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Climate‐driven increases in spring temperatures are expected to result in higher prey availability earlier in the breeding season for insectivorous birds breeding in wetland habitats. Predation during the incubation phase is a major cause of nesting failure in open‐nesting altricial birds such as the Eurasian reed warbler. The nest predation rate in this species has recently been shown to be substantially reduced under conditions of experimentally elevated invertebrate prey availability. Food availability near the nest may be an important determinant of adult incubation and nest defence behaviours during the incubation period. We used two experimental studies to compare incubation behaviour and nest defence in food‐supplemented and unsupplemented adult Eurasian reed warblers during the incubation phase. In the first study we measured nest defence behavioural responses to a taxidermic mount of a native predator (stoat Mustela erminea). In the second study we used temperature loggers installed in nests to measure breaks in incubation as a measure of nest vulnerability. Food‐supplemented birds responded aggressively to the presence of a predator more quickly than those in the unsupplemented group, suggesting they are closer to their nest and can more quickly detect a predator in the vicinity. Food‐supplemented birds also had shorter breaks in incubation (both in terms of maximum and mean off‐bout durations), presumably because they were foraging for shorter periods or over shorter distances from the nest. This study therefore identifies the behavioural mechanisms by which changes in food availability may lead to changes in nest survival and thus breeding productivity, in open‐nesting insectivorous birds.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that birds are able to discriminate different types of nest intruders and adjust their nest defence behaviour according to intruder dangerousness and distance from the nest (the dynamic risk assessment hypothesis). Here, we tested whether birds’ decisions about nest defence may additionally be affected by an increasing familiarity with a particular nest predator. We tested nest defence responses of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus to a nest predator, the little bittern Ixobrychus minutus. Great reed warbler nests located close (≤7 m) to synchronously breeding little bitterns were “neighbour”, other nests were “solitary”. Great reed warbler specific aggression towards a little bittern dummy was much lower (~5-times) at neighbour than solitary nests. In contrast, generalised responses to a control innocuous intruder (the turtle dove, Streptopelia turtur) were statistically identical at neighbour and solitary nests. These patterns are in line with dynamic risk assessment hypothesis. We hypothesise that decreased great reed warbler aggression at neighbour nests also represents a specific behavioural adaptation to nesting in association with the little bittern. Little bitterns breeding closer to great reed warblers showed decreased risks of failure due to predation. However, further research is needed to experimentally test the causal links behind these patterns.  相似文献   

Nest predation is one of the most important drivers of avian life history evolution and population dynamics. Increasing evidence suggests that birds are able to assess nest predation risk and avoid settling in high‐risk areas to increase their reproductive performance. However, the cues used for settlement decisions are poorly known in most species. Population sizes of the migratory wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix are characterized by strong annual fluctuations, which are negatively correlated with the number of forest rodents. Wood warblers might avoid rodent‐rich areas to reduce predation risk arising either from rodents, from rodent‐hunting predators attracted to such areas or from predators not linked to rodents. To evaluate these hypotheses, we conducted a large‐scale field experiment to test whether wood warblers avoided settling in plots with high predation risk simulated by broadcasting vocalizations of rodents or predators. Moreover, we tested whether reproductive performance varied in relation to simulated predation risk. Settlement patterns did not differ between plots with rodent, predator and noise control treatments. Likewise, measures of reproductive performance did not seem to differ across treatments. Thus, the broadcasted vocalizations of rodents and predators did not seem to be perceived as threat by wood warblers. Alternatively, the species might use other cues than those presented here, either other acoustic cues, visual and/or olfactory cues or a combination of cue types during settlement. Further experimental investigations to pin point cues and senses relevant for settlement decisions in wood warblers and birds in general are needed to better understand their life history and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Nest predation is one of the most important factors limiting reproductive success, and antipredator behaviour can significantly reduce the loss of avian broods. I carried out field experiments on two sympatric passerines: the barred warbler and the red-backed shrike. Many authors have described the protective nature of nesting association between these species. However, we have little knowledge about the true nature of the relationships between associates. I examined (1) whether barred warblers and red-backed shrikes respond differently to an avian predator, and (2) whether males and females differ in the intensity of nest defence. Decoys of a known nest predator and a non-predatory control species were used to examine the types and relative intensity of parental response. I measured behavioural responsiveness by recording aggressive behaviour toward each model during the nestling period. Barred warblers and red-backed shrikes showed considerable variation in their response. Warblers more vigorously defended their own territories than shrikes. No differences between the sexes in antipredator behaviour in red-backed shrike were found. By contrast, in barred warbler, male was more involved in nest defence. The experimental tests provide evidence that these two species are able to differentiate between a predator and non-predator species.  相似文献   

Parent birds should take greater risks defending nests that have a higher probability of success. Given high rates of mammalian nest predation, therefore, parents should risk more for nests in areas with a lower risk of mammalian predation. We tested this hypothesis using nest defence data from over 1300 nests of six species of dabbling ducks studied in an area where predation risk had been reduced through removal of mammalian predators. When predator removal reduced nest predation, the ducks increased risk taking as predicted. Also as predicted, risk taking varied inversely with body size, an index of annual survival, among species. For ducks to vary nest defence in response to variation in predation risk they must be able to assess the risk of nest predation. Because ducks modified nest defence in the breeding season immediately following predator removal, ducks may be able to assess predator abundance indirectly (e.g. by UV reflection from urine) rather than by seeing or interacting directly with the predators.  相似文献   

Nest predation is a major determinant of fitness in birds and costly nest defence behaviours have evolved in order to reduce nest predation. Some avian studies have suggested that predator recognition is innate whereas others have stressed the importance of learning. However, none of these studies controlled for the genetic origin of the populations investigated and the effect of unfamiliarity with the predator. Here we determined whether experience with a nest predator is a prerequisite for nest defence by comparing predator recognition responses between two isolated but genetically similar Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) populations, only one of which had experience of the egg predating Seychelles fody (Foudia sechellarum). Individuals in the predator-free population significantly reduced nest guarding compared to individuals in the population with the predator, which indicates that this behaviour was adjusted to the presence of nest predators. However, recognition responses (measured as both alarm call and attack rates) towards a mounted model of the fody were equally strong in both populations and significantly higher than the responses towards either a mounted familiar non-predator and a mounted, novel, non-predator bird species. Responses did not differ with a warbler's age and experience with the egg predator, indicating that predator recognition is innate.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that some specific locations of bird's nests have higher intrinsic chances of being depredated than other locations. This predicts that fates of consecutive nesting attempts at the same site should be repeatable. We used 20 pairs of old thrush nests to simulate repeated nesting attempts at the same sites, both within and between breeding seasons (n=40  sites×2  trials×2  years=160). Each nest was monitored by a camera to record multiple predation events and to identify predators. Predation by all predator species was repeatable during a 15-day trial. Predation by principal predators (jay Garrulus glandarius , marten Martes martes / foina ) and total predation (all species combined) was not correlated within pairs of simultaneously exposed nests or within samples of nests from particular study plot, and not repeatable for individual nests between-trials or between-years. These findings suggest short-term effect of predator memory causing revisitation of previously depredated nests during a current nesting trial (all predators); do not support an effect of nest site features on multiple nest discoveries and/or an effect of nest location on repeated random encounters with the same nest (principal predators). Long-term repeatability and correlation within pairs of simultaneously exposed nests was detectable only in occasional predators (great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major , possibly also squirrel Sciurus vulgaris ), which suggests effect of nest location combined with site fidelity and individual foraging specialization of these predators. We conclude that repeatability of nest predation depends on the time scale considered and the local predator community. We caution against spurious findings of repeatable nest predation resulting simply from statistical properties of correlation in binary data (nest fates).  相似文献   

I combined a comparative study of begging in ground- and tree-nesting wood warblers (Parulidae) with experimental measures of the predation costs of warbler begging calls. Throughout their development, ground-nesting warbler nestlings had significantly higher-frequency begging calls than did tree-nesting warblers. There was also a trend for ground-nesting birds to have less rapidly modulated calls. There were no consistent associations between nesting site and the amplitude of the calls. Using miniature walkie-talkies hidden inside artificial nests, I reciprocally transplanted the begging calls of 5- and 8-day-old black-throated blue warblers, Dendroica caerulescens (tree-nesting) and ovenbirds, Seiurus aurocapillus (ground-nesting) and measured the corresponding changes in rates of nest predation. For the begging calls of 8-day-old nestlings, but not those of 5-day-olds, the calls of the tree-nesting species coming from ground nests incurred greater costs than did the calls of ground nesters. The reciprocal transplant had little effect on the rate of predation. Tooth imprints on clay eggs placed in artificial nests indicated that eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus, were responsible for the increased cost of begging for black-throated blue calls coming from the ground. These data suggest that nest predation may be responsible for maintaining some of the interspecific differences in the acoustic structure of begging calls. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Capsule Predation was the main cause of nest failure, but predation rates have remained unchanged since the 1980s. Eurasian Jays Garrullus glandarius were the most common predator.

Aims To quantify, and compare, nest predation rates for 1982–84 and 2009–11, and to identify predators of Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix nests in Welsh oakwoods.

Methods During 2009–11, 167 Wood Warbler nests were monitored and purpose-built miniature nest cameras deployed at 73 of them. Nest predation rates were compared with 67 nests monitored during 1982–84.

Results Of 167 nests monitored from 2009 to 2011, 62 failed due to predation (32/73 camera nests, 30/94 non-camera nests), giving an overall Daily Survival Rate (DSR?±?se) of 0.979?±?0.003. This was not significantly different from the rate during 1982–84 (0.967?±?0.006). In 2009–11, the DSR of nests declined temporally during the season at both the egg and chick stages. For chick stage nests, DSR varied annually and nonlinearly with age of nestlings. There was no evidence for an effect of cameras at either stage. Of 32 camera nests lost to predation, the predator was identified from 28, resulting in 30 predators being identified. There was one case of multiple predators at a single nest. The majority of nest predation was carried out by birds (28/30), predominantly Eurasian Jays (18/28), but also Common Buzzards Buteo buteo (5/28), Great Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos major (3/28) and Eurasian Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus (2/28). There was one predation by both a Eurasian Badger Meles meles and a Red Fox Vulpes vulpes. There were no records of Grey Squirrels Sciurus carolinensis depredating nests.

Conclusions Nest predation rates were similar in both periods, suggesting that increased rates of nest predation have not been driving the decline of the Wood Warbler population in Wales. Deployment of nest cameras did not affect nest survival rates and were successful in identifying nest predators, the majority of which were avian, especially Eurasian Jays. Knowledge of the identity of nest predators can aid the development of conservation measures.  相似文献   

Capsule Avian predators are principally responsible.

Aims To document the fate of Spotted Flycatcher nests and to identify the species responsible for nest predation.

Methods During 2005–06, purpose-built, remote, digital nest-cameras were deployed at 65 out of 141 Spotted Flycatcher nests monitored in two study areas, one in south Devon and the second on the border of Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

Results Of the 141 nests monitored, 90 were successful (non-camera nests, 49 out of 76 successful, camera nests, 41 out of 65). Fate was determined for 63 of the 65 nests monitored by camera, with 20 predation events documented, all of which occurred during daylight hours. Avian predators carried out 17 of the 20 predations, with the principal nest predator identified as Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius. The only mammal recorded predating nests was the Domestic Cat Felis catus, the study therefore providing no evidence that Grey Squirrels Sciurus carolinensis are an important predator of Spotted Flycatcher nests. There was no evidence of differences in nest survival rates at nests with and without cameras. Nest remains following predation events gave little clue as to the identity of the predator species responsible.

Conclusions Nest-cameras can be useful tools in the identification of nest predators, and may be deployed with no subsequent effect on nest survival. The majority of predation of Spotted Flycatcher nests in this study was by avian predators, principally the Jay. There was little evidence of predation by mammalian predators. Identification of specific nest predators enhances studies of breeding productivity and predation risk.  相似文献   

Many species of bird recognize acoustic and visual cues given by their predators and have complex defence adaptations to reduce predation risk. Recognition of threats posed by specific predators and specialized anti‐predation behaviours are common. In this study we investigated predator recognition and anti‐predation behaviours in a pelagic seabird, Leach's Storm‐petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa, at a site where predation risk from Great Skuas Stercorarius skua is exceptionally high. Leach's Storm‐petrels breed in burrows and come on land only at night. Counter‐predator adaptations were investigated correlatively in relation to changing natural light levels at night, and experimentally in relation to nocturnal visual and acoustic signals from Great Skuas. Colony attendance by Leach's Storm‐petrels was attuned to changes in light conditions at night and was highest when nights were darkest. This behaviour is likely to reduce predation risk on land; however, specific recognition of Great Skuas and specialized defence behaviours were not found. Leach's Storm‐petrels, in particular apparently non‐breeding individuals, were entirely naïve to the threat posed by Great Skuas and were captured easily in a variety of different ways, on the ground and in the air. Lack of specialized behavioural adaptations in Leach's Storm‐petrels against Great Skuas may be because spatial overlap of breeding distributions of these species appears to be a rare and recent phenomenon.  相似文献   

G. Matessi  G. Bogliani 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):184-194
Artificial nest predation experiments were carried out in northern Italy in woods which varied in size, isolation and surrounding landscape structure. Multivariate analyses, including logistic regression, showed that: (1) size and isolation of woods did not significantly affect predation rates; (2) nests on the edge of woods did not suffer higher predation rates than nests inside the wood; (3) nest camouflage greatly influenced predation rates, suggesting that predators were mainly using visual clues to identify nests; (4) the type of habitat that surrounded the woods emerged as a crucial factor in nest survival and the amount of human settlements in the vicinity of the wood was inversely correlated with nest survival, probably due to predators associated with humans; (5) other habitat variables, which were apparently individually unimportant, were found to have an effect on nesting success, if combined in a single ‘suitability index’. It is impossible to generalize about the influence of landscape fragmentation on nest predation because local landscape history and predator guilds, together with the scale of fragmentation, probably interact to determine the suitability of nest sites and their vulnerability to predators.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Nest predation is often the primary cause of nest failure for passerines. Despite this, little is known about predation rates and the nest predators of birds in the tropics. I used video cameras to monitor seven Lance-tailed Manakin ( Chiroxiphia lanceolata ) nests on Isla Boca Brava, Panamá. One nest fledged young and six nests failed due to predation. I recorded five predation events involving four avian predators and one mammalian predator. Crested Oropendolas ( Psarocolius decumanus ) predated two nests and a Roadside Hawk ( Buteo magnirostris ) and a Black-chested Jay ( Cyanocorax affinis ) each predated one. The mammalian predator was a common opossum ( Didelphis marsupialis ). All avian predation was diurnal; the mammalian predation was nocturnal. My results suggest that tropical birds are subject to a diverse suite of nest predators, and that avian predators may be an important cause of nest failure at my study site.  相似文献   

Predation risk effects on fitness related measures in a resident bird   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Predation risk is thought to be highly variable in space and time. However, breeding avian predators may create locally fixed and spatially fairly predictable predation risk determined by the distance to their nest. From the prey perspective, this creates predation risk gradients that potentially have an effect on fitness and behavioural decisions of prey. We studied how breeding avian predators affect habitat selection (nest location) and the resulting fitness consequences in a northern population of resident willow tit ( Parus montanus ). Data included 429 willow tit nests over a four year period in a landscape containing a total of 33 avian predator nests. Willow tit nests were located randomly in the landscape and no predator avoidance in habitat selection or emptying of territories in proximity to predators was observed. Nestling size, however, was positively associated with distance from predator nests (n=252). Nestling mass and wing length were about 4.5% smaller close to predator nests compared to nestlings raised far from predator nests. Tarsus length also exhibited a positive relationship with increasing distance from predator nest but this was limited to habitats of young forests and pine bogs or dense mixed forests (4% increase). It is likely that habitat structural complexity influenced the perception of predation risk in different habitats. Our results indicate that willow tits do not provide reliable cues of predator free habitats for settling migrants. Nonetheless, breeding avian predators may create predictable predation risk in the landscape which is an important factor affecting reproductive success and potentially the demography of prey populations.  相似文献   

Organisms should respond more aggressively towards species perceived as a danger to their offspring, but intensity of defence may be gauged by the value of current offspring weighed against the value of future reproductive opportunities. We tested whether defensive responses of nesting reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) are the result of an interaction effect between the type of stimulus confronted and the value of the warbler’s nesting attempt. We quantified the ability of reed warblers to discriminate among brood parasites, nestling predators and non‐threatening species at different stages of the breeding cycle. We also determined whether variables that influence the value of offspring, such as time of season, size and age of clutch or brood, and time of day and number of visits to the nest, explain variation in the intensity of defence recorded during the egg and nestling stages. Responses to the three stimuli differed significantly, as reed warblers consistently directed their mobbing calls and attacks towards parasites, whereas they were less conspicuous when confronted with models of predators. Reed warblers modulated their responses towards each stimulus in accordance with the threat each posed at a specific nesting stage, whereas they were not affected by other variables relative to their reproductive potential. The churr call, however, was uttered independently of the stimulus, as it was triggered by the mere presence of nestlings in the nest.  相似文献   

1.  Nest predation negatively affects most avian populations. Studies of nest predation usually group all nest failures when attempting to determine temporal and parental activities, habitat or landscape predictors of success. Often these studies find few significant predictors and interpret patterns as essentially random.
2.  Relatively little is known about the importance of individual predator species or groups on observed patterns of nest success, and how the ecology of these predators may influence patterns of success and failure.
3.  In 2006 and 2007, time-lapse, infrared video systems were deployed at nests of Swainson's warblers ( Limnothlypis swainsonii Audubon) in east-central Arkansas to identify dominant nest predators and determine whether factors predicting predation differed among these predators.
4.  Analysis of pooled data yielded few predictors of predation risk, whereas separate analyses for the three major predator groups revealed clear, but often conflicting, patterns.
5.  Predation by ratsnakes ( Elaphe obsoleta ) and raptors was more common during the nestling period, whereas predation by brown-headed cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) occurred more during incubation. Additionally, the risk of predation by raptors and cowbirds decreased throughout the breeding season, whereas ratsnake predation risk increased.
6.  Contrary to expectations, predation by ratsnakes and cowbirds was more common far from edges, whereas raptor predation was more common close to agricultural edges.
7.  Collectively, our results suggest that associating specific predators with the nests they prey on is necessary to understand underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

We studied Siberian jays, breeding in northern Sweden, to examine the potential for interactions between nest predation and reduced vegetation heterogeneity around nest sites to cause a decrease in jay numbers. Parent behaviour and nests are highly cryptic in the species. Our 12-year data showed, however, that nests had a probability of only 0.46 to be successful and produce at least one nestling. Nest predation was intense and a main cause of nest failure. All predators that could be identified were visually oriented hunters, mostly other corvids able to colonize taiga forest only close to human settlements. Consistent with the idea that predators used visual cues, nest predation increased with parental activity, which suggests that predators used parental provisioning trips to locate nests. Furthermore, a reduction in daily nest survival rates with decreasing amount of nesting cover was more pronounced in areas with high corvid activity as predicted when cover mediates the hunting efficiency of visual oriented predators. Declining temperatures interacted with the effects of habitat characteristics to further reduce daily nest survival rates suggesting that parents were not able to increase nest visitation rates to satisfy the higher energy demands of their nestlings without endangering the nest. Our results identify a mechanism through which predation and human-induced reduction in nesting cover on a larger scale may interact to cause a reduction in Siberian jay numbers larger than expected from habitat loss alone.  相似文献   

Three factors and their interaction effects are increasingly recognized as important determinants of nest predation: nest concealment, nest height, and predator type. The risk of nest predation is predicted to vary across these variables because of nest detectability and accessibility. In general, however, few studies examine how these three variables interact in relation to nest predation, focusing instead on either nest concealment or nest height (whereby predator identity is usually not known). In this study, we examine the role of nest concealment and nest height for nest survival using both artificial and natural nests in the superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus). We indirectly identified potential predators through marks left on artificial eggs and footprints left on tracking tunnels. Predation level at artificial nests was lower than at natural nests, and this could be due to a failure of some nest predators to locate cryptic nests in the absence of cues provided by parental activity. Our results supported the prediction that exposed and concealed nests have different levels of nest predation, which can be explained by variation in predator type. Visual predators were only detected at exposed nests, and survival from visual predators was lower for high nests that were also exposed. However, olfactory predators were detected irrespective of nest height or nest concealment. Because rodents use olfaction to locate nests, this could explain the lack of association between nest concealment and predation outcome at low nests. In addition, rodent footmarks near nests were significantly associated with rodent tooth marks on eggs.  相似文献   

Birds selecting a nest site have to find the best compromise between the risk of encountering predation, the availability of food near to the nest and microclimatic requirements. As the optimal solution of this problem will vary with changes in predator abundance, we ask whether birds are capable of assessing such changes and of adjusting their nest-site choice accordingly. The reproductive success of dusky warblers Phylloscopus fuscatus , breeding in a mosaic of bushland and tundra habitat in the Russian Far East, varied greatly depending on the abundance of a nest predator, the Siberian chipmunk Tamias sibiricus . Using artificial nests we analysed which strategies dusky warblers should follow to avoid nest predation by chipmunks. We then compared the nest sites which dusky warblers actually had chosen in years with very high chipmunk densities (1998 and 1999) with those chosen in 1997, when chipmunks were almost absent from the study area. We found that safe nest-sites were preferred over those offering other advantages (microclimate, proximity to food) when the risk of predation was high, and we could not detect any confounding factor that might alternatively have caused these striking between-year differences. Our study suggests that even a short-lived passerine may be capable of choosing its nest site according to the actual predation risk. We show that such behavioural plasticity can lead to a paradoxical situation where better-protected nest-sites (selected in years and areas with high risk), on average, suffer greater predation than sites offering low safety. Thus, behavioural plasticity, if undetected, may result in serious misinterpretation of nest-predation patterns. A review of the literature suggests that adaptive plasticity in nest placement may be more widespread than is currently recognized.  相似文献   

Nest predation is the leading cause of nesting failure. Thus it is a crucial area of research needed to inform conservation management and to understand the life history of birds. I surveyed the literature to review the identity of nest predators and the factors affecting nest predation, in Australia using 177 studies. Overall, 94 nest predators were identified when incorporating artificial nests, 69 without. Using only natural nests, the Pied Currawong Strepera graculina was the most frequently reported nest predator. Five nest predators, including Pied Currawong, depredated 40% of the prey measured by the number of prey species taken. Yet, 60% of predation was carried out by the other 64 species, which included by the order of importance birds, mammals, reptiles, frogs and ants. Predation at cup and dome nests was more frequently reported than at burrow, ground and hollow nests. Only 28% of predators were observed at both artificial and natural nests suggesting artificial nests have limited, but not negligible, ability as tools for identifying predators. There was a highly significant and positive correlation between predator and prey masses. The predator prey mass ratio was calculated with a mean 0.25 and a median 0.22, a result closely matching with the proportional size of prey taken by raptors. The finding that predator size is proportional to prey opens a pathway for more life history and conservation research.  相似文献   

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