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The popularity of using the ratio of the second to the fourth digit (2D:4D) to study influences of early androgen exposure on human behavior relies, in part, on a report that the ratio is sex-dimorphic and stable from age 2 years (Manning etal., 1998). However, subsequent research has rarely replicated this finding. Moreover, although 2D:4D has been correlated with many behaviors, these correlations are often inconsistent. Young children's 2D:4D–behavior correlations may be more consistent than those of older individuals, because young children have experienced fewer postnatal influences. To evaluate the usefulness of 2D:4D as a biomarker of prenatal androgen exposure in studies of 2D:4D–behavior correlations, we assessed its sex difference, temporal stability, and behavioral correlates over a 6- to 8-month period in 126, 2- to 3-year-old children, providing a rare same-sample replicability test. We found a moderate sex difference on both hands and high temporal stability. However, between-sex overlap and within-sex variability were also large. Only 3 of 24 correlations with sex-typed behaviors—scores on the Preschool Activities Inventory (PSAI), preference for a boy-typical toy, preference for a girl-typical toy, were significant and in the predicted direction, all of which involved the PSAI, partially confirming findings from another study. Correlation coefficients were larger for behaviors that showed larger sex differences. But, as in older samples, the overall pattern showed inconsistency across time, sex, and hand. Therefore, although sex-dimorphic and stable, 2D:4D–behavior correlations are no more consistent for young children than for older samples. Theoretical and methodological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate modifications of serum levels of elastase 1, immunoreactive trypsin, alpha 1-antitrypsin and alpha 2-macroglobulin in chronic pancreatic disease, and to speculate on the possible relationships among these parameters, the enzymes and inhibitors were assayed in the sera of 33 control subjects, 34 pancreatic cancer, 28 chronic pancreatitis and 36 extra-pancreatic diseases. An increase of elastase 1, alpha 1-antitrypsin and alpha 2-macroglobulin was detected in pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis and extra-pancreatic diseases; no changes were found for serum immunoreactive trypsin. Multiple regression analyses showed that only 7% of elastase 1 was explained by inhibitors with alpha 1-antitrypsin playing a major role. Inhibitors did not influence immunoreactive trypsin. Our data indicate that the variations of the serum levels of proteases and antiproteases in chronic pancreatic disease are probably independent of each other.  相似文献   

A group of 200 patients who presented in general practice with symptoms but no abnormal physical signs and in whom no definite diagnosis was made were randomly selected for one of four consultations: a consultation conducted in a "positive manner," with and without treatment, and a consultation conducted in a "non-positive manner," called a negative consultation, with and without treatment. Two weeks after consultation there was a significant difference in patient satisfaction between the positive and negative groups but not between the treated and untreated groups. Similarly, 64% of those receiving a positive consultation got better, compared with 39% of those who received a negative consultation (p = 0.001) and 53% of those treated got better compared with 50% of those not treated (p = 0.5).  相似文献   

We derive the conditional probabilities for estimating the sex ratio in families ascertained through affected males for the study of X-linked recessive diseases. These conditional probabilities correct for the fact that the probability that a family will be ascertained increases with the number of males in the family. Data from four published studies for X-linked ichthyosis vulgaris are analyzed, three having an excess of males and one having a highly statistically significant excess of males. It is not known if this difference in the two samples represents a biological difference between the two populations or an unrecognized ascertainment bias.  相似文献   

Annotation of the first few complete plant genomes has revealed that plants have many genes. For Arabidopsis, over 26,500 gene loci have been predicted, whereas for rice, the number adds up to 41,000. Recent analysis of the poplar genome suggests more than 45,000 genes, and partial sequence data from Medicago and Lotus also suggest that these plants contain more than 40,000 genes. Nevertheless, estimations suggest that ancestral angiosperms had no more than 12,000-14,000 genes. One explanation for the large increase in gene number during angiosperm evolution is gene duplication. It has been shown previously that the retention of duplicates following small- and large-scale duplication events in plants is substantial. Taking into account the function of genes that have been duplicated, we are now beginning to understand why many plant genes might have been retained, and how their retention might be linked to the typical lifestyle of plants.  相似文献   

Tree species differ from one another in, and display trade-offs among, a wide range of attributes, including canopy and understorey growth and mortality rates, fecundity, height and crown allometry, and crown transmissivity. But how does this variation affect the outcome of interspecific competition and hence community structure? We derive criteria for the outcome of competition among tree species competing for light, given their allometric and life-history parameters. These criteria are defined in terms of a new simple whole life-cycle measure of performance, which provides a simple way to organize and understand the many ways in which species differ. The general case, in which all parameters can differ between species, can produce coexistence, founder control or competitive exclusion: thus, competition for light need not be hierarchical as implied by R* theory. The special case in which species differ only in crown transmissivity produces neutral dynamics. The special case in which species differ in all parameters except crown transmissivity gives hierarchical competition, where the equivalent of R* is Zˆ*, the height at which trees enter the canopy in an equilibrium monoculture.  相似文献   

NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) in bovine heart mitochondria has a molecular weight of approximately 1 million Da composed of 45 distinct subunits. It is the largest energy transducing complex so far known. Bacterial complex I is simpler and smaller, but the essential redox components and the basic mechanisms of electron and proton translocation are the same. Over the past three decades, Ohnishi et al. have pursued extensive EPR studies near liquid helium temperatures and characterized most of the iron-sulfur clusters in complex I. Recently, Yakovlev et al. [G. Yakovlev, T. Reda, J. Hirst, Reevaluating the relationship between EPR spectra and enzyme structure for the iron-sulfur clusters in NADH:quinone oxidoreductase, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 104 (2007) 12720-12725] challenged Ohnishi's group by claiming that there were EPR "misassignments" among clusters N4, N5 and N6b (in order to prevent confusion, we used current consensus nomenclature, as the nickname). They claimed that we misassigned EPR signals arising from cluster N5 to cluster N4, and signals from cluster N6b to cluster N4. They also proposed that cluster N5 has (4Cys)-ligands. Based on the accumulated historical data and recent results of our site-specific mutagenesis experiments, we confirmed that cluster N5 has (1His+3Cys)-ligands as we had predicted. We revealed that E. coli cluster N5 signals could be clearly detected at the sample temperature around 3 K with microwave power higher than 5 mW. Thus Hirst's group could not detect N5 signals under any of their EPR conditions, reported in their PNAS paper. It seems that they misassigned the signals from cluster N4 to N5. As to the claim of "misassignment" between clusters N4 and N6b, that was not a possibility because our mutagenesis systems did not contain cluster N6b. Therefore, we believe that we have not made any "misassignment" in our work.  相似文献   

The relationships between dietary habits and the blood fatty acid (FA) profile have been poorly explored, particularly in children. Aim of the present investigation was to look at the associations between dietary habits and the plasma pattern of FA in a school-age population. In 105 healthy 8-years old children, the nutritional habits have been evaluated by means of a Food Frequency Questionnaire and a 24-h recall. FA analyses (expressed as FA%) were performed by means of capillary gas chromatography. Statistics: non-parametric tests. The children with high pasta and low red meat consumption (n = 9), compared to those with either medium or low pasta and either high or medium red meat consumption (n = 96), showed lower levels of total saturated (29% vs. 35%, P = 0.001) and higher levels of total monounsaturated (30% vs. 24%, P = 0.04) FA in plasma. They also showed lower levels of LDL cholesterol (90 vs. 109 mg/dl, P = 0.08) and fasting insulin (4.0 vs. 6.3 microU/ml, P = 0.04) in blood. A high consumption of pasta coupled with a low intake of red meat may be marker of a food behaviour and/or lifestyle associated with a more favourable pattern of circulating FA and hematochemical metabolic markers.  相似文献   

Summary Dietary overlap and competition between frugivorous birds and bats in the Neotropics have been presumed to be low, but comparative data have been lacking. We determined the diets of volant frugivores in an early successional patch of Costa Rican wet forest over a one month period. Ordination of the diet matrix by Reciprocal Averaging revealed that birds and bats tend to feed on different sets of fruits and that diets differed more among bat species than among bird species. However, there was overlap between Scarlet-rumped Tanagers and three Carollia bat species on fruits of several Piper species which comprised most of the diet of these bats. Day/night exclosure experiments on P. friedrichsthalli treetlets provided evidence that birds deplete the amount of ripe fruit available to bats. These results indicate that distantly related taxa may overlap in diet and compete for fruit, despite the apparent adaptation of animal-dispersed plant species for dispersal by particular animal taxa.  相似文献   

The translocator protein (TSPO) is a potential drug target for the treatment of CNS diseases, with TSPO ligands being able to modulate steroidogenesis, apoptosis, and cell proliferation. While there exist multiple TSPO binding sites, the nature of these sites--either overlapping or allosterically linked--remains largely uncharacterized. Furthermore, while evidence suggests that microglial activation and polymerization result in changes to TSPO binding sites, these changes are poorly understood. While current pharmacophoric models can be used to synthesize TSPO ligands with high affinity and selectivity, these models are unable to predict ligands with desirable functional effects. Better characterization of TSPO binding sites in health and disease may provide insight into particular sites which mediate promising therapeutic profiles, thus refining the TSPO pharmacophore.  相似文献   

During 30 days male euglossine bees were bait-sampled at 12 sites, in the central Pacific coast of Colombia (ten days and four sites at each of three adjacent habitats: farmlands, highly disturbed forest and less disturbed forest) and 487 individuals were captured. Most captured individuals belonged to six species, five widely distributed through the American tropics and an endemic species. Two of the frequently captured species presented no different abundances between habitats, while the other four (67.97% of all the captured individuals), all of them big sized or long-tongued, were more frequently captured at the farmlands. A cluster analysis of the data matrix for the 23 captured species and the 12 sampling sites, grouped together the farmland sites, apart from the forest sites. It is proposed that male euglossine bees from generalist, long-tongued or big sized species, forage frequently at the farmlands, where fragrance or nectar resources may be clumped, less diverse, and present an access restricted by deep corollas or by microclimatic conditions of high temperature and low humidity.  相似文献   

The ratio between the length of the 2nd and 4th digit (2D:4D) is sexually dimorphic, with mean male 2D:4D lower than mean female 2D:4D. It recently was suggested that 2D:4D is negatively correlated with prenatal testosterone and positively correlated with prenatal estrogen. It is argued that high prenatal testosterone and low estrogen (indicated by low 2D:4D) favors the male fetus and low prenatal testosterone and high estrogen (indicated by high 2D:4D) favors the female fetus. The patterns of expression of 2D:4D are interpreted in terms of sexually antagonistic genes.We report data on the following. (a) reproductive success and 2D:4D from England, Germany, Spain, Hungary (ethnic Hungarians and Gypsy subjects), Poland, and Jamaica (women only). Significant negative associations were found between 2D:4D in men and reproductive success in the English and Spanish samples and significant positive relationships between 2D:4D in women and reproductive success in the English, German, and Hungarian samples. The English sample also showed that married women had higher 2D:4D ratios than unmarried women, suggesting male choice for a correlate of high ratio in women, and that a female 2D:4D ratio greater than male 2D:4D predicted high reproductive success within couples. Comparison of 2D:4D ratios of 62 father:child pairs gave a significant positive relationship. This suggested that genes inherited from the father had some influence on the formation of the 2D:4D ratio. Waist:hip ratio in a sample of English and Jamaican women was negatively related to 2D:4D. (b) Sex and population differences in mean 2D:4D in samples from England, Germany, Spain, Hungary (including ethnic Hungarians and Gypsy subjects), Poland, Jamaica, Finland, and South Africa (a Zulu sample). Significant sex and population differences in mean 2D:4D were apparent.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the patterns of testicular cytology in men with primary infertility, to compare the morphologic patterns between the periods 1990-1995, immediately after Gulf War II, and 1997-2001 and to determine whether there is a correlation between hormonal profile, testicular volume and morphologic pattern. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study of men with primary infertility. History, complete physical examination, hormonal assay and testicular ultrasound were evaluated. A total of 545 patients had samples for testicular cytology obtained from both testes. The patient's consent was obtained in all cases. Smears were interpreted under light microscopy after treatment with Diff-Quik. A total of 104 healthy, fertile subjects were used for comparison of the hormonal profile and testicular volume. RESULTS: The mean (+/- SD) age was 28.66 +/- 4.36 years and duration of marriage 4.4 +/- 4.36 years. There were 11.2% patients with normal cytology, 55.8% with hypospermatogenesis, 28.4% with testicular atrophy, 2.9% with Sertoli cells only and 1.7% with maturation arrest. A significant increase in hypospermatogenesis and decrease in the Sertoli cell-only pattern were noted in 1997-2001 when compared with 1990-1995. The mean left testicular volume was 10.53 +/- 5.51 mL3 in the infertile group vs. 15.2 +/- 4.97 in the fertile group (p < 0.003); right testicular volume was 10.84 +/- 4.77 vs. 15.15 +/- 5.31 (p < 0.003). The hormonal profile revealed higher luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone levels in the infertile group vs. control group (8.53 +/- 9.03 and 16.44 +/- 19.243 vs. 6.98 +/- 4.53 and 7.37 +/- 6.63, respectively [p < 0.001]). Free testosterone was higher in the fertile group (39.69 +/- 12.76 vs. 20.28 +/- 8.5 [p < 0.000]). CONCLUSION: The majority of infertile males in our cohort had hypospermatogenesis; testicular atrophy was the next most common disorder. There was no major change in overall absolute numbers since the Gulf War. Testicular cytology by fine needle aspiration is a safe and well-tolerated complementary investigation for unexplained male infertility.  相似文献   

The larval feeding traits and oviposition behavior of ten phytoseiid mite species were investigated in the presence and absence of prey. Results showed a correlation between prey preferences, the manner of oviposition, and larval feeding behavior. Species with larvae that must feed to develop preferred prey species that were distributed sparsely and laid their eggs in a scattered fashion. Species with larvae that do not need to feed to develop preferred prey species with a high aggregation and laid their eggs in a clumped fashion. The results suggest that nonfeeding larval behavior may be an adaptation to avoid sib-cannibalism, which occurs when eggs are oviposited closer together. Received: October 13, 2000 / Accepted: December 15, 2000  相似文献   

Recent studies in primates have suggested that pre- and peripartum sex steroid hormones may be important determinants of maternal behavior and motivation, since higher levels of prepartum estrogen are associated with maternal competency and infant survivorship. To test the cross-species generality of this finding, we monitored excreted profiles of estradiol (E(2)), progesterone metabolites (pregnanediol glucuronide; PdG), and E(2):PdG ratios throughout pregnancy in black tufted-ear marmosets (Callithrix kuhlii). Additionally, we wanted to determine the extent to which variability in maternal carrying effort was related to hormonal factors and relative levels of maternal experience. For six females, hormonal profiles were determined by enzyme immunoassay for two pregnancies, one in which infants survived at least 2 weeks postpartum and one in which infants did not survive. Our within-subjects analyses revealed significant differences in mean prepartum E(2) levels for females in the different infant survival conditions. In contrast to previous findings, however, females exhibited significantly higher prepartum E(2) levels when their infants did not survive a minimum of 2 weeks postpartum, relative to when their infants did survive. Maternal carrying effort was also negatively and significantly correlated with prepartum E(2) levels. Unlike previous reports in callitrichid primates, then, our data suggest that high concentrations of prepartum E(2) in callitrichid primates are not necessarily associated with competent maternal behavior and may instead be associated with poor infant survivorship and inadequate maternal care. Further, our results appear to be convergent with research focusing on human mothers and may represent a common underlying mechanism linking prepartum estrogen and postpartum affect and behavior in some primates.  相似文献   

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