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Transmembrane ferricyanide reduction in whole cells of normal and of transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) callus tissue was compared. It was found that low concentrations of indoleacetic acid (IAA, 0.1 μM), gibberellic acid (GA, 0.3 μM), and benzyl adenine (BA, 0.03 μM) stimulate external ferricyanide reduction in normal tobacco callus cells, but inhibit this reaction up to 67% in transformed cells when hormones are applied to cells 10 min prior to assay. Higher concentrations of these growth regulators (1 μM or greater) inhibit transmembrane ferricyanide reduction in both types of cells, with the exception of IAA, giving an initial stimulation of the rate (12%), followed by 24% inhibition after 2 min. The observed external ferricyanide reduction by whole tobacco callus cells may be explained on the basis of a transplasmalemma redox system, which may be associated with the iron metabolism of these cells.  相似文献   

Both respiratory-competent and respiratory-deficient yeast cells reduce external ferricyanide. The reduction is stimulated by ethanol and inhibited by the alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor, pyrazole. The reduction of ferricyanide is not inhibited by inhibitors of mitochondrial or microsomal ferricyanide reduction. Cells in exponential-phase growth show a much higher rate of ferricyanide reduction. The reduction of ferricyanide is accompanied by increased release of protons by the yeast cells. We propose that the ferricyanide reduction is carried out by a transmembrane NADH dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

A transmembrane ferricyanide reductase activity was assayed in intact Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Kinetic measurements gave a Km of 0.14 mM and a Vmax of 0.31 mumol/min per 10(6) cells. In short-term batch experiments, this activity was enhanced in the presence of 10 mM lactate, a source of cytosolic NADH. The transmembrane redox activity was accompanied by alkalinization of the cytosol. Both ferricyanide reduction and proton extrusion were diminished in the presence of 0.2 mM amiloride. Several cytotoxic drugs significantly inhibited the ferricyanide reductase activity at concentrations at which they show antineoplastic activity.  相似文献   

In isolated chloroplasts (Spinacia olearacea), where electron transport to Photosystem I is blocked by the plastoquinone antagonist, dibromothymoquinone, lipophilic catechols in concentrations of 50--150 microM stimulate ferricyanide reduction in Photosystem II and associated O2 evolution. Non-permeating catechols, such as Tiron, are unable to stimulate this reaction. Those quinones, such as 2,5-dimethylbenzoquinone, which act as class III electron acceptors, do not lead to stimulation of ferricyanide reduction in Photosystem II or stimulation fo associatied O2 evolution, when electron transport to Photosystem I is blocked by dibromoquinone. Stimulation of ferricyanide reduction is not observed in Tris-treated chloroplasts, implying that electron donation to Photosystem II by catechols is not responsible for the stimulation. Various mechanisms for this stimulation in class II chloroplasts are discussed.  相似文献   

Various sites of ferricyanide reduction were studied in spinach chloroplasts. It was found that in the presence of dibromothymoquinone a fraction of ferricyanide reduction was dibromothymoquinone sensitive, implying that ferricyanide can be reduced by photosystem I as well as photosystem II. To separate ferricyanide reduction sites in photosystem II, orthophenanthroline and dichlorophenyl dimethylurea inhibitions were compared at various pH's. It was noted that at low pH ferricyanide reduction was not completely inhibited by orthophenanthroline. At high pH's, however, inhibition of ferricyanide reduction by orthophenanthroline was complete. It was found that varying concentration of orthophenanthroline at a constant pH showed different degrees of inhibition. In the study of ferricyanide reduction by photosystem II various treatments affecting plastocyanin were performed. It was found that Tween-20 or KCN treatments which inactivated plastocyanin did not completely inactivate ferricyanide reduction. These data support the conclusion that ferricyanide accepts electrons both before and after plastoquinone in photosystem II.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyurea - MV methyl viologen - DBMIB 2,5-dibromothymoquinone - DMBQ 2,6-dimethyl benzoquinone - OP 1,10-orthophenanthroline - TMPD tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - PS 1 photosystem I - PS II photosystem II - SN sucrose-sodium chloride chloroplasts Supported by NSF Grant BMS 74-19689.  相似文献   

Synopsis The ferric ferricyanide reaction has been generally considered to depend on the reduction of ferricyanide to ferrocyanide and, in the presence of the ferric ion, the consequent production of Prussian Blue. In testing the ability of ferricyanide to prevent the azo-coupling reactions of enterochromaffin cells and of the noradrenaline islets of the adrenal medulla, ferricyanide proved to be an effective oxidant in alkaline solution, but failed to quinonize the two catechols below pH 6. Similar results are obtained in oxidative blocking of cutaneous sulphydryl sites against the ferric ferricyanide reaction and against staining by the mercaptide acid azo-coupling reaction of Lillie & Glenner (1965).Ferric ferricyanide solutions are used at pH 2–2.5 and the ferric ion is an effective quinonizing and thiol-oxidizing agent at this pH level; the ferricyanide ion is not. The ferric ferricyanide reaction depends on the reduction of ferric to ferrous ions in the presence of ferricyanide, with the production of Turnbull's Blue.  相似文献   

The reduction of ferricyanide by spinach and pea chloroplast particles was the same under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. The rate of ferricyanide reduction by these particles uncoupled by ammonium chloride or carboxycyanide p-trifluoromethoxyhydrazone, or Chlamydomonas reinhardi or Euglena gracilis particles uncoupled by sonic oscillation, was inhibited by anaerobic conditions. This inhibition by anaerobicity may explain the cessation of the photolysis of water as measured by H2 production in reconstituted preparations consisting of chloroplast particles, ferredoxin and fully active hydrogenase.  相似文献   

Various sites of ferricyanide reduction were studied in spinach chloroplasts. It was found that in the presence of dibromothymoquinone a fraction of ferricyanide reduction was dibromothymoquinone sensitive, implying that ferricyanide can be reduced by photosystem I as well as photosystem II. To separate ferricyanide reduction sites in photosystem II, orthophenanthroline and dichlorophenyl dimethylurea inhibitions were compared at various pHs. It was noted that at low pH ferricyanide reduction was not completely inhibited by orothophenanthroline. At high pH's, however, inhibition of ferricyanide reduction by orthophenanthroline was complete. It was found that varying concentration of orthophenanthroline at a constant pH showed different degrees of inhibition. In the study of ferricyanide reduction by photosystem II various treatments affecting plastocyanin were performed. It was found that Tween-20 or KCN treatments which inactivated plastocyanin did not completely inactivate ferricyanide reduction. These data support the conclusion that ferricyanide accepts electrons both before and after plastoquinone in photosystem II.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,46(2):77-85
Evidence is presented for the presence of a transplasma-membrane redox system in sycamore cells, which were found able to reduce external ferricyanide. This reduction induced a simultaneous acidification of the external medium, with a H+/e stoichiometry of 0.925. Ferricyanide reduction was accompanied by a slight reduction of potassium uptake (15% inhibition). The transmembrane electron transport was inhibited by oligomycin and quinacrine; the effect of the latter inhibitor was only temporary, owing to its progressive absorption by the cells.At 100 μM, several derivatives of the herbicide phenmedipham were able to inhibit the growth of sycamore cells. These compounds inhibited the external acidification induced by fusicoccin, without interfering with the integrity of the plasmalemma. They had no effect on the phosphohydrolase activity of a microsomal fraction enriched in plasmalemma ATPase. They were not uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation, and appeared as poor inhibitors of mitochondrial electron transfer (I50 > 100 μM). In intact cell suspension, they inhibited both the reduction of ferricyanide and the accompanying acidification of the external medium (I50 = 32 μM). Moreover, they could induce a reversal of the functioning of the redox system, which consequently induced ferrocyanide oxidation.  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of ferricyanide reduction in photosystem II by lipophilic thiols indicates a unique pathway of electron transport, which is not involved in reduction of class III acceptors or transfer of electrons to photosystem I. Both aromatic and aliphatic thiols induce the inhibition, but thiol binding reagents such as p-hydroxymercuribenzoate or N-ethylmaleimide do not inhibit. The inhibition can be observed using either dibromothymoquinone or bathophenanthroline to direct electrons away from photosystem I. No pretreatment of chloroplasts with thiols in the light was necessary to inhibit ferricyanide reduction by photosystem II or the O2 evolution associated with ferricyanide reduction.  相似文献   

The impermeable electron acceptor ferricyanide stimulates the growth of HeLa cells in the absence of serum and increases cell replication with limiting amounts of serum (0.75%). Maximum growth stimulation occurs at low ferricyanide concentration from 0.01 to 0.1 mM. Higher ferricyanide concentrations inhibit growth on serum. Addition of insulin enhances the stimulating effect of ferricyanide. Increase in the transplasmalemma electron transport activity in the presence of insulin is also observed by measuring the rate of ferricyanide reduction by cells. There is a close correlation between insulin stimulation of ferricyanide reduction and insulin induction of cell proliferation and attachment. In addition to ferricyanide, the growth response is observed with other impermeable oxidants, such as indigotetrasulfonate and hexaamine ruthenium III, which are reduced by the transplasma membrane electron transport system. Inactive oxidants such as cytochrome c do not stimulate cell growth. Ferrocyanide does not stimulate growth. We propose that electron flow through the transplasma membrane electron transport system stimulates growth and that insulin acts to increase that flow.  相似文献   

West J  Hill R 《Plant physiology》1967,42(6):819-826
Pea chloroplasts isolated in salt media show decreased rates of 2:6 dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) and ferricyanide reduction when depleted of CO2 at pH values below 7.5. The greatest effect of CO2 was on uncoupled systems. The incorporation of 10−2, 2 × 10−2 and 4 × 10−2 m sodium acetate into the reaction mixtures progressively increased the bicarbonate concentration required for half maximal rates of reduction of DCPIP. The reaction was saturated by bicarbonate concentrations of 1 to 4 × 10−2 m. With both DCPIP and ferricyanide, the addition of bicarbonate to illuminated chloroplast systems depleted of CO2 gave very rapid increases in the rates of reduction. Bicarbonate also stimulated oxygen uptake by the illuminated chloroplasts when added hydrogen acceptors had been reduced. There was no effect of bicarbonate on ferricyanide reduction at low light intensities, but with DCPIP reduction, the apparent magnitude of the effect was independent of light intensity. This suggests that DCPIP reacts with the chloroplast electron transport chain at a site nearer to a photochemical stage than does ferricyanide. It also suggests that CO2 has at least 2 sites of action.  相似文献   

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