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Subcellular localization of mRNAs is regulated by RNA-protein interactions. Here, we show that introduction of a reporter mRNA with the 3'UTR of β-actin mRNA competes with endogenous mRNAs for binding to ZBP1 in adult sensory neurons. ZBP1 is needed for axonal localization of β-actin mRNA, and introducing GFP with the 3'UTR of β-actin mRNA depletes axons of endogenous β-actin and GAP-43 mRNAs and attenuates both in vitro and in vivo regrowth of severed axons. Consistent with limited levels of ZBP1 protein in adult neurons, mice heterozygous for the ZBP1 gene are haploinsufficient for axonal transport of β-actin and GAP-43 mRNAs and for regeneration of peripheral nerve. Exogenous ZBP1 can rescue the RNA transport deficits, but the axonal growth deficit is only rescued if the transported mRNAs are locally translated. These data support a direct role for ZBP1 in transport and translation of mRNA cargos in axonal regeneration in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The study of the encystation process of Entamoeba histolytica has been hampered by the lack of experimental means of inducing mature cysts in vitro. Previously we have found that cytoplasmic vesicles similar to the encystation vesicles of Entamoeba invadens are present in E. histolytica trophozoites only in amebas recovered from experimental amebic liver abscesses. Here we report that a monoclonal antibody (B4F2) that recognizes the cyst wall of E. invadens also identifies a 48 kDa protein in vesicles of E. histolytica trophozoites recovered from hepatic lesions. This protein is less expressed in trophozoites continuously cultured in axenical conditions. As previously reported for E. invadens, the B4F2 specific antigen was identified as enolase in liver-recovered E. histolytica, by two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western blot and mass spectrometry. In addition, the E. histolytica enolase mRNA was detected by RT PCR. The antigen was localized by immunoelectron microscopy in cytoplasmic vesicles of liver-recovered amebas. The B4F2 antibody also recognized the wall of mature E. histolytica cysts obtained from human samples. These results suggest that the enolase-containing vesicles are produced by E. histolytica amebas, when placed in the unfavorable liver environment that could be interpreted as an attempt to initiate the encystation process.  相似文献   

In mammals, interferon-gamma-inducible-lysosomal thiol reductase (GILT) has been demonstrated to play a key role in the processing and presentation of MHC class II-restricted antigen (Ag) by catalyzing disulfide bond reduction, thus unfolding native protein Ag and facilitating subsequent cleavage by proteases. In this study a cDNA containing the orange-spotted grouper GILT (OsgGILT) coding sequence has been cloned and its complete sequence determined. The full-length cDNA of OsgGILT gene is 1066 bp nucleotides (nt) encoding a protein of 260 amino acids (aa), with a putative molecular weight of 28.7 kDa. The deduced OsgGILT possesses the typical structural feature of mammalian GILT, including an active-site CXXC motif, a GILT signature sequence CQHGX(2)ECX(2)NX(4)C, and 10 conserved cysteines. The result of real-time PCR showed that OsgGILT mRNA was expressed in heart, liver, brain, gill, kidney and muscle and more highly expressed in spleen. The OsgGILT expression is obviously up-regulated in spleen and kidney after induction with LPS, these results suggest that OsgGILT may be involved in the immune response to LPS challenge in orange-spotted grouper.  相似文献   

Squid chromatophores are organs of colour change, consisting of a pigment sac opened by contraction of 10–24 radial muscle fibres. The ultrastructure and innervation of these muscle fibres were examined by electron microscopy and diagramatic reconstructions made on the basis of serial ultra-thin sections. At the proximal end of the fibre, nearest the pigment sac a cortical myofilament zone surrounds 2 cores containing mitochrondria; further along the fibre these merge to form one central core. The myofilament zone forms a groove containing a nerve bundle consisting of 2 to 4 axons per muscle fibre. The axons are surrounded by glial cell processes, and either originate from a neighbouring fibre, or join the fibre at some point along its length. Axons twist around each other, forming a series of synapses with the muscle fibre. As many as 6–37 synapses exist along the length of each muscle fibre; the mean synapse interval is 9.05 m, but the largest may be 123 m. At the distal end of the muscles, the nerve is located towards the middle of the fibre, which it penetrates as the muscle splits up. Electron-lucent vesicles are present in all synaptic regions, but electron-dense vesicles are only found towards the distal end of the fibre. There is thus a possibility that more than one neurotransmitter is present in the nerves innervating chromatophores. Electron-lucent and dense-cored vesicles are not colocalised.This work was carried out during the tenure of a BBSRC CASE studentship  相似文献   

The bud emergence 46 (BEM46) protein from Neurospora crassa belongs to the α/β-hydrolase superfamily. Recently, we have reported that the BEM46 protein is localized in the perinuclear ER and also forms spots close by the plasma membrane. The protein appears to be required for cell type-specific polarity formation in N. crassa. Furthermore, initial studies suggested that the BEM46 amino acid sequence is conserved in eukaryotes and is considered to be one of the widespread conserved “known unknown” eukaryotic genes. This warrants for a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of this superfamily to unravel origin and molecular evolution of these genes in different eukaryotes. Herein, we observe that all eukaryotes have at least a single copy of a bem46 ortholog. Upon scanning of these proteins in various genomes, we find that there are expansions leading into several paralogs in vertebrates. Usingcomparative genomic analyses, we identified insertion/deletions (indels) in the conserved domain of BEM46 protein, which allow to differentiate fungal classes such as ascomycetes from basidiomycetes. We also find that exonic indels are able to differentiate BEM46 homologs of different eukaryotic lineage. Furthermore, we unravel that BEM46 protein from N. crassa possess a novel endoplasmic-retention signal (PEKK) using GFP-fusion tagging experiments. We propose that three residues namely a serine 188S, a histidine 292H and an aspartic acid 262D are most critical residues, forming a catalytic triad in BEM46 protein from N. crassa. We carried out a comprehensive study on bem46 genes from a molecular evolution perspective with combination of functional analyses. The evolutionary history of BEM46 proteins is characterized by exonic indels in lineage specific manner.  相似文献   

We previously isolated and characterized TAS14, an mRNA that is induced in tomato upon osmotic stress or abscisic acid (ABA) treatment and that shares expression and sequence characteristics with other dehydrin genes in different species. Affinity-purified antibodies against TAS14 protein were used to study the expression of TAS14 protein, both in seedlings and mature plants, its tissue distribution and its subcellular localization. TAS14 protein was not detected in 4-day-old seedlings but accumulated after ABA, NaCl or mannitol treatments. In NaCl-treated seedlings, some protein was detectable after 6 h of treatment and reached maximal levels between 24 and 48 h. Concentrations ranging from 5 to 12.5 g/l NaCl induced the protein to similar levels. In salt-stressed mature plants, TAS14 was expressed abundantly and continuously in aerial parts, but only slightly and transiently in roots. Immunocytochemical analysis of salt-treated plants showed TAS14 accumulated in adventitious root primordia and associated to the provascular and vascular tissues in stems and leaves. Immunogold electron microscopy localized TAS14 protein both in the cytosol and in the nucleus, associated to the nucleolus and euchromatin. Since TAS14 is a phosphoprotein in vivo, the classes of protein kinases potentially responsible for its in vivo phosphorylation were tested in in vitro phosphorylation assays. TAS14 protein was phosphorylated in vitro by both casein kinase II and cAMP-dependent protein kinase.The first two authors contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

Over the past decade diatom blooms of domoic acid (DA)-producing Pseudo-nitzschia spp. have been responsible for numerous marine mammal and bird mortalities in Monterey Bay, CA. One possible toxin vector is the market squid, Loligo opalescens, a small pelagic mollusk that plays an important role in the near-shore food web of the California Current ecosystem as a favored vertebrate prey species. This study examined the trophic link between toxic Pseudo-nitzschia and L. opalescens using toxin and stomach content analyses of animals collected from Monterey Bay, CA in 2000. Receptor binding assay data (confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry), demonstrated the presence of DA in squid during a toxic Pseudo-nitzschia event, with P. australis frustules observed in stomach samples. Though DA levels were low (<0.5 μg DA g−1 tissue) in L. opalescens during the study period, it is now clear that this potent neurotoxin can occur in squid and is likely delivered through its krill prey species, which are known to retain DA after feeding on toxic Pseudo-nitzschia. Our findings suggest that further study of the relationship between Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and DA contamination of squid is warranted to better evaluate the potential health risk to humans and wildlife associated with this major commercial seafood species and important prey item.  相似文献   

以无芒隐子草(Cleistogenes songorica)干旱胁迫下的cDNA文库中磷酸乙醇胺N-甲基转移酶(phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase,PEAMT)基因的EST序列为基础,采用RACE方法克隆该基因编码区序列,该序列全长为2 104bp,开放读码框1 506bp,编码501个氨基酸。无芒隐子草PEAMT蛋白编码的氨基酸序列与多种植物的PEAMT氨基酸序列有较高相似性,其中与高粱SbPEAMT、玉米ZmPEAMT的蛋白序列相似性最高(93%),说明PEAMT基因在植物进化中非常保守。采用实时定量RT-PCR分析无芒隐子草幼苗在干旱过程中CsPEAMT基因的表达结果显示,干旱胁迫诱导CsPEAMT基因在根和叶中大量表达,且在干旱第8天时CsPEAMT基因在叶和根中表达量分别是未干旱对照的43.35倍和13.25倍,复水后CsPEAMT基因的表达量开始下调。研究表明CsPEAMT基因可能是无芒隐子草抗旱性相关的基因。  相似文献   

The poly(A)-rich RNA from dry mung bean (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek) embryonic axes has been isolated and translated in a wheat embryo cell-free system, and the products were analyzed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. The fluorographyic patterns showed a heavy band at approximately MW 12,000. The messenger RNA coding for this polypeptide disappeared in the course of early germination. This messenger is translated in vivo but simultaneously degrades when the axes imbibe. The poly(A)-rich RNA from dry axes has been fractionated on sucrose-dimethyl sulfoxide gradients, and this messenger has been found to be distributed largely in the 9–14 S region. The polypeptide synthesized in vitro has been immunoprecipitated, using the antiserum raised against this protein purified from dry axes.Abbreviations DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - SHB standard HEPES buffer - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis - TMV-RNA tobacco mosaic virus RNA  相似文献   

The accumulation of the Kunitz-type chymotrypsin inhibitor WCI-3 in winged bean seeds is controlled developmentally. In vitro translation experiments showed that the WCI-3 mRNA was present in 35- and 40-day-old immature seeds after flowering. The size of the in vitro translation product is about 2 000 Da larger than that of the mature WCI-3 protein. The WCI-3 cDNA clones were isolated from a gtll cDNA library of 35-day-old immature seeds by immunoscreening. A nearly full-length cDNA clone was obtained containing an open reading frame of 207 amino acid residues. The deduced sequence of the 183 carboxy terminal amino acids coincides precisely with the amino acid sequence determined for purified WCI-3. The amino terminal extension of 24 residues has the characteristics of a signal peptide. Northern hybridization analysis of total poly(A)+ RNA showed that the WCI-3 mRNA is approximately 900 nucleotides long and accumulates in 35- and 40-day-old but not in 30-day-old immature seeds.  相似文献   

By differential hybridization screening, we previously selected a class of cDNA clones from a gt10 cDNA library that was constructed from the total poly(A)+ RNA of mature cowpea cotyledons (Plant Cell Physiol 31: 39–44, 1990). pSAS10, a clone of this class, hybridized with a cDNA probe complementary to poly(A)+ RNA from cotyledons collected 1 day after the onset of imbibition (DAI), but not with the cDNA probe from cotyledons at development stage II (13 to 15 days after flowering, DAF). pSAS10 mRNA was detectable only in cotyledons at development stage III (17 to 19 DAF) or later, and its level began to decline when seeds germinated. We have suggested that pSAS10 mRNA is likely to belong to the class of stored mRNA or the mRNA that is formed at the late stage of seed maturation, is conserved in quiescent seeds and becomes functional at the early stage of germination. We determined the nucleotide sequence of pSAS10 cDNA consisting of 459 bp and an approximately 36 bp poly(A) tract, and deduced the amino acid sequence of its product, a 10-kDa cysteine-rich polypeptide. Synthesis of pSAS10 mRNA was induced just before germination began, not only in mature seeds but also in immature seeds even at stages I (9 to 11 DAF) and II (13 to 15 DAF) if they were placed under conditions suitable for germination.  相似文献   

Although migration patterns for various life history stages of the chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii) have been previously presented, there has been limited comparison of spatial variation in biological parameters. Based on data from research surveys; size ranges of juveniles, subadults and adults on the Agulhas Bank were estimated and presented spatially. The bulk of the results appear to largely support the current acceptance of the life cycle with an annual pattern of squid hatching in the east, migrating westwards to offshore feeding grounds on the Central and Western Agulhas Bank and the west coast and subsequent return migration to the eastern inshore areas to spawn. The number of adult animals in deeper water, particularly in autumn in the central study area probably represents squid spawning in deeper waters and over a greater area than is currently targeted by the fishery. The distribution of life history stages and different feeding areas does not rule out the possibility that discrete populations of L. reynaudii with different biological characteristics inhabit the western and eastern regions of the Agulhas Bank. In this hypothesis, some mixing of the populations does occur but generally squid from the western Agulhas Bank may occur in smaller numbers, grow more slowly and mature at a larger size. Spawning occurs on the western portion of the Agulhas Bank, and juveniles grow and mature on the west coast and the central Agulhas Bank. Future research requirements include the elucidation of the age structure of chokka squid both spatially and temporally, and a comparison of the statolith chemistry and genetic characterisation between adults from different spawning areas across the Agulhas Bank.  相似文献   

Localization of nanos (nos) mRNA to the posterior pole of the Drosophila oocyte is essential for abdominal segmentation and germline development during embryogenesis. Posterior localization is mediated by a complex cis-acting localization signal in the nos 3' untranslated region that comprises multiple partially redundant elements. Genetic analysis suggests that this signal is recognized by RNA-binding proteins and associated factors that package nos mRNA into a localization competent ribonucleoprotein complex. However, functional redundancy among localization elements has made the identification of individual localization factors difficult. Indeed, only a single direct-acting nos localization factor, Rumpelstiltskin (Rump), has been identified thus far. Through a sensitized genetic screen, we have now identified the Argonaute family member Aubergine (Aub) as a nos localization factor. Aub interacts with nos mRNA in vivo and co-purifies with Rump in an RNA-dependent manner. Our results support a role for Aub, independent of its function in RNA silencing, as a component of a nos mRNA localization complex.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated mRNA from developing oat (Avena sativa L.) seeds was isolated and analyzed. Prominent mRNA species of 18S, 15S and 12S were observed; the 18S mRNA was judged to be esentially free of ribosomal RNA by hybridization analysis. Size fractionation andin vitro translation of this mRNA was performed. SDS, IEF-SDS gel electrophoresis and immunoprecipitation were used to analyze the translation products. It is shown that globulin mRNA (18S) accounts for roughly 30% of the total mRNA in developing seeds, the 12S and 15S mRNAs accounting for the remainder. The 18S mRNA directs the synthesis of a series of distinct but related polypeptides, suggesting that some of the heterogeneity seen in the oat globulins is at the amino acid sequence level.  相似文献   

Two different types of nitrogen-fixing root nodules are known — actinorhizal nodules induced byFrankia and legume nodules induced by rhizobia. While legume nodules show a stem-like structure with peripheral vascular bundles, actinorhizal nodule lobes resemble modified lateral roots with a central vascular bundle. To compare carbon metabolism in legume and actinorhizal nodules, sucrose synthase and enolase cDNA clones were isolated from a cDNA library, obtained from actinorhizal nodules ofAlnus glutinosa. The expression of the corresponding genes was markedly enhanced in nodules compared to roots. In situ hybridization showed that, in nodules, both sucrose synthase and enolase were expressed at high levels in the infected cortical cells as well as in the pericycle of the central vascular bundle of a nodule lobe. Legume sucrose synthase expression was studied in indeterminate nodules from pea and determinate nodules fromPhaseolus vulgaris by usingin situ hybridization.  相似文献   

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