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The effects of available soil N and P and the effect of simulated browsing (leave removal) on foliar condensed tannin (CT) concentration were tested on young Colophospermum mopane (J. Kirk ex Benth) J. Leonard (Mopane) plants. Although clear differences in growth occurred between different levels of soil N, no differences in foliar CT concentration were found. Changes in available soil P and physical damage did not affect the plant growth or chemical composition. The complete absence of response of CT concentration to physical damage and soil nutrients may be related to the age of the trees in this study. It is proposed that existing theories on the interaction between soil properties and carbon based defences in trees are expanded, to include the potential responses of young trees to different soil nutrient levels.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variability of the fire regime in the Kruger National Park (KNP) has been analyzed for the 1957–2011 period. Generalized linear mixed models have been used to assess the variability of fire metrics, such as the burnt area, the fire frequency and intensity for the entire area as well as for the main environmental classification systems (geology, soil, vegetation) and fire management zones. This analysis supports the hypothesis that the spatial pattern of fire regime is strongly influenced by the environmental template defined by climatic, geological, pedological and vegetation features. Moreover, contrary to some previous studies, together with the precipitation trend, fire management changes had a significant role in determining the temporal variability of the fire regime at the scale of KNP, particularly regarding the burnt area and the fire frequency.The complex interaction between the environmental template and management in determining the variability of the fire regime, as underscored by our study, defends the merit of adopting an adaptive planning/management based approach supported by quantitative analytic tools.  相似文献   

Summary Resprouting is the main regeneration mechanism after fire in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Herbivores play an important role in controlling postfire seedling establishment, but their influence on regeneration by resprouting is less well known. To study the effects of fire intensity on resprouting of Adenostoma fasciculatum in southern California chaparral, and its interaction with herbivory, we conducted an experimental burn at three levels of fire intensity. We found that increasing fire intensity increased plant mortality, reduced the number of resprouts per plant, and delayed the time of resprouting. Herbivory increased with fire intensity, and was related to the time of resprouting. Plants resprouting later in the season and out of synchrony with the main flush were attacked more readily by herbivores. Post-resprouting mortality also increased with fire intensity and was significantly associated with herbivory in the higher fire intensity plots. Fire intensity effects on chaparral regeneration by resprouting may be farreaching through effects on the population structure, resprout production, and growth of Adenostoma fasciculatum.  相似文献   

We carried out a population genetic analysis of five southern African gemsbok (Oryx gazella) populations based on 530 bp of the mitochondrial control region and ten microsatellites in 75 individuals. Both markers show the high variability often observed in African bovids. Three of the populations which can be traced back to very small founding or current sizes do not show any signs of reduced variability compared to the remaining populations. The mitochondrial haplotypes form three distinct lineages which most likely originated in the Pleistocene when climate fluctuations led to periodical reduction and spreading of gemsbok habitat and which, today, are found throughout the distribution range. Bayesian microsatellite analyses yielded two groups, suggesting a more recent geographical differentiation following the admixture of the mtDNA lineages. Combining our sequences with available published data of the remaining oryx species allowed for a direct molecular comparison of O. gazella and O. beisa which have sometimes been considered a single species. The average genetic divergence between haplotypes from the two taxa was very high (39.9%), supporting their classification into two different species.  相似文献   

Population declines caused by natural and anthropogenic factors can quickly erode genetic diversity in natural populations. In this study, we examined genetic variation within 10 tiger salamander populations across northern Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Montana, USA using eight microsatellite loci. We tested for the genetic signature of population decline using heterozygosity excess, shifts in allele frequencies, and low ratios of allelic number to allelic size range (M-ratios). We found different results among the three tests. All 10 populations had low M-ratios, five had shifts in allele frequencies and only two had significant heterozygosity excesses. These results support theoretical expectations of different temporal signatures among bottleneck tests and suggest that both historical fish stocking, recent, sustained drought, and possibly an emerging amphibian disease have contributed to declines in effective population size.  相似文献   

Based on field observations and a survey of the available literature, the functional and evolutionary significance of floral characters ofPelargonium is investigated in relation to a recent infrageneric re-classification. Most of the 208Pelargonium taxa (recognized as species, subspecies or varieties) involved show bee and long-proboscid hovering fly pollination syndromes (about 60% and 25%, respectively), only 7% of the taxa are pollinated by butterflies, some 2 to 4% by hawkmoths and presumably 1% by birds. The heterogeneity ofPelargonium in terms of structural blossom types and pollination syndromes indicates an independent and repeated evolution of convergent flower morphs in the genus and even in sections.  相似文献   

Tree-ring studies contribute worldwide to the understanding of climate and its relation to tree growth. Long tree-ring chronologies serve as climate proxies for the reconstruction of past, pre-instrument climate and its recent change. In tropical regions, the availability of exactly dated tree-ring chronologies is limited. The dendroclimatic potential of two dominant species from dry forests in northern Namibia was examined in the study presented in this paper. Both species (Burkea africana Hook and Pterocarpus angolensis DC) were sampled at two sites (ca. 900 km apart), and the response to several climatic variables, including ENSO indices, is studied. All specimens showed distinct growth rings and cross-dating between radii was successful for all trees. Species-specific mean curves were built for both sites. The mean curves of different species of the same site synchronised significantly, allowing the construction of a site-specific chronology. Synchronisation between sites was not possible, but spectral analysis of the chronologies implied that both show similar long-term (6.7 year) oscillation patterns. B. africana is more sensitive to rainfall variation than P. angolensis at both sites. Growth response to rainfall was positive, but a time-lag in the reaction occurred between the sites, corresponding to the time-lag of the beginning of the rainy season. Air temperature showed a negative correlation with stem increment at both sites. The response at the westernmost site to two ENSO indices indicates a tree growth decrease during El Niño years, which are generally dry in southern Africa.  相似文献   

The Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia), which once occupied prairies and meadows in North America from the upper Great Plains to the Atlantic coast, has disappeared in recent decades from nearly the entirety of the eastern half of its range and has declined westward. In the Great Plains, where the species is limited to native prairie remnants, several large populations are thought to exist, but patterns of occurrence and abundance in the region have not been described in detail. We surveyed prairies within a three county area of northeastern Kansas using distance-sampling along line transects and found Regal Fritillaries present at 70 of 87 sites. Population density varied considerably among sites but was generally much higher at those that had not been burned in the past year. Despite the loss of >99% of its original prairie landcover and the small sizes of remnants we estimate that our study area supports a globally significant population of ∼12,000 adult individuals. Given the rapidity of decline of Regal Fritillary populations elsewhere, this study establishes important population benchmarks and a practical protocol for future monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

Variation in the abundance, distribution and size of four species of mangrove littorinid gastropods (genus Littoraria) was investigated using a nested sampling design at different spatial scales along the East African coast, from Tanzania to South Africa. Littorinid abundance and diversity decreased abruptly south of Inhaca Island at the southern end of the study area. All species presented a large-scale spatial variation in abundance, with L. subvittata showing the greatest abundance while L. intermedia was rare. Littoraria scabra and L. intermedia were found mainly at the seaward edge of the forests. Littoraria subvittata increased in abundance in the middle of the forest and towards the landward side. Littoraria pallescens occurred mainly at the seaward edge and in the middle areas in the Rhizophora zone. These small-scale variations show contrasting specific distribution patterns within the mangrove, likely reflecting different tolerances to physical factors and biological interactions. All species appeared decreased in shell height from north to south. Littoraria scabra was always significantly larger than other species at all mangrove study sites. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, an invasive freshwater cyanobacterium, originated from the tropics but has spread to temperate zones over the last few decades. Its northernmost populations in Europe occur in North German lakes. How such dramatic changes in its biogeography are possible and how its population dynamics in the newly invaded habitats are regulated are still unexplained. We therefore conducted a long-term (1993–2005) study of two German lakes to elucidate the mechanisms behind C. raciborskii population dynamics and to identify the abiotic constraints on its development. Our data revealed that pelagic populations of C. raciborskii thrived for three months during the summer, contributing up to 23% of the total cyanobacteria biovolume. Population sizes varied greatly between years without exhibiting any distinct long-term trends. In the annual lifecycle, C. raciborskii filaments emerged in the pelagic habitat when the temperature rose above 15–17 °C. At that time, mean photosynthetically active radiation in the mixed water column (I mix) overstepped its maximum. Rates of population net increase were highest at the beginning of the season (0.15–0.28 day−1), declined continuously over time, and were significantly positively correlated with I mix. This indicates that the onset of the pelagic population is temperature-mediated and that I mix controls its growth. Since I mix peaks before the population onset, the time of germination is of crucial importance for successful development. To test this hypothesis, we designed a model to simulate pelagic population size, starting at different dates in the annual cycle. Moving the population onset forward by 30 days resulted in a doubling of the population size. We therefore conclude that an earlier rise in water temperature associated with climate change has promoted the spread of C. raciborskii to the temperate zone. Earlier warming permits earlier germination, thereby shifting the pelagic populations to a phase with higher I mix, which advances growth and the population establishment.  相似文献   

S. Ohba 《Hydrobiologia》2007,583(1):377-381
A field research was carried out in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan in order to establish the role of the water-scorpion, Laccotrephes japonensis Scott as predator of nymphs of the endangered giant water bug, Kirkaldyia (= Lethocerus) deyrolli. To assess the impact of this predator, a field experiment was set up with (Control) and without L. japonensis (Removed). The survival rate of K. deyrolli in Removed treatment was higher than in the Control. Our experimental results showed that L. japonensis is an important predator for K. deyrolli nymphs in the field. Handling editor: S. Wellekens  相似文献   

Summary The mycorrhizal associations of Rhododendron maximum in the southern Appalachian mountains were studied in relation to the supply and demand of phosphate at three altitudes. A variety of mycorrhizal associations are described together with the ability of the differing mycorrhizal types to produce phosphatase enzyme, which was inversely related to the availability of inorganic phosphate determined by a root bioassay, as Ectomycorrhizal associations were shown to have a higher phosphatase production potential than other mycorrhizas. The availability of inorganic phosphate at different altitudes is related to turnover of organic matter and fixation capacity of the mineral soil. It is speculated that the ability of R. maximum to associate with a range of mycorrhizal associates is likely to improve species' fitness and enhance its competitive ability.  相似文献   

为探究神农架大九湖泥炭藓湿地的关键物种大泥炭藓(Sphagnum palustre L.)种群的分布特征及其制约因素,于2020年8月沿垂直湖岸带方向设置样带和样方进行植被和环境因子的调查和采样,于室内进行各理化指标和生理指标的测定与分析。研究结果显示:(1)大泥炭藓三生长指标(头状枝数量、盖度、生物量)对垂直湖岸带距离的响应具有一致性,均随垂直湖岸带距离的增加呈现先增加后减小的趋势,在距湖岸40m左右时,大泥炭藓种群生产力最高;(2)多元线性回归分析结果显示,在20个环境因子(土壤含水量、容重、孔隙度、固相比、液相比、气相比、pH、TN、TP、TOC、AHN、AP、TOC/TN、TOC/TP、TN/TP;地下水埋深;水样pH、TN、TP、TN/TP)中,地下水埋深是影响大泥炭藓种群生长和分布的最重要环境因子,其次是土壤TOC/TP;在8个生理指标(组织TC、TN、TP、TC/TN、TC/TP、TN/TP、总叶绿素、类胡萝卜素)中,组织TC与大泥炭藓生长显著相关;(3)地下水埋深通过影响大泥炭藓头状枝的光合和呼吸作用,土壤TOC通过影响大泥炭藓吸收同化到自身组织中的TC含量,来影响其种...  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the predatory aquatic salamanderNotophthalmus, N. viridescens viridescens andN. v. dorsalis, differ in adult body size and geographic distribution. We tested whether experimental populations of the two predator subspecies differed in their effects on prey populations ofB. americanus, and whether observed differences in predator body size were genetic and/or environmentally induced. We compared the effects of predation by bothNotophthalmus subspecies on larvalBufo americanus by experimentally manipulating the densities (0, 2, or 4 newts/m3) and subspecies ofNotophthalmus (N. v. viridescens orN. v. dorsalis) added to artificial ponds. BothNotophthalmus subspecies significantly reducedB. americanus survival, but differed significantly in this effect. FewerBufo survived with the larger subspecies,N. v. viridescens, than with the smallerNotophthalmus subspecies,N. v. dorsalis. TheNotophthalmus subspecies differed in their patterns of adult and larval growth. Adults of the smaller subspecies,N. v. dorsalis, had a significantly higher growth rate than the larger subspecies,N. v. viridescens, under common environmental conditions, suggesting that differences in predator size were partly genetic, rather than entirely environmentally induced. LarvalN. v. dorsalis metamorphosed significantly later in the season than larvae ofN. v. viridescens, suggesting that larvalN. v. dorsalis had a lower growth rate than larvalN. v. viridescens. Differences in adult and larval growth, together with differences in the minimum adult size observed in natural populations, suggest that differences in the rate or duration of pre-adult growth may contribute substantially to observed differences in size.  相似文献   

Two stigma forms occur inChamaecrista andSenna, but only one inCassia. In the common chambered form, a stigma pore is positioned on the reflexed style tip and is the entrance to a tapering chamber. The pore rim is fringed by hairs which vary in number, size, distribution and shape. In the alternative form the stigma is situated at the apex of the curved style and is crateriform. The crater rim is fringed by hairs of variable number and shape. The stigmatic hairs are predominantly unicellular and cutinized. Stigma and hair differences aid in the taxonomy of the genera. Their functions in pollination biology are discussed.  相似文献   

During storms in 2005, a number of beech trees fell over at Biskopstorp, SW Sweden, offering the opportunity to study epiphytes along entire stems. In total 16 beech trees in four beech stands representing three different age classes were included. For each tree, 2 m segments from the base to the top were surveyed. In total 115 species were found (76 lichens, 39 bryophytes), of which 30 were considered to be of conservation concern (22 lichens, 8 bryophytes). For lichens significantly more species were recorded above 2 m in height, whereas more bryophytes were recorded below 2 m in height. Certain red-listed lichens were recorded only above 2 m in height on old trees. In a second data set from the same area 140 age-determined beech trees were surveyed for species of conservation concern at the heights 0–2 and 2–5 m, respectively. These species were found almost exclusively on old beech trees, and presence at 2–5 m was recorded, with one exception, only on those trees which also had species of conservation concern at 0–2 m. Records of these species correlated significantly to microhabitat variables, i.e. the presence of rough bark and moss cover higher up the stems on the old trees. This study indicates that surveying only the base in really old beech forests can underestimate both the number of species of conservation concern and their population sizes. However, surveys restricted to the base in rather even-aged beech stands catch a large proportion of the trees with species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

A comparative field study of caudatum and arachnoideum, the two Pteridium aquilinum varieties of the caudatum subspecies known to grow in the neotropics, was performed in a montane savanna habitat of the Venezuelan Andes that was affected by wildfire. Frond size, ramet density and spatial distribution, blade and rhizome biomass, and frond elongation and expansion rates were measured in separate, isolated stands each containing only one bracken variety and covering approximately the same area (540 m2). In addition to clearly discernible morphological differences, caudatum and arachnoideum were found to possess distinct features: caudatum tends to develop open stands of relatively shorter blades of 76.6±0.89 cm (±SE) of rachis length and lower ramet density (1.6 fronds m-2, max.=7 fronds m-2) whereas arachnoideum grows into longer, more expanded fronds 124±1.6 cm tall and significantly higher ramet density (5.1 fronds/m2, max.=14.6 fronds m-2). The sum of aerial and underground biomass was found to be notably larger for arachnoideum (8522±614 Kg/ha) than for caudatum (1929±131 Kg ha-1) in stands growing under the same habitat conditions. Therefore the spatial distribution of arachnoideum appeared considerably more compact than that of caudatum. Blade growth rates and development time were also very different. Newly emerged caudatum croziers developed into mature blades within 42 to 48 days following an inverse exponential curve whereas arachnoideum blades required 70 to 75 days to reach maturity following a linear development. All the above dissimilarities are interpreted as the hitherto unreported indication of diverging growth strategies of two cohabitant bracken varieties following fire.  相似文献   

Summary  Recently collected material of Sesbania (Leguminosae subfam. Papilionoideae) from western Ethiopia shows variation and character combinations not recorded in J. B. Gillett’s revision of Sesbania from Africa and tropical Arabia from 1963 and combines three taxa in his revision, S. sudanica J. B. Gillett, S. sudanica subsp. occidentalis J. B. Gillett and S. hepperi J. B. Gillett. The three taxa are therefore united into one more variable species, S. sudanica, that can still be distinguished from other Sesbania species with no or hardly any free tips on the appendages on the standard by having the style pilose or tomentose and a long sterile rostrum on a non- or only faintly torulose pod. The amended S. sudanica is distributed throughout the Sudanian woodland zone from near the Atlantic to the foothills of the Ethiopian highlands. The distribution area agrees well with the Sudanian region in Frank White’s classification of African phytochoria.  相似文献   

江苏省句容市宝华山是国家二级重点保护野生植物独花兰(Changnienia amoena S. S. Chien)的模式标本产地。为了阐明宝华山省级自然保护区独花兰种群数量、生境特征及其受威胁因子,2021年3月至10月,对该地野生独花兰种群进行了全面调查。结果发现,在宝华山自然保护区核心区内,在海拔160~200 m的山坡天然落叶阔叶林下,独花兰种群局限分布在一处东西长300 m,南北宽150 m的狭小区域中。独花兰种群共有218株个体,其中121株开花个体都生长在腐殖质丰富的土壤中。160株独花兰都生长在9棵建始槭(Acer henryi Pax)树干基部附近,占独花兰个体总数的73.4%;其中开花个体86株,占开花植株总数的71.1%。宝华山独花兰面临的受威胁因子主要为结实率很低、部分个体生长发育不良、以及假鳞茎被雨水冲出土壤表面。此外,对宝华山独花兰种群的就地保护工作提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The quantities and spatial distribution of nutrients in savanna ecosystems are affected by many factors, of which fire, herbivory and symbiotic N2-fixation are particularly important. We measured soil nitrogen (N) pools and the relative abundance of N and phosphorus (P) in herbaceous vegetation in five vegetation types in a humid savanna in Tanzania. We also performed a factorial fertilization experiment to investigate which nutrients most limit herbaceous production. N pools in the top 10 cm of soil were low at sites where fires were frequent, and higher in areas with woody legume encroachment, or high herbivore excretion. Biomass production was co-limited by N and P at sites that were frequently burnt or heavily grazed by native herbivores. In contrast, aboveground production was limited by N in areas receiving large amounts of excreta from livestock. N2-fixation by woody legumes did not lead to P-limitation, but did increase the availability of N relative to P. We conclude that the effects of fire, herbivory and N2-fixation upon soil N pools and N:P-stoichiometry in savanna ecosystems are, to a large extent, predictable. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Author Contributions  P.C., H.O.V. and P.E. designed the study and wrote the paper. P.C. and T.K. performed the research and analyzed the data.  相似文献   

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