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Responses of cortical neurons in the posterior sigmoid gyrus to stimulation of two points of the ventro-posterolateral nucleus were investigated in cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. Some neurons responding to stimulation of one point of this nucleus with a latent period of 2.5–4 msec, were activated by stimulation of the other point after 10 msec or longer. Conditioning stimulation of one point facilitated or inhibited the response to test stimulation of the other point. The facilitatory effect was usually exhibited if the response latency exceeded 5 msec. It is concluded that a cortical input neuron for some afferent fibers is activated by other similar afferent fibers only after intracortical relay. The system of "input" cortical neurons is thus not only a structural, but also to some extent a functional, concept; under certain conditions an incoming afferent volley activates them only polysynaptically.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(13):2784-2793.e3
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It has become clear that a number of neuropeptides are found in sensory nerves, some of which have been identified in visceral afferents. The best studied peptide is substance P, which has been localized in a population of capsaicin-sensitive visceral afferents. It has been established that there are a varied proportion of substance P-containing afferents in different visceral structures. In general, the peripheral termination of these nerves is around blood vessels. The central terminations of visceral afferents are in laminae I and V in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Substance P has been localized in these laminae and appears to be capsaicin-sensitive and therefore of sensory origin. Recently, substance K, which is derived from the same gene as substance P, has been found in visceral structures. Calcitonin gene-related peptide has been found in certain viscera to be contained in capsaicin-sensitive nerves. The contribution that other peptides make to visceral afferent innervation is not known.  相似文献   

Adult subjects were asked to recognize a hierarchical visual stimulus (a letter) while their attention was drawn to either the global or local level of the stimulus. Event-related potentials (ERP) and psychophysical indices (reaction time and percentage of correct responses) were measured. An analysis of psychophysical indices showed the global level precedence effect, i.e., the increase in a small letter recognition time when this letter is a part of incongruent stimulus. An analysis of ERP components showed level-related (global vs. local) differences in the timing and topography of the brain organization of perceptual processing and regulatory mechanisms of attention. Visual recognition at the local level was accompanied by (1) stronger activation of the visual associative areas (Pz and T6) at the stage of sensory features analysis (P1 ERP component), (2) involvement mainly of inferior temporal cortices of the right hemisphere (T6) at the stage of sensory categorization (P2 ERP component), and (3) involvement of prefrontal cortex of the right hemisphere at the stage of the selection of the relevant features of the target (N2 ERP component). Visual recognition at the global level was accompanied by (1) pronounced involvement of mechanisms of early sensory selection (N1 ERP component), (2) prevailing activation of parietal cortex of the right hemisphere (P4) at the stage of sensory categorization (P2 ERP component) as well as at the stage of the target stimulus identification (P3 ERP component). It is suggested that perception at the global level of the hierarchical stimulus is related primarily to the analysis of the spatial features of the stimulus in the dorsal visual system whereas the perception at the local level primarily involves an analysis of the object-related features in the ventral visual system.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERP) of the brain and psychometric indices (reaction time and percentage of correct responses) were studied in adult subjects during recognizing hierarchical visual stimuli (letters), while the subject’s attention was drawn to either the global or the local level of the stimulus. The psychophysical indices demonstrated the global precedence effect, i.e., an increased recognition time of a small letter, which was a part of an incongruent stimulus. The ERP component analysis demonstrated that differences in the regulatory mechanisms of attention and timing and topography of brain organization during processing of visual information depended on the level of recognizing the hierarchical stimulus (global vs. local). Visual recognition at the local level was accompanied by a stronger activation of visual associative areas (P z and T 6) at the stage of sensory feature analysis (P1 ERP component), as well as by the predominant involvement of the temporal inferior cortex of the right hemisphere (T 6) at the stage of sensory categorization (the P2 ERP component) and of the frontal cortex of the right hemisphere at the stage of selection for the relevant target features (the N2 ERP component). Visual recognition at the global level was accompanied by significant involvement of the early sensory selection (the N1 ERP component) and predominant activation of the parietal cortex of the right hemisphere (P 4) at the stage of sensory categorization (the P2 ERP component), as well as at the stage of identification of the target stimulus (the P3 ERP component). Perception of a stimulus at the global level is assumed to depend mostly on the analysis of its spatial features in the dorsal visual system, whereas perception at the local level involves analysis of the object-related features in the ventral visual system.  相似文献   

Fast fluctuations in the evoked potentials (EP) at a local point of the projection cortex following stimulation of different pathways may reflect the activity of pyramidal neurons of different cortical layers. Analysis shows that the afferent and interarea projections to the somatic sensory cortex terminate on different neurons which can be regarded as relay neurons for a given pathway. Each group of neurons has its own system of inhibition for selective control of impulses coming along this pathway at the cortical level.Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 368–372, July–August, 1970.  相似文献   

1.  Most Purkinje neurons show ongoing spike activity. In approximately 75%, this activity disappeared after peduncle lesion and in some of these the activity stopped when water flow over the gills was interrupted. Approximately one-fourth of Purkinje cells (PC's) showed continuing ongoing activity after afferent input was abolished.
2.  Stimulation of spinal cord elicited both simple spikes, mainly in ipsilateral PC's, and some complex responses (via climbing fibers) usually contralateral and of longer latency than the simple spikes.
3.  Tactile stimulation of skin and flexion of tail or fins, also lateral line stimulation by a water stream, evoked bursts of spikes in PC-s. Input was by mossy fibers and mechanoreceptive fields were large.
4.  Stimulation of vestibular nerve produced both simple and complex responses in PC's. Auditory stimuli were most effective at 800–1200 Hz in eliciting responses via mossy fibers. Responses to sound were phasic changes in ongoing frequency, bursts followed by inhibition or on-off excitation.
5.  Responses to visual stimuli were recorded in granule cells and Purkinje cells, also in mossy axons. Many PC's showed excitatory-inhibitory sequences; a few climbing fiber responses were recorded. The mossy fiber visual input is from optic tectum relay.
6.  Some PC's were activated by two or three sensory modalities.

Distribution of activity of cytochrome oxidase (CO) and immunoreactivity to parvalbumin (Pv) and calbindin (Cb) was studied in the optic tectum of the pigeon (Columba livia). In the first link of the tectofugal pathway in the central gray layer (SGC = layer 13), small amounts of the CO-active and Pv-immunoreactive (Pv-ir) cellular bodies were revealed in its internal part (sublayer 13b). Some of these neurons located along the SGC lower boundary had long dendritic processes ascending into the superficial tectum layer (SGF). In the retinorecipient SGF sublayers and particularly in neuropil of the sublayers 4 and 7, the high CO activity correlating with Pv-immunoreactivity was found. It is suggested that a great contribution to metabolic activity of these sublayers is made by the largely branching dendritic processes of Pv-ir neurons of sublayer 13b. The projectional neurons SGC located in its external part (sublayer 13a) were CO-inactive and contained Cb. They sent long dendrites into sublayer 5b; in its neuropil, the high density of Cb-immunoreactivity and a moderate CO activity were detected. Thus, the tectal link of the pigeon tectofugal visual channel consists of two components--the Pv-specific, highly metabolically active and the Cb-specific, metabolically less active ones that transduce visual information from different retinorecipient SGF sublayers. The absence of the significant amount of CO-positive bodies of projectional neurons in SGC can be due to that metabolically more active are their dendritic arborizations in the SGF sublayers.  相似文献   

Real-world complex systems may be mathematically modeled as graphs, revealing properties of the system. Here we study graphs of functional brain organization in healthy adults using resting state functional connectivity MRI. We propose two novel brain-wide graphs, one of 264 putative functional areas, the other a modification of voxelwise networks that eliminates potentially artificial short-distance relationships. These graphs contain many subgraphs in good agreement with known functional brain systems. Other subgraphs lack established functional identities; we suggest possible functional characteristics for these subgraphs. Further, graph measures of the areal network indicate that the default mode subgraph shares network properties with sensory and motor subgraphs: it is internally integrated but isolated from other subgraphs, much like a "processing" system. The modified voxelwise graph also reveals spatial motifs in the patterning of systems across the cortex.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional organization of the human auditory cortex using a novel electrophysiological recording technique combined with an advanced brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique. Tonotopic mapping data were obtained during single unit recording along the Heschl’s gyrus. Most of the units studied (73%) demonstrated sharply tuned excitatory responses. A tonotopic pattern was observed with the best frequencies systematically increasing as more medial-caudal recording sites were sampled. Additionally, a new auditory field along the posterior aspect of the superior temporal gyrus has been identified using a high spatial resolution direct recording technique. Results obtained during electrical stimulation demonstrate functional connectivity between the primary auditory cortex and the auditory field in the posterior superior temporal gyrus.  相似文献   

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and adjacent areas of the medial frontal cortex (MFC) have been implicated in monitoring behaviour and in detecting errors. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the ACC not only registers the occurrence of errors but also represents other aspects of the reinforcement history that are crucial for guiding behaviour. Other studies raise the possibility that dorsal MFC areas not only monitor behaviour but also actually control response selection, particularly when the task in hand is changing. Many decisions are made in social contexts and their chances of success depend on what other individuals are doing. Evaluation of other individuals is therefore crucial for effective action selection, and some ACC regions are implicated in this process.  相似文献   

The functional organization of the bovine rumen epithelium has been examined by electron and light microscopy combined with immunocytochemistry to define a transport model for this epithelium. Expression of connexin 43, an integral component of gap junctions, the tight-junction molecules claudin-1 and zonula occludens 1 (ZO-1), and the catalytic alpha-subunit of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase was demonstrated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. From the lumen surface, four cell layers can be distinguished: the stratum corneum, the stratum granulosum, the stratum spinosum, and the stratum basale. Both claudin-1 and ZO-1 immunostaining showed plasma membrane staining, which was present at the stratum granulosum with decreasing intensity through the stratum spinosum to the stratum basale. The stratum corneum was negative for claudin-1 immunostaining. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed that occluding tight junctions were present at the stratum granulosum. Plasma membrane connexin 43 immunostaining was most intense at the stratum granulosum and decreased in intensity through stratum spinosum and stratum basale. There was intense immunostaining of the stratum basale for Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, with weak staining of the stratum spinosum. Both the stratum granulosum and the stratum corneum were essentially negative. Stratum basale cells also displayed a high mitochondrial density relative to more apical cell layers. We conclude that epithelial barrier function may be attributed to the stratum granulosum and that cell-cell gap junctions allow diffusion to interconnect the barrier cell layer with the stratum basale where Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase is concentrated.  相似文献   

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