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Ribosomal protein S1 has been shown to be a significant effector of prokaryotic translation. The protein is in fact capable of efficiently initiating translation, regardless of the presence of a Shine-Dalgarno sequence in mRNA. Structural insights into this process have remained elusive, as S1 is recalcitrant to traditional techniques of structural analysis, such as x-ray crystallography. Through the application of protein cross-linking and high resolution mass spectrometry, we have detailed the ribosomal binding site of S1 and have observed evidence of its dynamics. Our results support a previous hypothesis that S1 acts as the mRNA catching arm of the prokaryotic ribosome. We also demonstrate that in solution the major domains of the 30S subunit are remarkably flexible, capable of moving 30–50Å with respect to one another.Initiation of translation is often the rate-limiting step of protein biosynthesis (1). In prokaryotes, this process is widely recognized to be directed by the Shine-Dalgarno (S.D.)1 sequence of mRNA and its complementation with the 3′ end of 16S rRNA (2). However, binding of the S.D. sequence to the ribosome is not obligatory for initiation. Ribosomal protein S1, widely conserved in prokaryotes, (3) has been shown to efficiently initiate translation, regardless of the presence of an S.D. sequence (4, 5).S1 is a strikingly atyptical ribosomal protein, being both the largest (61 kDa) and the most acidic (pI 4.7) (6). The protein is composed of six homologous repeats each forming beta barrel domains (3) that in solution comprise a highly elongated structure spanning up to ca. 230 Å (7). This length is comparable to the diameter of the ribosome itself. In addition to these anomalous characteristics, S1 is also one of only two ribosomal proteins that has been attributed functional significance (6). Ribosomal protein S1, for instance, has no apparent role in the assembly of the ribosome, (2) yet is critical for translation in E. coli (8, 9). The functional significance of S1 is related to its most pronounced characteristic, the ability to simultaneously bind mRNA and the ribosome. Analysis of fragments produced by limited proteolysis and chemical cleavage of S1 has shown that an N-terminal fragment of S1 (residues 1–193) binds the ribosome (10) but not RNA (11). Likewise, a C-terminal fragment (res 172–557) binds RNA (12, 13) but not the ribosome (6, 10). By nature of this bi-functional structure, S1 enhances the E. coli ribosome''s affinity for RNA ∼5000 fold (14) and can directly mediate initiation of translation by binding the 5′ UTR of mRNA (4, 5). These observations have led to the hypothesis that S1 acts as a catching arm for the prokaryotic ribosome, working to bring mRNA to the proximity of the ribosome and thereby facilitate initiation (6).Unfortunately, structural analyses capturing how S1 is able to function in this manner remain elusive. A high-resolution crystal structure of ribosome bound S1, or even free S1, does not exist, because S1 is recalcitrant to crystallography (6). Preparation of ribosomes for x-ray crystallography actually involves the deliberate removal of ribosomal protein S1 as a means to improve the reproducibility of crystallization and the quality of the ribosome crystals formed (1517). The structure and interactions of the protein have nevertheless intrigued structural biologists for decades. However, studies completed to date have failed to convincingly demonstrate the interaction between S1 and the rest of the 30S subunit, because they were incapable of localizing the individual S1 domains (16, 1820).We have studied the binding of S1 to the 30S subunit by combining cross-linking with mass spectrometry. Chemical cross-linking has long been appreciated as a technique to probe protein-protein interactions (21, 22). With the advent of modern mass spectrometers, it can be very effectively employed to confidently identify the exact residues involved in linkages (2328). In most cross-linking analyses, protein residues are targeted for covalent modification with a molecule that contains two reactive groups separated by a spacer arm of known length. Only protein residues closer than the length of the spacer arm are capable of being linked. Identification of cross-linked residues thereby provides distance constraints for structural modeling. In this work, the novel amidinating protein cross-linker, DEST (diethyl suberthioimidate), was employed (29, 30). This amine reactive reagent, unlike commercially available reagents, preserves the native basicity of the residues it modifies while being effective at physiological pH. Use of the reagent is unlikely to perturb protein structure and the modifications it imparts are compatible with ionization for mass spectrometry. We have additionally shown that the cross-links it forms can be efficiently enriched from other components of proteolytic digests using strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography, (30) and that DEST cross-linking of ribosomes yields structural information in excellent agreement with x-ray crystallography (29). Although DEST is an 11Å spacer arm cross-linker, it links alpha carbons up to 24Å apart because of the length and flexibility of lysine side chains. Nevertheless, this is sufficient resolution to approximate the binding positions of the 10kDa domains of S1. Furthermore, multiple cross-linking of a single domain significantly enhances the resolution with which it can be localized.Here, through the application of protein cross-linking and high resolution mass spectrometry, we show that S1 binds to the 30S subunit near the anti-S.D. motif of the 16S rRNA, demonstrate that it is highly elongated even when bound to the ribosome, and provide evidence that its C-terminal mRNA binding region is remarkably dynamic. Our results thus indicate S1 is structurally poised, as previously hypothesized, (6) to act as the mRNA catching arm of the prokaryotic ribosome.  相似文献   

Hybridization competition experiments were used to examine the ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) homologies of 22 bacteria and 3 higher organisms with Escherichia coli and Bacillus stearothermophilus. Although little or no homology was observed with the higher organisms, the bacteria showed a wide range of homologies. Organisms whose rRNA showed closer homology to E. coli rRNA showed less rRNA homology to B. stearothermophilus rRNA and vice versa.  相似文献   

核糖体蛋白(ribosomal proteins,RPs)不仅在细胞内参与合成蛋白质,还具有多种核糖体外功能。核糖体蛋白S26(RPS26)位于核糖体小亚基,其功能障碍与多种疾病密切相关。近年来,有关RPS26的研究主要在参与核糖体装配等核糖体功能方面,以及参与无义介导的mRNA降解机制(nonsense-mediated mRNA decay,NMD)、直接或间接调控重要的抑癌基因p53表达等核糖体外功能方面。多篇报道证实RPS26基因突变可引起戴-布二氏贫血(Diamond-Blackfan anemia,DBA),而RPS26基因与Ⅰ型糖尿病的关系仍有争议。探索RPS26参与NMD机制在DBA发生中的作用有助于深入认识DBA发病机理,同时也可为完善SMaRT(spliceosome-mediated mRNA trans-splicing)技术等基因疗法提供帮助。此外,RPS26在癌症中的作用也值得进一步探索。  相似文献   

Small regulatory RNA (sRNA) is a unique noncoding RNA involved in regulation of gene expression in both eukaryotic and bacterial cells. This short review discusses examples of positive and negative translation regulation by sRNAs in bacteria and participation of Hfq in these processes. The importance of structure investigation of nucleotide–protein and RNA–protein complexes for designing a model of Hfq interaction with both mRNA and sRNA simultaneously is demonstrated.  相似文献   

When heat shock prematurely dissociates a translating bacterial ribosome, its 50S subunit is prevented from reinitiating protein synthesis by tRNA covalently linked to the unfinished protein chain that remains threaded through the exit tunnel. Hsp15, a highly upregulated bacterial heat shock protein, reactivates such dead-end complexes. Here, we show with cryo-electron microscopy reconstructions and functional assays that Hsp15 translocates the tRNA moiety from the A site to the P site of stalled 50S subunits. By stabilizing the tRNA in the P site, Hsp15 indirectly frees up the A site, allowing a release factor to land there and cleave off the tRNA. Such a release factor must be stop codon independent, suggesting a possible role for a poorly characterized class of putative release factors that are upregulated by cellular stress, lack a codon recognition domain and are conserved in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The 16S rRNA-binding ribosomal protein S15 is a key component in the assembly of the small ribosomal subunit in bacteria. We have shown that S15 from the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus represses the translation of its own mRNA in vitro, by interacting with the leader segment of its mRNA. The S15 mRNA-binding site was characterized by footprinting experiments, deletion analysis and site-directed mutagenesis. S15 binding triggers a conformational rearrangement of its mRNA into a fold that mimics the conserved three-way junction of the S15 rRNA-binding site. This conformational change masks the ribosome entry site, as demonstrated by direct competition between the ribosomal subunit and S15 for mRNA binding. A comparison of the T.thermophilus and Escherichia coli regulation systems reveals that the two regulatory mRNA targets do not share any similarity and that the mechanisms of translational inhibition are different. Our results highlight an astonishing plasticity of mRNA in its ability to adapt to evolutionary constraints, that contrasts with the extreme conservation of the rRNA-binding site.  相似文献   

Poliovirus infection induces an overall inhibition of host protein synthesis, although some mRNAs continue to be translated, suggesting different translation requirements for cellular mRNAs. It is known that ribosomal protein mRNAs are translationally regulated and that the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 is involved in the regulation. Here, we report that the translation of ribosomal protein mRNAs resists poliovirus infection and correlates with an increase in p70(s6k) activity and phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction encompasses two major challenges: 1), the generation of a large ensemble of high resolution structures for a given amino-acid sequence; and 2), the identification of the structure closest to the native structure for a blind prediction. In this article, we address the second challenge, by proposing what is, to our knowledge, a novel iterative traveling-salesman problem-based clustering method to identify the structures of a protein, in a given ensemble, which are closest to the native structure. The method consists of an iterative procedure, which aims at eliminating clusters of structures at each iteration, which are unlikely to be of similar fold to the native, based on a statistical analysis of cluster density and average spherical radius. The method, denoted as ICON, has been tested on four data sets: 1), 1400 proteins with high resolution decoys; 2), medium-to-low resolution decoys from Decoys ‘R’ Us; 3), medium-to-low resolution decoys from the first-principles approach, ASTRO-FOLD; and 4), selected targets from CASP8. The extensive tests demonstrate that ICON can identify high-quality structures in each ensemble, regardless of the resolution of conformers. In a total of 1454 proteins, with an average of 1051 conformers per protein, the conformers selected by ICON are, on an average, in the top 3.5% of the conformers in the ensemble.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S15 binds specifically to the central domain of 16 S ribosomal RNA (16 S rRNA) and directs the assembly of four additional proteins to this domain. The central domain of 16 S rRNA along with these five proteins form the platform of the 30 S subunit. Previously, directed hydroxyl radical probing from Fe(II)-S15 in small ribonucleoprotein complexes was used to study assembly of the central domain of 16 S rRNA. Here, this same approach was used to understand the 16 S rRNA environment of Fe(II)-S15 in 30 S subunits and to determine the ribosomal proteins that are involved in forming the mature S15-16 S rRNA environment. We have identified additional sites of Fe(II)-S15-directed cleavage in 30S subunits compared to the binary complex of Fe(II)-S15/16 S rRNA. Along with novel targets in the central domain, sites within the 5' and 3' minor domains are also cleaved. This suggests that during the course of 30S subunit assembly these elements are positioned in the vicinity of S15. Besides the previously determined role for S8, roles for S5, S6+S18, and S16 in altering the 16 S rRNA environment of S15 were established. These studies reveal that ribosomal proteins can alter the assembly of regions of the 30 S subunit from a considerable distance and influence the overall conformation of this ribonucleoprotein particle.  相似文献   

Intergeneric mating between Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhosa was used to locate at least three 30S ribosomal proteins near the streptomycin locus in the region of 54 to 66 min of the E. coli map. This procedure utilizes differences in the electrophoretic patterns of 30S ribosomal protein of the parents. The results show that cistrons for 30S proteins of E. coli can replace those of S. typhosa in the Salmonella genome. Moreover, in a diploid hybrid with a Salmonella endogenote and an E. coli exogenote, both sets of cistrons are expressed.  相似文献   

碳存储调控因子A (carbon storage regulator, CsrA) 是一种RNA结合蛋白,在细菌的碳代谢、生物被膜形成、运动性、病原菌毒力、群体感应、环二鸟苷酸信号合成、应激感应等多种生理过程中具有重要调节功能,是全局性调控蛋白.它通过与靶标mRNA的特异结合,抑制其翻译或增强其稳定性来调控下游基因的表达,属于转录后调控因子的范畴.CsrA蛋白的表达与活性受碳存储调控(Csr)系统本身多个自主调节回路的精密控制: 一些小的非编码RNA (snmRNAs,如CsrB/C)作为拮抗因子与CsrA二聚体结合并抑制其活性;而这些snmRNAs在体内又可在CsrD的辅助下被核糖核酸内切酶E和多核苷酸磷酸化酶降解,释放CsrA的活性.当前,对于Csr系统的调节作用、调控通路与机制的研究是细菌学研究的热点,本文综述了该蛋白及Csr系统的结构、功能和作用机制的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

Ivanov  A. V.  Malygin  A. A.  Karpova  G. G. 《Molecular Biology》2003,37(5):767-771
As shown by nitrocellulose filtration assays with RNA fragments transcribed from various regions of the human ribosomal protein (rp) S26 gene, recombinant rpS26 binds to the first intron of the rpS26 pre-mRNA (apparent association constant (K a) 5.0 · 107 M–1) and, to a lesser extent, to the rpS26 mRNA (K a 2.0 · 107 M–1). The binding was specific, since human rpS19 had an order of magnitude lower K a with the first intron and did not bind with the rpS26 mRNA. Immunoassays with specific antibodies showed that rpS26 contained in the nuclear extract of HeLa cells binds to the first intron of its pre-mRNA and, less efficiently, to its mRNA. In either case, RNA binding substantially increased in the presence of recombinant rpS26. Along with other (48K, 59K) nuclear proteins, rpS26 was assumed to form complexes, the functional role of which is storage of pre-mRNAs inactive in splicing.  相似文献   

The core ribosomal protein S8 binds to the central domain of 16S rRNA independently of other ribosomal proteins and is required for assembling the 30S subunit. It has been shown with E. coli ribosomes that a short rRNA fragment restricted by nucleotides 588-602 and 636-651 is sufficient for strong and specific protein S8 binding. In this work, we studied the complexes formed by ribosomal protein S8 from Thermus thermophilus and Methanococcus jannaschii with short rRNA fragments isolated from the same organisms. The dissociation constants of the complexes of protein S8 with rRNA fragments were determined. Based on the results of binding experiments, rRNA fragments of different length were designed and synthesized in preparative amounts in vitro using T7 RNA-polymerase. Stable S8–RNA complexes were crystallized. Crystals were obtained both for homologous bacterial and archaeal complexes and for hybrid complexes of archaeal protein with bacterial rRNA. Crystals of the complex of protein S8 from M. jannaschii with the 37-nucleotide rRNA fragment from the same organism suitable for X-ray analysis were obtained.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of the aminoacyl-tRNA binding site (A-site), and its surroundings in the Escherichia coli 30S ribosomal subunit, are of great relevance in designing antibacterial agents. The 30S subunit A-site is near ribosomal protein S12, which neighbors helices h27 and H69; this latter helix, of the 50S subunit, is a functionally important component of an intersubunit bridge. Experimental work has shown that specific point mutations in S12 (K42A, R53A) yield hyper-accurate ribosomes, which in turn confers resistance to the antibiotic ‘paromomycin’ (even when this aminoglycoside is bound to the A-site). Suspecting that these effects can be elucidated in terms of the local atomic interactions and detailed dynamics of this region of the bacterial ribosome, we have used molecular dynamics simulations to explore the motion of a fragment of the E. coli ribosome, including the A-site. We found that the ribosomal regions surrounding the A-site modify the conformational space of the flexible A-site adenines 1492/93. Specifically, we found that A-site mobility is affected by stacking interactions between adenines A1493 and A1913, and by contacts between A1492 and a flexible side-chain (K43) from the S12 protein. In addition, our simulations reveal possible indirect pathways by which the R53A and K42A mutations in S12 are coupled to the dynamical properties of the A-site. Our work extends what is known about the atomistic dynamics of the A-site, and suggests possible links between the biological effects of hyper-accurate mutations in the S12 protein and conformational properties of the ribosome; the implications for S12 dynamics help elucidate how the miscoding effects of paromomycin may be evaded in antibiotic-resistant mutants of the bacterial ribosome.  相似文献   

Translational pausing in Escherichia coli can lead to mRNA cleavage within the ribosomal A-site. A-site mRNA cleavage is thought to facilitate transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA)·SmpB- mediated recycling of stalled ribosome complexes. Here, we demonstrate that the aminoglycosides paromomycin and streptomycin inhibit A-site cleavage of stop codons during inefficient translation termination. Aminoglycosides also induced stop codon read-through, suggesting that these antibiotics alleviate ribosome pausing during termination. Streptomycin did not inhibit A-site cleavage in rpsL mutants, which express streptomycin-resistant variants of ribosomal protein S12. However, rpsL strains exhibited reduced A-site mRNA cleavage compared with rpsL+ cells. Additionally, tmRNA·SmpB-mediated SsrA peptide tagging was significantly reduced in several rpsL strains but could be fully restored in a subset of mutants when treated with streptomycin. The streptomycin-dependent rpsL(P90K) mutant also showed significantly lower levels of A-site cleavage and tmRNA·SmpB activity. Mutations in rpsD (encoding ribosomal protein S4), which suppressed streptomycin dependence, were able to partially restore A-site cleavage to rpsL(P90K) cells but failed to increase tmRNA·SmpB activity. Taken together, these results show that perturbations to A-site structure and function modulate A-site mRNA cleavage and tmRNA·SmpB activity. We propose that tmRNA·SmpB binds to streptomycin-resistant rpsL ribosomes less efficiently, leading to a partial loss of ribosome rescue function in these mutants.  相似文献   

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