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We have constructed a mutant Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942, termed R2HECAT, in which the entire phycobilisome rod operon has been deleted. In the whole cell absorption spectra of R2HECAT, the peak corresponding to phycocyanin (PC), max620 nm, could not be detected. However, a single pigment-protein fraction with max=654 nm could be isolated on sucrose gradients from R2HECAT. Analysis of this pigment-protein fraction by non-denaturing PAGE indicates an apparent molecular mass of about 1200–1300 kDa. On exposure to low temperature, the isolated pigment-protein complex dissociated to a protein complex with a molecular mass of about 560 kDa. When analysed by SDS-PAGE, the pigment-protein fraction was found to consist of the core polypeptides but lacked PC, 27, 33, 30, and the 9 kDa polypeptides which are a part of the rods. All the chromophore bearing polypeptides of the core were found to be chromophorylated. CD as well as absorption spectra showed the expected maxima around 652 and 675 nm from allophycocyanin (APC) and allophycocyanin B (APC-B) chromophores. Low temperature fluorescence and excitation spectra also showed that the core particles were fully functional with respect to the energy transfer between the APC chromophores. We conclude that PC and therefore the rods are dispensable for the survival of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. The results indicate that stable and functional core can assemble in absence of the rods. These rod-less phycobilisome core is able to transfer energy to Photosystem II.Abbreviations PS II Photosystem II - PC phycocyanin - APC allophycocyanin - APC-B allophycocyanin B - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Cml chloramphenicol - kbp kilobase pairs  相似文献   

Photosystem I-driven cyclic electron transport was measured in intact cells of Synechococcus sp PCC 7942 grown under different light intensities using photoacoustic and spectroscopic methods. The light-saturated capacity for PS I cyclic electron transport increased relative to chlorophyll concentration, PS I concentration, and linear electron transport capacity as growth light intensity was raised. In cells grown under moderate to high light intensity, PS I cyclic electron transport was nearly insensitive to methyl viologen, indicating that the cyclic electron supply to PS I derived almost exclusively from a thylakoid dehydrogenase. In cells grown under low light intensity, PS I cyclic electron transport was partially inhibited by methyl viologen, indicating that part of the cyclic electron supply to PS I derived directly from ferredoxin. It is proposed that the increased PSI cyclic electron transport observed in cells grown under high light intensity is a response to chronic photoinhibition.Abbreviations DBMIB 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - ES energy storage - MV methyl viologen - PAm photoacoustic thermal signal with strong non-modulated background light added - PAs photoacoustic thermal signal without background light added CIW/DPB Publication No. 1205.  相似文献   

The unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 has three psbA genes encoding two different forms of the photosystem II reaction centre protein D1 (D1:1 and D1:2). The level of expression of these psbA genes and the synthesis of D1:1 and D1:2 are strongly regulated under varying light conditions. In order to better understand the regulatory mechanisms underlying these processes, we have constructed a strain of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 capable of over-producing psbA mRNA and D1 protein. In this study, we describe the over-expression of D1:1 using a tac-hybrid promoter in front of the psbAI gene in combination with lacI Q repressor system. Over-production of D1:1 was induced by growing cells for 12 h at 50 mol photons m-2 s-1 in the presence of 40 or 80 g/ml IPTG. The amount of psbAI mRNA and that of D1:1 protein in cells grown with IPTG was three times and two times higher, respectively. A higher concentration of IPTG (i.e., 150 g/ml) did not further increase the production of the psbAI message or D1:1. The over-production of D1:1 caused a decrease in the level of D1:2 synthesised, resulting in most PSII reaction centres containing D1:1. However, the over-production of D1:1 had no effect on the pigment composition (chlorophyll a or phycocyanin/number of cells) or the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis. This and the fact that the total amounts of D1 and D2 proteins were not affected by IPTG suggest that the number of PSII centres within the membranes remained unchanged. From these results, we conclude that expression of psbAI can be regulated by using the tac promoter and lacI Q system. However, the accumulation of D1:1 protein into the membrane is regulated by the number of PSII centres.  相似文献   

Water transport across plant cell membranes is difficult to measure. We present here a model assay, based on chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorometry, with which net water transport across the cell membrane of freshwater cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 (S7942) can be followed kinetically with millisecond-time resolution. In cyanobacteria, the phycobilisome (PBS)-sensitized Chl a fluorescence increases when cells expand (e.g., in hypo-osmotic suspension) and decreases when cells contract (e.g., in hyper-osmotic suspension). The osmotically-induced Chl a fluorescence changes are proportional to the reciprocal of the suspension osmolality (ΔF ∝ Osm−1; Papageorgiou GC and Alygizaki-Zorba A (1997) Biochim Biophys Acta 1335: 1–4). In our model assay, S7942 cells were loaded with NaCl (passively penetrating solute) and shrunk in hyper-osmotic glycine betaine (nonpenetrating solute). Upon injecting these cells into hypo-osmotic medium, the PBS-sensitized Chl a fluorescence rose to a maximum due to the osmotically-driven water uptake. The rise of Chl a fluorescence (water uptake) was partially inhibited by HgCl2, at micromolar concentrations. Arrhenius plots of the water uptake rates gave activation energies of EA=4.9 kcal mol−1, in the absence of HgCl2, and EA=11.9 kcal mol−1 in its presence. These results satisfy the usual criteria for facilitated water transport through protein water pores of plasma membranes (aquaporins), namely sensitivity to Hg2+ ions and low activation energy.  相似文献   

We have constructed a mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 deficient in the Photosystem I subunit PsaL. As has been shown in other cyanobacteria, we find that Photosystem I is exclusively monomeric in the PsaL(-) mutant: no Photosystem I trimers can be isolated. The mutation does not significantly alter pigment composition, photosystem stoichiometry, or the steady-state light-harvesting properties of the cells. In agreement with a study in Synechococcus sp. PCC7002 [Schluchter et al. (1996) Photochem Photobiol 64: 53-66], we find that state transitions, a physiological adaptation of light-harvesting function, occur significantly faster in the PsaL(-) mutant than in the wild-type. To explore the reasons for this, we have used fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to measure the diffusion of phycobilisomes in vivo. We find that phycobilisomes diffuse, on average, nearly three times faster in the PsaL(-) mutant than in the wild-type. We discuss the implications for the mechanism of state transitions in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Phycobilisomes (PBS) function as light-harvesting antenna complexes in cyanobacteria, red algae and cyanelles. They are composed of two substructures: the core and peripheral rods. Interposon mutagenesis of the cpcBA genes of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 resulted in a strain (PR6008) lacking phycocyanin and thus the ability to form peripheral rods. Difference absorption spectroscopy of whole cells showed that intact PBS cores were assembled in vivo in the cpcBA mutant strain PR6008. Fluorescence induction measurements demonstrated that the PBS cores are able to deliver absorbed light energy to photosystem (PS) II, and fluorescence induction transients in the presence of DCMU showed that PR6008 cells could perform a state 2 to state 1 transition with similar kinetics to that of the wild-type cells. Thus, PBS core assembly, light-harvesting functions and energy transfer to PS I were not dependent upon the assembly of the peripheral rods. The ratio of PS II:PS I in the PR6008 cells was significantly increased, nearly twice that of the wild-type cells, possibly a result of long-term adaptation to compensate for the reduced antenna size of PS II. However, the ratio of PBS cores:chlorophyll remained unchanged. This result indicates that approximately half of the PS II reaction centers in the PR6008 cells had no closely associated PBS cores.  相似文献   

Chauhan  Sanjay  Pandey  Ritu  Singhal  Gauri S. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(2):161-167
Effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiation on ultrastructure, total cellular protein, and PS2 proteins D1 and D2 of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 cells was studied. The scanning electron micrographs showed UV-B radiation induced bending of the cells. The transmission electron micrographs revealed disorganization and shift in thylakoid lamellar structure to one side of the cell. The cellular phycocyanin/chlorophyll ratio decreased with increasing UV-B treatment and due to this the colour of cells turned light-green. No apparent change in total cellular proteins was evident, but the contents of two major proteins of PS2, D1 and D2, showed decline due to UV-B irradiation, although to different extent.  相似文献   

The study of turnover of two distinct forms of the photosystem II (PSII) D1 protein in cells of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942 showed that the 'high-light' form D1:2 is degraded significantly faster at 500 microE m(-2) s(-1) as compared with 50 microE m(-2) s(-1) while the degradation rates of the 'low-light' form D1:1 under low and high irradiance are not substantially different. Consequently, the D1:1 turnover does not match photoinactivation of PSII under increased irradiance and therefore the cells containing this D1 form exhibit a decrease in the PSII activity. Monitoring of the content of each D1 form during a recovery from growth-temperature photoinhibition showed a good correlation between the synthesis of D1:2 and restoration of the PSII activity. In contrast, when photoinhibitory treatment was conducted at low temperature, a fast recovery was not accompanied by the D1:2 accumulation. The data suggest that photoinactivation at growth temperature results in a modification of PSII that inhibits insertion of D1:1 and, therefore, for restoration of the photochemical activity in the photoinactivated PSII complexes the D1:2 synthesis is needed. This may represent the primary reason for the requirement of psbAII/psbAIII expression under increased irradiance.  相似文献   

The effect of the Photosystem II (PSII) inhibitors dichlorophenyldimethylurea (DCMU) and bromonitrothymol (BNT) on the rate of the high-light induced D1 protein turnover was studied in whole cells of two cyanobacterial strains Synechocystis PCC 6803 and Synechococcus PCC 7942. In Synechocystis the D1 degradation was slowed down to a similar extent in the presence of either inhibitor compared with control cells. This slower degradation corresponded with the retardation of Photosystem II photoinactivation (PSIIPI) measured as a decline of PS II activity in the illuminated cells treated with chloramphenicol (CAP). The ongoing D1 synthesis in the presence of both PS II inhibitors was confirmed by unchanging PS II activity and the steady-state level of D1 during illumination in the absence of CAP. In Synechococcus cells both DCMU and BNT blocked the turnover of the 'low-light' D1 form (D1:1) but did not prevent the exchange of the 'high-light' form D1:2 for the D1:1 form. The similar effect of both herbicides on the D1 exchange was in contrast with their influence on the rate of PSIIPI. While DCMU had a pronounced protective effect, BNT significantly increased the rate of PS II photodamage. The fast BNT-induced decline of PS II activity was also observed in Synechocystis cells treated with azide, an inhibitor of reactive oxygen species scavenging enzymes. Therefore, we assume that the distinct sensitivity of the two cyanobacterial strains to BNT can be caused by different content and/or activity of these enzymes in each strain.  相似文献   

Coexpression of pairs of nonhaemolytic H1yA mutants in the recombination-deficient (recA) strain Escherichia coli HB101 resulted in a partial reconstitution of haemolytic activity, indicating that the mutation in one H1yA molecule can be complemented by the corresponding wild-type sequence in the other mutant HlyA molecule and vice versa. This suggests that two or more HlyA molecules aggregate prior to pore formation. Partial reconstitution of the haemolytic activity was obtained by the combined expression of a nonhaemolytic HlyA derivative containing a deletion of five repeat units in the repeat domain and several nonhaemolytic HlyA mutants affected in the pore-forming hydrophobic region. The simultaneous expression of two inactive mutant HlyA proteins affected in the region at which HlyA is covalently modified by HlyC and the repeat domain, respectively, resulted in a haemolytic phenotype on blood agar plates comparable to that of wild-type haemolysin. However, complementation was not possible between pairs of HlyA molecules containing site-directed mutations in the hydrophobic region and the modification region, respectively. In addition, no complementation was observed between HlyA mutants with specific mutations at different sites of the same functional domain, i.e. within the hydrophobic region, the modification region or the repeat domain. The aggregation of the HlyA molecules appears to take place after secretion, since no extracellular haemolytic activity was detected when a truncated but active HlyA lacking the C-terminal secretion sequence was expressed together with a non-haemolytic but transport-competent HlyA mutant containing a deletion in the repeat domain.  相似文献   

We have examined the molecular and photosynthetic responses of a planktonic cyanobacterium to shifts in light intensity over periods up to one generation (7 h). Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 possesses two functionally distinct forms of the D1 protein, D1∶1 and D1∶2. Photosystem II (PSII) centers containing D1∶1 are less efficient and more susceptible to photoinhibition than are centers containing D 1∶2. Under 50 μmol photons· m?2·s?1, PSII centers contain D1∶1, but upon shifts to higher light (200 to 1000 μmol photons·m?2·s?1), D1∶1 is rapidly replaced by D 1∶2, with the rate of interchange dependent on the magnitude of the light shift. This interchange is readily reversed when cells are returned to 50 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. If, however, incubation under 200 μmol photons·m?2·s?1 is extended, D1∶1 content recovers and by 3 h after the light shift D1∶1 once again predominates. Oxygen evolution and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence measurements spanning the light shift and D1 interchanges showed an initial inhibition of photosynthesis at 200 μmol photons·m?2·s?1, which correlates with a proportional loss of total D1 protein and a cessation of growth. This was followed by recovery in photosynthesis and growth as the maximum level of D 1∶2 is reached after 2 h at 200 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. Thereafter, photosynthesis steadily declines with the loss of D1∶2 and the return of the less-efficient D1∶1. During the D1∶1/D1∶2 interchanges, no significant change occurs in the level of phycocyanin (PC) and Chl a, nor of the phycobilisome rod linkers. Nevertheless, the initial PC/Chl a ratio strongly influences the magnitude of photo inhibition and recovery during the light shifts. In Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942, the PC/Chl a ratio responds only slowly to light intensity or quality, while the rapid but transient interchange between D1∶1 and D 1∶2 modulates PSII activity to limit damage upon exposure to excess light.  相似文献   

Dissipation of absorbed excitation energy as heat, measured by its effect on the quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence, is induced under conditions of excess light in order to protect the photosynthetic apparatus of plants from light-dependent damage. The spectral characteristics of this quenching have been compared to that due to photochemistry in the Photosystem II reaction centre using leaves of Guzmania monostachia. This was achieved by making measurements at 77K when fluorescence emission bands from each type of chlorophyll protein complex can be distinguished. It was demonstrated that photochemistry and non-photochemical dissipation preferentially quench different emission bands and therefore occur by dissimilar mechanisms at separate sites. It was found that photochemistry was associated with a preferential quenching of emission at 688 nm whereas the spectrum for rapidly reversible non-photochemical quenching had maxima at 683 nm and 698 nm, suggesting selective quenching of the bands originating from the light harvesting complexes of Photosystem II. Further evidence that this was occurring in the light harvesting system was obtained from the fluorescence excitation spectra recorded in the quenched and relaxed states.Abbreviations pH transthylakoid pH gradient - Fo minimum level of chlorophyll fluorescence when Photosystem II reaction centres are open - Fm maximum level of fluorescence when Photosystem II reaction centres are closed - Fv variable fluorescence Fm minus Fo - F'o Fo in any quenched state - Fm Fm in any quenched state - LHCII light harvesting complexes of Photosystem II - PSI Photosystem I - PS II Photosystem II - qN non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence - qE non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence that occurs in the presence of a pH  相似文献   

High light stress induced not only a sustained form of xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation but also sustained thylakoid protein phosphorylation. The effect of protein phosphatase inhibitors (fluoride and molybdate ions) on recovery from a 1-h exposure to a high PFD was examined in leaf discs of Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper). Inhibition of protein dephosphorylation induced zeaxanthin retention and sustained energy dissipation (NPQ) upon return to low PFD for recovery, but had no significant effects on pigment and Chl fluorescence characteristics under high light exposure. In addition, whole plants of Monstera deliciosa and spinach grown at low to moderate PFDs were transferred to high PFDs, and thylakoid protein phosphorylation pattern (assessed with anti-phosphothreonine antibody) as well as pigment and Chl fluorescence characteristics were examined over several days. A correlation was obtained between dark-sustained D1/D2 phosphorylation and dark-sustained zeaxanthin retention and maintenance of PS II in a state primed for energy dissipation in both species. The degree of these dark-sustained phenomena was more pronounced in M. deliciosa compared with spinach. Moreover, M. deliciosa but not spinach plants showed unusual phosphorylation patterns of Lhcb proteins with pronounced dark-sustained Lhcb phosphorylation even under low PFD growth conditions. Subsequent to the transfer to a high PFD, dark-sustained Lhcb protein phosphorylation was further enhanced. Thus, phosphorylation patterns of D1/D2 and Lhcb proteins differed from each other as well as among plant species. The results presented here suggest an association between dark-sustained D1/D2 phosphorylation and sustained retention of zeaxanthin and energy dissipation (NPQ) in light-stressed, and particularly photoinhibited, leaves. Functional implications of these observations are discussed.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Synechococcus sp. strains PCC 7942 and PCC 6301 contain a 35 kDa protein called IdiA (Iron deficiency induced protein A) that is expressed in elevated amounts under Fe deficiency and to a smaller extent also under Mn deficiency. Absence of this protein was shown to mainly damage Photosystem II. To decide whether IdiA has a function in optimizing and/or protecting preferentially either the donor or acceptor side reaction of Photosystem II, a comparative analysis was performed of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 wild-type, the IdiA-free mutant, the previously constructed PsbO-free Synechococcus PCC 7942 mutant and a newly constructed Synechococcus PCC 7942 double mutant lacking both PsbO and IdiA. Measurements of the chlorophyll fluorescence and determinations of Photosystem II activity using a variety of electron acceptors gave evidence that IdiA has its main function in protecting the acceptor side of Photosystem II. Especially, the use of dichlorobenzoquinone, preferentially accepting electrons from QA, gave a decreased O2 evolving activity in the IdiA-free mutant. Investigations of the influence of hydrogen peroxide treatment on cells revealed that this treatment caused a significantly higher damage of Photosystem II in the IdiA-free mutant than in wild-type. These results suggest that although the IdiA protein is not absolutely required for Photosystem II activity in Synechococcus PCC 7942, it does play an important role in protecting the acceptor side against oxidative damage. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the maximum fluorescence yield from PS 2 of Synechococcus PCC 7942 occurs when the cells are at the CO2 compensation point. The addition of inorganic carbon (Ci), as CO2 or HCO3 , causes a lowering of the fluorescence yield due to both photochemical (qp) and non-photochemical (qN) quenching. In this paper, we characterize the qN that is induced by Ci addition to cells grown at high light intensities (500 mol photons m–2 s–1). The Ci-induced qN was considerably greater in these cells than in cells grown at low light intensities (50 mol photons m–2 s–1), when assayed at a white light (WL) intensity of 250 mol photons m–2 s–1. In high-light grown cells we measured qN values as high as 70%, while in low-light grown cells the qN was about 16%. The qN was relieved when cells regained the CO2 compensation point, when cells were illuminated by supplemental far-red light (FRL) absorbed mainly by PS 1, or when cells were illuminated with increased WL intensities. These characteristics indicate that the qN was not a form of energy quenching (qE). Supplemental FRL illumination caused significant enhancement of photosynthetic O2 evolution that could be correlated with the changes in qp and qN. The increases in qp induced by Ci addition represent increases in the effective quantum yield of PS 2 due to increased levels of oxidized QA. The increase in qN induced by Ci represents a decrease in PS 2 activity related to decreases in the potential quantum yield. The lack of diagnostic changes in the 77 K fluorescence emission spectrum argue against qN being related to classical state transitions, in which the decrease in potential quantum yield of PS 2 is due either to a decrease in absorption cross-section or by increased spill-over of excitation energy to PS 1. Both the Ci-induced qp (t 0.5<0.5 s) and qN (t 0.51.6 s) were rapidly relieved by the addition of DCMU. The two time constants give further support for two separate quenching mechanisms. We have thus characterized a novel form of qN in cyanobacteria, not related to state transitions or energy quenching, which is induced by the addition of Ci to cells at the CO2-compensation point.Abbreviations BTP- 1,3-bis[tris(hydroxymethyl)-methylaminopropane] - Chl- chlorophyll - Ci- inorganic carbon (CO2+HCO3 +CO3 2–) - DCMU- 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-, 1-dimethylurea) - F- chlorophyll fluorescence measured at any time in the absence of a saturating flash - Fo- chlorophyll fluorescence with only the weak modulated measuring beam on - FM'- chlorophyll fluorescence during a saturating flash - FM- maximum chlorophyll fluorescence, measured in the presence of WL and FRL at the CO2-compensation point or in the presence of DCMU - FV- variable fluorescence (= FM'–F0) - FRL- supplemental illumination with far red light - MB- modulated measuring beam of the PAM fluorometer - MV- methyl viologen - PAM- pulse amplitude modulation - PFD- incident photon flux density - PS 1, 2- Photosystems 1 and 2 - QA- primary electron-accepting plastoquinione of PS 2 - qN- non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence - qp- photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence; rubisco-ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SF- saturating flash (600 ms duration) - WL- white light illumination  相似文献   

S S Golden  G W Stearns 《Gene》1988,67(1):85-96
The genome of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 contains two genes encoding the D2 polypeptide of photosystem II (PSII), which are designated here as psbDI and psbDII. The psbDI gene, like the psbD gene of plant chloroplasts, is cotranscribed with and overlaps the open reading frame of the psbC gene, encoding the PSII protein CP43. The psbDII gene is not linked to psbC, and appears to be transcribed as a monocistronic message. The two psbD genes encode identical polypeptides of 352 amino acids, which are 86% conserved with the D2 polypeptide of spinach. In plants, the translational start codon of the psbC gene has been reported to be an ATG codon 50 bp upstream from the end of the psbD gene. This triplet is not present in the psbDI sequence of Synechococcus sp., but is replaced by ACG, a codon which is very unlikely to initiate translation. Translation of the psbC gene may begin at a GTG codon which overlap the psbDI open reading frame by 14 bp and is preceded by a block of homology to the 3' end of the 16S ribosomal RNA, a potential ribosome-binding site. There are only two bp differences between the sequences of the two psbD genes; one of these results in substitution in psbDII of GCG for the presumed GTG start codon in psbDI.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized a gene encoding phosphoribulokinase (PRK) from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. The isolated sequence consisted of a 999 bp open reading frame encoding 333 amino acid residues of PRK. The PRK contained a pair of cysteinyl residues corresponding to Cys16 and Cys55 of spinach PRK regulated by a ferredoxin-thioredoxin system. However, there were seventeen amino acid residues lacking between the two cysteinyl residues compared with those of the chloroplastic enzyme in higher plants. The recombinant PRK of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 accounted for about 6-13% of the total soluble protein in the Escherichia coli. The specific activity of the enzyme was 230 micro mol min(-1) (mg protein)(-1). The enzyme activity was completely inactivated by treatment with 5,5'-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (cysteinyl residue-specific oxidant) or was decreased by treatment with H(2)O(2), but was more tolerant to oxidation than that of chloroplast. The oxidized PRK was fully activated by treatment with excessive dithiothreitol. Furthermore, incubation with 3 mM ATP protected the oxidation of the enzyme by either 5,5'-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) or H(2)O(2). These results suggest Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 PRK can be regulated by reversible oxidation/reduction in vitro, but might be resistant to oxidative inactivation in vivo.  相似文献   

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