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The F0 polypeptides a, b, and c of the H+-translocating ATPase associated with membranes when synthesized in vitro. This association occurred when the membranes were present either cotranslationally or post-translationally. In addition, the F0 polypeptides associated with liposomes. The membrane association seemed to be an insertion process since there was protection of polypeptides a and c from proteolysis. The in vitro insertion of the F0 polypeptides a, b, and c was independent of the synthesis of each polypeptide and of the F1 polypeptides.  相似文献   

During the assembly of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase, the subunits of F1 interact with F0 to increase the proton permeability of the transmembrane proton channel. We tested the involvement of the delta subunit in this process by partially and completely deleting uncH (delta subunit) from a plasmid carrying the genes for the F0 subunits and delta and testing the effects of those F0 plasmids on the growth of unc+ and unc mutant E. coli strains. We found that the delta subunit was required for inhibition of growth of unc+ cells. We also tested membranes isolated from unc-deleted cells containing F0 plasmids for F1-binding ability. In unc-deleted cells, these plasmids produced F0 in amounts comparable to those found in normal unc+ E. coli cells, while having only small effects on cell growth. These studies demonstrate that the delta subunit plays an important role in opening the F0 proton channel but that it does not serve as a temporary plug of F0 during assembly, as had been previously speculated (S. Pati and W. S. A. Brusilow, J. Biol. Chem. 264:2640-2644, 1989).  相似文献   

Mutations in the uncB gene which encodes the a subunit of F1F0-ATPase in Escherichia coli were isolated and characterized. Eight mutations caused premature polypeptide chain termination. Two mutations were single amino acid substitutions resulting in the replacements of serine 206 with leucine (ser-206----leu) and histidine 245 with tyrosine (his-245----tyr). The ser-206----leu mutation does not alter F1 binding and allows ATP driven membrane energization at a low level. Stripping of F1 from membranes containing the ser-206----leu mutation does not render the membranes permeable to protons indicating impaired proton conductivity. The his-245----tyr mutation also blocks Fo-mediated proton conduction but has normal F1 binding properties. F1 bound to membranes with both ser-206----leu and his-245----tyr mutant a subunits is sensitive to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Apparently, both missense mutations impair proton conduction without altering assembly of the F1F0-ATPase complex. The direct involvement of the a subunit in proton translocation is discussed.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, a parallel homodimer of identical b subunits constitutes the peripheral stalk of F(1)F(0) ATP synthase. Although the two b subunits have long been viewed as a single functional unit, the asymmetric nature of the enzyme complex suggested that the functional roles of each b subunit should not necessarily be considered equivalent. Previous mutagenesis studies of the peripheral stalk suffered from the fact that mutations in the uncF(b) gene affected both of the b subunits. We developed a system to express and study F(1)F(0) ATP synthase complexes containing two different b subunits. Two mutations already known to inactivate the F(1)F(0) ATP synthase complex have been studied using this experimental system. An evolutionarily conserved arginine, b(Arg-36), was known to be crucial for F(1)F(0) ATP synthase function, and the last four C-terminal amino acids had been shown to be important for enzyme assembly. Experiments expressing one of the mutants with a wild type b subunit demonstrated the presence of heterodimers in F(1)F(0) ATP synthase complexes. Activity assays suggested that the heterodimeric F(1)F(0) complexes were functional. When the two defective b subunits were expressed together and in the absence of any wild type b subunit, an active F(1)F(0) ATP synthase complex was assembled. This mutual complementation between fully defective b subunits indicated that each of the two b subunits makes a unique contribution to the functions of the peripheral stalk, such that one mutant b subunit is making up for what the other is lacking.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of the delta subunit of the Escherichia coli F1 ATPase on the proton permeability of the F0 proton channel synthesized and assembled in vivo. Membranes isolated from an unc deletion strain carrying a plasmid containing the genes for the F0 subunits and the delta subunit were significantly more permeable to protons than membranes isolated from the same strain carrying a plasmid containing the genes for the F0 subunits alone. This increased proton permeability could be blocked by treatment with either dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide or purified F1, both of which block proton conduction through the F0. After reconstitution with purified F1 in vitro, both membrane preparations could couple proton pumping to ATP hydrolysis. These results demonstrate that an interaction between the delta subunit and the F0 during synthesis and assembly produces a significant change in the proton permeability of the F0 proton channel.  相似文献   

The portion of Escherichia coli adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) which is peripheral to the membrane (ECFl) is composed of five separate polypeptides referred to as alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. Treating purified ECFl with pyridine precipitated the three larger polypeptides (alpha, beta, and gamma), but the two smaller ones (delta and epsilon), which represent only about 10% of ECFl, remained in solution. After removing the pyridine, both delta and epsilon were active and both were obtained in essentially pure form after chromatography on a single molecular-seive column. epsilon strongly inhibited the ATPase activity of ECFl, indicating that epsilon has a regulatory role in the enzyme. epsilon inhibited ECFl missing delta, indicating that delta is not required for inhibition by epsilon. However, enzyme containing just the alpha and beta subunits, which was prepared by treating ECFl with a protease, was fully active hydrolytically but not at all sensitive to inhibition by epsilon. This result suggests that the gamma polypeptide is required for the inhibition of the ATPase by epsilon. delta restored the capacity of ECFl missing delta to recombine with ECFl-depleted membrane vesicles. The ECFl, which became attached to the vesicles by the added delta, was functional in energy transduction, as evidenced by the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to the transhydrogenase reaction in the vesicles. The rebinding of ECFl missing delta was directly proportional to the amount of delta added until all the ECFl receptors in the membranes were occupied. delta may be a stalk which connects the Fl headpiece to the membrane, since the attachment of ECFl to the membrane exhibited an absolute dependence on delta. Although delta is known to have an apparent molecular weight of about 20,000 by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, the active delta eluted from a molecular-seive column with an apparent molecular weight of about 35,000, suggesting that in the active form delta is a dimer or rather elongated in shape. The active epsilon subunit eluted from the same column with an apparent molecular weight of about 16,000.  相似文献   

The addition of a His6 tag to the N terminus of subunit a of the F0 complex of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase allowed the purification of an ab2 subcomplex after solubilization of membranes with n-dodecyl-beta-d-maltoside and subsequent nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid affinity chromatography. After co-reconstitution of the ab2 subcomplex with purified subunit c, passive proton translocation rates as well as coupled ATPase activities after binding of F1 were measured that were comparable with those of wild type F0. The interaction between subunits a and b, which has been shown to be stoichiometric and functional, is not triggered by any cross-linking reagent and therefore reflects subunit interactions occurring within the F0 complex in vivo.  相似文献   

The 1763 nucleotide-long-DNA sequence of part of the gene cluster for the proton-translocating ATPase from E. coli was determined. The sequence covers the genes for the a and b subunits of F0 along with the intercistronic regions. In the region preceding the gene for the a subunit, a reading frame encompassing 127 amino acids was found. The primary structure of the a and b subunits were deduced and the properties of these proteins were predicted. Analysis of codon usage in these genes was made.  相似文献   

We have investigated both structural and functional assembly of the F0 portion of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase in vivo. Fractionation of E. coli minicells containing plasmids which code for parts of the unc operon shows that each of the F0 peptides a, b, and c insert into the cytoplasmic membrane independent of each other and without the polypeptides which form the F1 portion of the complex alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. Assays of membrane energization indicate that, while formation of a functional proton channel requires the presence of all three F0 polypeptides a, b and c, they are not sufficient. Synthesis of both the alpha and beta subunits of the F1 are required for formation of a functional proton channel.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed that during assembly of the Escherichia coli F1F0 ATPase, the proton permeability of the Fo sector of the E. coli F1F0 ATPase is increased significantly by interactions with F1 subunits [Pati, S., & Brusilow, W.S.A. (1989) J. Biol. Chem 264, 2640-2644]. To test this model for Fo assembly, we purified F0 sectors synthesized in the presence and absence of F1 subunits and measured the abilities of these different preparations to bind purified F1 ATPase and to conduct protons when reconstituted into liposomes. The results of these studies demonstrated significant differences in proton-conducting abilities of the different Fo preparations. Fo sectors synthesized in the presence of F1 subunits were more permeable to protons than those synthesized in the absence of F1 subunits.  相似文献   

The membrane-integrated, proton-translocating F0 portion of the ATP synthase (F1F0) from Escherichia coli is built up from three kinds of subunits a, b and c with the proposed stoichiometry of 1:2:10 +/- 1. We have dissociated the F0 complex by treatment with trichloroacetate (3 M) at pH 8.0, in the presence of deoxycholate (1%) and N-tetradecyl-N, N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (Zwittergent 3-14, 5%). The subunits were separated by gel filtration with trichloroacetate (1 M) included in the elution buffer. The homogeneity of the fractions was checked by rechromatography and SDS-gel electrophoresis. After integration into phospholipid vesicles each subunit alone as well as all possible combinations were tested for H+ translocating activity and binding of F1. A functional H+ channel could only be reconstituted by the combination a1b2c10 which corresponds to that of native F0.  相似文献   

Previously identified mutations in subunits a and b of the F0 sector of the F1F0-ATPase from Escherichia coli are further characterized by isolating detergent-solubilized, partially purified F1F0 complexes from cells bearing these mutations. The composition of the various F1F0 complexes was judged by quantitating the amount of each subunit present in the detergent-solubilized preparations. The composition of the F0 sectors containing altered polypeptides was determined by quantitating the F0 subunits that were immunoprecipitated by antibodies directed against the F1 portion. In this way, the relative amounts of F0 subunits (a, b, c) which survived the isolation procedure bound to F1 were determined for each mutation. This analysis indicates that both missense mutations in subunit a (aser206----leu and ahis245----tyr) resulted in the isolation of F1F0 complexes with normal subunit composition. The nonsense mutation in subunit a (atyr235----end) resulted in isolation of a complex containing the b and c subunits. The bgly131----asp mutation in the b subunit results in an F0 complex which does not assemble or survive the isolation. The isolated F1F0 complex containing the mutation bgly9----asp in the b subunit was defective in two regards: first, a reduction in F1 content relative to F0 and second, the absence of the a subunit. Immunoprecipitations of this preparation demonstrated that F1 interacts with both c and mutant b subunits. A strain carrying the mutation, bgly9----asp, and the compensating suppressor mutation apro240----leu (previously shown to be partially unc+) yielded an F1F0 ++ complex that remained partially defective in F1 binding to F0 but normal in the subunit composition of the F0 sector. The assembly, structure, and function of the F1F0-ATPase is discussed.  相似文献   

In addition to two major alpha- and beta-subunits, the soluble oligomycin-insensitive F1ATPase purified from sweet potato root mitochondria contains four different minor subunits of gamma (Mr = 35,500), delta (Mr = 27,000), delta' (Mr = 23,000), and epsilon (Mr = 12,000) (Iwasaki, Y., and Asashi, T. (1983) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 227, 164-173). Among these minor subunits, the delta-subunit specifically cross-reacted with an antibody against the delta-subunit of maize mitochondrial F1 which contains only three minor gamma-, delta- and epsilon-subunits like F1ATPases from other organisms, indicating that the delta'-subunit is an extra subunit of sweet potato F1 which is absent in the maize F1. All of the four minor subunits of sweet potato F1 were purified and their N-terminal amino acid sequences of 30-36 residues were determined. The N-terminal sequence of gamma-subunit was homologous to those of the gamma-subunits of bacterial F1 and mammalian mitochondrial F1. The N-terminal sequence of the delta-subunit was homologous to those of the delta-subunits of bacterial F1, chloroplast CF1, and oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein of bovine mitochondrial F1F0. A sequence homology was also observed between the sweet potato epsilon-subunit and the epsilon-subunit of bovine mitochondrial F1. The N-terminal sequence of the delta'-subunit did not show any significant sequence homology to known protein sequences. These subunit correspondences place plant mitochondrial F1 at an unique position in the evolution of F1ATPase.  相似文献   

This study presents two lines of genetic evidence consistent with the premise that CheW, a cytoplasmic component of the chemotactic signaling system of Escherichia coli, interacts directly with Tsr, the membrane-bound serine chemoreceptor. (i) We demonstrated phenotypic suppression between 10 missense mutant CheW proteins and six missense mutant Tsr proteins. Most of these mutant proteins had leaky chemotaxis defects and were partially dominant, implying relatively minor functional alterations. Their suppression pattern was allele specific, suggesting that the mutant proteins have compensatory conformational changes at sites of interactive contact. (ii) We isolated five partially dominant CheW mutations and found that four of them were similar or identical to the suppressible CheW mutant proteins. This implies that there are only a few ways in which CheW function can be altered to produce dominant defects and that dominance is mediated through interactions of CheW with Tsr. The amino acid replacements in these mutant proteins were inferred from their DNA sequence changes. The CheW mutations were located in five regularly spaced clusters in the first two-thirds of the protein. The Tsr mutations were located in a highly conserved region in the middle of the cytoplasmic signaling domain. The hydrophobic moments, overall hydrophobicities, and predicted secondary structures of the mutant segments were consistent with the possibility that they are located at the surface of the CheW and Tsr molecules and represent the contact sites between these two proteins.  相似文献   

Wilkens S  Borchardt D  Weber J  Senior AE 《Biochemistry》2005,44(35):11786-11794
A critical point of interaction between F(1) and F(0) in the bacterial F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase is formed by the alpha and delta subunits. Previous work has shown that the N-terminal domain (residues 3-105) of the delta subunit forms a 6 alpha-helix bundle [Wilkens, S., Dunn, S. D., Chandler, J., Dahlquist, F. W., and Capaldi, R. A. (1997) Nat. Struct. Biol. 4, 198-201] and that the majority of the binding energy between delta and F(1) is provided by the interaction between the N-terminal 22 residues of the alpha- and N-terminal domain of the delta subunit [Weber, J., Muharemagic, A., Wilke-Mounts, S., and Senior, A. E. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 13623-13626]. We have now analyzed a 1:1 complex of the delta-subunit N-terminal domain and a peptide comprising the N-terminal 22 residues of the alpha subunit by heteronuclear protein NMR spectroscopy. A comparison of the chemical-shift values of delta-subunit residues with and without alpha N-terminal peptide bound indicates that the binding interface on the N-terminal domain of the delta subunit is formed by alpha helices I and V. NOE cross-peak patterns in 2D (12)C/(12)C-filtered NOESY spectra of the (13)C-labeled delta-subunit N-terminal domain in complex with unlabeled peptide verify that residues 8-18 in the alpha-subunit N-terminal peptide are folded as an alpha helix when bound to delta N-terminal domain. On the basis of intermolecular contacts observed in (12)C/(13)C-filtered NOESY experiments, we describe structural details of the interaction of the delta-subunit N-terminal domain with the alpha-subunit N-terminal alpha helix.  相似文献   

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