppresses rather than activates NA in starving fgdA cells. This indicates that the components of the actin nucleation effector are present and that a pathway regulating the inhibitor(s) of nucleation remains functional in starving fgdA cells. The locus of the fgdA defect, a G protein implicated in phospholipase C activation, is directly or indirectly responsible for transduction of the stimulatory chemotactic signal from cAMP receptors to the nucleation effector in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   



All human pathogenic Yersinia species share a virulence-associated type III secretion system that translocates Yersinia effector proteins into host cells to counteract infection-induced signaling responses and prevent phagocytosis. Dictyostelium discoideum has been recently used to study the effects of bacterial virulence factors produced by internalized pathogens. In this study we explored the potential of Dictyostelium as model organism for analyzing the effects of ectopically expressed Yersinia outer proteins (Yops).  相似文献   

Cell migration is involved in various physiological and pathogenic events, and the complex underlying molecular mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. The simple eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum displays chemotactic locomotion in stages of its life cycle. By characterizing a Dictyostelium mutant defective in chemotactic responses, we identified a novel actin-binding protein serving to modulate cell migration and named it actin-binding protein G (AbpG); this 971–amino acid (aa) protein contains an N-terminal type 2 calponin homology (CH2) domain followed by two large coiled-coil regions. In chemoattractant gradients, abpG cells display normal directional persistence but migrate significantly more slowly than wild-type cells; expressing Flag-AbpG in mutant cells eliminates the motility defect. AbpG is enriched in cortical/lamellipodial regions and colocalizes well with F-actin; aa 401–600 and aa 501–550 fragments of AbpG show the same distribution as full-length AbpG. The aa 501–550 region of AbpG, which is essential for AbpG to localize to lamellipodia and to rescue the phenotype of abpG cells, is sufficient for binding to F-actin and represents a novel actin-binding protein domain. Compared with wild-type cells, abpG cells have significantly higher F-actin levels. Collectively our results suggest that AbpG may participate in modulating actin dynamics to optimize cell locomotion.  相似文献   

This is the first report correlating levels of polyamines and its fractions with differentiation in Dictyostelium discoideum. Temporal changes in endogenous levels of free, conjugated and bound putrescine, spermidine and spermine were analysed at critical stages of morphogenesis in this organism. No spermine was found at any given stage and putrescine was the most abundant polyamine. There was a sharp increase in the levels of both free (and total) and conjugated forms of putrescine and spermidine at the slug stage as compared to the growth phase. The levels of putrescine and spermidine were found to be higher in isolated prespore cells as compared to the prestalk cells. Remarkably, the levels of polyamine decreased at the early culminant stage. Data suggest that a moderate level of polyamines is needed for growth but it is important to have high levels of polyamines at the time of differentiation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,96(6):1559-1565
Postvegetative Dictyostelium discoideum cells react chemotactically to gradients of cAMP, folic acid, and pterin. In the presence of a constant concentration of 10(-5) M cAMP cells move at random. They still are able to respond to superimposed gradients of cAMP, although the response is less efficient than without the high background level of cAMP. Cells which are accommodated to 10(-5) M cAMP do not react to a gradient of cAMP if the mean cAMP concentration is decreasing with time. This indicates the involvement of adaptation in the detection of chemotactic gradients: cells adapt to the mean concentration of chemoattractant and respond to positive deviations from the mean concentration. Cells adapted to high cAMP concentrations react normally to gradients of folic acid or pterin. Adaptation to one of these compounds does not affect the response to the other attractants. This suggests that cAMP, folic acid, and pterin are detected by different receptors, and that adaptation is localized at a step in the transduction process before the signals from these receptors coincide into one pathway. I discuss the implications of adaptation for chemotaxis and cell aggregation.  相似文献   

A new model for chemotactic signal transduction in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae were employed to study the refractoriness and adaptation of the rapid (5sec) accumulation of actin in their Triton-insoluble cytoskeletons following stimulation with specific chemoattractants. Amoebae became refractory within 10sec for this response but no adaptation occurred during this period. Amoebae desensitized for one attractant were not desensitized for another and responses to stimulation with a mixture of attractants were approximately additive. The characteristics of these processes are compared to published studies of adaptation in other chemoattractant-induced responses and a new model for the chemotactic signal transduction pathway is formulated. We conclude that intracellular cGMP accumulation may be on a separate branch of the pathway from the actin response.  相似文献   

We have investigated the expression of 14 cloned genes of the 20-member actin multigene family of Dictyostelium discoideum using gene-specific mRNA complementary probes and an RNase protection assay. Actin gene expression was studied in vegetative cells and in cells at a number of developmental stages chosen to represent the known major shifts in actin mRNA and protein synthesis. At least 13 of these genes are expressed. A few genes are expressed very abundantly at 10% or more of total actin mRNA; however, the majority are maximally expressed at 1 to 5% of actin message. Although all of the genes are transcribed in vegetative cells, most genes appear to be independently regulated. Actin 8 appears to be transcribed at constant, high levels throughout growth and development. Actin 12 mRNA is maximally expressed in vegetative cells but the level is reduced appreciably by the earliest stage of development examined, while Actin 7 mRNA is specifically induced approximately sevenfold at this time. The rest of the genes appear to be induced 1.5 to 2-fold early in development, coincident with the increase in total actin mRNA. Since 12 of the genes code for extremely homologous proteins, it is possible that the large number of actin genes in Dictyostelium is utilized for precise regulation of the amount of actin produced at any stage of development, even though individual gene expression appears in some cases to be very stage-specific. In addition to these 13 actin genes, at least two and possibly four more genes are known to be expressed, because they are represented by complementary DNA clones, and an additional one or two expressed genes are indicated by primer extension experiments. Only one known gene, Actin 2-sub 2, is almost certainly a pseudogene. Thus the vast majority of Dictyostelium actin genes are expressed.  相似文献   

Mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum that developed huge aggregation streams in expanding clones were investigated using optical and biochemical techniques. Representatives of the six complementation groups previously identified (stmA-stmF) were found to be similar to the parental wild-type strain XP55 in both the extent and timing of their ability to initiate and relay chemotactic signals and in the formation of cyclic AMP receptors and phosphodiesterases. The mutants differed from the wild-type in producing an abnormal chemotactic (movement) response visible using both dark-field optics with synchronously aggregating amoebae on solid substrata and light scattering techniques with oxygenated cell suspensions. Mutants of complementation group stmF showed chemotactic movement responses lasting up to 520 s, rather than 100 s as seen in the parental and other strains. Measurements of cyclic GMP formed intracellularly in response to chemotactic pulses of cyclic AMP in stmF mutants showed that abnormally high concentrations of this nucleotide were formed within 10 s and were not rapidly degraded. A causal correlation between defective cyclic GMP metabolism and the altered chemotactic response is suggested, and a model is proposed that accounts for the formation of huge aggregation streams in clones of these mutants.U  相似文献   

A new type of actin rod formed in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm, as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of actin, is implicated in the maintenance of dormancy and viability of Dictyostelium discoideum spores. Here the ultrastructure of the rods and their relationship to the phosphorylation of actin were examined. The rods first appeared in premature spores at the midculmination stage as bundles composed of actin tubules hexagonally cross-linked. The 13-nm-diameter bundles were composed of three actin filaments. Formation of the actin rods begins during the late culmination stage and proceeds until 2 days after completion of fruiting bodies. The physical events occur in the following order; association of several modules of bundles, close packing and decrease in diameter of actin tubules, elongation of rods across the nucleus or the cytoplasm. Actin phosphorylation levels increased at the late culmination stage and reached a maximum level 12 h later. Immediately following activation of spore germination, actin was rapidly dephosphorylated, followed shortly thereafter by the disappearance of rods. Shortened actin tubules once again became arranged in a hexagonal pattern. This hexagonal arrangement of actin tubules is possibly involved in rod formation and disappearance and does not depend upon actin phosphorylation. In contrast, rod-maturation processes may correlate with actin phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Treatment of 6-h differentiated Dictyostelium discoideum cells with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 dissolves away membranes and soluble components, as judged by marker enzyme distributions, leaving intact a cytoskeletal residue that contains approximately 10% of the cell protein and 50% of the actin. Nitrobenzooxadiazo-phallacidin staining for F-actin and electron microscopy of detergent-extracted whole-mounts indicate that the cytoskeletons retain the size and shape of intact cells and contain F-actin in cortical meshworks. The cytoskeletons contain little if any remaining membrane material by morphological criteria, and the plasma membrane enzymes cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and alkaline phosphatase are absent from the insoluble residue, which retains only 15% of the membrane concanavalin A-binding glycoproteins. This detergent-insoluble residue retains a specific [3H]cAMP-binding site with the nucleotide specificity, rapid kinetics and approximate affinity of the cAMP receptor on intact cells. Upon detergent extraction of cells, the number of cAMP-binding sites increases 20-70%. The binding site is attached to the insoluble residue whether or not the cAMP receptor is occupied at the time of detergent addition. The pH dependence for recovery of the insoluble cAMP-binding site is much sharper than that on intact cells or membranes with an optimum at pH 6.1. Conditions of pH and ionic composition that lead to disruption of the cytoskeleton upon detergent treatment also result in the loss of cAMP binding. During differentiation, the detergent- insoluble cAMP binding increases in parallel with cell surface cAMP receptors and chemotaxis to cAMP.  相似文献   

The topography and functional domains of the cAMP chemotactic receptor of Dictyostelium discoideum were investigated by protease sensitivity to chymotrypsin. Proteolytic digestion of intact cells produced a 23-kDa fragment of the receptor that retained the photoaffinity label used to identify the receptor. Additionally, this fragment contained the sites phosphorylated by CAR-kinase, the enzyme that phosphorylates the ligand-occupied form of the receptor. The fragment was also found to be phosphorylated in response to cAMP stimulation of cells. Proteolytic digestion of either intact cells or membrane preparations did not appreciably alter the binding properties of the receptor, indicating that the domains which determine the cAMP binding pocket are likely to be transmembrane regions of the protein. Additionally, the sensitivity of down-regulated receptors to chymotrypsin digestion suggests that the initial loss of cAMP binding activity upon incubation of cells with high concentrations of ligand does not require receptor internalization.  相似文献   

Supramolecular forms of actin from amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actin purified from amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum polymerizes into filaments at 24 degrees upon addition of KCl, as judged by a change in optical density at 232 nm and by electron microscopy. The rate and extent of formation of this supramolecular assembly and the optimal KCl concentrations (0.1 M) for assembly are similar to those of striated muscle actin. The apparent equilibrium constant for the monomer-polymer transition is 1.3 muM for both Dictyostelium and muscle actin. Although assembly of highly purified Dictyostelium actin monomers into individual actin filaments resembles that of muscle actin, Dictyostelium actin but not muscle actin was observed to assemble into two-dimensional nets in 10 mM CaCl2. The Dictyostelium actin also forms filament bundles which are 0.1 mum in diameter and which assemble in the presence of 5 mM MgCl2. These bundles formed from partially purified Dictyostelium actin preparations but not from highly purified preparations, suggesting that their formation may depend on the presence of another component. These actin bundles reconstituted in vitro resemble the actin-containing bundles found in situ by microscopy in many non-muscle cells.  相似文献   

Actin has been purified from amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum by a procedure which is notable in that proteolysis has been diminished to undetectable levels and "selective" purification steps have been avoided. The overall yield of this procedure is 5- to 10- fold greater than that of a previous report (Spudich, J. A. (1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 6013-6020). The detailed biochemical and structural properties of this new preparation (preparation B) have been compared to those of Dictyostelium actin prepared by the previous procedure (preparation A) as well as to rabbit skeletal muscle actin. Preparation B actin is similar to muscle actin in its molecular weight, ability to activate myosin, filament structure, and polymerization properties. Preparation B actin has the same molecular weight and isoelectric point as preparation A actin, which is more acidic than that of skeletal muscle actin. However, preparation B actin and muscle actin form longer filaments than preparation A actin, as judged by viscometry and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Cell movement involves a coordinated regulation of the cytoskeleton, F-actin-mediated protrusions at the front and myosin-mediated contraction of the posterior of a cell. The small GTPase Rap1 functions as a key regulator in the spatial and temporal control of cytoskeleton reorganization for cell migration. This review outlines the establishment of cell polarity by differential localizations of the cytoskeleton and discusses the spatial and temporal regulation of cytoskeleton reorganization via the Rap1 signaling pathway during chemotaxis with a focus on recent advances in the study of chemotaxis using a simple eukaryotic model organism, Dictyostelium discoideum.  相似文献   

Stimulation, within 1 min after cAMP stimulation, of aggregation-competent Dictyostelium discoideum amebae was found to cause a rapid (within 1 min) modification of the cell's surface cAMP receptor. The modified receptor migrated on SDS PAGE as a 47,000-mol-wt protein, as opposed to a 45,000-mol-wt protein labeled on unstimulated cells. The length of time this modified receptor could be detected depended upon the strength of the cAMP stimulus: 3-4 min after treatment with 10(-7) M cAMP, cells no longer possessed the 47,000-mol-wt form of the cAMP receptor. Instead, the 45,000-mol-wt form was present. Stimulation of cells with 10(-5) M cAMP, however, resulted in the persistent (over 15 min) expression of the modified receptor. The time course, concentration dependence, and specificity of stimulus for this cAMP-induced shift in the cAMP receptor were found to parallel the cAMP-stimulated phosphorylation of a 47,000-mol-wt protein. In addition, both phenomena were shown to occur in the absence of endogenous cAMP synthesis. The possibility that the cAMP receptor is phosphorylated in response to cAMP stimulation, and the role of this event in cell desensitization, are discussed.  相似文献   

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