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Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a recessive neuromuscular disorder caused by loss of the SMN1 gene. The clinical distinction between SMA type I to IV reflects different age of onset and disease severity. SMN2, a nearly identical copy gene of SMN1, produces only 10% of full-length SMN RNA/protein and is an excellent target for a potential therapy. Several clinical trials with drugs that increase the SMN2 expression such as valproic acid and phenylbutyrate are in progress. Solid natural history data for SMA are crucial to enable a correlation between genotype and phenotype as well as the outcome of therapy. We provide genotypic and phenotypic data from 115 SMA patients with type IIIa (age of onset <3 years), type IIIb (age of onset >3 years) and rare type IV (onset >30 years). While 62% of type IIIa patients carry two or three SMN2 copies, 65% of type IIIb patients carry four or five SMN2 copies. Three type IV SMA patients had four and one had six SMN2 copies. Our data support the disease-modifying role of SMN2 leading to later onset and a better prognosis. A statistically significant correlation for ≥4 SMN2 copies with SMA type IIIb or a milder phenotype suggests that SMN2 copy number can be used as a clinical prognostic indicator in SMA patients. The additional case of a foetus with homozygous SMN1 deletion and postnatal measurement of five SMN2 copies illustrates the role of genotypic information in making informed decisions on the management and therapy of such patients.Database: SMN1—OMIM: 600354; GeneBank: U18423, SMN2—OMIM: 601627: GeneBank: NM_022875  相似文献   

Proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) results from loss of the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, with retention of its nearly identical homolog, SMN2. There is a direct correlation between disease severity and SMN2 copy number. Mice do not have a Smn2 gene, and thus cannot naturally replicate the disorder. However, two murine models of SMA have been generated using SMN2-BAC transgenic mice bred onto a mutant Smn background. In these instances mice die shortly after birth, have variable phenotypes within the same litter, or completely correct the SMA phenotype. Both models have been imported to The Jackson Laboratory for distribution to the research community. To ensure that similar results are obtained after importation to The Jackson Laboratory to what was originally reported in the literature, we have begun a molecular and phenotypic evaluation of these mouse models. Here we report our findings for the SMA mouse model that has been deposited by the Li group from Taiwan. These mice, JAX stock number TJL-005058, are homozygous for the SMN2 transgene, Tg(SMN2)2Hung, and a targeted Smn allele that lacks exon 7, Smn1tm1Hung. Our findings are consistent with those reported originally for this line and clarify some of the original data. In addition, we have cloned and mapped the integration site for Tg(SMN2)2Hung to Chromosome 4, and provide a simple genotyping assay that is specific to the junction fragment. Finally, based upon the survival data from our genetic crosses, we suggest that this underused SMA model may be a useful compliment or alternative to the more commonly used “delta7” SMA mouse. We provide breeding schemes in which two genotypes of mice can be generated so that 50% of the litter will be SMA-like pups while 50% will be controls.  相似文献   

脊髓性肌萎缩症(spinal muscular atrophy, SMA)是一种儿童时期较为常见的神经肌肉病,属于常染色体隐性遗传。绝大多数SMA由运动神经元存活基因1 (survival motor neuron 1, SMN1)的纯合缺失突变所致。而SMN1的2+0基因型个体作为一种特殊的SMA携带者,给携带者筛查以及家系的遗传咨询带来了巨大的挑战。已有研究表明,g.27134T>G和g.2770627707delAT多态位点变异对于Ashkenazi犹太人群中的2+0基因型个体具有提示作用。为进一步探究这两个多态位点是否在中国人群也具有特异性,本研究纳入了44例家系成员和204例已知SMN1基因拷贝数的对照样本。44例家系成员来自于9个无关的SMN1基因纯合缺失的SMA家系,先证者双亲之一疑似为2+0基因型携带者。利用多重连接探针扩增(multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification,MLPA)和短串联重复(short tandem repeat, STR)连锁分析进行基因型的鉴定以及多态位点的筛查,最终...  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by loss of motor neurons in patients with null mutations in the SMN1 gene. An almost identical SMN2 gene is unable to compensate for this deficiency because a single C‐to‐T transition at position +6 in exon‐7 causes skipping of the exon by a mechanism not yet fully elucidated. We observed that the C‐to‐T transition in SMN2 creates a putative binding site for the RNA‐binding protein Sam68. RNA pull‐down assays and UV‐crosslink experiments showed that Sam68 binds to this sequence. In vivo splicing assays showed that Sam68 triggers SMN2 exon‐7 skipping. Moreover, mutations in the Sam68‐binding site of SMN2 or in the RNA‐binding domain of Sam68 completely abrogated its effect on exon‐7 skipping. Retroviral infection of dominant‐negative mutants of Sam68 that interfere with its RNA‐binding activity, or with its binding to the splicing repressor hnRNP A1, enhanced exon‐7 inclusion in endogenous SMN2 and rescued SMN protein expression in fibroblasts of SMA patients. Our results thus indicate that Sam68 is a novel crucial regulator of SMN2 splicing.  相似文献   

The spliceosomal snRNAs U1, U2, U4, and U5 are synthesized in the nucleus, exported to the cytoplasm to assemble with Sm proteins, and reimported to the nucleus as ribonucleoprotein particles. Recently, two novel proteins involved in biogenesis of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) were identified, the Spinal muscular atrophy disease gene product (SMN) and its associated protein SIP1. It was previously reported that in HeLa cells, SMN and SIP1 form discrete foci located next to Cajal (coiled) bodies, the so-called "gemini of coiled bodies" or "gems." An intriguing feature of gems is that they do not appear to contain snRNPs. Here we show that gems are present in a variable but small proportion of rapidly proliferating cells in culture. In the vast majority of cultured cells and in all primary neurons analyzed, SMN and SIP1 colocalize precisely with snRNPs in the Cajal body. The presence of SMN and SIP1 in Cajal bodies is confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy and by microinjection of antibodies that interfere with the integrity of the structure. The association of SMN with snRNPs and coilin persists during cell division, but at the end of mitosis there is a lag period between assembly of new Cajal bodies in the nucleus and detection of SMN in these structures, suggesting that SMN is targeted to preformed Cajal bodies. Finally, treatment of cells with leptomycin B (a drug that blocks export of U snRNAs to the cytoplasm and consequently import of new snRNPs into the nucleus) is shown to deplete snRNPs (but not SMN or SIP1) from the Cajal body. This suggests that snRNPs flow through the Cajal body during their biogenesis pathway.  相似文献   

Lin Lee 《Developmental biology》2009,332(1):142-2844
Survival motor neuron protein (SMN) is the determining factor for the human neurodegenerative disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). SMN is critical for small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) assembly. Using Drosophila oogenesis as a model system, we show that mutations in smn cause abnormal nuclear organization in nurse cells and oocytes. Germline and mitotic clonal analysis reveals that both nurse cells and oocytes require SMN to maintain normal organization of nuclear compartments including chromosomes, nucleoli, Cajal bodies and histone locus bodies. We previously found that SMN-containing U bodies invariably associate with P bodies (Liu, J. L., and Gall, J. G. (2007). U bodies are cytoplasmic structures that contain uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and associate with P bodies. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 104, 11655-11659.). Multiple lines of evidence implicate SMN in the regulation of germline nuclear organization through the connection of U bodies and P bodies. Firstly, smn germline clones phenocopy mutations for two P body components, Cup and Ovarian tumour (Otu). Secondly, P body mutations disrupt SMN distribution and the organization of U bodies. Finally, mutations in smn disrupt the function and organization of U bodies and P bodies. Taken together, our results suggest that SMN is required for the functional integrity of the U body-P body pathway, which in turn is important for maintaining proper nuclear architecture.  相似文献   

The spinal muscular atrophy protein, SMN, is a cytoplasmic protein that is also found in distinct nuclear structures called "gems." Gems are closely associated with nuclear coiled bodies and both may have a direct role in snRNP maturation and pre-RNA splicing. There has been some controversy over whether gems and coiled bodies colocalize or form adjacent/independent structures in HeLa and other cultured cells. Using a new panel of antibodies against SMN and antibodies against coilin-p80, a systematic and quantitative study of adult differentiated tissues has shown that gems always colocalize with coiled bodies. In some tissues, a small proportion of coiled bodies (<10%) had no SMN, but independent or adjacent gems were not found. The most striking observation, however, was that many cell types appear to have neither gems nor coiled bodies (e.g., cardiac and smooth muscle, blood vessels, stomach, and spleen) and this expression pattern is conserved across human, rabbit, and pig species. This shows that assembly of distinct nuclear bodies is not essential for RNA splicing and supports the view that they may be storage sites for reserves of essential proteins and snRNPs. Overexpression of SMN in COS-7 cells produced supernumerary nuclear bodies, most of which also contained coilin-p80, confirming the close relationship between gems and coiled bodies. However, when SMN is reduced to very low levels in type I SMA fibroblasts, coiled bodies are still formed. Overall, the data suggest that gem/coiled body formation is not determined by high cytoplasmic SMN concentrations or high metabolic activity alone and that a differentiation-specific factor may control their formation.  相似文献   

Introduction: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by alpha motor neuron loss in the spinal cord due to reduced survival motor neuron (SMN) protein level. While the genetic basis of SMA is well described, the specific molecular pathway underlying SMA is still not fully understood.

Areas covered: This review discusses the recent advancements in understanding the molecular pathways in SMA using different omics approaches and genetic modifiers identified in both vertebrate and invertebrate systems. The findings that are summarized in this article were deduced from original articles and reviews with a particular focus on the latest advancements in the field.

Expert commentary: The identification of genetic modifiers such as PLS3 and NCALD in humans or of SMA modulators such as Elavl4 (HuD), Copa, Uba1, Mapk10 (Jnk3), Nrxn2 and Tmem41b (Stasimon) in various SMA animal models improved our knowledge of impaired cellular pathways in SMA. Inspiration from modifier genes and their functions in motor neuron and neuromuscular junctions may open a new avenue for future SMA combinatorial therapies.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a common autosomal recessive form of motoneuron disease in infants and young adults, is caused by mutations in the survival motoneuron 1 (SMN1) gene. The corresponding gene product is part of a multiprotein complex involved in the assembly of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes. It is still not understood why reduced levels of the ubiquitously expressed SMN protein specifically cause motoneuron degeneration. Here, we show that motoneurons isolated from an SMA mouse model exhibit normal survival, but reduced axon growth. Overexpression of Smn or its binding partner, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) R, promotes neurite growth in differentiating PC12 cells. Reduced axon growth in Smn-deficient motoneurons correlates with reduced beta-actin protein and mRNA staining in distal axons and growth cones. We also show that hnRNP R associates with the 3' UTR of beta-actin mRNA. Together, these data suggest that a complex of Smn with its binding partner hnRNP R interacts with beta-actin mRNA and translocates to axons and growth cones of motoneurons.  相似文献   

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The spinal muscular atrophy disease gene product (SMN) is crucial for small nuclear ribonuclear protein (snRNP) biogenesis in the cytoplasm and plays a role in pre-mRNA splicing in the nucleus. SMN oligomers interact avidly with the snRNP core proteins SmB, -D1, and -D3. We have delineated the specific sequences in the Sm proteins that mediate their interaction with SMN. We show that unique carboxyl-terminal arginine- and glycine-rich domains comprising the last 29 amino acids of SmD1 and the last 32 amino acids of SmD3 are necessary and sufficient for SMN binding. Interestingly, SMN also interacts with at least two of the U6-associated Sm-like (Lsm) proteins, Lsm4 and Lsm6. Furthermore, the carboxyl-terminal arginine- and glycine-rich domain of Lsm4 directly interacts with SMN. This suggests that SMN also functions in the assembly of the U6 snRNP in the nucleus and in the assembly of other Lsm-containing complexes. These findings demonstrate that arginine- and glycine-rich domains are necessary and sufficient for SMN interaction, and they expand further the range of targets of the SMN protein.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a severe neuromuscular disease characterized by loss of spinal α-motor neurons, resulting in the paralysis of skeletal muscle. SMA is caused by deficiency of survival motor neuron (SMN) protein levels. Recent evidence has highlighted an axon-specific role for SMN protein, raising the possibility that axon degeneration may be an early event in SMA pathogenesis. The Wallerian degeneration slow (Wlds) gene is a spontaneous dominant mutation in mice that delays axon degeneration by approximately 2-3 weeks. We set out to examine the effect of Wlds on the phenotype of a mouse model of SMA. We found that Wlds does not alter the SMA phenotype, indicating that Wallerian degeneration does not directly contribute to the pathogenesis of SMA development.  相似文献   

Stickler syndrome type I (STL1, MIM 108300) is characterized by ocular, auditory, skeletal and orofacial manifestations. Nonsyndromic ocular STL1 (MIM 609508) characterized by predominantly ocular features is a subgroup of STL1, and it is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. In this study, a novel variant c.T100>C (p.Cys34Arg) in COL2A1 related to a large nonsyndromic ocular STL1 family was identified through Exome sequencing (ES). Bioinformatics analysis indicated that the variant site was highly conserved and the pathogenic mechanism of this variant may involve in affected structure of chordin‐like cysteine‐rich (CR) repeats of ColIIA. Minigene assay indicated that this variant did not change alternative splicing of exon2 of COL2A1. Moreover, the nonsyndromic ocular STL1 family with 16 affected members showed phenotype variability and certain male gender trend. None of the family members had hearing loss. Our findings would expand the knowledge of the COL2A1 mutation spectrum, and phenotype variability associated with nonsyndromic ocular STL1. Search for genetic modifiers and related molecular pathways leading to the phenotype variation warrants further studies.  相似文献   

Summary. Excitatory amino acids which promote the survival of cerebellar granule cells in culture, also promote the expression of the survival of motor neuron (SMN) protein. Immunolocalization studies using SMN monoclonal antibody showed that SMN is decreased in cultures grown in low K+ or chemically defined medium with respect to cultures grown in high K+ medium and that an increase of SMN can be induced by treatment of low K+ cultures with glutamate or N-methyl-D-aspartate. Received March 31, 1999  相似文献   

Arterial tortuosity syndrome (ATS, MIM# 208050) is a rare autosomal recessive connective tissue disease, mainly characterized by widespread arterial involvement with elongation, tortuosity, and aneurysms of the large and middle-sized arteries (Callewaert et al., 2008, Hum Mutat 29:150-158). Recently, mutations were identified in the SLC2A10 gene encoding the facilitative glucose transporter GLUT10 (Coucke et al., 2006, Nat Genet 38:452-457). It was hypothesized that loss-of-function of the transporter results in upregulation of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) signaling pathway (Coucke et al., 2006, Nat Genet 38:452-457). We anticipated that a mouse model would help to gain more insight in the complex pathophysiological mechanism of human ATS. Here, we report that two mouse models, homozygous respectively for G128E and S150F missense substitutions in glut10 do not present any of the vascular, anatomical, or immunohistological abnormalities as encountered in human ATS patients. We conclude that these mouse strains do not phenocopy human ATS and cannot help the further elucidation of pathogenetic mechanisms underlying this disease.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic neurodegenerative disorder leading to immobilization and premature death. Currently, three alternative therapeutic options are available. Therefore, biomarkers that might reflect or predict the clinical course of the individual patient with treatment are of great potential use. Currently, the antisense oligonucleotide nusinersen is the prevalent and longest validated therapy for SMA. We analysed CSF candidate biomarkers for degenerative CNS processes (namely phosphorylated heavy chain (pNf-H), light-chain neurofilaments (NfL), total tau protein (T-Tau), neurogranin, β-secretase BACE-1 and alpha-synuclein) in 193 CSF samples of 44 paediatric SMA types 1, 2 and 3 patients before and under nusinersen treatment and related them to standardized clinical outcome scores in a single-centre pilot study. pNf-H and NfL correlated with disease severity and activity, emphasizing their relevance as marker of neuronal loss and clinical outcome. T-Tau was significantly correlated with motor function scores in SMA type 1 making it an interesting marker for treatment response. Additionally, baseline T-Tau levels were elevated in most SMA patients possibly reflecting the extension of neuronal degeneration in paediatric-onset SMA. Further investigations of these CSF proteins might be beneficial for paediatric SMA subtypes and treatment modalities as an indicator for clinical outcome and should be analysed in larger cohorts.  相似文献   

Serum Ca(++) levels play important roles in the humoral immunity. The aim of this study was to detect quantitative trait loci and the associated positional candidate genes affecting baseline serum Ca(++) concentrations. A genome-wide association study was conducted in an F(2) intercross population between Landrace and Korean native pigs using the porcine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 60?K beadchip and the PLINK program based on linear regression. Data used in the study included 410 F(2) pigs. All experimental animals were genotyped with 36,613 SNP markers located throughout the pig autosomes. We identified a strong association between a SNP marker on chromosome 7 and serum Ca(++) levels (DIAS0002191, genomic control-corrected P?=?7.7?×?10(-5)). The position of DIAS0002191 was closely located to SLA class III region containing the C2 gene encoding the complementary component 2 protein, a protein which is important in the humoral immune responses. De novo sequencing of the porcine C2 gene revealed a missense mutation [c.1963A相似文献   

The survival of motor neurons (SMN) gene is the disease gene of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a common motor neuron degenerative disease. The SMN protein is part of a complex containing several proteins, of which one, SIP1 (SMN interacting protein 1), has been characterized so far. The SMN complex is found in both the cytoplasm and in the nucleus, where it is concentrated in bodies called gems. In the cytoplasm, SMN and SIP1 interact with the Sm core proteins of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), and they play a critical role in snRNP assembly. In the nucleus, SMN is required for pre-mRNA splicing, likely by serving in the regeneration of snRNPs. Here, we report the identification of another component of the SMN complex, a novel DEAD box putative RNA helicase, named Gemin3. Gemin3 interacts directly with SMN, as well as with SmB, SmD2, and SmD3. Immunolocalization studies using mAbs to Gemin3 show that it colocalizes with SMN in gems. Gemin3 binds SMN via its unique COOH-terminal domain, and SMN mutations found in some SMA patients strongly reduce this interaction. The presence of a DEAD box motif in Gemin3 suggests that it may provide the catalytic activity that plays a critical role in the function of the SMN complex on RNPs.  相似文献   

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