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Studies were made of the viability and vigour of seeds of pearlmillet (Pennisetum americanum) harvested at different stagesof grain development and from different controlled-temperatureenvironments. Seed viability and vigour of the next generationwere dependent on the extent of grain development at harvest.Where grain had developed for only one-third of the potentialgrain-filling period before harvest, seed viability and vigourwere greatly reduced. Harvest at or after the middle of grain-fillingdid not reduce seed viability or vigour. The temperature atwhich the grains had developed did not affect seed viability,but grains that had developed at 21/16 °C (day/night) producedseedlings of greater height and dry weight than those from grainswhich had developed at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The effect of changes in carbohydrate status on the synthesis of specific proteins was investigated in millet (Pennisetum americanum L., Leeke, Tift 23B1E1) seedlings grown in sterile solution culture. Carbohydrate status was altered by extended darkness and sucrose feeding. Root proteins from intact seedlings were labeled with [35S]methionine, phenol-extracted, separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and visualized by autoradiography. In four separate experiments, two proteins showed a consistent change in labeling when root carbohydrate levels were varied between 200 and 1000 micromole hexose per gram residual dry weight. Labeling of the first protein (P47, Mr 47 kD) increased as the carbohydrate levels rose above 500 micromole hexose per gram residual dry weight. Labeling of the second protein (P34, Mr 34 kD) increased as carbohydrate levels declined from 500 to 200 micromole hexose per gram residual dry weight. Under extreme conditions, when carbohydrate levels fell below 100 micromole hexose per gram residual dry weight, the labeling pattern of most proteins was drastically altered. It is suggested that P47 and P34 are `carbohydrate responsive proteins,' i.e. proteins whose concentrations are controlled either directly or indirectly by tissue carbohydrate status. In contrast, the changes in protein labeling that occur once carbohydrate pools are depleted may be involved in adaptation to periods of prolonged starvation.  相似文献   

In controlled temperature glasshouses plant morphology, gramdevelopment and yield of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum)were markedly affected by temperature during three stages ofplant growth: vegetative, stem elongation, and grain development.High temperature (to 33/28 °C day/night) during all threegrowth stages lowered grain yields by reducing basal tillering,numbers of grains per inflorescence, and single grain weight.Low temperature (21/16 °C) during the vegetative stage increasedbasal tillering and, as a result, total grain yield per plant.However, low temperature during the stem elongation stage reducedspikelet fertility and influorescence length, and thereby reducedthe potential main shoot grain yield. Low temperature duringgrain development increased the grain filling period and grainyield. The rate of grain filling did not vary over the rangeof 21/16 to 33/28 °C. Although plant morphology and grainyield were markedly affected by pre-anthesis thermal environment,grain development was not. At all temperatures ethanol-solublecarbohydrates stored in the stem were depleted during earlygrain development.  相似文献   

Coaldrake, P. D., Pearson, C. J. and Saffigna, P. G. 1987. Grainyield of Pennisetum americanum adjusts to nitrogen supply bychanging rates of grain filling and root uptake of nitrogen.–J.exp. Bot 38: 558–566. Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum(L.)Leeke) was grown in containers at three constant rates of nitrogensupply or with the nitrogen supply increased from the lowestto the highest rate during panicle differentiation or at anthesis.We measured the rate and duration of nitrogen and dry weightgain by individual grains and nitrogen (15N) uptake by rootsand its distribution during grain filling. The total amountsof nitrogen and dry weight in all grain per plant at the lowestnitrogen supply were 8% and 14% respectively of plants growncontinuously at the highest rate of nitrogen. This was becauselow rates of nitrogen supply reduced grain number, mean grainweight and the nitrogen content of each individual grain. Theamino acid composition of the grain protein was affected onlyslightly by nitrogen treatments. Rates of grain growth were sensitive to nitrogen supply whereasthe duration of nitrogen movement to the grain was not. Nitrogenuptake by roots continued throughout grain filling; rates ofuptake per g root in plants given least nitrogen were one-halfthose of plants given the highest amount of nitrogen. A changefrom lowest to highest nitrogen supply at panicle differentiationincreased the uptake of nitrogen by roots and the rates of growthof individual grains, to the rates observed in plants whichhad been supplied continuously with the highest nitrogen. Whenthe change in supply was made at anthesis there was rapid movementof nitrogen into the plant but this was not translated intomore rapid grain growth. Key words: Nitrogen supply, Pennisetum americanum, grain yield, root uptake  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Several fine-structural changes were observed during formation of the so-called pseudocysts of Trichomitus batrachorum grown in an agar-free medium. Among these changes the most frequent were those of the undulating membrane complex. Internalization of the marginal lamella combined with disappearance of the fin-like, membranous dorsal fold occurred with the highest frequency. In many organisms these alterations were accompanied by internalization of the recurrent flagellum, which, however, remained external in other, presumably earlier stages of pseudocyst formation. In some of the internalized and even still external recurrent flagella the microtubules were in various states of disassembly. The often distended flagellar membrane enclosed large accumulations of filaments 5 nm in diameter. Internalization of the anterior flagella also was noted. Changes similar to those characteristic of the recurrent flagella were not seen, however, among the microtubules of the anterior flagella or among those of the pelta or the axostyle.  相似文献   

Summary Thirteen naturally occurring dwarf lines of pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke], identified from the world collection, varied for several morphological and agronomic characters. Extreme dwarfs were characterized by a tufted growth habit which could be distinguished from the time of germination, while the other dwarf lines could be distinguished only after anthesis. The F1 hybrids between the tall and dwarf genotypes were tall, indicating that dwarfness is a recessive trait. In 10 out of the 13 crosses, the F2 segregation ratio was three tall to one dwarf (31) suggesting that the dwarfness is controlled by a single recessive gene, while the height differences in 3 of the dwarfs (IP 8056, IP 8210 and IP 8214) were controlled by more than one gene as they showed continuous variation for plant height in F2. When the remaining 10 single gene dwarfs were crossed to either d 1 (Tift 238) or d 2 (Tift 23 DB) dwarfs, only 2 crosses produced tall F2 hybrids and they segregated for height in F2 indicating that these 2 dwarfs are non-allelic to d 1 and d 2. Reciprocal crosses of these 2 dwarfs produced tall F1 hybrids and showed a dihybrid segregation of 934 in F2 indicating that the dwarfing genes of these 2 parents are non-allelic to each other. These non-allelic dwarfs were assigned the gene symbols d 3 (IP 10401), and d 4 (IP 10402).Submitted as J.A. No. 429 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)  相似文献   

Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) has a juvenilephase after which the time to panicle initiation is reducedby short daylengths. To understand more fully the mechanismunderlying temperature ? daylength interactions on panicle initiationand differentiation, plants were grown (a) at a range of constanttemperatures under a short daylength from sowing until afterpanicle differentiation and (b) at one temperature until 20d after emergence and then at a range of temperatures duringa 10 d exposure to short daylength. Temperature prior to panicle initiation determined the numberof leaves initiated on the main stem and the size of the apicaldome at the start of panicle initiation. The number of leaves,in turn, influenced the duration of the phase from panicle initiationto anthesis: this phase required a constant thermal time whenexpressed as day degrees per leaf. At anthesis, panicle lengthwas positively correlated with the number of leaves on the mainstem (and temperature) prior to panicle initiation. Changingthe temperature only during exposure to inductive daylengthsaffected the rate of growth of the apical dome so that panicledifferentiation began within 10 d at high temperature (30?C)whereas differentiation did not commence in 10 dat 21?C. Paniclesdeveloped normally if differentiation had commenced under inductivedaylengths whereas panicles were abnormal when plants were returnedto long daylengths after panicle initiation but before visibledifferentiation. Relative extension rates of the panicle during differentiationwere correlated positively with temperature. The results areconsistent with the hypothesis that panicle initiation dependson the apex attaining a critical size and that temperature,by determining the number of leaves initiated on the main stem,affects the size of the apical dome and thus the onset of panicleinitiation, the duration of paniclc differentiation and thenumber of spikelets differentiated. Key words: Pennisetum americanum, panicle differentiation, spikelet number  相似文献   

Summary Thirteen spontaneously occurring chlorophyll deficient phenotypes have been described and their genetic basis was established. Ten of these — white, white tipped green, patchy white, white virescent, white striping 1, white striping 2, white striping 4, fine striping, chlorina and yellow virescent showed monogenic recessive inheritance and the remaining three — yellow striping, yellow green and light green seedling phenotypes showed digenic recessive inheritance. The genes for (i) white tipped green (wr) and yellow virescent (yv) and (ii) patchy white (pw) and white striping 1 (wst 1) showed independent assortment. Further, the genes for white (w), white tipped green (wr) and yellow virescent (yv) were inherited independently of the gene for hairy leaf margin (Hm).In the mutants — white tipped green, patchy white, white striping 1, white striping 2, fine striping, chlorina, yellow virescent, yellow striping, yellow green and light green phenotypes total quantity of chlorophyll was significantly less than that in the corresponding controls, while in white virescent there was no reduction in the mature stage. For nine of the mutants the quantity of chlorophyll was also estimated in F1's (mutant x control green). In F1's of six of the mutants — white tip, patchy white, chlorina, yellow virescent, fine striping and yellow striping the quantity of chlorophyll was almost equal to the wild type. In the F1's of three of the mutants — white striping 1, white striping 2 and light green an intermediate value between the mutant and wild types was observed. In yellow virescent retarded synthesis of chlorophyll, particularly chlorophyll a was observed in the juvenile stage. Reduced quantity of chlorophyll was associated with defective chloroplasts. In the mutants — white tipped green, white virescent, fine striping, chlorina, yellow striping, yellow green and light green defective plastids were also observed. In patchy white secondary destruction of chlorophylls and the presence of defective plastids were found to be associated with reduced chlorophyll quantity at maturity.Paper chromatographic studies of leaf flavonoids revealed some variation between the inbreds, but there were three common spots, 7, 8 and 9, except for PDP in which the spot 8 was absent. Chlorophyll deficient mutants differed from their respective controls in the absence of one or more of the spots present in the controls and in the presence of new spots in some of the mutants.Most of the chlorophyll mutants showed higher survival rate in the Kharif season than in Rabi season which was attributed to the higher mean day temperature and longer day light period in the Kharif season than in Rabi season.  相似文献   

The size of the developing panicle of pearl millet (Pennisetumamericanum (L.) Leeke) was studied during panicle differentiation(from panicle initiation to the completion of spikelet production)in plants grown in pots or in the field and supplied with varyinglevels of nitrogen. The duration of panicle differentiationrequired a constant thermal time (day degrees) under all nitrogensupplies. However, the rate of growth of the developing panicleduring this phase was retarded by low nitrogen supply. Duringpanicle differentiation, it appeared that the developing paniclehad to reach a critical size before developmental events suchas the initiation of spikelet primordia commenced; timing ofdevelopmental events was related to the size of the developingpanicle. The number of spikelets produced depended on the rate of growthof the differentiating panicle and the duration of the phaseof spikelet initiation (from appearance of the first spikeletprimordium to completion of spikelet differentiation). Low nitrogensupply reduced the number of spikelets produced, by retardingthe rate of growth of the differentiating panicle; this delayedthe time to initiation of spikelets and thereby reduced theduration of spikelet initiation. All spikelets (irrespectiveof nitrogen supply on the mainstem and on tillers) occupiedthe same area of panicle surface at the completion of differentiationof the panicle and at anthesis. Key words: Millet, Panicle differentiation, Spikelet number  相似文献   

Summary Male sterility in Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke, inbred line IP 482, was found to be inherited as a monofactorial recessive phenotype. Homozygosity for the gene designated ms 2, produced in addition to pollen abortion, plasmodial tapetum, plasmodial pollen mother cells, delayed and asynchronous meiotic development, desynapsis and blockage of meiosis. Plasmodial PMCs resulted from the fusion of PMCs at pachytene.  相似文献   

The changes in soluble proteins associated with adventitious root formation in hypocotyls of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) were studied using one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Protein content decreased during the first day after root excision, and kept decreasing till the end of the time course under non-rooting conditions, i.e., on medium without growth regulators, with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) + kinetin, or with kinetic alone. During adventitious root initiation in response to IBA, however, the protein content began to increase from day 1 to its maximum at day 7, coinciding with the early stage of root initiation. A comparative analysis of protein changes by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed 16 proteins that were probably associated with root initiation and development.  相似文献   

Summary In pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke], in the open pollinated and crossed progenies of autotriploids, desynaptics and translocation heterozygotes, two primary trisomics, one each of secondary and tertiary trisomics, two primary trisomics with interchanges, two interchange secondary trisomics, and three interchange tertiary trisomics were located. These categories were determined on the basis of chromosomal associations formed at meiosis. In one other trisomic, its category, whether tertiary or interchange trisomy, could not be determined. Some of these categories, like the secondary trisomy and interchange tertiary trisomy, are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Vally K  Sharma R 《Plant physiology》1995,107(2):401-405
In pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) seedlings light induces the appearance of a leaf [alpha]-amylase isozyme. The leaf [alpha]-amylase isozyme was present in enriched amounts in isolated chloroplast but it could not be detected in isolated etioplasts. The chloroplast [alpha]-amylase was present in both mesophyll and bundle-sheath chloroplasts. Preliminary characterization indicated that molecular properties of chloroplast [alpha]-amylase were like those of a typical [alpha]-amylase. The plastidic [alpha]-amylase had a molecular mass of 46 kD, pH optimum of 6.2, required Ca2+ for activity and thermostability, but lost activity in the presence of ethylenediaminetetracetate. Plastidic [alpha]-amylase activity after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis could be renatured in situ by Triton X-100. Western blot analysis demonstrated that this protein was antigenically similar to a maize seed [alpha]-amylase. In vivo [35S]methionine labeling of bundle-sheath strands isolated from light-grown leaves followed by immunoprecipitation revealed that bundlesheath strands synthesized plastidic [alpha]-amylase de novo.  相似文献   

An expedition to Ghana was undertaken during August 1981 to collect mainly the early-maturing pearl millet, Pennisetum americanum. The collection team travelled extensively in most of the pearl millet-growing areas of the eastern and northern provinces of Ghana. The mission was planned to coincide with harvesting so that early-maturing landraces could be obtained from farmers’ fields. Seed samples of late-maturing pearl millet were also obtained from local markets. Early-maturing pearl millet is traditionally intercropped with groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) or late-maturing pearl millet. Pearl millet grain is used in several traditional food preparations: thick porridge called tô, a thin, fermented porridge calledkoko, and a deep-fried pancake calledmarsa. Landrace populations grown by the farmers were mixtures of several types. The material collected varied considerably for shapes, sizes and colors of spikes and grains. Of the 284 samples collected, 227 were grown in a uniform nursery at Patancheru: they flowered in 39–140 days, grew 120–315 cm tall, spikes were short (6–53 cm) and conical, grains were large, globular and gray with starchy endosperm. The samples belong to race globosum and serve as a good source of genes for earliness and large-grain size.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation in leaf abscisic acid (ABA) content was investigatedin pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L. ) Leeke) growingin the field in the semi-arid tropics and subjected to varyingdegrees of water stress. There was a two- to three-fold change in ABA content duringthe photoperiod in three groups of ‘severely’ stressedplants of the genotype BJ 104. Maximum ABA occurred mid-morning(1030 h). ABA levels then declined to a minimum at 1500 h. Changesin ABA content of ‘moderately’ stressed and fullyirrigated plants were smaller, but still significant. Though,when averaged over the day, levels of ABA of the five groupswere positively related to the degree of water stress, relationshipsbetween ABA concentration and total water () or turgor (p) potentialsvaried considerably with time of sampling. Within groups, changesin ABA contents during the day were not always accounted forby changes in or p. Temporal changes in leaf ABA content similar to those foundin BJ 104, and largely unrelated to , were observed in the genotypesSerere 39 and B282 in a subsequent year. Leaf ABA content of droughted plants (BJ 104) did not declineappreciably overnight despite a marked increase in . However,a large reduction in ABA content with increase in did occurfollowing heavy rainfall. Diurnal changes in stomatal conductance (g1) of BJ 104 couldnot be simply accounted for by temporal changes in total leafABA content, even when allowance was made for effects of irradianceand other environmental variables on g1. It is suggested thatthe sensitivity of stomata to ABA, or accessibility of the hormoneto the stomatal complex, changes during the day.  相似文献   

Platelet counts, coagulation factors, and the fibrinolytic system were studied in seven regular dialysis patients during the course of haemodialysis by parallel flow (Gambro-Alwall) and coil (Travenol Ultra-Flo 100) dialysers. Significant falls in the patients'' platelet counts and rises in their factor V levels were found with both dialysis systems. The changes were more pronounced over the course of a Gambro-Alwall dialysis, when significant falls in the partial thromboplastin clotting time and in the plasminogen levels were also noted. These haemostatic changes were associated with the retention of platelets on the dialysis membranes and, in the case of the Gambro-Alwall dialyser, with the formation of platelet-fibrin thrombus. This thrombus formation may take place in spite of efficient heparin anticoagulation and may cause excessive blood loss to the regular dialysis patient.  相似文献   

Subcellular responses to infection by Race 3 of Heterodera glycines in susceptible (''Lee'') and resistant (''Forrest'' and ''Bedford'') soybean cultivars were compared. Syncytial formation, initiated in susceptible as well as resistant soybean cultivars, was characterized by wall perforations, dense cytoplasm, and increased endoplasmic reticulum, In susceptible plants, syncytia developed continuously until nematode maturity. This included hypertrophy of nuclei, increase of rough endoplasmic reticulum in early stages of infection, and formation of wall ingrowths at a late stage of infection. In the resistant reaction in Forrest, a necrotic layer surrounded syncytium component cells demarcating them from surrounding normal cells and leading to syncytial necrosis. Wall appositions were prominently formed near the necrotic layer, and the cytoplasm of the syncytium component cells was extremely condensed. The whole syncytium became necrotic at a late stage of infection. Bedford had nuclear degeneration prior to cytoplasmic degradation. Chromatin was often scattered throughout the syncytial cytoplasm. Finally the whole syncytium became degenerated with plasmalemma completely detached from the syncytial cell walls. The differences in resistant responses reflect a difference in genetic composition of the soybean cultivars tested.  相似文献   

We identified three heterozygous nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the small heterodimer partner (SHP, NROB2) gene in normal subjects and CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)-like patients, including two novel missense mutations (p.R38H, p.K170N) and one of the previously reported polymorphism (p.G171A). Four novel heterozygous mutations were also identified in the intron (Intron1265T→A), 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR101C→G, 3′-UTR186T→C), and promoter (Pro-423C→T) of the SHP gene. The exonic R38H and K170N mutants exhibited impaired nuclear translocation. K170N made SHP more susceptible to ubiquitination mediated degradation and blocked SHP acetylation, which displayed lost repressive activity on its interacting partners ERRγ and HNF4α but not LRH-1. In contrast, G171A increased SHP mRNA and protein expression and maintained normal function. In general, the interaction of SHP mutants with LRH-1 and EID1 was enhanced. K170N also markedly impaired the recruitment of SHP, HNF4α, HDAC1, and HDAC3 to the apoCIII promoter. Molecular dynamics simulations of SHP showed that G171A stabilized the nuclear receptor boxes, whereas K170N promoted the conformational destabilization of all the structural elements of the receptor. This study suggests that genetic variations in SHP are common among human subjects and the Lys-170 residue plays a key role in controlling SHP ubiquitination and acetylation associated with SHP protein stability and repressive function.  相似文献   

FLETCHER  J. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(5):963-971
Fully formed pre-cleavage sporangia and sporangiola of Thamnidiumelegans Link were bounded by a primary wall plus a thick, internalsecondary wall layer. In sporangia in late pre-cleavage, Golgi-likecisternae were associated with groups of cytoplasmic vesiclesof characteristic size and appearance which were not found insporangia containing large cleavage vesicles. In both sporangia and sporangiola, protoplast cleavage was effectedby enlargement of endogenous cleavage vesicles each containinga lining layer of variable appearance, mutual fusion of cleavagevesicle membranes and fusion of cleavage vesicle membranes withthe plasmalemma. Golgi-like cisternae and small vesicular profileswere present in sporangium protoplasts at all stages of cleavagevesicle enlargement. In sporangia, the columella zone was delimitedby cleavage vesicles and separated from the sporogenous zoneby a fibrillar wall. A similar wall, which sometimes protrudedto form a small columella, was formed in sporangiola. Recently delimited spore protoplasts were bounded by plasmalemmamembrane derived from cleavage vesicle bounding membrane andsporangium or sporangiolum plasmalemma and surrounded by aninvesting layer derived from cleavage vesicle lining material.The investing layer at first appeared single, but later twoelectron opaque profiles were discernible. The spore wall wasformed between the investing layer and the plasmalemma. Wallsof sporangia and sporangiola which contained fully formed sporesconsisted of the primary layers only.  相似文献   

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