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Natural hybridization between introduced species and their native congeners occurs frequently and can create serious conservation concerns. Ulmus pumila (Siberian elm) is an introduced Asian elm species that has naturalized in the United States and is now considered invasive in 41 states. Red elm (U. rubra), a native to the eastern United States, often occurs in sympatry with Siberian elm, and the two species are thought to hybridize. Here, we genetically characterized reference populations of the two elm species to identify species-specific microsatellite alleles. These markers were used to classify individuals in putative hybrid zones as parental species or hybrids, assess the extent of hybridization, and track patterns of introgression. We identified nine U. rubra, 32 U. pumila, and 51 hybrid individuals in our hybrid zones. Of the 51 hybrids, 35 were classified as first-generation hybrids and 16 as backcrosses. The majority of the backcrosses (88%) were introgressed toward U. pumila. Our classification of genotypes was consistent whether we used manual classification, principal coordinate analyses or Bayesian clustering. We observed greater genetic diversity and new combination of alleles in the hybrids. Our study indicates widespread hybridization between U. pumila and U. rubra and an asymmetric pattern of introgression toward U. pumila.  相似文献   

Elms containing narrow and scattered vessels have been reported to be more resistant to Ophiostoma novo-ulmi (Dutch elm disease pathogen) than elms with large and contiguous vessels. However, recent measurements in Ulmus pumila and U. minor showed a contrary trend. The pin method was applied to 4-yr-old branches of eight clones planted in Madrid. During 2002, radial growth increments and vessel diameters were measured monthly, and beetle trapping was undertaken weekly. U. minor formed larger vessels at the beginning of the season, coinciding with a peak of captured beetles, but, up to June 15, vessels were larger for U. pumila. The number of vessels per group, the transversal area per vessel group, and the mean theoretical hydraulic conductances were significantly higher for U. minor on most dates. Researchers should take into consideration the seasonal changes in vessel size. The results highlight that seasonal variation of vessel diameters and hydraulic parameters, in combination with beetle abundance, are the main factors that could explain the different susceptibility of both elm species to O. novo-ulmi.  相似文献   

Ulmus pumila is an elm species, non-native to the USA that hybridizes with Ulmus rubra. In order to study the genetic structure and hybridization patterns between these two elm species, we developed 15 primer pairs for microsatellite loci in U. rubra and tested their cross-amplification in U. pumila. All 15 primers amplified in both species, 11 of which possessed species-specific alleles. Eight loci were polymorphic in U. pumila and eight in U. rubra, each with two to eight alleles per locus. In addition, five primer pairs previously developed in U. laevis and U. carpinifolia (syn. U. minor) cross-amplified and showed polymorphic loci in U. pumila and/or U. rubra. These markers will facilitate the study of genetic structure and gene flow between U. rubra and exotic, invasive U. pumila.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Ulmus minor has been severely affected by Dutch elm disease (DED). The introduction into Europe of the exotic Ulmus pumila, highly tolerant to DED, has resulted in it widely replacing native U. minor populations. Morphological and genetic evidence of hybridization has been reported, and thus there is a need for assessment of interspecific gene flow patterns in natural populations. This work therefore aimed at studying pollen gene flow in a remnant U. minor stand surrounded by trees of both species scattered across an agricultural landscape.Methods All trees from a small natural stand (350 in number) and the surrounding agricultural area within a 5-km radius (89) were genotyped at six microsatellite loci. Trees were morphologically characterized as U. minor, U. pumila or intermediate phenotypes, and morphological identification was compared with Bayesian clustering of genotypes. For paternity analysis, seeds were collected in two consecutive years from 20 and 28 mother trees. Maximum likelihood paternity assignment was used to elucidate intra- and interspecific gene flow patterns.Key Results Genetic structure analyses indicated the presence of two genetic clusters only partially matching the morphological identification. The paternity analysis results were consistent between the two consecutive years of sampling and showed high pollen immigration rates (∼0·80) and mean pollination distances (∼3 km), and a skewed distribution of reproductive success. Few intercluster pollinations and putative hybrid individuals were found.Conclusions Pollen gene flow is not impeded in the fragmented agricultural landscape investigated. High pollen immigration and extensive pollen dispersal distances are probably counteracting the potential loss of genetic variation caused by isolation. Some evidence was also found that U. minor and U. pumila can hybridize when in sympatry. Although hybridization might have beneficial effects on both species, remnant U. minor populations represent a valuable source of genetic diversity that needs to be preserved.  相似文献   

Elm breeding programs worldwide have relied heavily on Asian elm germplasm, particularly Ulmus pumila, for the breeding of Dutch elm disease tolerant cultivars. However, the extent and patterning of genetic variation in Asian elm species is unknown. Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine the extent of genetic diversity among 53 U. pumila accessions collected throughout the People's Republic of China. Using 23 microsatellite loci recently developed in the genus Ulmus, a total of 94 alleles were identified in 15 polymorphic and 4 monomorphic loci. The average number of alleles per locus was 4.9, with a range of 1-11 alleles. Gene diversity estimates per locus ranged from 0.08 to 0.87, and the non-exclusion probability for the 15 polymorphic loci combined was 0.7 x 10(-9). Nineteen region-specific alleles were identified, and regional gene diversity estimates were moderately high (0.48-0.57). The genetic relationships among accessions and regions were estimated by UPGMA and principal coordinate analysis. Both techniques discriminated all accessions and regions. Two microsatellite markers (UR175 + UR123 or Ulm-3) were sufficient to discriminate up to 99.7% of the accessions studied. This research provides useful information for DNA-based fingerprinting, breeding, ecological studies, and diversity assessment of elm germplasm.  相似文献   

As the evolutionary significance of hybridization is largely dictated by its extent beyond the first generation, we broadly surveyed patterns of introgression across a sympatric zone of two native poplars ( Populus balsamifera , Populus deltoides ) in Quebec, Canada within which European exotic Populus nigra and its hybrids have been extensively planted since the 1800s. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that appeared fixed within each species were characterized by DNA-sequencing pools of pure individuals. Thirty-five of these diagnostic SNPs were employed in a high-throughput assay that genotyped 635 trees of different age classes, sampled from 15 sites with various degrees of anthropogenic disturbance. The degree of admixture within sampled trees was then assessed through Bayesian clustering of genotypes. Hybrids were present in seven of the populations, with 2.4% of all sampled trees showing spontaneous admixture. Sites with hybrids were significantly more disturbed than pure stands, while hybrids comprised both immature juveniles and trees of reproductive age. All three possible F1s were detected. Advanced-generation hybrids were consistently biased towards P. balsamifera regardless of whether hybridization had occurred with P. deltoides or P. nigra. Gene exchange between P. deltoides and P. nigra was not detected beyond the F1 generation; however, detection of a trihybrid demonstrates that even this apparent reproductive isolation does not necessarily result in an evolutionary dead end. Collectively, results demonstrate the natural fertility of hybrid poplars and suggest that introduced genes could potentially affect the genetic integrity of native trees, similar to that arising from introgression between natives.  相似文献   

The American duckweed Lemna minuta shows an invasive behaviour in Europe, causing weed problems in aquatic habitats there. Few studies addressed this species’ ecological requirements for a suitable establishment in a site. In this paper, L. minuta populations were analysed through field surveys so as (1) to define the autoecology of this duckweed as regards the main environmental factors characterizing invaded habitats, and (2) to identify possible overlaps/differences in ecological requirements between the alien L. minuta and the common native L. minor, with which it is often associated and in direct competition. The occurrence/abundance of the two species and environmental data were collected from 41 wetlands in central Italy. Currently, L. minuta is more common and abundant than L. minor in the study-area, despite its recent arrival there (2007). The two species have a partially overlapped autoecology. However, L. minuta differs from L. minor since it occurs in waters which are less alkaline, slightly less warm, and richer in nitrates. It shows tolerance for environmental conditions which are limiting for most of macrophytes, including L. minor, such as high shading and low water oxygenation. This enables L. minuta to increase its invasion potentiality and thus to enlarge its distribution area.  相似文献   

Summary Cell suspension cultures of a Ceratocystis ulmi-resistant (Ulmus pumila) and a -susceptible elm (U.campestris) were established from leaf callus tissue. Treatment of cultures with spores of C.ulmi induced a large increase in the activity of phenylalanine ammonialyase, only in the cells of the resistant species U.pumila with a maximum after 24 h. Inoculated U.pumila cells also excreted a red unidentified chemical into the culture medium. Neither responses were induced in inoculated U.campestris cultures. The results are discussed in relation to the development of the elm cell culture system as a model for studying the differential biochemical mechanisms of disease resistance in elms.  相似文献   

We developed five microsatellites from Ulmus minor using an AFLP protocol followed by an enrichment step, with biotinylated primers containing tandem repeats. Loci were characterized using a total of 30 elms from six Spanish populations. Three microsatellites were also transferred to U. laevis and U. glabra.  相似文献   

在对榆梢小蠹Cryphalus sp.雌雄成虫形态特征细致比较的基础上,系统持续地研究了其坑道系统的形成过程。榆梢小蠹雌雄成虫个体大小差异不大,但雌雄次性征可见,主要区别在于额面是否有隆突和前胸背板后部鳞片多寡。主坑道内的成虫配比方式多为1雌1雄和2雌1雄,少有3雌1雄。榆梢小蠹的坑道系统形成可分为5个阶段,即侵入、召唤交尾、主坑道形成、产卵和子坑道形成,一般共历时40 d左右。  相似文献   

Hybridization and introgression are thought to be important for speciation and adaptation in many plants. However, little is known about the hybridization and introgression among Cypripedium species. To investigate the evidence for hybridization and the pattern of introgression between Cypripedium yunnanense and C. tibeticum in Shangrila County, Yunnan Province, China, morphological characters and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) data for both the species and their putative hybrids were studied. Hand pollination was also performed to verify the crossability of the putative parents. Principal coordinate analysis based on morphological characters and the AFLP data suggested that the putative hybrids were true hybrids of these two Cypripedium species. Analysis with the NewHybrids software indicated that the putative hybrids were F1 generation individuals and backcrosses to C. yunnanese, but no F2 generation was found. Analysis with the Structure software demonstrated asymmetric introgression from C. tibeticum to C. yunnanense. We conclude that natural hybridization and introgression can occur between these two species and that in situ conservation of the parental species is required before fully assessing the evolutionary potential of hybrids.  相似文献   

An updated, corrected checklist of both native and established alien freshwater fish species in Italy is given based on molecular, morphological and biogeographical data. Some 12 native species, reported as conspecific with transalpine species in official Italian ichthylogical literature, are in fact endemics. Previous taxonomic confusion has resulted in the introduction of several alien species, either with official stockings or mixed in as impurities. Rehabilitated species include the cyprinids Scardinius hesperidicus, Scardinius scardafa and Telestes savigny from northern Italy, as well as Squalius ruffoi and the Telestes comes from southern Italy. Squalius albus is a junior synonym of S. squalus. The endemic gudgeon, previously assigned to the genus Romanogobio, is returned to the genus Gobio (G. benacensis). Phoxinus lumaireul is a junior synonym of P. phoxinus. Among the Salmonidae, Salmo cenerinus is a junior synonym of S. marmoratus, while Salmo farioides represents the trout species of the Adriatic lineage for which a neotype is designated. Thymallus aeliani represents the endemic lineage of grayling of the Adriatic populations. The esocid Esox cisalpinus is an endemic pike species and Esox flaviae is a junior synonym; the extensive exportation as well as the presence of this species throughout Europe is possibly due to humans. Among sculpins, Cottus scaturigo and C. ferrugineus are junior synonyms of C. gobio. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categories for native species of Italy are updated. At present, 52 native freshwater fish species are listed: 2 are extinct (Acipenser sturio and Huso huso), 12 are critically endangered, 7 endangered, 10 vulnerable, 3 near‐threatened, 15 low concern and 3 data‐deficient; 35 species are the result of human transfers. Among the 51 introduced species, 6 are recently established (Leuciscus leuciscus, Oreochromis niloticus, Poecilia reticulata, Xiphophorus helleri, Amatitlania nigrofasciatus, Hemichromis sp.), 37 are already established, 5 are probably established and 3 are non‐established Chinese carp, maintained in the wild by intensive stockings. The family most involved is the Cyprinidae, with 22 alien and 20 native species.  相似文献   

1. Seasonal dynamics of the exotic Daphnia lumholtzii and native macro-zooplankton species were studied for 2 years in six inter-connected lakes in Florida, U.S.A. The lakes ranged widely in pH, colour and trophic status, and were dominated by copepods.
2. All six lakes contained both D. lumholtzii and the native D. ambigua , but the two species did not overlap in time. D. ambigua was dominant in autumn–spring, coinciding with lower water temperature, higher transparency and lower nutrient and chlorophyll a (Chl a ) concentrations than in summer, when D. lumholtzii was dominant.
3. Based on the field observations, temperature optima were 24 °C for D. ambigua and 29 °C for D. lumholtzii , suggesting that temperature plays a role in determining dominance among the daphnids of subtropical Florida lakes.
4.  D. lumholtzii has not displaced native cladocerans but occupies a 'vacant' seasonal niche, unexploited due to the inability of native taxa to tolerate high temperature. Furthermore, D. lumholtzii did not significantly alter algal–zooplankton interactions. There was evidence of top–down control by grazing, but it was primarily attributable to the native taxa.  相似文献   

Seed deterioration is poorly understood and remains an active area for research. Seeds of elm (Ulmus pumila L.) were aged at 37 °C above water [controlled deterioration treatment (CDT)] for various lengths of time to assess programmed cell death (PCD) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) product in embryonic tissues during a 5 d period. The hallmarks of PCD were identified in the elm seeds during CDT including TUNEL experiments, DNA laddering, cytochrome c (cyt c) leakage and enzymatic activities. These analyses indicated that PCD occurred systematically and progressively in deteriorated elm seeds. Cyt c release and increase in caspase‐3‐like/DEVDase activity occurred during CDT, which could be suppressed by ascorbic acid (AsA) and caspase‐3 inhibitor Ac‐DEVD‐CHO, respectively. In situ localization of ROS production indicated that the distinct spatial‐temporal signature of ROS during CDT coincided with the changes in PCD hallmark features. Multiple antioxidant elements were activated during the first few days of CDT, but were subsequently depleted as PCD progressed. Taken together, our findings identify PCD as a key mechanism that occurs asymmetrically during elm seeds CDT and suggest an important role for PCD in seeds deterioration.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome (mito‐genome) introgression among metazoans is commonplace, and several biological processes may promote such introgression. We examined two proposed processes for the mito‐genome introgression between Rana chensinensis and R. kukunoris: natural hybridization and sex‐biased dispersal. We sampled 477 individuals from 28 sites in the potential hybrid zone in the western Tsinling Mountains. Mitochondrial gene (cytb) trees were used to examine the introgression events. Microsatellite DNA loci, cytb and morphological data were used to identify hybrids and to examine the extent of natural hybridization. We detected rampant bidirectional introgressions, both ancient and recent, between the two species. Furthermore, we found a wide hybrid zone, and frequent and asymmetric hybridization. The hybrid zone cline analysis revealed a clear mitochondrial–nuclear discordance; while most nuclear markers displayed similar and steep clines, cytb had a displaced cline centre and a more gradual and wider cline. We also detected strong and asymmetric historical maternal gene flow across the hybrid zone. This widespread hybridization and detected low mito‐nuclear conflicts may, at least partially, explain the high frequency of introgression. Lastly, microsatellite data and population genetic methods were used to assess sex‐biased dispersal. A weak pattern of female‐biased dispersal was detected in both species, suggesting it may not play an important role in the observed introgression. Our data are consistent with the hybridization hypothesis, but support for the sex‐biased dispersal hypothesis is weak. We further suggest that selective advantages of the R. kukunoris‐type mito‐genome in thermal adaptation may also contribute to the introgression between the two species.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate the photosynthetic activity and thermostability of photosystem II (PSII) in elm seedling (Ulmus pumila) leaves from initiation to full expansion. During leaf development, photosynthesis, measured as CO2 fixation, increased gradually and reached a maximum value when leaves were fully developed. In parallel with the increase of carbon assimilation, chlorophyll content increased. The chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements showed that the maximum quantum yield of PSII primary photochemistry (φpo), the efficiency with which the energy of trapped excitons is converted into the electron transport beyond QA (Ψo) and the quantum yield of electron transport beyond QA (φEo) increased gradually. The low light experiments confirmed these results independently. When subjected to heat stress, young leaves exhibited progressively lower φpo and maximal fluorescence (Fm) values with considerably higher minimal fluorescence (Fo) than mature leaves, demonstrating that PSII in newly initiating leaves is more sensitive to heat stress. Further analysis revealed that PSII structure in newly initiating leaves showed a robust alteration under heat stress, which was reflected by the clear K phase in the OJIP curves. Therefore, we suggest that the enhanced thermostability of PSII in the case of leaf growth might be associated with an improvement of the stability of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) to heat stress during leaf development.  相似文献   

The native habitats of the ctenophore, Mnemiopsis, are temperate to subtropical estuaries along the Atlantic coast of North and South America, where it is found in an extremely wide range of environmental conditions (winter low and summer high temperatures of 2 and 32 °C, respectively, and salinities of <2–38). In the early 1980s, it was accidentally introduced to the Black Sea, where it flourished and expanded into the Azov, Marmara, Mediterranean and Caspian Seas. We compile data showing that Mnemiopsis has high potentials of growth, reproduction and feeding that enable this species to be a predominant zooplanktivore in a wide variety of habitats; review the population distributions and dynamics of Mnemiopsis in U.S. waters and in the Black Sea region; and examine the effects of temperature and salinity, zooplankton availability and predator abundance on Mnemiopsis population size in both regions, and the effects of Mnemiopsis on zooplankton, ichthyoplankton and fish populations, focusing on Chesapeake Bay and the Black Sea. In both regions, Mnemiopsis populations are restricted by low winter temperatures (<2 °C). In native habitats, predators of Mnemiopsis often limit their populations, and zooplanktivorous fish are abundant and may compete with the ctenophores for food. By contrast, in the Black Sea region, no obvious predators of Mnemiopsis were present during the decade following introduction when the ctenophore populations flourished. Additionally, zooplanktivorous fish populations had been severely reduced by over fishing prior to the ctenophore outbreak. Thus, small populations of potential predators and competitors for food enabled Mnemiopsis populations to swell in the new habitats. In Chesapeake Bay, Mnemiopsis consumes substantial proportions of zooplankton daily, but may only noticeably reduce zooplankton populations when predators of Mnemiopsis are uncommon. Mnemiopsis also is an important predator of fish eggs in both locations. In the Black Sea, reductions in zooplankton, ichthyoplankton and zooplanktivorous fish populations have been attributed to Mnemiopsis. We conclude that the enormous impact of Mnemiopsis on the Black Sea ecosystem occurred because of the shortage of predators and competitors in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The appearance of the ctenophore, Beroe ovata, may promote the recovery of the Black Sea ecosystem from the effects of the Mnemiopsis invasion.  相似文献   

Two butterfly species living in the Alps, Parnassius apollo and P. phoebus, frequently hybridize in certain localities of this region. The features of this phenomenon have been previously studied by biometry and starch gel electrophoresis, but some points remained obscure. We present them in a study combining results from cellulose acetate electrophoresis and wing pattern biometry with a determination of the mitochondrial haplotype by a PCR-RFLP analysis in a sample of butterflies from the southern French Alps. It was already known that the male hybrids are fecund and thus that interspecific gene exchange could take place via backcrosses with the parent species. In the present case, combining the identification of mtDNA with the analysis of nuclear genotypes allows us to demonstrate that hybridization can involve both sexes of both species. Moreover, it suggests that at least some female hybrids are not sterile. The impact of Haldane's rule is therefore not very strong in the present case. However, although the prerequisites for introgression between the concerned species are fulfilled, at the level of both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, no indication of such a phenomenon could be gathered in the studied sample.  相似文献   

In the Doubs River (Rhône drainage) two distinct brown trout ( S. trutta ) phenotypes are observed. One phenotype is locally called Doubs trout and is characterized by four black stripes on the sides, similar to perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) and the other is the common phenotype of the fluviatile ecotype of brown trout, Salmo trutta f. fario . Protein data for three samples from the Doubs show that the Doubs trout belongs to the Mediterranean population group of brown trout, whereas the fario phenotype originates from stocking with hatchery strains of Atlantic basin origin. The two forms, however, do not hybridize freely. This is indicated by considerable gametic phase disequilibrium between alleles of hatchery and Doubs trout at one sampling site, and by lack of intermediate genotypes and phenotypes at another sampling site. The introgression patterns observed at the two sites suggest that differences in local habitat conditions can affect the degree of hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridisation and gene flow from cultivated plants may have profound effects on the evolution of wild species. Considering the cultural history and past use of Ulmus minor and Ulmus glabra trees in Flanders (northern Belgium), we investigated the extent of human impact on the genetic variation of the remaining, supposedly indigenous elm populations. We therefore examined the rate of interspecific hybridisation, which is expected to be higher under human influence, the occurrence of clones within and among locations, the presence of cultivars and their possible offspring. Based on results produced using 385 amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers, 46 % of the 106 investigated Flemish elms appeared to be F1 hybrids or backcrosses to one of the parent species, while no F2 hybrids (F1?×?F1 progeny) were found. Clonality was mainly found among U. minor and hybrids, which are more likely to form root suckers or sprouts as opposed to U. glabra. The majority of the studied locations (76 % of the locations with multiple samples) showed evidence of clonal reproduction. Several, sometimes distant, locations shared a multilocus lineage. We also found indications of gene flow from cultivated elms into native species. It is conceivable that reproductive material has been moved around extensively, obscuring the natural genetic structure of the elm populations. The results help guide the Flemish elm genetic resources conservation programme.  相似文献   

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