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For many years it has been known that plants perform rapid long-distance signalling using classical action potentials that have impacts on diverse processes in plants. Plants also synthesize numerous neuronal molecules and fulfill some criteria for intelligent behaviour. Analysis of recent breakthrough data from ecophysiology studies has revealed that plant roots can discriminate between 'self' and 'non-self'; in animals, this ability to discriminate is dependent on the activities of neuronal synapses. Here, we propose that plant cells establish modes of information exchange between each other that have properties in common with neuronal synapses. Moreover, plants also assemble adhesive contacts that orchestrate cell-to-cell communication between the host cells when challenged with pathogens, parasites and potential symbionts. We propose that these adhesive contacts resemble the immunological synapses found in animals.  相似文献   

Anion channels in the plasma membrane of both plant and animal cells participate in a number of important cellular functions such as volume regulation, trans-epithelial transport, stabilization of the membrane potential and excitability. Only very recently attention has turned to the presence of anion channels in higher plant cells. A dominant theme among recent discoveries is the role of Ca2+ in activating or modulating channel current involved in signal transduction. The major anion channel of stomatal guard cell protoplasts is a 32-40 pS channel which is highly selective for anions, in particular NO3-, Cl- and malate. These channels are characterized by a steep voltage dependence. Anion release is elicited upon depolarization and restricted to a narrow voltage span of -100 mV to the reversal potential of anions. During prolonged activation the current slowly inactivates. A rise in cytoplasmic calcium in the presence of nucleotides evokes activation of the anion channels. Following activation they catalyse anion currents 10-20 times higher than in the inactivated state thereby shifting the resting potential of the guard cell from a K(+)-conducting to an anion-conducting state. Patch-clamp studies have also revealed that growth hormones directly affect voltage-dependent activity of the anion channel in a dose-dependent manner. Auxin binding resulted in a shift of the activation potential towards the resting potential. Auxin-dependent gating of the anion channel is side- and hormone-specific. Its action is also channel-specific as K+ channels coexisting in the same membrane patch were insensitive to this ligand.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gap junctions are considered to serve a similar function in all multicellular animals (Metazoa). Two unrelated protein families are involved in this function: connexins, which are found only in chordates, and pannexins, which are present in the genomes of both chordates and invertebrates. Recent sequence data from different organisms show important exceptions to this simplified scheme. It looks as if Chordate lancelet has only pannexins and no connexins in its genome. New data indicate that some metazoans have neither connexins nor pannexins and use other unidentified proteins to form gap junctions.  相似文献   

The elucidation of the role of caveolae has been the topic of many investigations which were greatly enhanced after the discovery of caveolin, the protein marker of these flask-shaped plasma membrane invaginations. The generation of mice deficient in the various caveolin genes (cav-1, cav-2 and cav-3) has provided physiological models to unravel the role of caveolins or caveolae at the whole organism level. Remarkably, despite the essential role of caveolins in caveolae biogenesis, all knockout mice are viable and fertile. However, lack of caveolae or caveolins leads to a wide range of phenotypes including muscle, pulmonary or lipid disorders, suggesting their implication in many cellular processes. The aim of this review is to give a broad overview of the phenotypes described for the caveolin-deficient mice and to link them to the numerous functions so far assigned to caveolins/caveolae.  相似文献   

Slicing across kingdoms: regeneration in plants and animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multicellular organisms possessing relatively long life spans are subjected to diverse, constant, and often intense intrinsic and extrinsic challenges to their survival. Animal and plant tissues wear out as part of normal physiological functions and can be lost to predators, disease, and injury. Both kingdoms survive this wide variety of insults by strategies that include the maintenance of adult stem cells or the induction of stem cell potential in differentiated cells. Repatterning mechanisms often deploy embryonic genes, but the question remains in both plants and animals whether regeneration invokes embryogenesis, generic patterning mechanisms, or unique circuitry comprised of well-established patterning genes.  相似文献   

Belated recognition of the evolutionary import of reproductive success through male function in plants has led to the application of sexual selection theory to these organisms. Recent work has shown that there are many parallels, related to sexual selection, in the reproductive processes of animals and of plants, although the proximate mechanisms and evolutionary constraints sometimes differ.  相似文献   

In this paper we give a derivation for the allometric scaling relation between the metabolic rate and the mass of animals and plants. We show that the characteristic scaling exponent of 3/4 occurring in this relation is a result of the distribution of sources and sinks within the living organism. We further introduce a principle of least mass and discuss the kind of flows that arise from it.  相似文献   

Two enzyme systems have evolved for the reduction of linear tetrapyrroles: one family, found in plants, algae and cyanobacteria, uses ferredoxin and catalyses the reduction of the terminal pyrrole rings (A and D) and one of the vinyl side chains to form various light-harvesting and light-sensing chromophores. The other group (biliverdin reductases A and B) utilize NAD(P)H and catalyse reduction at C10 (hydride addition) to form the 'bile' pigments bilirubin-IX alpha and bilirubin-IX.  相似文献   

The capacity of organisms to change their sex has evolved independently in several plant and animal lineages. Sex change has been widely studied, but research approaches have differed for plants and animals, and conclusions have often been taxon‐specific. Although sex allocation theory provides a unifying framework for the study of sex change, this unity has not always been appreciated, especially in the botanical literature. Here, we review sex change with regard to its representation in relation to taxonomy and other sexual systems, with regard to its suggested adaptive benefits, and to the role of taxon‐specific body architecture, such as modularity and gonadal structure. We highlight differences and similarities between plants and animals and suggest promising lines of future research.  相似文献   

Producing proteins in transgenic plants and animals   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The requirement for large quantities of therapeutic proteins has fueled interest in the production of recombinant proteins in plants and animals. The first commercial products to be made in this way have experienced much success, and it is predicted that in the future a plethora of protein products will be made using these 'natural' bioreactors.  相似文献   

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