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Excitatory Eph receptors and adhesive ephrin ligands   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Ephrins are cell surface associated ligands for Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and are implicated in repulsive axon guidance, cell migration, topographic mapping and angiogenesis. During the past year, Eph receptors have been shown to associate with glutamate receptors in excitatory neurons, suggesting a role in synapse formation or function. Moreover, ephrin/Eph signaling appears to regulate neural stem cell proliferation and migration in adult mouse brains. The mode of action of ephrin/Ephs has been expanded from repulsion to adhesion and from cell surface attachment to regulated cleavage.  相似文献   

Signaling downstream of Eph receptors and ephrin ligands.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D Schmucker  S L Zipursky 《Cell》2001,105(6):701-704

The Eph receptors and their ephrin ligands play crucial roles in a large number of cell–cell interaction events, including those associated with axon pathfinding, neuronal cell migration and vasculogenesis. They are also involved in the patterning of most tissues and overall cell positioning in the development of the vertebrate body plan. The Eph/ephrin signaling system manifests several unique features that differentiate it from other receptor tyrosine kinases, including initiation of bi-directional signaling cascades and the existence of ligand and receptor subclasses displaying promiscuous intra-subclass interactions, but very rare inter-subclass interactions. In this review we briefly discuss these features and focus on recent studies of the unique and expansive high-affinity Eph/ephrin assemblies that form at the sites of cell–cell contact and are required for Eph signaling initiation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Emerging recognition and activation mechanisms of receptor tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

Cheng C  Gong X 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e28147
Recent genetic studies show that the Eph/ephrin bidirectional signaling pathway is associated with both congenital and age-related cataracts in mice and humans. We have investigated the molecular mechanisms of cataractogenesis and the roles of ephrin-A5 and EphA2 in the lens. Ephrin-A5 knockout (-/-) mice often display anterior polar cataracts while EphA2(-/-) lenses show very mild cortical or nuclear cataracts at weaning age. The anterior polar cataract of ephrin-A5(-/-) lenses is correlated with multilayers of aberrant cells that express alpha smooth muscle actin, a marker for mesenchymal cells. Only select fiber cells are altered in ephrin-A5(-/-) lenses. Moreover, the disruption of membrane-associated β-catenin and E-cadherin junctions is observed in ephrin-A5(-/-) lens central epithelial cells. In contrast, EphA2(-/-) lenses display normal monolayer epithelium while disorganization is apparent in all lens fiber cells. Immunostaining of ephrin-A5 proteins, highly expressed in lens epithelial cells, were not colocalized with EphA2 proteins, mainly expressed in lens fiber cells. Besides the previously reported function of ephrin-A5 in lens fiber cells, this work suggests that ephrin-A5 regulates β-catenin signaling and E-cadherin to prevent lens anterior epithelial cells from undergoing the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition while EphA2 is essential for controlling the organization of lens fiber cells through an unknown mechanism. Ephrin-A5 and EphA2 likely interacting with other members of Eph/ephrin family to play diverse functions in lens epithelial cells and/or fiber cells.  相似文献   

The Eph receptor tyrosine kinases family and their membrane bound ligands, the ephrins, represents a complex signaling network of cell communication for cell sorting during tissue patterning in development and in the normal physiology and homeostasis of adult tissues. This molecular family has adapted to evolving tissue complexity in multicellular organisms through the emergence of more members and complex mechanisms of expression and signaling that result in the fine-tuning of cell positioning. Since their initial identification from an erythropoietin producing hepatocellular (Eph) carcinoma cell line in 1987, Eph/ephrin signaling has been a matter of intensive investigation for their plausible role in cancer. Similarly to their context dependent modus operandi in normal tissues, Eph/ephrin signaling in cancer is an intricate and puzzling network of events that tumors “manage” to their benefit in multiple aspects like cell adhesion to substrate, migration, invasion or growth.  相似文献   



The tissue distributions and functions of Eph receptors and their ephrin ligands have been well studied, however less is known about their evolutionary history. We have undertaken a phylogenetic analysis of Eph receptors and ephrins from a number of invertebrate and vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Eph receptors and their cell membrane-bound ephrin ligands regulate cell positioning and thereby establish or stabilize patterns of cellular organization. Although it is recognized that ephrin clustering is essential for Eph function, mechanisms that relay information of ephrin density into cell biological responses are poorly understood. We demonstrate by confocal time-lapse and fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy that within minutes of binding ephrin-A5-coated beads, EphA3 receptors assemble into large clusters. While remaining positioned around the site of ephrin contact, Eph clusters exceed the size of the interacting ephrin surface severalfold. EphA3 mutants with compromised ephrin-binding capacity, which alone are incapable of cluster formation or phosphorylation, are recruited effectively and become phosphorylated when coexpressed with a functional receptor. Our findings reveal consecutive initiation of ephrin-facilitated Eph clustering and cluster propagation, the latter of which is independent of ephrin contacts and cytosolic Eph signaling functions but involves direct Eph-Eph interactions.  相似文献   

Although at present, there is a high incidence of prostate cancer, particularly in the Western world, mortality from this disease is declining and occurs primarily only from clinically significant late stage tumors with a poor prognosis. A major current focus of this field is the identification of new biomarkers which can detect earlier, and more effectively, clinically significant tumors from those deemed “low risk”, as well as predict the prognostic course of a particular cancer. This strategy can in turn offer novel avenues for targeted therapies. The large family of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases, the Ephs, and their binding partners, the ephrins, has been implicated in many cancers of epithelial origin through stimulation of oncogenic transformation, tumor angiogenesis, and promotion of increased cell survival, invasion and migration. They also show promise as both biomarkers of diagnostic and prognostic value and as targeted therapies in cancer. This review will briefly discuss the complex roles and biological mechanisms of action of these receptors and ligands and, with regard to prostate cancer, highlight their potential as biomarkers for both diagnosis and prognosis, their application as imaging agents, and current approaches to assessing them as therapeutic targets. This review demonstrates the need for future studies into those particular family members that will prove helpful in understanding the biology and potential as targets for treatment of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is involved in cell lineage specification in many developing organs. In mice there are four known Notch receptor genes (Notch1–4) and five ligands genes (Dll1, 3, 4 and Jagged1 and 2). Notch2 is essential for development of placenta, an organ that mediates feto-maternal nutrient and gas exchange as well as maternal adaptations to pregnancy. However the role of other Notch receptors and ligands in placentation is not known. In order to gain better insight into the role of Notch signaling in mouse placenta we thoroughly analyzed mRNA expression of all Notch receptors and ligands in all trophoblast cell types from the embryonic day (E) 7.5 to E12.5, the period during which all of the substructures of the placenta develop. Here we show that Notch receptors and ligands are specifically and dynamically expressed in multiple cell layers of developing placenta. We found that the Notch2 receptor and Jagged1 and Jagged2 ligand genes are complementarily expressed in trophoblast cells of the chorion and its later derivatives in the labyrinth. Dll4 and Notch2 expression complement each other in the ectoplacental cone, while Dll1 and Notch2 are expressed in an ectoplacental cone derivative, the junctional zone. Moreover Dll4 and Notch2 are expressed at the ectoplacental cone–decidua interface at early stages of placentation. Additionally we show that Notch2 is dynamically expressed in all trophoblast giant cell subtypes, which is consistent with previous reports. Overall these expression pattern results suggest that Notch signaling may play several diverse roles during placenta development.  相似文献   

The mechanisms generating precise connections between specific thalamic nuclei and cortical areas remain poorly understood. Using axon tracing analysis of ephrin/Eph mutant mice, we provide in vivo evidence that Eph receptors in the thalamus and ephrins in the cortex control intra-areal topographic mapping of thalamocortical (TC) axons. In addition, we show that the same ephrin/Eph genes unexpectedly control the inter-areal specificity of TC projections through the early topographic sorting of TC axons in an intermediate target, the ventral telencephalon. Our results constitute the first identification of guidance cues involved in inter-areal specificity of TC projections and demonstrate that the same set of mapping labels is used differentially for the generation of topographic specificity of TC projections between and within individual cortical areas.  相似文献   

Eph receptor tyrosine kinases mediate cell-cell communication by interacting with ephrin ligands residing on adjacent cell surfaces. In doing so, these juxtamembrane signaling complexes provide important contextual information about the cellular microenvironment that helps orchestrate tissue morphogenesis and maintain homeostasis. Eph/ephrin signaling has been implicated in various aspects of mammalian skin physiology, with several members of this large family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands present in the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and underlying dermis. This review focuses on the emerging role of Eph receptors and ephrins in epidermal keratinocytes where they can modulate proliferation, migration, differentiation, and death. The activation of Eph receptors by ephrins at sites of cell-cell contact also appears to play a key role in the maturation of intercellular junctional complexes as keratinocytes move out of the basal layer and differentiate in the suprabasal layers of this stratified, squamous epithelium. Furthermore, alterations in the epidermal Eph/ephrin axis have been associated with cutaneous malignancy, wound healing defects and inflammatory skin conditions. These collective observations suggest that the Eph/ephrin cell-cell communication pathway may be amenable to therapeutic intervention for the purpose of restoring epidermal tissue homeostasis and integrity in dermatological disorders.  相似文献   

The Eph family of receptors, with 14 members in humans, makes up the largest group of receptor tyrosine kinases. These Eph receptors, along with their ligands, the 8 members of the ephrin family of ligands are involved in diverse developmental functions, including hindbrain development in vertebrates, tissue patterning, and angiogenesis. These Eph receptors and ephrin ligands have also been identified as important regulators in the development and progression of cancer. We have presented here a systematic and comprehensive investigation of the Eph/ephrin expression profiles of MCF-10A, MCF-7, and MDA-MB-231 cells representing normal breast, non-invasive breast tumor, and invasive tumor, respectively, based on their characteristic phenotypes in Matrigel matrix. The data have allowed us to correlate the gene expression profile with the cell phenotype that has potential application in tumor diagnostics. We demonstrate here that upregulation of EphA2, A7, A10, and ephrinA2 and B3 is likely involved in tumorigenesis and/or invasiveness, while downregulation of EphA1, A3, A4, A8, B3, B4, B6, and ephrinA1 and B1 may be particularly important in invasiveness. Based on these results we discuss the role of EphA2 and ephrinA1 combination in malignancy. The data have provided clues as to the importance of these molecules in the progression of breast cancer and specifically identified EphB6, a kinase-deficient receptor, which is downregulated in the most aggressive cell line, as reported for several other cancer types including neuroblastoma and melanoma suggesting its potential as a prognostic indicator in breast cancer as well.  相似文献   

Eph receptor tyrosine kinases are involved in many cellular processes. In the developing brain, they act as migratory and cell adhesive cues while in the adult brain they regulate dendritic spine plasticity. Here we show a new role for Eph receptor signalling in the cerebellar cortex. Cerebellar Purkinje cells are innervated by two different excitatory inputs. The climbing fibres contact the proximal dendritic domain of Purkinje cells, where synapse and spine density is low; the parallel fibres contact the distal dendritic domain, where synapse and spine density is high. Interestingly, Purkinje cells have the intrinsic ability to generate a high number of spines over their entire dendritic arborisations, which can be innervated by the parallel fibres. However, the climbing fibre input continuously exerts an activity-dependent repression on parallel fibre synapses, thus confining them to the distal Purkinje cell dendritic domain. Such repression persists after Eph receptor activation, but is overridden by Eph receptor inhibition with EphA4/Fc in neonatal cultured cerebellar slices as well as mature acute cerebellar slices, following in vivo infusion of the EphA4/Fc inhibitor and in EphB receptor-deficient mice. When electrical activity is blocked in vivo by tetrodotoxin leading to a high spine density in Purkinje cell proximal dendrites, stimulation of Eph receptor activation recapitulates the spine repressive effects of climbing fibres. These results suggest that Eph receptor signalling mediates the repression of spine proliferation induced by climbing fibre activity in Purkinje cell proximal dendrites. Such repression is necessary to maintain the correct architecture of the cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

Eph receptors and ephrin ligands are widely expressed during embryonic development with well-defined functions in directing neuronal and vascular network formation. Over the last decade, evidence has mounted that Ephs and ephrins are also actively involved in prenatal and postnatal development of epithelial tissues. Their functions beyond developmental settings are starting to be recognized as well. The diverse functions of Eph/ephrin are largely related to the complementary expression pattern of the Eph receptors and corresponding ephrin ligands that are expressed in adjacent compartments, although overlapping expression pattern also exists in epithelial tissue. The interconnection between Ephs or ephrins and classical cell junctional molecules suggests they may function coordinately in maintaining epithelial structural integrity and homeostasis. This review will highlight cellular and molecular evidence in current literature that support a role of Eph/ephrin systems in regulating epithelial cell development and physiology.  相似文献   

Roles for Eph receptor tyrosine kinase and ephrin signaling in vertebrate brain development are well established. Their involvement in the modulation of mammalian synaptic structure and physiology is also emerging. However, less is known of their effects on brain development and their function in adult invertebrate nervous systems. Here, we report on the characterization of Eph receptor and ephrin orthologs in the honeybee, Apis mellifera (Am), and their role in learning and memory. In situ hybridization for mRNA expression showed a uniform distribution of expression of both genes across the developing pupal and adult brain. However, in situ labeling with Fc fusion proteins indicated that the AmEphR and Amephrin proteins were differentially localized to cell body regions in the mushroom bodies and the developing neuropiles of the antennal and optic lobes. In adults, AmEphR protein was localized to regions of synaptic contacts in optic lobes, in the glomeruli of antennal lobes, and in the medial lobe of the mushroom body. The latter two regions are involved in olfactory learning and memory in the honeybee. Injections of EphR-Fc and ephrin-Fc proteins into the brains of adult bees, 1 h before olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex, significantly reduced memory 24 h later. Experimental amnesia in the group injected with ephrin-Fc was apparent 1 h post-training. Experimental amnesia was also induced by post-training injections with ephrin-Fc suggesting a role in recall. This is the first demonstration that Eph molecules function to regulate the formation of memory in insects.  相似文献   

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