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本文首次详细报道了巴藏门巴族正常人群的肤纹参数,样本包括101名男性和116名女性。本样本和中国其他14个民族肤纹参数作了比较,并绘制了聚类图。本样本与白色人种作对比,见到人种间肤纹有明显的差异。  相似文献   

内蒙地区蒙古,汉,回,朝鲜族肤纹特征比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文分析了内蒙地区3237例蒙、汉、回、朝鲜族人手肤纹特征,选用22项肤纹参数进行民族间和同一民族不同性别间比较,并与我国其他8个民族的部分肤纹参数进行聚类分析,结果表明,内蒙地区这4个民族同属我国北方群,其肤纹既有各民族自身的特点,又具蒙古人种的一般特征。  相似文献   

台湾太鲁阁(Truku)族群肤纹学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报道台湾太鲁阁(Truku)的肤纹参数, 样本包括100名男性和100名女性。研究方法以《ADA标准-CDA版本》为依据、项目以《CDA标准》的Ⅱ级模式样本为依据。还有atd、tPD、猿线、指三角、同名指指纹对应的情况等, 见到非随机组合的现象。这是首次对太鲁阁人肤纹作Ⅱ级模式样本的调查, 为医学、遗传学和人类学等提供Ⅱ级模式样本。肤纹是人类的生物学性状, 由遗传和环境所致。指纹花样有每人每指各不相同和终身稳定两大特点, 成为个人身份鉴定的证明。肤纹在群体间有特异性, 在民族间有明显的差异。研究群体或民族的肤纹, 可以发现人类肤纹的遗传标记。  相似文献   

本文研究与整理海峡两岸汉民族与南岛民族的肤纹数据,来比较与探讨目前他们的肤纹形态上的异同。研究群体包含台湾的汉人与原住民族群,以及大陆的汉族与海南的回辉人。研究结果显示两岸非官话(亦作北方方言)区汉族虽然在肤纹参数上有些许不同,但皆属于北方群。而南岛民族的回辉人和台湾原住民则分属南方和北方群,并且在肤纹参数上有非常显著的不同。这是第一个两岸南岛民族的肤纹比较研究,也是第一个非官话区汉人群体的肤纹比较研究。  相似文献   

西藏1000例藏族肤纹参数的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
汪宪平  张海国 《遗传学报》1991,18(5):385-393
本文报道了西藏1000例藏族14项肤纹参数。藏族与汉族的肤纹参数接近,与美国明尼苏达州白人的差异较大;在与12个民族的对比中与哈尼族、汉族的差异较小,与维吾尔族差异较大;在不同的地区,与四川平武地区的藏族差异较小,与甘肃甘南地区的藏族差异较大。本文提示肤纹参数在不同人种、不同民族、甚至同一民族不同地区人群间均不可混用。  相似文献   

西藏珞巴族的肤纹参数的聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报道了珞巴族正常人群的12项肤纹参数,样本包括了142名男性和190名女性,参数与汉族及其他少数民族作了比较,用聚类分析法算出各民族间的距离,并绘制了聚类图。结果提示民族间的肤纹参数均有显著差异。  相似文献   

本文报道了珞巴族正常人群的12项肤纹参数.样本包括了142名男性和190名女性.参数与汉族及其他少数民族作了比较,用聚类分析法算出各民族间的距离,并绘制了聚类图.结果提示民族间的肤纹参数均有显著差异.  相似文献   

中国人肤纹研究 Ⅰ.汉族10项肤纹参数正常值的测定   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
我们的祖先对指纹早有观察,新石器时代陶器上的雷云纹即由指纹脱胎而来。在近代科学中,Galton(1892)首先提出指纹的系统分类。尔后Cummins等修订了肤纹分析方法。肤纹分析在医学上的应用首推Cummins,他最早描述了先天愚型患儿的肤纹特征。迄今大量的材料表明,异常肤纹组合可作为某些遗传病的辅助诊断指标。对我国人群的肤纹参数正常值,1933年Takeya曾有报道,近年来董悌忱、李崇高和王京美等人也进行了这方面的工作,但尚缺乏比较全面的肤纹参数正常值。本文报道1,040例汉族人10项肤纹参数正常值,为医学肤纹学和人类学研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

江宪平  颜中  其梅  蔡险峰 《遗传》1992,14(4):37-41
木文采用聚类分析的方法,将藏汉后代群休的肤纹参数(其中藏父汉母及汉父藏哥各100例)与他们冬自的父母群体样本的有关肤纹参数进行比较,再与1000例藏族及1040例汉族两个大样本的有关肤纹参数进行比较。结果表明:藏汉子代的肤纹特征介于藏埃和汉族之间,藏汉子代与其母亲的遗传距离相近。提示肤纹参数的多因子遗传本质和肤纹遗传有一定的性别差异。  相似文献   

台湾闽南汉人肤纹学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报导台湾闽南汉人的肤纹参数,样本包括100名男性和100名女性。研究的项目有TFRC、a-b RC、atd、tPD、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、指三角等,并且还分析了同名指指纹对应的情况,见到非随机组合的现象。这是对闽南汉人肤纹较详尽的调查,为人类学、遗传学和医学等提供了较完整的肤纹数据。  相似文献   

中国十一个少数民族的皮纹研究 Ⅰ.指纹   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了中国11个少数民族(12个群体)5013人的指纹花样和指纹脊线数,计算出各项基本参数,比较分析了不同性别、左右侧、不同民族和人种间的差异以及指纹花样和指纹脊线数在不同手指上的分布特点。分析表明,这些民族的指纹具有各自的特点又具有蒙古人种的一般特性。  相似文献   

内蒙古5个民族12对性状的基因频率   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
报道了内蒙古地区鄂温克、鄂伦春、达斡尔、蒙古族和汉族12对遗传性状的基因频率,并进行民族间基因频率的比较。结果显示:内眦褶性状的民族间差异较大,叠舌性状次之,利手和鼻梁侧面观性状的民族间差异较小。 Abstract:The gene frequency of 12 characters was reported in Ewenki,Oroqen,Daur,Mongol and Han nationalities in Inner Mongolia,and compared among these nationalities.The result indicated that the difference of Mongoloid fold among nationalities was significant,followed by the Folding tongue,while the difference of Handedness and Nasal profile was relatively insignificant.  相似文献   

达翰尔族、鄂温克族、鄂伦春族13项形态学研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文报道了内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟达翰尔族485例、鄂温克族322例、鄂伦春族100例的13项形态特征的调查结果。X^2检验结果显示,鄂温克族与鄂伦春族之间形态特征相差较远,而鄂温克族与达翰尔族之间比较相象。多数形态特征无性别差异;少数有性别差异的形态特征在3个民族中表现不一;没有一项形态特征在3个民族中均表现出有显著性别差异。13项形态特征绝大多数具族间差异。  相似文献   

目的:研究300名正常白族人的手掌主线分布,为人类学、医学、遗传学提供正常参数。方法:在知情同意手续下,捺印调查对象的手纹。结果:A主线,Ⅲ型占96%、Ⅴ型2.17%、Ⅰ型1.83%;B主线,Ⅴ型93%、Ⅶ型7%;C主线,Ⅴ型44.5%、Ⅶ型40.67%、Ⅸ型11.67%、O型3.16%;D主线,Ⅸ型47%、Ⅶ型46%、Ⅺ型7%。主线分布以35′5″7、35′79、35″79为主(占76.67%)。39.67%的个体双手主线对称分布,以35′5″7为主(15%)。MLI平均为6.25±1.37,MLIT为22.52±3.00,二者均为男性大于女性(P0.05)。3.17%的个体缺失c三叉。结论:白族人的手掌主线和其他民族有共性又有其特异性。  相似文献   

Human longevity is an interesting and complicated subject, with many associated variations, geographic and genetic, including some known mitochondrial variations. The population of the Bama County of Guangxi Province of China is well known for its longevity and serves as a good model for studying a potential molecular mechanism. In this study, a full sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been done in ten Bama centenarians using direct sequencing. Polymorphisms of the displacement loop (D-loop) region of mtDNA and several serum parameters were analyzed for a total of 313 Bama individuals with ages between 10 and 110 years. The results showed that there were seven mitochondrial variations, A73G, A263G, A2076G, A8860G, G11719A, C14766T, and A15326G, and four haplogroups, M(*), F1, D* and D(4) in 10 Bama centenarians. In the D-loop region of mtDNA, the mt146T occurred at a significantly lower frequency in those is the older age group (90-110 years) than in the middle (80-89 years) and in the younger (10-79 years) groups (P < 0.05). The mt146T also had lower systolic blood pressure and serum markers such as total cholesterol, triglyceride and low density lipoprotein than did mt146C in the older age group (P < 0.05). No significant differences were observed between the mt146C and the mt146T individuals in the middle and the younger groups (P > 0.05). The mt5178C/A polymorphisms did not show any significant differences among the three age-groups (P > 0.05), but different nationalities in the Bama County did show a significant difference in the mt5178C/A polymorphisms (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the mt146T/C polymorphisms in Guangxi Bama individuals may partly account for the Bama longevity whereas the mt5178C/A polymorphisms are strongly associated with the nationalities in the Guangxi Bama population.  相似文献   

兴安盟3个民族10对性状的基因频率   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
调查了内蒙古兴安盟汉、蒙古、朝鲜族的10对遗传性状,并计算了各民族每一性状的基因频率,同时也进行了民族间基因频率的比较。比较结果显示:汉族-朝鲜族间差异较大,蒙古族-朝鲜族间次之,汉族-蒙古族间差异较小。 Abstract:Ten genetic traits were investigated in Han,Mongol and Chaoxian nationalities in Xing'an League of Inner Mongolia.The gene frequency of the traits was calculated in each nationality and compared between the nationalities.The result indicated that the difference of gene frequency between Han and Chaoxian nationalities was significant,followed by between Mongol and Chaoxian ones,whileit was relatively insignificant between Han and Mongol ones.  相似文献   

A method is presented to predict overall conformations of protein-DNA complexes on the basis of the known three-dimensional structures of the proteins. The method is restricted to proteins with a common twofold symmetry axis, which show only minor conformational changes upon binding to DNA. The method uses a numerical finite difference solution of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation and subsequent energy minimization cycles. Structural parameters—the rotation angle of the DNA relative to the protein around the common symmetry axis, the protein-DNA distance, and intermolecular hydrogen-bonding contacts—are presented for two test cases, DNA bound to CAP (catabolite gene activator protein) and to the Cro-repressor of bacteriophage 434. The DNA curvature in the starting model of the docking procedure was chosen as a smoothed approximation of the conformation found in the X-ray structures of these complexes. The method is further used to predict the unknown structure of the complex between the factor for inversion stimulation (FIS) and DNA, which is bent upon binding to FIS. In contrast to the test cases, the unknown curvature of the starting model is derived from a calibration of electrostatic precalculations for different proteins according to crystallographically observed DNA bending. The results of the modeling are in good accordance with the experimentally observed overall structure of protein-DNA complexes for the two test cases; for FIS, they correspond to several of the experimentally proposed protein-DNA contacts. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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