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The complement protein C6 has been shown to be genetically polymorphic in the rat. Isoelectric focusing of plasma samples from 19 inbred strains demonstrated two electrophoretically distinguishable migration patterns, each consisting of three bands. Breeding studies with the use of the BN and DA strains showed that the C6 patterns were inherited in a manner consistent with the co-dominant autosomal expression of two alleles (C6 A and C6 B). The distribution of the C6 alleles in a backcross mating was compared with eight independently segregating marker genes: RT1.A, RT2, Gdc -1, Igk-1, Hbb, Svp-1, Fh-1, and Es-6. There was no detectable linkage between C6 and any of these eight loci.  相似文献   

T Shibata  T Abe  Y Tanabe 《Animal genetics》1995,26(2):105-106
Using agarose gel isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting with rabbit anti-rabbit C6, a genetic polymorphism was found in the sixth component of complement (C6) in 18 Asian native breeds or populations and three European breeds of dog. The C6 locus was highly polymorphic. The phenotype distribution data indicated that dog C6 phenotypes were controlled by seven codominant alleles, C6 A, C6 B, C6 C, C6 D, C6 E, C6 F and C6 G, at a single autosomal locus. Breed differences were observed among the gene frequencies, especially between Asian and European breeds. Two gene flows from the adjacent areas into Japanese native dogs were postulated.  相似文献   

Immunofixation after isoelectric focusing revealed two forms of mouse C6, C6A and C6M, both of which consist of two major protein bands and one or more acidic minor bands. They were distinguishable by their different isoelectric point (pI) ranges: C6M has more acidic pI ranges (pH < 6.2) than C6A (pH < 6.3). C6A was found in common inbred mice of Mus musculus domesticus, while C6M was found in inbred and wild mice of M. m. molossinus (Japanese wild mice, an Asian subspecies). Breeding experiments showed that these two forms of C6 were controlled by a single codominant autosomal locus. We propose the designation C-6 for this locus with two alleles, C-6 a and C-6 m , which encode for C6A and C6M, respectively. Linkage analysis indicated that the locus is not closely linked to the following loci: Idh-1, agouti, Amy-1, brown, Gpd-1, Mup-1, Pgm-2, Pgm-1, albino, Hbb, Es-1, Mod-1, Sep-1, Es-3, Igh-1, beige, Es-10, Sod-1, and C-3.  相似文献   

Using agarose gel isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting with rabbit anti-rabbit C6, a genetic polymorphism has been found in the sixth component of complement (C6) in six breeds of pigs. The C6 locus was highly polymorphic. Family data indicated that pig C6 pheno-types were inherited by means of five codomonant alleles named C6 A, C6 B, C6 C, C6 D and C6 E at a single autosomal locus. C6 deficiency in two of 241 individuals tested was found, which suggested the presence of a null allele in pig populations. Marked breed differences among the gene frequencies and heterozygosities at C6 locus were observed.  相似文献   

With isoelectric focusing, the complement protein C6 has been shown to be genetically polymorphic in the rhesus monkey. Three codominant alleles of a single autosomal locus, Rh C6, have been recognized: C6A, C6B, and C6R, with gene frequencies of 0.592, 0.354, and 0.053 in a random rhesus monkey population. Hardy-Weinberg analysis of the phenotypic frequencies in this population yielded observed values very close to those expected. Both natural mating between individuals carrying the various alleles and artificial combinations of sera of the different C6 types demonstrate patterns consistent with this model. Analysis of several families of monkeys confirmed the Mendelian autosomal codominant inheritance with numbers of offspring very close to expected values and no offspring types inconsistent with the mating pair types.  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing was used to identify five alleles at the locus determining the production of the sixth component of complement (C6) in the dog. Four of these alleles,C6 1, C62, C64,andC6 5,were studied in family pedigrees and shown to be inherited in a codominant autosomal fashion. All alleles except forC6 4occurred commonly in the multiple breeds tested. This investigation was supported by Grant HL 17265 awarded by the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases, DHEW, and by Grants CA 18105 and CA 31787 awarded by the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Using polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing and standard specific hemolytic detection methods, genetic polymorphisms have been found in the sixth and seventh complement components (C6 and C7) in two laboratory groups of Common marmosets. The C6 locus is highly variable and the products of six alleles were observed; three C7 alleles were found. Comprehensive breeding data indicated that both sets of alleles are inherited in an autosomal codominant manner. Many of the C6 variants differed only by a minute charge interval. The C7 variant bands differed by large charge intervals and could only be clearly seen in plasmas that had been preincubated with neuraminidase. A linkage analysis of C6 and C7 phenotypes in three, two-generation families gives reasonable evidence that the two loci are linked in marmosets as they are in humans.This work was supported by a grant from the Advisory Board to the Research Councils.  相似文献   

A polymorphism in the sixth complement component (C6) has been investigated by isoelectric focusing. The results indicate that C6 is coded by genes at a single autosomal locus. Six structural alleles have been identified, a null allele is also postulated. Five island colonies of Shearwater were investigated, two alleles C6 A and C6 B predominate in all sites. The ability of rabbit C5 and C7 to combine successfully with avian C6 indicates the functional sites of these molecules are highly conserved.  相似文献   

A polymorphism in the sixth complement component (C6) has been investigated by isoelectric focusing. The results indicate that C6 is coded by genes at a single autosomal locus. Six structural alleles have been identified, a null allele is also postulated. Five island colonies of Shearwater were investigated, two alleles C6 A and C6 B predominate in all sites.
The ability of rabbit C5 and C7 to combine successfully with avian C6 indicates the functional sites of these molecules are highly conserved.  相似文献   

A structural locus (C-6) for the sixth component of complement in mice is assigned to chromosome 15. Three-point linkage analysis indicated that the order of loci is C-6, Gpt-1, Gdc-1, and that the map distances are 25.9±4.9 between C-6 and Gpt-1, and 36.4±5.5 between C-6 and Gdc-1. Since Gdc-1 is more distal than Gpt-1, and C-6 is 26 cM away from Gpt-1, it is estimated that the C-6 is proximal to the centromere. In addition, a new C6 form found in AKR mice is described. We propose the designation C6B for it and C-6 b for the allele encoding C6B.Abbreviations used in this paper IEF isoelectric focusing - GPT glutamic-pyruvic transaminase - GDC L-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase - cM centimorgan  相似文献   

Summary Proteins were separated by prolonged isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels, whereupon C2 bands were detected by a specific hemolytic assay. This was performed by treating the gel with iodine to increase C2 activity, and then developing C2 bands with an agarose gel overlay containing sensitized sheep cells and diluted human serum as a complement source deficient in functional C2. The gene frequencies observed in a material of 122 unrelated adults were: C21:0.97 and C22:0.03.C2 linkage relations and C2 haplotype associations have been examined a family material. It is concluded that C2 is very closely linked to HLA loci.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms of the sixth and seventh complement components (C6 and C7) have been studied in Japanese family material using polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing followed by immunoblotting. Three common and four rare alleles were observed at the locus for C6. Inheritance of the two rare C6 variants, M11 and B3, was first confirmed. Three common C7 allotypes were classified as C7 1, C7 2, and C7 4, respectively. Linkage analysis confirmed the close linkage between the loci for C6 and C7. The maximum lod score was 8.43 at phi = 0 (95% confidence limits: phi = 0 and phi = .07). No significant linkage disequilibrium was found between C6 and C7 in directly determined haplotypes of unrelated parents.  相似文献   

Summary Extensive genetic polymorphism of complement component C8 was demonstrated by isoelectric focusing of serum or plasma samples followed by immunoblotting procedures. Using these methods, we could detect both - (C81) and (C82) chain polymorphisms in the same gel. Two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis of C8 immunoprecipitates was used to obtain further information of the C8 patterns. Evidence was obtained that the C81 polymorphism resides in the structural gene of the C8 chain. Both C8 systems show autosomal, chiefly codominant inheritance, and the distribution of phenotypes agrees with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Our findings suggest at least five different alleles in the C81 system; the gene frequencies of the two most common ones, C81 *A and C81 *B being 0.59 and 0.39, respectively. In C82 we found evidence for at least three codominant alleles, the gene frequencies for the two most common ones, C82 *B and C82 *A being 0.94 and 0.05, respectively. In addition, family studies disclosed the existence of a null allele, C82 * Q0.  相似文献   

Two forms of mouse complement component C6, with molecular weights (M rs) of 90 and 100 kilodaltons (kd), are present in the sera from certain inbred strains such as the CBA strain; other strains, such as the BALB/c and DBA/2 strains, have only the 90 kd C6A form. The present work was undertaken to determine whether the two M r forms were the products of genes coding at separate loci. We screened sera from mice from a number of inbred strains by isoelectric focusing and found one strain, AKR, exhibiting allotypic structural variations of C6 forms. To distinguish the various types, we designated the 90 kd types from CBA and AKR mice C6A1 and C6A2, respectively, and the corresponding 100 kd types C6B 1 and C6B2, respectively. Mice possessing only one M r form were all typed as C6A1. Results of breeding experiments strongly suggested that the two M r forms of C6 are coded for at two closely linked loci. Sera from a number of inbred strains were also screened for a complement C7 polymorphism by means of isoelectric focusing and functional overlay. C7 from all strains, excepting the AKR strain, produced identical C7 band patterns. AKR C7 produced a unique band pattern, and results of breeding experiments with AKR and BALB/c mice showed the C6 and C7 loci to be closely linked. In addition, we identified a regulatory gene for C6 production. The gene apparently requires androgen to facilitate C6 production in the majority of strains. In these strains C6 activity is virtually absent from female sera. However, we observed moderate levels of C6 activity in sera from IS/Cam females, indicating that, in this strain, male physiological androgen levels are not necessary for C6 production. IS/Cam possess one form of circulating C6 which appears identical with BALB/c C6A1, and therefore IS/Cam mice differ from AKR mice at both the C6 structural and regulatory loci. These two strains were thus suitable for use in breeding experiments to determine the manner of action of the regulatory gene. Results showed that it acted in a cis manner.Abbreviations used in this paper M r molecular weight - kd kilodaltons - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - IEF isoelectric focusing - Slp sex-limited protein - MHC major histocompatibility complex  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the function of complement component C6, truncated C6 molecules were expressed recombinantly. These were either deleted of the factor I modules (FIMs) (C6des-748-913) or both complement control protein (CCP) modules and FIMs (C6des-611-913). C6des-748-913 exhibited approximately 60-70% of the hemolytic activity of full-length C6 when assayed for Alternative Pathway activity, but when measured for the Classical Pathway, C6des-748-914 was only 4-6% as effective as C6. The activity difference between C6 and C6des-748-913 for the two complement pathways can be explained by a greater stability of newly formed metastable C5b* when produced by the Alternative Pathway compared with that made by the Classical Pathway. The half-lives of metastable C5b* and the decay of (125)I-C5b measured from cells used to activate the Alternative Pathway were found to be about 5-12-fold longer than those same parameters derived from cells that had activated the Classical Pathway. (125)I-C5 binds reversibly to C6 in an ionic strength-dependent fashion, but (125)I-C5 binds only weakly to C6des-FIMs and not at all to C6des-CCP/FIMs. Therefore, although the FIMs are not required absolutely for C6 activity, these modules promote interaction of C6 with C5 enabling a more efficient bimolecular coupling ultimately leading to the formation of the C5b-6 complex.  相似文献   

The molecular architecture of human complement component C6   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The molecular architecture of human complement component C6 was elucidated at several levels of structural organization. The entire primary structure of C6 was determined by sequencing C6 cDNA that was cloned from a human liver lambda gt11 library. The polypeptide chain of C6 contains 913 amino acids. The protein is homologous with the other terminal components of complement, C7-C9. Specifically, C6 has 29% of its residues identical with C7, and 55 of the 56 cysteines found in C7 match those in C6. The C6 polypeptide chain is cross-linked by 32 disulfide bonds, and most of the cysteines are located in short (34-77 amino acids) discrete segments that exhibit homology with a wide variety of other proteins such as thrombospondin, the low density lipoprotein receptor, epidermal growth factor, and complement factors H and I. C6 is a glycoprotein, and it has two oligosaccharide groups attached to asparagines located near the amino and the carboxyl termini of the molecule. The organization of secondary structural elements in C6 was elucidated using circular dichroism spectroscopy and an empirical method based on sequence analysis. C6 has an estimated 12% alpha-helix, but is comparatively richer in beta-sheet (29%) and beta-turns (21%). Most of the predicted alpha-helical structure resides in a portion of the polypeptide chain that is free of cysteine and which shares homology with C9 and perforin. The tertiary structure of the C6 molecule was visualized by transmission electron microscopy; it has a sickle shape with dimensions of 144 x 66 A. The combined results are discussed and comparisons made with the other late acting components of complement and perforin.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic polymorphism of human C81 has been investigated using polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing (PAGIEF) in the presence of 3.1 M urea followed by electroblotting with enzyme immunoassay. In 448 individuals phenotypes of C81 were classified into three common and four rare patterns, and these were considered to be controlled by two common alleles, C81*A and C81* B, and three rare alleles which were tentatively designated C81*A1J and C81*A2J for acidic variants and C81*B1J for the basic variant. The alleles of C81*A2J and C81*B1J are new rare alleles, but C81*A1J might correspond to C81*A1 in the former studies. Family data were in accordance with the hereditary rules. The gene frequencies were estimated as C81*A is 0.6228, C81*B is 0.3672, C81*A1J is 0.0078, C81*A2J is 0.0011, and C81*B1J is 0.0011, respectively. The gene frequencies of the two common alleles agreed approximately with other ethnic groups. PAGIEF of neuraminidase-treated plasma samples followed by electroblotting with enzyme immunoassay is applicable to the study of heterogeneity of C81.  相似文献   

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