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Cultured rat hepatoma cells (HTC-cells) were used to study the uptake of copper and zinc from a minimal salt-glucose medium, supplemented with albumin from different species or with ovalbumin. Competitive equilibrium dialysis showed that at low molar ratios of metal/protein (less than 1) the affinity for copper of human and bovine albumin was about equal, but that of dog albumin or ovalbumin was much lower. Only a small difference in affinity for zinc could be detected between human albumin and ovalbumin. Supplementing the medium with the different proteins the rate of copper uptake in the cell at a given molar Cu/protein ratio increased as follows: human albumin congruent to bovine albumin less than dog albumin less than ovalbumin. When the molar Cu/protein ratio was increased, a discontinuity was seen with all three albumin species at a ratio of about 1. In contrast, the zinc uptake mimics that of Cu/ovalbumin, and no discontinuity was observed using different molar Zn/protein ratios. These results indicate that the rate of copper and zinc uptake depends strongly on its affinity for the protein: a low affinity leads to a high uptake. The results suggest further that at physiologic concentrations zinc is taken up by a mechanism different from that for copper.  相似文献   

The binding of 2,2-dipyridyl to metal substituted horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase was measured by spectrophotometric titrations. Large changes in the visible absorption spectra were seen for the Co2+, Cu2+ and Ni2+ hybrids upon coordination of 2,2-dipyridyl, due to a change in coordination number. The formation constants for binding to the Co2+ and Cd2+ hybrids are of the order 10(6) M-1, which means that these hybrids have a 500-fold higher affinity for 2,2-dipyridyl than the native Zn2+ enzyme. 2,2-dipyridyl has a 100-fold higher affinity for enzyme bound Cd2+ than for aqueous Cd2+ ions, while for Cu2+ and Zn2+ the opposite is the case. None of the substituted metal ions were removed from the active site during titration with the chelator 2,2-dipyridyl.  相似文献   

The effects of time and cyclic AMP concentration on cyclic AMP uptake and membrane phosphorylation were studied using intact human erythrocytes. The rate of uptake of cyclic [3H]AMP was nearly linear with respect to cyclic AMP concentration. The amount taken up was small compared to the extracellular cyclic AMP concentration, but was sufficient to significantly increase the intracellular cyclic AMP concentration. Incubation with cyclic AMP resulted in increased incorporation of 32Pi into several phosphorylated membrane peptides of the intact erythrocytes. Although cyclic AMP altered the distribution of radioactivity among the membrane components, the total amount of incorporation was not increased. The effect of cyclic AMP on phosphorylation of membrane peptides was observed with extracellular cyclic AMP concentrations as low as 1 μm and was most pronounced in incubations of 1 to 4 h. These results indicate that cyclic AMP can enter erythrocytes in sufficient amounts to alter the activity of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases, or to alter the rate of turnover of certain phosphorylated membrane peptides.  相似文献   

A new method for preparing non-parenchymal rat liver cells (NPC) is described. The liver cell suspension, prepared by perfusing the liver with collagenase, was treated with enterotoxin from Clostridium perfringens for 15 min. The enterotoxin made the parenchymal cells leaky, and these cells could be separated from the NPC by centrifugation in a solution containing Nycodenz (20%, w/v). During the centrifugation, the NPC floated, while the parenchymal cells sedimented. The yield of NPC per liver (200 g rat) was about 250 X 10(6) cells. The NPC were further separated into endothelial cells, Kupffer cells and stellate cells by centrifugal elutriation. This method was particularly useful for preparing endothelial cells in high yield (100 X 10(6) cells per liver). Intravenously injected formaldehyde-treated albumin was selectively taken up by the endothelial cells. Isolated endothelial cells in suspension as well as in surface culture maintained their ability to endocytose this ligand.  相似文献   

The effect of a panel of monoclonal antibodies and heteroantibodies on T-cell proliferation in various assay systems has been examined. The antibodies tested were directed against T-cell differentiation antigens, HLA-DR antigens, and structures defined by an anti-human VH antiserum. As the test cell system highly purified subpopulations of T-cell growth factor (TCGF)-dependent T-cell lines activated either by mitogen or antigen were used. A survey of the data indicates the following: (1) Mitogenic and antigenic triggering of T lymphocytes are mediated through partly different membrane structures. (2) Antigenic stimulation by purified protein derivative (PPD) as well as polyclonal activation induced by OKT3/anti-Leu 4 monoclonal antibodies can be inhibited by heteroantibodies raised against human immunoglobulin VH fragments thus pointing to a possible connection between the antigens detected by these antisera. (3) There does not seem to be differences between the two major subpopulations of T lymphocytes (i.e., helper/inducer and suppressor/cytotoxic cells) as to how they respond to antigens or mitogens in the investigated assay systems. (4) A clear distinction was found between T blasts specific for PPD and allogeneic cells as compared to cytotoxic T cells (CTL), as the T4 and T8 antigens seem to be functionally important for antigen recognition among CTL but not for the blasts proliferating in response to PPD and allogeneic cells. (5) An inhibitory effect of OKT3/anti-Leu 4, OKIal, and anti-HLA-DR on TCGF-dependent growth was detected, possibly indicating a steric relationship between these antigens and TCGF receptors on mitogen-induced T blasts. (6) Soluble factors obtained after incubating adherent cells with OKIal and anti-HLA-DR antibodies seemed to have an inhibitory effect on overall T-cell proliferation stressing the importance of studying the T-cell activation process at different levels in these kinds of experiments. (7) The results further suggest a complexity in the build up of antigen receptors on the various T-effector cells, perhaps also involving receptors for growth factors, HLA-DR antigens, and receptors for the latter.  相似文献   

The complex formation of zinc, cadmium, and mercury with D-penicillamine has been studied by pH titrations, using computer evaluation of the most likely complexes, which were found to be of the general formulas ML, MH2L2, MHL2-, ML22?, and ML34?. The formation constants of the complexes were determined at 25 0°C in 0.1 M KNO3. The magnitude of the respective constants cannot, by itself, account for the lack of effect of penicillamine treatment for mercury and cadmium poisoning.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the effects of chloroform inhalation, Escherichia coli endotoxin injection and hydrocortisone injection on the absorption of a single intragastric dose of 65Zn by the chick. Injection of hydrocortisone increased the absorption of the 65Zn by 30-55% in both Zn-deficient and Zn-supplemented chicks. The influence of chloroform and endotoxin was less consistent; the former treatment only increased 65Zn absorption and endotoxin was less consistent; the former treatment only increased 65Zn absorption in Zn-supplemented chicks fed ad libitum whereas endotoxin only increased that in Zn-supplemented chicks on a restricted food intake. Injection of endotoxin increased the hepatic uptake of the absorbed 65Zn in both Zn-deficient and Zn-supplemented chicks, whereas hydrocortisone had a similar effect in the Zn-supplemented birds only. Chloroform inhalation increased hepatic 65Zn uptake in Zn-deficient chicks only. The increase in hepatic Zn concentrations in the stressed chicks was mainly associated with a protein in the cytosol identified as metallothionein. Both endotoxin and hydrocortisone decreased total plasma Zn concentrations in Zn-supplemented and Zn-deficient chicks; chloroform decreased plasma 65Zn content only.  相似文献   

Cultured rat hepatoma cells (HTC-cells) were used to study the transfer of copper from a well-defined medium to and across the cell membrane and particularly the role of albumin in this process. HTC-cells, maintained in a minimal salt-glucose medium, accumulated far more copper than when maintained in the same medium, but supplemented with albumin. In the latter case, the Cu uptake strongly depended on the molar Cu/albumin ratio. The results suggest a role of albumin in the uptake of trace metals. The results indicate the presence of two types of binding sites for copper on the cell membrane. The sites of the first type bind copper very strongly and are probably responsible for the uptake of copper under physiological conditions. Their number was estimated to be about 106 per cell. Those of the second type only bind copper when the molar Cu/albumin ratio exceeds a value of about 1, i.e., under extreme, unphysiological conditions. Furthermore, the results suggest a direct interaction of the Cu-albumin complex with these strong binding sites as a first step in Cu uptake processes.  相似文献   

The migratory activity of epithelia isolated from the cornea and the dorsal skin of chick embryos of different ages was examined in vitro. Five types of Millipore filters differing in pore size served as models to represent degrees of unevenness of the substrate instead of the natural wound beds of the corneal stroma and the dorsal dermis. Migration of the epithelium was rapid and extensive when the pore size was below 0.8 μm, but was inhibited or stopped when the pore size reached or exceeded 0.8 μm. The effect of surface properties of the substratum on the motility of the cell membrane and thus on the movement of the cells is discussed.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the distribution of copper in the kidneys of growing rats. Renal copper concentrations increased steadily with age and were greater in female than in male animals. Most of the copper was present as (copper, zinc)-metallothionein and two forms of this protein were isolated and characterized from the kidneys of mature female rats. That copper metabolism in kidneys is subject to hormonal influence was indicated by a reduction in the concentrations of copper and (copper, zinc)-metallothionein in ovariectomized rats and by an increase in their concentrations after the administration of progesterone. Concentrations of renal (copper, zinc)-metallothionein were less in zinc-deficient than in zinc-adequate rats during pregnancy and after progesterone administration.  相似文献   

Antiangiogenic treatment (AAT) used in combination with radiation therapy or chemotherapy is a promising strategy for the treatment of several cancer diseases. The vascularity and oxygenation of tumors may be changed significantly by AAT, and consequently, a noninvasive method for monitoring AAT-induced changes in these microenvironmental parameters is needed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI). DW-MRI was conducted with a Bruker Biospec 7.05-T scanner using four diffusion weightings and diffusion sensitization gradients in three orthogonal directions. Maps of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were calculated by using a monoexponential diffusion model. Two cervical carcinoma xenograft models (BK-12, HL-16) were treated with bevacizumab, and two pancreatic carcinoma xenograft models (BxPC-3, Panc-1) were treated with sunitinib. Pimonidazole and CD31 were used as markers of hypoxia and blood vessels, respectively, and fraction of hypoxic tissue (HFPim) and microvascular density (MVD) were quantified by analyzing immunohistochemical preparations. MVD decreased significantly after AAT in BK-12, HL-16, and BxPC-3 tumors, and this decrease was sufficiently large to cause a significant increase in HFPim in BK-12 and BxPC-3 tumors. The ADC maps of treated tumors and untreated control tumors were not significantly different in any of these three tumor models, suggesting that the AAT-induced microenvironmental changes were not detectable by DW-MRI. DW-MRI is insensitive to changes in tumor vascularity and oxygenation induced by bevacizumab or sunitinib treatment.  相似文献   

Computer simulations were made of circadian variations in six observed cell kinetic variables in the basal cell layer of hairless mouse epidermis. Different mathematical models were used and simultaneously fitted to all observed variables by an automatic method. The analysis shows that the origin of the circadian variations in cell kinetics in hairless mouse epidermis is not in the G1 phase or at the G1S transition alone as concluded from other studies, but must result from circadian variations in the duration of S and G2 phases. The results show that the data are compatible with the existence of circadian variations in the G1- and M-phase durations, although such variations, unlike the S and G2 variations, was not necessary to obtain a good fit of the model to the data. The results also indicate that the data are compatible with the existence of transient resting states of limited duration in S- and G2-phases.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the mechanism of the mutual antagonism between copper and zinc in rats. Dietary zinc concentrations of up to 450 mg/kg had no effect on intestinal 64Cu absorption but 900 mg/kg caused a 40% reduction. This was associated with an increase in the mucosal uptake of 64Cu in the small intestine. This occurred mainly in the form of metallothionein and it appeared that copper displaced zinc from the protein after its synthesis had been induced by zinc. Ths intestinal absorption of 65Zn was decreased by 20% when the dietary copper intake was increased from 3 to 24 mg/kg. Further increases in copper intake to 300 mg/kg did not cause any additional decrease in 65Zn absorption or any change in the association of intestinal 65Zn with metallothionein. Concentrations of this protein in the intestinal mucosa were not influenced by dietary copper intake.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide is unique among the higher oxides of nitrogen in its reactivity and efficiency for the oxidation of oxygen-bound hemoproteins. Dinitrogen trioxide serves as a nitric oxide donor, but dinitrogen tetroxide does not exhibit similar reactivity. Details are provided of the stoichiometric transformation through which nitric oxide is converted to nitrate with accompanying oxidation of myoglobin or hemoglobin to the corresponding iron(III) hemoprotein, including an estimate of the rate constant for nitric oxide oxidation of oxygen-associated myoglobin and the effect of unassociated oxygen on the stoichiometry and rates for nitric oxide oxidation. Evidence is presented to establish the mechanism of oxidation in the direct combination of nitric oxide with iron(II)-bound dioxygen.  相似文献   

Glucose tolerance factor (GTF) has been isolated from a commercially available yeast extract powder, by a simple procedure under mild conditions. This cationic yellow material enhances considerably CO2 production in several yeast strains, after a lag time which can be eliminated by preincubation with glucose. The enhancement of CO2 production by GTF is not specific for glucose, and its effect on galactose raises the possibility that it influences the transport of the sugar to the cells. The ineffectiveness of GTF on cell free extract and the results of a Michaelis plot for CO2 production support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Kinetic evaluation of the oxidation of oxymyoglobin (MbO2) to metmyoglobin (Mb+) by bis(dimethylglyoximato)cobalt nitrosyl [Co(NO)(DMGH)2] has established that the mechanism of this transformation involves initial dissociation of nitric oxide from Co(NO)(DMGH)2, followed by direct oxidation of MbO2 by nitric oxide. Nitrate formation accompanies the production of Mb+ and is proposed to arise from isomerization of the initially formed peroxynitrite ion. By comparative kinetic determinations with nitrosyl transfer from the cobalt nitrosyl reagent to deoxyhemoglobin, the rate constant for oxidation of MbO2 by nitric oxide is calculated to be 31 X 106 M?1sec?1 at 10.0°C in phosphate-buffered media at pH 7.0. Bis(dimethylglyoximato)cobalt(II), the cobalt complex formed by nitric oxide dissociation from Co(NO)(DMGH)2, is an effective trap for dioxygen liberated from MbO2. The resulting μ-peroxo- or μ-superoxo-dicobaloxime(III) oxidizes deoxymyoglobin to metmyoglobin at a rate that is competitive with oxidation induced by Co(NO)(DMGH)2.  相似文献   

A cyclic AMP-adenosine binding protein, whose binding sites are activated by preincubation in the presence of Mg+-ATP, has been purified to apparent homogeneity from mouse liver (P.M. Ueland and S.O. Døskeland, 1977, J. Biol. Chem.,252, 677–686). The degree of activation of both the cyclic AMP binding site and a high-affinity site for adenosine depends on the concentration of ATP during the preincubation. The velocity and the degree of activation are dependent on the temperature and the presence of Mg2+ and K+. The NH4+ ion can be substituted for K+, whereas Na+ is inefficient. Low pH promotes the conversion from the inactive to the active form. The apparent affinity for adenosine to the high-affinity site for this adenine derivative and the affinity for cyclic AMP to the site specific for this nucleotide are independent of the degree of activation as judged from the slope of Scatchard plots. The activation of the cyclic AMP binding site by ATP (6 mm) was determined at pH 7 in the presence of 10 μm cyclic AMP, AMP, ADP, or adenosine. Adenosine specifically inhibits the activation and does not promote the inactivation of the binding protein. The possibility that the apparent inhibition of activation was effected by interference with cyclic AMP binding by adenosine was ruled out.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from mice primed with virulent Listeria monocytogenes do not develop an anti-SRBC plaque forming cell response to SRBC in culture. Furthermore, when Listeria primed spleen cells are co-cultured with normal spleen cells and SRBC, the anti-SRBC response of the normal cells is suppressed. Listeria primed spleen cells from T cell depleted donors are equally effective at immunosuppression. The immunosuppressive effect does not appear to be due to the presence of the bacterium or its products per se in the cultures. Furthermore, the effect cannot be transferred across a 0.45 μm pore membrane. Kinetic studies show that the immunosuppressive effect develops by 2 days post-Listeria inoculation and peaks by Day 6. Low doses of Listeria are not immunosuppressive and produce some enhancement effect. From these results, it is suggested that a population of non-T cell dependent cells develop in Listeria primed hosts that nonspecifically suppress the response of B cells to an unrelated antigen in culture.  相似文献   

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