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In Florida, mangrove-dominated wetlands have been manipulated and managed largely for control of mosquitoes or to make way for human development since the late 1800s. More recently, many wetlands have been rehabilitated as their contributions to estuarine ecosystems became apparent and techniques that restored valuable contributions without compromising control of mosquitoes became available. This paper documents the history of manipulations largely used to control mosquito production in wetlands on the east coast of Florida, which have included ditching, filling, and impounding. It describes the management of these environmentally sensitive habitats since World War II and approximately 40 years of effort to rehabilitate these systems and improve their management. Improvements have been accomplished via adaptive management, science-based decision making and engagement of diverse groups of resource managers and stakeholders. Interagency efforts to provide balanced management of these wetlands are discussed, and work is presented to demonstrate the outcomes from rehabilitating impoundments in the Indian River Lagoon. These strategies for management and rehabilitation should provide guidance for restoring and conserving critical ecosystem services delivered by mangrove-dominated wetlands elsewhere, including survival in the face of future environmental changes.


Wetlands Ecology and Management - Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act prohibits disposing of dredged and fill materials into the waters of the United States (WOTUS) absent a permit...  相似文献   

Hizikia fusiformis is one of the important commercially cultivated seaweeds in China. Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers were used to assess genetic structure of nine wild H. fusiformis populations collected along the coast of China. Of the 255 bands generated by 21 ISSR primers, 99.61% were polymorphic and 99.71% of 344 bands amplified by 30 SRAP primers were polymorphic. The tested high genetic diversities show that the average Nei’s genetic diversity (H) were 0.1519 and 0.1624, and average Shannon’s information index (I) were 0.2248 and 0.2400 in ISSR and SRAP analyses, respectively. Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrograms of the nine populations were divided into two main groups. The ISSR and SRAP analyses values of gene differentiation (G ST, 0.5955, 0.5486, respectively) indicate that high variation exists among the nine populations, likely due to external interferences and limitation of gene flow (N m?=?0.3397, 0.4114). Our study indicated that human activities and herbivore overgrazing had influenced the natural Hizikia populations and that the understanding of population genetics would be helpful in sustainable utilization and biomass conservation of Sargassaceae resources.  相似文献   

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) introductions to Florida began in 1861 with the importation of ’No. 11’, a polyembryonic, seed-propagated (nucellar) cultivarfrom Cuba. In the 1880s a collection of Cuban mangos was established near Bradenton. One resulting popular cultivar was ’Turpentine’, now widely used as a rootstock. The U. S. Department of Agriculture introduced ’Mulgoba’, an improved cultivarfrom India, in 1889. Other mangos were later brought from India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Israel, Australia and Kenya. Related Mangifera species were collected in East Malaysian Borneo in 1990. Inasmuch as the breeding system of Mangifera favors outcrossing, the proximity of numerous genotypes of disparate geographic origin in Florida has made that state a secondary center of diversity for the mango and enabled it to make a unique contribution to the fruit industry.  相似文献   

Presence of microcystin (MC), a predominant freshwater algal toxin and a suspected liver carcinogen, in Florida’s freshwaters poses serious health threat to humans and aquatic species. Being recalcitrant to conventional physical and chemical water treatment methods, biological methods of MC removal is widely researched. Water samples collected from five sites of Lake Okeechobee (LO) frequently exposed to toxic Microcystis blooms were used as inoculum for enrichment with microcystin LR (MC-LR) supplied as sole C and N source. After 20 days incubation, MC levels were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A bacterial consortium consisting of two isolates DC7 and DC8 from the Indian Prairie Canal sample showed over 74% toxin degradation at the end of day 20. Optimal temperature requirement for biodegradation was identified and phosphorus levels did not affect the MC biodegradation. Based on 16S rRNA sequence similarity the isolate DC8 was found to have a match with Microbacterium sp. and the DC7 isolate with Rhizobium gallicum (AY972457).  相似文献   

Forecasted increases in global temperatures will likely have profound effects on freshwater fishes. Overlaid on increasing global temperatures, human populations are expected to grow, which will increase anthropogenic nutrient enrichment in freshwater ecosystems. Florida (US) represents the equatorial range limit for many freshwater fishes, thus these species are potentially at risk to climate warming. Likewise, Florida’s population is expected to aggressively expand, increasing risk for nutrient enrichment. In this study, we examined whether maximum water temperatures or trophic state indicators (a proxy for nutrient enrichment) better explains variation in Florida Bass (Micropterus salmoides floridanus) condition across 23 different Florida freshwater bodies distributed throughout the state. Florida Bass lengths and weights, temperature, and chlorophyll-α, total phosphorous (TP), and total nitrogen (TN) measures were collected in the late summer and fall from 2010 to 2012. We described relationships between bass relative condition and environmental measurements (temperature, and trophic state indicators) across these lake-year combinations using linear and non-linear regressions. We found no significant relationship between temperature and bass condition (r2 = 0.01). However, we found that trophic state indicators did predict bass condition (r2 = 0.39–0.50). Though research is needed to more rigorously assess the effects of rising temperature on bass condition, our results may suggest that lake productivity is currently an influential driver on Florida Bass. As such, management efforts should continue to closely monitor and manage water quality and potential nutrient enrichment in Florida’s freshwater waters, as bass condition appears to be closely tied to lake productivity.  相似文献   

Four steroid-bearing clones of Dioscorea tested in a replicated varietal trial on Everglades peat soil near Belle Glade, Florida, included three introductions of D. spiculiflora Hemsl. and one selection of D. composita Hemsl. On an acre basis, D. composita, P. I. 201783, produced over 21 tons of dry tubers and 1,049 lbs of crude sapogenins. Tuber and sapogenin yields front the highest producing D. spiculiflora, P. I. 252887, were approximately 1/3 and 1/2 respectively, of these amounts. Yield differences were not significant between plots harvested 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 years after planting. The failure of tubers to increase in size in the last growing season was attributed to the restriction on growth imposed by the high water table at the test site.  相似文献   

The thesis of this review is that oxidative stress is the central factor in major depressive disorder (MDD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The major elements involved are inflammatory cytokines, the hypothalamic–pituitary axis, the hypothalamic–pituitary gonadal, and arginine vasopressin systems, which induce glucocorticoid and “oxidopamatergic” cascades when triggered by psychosocial stress, severe life-threatening events, and mental-affective and somatic diseases. In individuals with a genomic vulnerability to depression, these cascades may result in chronic depression–anxiety–stress spectra, resulting in MDD and other known depressive syndromes. In contrast, in subjects with genomic vulnerability to AD, oxidative stress-induced brain damage triggers specific antioxidant defenses, i.e., increased levels of amyloid-β (Aβ) and aggregation of hyper-phosphorylated tau, resulting in paired helical filaments and impaired functions related to the ApoEε4 isoform, leading to complex pathological cascades culminating in AD. Surprisingly, all the AD-associated molecular pathways mentioned in this review have been shown to be similar or analogous to those found in depression, including structural damage, i.e., hippocampal and frontal cortex atrophy. Other interacting molecular signals, i.e., GSK-3β, convergent survival factors (brain-derived neurotrophic factor and heat shock proteins), and transition redox metals are also mentioned to emphasize the vast array of intermediates that could interact via comparable mechanisms in both MDD and AD.  相似文献   

Patients with Bloom’s syndrome (BS) show a strong genetic instability and a predisposition to all types of cancer. Here, we report that the Bloom’s syndrome protein (BLM) is cleaved in response to hydroxyurea (HU)- or UVC-induced apoptosis. The appearance and solubility of BLM proteolytic products differed according to whether proteolysis occurred in response to HU or UVC. One BS cell line homozygous for a null mutation in BLM was resistant to both UVC- and HU-induced apoptosis, while another one expressing a mutated BLM protein was resistant to HU-induced apoptosis but displayed normal sensitivity to UVC. Thus, UVC and HU appear to induce apoptosis through distinct pathways.

Key Words:

Bloom’s syndrome, Apoptosis, Hydroxyurea, Ultraviolet C radiation, RecQ helicase  相似文献   

Evidence from animal studies categorizes sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (sAD) as a metabolic syndrome with accompanying cognitive deficits. Given that glial cells act as “silent partners” to neurons by providing trophic support and defense, the present study investigated the role of glia in sAD pathology. A streptozotocin (STZ)-induced glial-neuronal co-culture model of sAD was used to study the metabolic status of the two cell types. Real time RT-PCR and Western blotting results indicated that amyloid precursor protein (APP) and β-secretase (BACE1) were highly expressed in co-cultured neurons than in monocultures. Increased amyloidogenesis was accompanied by decreased expression of mediators in insulin signaling pathway that included insulin receptor (IR), insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2), insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R), total-glycogen synthase kinase 3β (t-GSK3β), and phosphorylated-GSK3βser9 (p-GSK3βser9), suggesting that neuronal cells are more prone to metabolic variability when cultured in the presence of glial cells. Findings from the sAD model induced by intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of STZ revealed that increased amyloid beta (Aβ) load in the hippocampus was potentially responsible for the hyperphosphorylation of tau at ser396. Furthermore, impaired cognitive functions and decreased dendritic spine density and axonal thinning in CA1 region of hippocampus were associated with decreased IR and p-GSK3βser9/t-GSK3β expression. Taken together, the present study provides evidence that glia mediated response and insulin signaling defects drive pathological changes in sAD and represent potential targets for delaying sAD progression.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods are based on parametric models of character evolution. They assume that if we know these models as well as distribution of character states in studied organisms, we can infer the probability of different phylogenetic trajectories leading from ancestors to modern forms. In fact, these methods are mathematized variants of the traditional Haeckel’s approach to phylogeny reconstruction. In contrast to classical and parsimonious cladistics, they infer phylogenies without such limitations as necessity of strictly dichotomous evolution, exclusion of plesiomorphic characters, and acceptance of only holophyletic taxa. They assume that evolution may be reticulated, any homologous characters—both apomorphic and plesiomorphic—can be used for inferring phylogenies, and interpretation of evolutionary lineages as taxa is optional. Thus, the main difference between the new and more traditional approaches to phylogeny reconstruction lies not in the characters used (molecular or morphological) but in the methodology of analysis. It must be admitted that a revolution began in phylogenetics 10–20 years ago. However, the fundamental changes in phylogenetics have been carried out so calmly and neatly by the people who started this revolution, that many systematists still do not realize their importance.  相似文献   

Jafari and Smith hypothesized that time during games may pass slower for the world’s best football player, Lionel Messi, from Argentina. This hypothesis leads to two questions: How can we explain such temporal paradox and how could this explain his dominant performances? Remarkably, the Argentinian’s case was preceded by the equally astonishing case of Wayne Gretzky: The Canadian considered ice hockey as a rather slow game and was the best player in the sport’s history. Whether Messi’s and Gretzky’s motor neurons fire faster, (inter)act differently or whether other mechanisms are at (inter)play warrants targeted research. A further explanation for such dominance of football and ice hockey, respectively, could be that both athletes “buy time”: To this end, automized motor skills may allow their predictive brains to make better use of time than other players to read the games and plan ahead. Deconstructing predictive minds of outperforming individuals like Gretzky and Messi could provide unique options to elucidate how differential time perception may make performances in athletes, and beyond, more swift and more efficient.  相似文献   

Effective conservation management for climate adaptation rests on understanding the factors driving species’ vulnerability in a spatially explicit manner so as to direct on-ground action. However, there have been only few attempts to map the spatial distribution of the factors driving vulnerability to climate change. Here we conduct a species-level assessment of climate change vulnerability for a sample of Australia’s threatened species and map the distribution of species affected by each factor driving climate change vulnerability across the continent. Almost half of the threatened species assessed were considered vulnerable to the impacts of climate change: amphibians being the most vulnerable group, followed by plants, reptiles, mammals and birds. Species with more restricted distributions were more likely to show high climate change vulnerability than widespread species. The main factors driving climate change vulnerability were low genetic variation, dependence on a particular disturbance regime and reliance on a particular moisture regime or habitat. The geographic distribution of the species impacted by each driver varies markedly across the continent, for example species impacted by low genetic variation are prevalent across the human-dominated south-east of the country, while reliance on particular moisture regimes is prevalent across northern Australia. Our results show that actions to address climate adaptation will need to be spatially appropriate, and that in some regions a complex suite of factors driving climate change vulnerability will need to be addressed. Taxonomic and geographic variation in the factors driving climate change vulnerability highlights an urgent need for a spatial prioritisation of climate adaptation actions for threatened species.  相似文献   

Retinal neurodegeneration and visual dysfunctions have been reported in a majority of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients, and, in light of the quest for novel biomarkers for these neurodegenerative proteinopathies, the retina has been receiving increasing attention as an organ for diagnosing, monitoring, and understanding disease. Thinning of retinal layers, abnormalities in vasculature, and protein deposition can be imaged at unprecedented resolution, which offers a unique systems biology view on the cellular and molecular changes underlying these pathologies. It makes the retina not only a promising target for biomarker development, but it also suggests that novel fundamental insights into the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease can be obtained by studying the retina–brain axis.  相似文献   

With coral populations in decline globally, it is critical that we tease apart the relative impacts of ecological and physical perturbations on reef ecosystems to determine the most appropriate management actions. This study compared the trajectories of benthic assemblages from 1998 to 2011 in three no-take reserves and three sites open to fishing, at 7–9 and 15–18 m depth in the Florida Keys. We evaluated temporal changes in the benthic assemblage to infer whether fisheries bans in no-take reserves could have cascading effects on the benthos in this region. Coral cover declined significantly over time at our sites and that trend was driven almost exclusively by decline of the Orbicella (formerly Montastraea) annularis species complex. Other coral taxa showed remarkable stasis and resistance to a variety of environmental perturbations. Protection status did not influence coral or macroalgal cover. The dynamics of corals and macroalgae in the 15 years since the reserves were established in 1997 suggest that although the reserves protected fish, they were of no perceptible benefit to Florida’s corals.  相似文献   

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