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The flowering phenology, pollination ecology and breeding system of Caesa/pinia crista L.were studied in Dinghushan Nature Reserve, Guangdong, China. The species started blooming in Februaryor March, then last till late April. It took about one week from first flower appearance to its full blooming,which lasted for 2-4 d. The pollen-ovule ratio was 18 000~500. The breeding system was self-incompatible,and protogynous xenogamy. Hymenoptera constituted the major group of pollinators. The pollination typeis ambophily, the species could be pollinated by wind if the pollinators were unavailable: this is the firstrecord of ambophily in the genus Caesalpinia. The floral structure adaptation to the pollinating behavior ofcarpenter bees was described. The influences of artificial treatments in pollination biological studies onthe flowering and fruiting of the plants were also discussed.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to investigate the genetic variation among populations, between populations, and within populations, relationships between genetic distance and geographic distance, and the molecular variation and population size. The effects of geographic and genetic distances, as well as of genetic differentiation and population size, on genetic variations of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. are discussed. The present study showed that there was significant RAPD variation between the Baicheng region population and the Daqing region population, with a molecular variance of 6.35% (P 〈 0.04), and for differentiation among area populations of the Daqing region, with a molecular variance of 8.78% (P 〈 0.002). A 21.06% RAPD variation among all 16 populations among two regions was found (P 〈 0.001), as well as 72.59% variation within populations (P 〈 0.001). Molecular variation within populations was significantly different among 16 populations.  相似文献   

Liangyoupeijiu is a two-parental-line, and Shanyou63 is a three-parental-line hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). Although both belong to the indica subspecies, they have obvious differences with respect to morphology, physiology and grain quality. Variations in endosperm protein compositions were studied by comparing the 2-D electrophoresis (2-DE) maps for these two cultivars of hybrid rice. After matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) analysis, a 21-kDa precursor of 19- kDa globulin was identified as the major storage protein for both cultivars. Some isoforms of peroxiredoxin and seed maturation protein were found to only exist in Shanyou63, whereas aldose reductase and starch granule-bound starch synthase were only detected in Liangyoupeijiu. These data might provide a foundation for further comparative studies of these two cultivars of hybrid rice.  相似文献   

In this study, the genetic diversity of 51 cultivars in the primary core collection of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) was evaluated by using simple sequence repeats (SSRs). The phylogenetic relationships and the evolutionary history among different cultivars were determined on the basis of SSR data. Twenty-two polymorphic SSR primer pairs were selected, and a total of 111 alleles were identified in the 51 cultivars, with an average of 5 alleles per locus. According to traditional Chinese classification of peach cultivars, the 51 cultivars in the peach primary core collection belong to six variety groups. The SSR analysis revealed that the levels of the genetic diversity within each variety group were ranked as Sweet peach 〉 Crisp peach 〉 Flat peach 〉 Nectarine 〉 Honey Peach 〉 Yellow fleshed peach. The genetic diversity among the Chinese cultivars was higher than that among the introduced cultivars. Cluster analysis by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averaging (UPGMA) placed the 51 cultivars into five linkage clusters. Cultivar members from the same variety group were distributed in different UPGMA clusters and some members from different variety groups were placed under the same cluster. Different variety groups could not be differentiated in accordance with SSR markers. The SSR analysis revealed rich genetic diversity in the peach primary core collection, representative of genetic resources of peach.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen grains in the atmosphere of Bozuyuk were investigated over a 2 yr period from 2000 to 2001 using a Durham sampler. A total number of pollen grains of 5 170 pollen grains belonging to 32 taxa were identified and recorded along with some unidentified pollen grains. Of all the pollen grains, 78.66% were arboreal, 19.20% were non-arboreal, and 2.12% were unidentified. The majority of pollen grains investigated were Pinus, Platanus, Quercus, Cupressaceae, Poaceae, Fagus, Salix, Rosaceae, Urticaceae, Asteraceae, and Chenopodiaceae. The maximum number of pollen grains was recorded in May.  相似文献   

Investigation of the Mesozoic seed plant Leptostrobus Heer from the Yangcaogou Formation of the Late Triassic and the Yixian Formation of the Early Cretaceous, Liaoning Province, China, provides new Insight Into Its general morphology and geographical distribution. The materials of L. cancer from the Yixian Formation described herein are later than all the past findings of this species and add to the record of L. cancer during the Early Cretaceous. Based on well-preserved specimens, the specific diagnosis Is slightly emended and the reconstructlon of L. cancer Is perfected. The materials from the Yangcaogou Formation of the Late Triassic are placed in L. spheericus, in addition, we review the history of investigation of the genus Leptostrobus since its establishment in 1876 and discuss the main characteristics of each species.  相似文献   

Pollen grains from 15 species (18 taxa) of the genus Filipendula were examined with light and scanning electron microscopy. It was revealed that the pollen grains are isopolar, tricolporate, with scabrate or scabrate-microechinate surface. The pollen morphology was compared with the conventional classification systems of the genus by different authors, and supported Shimizu's system (1961), in which the genus was divided into three subgenera. The monotypic subgen. Hypogyna is characterized by pollen lacking fastigium and thickened costae colpi. The other monotypic subgen. Filipendula differs from others by pollen having larger grain, larger pore size, longitudinally elliptic fastigium and thickened costae colpi. The largest subgen. Ulmaria is distinguished by pollen having rounded or latitudinally elliptic fastigium and thickened costae colpi. Sectional classification was not supported by the pollen morphology due to insufficient variability. Key words Filipendula, palynology, systematics.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 28 species and one variety representing eight genera of the subtribe Mutisiinae Less. sensu Bremer (Compositae) was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy. The pollen grains are usually radically symmetrical, isopolar, and tricolporate. The shape varies from spheroidal to subprolate in equatorial view and is three-lobed circular in polar view. Based on exine sculpturing observed under SEM, the pollen grains can be divided into three types: (i) type Ⅰ, with macrogranulate sculpture; (ii) type Ⅱ, with a finely granulate sculpture; and (iii) type Ⅲ with spiny sculpture. The palynological data showed that the Macroclinidium Maxim. was remarkably distinguished from those of the other seven genera. The variation of pollen characteristics within the Mutisiinae in Asia is little at species level, but it proves some useful information for studying the relationships among genera and it has an important significance in further understanding the evolutionary history of Mutisiinae.  相似文献   

The Hengduan Mountains region of south-west China is a noted biodiversity,hotspot, but the geographic origins and historical assembly of its rich endemic flora, including the sky-island species ofSolms-laubachia Muschl. (Brassicaceae), have been little studied. Previous molecular studies on the phylogeny of Solms-laubachia showed it to be paraphyletic, leading to considerable expansion not only of its taxonomic limits, but also its geographic range, with the inclusion of taxa from outside the Hengduan region. However, these studies provided little resolution of interspecific relationships, preventing inferences about historical biogeography within the clade. In the present study, new sequence data from two nuclear genes (LEAFY and G3pdh) and two chloroplast intergenic spacers (petN-psbM and psbM-trnD) were combined with existing markers to increase phylogenetic signals. Phaeonychium villosum (Maxim.) Al-Shehbaz was found to be nested within Solms-laubachia s.l. In general, phylogenetic relationships appear to be a good predictor of geography, with the Hengduan Mountain endemics embedded in a paraphyletic grade of species from the western Himalayas and central Asia, but they also imply morphological homoplasy, lncongruence was detected between the nuclear and chloroplast gene trees, perhaps resulting from incomplete lineage sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. The crown age ofSolms-laubachia s.l. was estimated to be approximately 1.42-3.68 mya, using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analysis. Historical biogeographic analysis using a parametric dispersalextinction-cladogenesis model inferred central Asia and the western Himalayas as most probable ancestral range of Solms-laubachia s.l., and estimated higher rates of eastward expansion than westward during the diversification of descendant lineages. In summary, our results suggest that Solms-laubachia s.l. originated during the Pliocene in central Asia, and subsequently migrated eastward into the Hengduan Mountains, colonizing sky-island, alpine scre  相似文献   

Kaplan Z  Fehrer J 《Annals of botany》2007,99(6):1213-1222
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Molecular evidence for natural primary hybrids composed of three different plant species is very rarely reported. An investigation was therefore carried out into the origin and a possible scenario for the rise of a sterile plant clone showing a combination of diagnostic morphological features of three separate, well-defined Potamogeton species. METHODS: The combination of sequences from maternally inherited cytoplasmic (rpl20-rps12) and biparentally inherited nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) was used to identify the exact identity of the putative triple hybrid. KEY RESULTS: Direct sequencing showed ITS variants of three parental taxa, P. gramineus, P. lucens and P. perfoliatus, whereas chloroplast DNA identified P. perfoliatus as the female parent. A scenario for the rise of the triple hybrid through a fertile binary hybrid P. gramineus x P. lucens crossed with P. perfoliatus is described. CONCLUSIONS: Even though the triple hybrid is sterile, it possesses an efficient strategy for its existence and became locally successful even in the parental environment, perhaps as a result of heterosis. The population investigated is the only one known of this hybrid, P. x torssanderi, worldwide. Isozyme analysis indicated the colony to be genetically uniform. The plants studied represented a single clone that seems to have persisted at this site for a long time.  相似文献   

TUCKER, S. C., RUGENSTEIN, S. R. & DERSTINE, K. S., 1984. Inflated trichomes in flowers of Bauhinia (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae). An unusual kind of bifid multicellular inflated trichome is reported to occur on floral organs of II species of Bauhinia (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae), They occur on sepals, petals, stamens, carpels, receptacle, leaves, and stems, but not on all organs in each species. Their development in B. malabarica is described.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic origin of Beckmannia remains unknown. The genus has been placed within the Chlorideae, Aveneae (Agrostideae), Poeae, or treated as an isolate lineage, Beckmanniinae. In the present study, we used nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast trnL-F sequences to examine the phylogenetic relationship between Beckmannia and those genera that have assumed to be related. On the basis of the results of our studies, the following conclusions could be drawn: (i) Beckmannia and Alopecurus are sister groups with high support; and (ii) Beckmannia and Alopecurus are nested in the Poeae clade with high support. The results of our analysis suggest that Beckmannia should be placed in Poeae.  相似文献   

Pugionium (Brassicaceae) is a small genus that occurs in central Asian deserts. The interspecific delimitation and taxonomic treatments of this genus are disputed and its phylogenetic origin remains unknown.In the present study, we examined these issues based on morphological and molecular data obtained for the first time. We used statistical methods to examine inter- and intraspecific morphological variations. The results suggest that only two species, namely P. dolabratum and P cornutum, can be warranted for all examined populations and specimens, whereas three species (P. calcaratum, P. cristatum, and R pterocarpum) should be incorporated into P.dolabratum. This delimitation was further supported by the molecular data: all populations of P. dolabratum, P.calcaratum, P. cristatum, and P. pterocarpum shared the same internal transcribed spacer genotype, whereas those from P. cornutum had another type. Phylogenetic analyses of Pugionium and representative genera of Brassicaceae based on ndhF sequences suggest that this genus is sister to the genus Megacarpaea, which, together, comprise a well-supported lineage with Farsetia, Lobularia, Iberis, and Ionopsidium, whereas the two other genera that were previously suggested to be closely related to this genus (Isatis and Bunias) were placed in the other lineages. We further discuss the origin of Pugionium and suggest that it probably originated in central Asia when the climate became drier from the late Miocene.  相似文献   

Thirty-three species of Clerodendrum s.l. and five outgroup genera were included in a sequence analysis of internal transcribed spacers of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results of the cladistic analysis were compared to and combined with cpDNA restriction site data from a previous study. All molecular data identified four major clades within Clerodendrum s.l. and showed the genus to be polyphyletic. Clerodendrum s.s., minus Konocalyx and Cyclonema, is monophyletic and the genus should be restricted to this group. Cyclonema and Konocalyx form a clade distinct from Clerodendrum s.s., which has been recognized as Rotheca Raf.  相似文献   

Pugionium(Brassicaceae)is a small genus that occurs in central Asian deserts.The interspecific delimitation and taxonomic treatments of this genus are disputed and its phylogenetic origin remains unknown. In the present study,we examined these issues based on morphological and molecular data obtained for the first time.We used statistical methods to examine inter-and intraspecific morphological variations.The results suggest that only two species,namely P.dolabratum and P.cornutum,can be warranted for all examined populations and specimens,whereas three species(P.calcaratum,P.cristatum,and P.pterocarpum)should be incorporated into P. dolabratum.This delimitation was further supported by the molecular data:all populations of P.dolabratum,P. calcaratum,P.cristatum,and P.pterocarpum shared the same internal transcribed spacer genotype,whereas those from P.cornutum had another type.Phylogenetic analyses of Pugionium and representative genera of Brassicaceae based on ndhF sequences suggest that this genus is sister to the genus Megacarpaea,which,together,comprise a well-supported lineage with Farsetia,Lobularia,Iberis,and Ionopsidium,whereas the two other genera that were previously suggested to be closely related to this genus(Isatis and Bunias)were placed in the other lineages.We further discuss the origin of Pugionium and suggest that it probably originated in central Asia when the climate became drier from the late Miocene.  相似文献   

The genus Philodendron (Araceae) is a large neotropical group whose classification remains unclear. Previous classifications are based on morphological characters, mainly from the inflorescence, flower and leaf shape. The classification by Krause, with few modifications, is still the most commonly used system. To examine phylogenetic relationships in the genus, two ribosomal DNA nuclear markers, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and external transcribed spacer (ETS), and the chloroplast intron rpl 16, were sequenced and analysed for more than 80 species of Philodendron and its close relative Homalomena . According to the resulting phylogeny, the genus Homalomena may be paraphyletic to the genus Philodendron . The inclusion of the American Homalomena species within the genus Philodendron might resolve this taxonomic problem. All three subgenera of Philodendron were revealed as monophyletic. Below the subgeneric level, the groups obtained in our phylogeny globally correspond to sections recognized in previous classifications. Among the morphological characters used by previous taxonomists to build their classifications, and which we optimized onto one of the most parsimonious trees, most characters were found to be homoplasious. However, leaf shape, characteristics of the sterile zone on the spadix and venation patterns are useful for delimiting subgenera and sections within the genus.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 13–27.  相似文献   

Morphologically intermediate plants between Weigela hortensis (Siebold & Zucc.) K.Koch and W. maximowiczii (S.Moore) Rehder have been found in Miyagi and Yamagata Pref., northern Japan. Quantitative character analyses of flowers, pollen stainability and molecular analyses indicated that the intermediate plants were hybrids of those two species. This is the first record of an intersectional hybrid with W. maximowiczii (sect. Weigelastrum ) as one of the parent species. The morphological differences among hybrid individuals imply the possibility of backcrosses or formation of second or later generations of hybrids, although those may be quite rare because of a low frequency of viable pollen grains. Causes of hybridization between two distantly-related species in Weigela are discussed. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 369–380.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Mrakia are currently classified as synonyms based on molecular sequence analyses of the large sub-unit ribosomal DNA (LrDNA). Physiological and protein electrophoretic studies, however, reveal possible species differences. To clarify this discrepancy, we undertook molecular sequence analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and intergenic spacer (IGS) regions of rDNA from the four psychrophilic Mrakia species and the psychrophilic yeast, Cryptococcus curiosus. Identical ITS sequences were found between C. curiosus, M. nivalis and M. frigida. Although, M. stokesii and M. gelida displayed identical ITS and IGS sequences, their sequences differed from the other three species by 2.3% and 38%, respectively. The results suggest that M. stokesii is a synonym of M. gelida, whereas M. nivalis is a synonym of M. frigida. Sequence differences (1.9%) observed in the IGS region indicates that C. curiosus is a distinct strain of M. frigida.  相似文献   

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