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In an investigation carried out in the allergological clinic of the Tbilisi State Medical Institute in the period between two outbreaks of influenza, the presence of influenza antigen was determined in nasal washings taken from 127 patients with different allergoses and bronchial asthma by means of the enzyme immuno-assay with the use of the type-specific virion antigen of M1-protein. This method was found to be highly sensitive and to have some advantages over traditional methods used for the diagnosis of influenza. In patients with preasthma and different forms of bronchial asthma elevated susceptibility to influenza infection and its unfavorable influence on the clinical course of these pathological conditions were established.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the status of plasma essential trace element selenium (Se), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) concentrations and the effect of these elements on oxidative status in patients with childhood asthma. Plasma Se, Mn, Cu, and Zn concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) and Fe concentrations, malondialdehyde (MDA), and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined by the colorimetric method. The plasma MDA/TAC ratio was calculated as an index of oxidative status. Plasma albumin levels were measured to determine nutritional status. Plasma Fe concentrations, MDA levels and the MDA/TAC ratio were significantly higher (p<0.001, p<0.001, and p<0.01, respectively) and Se and Mn concentrations and TAC were lower (p<0.01, p<0.05, and p<0.01, respectively) in patients when compared to the healthy subjects. Plasma Zn, Cu, and albumin levels were not found to be significantly different in patients and controls (p>0.05). There were positive relationships between plasma MDA and Fe (r=0.545, p<0.001) and TAC and Se (r=0.485, p<0.021), and a negative correlation between TAC and MDA values (r= −0.337, p<0.031) in patients with childhood asthma. However, there was no correlation between these trace elements and albumin content in patient groups. These observations suggest that increased Fe and decreased Se concentrations in patients with childhood asthma may be responsible for the oxidant/antioxidant imbalance.  相似文献   

Analysis of serum copper and zinc concentrations in cancer patients   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Several studies have shown that plasma copper concentrations are increased in various carcinomas. Zinc acts as a cellular growth protector, including growth of neoplastic cells, and its deficiency was demonstrated to be involved in several stages of malignant transformation. However, the usefulness of the serum zinc and copper determinations in cancer prevention, detection, monitoring treatment, and prognosis requires further investigations. The aim of the present study was to compare the serum copper and zinc levels in patients with cancer of the lung (PC), breast (BC), gastrointestinal tract (GIC), and gynecological (GYNC) malignancy with progress of the disease. The results of the study have shown a significant increase in the mean total serum Cu levels and the serum Cu/Zn ratio in all patient groups with cancer compared to a control group. Increased mean serum concentrations and Cu/Zn ratios were found in the whole group (ALLC), and for the GIC and GYNC groups with local as well as metastasized (Meta) disease in comparison with the control group. The mean serum concentrations of Zn were decreased only in metastasized ALLC and GYNC groups.  相似文献   

Background and aimsA number of previous studies had revealed the association between trace elements in serum and bronchial asthma. However, only a few researches had focused on serum concentration of trace elements in a general population. In this study, an association between trace elements in serum and bronchial asthma was investigated in a general population.MethodsSubjects were 1025 volunteers (385 males and 640 females between ages 19 and 82 years old) who had participated in the Iwaki Health Promotion Project 2005. Bronchial asthma was diagnosed based on the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II according to the self-questionnaires on health conditions of subjects. The serum concentrations of certain trace elements (manganese, copper, zinc, selenium and iron) were measured and compared. Also, an association between serum trace elements level and neutrophil-related functions (oxidative burst activity, phagocytic activity, serum opsonic activity) were determined.ResultsIn males, no significant differences were seen in any serum trace elements concentrations. In females, serum zinc level was significantly higher in bronchial asthma group than in control. A positive correlation was seen between serum concentration of zinc and serum opsonic activity in both genders.ConclusionsIn female asthmatics, increase of oxidative stress was suggested to be caused by superoxide dismutase pathway (elimination system of reactive oxygen species) rather than serum opsonic activity (production system of reactive oxygen species from neutrophils) pathway, as the zinc concentration in bronchial asthma group was higher than that in control.  相似文献   

Serum Zn2+, Cu2+, and Mg2+ were assayed in patients with chronic persisting hepatitis HBsAg-positive. Significantly decreased serum magnesium with increased serum copper levels were noted.  相似文献   

Psychological factors are of importance in the onset and clinical course of the bronchial asthma. Marked emotional disorders are seen in patients with atypical asthma. This study aimed at evaluating selected personality features in patients with various clinical forms of the bronchial asthma. Statistical analysis included 91 asthmatic patients and 30 healthy individuals being a control group. Selected personality features were evaluated with three psychological tests: Eysenck Personality Inventory, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, and Cattel's Self cognition Chart. The obtained results have shown that the index of psychopathologies is higher in patients with non-atopic bronchial asthma than in patients with atopic asthma. Therefore, psychotherapy of asthmatic patients, especially with non-atopic form of the disease, should emphasize disturbances of experienced feelings in such patients.  相似文献   

Serum copper levels (SCL) and serum zinc levels (SZJ) were evaluated in 128 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) of varying stages before, during, and after radiotherapy, and then compared with normal age-matched subjects. Among these patients, there were 119 undifferentiated squamous cell carcinoma, 5 differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, and 4 moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, respectively. Before radiotherapy, SCLs were significantly higher in NPC patients than in normal subjects, but the difference of SZLs was not significant. The ratio of Cu/Zn also showed a significant difference between normal subjects and NPC patients preradiotherapy. Moreover, except stage II, patients with more advanced stages of the disease had more elevated Cu/Zn ratios. During and after the period of radiotherapy, the SCL decreased as compared with the level of preradiotherapy. The Cu/Zn ratio also decreased after radiotherapy but not significant. However, Cu/Zn ratio of expired patients at least 2 yr after radiotherapy did not show the significant decrease in contrast to the alive ones.  相似文献   

A balance between oxidant carcinogens and endogenous antioxidant defence is of particular relevance to the carcinogenesis. Ceruloplasmin (Cp) carries up to 90% of Cu in plasma and performs ferroxidase, antioxidant and amine oxidase activity. Cu and Zn, as trace elements, have been recognized to play an important role as cofactors of SOD. The study presents the relationship of the Cp oxidase activity and concentrations of Cu and Zn in serum of 62 patients with breast (BCA), lung (LCA), gastrointestinal (GICA) and gynecological (GYNCA) cancer. The Cp oxidase activity was determined in serum with o-dianisidine as a substrate. Cu and Zn concentrations in serum were measured by using atomic absorption spectrometry. The results of the study have shown significant increase in the mean serum Cp oxidase activity and total Cu concentrations in all patient groups compared with the control one. The total mean serum Zn concentration was found to be decreased only in LCA group as compared with the control. The effect of the cancer progress on the Cp oxidase activity and concentrations of Cu and Zn was observed within the group of all cancer patients (ALLCA) and within the GICA group. The only significant difference in Cu concentrations among various stages of the disease was observed in GICA between local and distant one. Significant positive correlation coefficients were caLculated for the Cp activity and Cu concentrations in the control group and all patients groups, also according to the cancer progress. Future research is needed to evaLuate the consequences of the elevation of the serum Cp oxidase activity and concentration of Cp, Cu and Zn for the host antioxidant-oxidant balance.  相似文献   

ObjectiveMale pattern androgenetic alopecia is characterized by progressive hair loss from the scalp. It is known that imbalances of some trace elements play a role in the pathomechanism of many forms of alopecia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of zinc and copper in hair, serum and urine samples of Turkish males with male pattern androgenetic alopecia and to compare with healthy controls.Material and methods116 males with male pattern androgenetic alopecia and 100 controls were involved in this study.ResultsLevels of zinc and copper in hair were decreased significantly in the patients (p < 0.05), although zinc and copper levels of serum and urine were not different between patients and controls (p > 0.05). Body mass index of patients were higher than control group. In addition, in the group with body mass index of 25 and lower zinc level in hair and urine, copper level in serum were significantly higher (p < 0.05). Body mass index was negatively correlated with hair zinc levels.ConclusionWe thought that decreased zinc and copper levels in hair may play a role in the etiology of male pattern androgenetic alopecia. In addition, obesity by making changes in the balance of the trace elements in hair, serum and urine may play a role in male pattern androgenetic alopecia. Hence, assessing the levels of trace elements in hair of male pattern androgenetic alopecia patients may be more valuable compared to serum and urine for treatment planning.  相似文献   

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