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中国银Ju属鱼类分类的整理订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

研究了我国南北各地的丛本藓属标本326号,借阅了美国纽约植物标本馆(NY),芬兰赫尔辛基大学标本馆(H)及日本服部植物研究所标本馆(NICH)的有关本属藓类各种的原模式标本(Holotype)等模式标本(Syntype)及后选模式(Lectotype),据模式特征,重新订正了本属各种及中国各地标本,将原定名为绿丛本藓(Anoectangiumeuchloron(Schwaegr.)Mitt)改为丛  相似文献   

云南盘鮈属Discogobio鱼类四新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者对分布于云南的盘鮈属(Discogobio)鱼类进行了整理,发现其中四个是以往文献中所没有记载过的新种,定名为多鳞盘鮈Discogobis polylepos,sp.nov.长鳔盘鮈D.macrophysallidos,sp.nov.长体盘鮈D.elongatus,sp.nov.短鳔盘鮈D.brachyphysallidos,sp.nov.现记述如下。新种的全模标本均保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。  相似文献   

本文涉及百合科菝葜属Smilax 7个分类群:用Smilax longibracteolata J.D.Hook.和S.elegans Wall.ex Kunth分别代替中国植物志第15卷(1978)中由于鉴定错误而使用的〖WTBX〗S.ma ireiH.Lévl.和S.glaucophylla Klotz.S.mairei是一个完全不同的种,应予承认,现根据存于爱丁堡的模式标本予以重新描述。S.pinfae nsis H.Lévl.和nthaC.H.Wright 在中国植物志第15卷中被分别并入S.cocculoides Warb.和S.ferox Wall.ex Kunth,现恢复为独立的种。此外,本文还发表了一个新改级〖WTBX〗S.retroflexa[WTBZ] (Wang et Tang ) S.C.Chen和一个新名称S.munita S.C.Chen,后者用来代替晚出同名S.rigida Wall.ex Kunth。  相似文献   

中国似鮈属鱼类的形态变异及地理分化研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对似鮈属鱼类进行了形态测量和主成分分析。结果表明区别似鮈和桂林似鮈的重要特征胸鳍末端是否超过腹鳍起点与尾柄高同尾柄长的比例相互之间有一定的相关性,但是在研究的样本中没有截然的界限,而是有较大的重叠,难以区分。其他的特征则没有相关性。从地理分布看,同一地点的样本在上述特征上有一定的区别,但是没有发现明显的南北或东西地理变化的规律。因此似鮈属鱼类应该只划分为一个种,桂林似鮈为似鮈的同物异名。  相似文献   

本文报道1980年6月采自江苏省吴江县的鲤科鱼类一新种,小口小鳔Micrco-physogobiomicrostomussp.nov.新种的口唇和鳔囊结构等性状与凌河小鳔M.linghensisXie相近似,而又以其口唇的发达程度、胸腹部裸露区的大小和位置、尾柄长与高之比以及体色斑纹的差异等与后者相区别。  相似文献   

中国景天属一些种的订正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对国产景天属的6种植物进行了分类订正。归并了7种1亚种和2变种,同时对中国植物志中景天属存疑种Sedum phyllanthum Levl.et Vant.和S.subtile Miq.的范围及其分类地位进行了讨论。根据对S.hsinganicum Chu ex S.H.Fu的模式标本以及S.floriferum Praeger模式标本图和模式产地标本的研究,确认二者所具性状均在S.aizoon L.的性状变异范围内,故予归并。S.onychopetalumFrod.,S.grammophyllum Frod以及S.anhuiense S.H.Fu et X.W.Wang经研究均被作为S.lineareThunb.的异名处理。S.formosanum N.E.Br.在《中国植物志》中被并入S.alfredii Hance,现恢复为独立的种。此外还报道了一个中国新记录种S.hakonense Makino。  相似文献   

中国姜黄属植物的订正   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将白顶姜黄(CurcumaalbicomaS.Q.Tong)归入川郁金(C.sichuanenslsX.X.Chen),将另一种“川郁金”(C.chuanyujinC.K.HsiehetH.Zhang)归入广西莪术(C.kwangsiensisS.G.LeeetC.F.Liang)。认为过去把莪术鉴定为C.zedoaria(Christ.)Rose.C.caesiaRoxb.或C.aeruginosaRoxb,其实都是C.phaeocaulisVal.的误定;C.elataRoxb.是C.wenyujinY.H.ChenetC.Ling的误定;认为广西莪术的两个变种,即紫脉莪术(C.kwangsiensisvar.affinisY.H.Chen)和毛莪术(C.kwangsiensisvar.puberulaY.H.Chen)不能成立.对台湾是否产C.viridifloraRoxb.表示怀疑。附有中国产姜黄属植物12种的检索表及其分布.  相似文献   

盘鮈属鱼类口吸盘的形态分化及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从研究盘鮈属鱼类口吸盘的形态结构入手,探讨它们口吸盘结构分化的进化意义和生物学意义。具大、小吸盘的两个类群是盘鮈鱼类在演化进程中分化成的两个自然类群,它们为适应不同的栖息环境,吸盘的微观结构和须的长短等进一步分化,分化途径在两个类群各不相同。  相似文献   

凤丫蕨属(Coniogramme)隶属广义凤尾蕨科(Pterdidaceae)的珠蕨亚科(Cryptogrammoideae),分类极其混乱。本文在原始文献和标本考证的基础上,通过野外考察,对海南凤丫蕨属的分类进行了订正。承认海南有该属植物3种:海南凤丫蕨(C.macrophylla Blume Hieron.)、普通凤丫蕨(C.intermedia Hieron.)和凤丫蕨(C.japonica Thunb. Diels)。将C.merrillii Ching和披针凤丫蕨(C.lanceolata Ching ex K.H.Shing)并入C.macrophylla作为异名处理;首次报道凤丫蕨在海南的分布,并对其它两种在海南的分布进行了补充。  相似文献   

This revision deals with the system, evolution, distribution, cytotaxonomy andtaxonomic treatment of the genus Aristolochia Linn. from E. & S. Asia, which covers Japan,USSR (Far East), China, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Total 2 subgenera, 7 sections, 4 series, 68 species and1 variety (cultivated species not included) are recognized in this treatment, of which 3 sections and 2 species are described as new. In addition, 13 new synonyms and some new records to this region are also included. Ystem Having estimated all the works dealing with the subdivision of the genus bythe previous authors, the system of O. C. Schmidt (1935) is chosen as the basis, with a changeof the sequence of the subdivisions. The subgenus Pararistolochia (Hutch. & Dalz.) O. C.Schmidt, which has indefinite stamens and gynandrous lobes, seems to be better considered asthe most primitive one in the genus, while the subgenus Siphisia (Raf.) Duch., which has definite stamens and gynandrous lobes, anthers arranged in 3 pairs and more modifications ofthe perianth, seems to be the most advanced one. The perianth of the subgenus Siphisia has differentiated into several types, and it is more rational using this character to classify sectionsthan lobes of the gynostemium. In this way, three new sections has been established. A suggested system of the genus is summarized as follows: Subgen. 1. Pararistolochia (Hutch. & Dalz.) O. C. Schmidt Subgen. 2. Aristolochia: Sect. 1. Aristolochia (2 series), Sect. 2. Gymnolobus Duch. Subgen. 3. Siphisia (Raf.) Duch.: Sect. 3. Pentodon Klotz, Sect. 4. Odontosiphisia J. S.Ma, Sect. 5. Leptosiphisia J. S. Ma, Sect. 6. Nepenthesia Klotz., Sect. 7. Obliquosiphisia J. S.Ma, Sect. 8. Siphisia (2 series). Evolution According to the character analysis of the genera of Aristolochiaceae, the evolutionary trends of the family are proposed as follows: 1, the perianth from double to single,from cup-like to tubular, 2, stamens from indefinite to definite, from separate from pistil tounited into a gynostemium with pistil, which is a major evolutionary line in the family, 3,ovary from half-superior to inferior, and 4, fruit from a follicle to a capsule. It is evidentthat the genus Aristolochia, with a tubular perianth, stamens 6, a gynostemium, an inferiorovary and a capsule, is in highly advanced position in the family. The subgenus Pararistolochia, which has more stamens and more lobes of gynostemium, is very similar to the genusThottea Rottb. and thus better considered as the most primitive subgenus in the genus. The subgenus Siphisia, which has definite stamens (6) in 3 pairs and 6 lobes of gynostemium as wellas the polyploid feature (2n=4x=28), is the most advanced subgenus. As a result of the character analysis, the evolutionary trends of the subgenera in the genus, which are in accordancewith those of the family, are proposed as follows: 1. stamens from indefinite to definite, and2. gynostemium lobes from more to less. Distribution The more primitive subgenus Pararistolochia is only distributed in WestAfrica (except 1 species in Malesia), the subgenus Aristolochia in the tropical and subtropicalregions, rarely in the temperate one, and the most advanced subgenus Siphisia occurs mainlyin E. Asia, occasionally in N. America. The result of this work shows that the HengduanMountains is the second center of distribution after South America. The second center of distribution is of following features: 1. complex composition of taxa, among 3 subgenera and 8sections, 2 subgenera and 7 sections have been recorded here, 2. rich in species, more thanhalf of the total E. & S. Asian species, i.e. about 42 species have been found in this region, and3. numerous endemics, more than 85 percent of the total number of species in the region, i.e.about 35 species, are endemic. Cytotaxonomy and taxonomic treatment The known chromosome numbers in 43species, with 34 reported by Gregory (1956) and Fedorov (1969), together with 9 species newlyreported in this work, show that Subgen. Aristolochia with 2n=2x=14, rarely 12, is apparentlymore primitive than Subgen. Siphisia with 2n=2x=28.  相似文献   

在标本(包括许多模式标本)查考和居群调研的基础上,对刚竹属Phyllostachys Sieb.et Zucc.一些类群的分类问题进行了评注,其中将遂昌雷竹Ph.primotina Wen作为不同于红壳雷竹Ph.incarnata Wen的1个独立的竹种看待;8个拉丁学名被减为异名;Ph.heteroclada Oliv.f.solida(S.L.Chen)C.P.Wang et Z.H.Yu因其  相似文献   

在标本 (包括许多模式标本 )查考和居群调研的基础上 ,对刚竹属 PhyllostachysSieb.et Zucc.一些类群的分类问题进行了评注 ,其中将遂昌雷竹 Ph.primotina Wen作为不同于红壳雷竹 Ph.incarnata Wen的 1个独立的竹种看待 ;8个拉丁学名被减为异名 ;Ph.heteroclada Oliv.f.solida( S.L .Chen) C.P.Wang et Z.H.Yu因其基名无拉丁描述 ,故予废弃 ;同时还描述了 1个新变型。  相似文献   

赖广辉 《植物研究》2001,21(2):182-185
作为对刚竹属Phyllostachys Sieb.et Zucc.一些类群加以评注的第二部分,本文共涉及8个分类单位。原作为水竹Ph.heteroclada Oliver一个变种处理的奉化水竹var.funhuaensis Wang et Lu因具有明显不同的特征而被提升为一个独立的竹种;对黄古竹Ph.angusta McClure和小叶光壳竹Ph.varioauriculata Li et Wu var.glabrata Lai的地理分布作了修订;4个拉丁学名被减为异名;另外,根据原发表时的描述, Ph.compressa H.Uyeki并非本属成员,应排除在本属之外。  相似文献   

林祁  陈三茂 《植物研究》1995,15(2):195-198
作者查阅了全国42个标本馆所收藏的403号假地枫皮Illicium jiadifengpi B.N.Chang标本, 确认该种植物为中国特有, 分布于安徽、浙江、江西、福建、湖北、湖南、广东和广西。将百山祖八角I.jiadifengpi B.N.Changvar.baishanense B.N.Chang et S.H.Ou归并到假地枫皮;将闽皖八角I.minwanense B.N.Changet S.D.Zheng作为假地枫皮的一个变型--紫花八角I.jiadifengpi B.N.Changf.minwanense(B.N.ChangetS.D.Zhang)Q.Lin, 将武夷八角I.wuyishanum Q.Lin归并到紫花八角中。  相似文献   

中国秋海棠属等翅组植物订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据海南秋海棠 (BegoniahainanensisChunetF .Chun)、多花秋海棠 (B sinofloribundaL .J.Dorr)及一新种———长柄秋海棠 (B sublongipesY .M .Shui)的特征比较 ,订正了中国秋海棠属等翅组 [Sect Petermannia (Klotzsch)A .DC .],使该组在中国增至 3个种。  相似文献   

红松上的散斑壳   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据子囊果在寄主组织中的位置、生态学特性和松针上线纹有无等特点,将中国东北红松(Pinns koraiensis Sieb et Zucc.)上的散斑壳(Lophodermium Chev.)鉴定为5个种,其中2个新种:寄生散斑壳(Lophodermium parasiticum B. Z.He et Yang),大散斑壳(L.maximumB.Z.He et Yang);3个为我国新记录种:光亮散斑壳(L.nitens Darker)、偃松散斑壳(L.pini-pumilae Sawada)和乔松散斑壳(L.pini-excelsae Abmad)。引起红松落针病的病原菌主要是大散斑壳,其次是寄生散斑壳。  相似文献   

山茶属瘤果茶组植物的订正   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  

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