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Micronutrients are essential elements needed in small amounts for adequate human nutrition and include the elements iron and zinc. Both of these minerals are essential to human well-being and an adequate supply of iron and zinc help to prevent iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency, two prevalent health concerns of the developing world. The objective of this study was to determine the inheritance of seed iron and zinc accumulation in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population of common beans from a cross of low × high mineral genotypes (DOR364 × G19833) using a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping approach. The population was grown over two trial sites and two analytical methods (Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) were used to determine iron and zinc concentration in the seed harvested from these trials. The variability in seed mineral concentration among the lines was larger for iron (40.0–84.6 ppm) than for zinc (17.7–42.4 ppm) with significant correlations between trials, between methods and between minerals (up to r = 0.715). A total of 26 QTL were identified for the mineral × trial × method combinations of which half were for iron concentration and half for zinc concentration. Many of the QTL (11) for both iron (5) and zinc (6) clustered on the upper half of linkage group B11, explaining up to 47.9% of phenotypic variance, suggesting an important locus useful for marker assisted selection. Other QTL were identified on linkage groups B3, B6, B7, and B9 for zinc and B4, B6, B7, and B8 for iron. The relevance of these results for breeding common beans is discussed especially in light of crop improvement for micronutrient concentration as part of a biofortification program.  相似文献   

The inheritance of partial resistance within eight bean cultivars to a single-pustule isolate of bean rust was studied by means of a F1 diallel test. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were very highly significant over two seasons and in interaction with seasons. The partitioning of the sums of squares indicated the greater importance of GCA in the inheritance of the resistance. Reciprocal effects were not significant. The estimates of narrow-sense heritability in the two seasons were 0.899 ± 0.056 and 0.603 ± 0.065.  相似文献   

F. Ligero  C. Lluch 《Plant and Soil》1982,65(3):421-424
Summary The effect of increasing rates of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) as fertilizers on the yield, leaf area and N, P, S, Ca, Mg, NO3 and SO4 = content in leaves of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) were studied in a hydroponic culture experiment under greenhouse conditions. Bean plants responded significantly to all treatments with differents N/S ratios. When plants grew with high N/S ratios, the leaf content of N, Ca and NO3 increased while the content of K, P and SO4 = decreased. However, optimal yield and leaf area were not obtained. Optimal leaf and fruit dry matter was obtained at N/S ratio value of 1.41. When lower N/S rates were used, optimal leaf and fruit dry matter was only observed when the leaf N/S ratio was between 15 and 16. At high sulphate levels in the nutrient solution there is no interaction with nitrate which is easily observed, resulting in an increase in yield. An interaction between nitrate and sulphate in the nutrient solution was found at a N/S ratio of 0.81 which produced in leaves a synergic effect between P-K, an antagonistic effect between N-P and N-K and a lower yield. This research was supported by Fundacion ‘Ramon Areces’.  相似文献   

Saile-Mark  M.  Tevini  M. 《Plant Ecology》1997,128(1-2):115-125
Different cultivars of bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) originating from Central and Southern Europe were grown from July to August/September 1993 up to 7 and 8 weeks, respectively, in two greenhouses covered by different UV-B-absorbing (280-320nm) plastic foils. By using the ambient UV-B radiation of the southern location (Portugal, 38.7°N, 9.1°W) in one of the greenhouses as intense UV-B radiation compared to the reduced radiation in the second greenhouse at the same place, a difference in UV-B of about 8–10% was simulated. All cultivars examined showed significant reductions in height of up to 31,8% in most growth phases under intense UV-B. Also fresh and dry weight as well as leaf area were reduced under intense UV-B in the cultivars Purple Teepee, Cropper Teepee and Goldstrahl, and in early growth phases also in Coco bianco, but with ongoing development this cultivar caught up. Cultivars Hilds Maja, Primel, Manata and Cannellino exhibited no UV-B effects on weight and leaf area. A flowering delay of up to 1 day was observed under intense UV-B in several cultivars. Probably due to this delay the yield (fresh weight of fruits) decreased in all cultivars up to 55% under intense UV-B at harvest time, while the potential yield (sum of buds, opened flowers and fruits) was reduced only in the cultivars Cropper Teepee, Purple Teepee, Cannellino and Goldstrahl. The UV-sensitivity index (UVSI) calculated according to the UV induced changes in growth, dry weight and yield at the second harvest date has shown that all cultivars are UV-sensitive, however the index was numerically higher for Southern European cultivars (average = 2.5) than for Central European ones (average = 2.3) which means that the first group was slightly less UV-sensitive than the second.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were done to test whether N fixation is more sensitive to high soil temperatures in common bean than in cowpea or soybean. Greenhouse experiments compared nodulation, nitrogenase activity, growth and nitrogen accumulation of several host/strain combinations of common bean with the other grain legumes and with N-fertilization, at various root temperatures. Field experiments compared relative N-accumulation (in symbiotic relative to N-fertilized plants) of common bean with cowpea under different soil thermal regimes. N-fertilized beans were unaffected by the higher temperatures, but nitrogen accumulation by symbiotic beans was always more sensitive to high root temperatures (33°C, 33/28°C, 34/28°C compared with 28°C) than were cowpea and soybean symbiosis. Healthy bean nodules that had developed at low temperatures functioned normally in acetylene reduction tests done at 35°C. High temperatures caused little or no suppression of nodule number. However, bean nodules produced at high temperatures were small and had low specific activity. ForP. vulgaris some tolerance to high temperature was observed among rhizobium strains (e.g., CIAT 899 was tolerant) but not among host cultivars. Heat tolerance ofP. acutifolius andP. lunatus symbioses was similar to that of cowpea and soybean. In the field, high surface soil temperatures did not reduce N accumulation in symbiotic beans more than in cowpea, probably because of compensatory nodulation in the deeper and cooler parts of the soil.  相似文献   

Thirty one selected bean lines were evaluated in the field for ability to support N2 fixation when intercropped with maize which received 0, 30 and 60 kg N ha–1 as ammonium sulphate. The amount of fixed N2 was estimated using the natural variation of 15N and wheat as the standard non-fixing crop. Nitrogen as low as 15 kg N ha–1 at sowing suppressed nodule weight and activity (acetylene reduction activity) but not nodule number, suggesting that the main effect of mineral N was on nodule development and function. 15N data revealed a high potential of the bean genotypes to fix N2, with the most promising ones averaging between 50–60% of seed N coming from fixation. Bean lines CNF-480, Puebla-152, Mexico-309, Negro Argel, CNF-178, Venezuela-350 and WBR22-3, WBR22-50 and WBR22-55 were ranked as good fixers.  相似文献   

Summary The growth of inbred backcross (IB) lines derived from the cross of the phosphorus (P)-efficient donor parent (PI 206002) and the recurrent parent (cultivar Sanilac) was measured in low-P nutrient solution culture and in a field nursery on a soil moderately deficient in P. Several IB lines that resembled ‘Sanilac’ in general morphology were identified as P-efficient in the nutrient solution culture (10 to 25% more shoot dry weight accumulation than ‘Sanilac’). In general, these lines accumulated 30 to 50% more shoot dry weight and more P in the shoot tissue at first flower than ‘Sanilac’ in the low-P field plot but did not differ from ‘Sanilac’ in a field plot amended with P fertilizer. Some IB lines with seed yields higher than ‘Sanilac’ may have both the vegetative P efficiency of PI 206002 and the ability to convert this growth into seed production. Transfer of a quantitative trait such as P efficiency using the inbred backcross breeding method and preliminary evaluation of the IB lines in nutrient solution culture before field testing were shown to be useful techniques for developing common bean germplasm tolerant to soils low in available P. These genetically related lines should also be useful for physiological studies of P nutrition in common bean.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were performed to evaluate the nitrogen fixation potential of twenty common bean cultivars and breeding lines during summer and winter seasons of 1986 and 1988, respectively. The 15N isotope dilution method was used to quantify N2 fixation. The cultivars and breeding lines were variable in terms of their N2 fixation. The cv. Caballero was very efficient, with more than 50% N derived from the atmosphere and 60–80 kg N ha–1 fixed in both seasons. Other cultivars were less efficient, since the poorest ones derived less than 30% of their nitrogen from the atmosphere and fixed less than 20 kg N ha–1. After additional testing the best cultivars may be used directly by the farmers for cultivation. The experiments have provided information about which genotypes may be used to breed for enhanced fixation in common bean.  相似文献   

Guo  S.  Brück  H.  Sattelmacher  B. 《Plant and Soil》2002,239(2):267-275
In order to investigate the effect of N form on dry matter (DM) formation and water uptake rate, French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. `Sotaxa') plants were grown with a split-root system. Three treatments were compared: sole nitrate (NO 3) supply (NN), sole ammonium (NH+ 4) supply (AA) and spatially separated supply of NO 3 and NH+ 4 (NA). The pH of the nutrient solutions was kept constant at 6.3 using a pH-stat system. 9 days after onset of the treatments, NN plants had higher root (36%) and shoot dry matter (11%) than AA plants. N form drastically influenced partitioning of assimilates: in the NA treatment, the root half exposed to NO 3 revealed a 170% higher DM than the root half exposed to NH+ 4. N form affected stable carbon-isotope discrimination () of leaf tissue. In leaves of plants which were supplied with NH+ 4 (AA; NA) was significantly more negative (–29.4, –29.6) than in NN treatment (–28.2). We explain this effect by differences in stomatal conductance. We suppose that the significantly less negative of root tissue under NH+ 4 supply is most probably related to higher PEP-case activity. The water uptake rate was higher in NN than in AA grown plants. This effect was found in both, short- and long-term experiments. In case of NA plants, the water uptake in the root part being exposed to NO 3 was 104% higher than in those receiving NH+ 4. At least in the case of the NA treatment we can exclude shoot growth effects as being responsible for differences in water uptake. We therefore assume that differences in root hydraulic conductivity are responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Common bean is gaining acceptance as one of the most valuable major food consumed worldwide owing to innumerable nutritional and therapeutic benefits. Comparatively less...  相似文献   

Summary The effect of silicon on manganese tolerance of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. ‘Red Kidney’) grown in water culture was studied at different levels of manganese supply. Without silicon, growth depression and toxicity symptoms occurred already at 5 × 10−4 mM Mn in the nutrient solution. After addition of Aerosil (0.75 ppm Si), the plants tolerated 5 × 10−3 mM Mn and, at a higher silicon supply of 40 ppm, as much as 10−2 mM Mn in the nutrient solution without any growth depression. This increase in manganese tolerance was not caused by a depressing effect of silicon on uptake or translocation of manganese but rather by an increase in the manganese tolerance of the leaf tissue. In absence of silicon, 100 ppm Mn was already toxic for the leaf tissue, whereas with a supply of 40 ppm Si, this ‘critical level’ in the leaves was increased to more than 1000 ppm Mn. At lower manganese levels in the leaf tissue, a molar ratio Si/Mn of 6 within the tissue was sufficient to prevent manganese toxicity. Above 1000 ppm Mn, however, even a much wider Si/Mn ratio (> 20) could not prevent growth depression by manganese toxicity. With54Mn and autoradiographic studies, it could be demonstrated that, in absence of silicon, even at optimal manganese supply (10−4 mM), the distribution of manganese within the leaf blades was inhomogeneous and characterized by spot-like accumulations. In presence of silicon, however, the manganese distribution was homogeneous in the lower concentration range of manganese and still fairly homogeneous in the high concentration range. This effect of silicon on manganese distribution on the tissue level was also reflected on the cellular level. In the presence of silicon, a higher proportion of the leaf manganese could be found in the press sap,i.e., had been transported into the vacuoles, than in the absence of silicon. The increase in manganese tolerance of bean leaves by silicon therefore seems to be primarily caused by the prevention of local manganese accumulation within the leaf tissue which leads to local disorders of the metabolism and, correspondingly, growth depression.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is able to fix 20–60 kg N ha–1 under tropical environments in Brazil, but these amounts are inadequate to meet the N requirement for economically attractive seed yields. When the plant is supplemented with N fertilizer, N2 fixation by Rhizobium can be suppressed even at low rates of N. Using the 15N enriched method, two field experiments were conducted to compare the effect of foliar and soil applications of N-urea on N2 fixation traits and seed yield. All treatments received a similar fertilization including 10 kg N ha–1 at sowing. Increasing rates of N (10, 30 and 50 kg N ha–1) were applied for both methods. Foliar application significantly enhanced nodulation, N2 fixation (acetylene reduction activity) and yield at low N level (10 kg N ha–1). Foliar nitrogen was less suppressive to nodulation, even at higher N levels, than soil N treatments. In the site where established Rhizobium was in low numbers, inoculation contributed substantially to increased N2 fixation traits and yield. Both foliar and soil methods inhibited nodulation at high N rates and did not significantly increase bean yield, when comparing low (10 kg N ha–1) and high (50 kg N ha–1) rates applied after emergence. In both experiments, up to 30 kg N ha–1 of biologically fixed N2 were obtained when low rates of N were applied onto the leaves.  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to determine the impact ofnitrogen deficiency on proline metabolism in French Bean plants(Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Strike). The nitrogen wasapplied to the nutrient solution in the form of NH4NO3 at1.45 mM (N1), 2.90mM (N2) and 5.80mM (N3, optimal level). Our results indicateNdeficiency is characterised by a decline in proline accumulation both in theroot and leaves, fundamentally because proline degradation is encouraged by thestimulation of the enzyme proline dehydrogenase. By contrast, under conditionsof adequate N (N3), proline levels rise due to the action of ornithine,suggesting predominance of the ornithine pathway over the glutamine pathway, inaddition to the inhibition of proline dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Popescu  A. 《Plant and Soil》1998,204(1):117-125
Common beans usually achieve grain yields less than the genotypic potential of the cultivar under Romanian field conditions. To understand better the contribution of nitrogen fixation to the yield formation, I made a long-term evaluation (1977–1994) of inoculation effects of 19 Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strains on common bean cultivated in several locations. Grain yields were significantly influenced by all selected strains, years and locations in all experimental cycles, and only partially by the interactions between strains and years or strains and locations. The average yield increases induced by these strains during the four cycles ranged from 6 to 20%. Four bacterial strains proved to be more stable in their field performances, taking into account the yield increases greater than 10% over controls observed in all individual trials. Mean yields and variation limits recorded during the long-term evaluation of strain efficacy in locations with different soil pH values showed similar patterns of yield increases from soils with acidic to neutral pH values. Linear regression between mean grain yields and average temperatures demonstrated the limiting effect of temperature on yield. The interaction between bacterial strain and nitrogen fertiliser rate demonstrated the ability of dinitrogen fixation to satisfy the crop requirements for this element. An evaluation of the amounts of nitrogen fixed in three common bean cultivars inoculated with two bacterial strains showed different N2-fixing capacities among plant genotypes.  相似文献   

The improvement of N2 fixation in legumes may lead to increased yields and reduced fertilizer requirement. Levels of N2 fixation were determined for three cultivars and nine progeny lines from two inbred backcross common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) populations that were grown at Hancock, Wissconsin in 1984 and 1985 using 15N-depleted (NH4)2SO4. The high N2-fixing line Puebla 152 was the donor parent for both inbred backcross populations and the cultivars Porrillo Sintetico and Sanilac were the recurrent parents for populations 21 and 24, respectively. Total N yield, fixed N2 and % N derived from the atmosphere were determined for whole plants and plant parts at the R3 (50% bloom) and R9 (maturity) growth stages. Significant year-by-line interactions were found for N2 fixation traits among the population 21 lines and parents, but not for population 24 lines and their parents. Measures of N2 fixation at R3 were inadequate to predict N2 fixation at R9. Population 24 lines and parents differed for N2 fixation ability at R9, and fixed N2 was correlated with maturity. The recovery of an inbred backcross progeny line, 24-21, which matured earlier and fixed more N2 than the recurrent parent Sanilac indicated that N2 fixation was heritable and that favorable alleles, independent of maturity, were recovered from a late-maturing, high N2-fixing donor parent by utilizing the inbred backcross breeding method. Since most fixed N2 and non-fixed N (>80%) was found in the seeds at maturity, and most lines did not vary for the distribution of nitrogen throughout the plant, selection for improved remobilization of nitrogen to the seed to increase yield is impractical in this genetic material. The highest N2-fixing lines tended to have high and similar % Ndfa in all plant parts.  相似文献   

Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) cultivars vary widely in their growth habit and seed size. Preliminary experiments indicated that a large-seeded pole cultivar (King of the Garden) formed many more nodules than a small-seeded bush cultivar (Henderson). The relative importance of seed size and shoot mass in determining nodule number and mass was assessed in five lima bean cultivars differing in seed size and growth habit. Between cultivars, significant positive correlations between initial seed mass, plant weight and nodule number and mass were observed during the first four weeks after planting. Comparisons within cultivars indicated a strong correlation between nodule mass and shoot dry weight. The influence of plant morphology on nodule formation and mass was secondary to the effects of seed and shoot mass. As plants matured, the increase in nodule mass paralleled the increase in plant mass, while nodule number was relatively stable after day 18. These results suggest that the highly regulated process of nodule formation was under the influence of seed derived factors, while the continued accumulation of nodule tissue was related to shoot growth.  相似文献   

It is important to quantify and understand the consequences of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) on reproductive processes and yield to develop suitable agronomic or genetic management for future climates. The objectives of this research work were (a) to quantify the effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on photosynthesis, pollen production, pollen viability, seed‐set, seed number, seeds per pod, seed size, seed yield and dry matter production of kidney bean and (b) to determine if deleterious effects of high temperature on reproductive processes and yield could be compensated by enhanced photosynthesis at elevated CO2 levels. Red kidney bean cv. Montcalm was grown in controlled environments at day/night temperatures ranging from 28/18 to 40/30 °C under ambient (350 µmol mol?1) or elevated (700 µmol mol?1) CO2 levels. There were strong negative relations between temperature over a range of 28/18–40/30 °C and seed‐set (slope, ? 6.5% °C?1) and seed number per pod (? 0.34 °C?1) under both ambient and elevated CO2 levels. Exposure to temperature > 28/18 °C also reduced photosynthesis (? 0.3 and ? 0.9 µmol m?2 s?1 °C?1), seed number (? 2.3 and ? 3.3 °C?1) and seed yield (? 1.1 and ? 1.5 g plant?1 °C?1), at both the CO2 levels (ambient and elevated, respectively). Reduced seed‐set and seed number at high temperatures was primarily owing to decreased pollen production and pollen viability. Elevated CO2 did not affect seed size but temperature > 31/21 °C linearly reduced seed size by 0.07 g °C?1. Elevated CO2 increased photosynthesis and seed yield by approximately 50 and 24%, respectively. There was no beneficial interaction of CO2 and temperature, and CO2 enrichment did not offset the negative effects of high temperatures on reproductive processes and yield. In conclusion, even with beneficial effects of CO2 enrichment, yield losses owing to high temperature (> 34/24 °C) are likely to occur, particularly if high temperatures coincide with sensitive stages of reproductive development.  相似文献   

Changes in growth, symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF), acid phosphatase (ACP), and phytase activities to phosphorus availability (15 and 60 μmol KH2PO4 plant−1 week−1) were compared in two recombinant lines (115 and 147) of common bean. Plant growth, nodulation and SNF were genotype and P level-dependent. 147 was more affected by P shortage (15 μmol P) than 115. Four ACP types were revealed in the nodules of both lines, ACP1 exhibiting a higher specific activity under P shortage as compared to the 60 μmol P treatment, especially in 115. A single phytase was revealed for the nodules of both lines and was significantly enhanced by P deficiency. Three ACP types were found in roots and leaves, showing increasing activity under P deficiency, especially in 115. Regardless of P supply, leaf ACP specific activity was higher than that of nodules and roots in the both lines. Interestingly, phosphorus use efficiency for N2 fixation significantly correlated to nodule ACP activity under P shortage in the both lines. The relatively better performance of 115 as compared to 147 under P deficiency could be partly ascribed to the ability of 115 to maintain higher ACP activity. This enzyme might be involved in the remobilization of the plant Pi and its utilization for SNF.  相似文献   

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