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Eight microsatellite loci were identified and characterized in the commercially important giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. The microsatellite loci were detected by the random screening for dinucleotide repeat units within a partial genomic library developed for the species with biotinylated probes (CA)(15) , (AT)(15) and (GA)(15) . All the eight loci were found to be polymorphic. The number of alleles and observed heterozygosities per locus ranged between three to 16 and 0.22 to 0.71, respectively. These microsatellite markers will be useful for the conservation and management of wild and cultured stocks and population genetic studies of freshwater prawn.  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记技术及其在遗传多样性研究中的应用   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
微卫星DNA的高突变率、中性、共湿性及其在真核基因组中的普遍性,使其成为居群遗传学研究、种质资源鉴定、亲缘关系分析和图谱构建的优越的分子标记。本研究系统介绍了微卫星DNA在结构和功能上的特点,并对微卫星DNA标记技术应用的遗传学机理和一般方法进行了扼要的阐述。另外,本研究还探讨了微卫星DNA标记技术在遗传多样性研究中的应用现状,并进一步提出其发展前景。  相似文献   

Genetic variation in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genetic variation at seven microsatellite DNA loci was quantified in 19 herds of wild caribou and domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) from North America, Scandinavia and Russia. There is an average of 2.0-6.6 alleles per locus and observed individual heterozygosity of 0.33-0.50 in most herds. A herd on Svalbard Island, Scandinavia, is an exception, with relatively few alleles and low heterozygosity. The Central Arctic, Western Arctic and Porcupine River caribou herds in Alaska have similar allele frequencies and comprise one breeding population. Domestic reindeer in Alaska originated from transplants from Siberia, Russia, more than 100 years ago. Reindeer in Alaska and Siberia have different allele frequencies at several loci, but a relatively low level of genetic differentiation. Wild caribou and domestic reindeer in Alaska have significantly different allele frequencies at the seven loci, indicating that gene flow between reindeer and caribou in Alaska has been limited.  相似文献   

Resistance to parasites is believed to have a widespread influence on demographic and adaptive processes. In systems where parasites impose a fitness cost on their host, heterozygotes may be selected because they are more resistant to parasites than homozygotes. Our objective was to assess the relationships between genomewide individual heterozygosity and abomasal nematode burdens in female Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) after the effects of host age, locality, season, and year had been accounted for. Samples were obtained from 306 female reindeer that were culled and genotyped at nine microsatellite loci. Reindeer in our study populations are mainly parasitized by the gastrointestinal nematodes Ostertagia gruehneri and Marshallagia marshalli. The infection intensity of each parasite differed between subpopulations, and among host age classes, seasons and years. We found no significant relationships between abomasal worm burdens, or lumen and mucosa larvae, of either O. gruehneri or M. marshalli and individual heterozygosity (or mean d(2)) alone or in interactions with host age, locality, and year. Although we analysed one of the largest data set available to date on gastrointestinal nematodes of a wild ruminant, we used a typical data set of nine genetic neutral markers that may have had low power to detect heterozygosity-fitness correlations. We conclude that the proportion of the variance in parasite resistance explained by individual heterozygosity for neutral genetic markers is low in Svalbard reindeer and in vertebrates in general, and we suggest that the candidate-gene approach might be more fruitful for further research on gene-fitness correlations.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA markers for genetic mapping in Oreochromis niloticus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The isolation of seven tri-, and 133 di-nucleotide microsatellite markers from a tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus , is described. An efficient methodology for isolating large numbers of such markers and their potential applications in applied aquaculture and evolutionary genetics are discussed.  相似文献   

海南岛中华蜜蜂遗传多样性的微卫星DNA分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解海南岛中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana的遗传多样性和遗传结构及其与大陆种群的关系, 本研究应用10个微卫星DNA标记对海南岛11个地点627个蜂群的627头工蜂样本和大陆2个地点102个蜂群的102头工蜂样本进行了分析。结果表明: 海南岛中华蜜蜂遗传多样性较高, 单个位点检测到等位基因5~17个; 各种群平均等位基因数为4.5~7.0个, 平均杂合度为0.59~0.65。海南岛中华蜜蜂在10个位点上表现出相似遗传结构, 文昌和屯昌种群在AT101位点的等位基因频率较特殊。岛内 岛外中华蜜蜂的遗传分化系数FST范围为0.06~0.13; 文昌、 屯昌种群分别同海南岛内其他9个种群的FST(0.06~0.12)大于这9个种群间的FST(0~0.05)。海南岛中华蜜蜂同邻近大陆种群发生了明显的遗传分化; 除文昌、 屯昌种群发生中等程度的分化外, 海南岛内其他种群之间遗传分化较小。本研究结果对海南岛中华蜜蜂资源的保护和合理利用具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

A recent paper (Leclerc et al. 2004) described limited variationin dinucleotide microsatellites from Plasmodium vivax, suggestingvery recent bottlenecks or genome-wide selective events. Wedescribe patterns of variation in 11 dinucleotide microsatellitesin P. vivax populations from Colombia, India, and Thailand.We find abundant variation with heterozygosity of 0.64, 0.76,and 0.77, respectively, in the three countries. The discrepancybetween these two studies results is simply explained by thedifferences in the size of repeat arrays. The microsatellitesstudied by Leclerc et al. (2004) have very few repeats (median5.5, range 4–13) and so would not be expected to be variable.Plasmodium vivax microsatellites show comparable levels of variationto those in Plasmodium falciparum when repeat array length istaken into account and provide no support for recent bottlenecksor widespread selective purging  相似文献   

We assessed genetic differentiation and diversity in 14 populations of sika deer (Cervus nippon) from Japan and four populations of sika deer introduced to the UK, using nine microsatellite loci. We observed extreme levels of differentiation and significant differences in diversity between populations. Our results do not support morphological subspecies designations, but are consistent with previous mitochondrial DNA analyses which suggest the existence of two genetically distinct lineages of sika deer in Japan. The source of sika introduced to the UK was identified as Kyushu. The underlying structure of Japanese populations probably derives from drift in separate glacial refugia and male dispersal limited by distance. This structure has been perturbed by bottlenecks and habitat fragmentation, resulting from human activity from the mid-nineteenth century. Most current genetic differentiation and differences in diversity among populations probably result from recent drift. Coalescent model analysis suggests sika on each of the main Japanese islands have experienced different recent population histories. Hokkaido, which has large areas of continuous habitat, has maintained high levels of gene flow. In Honshu the population is highly fragmented and is likely to have been evolving by drift alone. In Kyushu there has been a balance between gene flow and drift but all the populations have experienced high levels of drift. Habitat fragment size was not significantly associated with genetic diversity in populations but there was a significant correlation between habitat fragment size and effective population size.  相似文献   

Eight highly variable microsatellite loci were used to examine the genetic variability and differentiation of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) at two widely spaced British breeding colonies. Samples were collected from adults and pups on the island of North Rona, off the north-west coast of Scotland, and on the Isle of May, situated at the mouth of the Firth of Forth on the east coast Highly significant differences in allele frequencies between these two sites were found for all eight loci, indicating considerable genetic differentiation. Thus, although grey seals are known to range over very large areas outside the breeding season, site fidelity of adults and philopatry of pups for these breeding colonies must be sufficiently common to have effects, through genetic drift, at the sub-population level. Migration rate was estimated using Wrighf's fixation index (FST), Slatkin's private alleles model and the new statistic, RST, which is analogous to (FST) but which takes into account the process of microsatellite mutation. An almost 8-fold discrepancy between the values we obtained provides cautionary evidence that microsatellite loci may contravene one or more of the assumptions on which these methods are based.  相似文献   

橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Bactrocera)(Hendel)是我国重要的检疫性害虫,对果蔬生产及其国际贸易造成很大影响。作者运用微卫星分子标记技术,用6对微卫星引物对采自我国福建、广东、云南3个地区及邻近国越南橘小实蝇种群间的遗传关系进行了初步分析,结果显示上述4个橘小实蝇地理种群间存在一定的遗传差异,地理隔离是造成这一差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

Ruminants depend on efficient physical degradation of forage through chewing to increase the surface area of the food particles presented to the microflora. Fossil evidence suggests that increased molar height is an adaptation for wear tolerance in dry ecosystems with sparse vegetation, but no study has shown selection pressure for hypsodonty in contemporary ruminants. We explored the relationships between particle size in rumen, tooth wear (scanned molar occlusal topography), age and body mass of female Svalbard reindeer living in an arctic desert at 78 degrees latitude on Svalbard. We predicted that (H1) if the rumen particle size is determined mainly by constraints due to tooth wear, and if tooth wear is mainly a function of age, average particle size in rumen should increase with age. From allometric relations it is known that larger individuals can survive on a lower-quality diet, we therefore predicted (H2) larger particle sizes with increases in (ln) body mass, irrespective of age and wear. Lastly, if there is a trade-off between growth and tooth wear in dry ecosystems (a selection pressure for hypsodonty), we predicted (H3) that teeth of heavier animals should be more worn than those of lighter animals of the same age. The proportion of small particles (<1.0 mm) decreased rapidly with increasing age (consistent with H1). Heavier females within an age class had more worn teeth (consistent with H3) than lighter ones. A close-to-isometric relationship between particle size and body mass suggested that heavier animals partly compensated for reduced tooth efficiency by chewing more. We provide the first evidence of a trade-off between fast early growth and wear (a somatic cost) of a senescence-related trait--the structure and height of the molar--in a wild ruminant inhabiting an arctic desert where selection pressure for increased tooth height is expected. This suggests that foraging conditions are more extreme than the environment in which the species originally evolved.  相似文献   

We amplified microsatellite DNA from museum specimens over 100 years old of the adonis blue butterfly, Polyommatus bellargus. These results were compared with butterfly samples taken from the same site near Folkestone in southern UK in 1998/9, 200 generations later, and with samples from other extant UK populations. Dramatic changes in allele frequencies have occurred over time, which is indicative of substantial genetic drift or extinction/recolonization. Patterns of heterozygosity in the 1998/9 sample are indicative of a past bottleneck, and one was known to have occurred in the late 1970s in this and many other UK populations. One allele present at high frequency in 1896 was not detected in any extant UK population, suggesting that it may have been lost from the UK (a 'ghost' allele), although the allele may well persist elsewhere within the range of the species. Although the present study is relatively small in scale (20 museum specimens from one site), it serves to reinforce the enormous potential of museum specimens in well represented taxa such as butterflies for examining the effects of demographic events spanning many years.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 447–452.  相似文献   

Relationships of genetic diversity at microsatellite loci and quantitative traits were examined in hatchery-produced populations of Japanese flounder using a relatively straightforward experiment. Five hatchery populations produced by wild-caught and domesticated broodstocks were used to examine the effects of different levels (one to three generations) of domestication on the genetic characteristics of hatchery populations. Allelic richness at seven microsatellite loci in all hatchery populations was lower than that in a wild population. Genetic variation measured by allelic richness and heterozygosity tended to decrease with an increase in generations of domestication. In addition, the degree of genetic differentiation from a wild population increased with an increase in generations of domestication. Significant differences in three morphometric traits (dorsal and anal fin ray counts and vertebral counts) and three physiological traits (high temperature, salinity and formalin tolerance) were observed among the hatchery populations. The degree of phenotypic difference among populations was larger in morphometric traits than in physiological traits. The divergence pattern of some quantitative traits was similar to that observed at microsatellite loci, suggesting that domestication causes the decrease of genetic variation and the increase of genetic differentiation for some quantitative traits concomitantly with those for microsatellite loci. Significant positive correlation was observed between F ST and the degree of phenotypic difference in the three morphometric traits and formalin tolerance, indicating that genetic variation at microsatellite loci predicts the degree of phenotypic divergence in some quantitative traits.  相似文献   

The genetic differentiation and phylogenetic relationships of 18 indigenous goat populations from seven East Asian countries were analysed based on data obtained from 26 microsatellite DNA markers. The mean number of alleles (MNA) per population ranged from 2.5 to 7.6, with an average of 5.8. Genetic variability estimated from MNA and heterozygosity (HE and HO) were relatively low in coastal and island populations. A heterozygous deficiency within populations (FIS = 0.054, < 0.001) and total inbreeding (FIT = 0.181, < 0.01) were observed, and genetic differentiation in the populations (FST) was 13.4%. The results of Bayesian model‐based clustering and a neighbour‐joining tree based on Nei's genetic distance showed that Asian goat populations could be subdivided into at least the following three genetic clusters: East Asian, Southeast Asian and Mongolian. These results are in close accordance with conventional morphological and geographical classifications and migration history.  相似文献   

湘江野鲤养殖群体和自然群体遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用微卫星技术,用17对微卫星引物对湘江野鲤养殖群体和自然群体的的遗传多样性进行分析.结果表明:有15对引物扩增出清晰的条带,其中13对引物在群体间呈现多态性;2个群体中,13对多态性引物分别扩增等位基因2~12个,共90个,其中35个等位基因为2群体共有,55个等位基因具有群体特异性,引物平均等位基因数为6.92个,等位基因频率为0.0667~0.8333;养殖群体和自然群体的平均遗传杂合度和平均多态信息含量分别为0.5688、0.5152,0.5860、0.5347;2个群体间遗传相似性指数为0.6762,遗传距离为0.3238,表明湘江野鲤养殖和自然群体遗传多样性均较为丰富,2个群体间遗传变异程度较高.  相似文献   

The identification of population bottlenecks is critical in conservation because populations that have experienced significant reductions in abundance are subject to a variety of genetic and demographic processes that can hasten extinction. Genetic bottleneck tests constitute an appealing and popular approach for determining if a population decline has occurred because they only require sampling at a single point in time, yet reflect demographic history over multiple generations. However, a review of the published literature indicates that, as typically applied, microsatellite-based bottleneck tests often do not detect bottlenecks in vertebrate populations known to have experienced declines. This observation was supported by simulations that revealed that bottleneck tests can have limited statistical power to detect bottlenecks largely as a result of limited sample sizes typically used in published studies. Moreover, commonly assumed values for mutation model parameters do not appear to encompass variation in microsatellite evolution observed in vertebrates and, on average, the proportion of multi-step mutations is underestimated by a factor of approximately two. As a result, bottleneck tests can have a higher probability of 'detecting' bottlenecks in stable populations than expected based on the nominal significance level. We provide recommendations that could add rigor to inferences drawn from future bottleneck tests and highlight new directions for the characterization of demographic history.  相似文献   

Most conifer species occur in large continuous populations, but radiata pine, Pinus radiata, occurs only in five disjunctive natural populations in California and Mexico. The Mexican island populations were presumably colonized from the mainland millions of years ago. According to Axelrod (1981), the mainland populations are relicts of an earlier much wider distribution, reduced some 8,000 years ago, whereas according to Millar (1997, 2000), the patchy metapopulation-like structure is typical of the long-term population demography of the species. We used 19 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci to describe population structure and to search for signs of the dynamics of population demography over space and time. Frequencies of null alleles at microsatellite loci were estimated using an approach based on the probability of identity by descent. Microsatellite genetic diversities were high in all populations [expected heterozygosity (H(e)) = 0.68-0.77], but the island populations had significantly lower estimates. Variation between loci in genetic differentiation (F(ST)) was high, but no locus deviated statistically significantly from the rest at an experiment wide level of 0.05. Thus, all loci were included in subsequent analysis. The average differentiation was measured as F(ST) = 0.14 (SD 0.012), comparable with earlier allozyme results. The island populations were more diverged from the other populations and from an inferred common ancestral gene pool than the mainland ones. All populations showed a deficiency of expected heterozygosity given the number of alleles, the mainland populations more so than the island ones. The results thus do not support a recent important contraction in the mainland range of radiata pine.  相似文献   

The European lynx (Lynx lynx) hasexperienced significant decline in populationnumbers over large parts of its formerdistribution area in central and northernEurope. In Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway), thespecies has been subject to intense hunting and inthe early 20th century the population size mayhave been as low as about 100 animals. Duringthe rest of the century there have beenalternating periods of restricted hunting andtotal protection. Future management of theScandinavian lynx population will requireinsight into what effects demographicbottlenecks may have had on genetic variabilityand structure. For this purpose, 276 lynxesfrom Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia andLatvia were analysed for polymorphism at 11feline microsatellite loci and at themitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region.Scandinavian lynxes were found to be fixed fora single mtDNA haplotype, while this and threeadditional haplotypes were seen in Finland andthe Baltic States (Estonia and Latvia); thehaplotypes were all very similar, onlydiffering at 1–4 sites within a 700 bp regionsequenced. Microsatellite variability wasmoderate (He = 0.51–0.62) with lowerheterozygosity and fewer alleles in Scandinaviathan in Finland and the Baltic States together,though significant so only for the latter.Heterozygosity data in Scandinavia wereconsistent with a recent population bottleneck.Various analyses (e.g. Fst, individual-basedtree, assignment test) revealed distinctgenetic differentiation between Scandinavianlynxes and animals from Finland and the BalticStates. Some structure was evident withinScandinavia as well, suggesting an isolation bydistance. The observed partition of geneticvariability between Scandinavia and the easterncountries thereof indicates that lynxpopulations from the two regions may need to beseparately managed. We discuss what factors canhave contributed to the population geneticstructure seen in northern European lynxpopulations of today.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar microsatellite markers from a large database were analysed and selected with technical, economic and genetic criteria to provide an optimized set of polymorphic DNA markers for the analysis of the genetic diversity and the structure of anadromous Atlantic salmon populations. A set of 37 microsatellite markers was identified that are easy to use and provide a high level of differentiation power.  相似文献   

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