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A new species of liparid fish Careproctus surugaensis is described from a single specimen collected between 1,450 and 1,570 m depth on the northern part of Suruga Trough, Suruga Bay, Japan. It can be distinguished from all currently recognized congeners by the following combination of characters: 50 total vertebrae, 47 dorsal-fin rays, 39 anal-fin rays, 32 pectoral-fin rays, 10 principal caudal-fin rays, pectoral proximal radials 4 (first to third with notches); trilobate teeth on both jaws, gill slit 7.1 % SL, extending in front of 7th pectoral fin ray base; maximum body depth 19.1 % SL, disk length 7.9 % SL, anus midway between posterior margin of pelvic disk and anal-fin origin; body and fins light orange except blackish peritoneum.  相似文献   

Two species of goby belonging to the genus Astrabe are described from Japan as new species, A. flavimaculata and A. fasciata. A. flavimaculata is distinguishable from A. lactisella, the type species and hitherto the only known species of the genus, in that it has no protrusion on the upper posterior part of the dermal fold along the upper margin of the eye, fewer scales in a longitudinal row, predorsal scales, scales on the belly, a narrower white transverse band across the base of the pectoral fins, and in life yellow markings on a dark brown ground colour except for the white transverse band across the base of the pectoral fins. A. fasciata is distinguishable from A. lactisella in that it has fewer scales in a transverse row, a narrower scaled area on the lateral side of the body, a narrower white transverse band across the base of the pectoral fins, and a white transverse band across the anterior part of the 1st dorsal fin extending to the ventral side of the body.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Chromis xanthura species group, defined here as having 13 dorsal-fin spines, three upper and three lower procurrent caudal-fin rays, two black bands at the preopercular and opercular margins, and a yellow caudal fin when juvenile, resulted in the recognition of three species, Chromis xanthura (Bleeker 1854), Chromis opercularis (Günther 1867), and Chromis anadema sp. nov. Chromis xanthura and C. opercularis, the Pacific and Indian Ocean paired sister species, respectively, are redescribed, with confirmation of two color types of C. xanthura (having a white or black caudal peduncle and fin) as a single species on the basis of morphological and molecular analyses. Chromis anadema sp. nov., described from the oceanic islands of the Pacific Ocean on the basis of 21 specimens, is characterized by having 28–33 gill rakers; longest dorsal-fin soft ray length 20.0–24.7% of standard length (SL); first anal-fin spine length 5.0–6.1% of SL; caudal-fin length 33.4–43.8% of SL; posterior tips of caudal-fin lobes not filamentous in adults; broad black bands along preopercular and opercular margins, sum width of two bands 28.9–38.7% of head length; distal half of soft-rayed portion of dorsal fin transparent in adults; triangular black blotches at upper and lower caudal-fin base in adults; caudal peduncle and fin bluish black in adults; and body grayish, and all fins (except for pectoral fin) bright yellow in juveniles.  相似文献   

Lagocephalus gloveri Abe and Tabeta 1983 is shown to be a junior synonym of Tetrodon cheesemanii Clarke 1897 based on examination of morphological characters and DNA analysis of specimens collected from the western North Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. Lagocephalus cheesemanii is distinguished from other species of Lagocephalus by the following combination of characters: spinules on the back in a rhomboidal patch extending from the region between the nasal organ to the posterior part of the pectoral fin; caudal fin double emarginate with middle rays posteriorly produced; dorsal-fin rays 11–15; anal-fin rays 11–14; pectoral-fin rays 15–18; vertebrae 8+11=19; dorsal half of the body dark brown to brownish black; caudal fin dark brown to black with dorsal and ventral white tips. A neotype of L. cheesemanii is designated.  相似文献   

Verulux solmaculata sp. nov., a new cardinalfish based on 88 specimens collected from Papua New Guinea and Australia, differs from V. cypselurus, the only other known member of the genus, by the following characters: higher modal numbers of pectoral fin-rays (16 vs. 15 in the latter) and developed gill rakers (14 vs. 13), a broader black band extending over 3–5 (mode 4) rays on each lobe of the caudal fin (vs. 1–3, mode 2), and a black blotch on the caudal-fin base (vs. blotch absent).  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Dendrochirus brachypterus complex resulted in the recognition of five species, including Dendrochirus barberi (Steindachner 1900), Dendrochirus bellus (Jordan and Hubbs 1925), Dendrochirus brachypterus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes 1829), Dendrochirus hemprichi sp. nov. and Dendrochirus tuamotuensis Matsunuma and Motomura 2013. The complex is defined as having usually 9 dorsal-fin soft rays, usually 5 anal-fin soft rays, 17–20 (rarely 20) pectoral-fin rays, no ocellated spots on the soft-rayed portion of the dorsal fin and usually 2 (sometimes none) barbels on the snout tip. Dendrochirus barberi, known from the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll, is characterized by usually 18 pectoral-fin rays, a relatively high number of scale rows in the longitudinal series (modally 51 vs. 39–49 in other species) and mottled markings on the pectoral fin in large specimens. Dendrochirus bellus, restricted to the northwestern Pacific Ocean from the South China Sea north to southern Japan, is characterized by usually 17 pectoral-fin rays, a relatively low number of scale rows in the longitudinal series (modally 38 vs. 44–51 in other species), and the absence of skin flaps on the orbit surface and uppermost preopercular spine base. Dendrochirus tuamotuensis, recorded only from the Tuamotu Archipelago, is characterized by 19 pectoral-fin rays, the posterior margin of the pectoral fin strongly notched, and a relatively shallow and narrow head and body. Dendrochirus hemprichi sp. nov. is distributed in the western Indian Ocean, including the Red Sea. Although previously confused with a closely related congener (D. brachypterus, known from the northern and eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific), D. hemprichi can be distinguished from the former by having fewer scale rows between the last dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line, and between the sixth dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line [4–7 (5) in D. hemprichi vs. 5–7 (6) in D. brachypterus, in both cases], a slightly greater interorbital width at the mid-orbit [5.5–10.7 (mean 7.8) % SL vs. 4.5–8.9 (6.8) % of SL] and at preocular spine base [4.4–9.1 (6.6) % SL vs. 3.5–7.8 (5.7) % of SL], and slightly shorter posteriormost (usually 13th) dorsal-fin spine length [11.8–19.9 (15.3) % SL vs. 13.3–21.3 (17.2) % of SL]. Moreover, D. hemprichi tends to have relatively more spinous points on the head spines and ridges, compared with D. brachypterus. Notwithstanding the morphological similarity between the two species, an obvious genetic difference was observed between D. hemprichi and D. brachypterus. Dendrochirus chloreus Jenkins 1903 and Dendrochirus hudsoni Jordan and Evermann 1903 were synonymized under Pterois barberi, as in some previous studies. Scorpaena koenigii Bloch 1789 was regarded as conspecific with D. brachypterus, which it predated. However, the former name should be suppressed under Reversal of Precedence.  相似文献   

Erromyzon damingshanensis, a new sucker loach is described from the Pearl River drainage in Guangxi, China. The new species Erromyzon damingshanensis is distinguished from the other species of the genus in having a crescentic median lobe of the rostral fold, rostral barbels shorter than rostral fold; postlabial groove broadly interrupted medially, seven branched dorsal fin rays, 16 branched pectoral fin rays, lateral line scales 88–95, caudal peduncle depth larger than its length; body with 12 irregular bars on flank, interrupted on dorsum.  相似文献   

A new species of moray eel, Diaphenchelys dalmatian is described based on five specimens [289.8–503.0 mm total length (TL)] collected from the western coast of peninsular Thailand and the Gulf of Thailand. It can be easily distinguished from Diaphenchelys pelonates McCosker and Randall 2007, another species of the genus Diaphenchelys McCosker and Randall 2007, by its coloration (ground color white with brown dalmatian-like spots vs. brown with pale vermiculate pattern). The present new species also differs from D. pelonates in its longer tail (62.0–64.6% TL vs. 59.6–61.5%), fewer infraorbital pores along upper lip (three vs. four), fewer mandibular pores (five vs. six or seven), and fewer vertebral counts (preanal vertebrae 43–46 vs. 55–58; total 126–131 vs. 153–155). Diaphenchelys is closely similar to the genus Strophidon McClelland 1844 in the shape of neurocranium, the elongate body, low vertical fins, eye location, jaw shape, and presence of inner mandibular teeth. However, both differ in the vertebral counts (126–155 in Diaphenchelys vs. 164–208 in Strophidon) and coloration (prominent pattern vs. uniform).  相似文献   

A new cobitidid, Cobitis elazigensis, is described from Anatolian Turkey in the province of Elazi?. The new species differs from all other members of the genus by having the following combination of characters: two Canestrini’s scales on the pectoral fin, a suborbital spine with a dorso-lateral branch (rarely simple and unbranched), large size, over 180 mm total length, total vertebrae 47–49, lateral spots reduced or absent, a spot at the upper caudal fin base, scales longer than wide with a small focus, dorsal fin rays III, 5–6, usually 6, ventral fin rays III, 6–7, usually 6, and pectoral fin rays I, 7–9.  相似文献   

A new species of labrid fish Oxycheilinus samurai sp. nov. is described on the basis of five specimens from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and Panay Island, the Philippines. The new species is most similar to the Indo-West Pacific species Oxycheilinus orientalis in having a slender compressed body, 12 pectoral-fin rays, a blackish blotch around the anterior portion of the lateral-line anterior series, and a dark blotch basally on the membrane between the first and second dorsal-fin spines. However, O. samurai can be distinguished from O. orientalis by the following combination of characters: gill rakers 4 + 7–8; snout rounded with maximum circumference 49.8–63.5 % of standard length (SL); interorbital width 7.7–9.2 % of SL; caudal-peduncle depth 13.8–15.3 % of SL; posterior margin of caudal fin white; black or dark red area just before white posterior margin of caudal fin; poorly defined blackish blotches on inner surface of opercle in preserved specimens.  相似文献   

Two new species of Bembras Cuvier 1829, Bembras leslieknappi sp. nov. and Bembras andamanensis sp. nov., are described from single specimens collected from the Andaman Sea off Myanmar, eastern Indian Ocean, in 2015. The two new species are distinguished from each other and five known congeners by the numbers of anal-fin rays and pectoral-fin rays (15 and 20 in B. leslieknappi vs. 14 and 20–21 in B. andamanensis), forward-slanting body scale rows above the lateral line (80 vs. 74) and upper limb gill rakers (3 vs. 4), as well as by head (41.5 vs. 42.1% SL), snout (14.3 vs. 13.8% SL) and orbit (10.4 vs. 10.9% SL) proportions, and color of the second dorsal (dusky, with blackish spots only on first spine and bases of many soft rays vs. pale, with many scattered blackish spots), pectoral (with a blotch vs. without it) and caudal (both with a broad band) fins.  相似文献   

In this statement about numbers of nominal and valid species, the bonefish Albula argentea (Forster in Bloch and Schneider 1801) of the western and South Pacific, previously regarded as an unavailable name, is a senior synonym of Albula forsteri Valenciennes (an unnecessary replacement name for A. argentea) and A. neoguinaica Valenciennes. It is easily distinguished from the wide-ranging A. glossodonta (Forsskål 1775) by its more pointed lower jaw and higher vertebral and lateral-line scale counts. It is most similar to the Indian Ocean A. oligolepis, described here as a new species, and the endemic Hawaiian A. virgata Jordan and Jordan, resurrected from synonymy. Albula argentea differs from its two related species by higher counts of pored lateral-line scales and vertebrae. It has 68–74 (mode 70) lateral-line scales vs. 61–65 (63) for A. oligolepis and 63–67 (65) for A. virgata, and 71–74 (73) vertebrae vs. 64–66 (65) for A. oligolepis and 65–68 (67) for A. virgata. Albula virgata differs further from A. oligolepis in having the pelvic fin tip reaching beyond the anus (vs. short of or just reaching anus) and higher numbers of scale rows above the lateral line 9–10 (9) vs. 7½–8 (8) for A. oligolepis.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the northwestern Pacific Ocean members of the Ostichthys japonicus complex (Holocentridae: Myripristinae), defined by 3.5 scale rows between the lateral line and spinous dorsal-fin base, recognized three valid species: Ostichthys alamai sp. nov., Ostichthys hypsipterygion Randall, Shimizu and Yamakawa 1982 and Ostichthys japonicus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes 1829). Ostichthys alamai, based on 10 specimens (118–179 mm SL) from Panay Island, the Philippines and Sulawesi, Indonesia, is similar to O. hypsipterygion in having longitudinal rows of white spots laterally on the body, but has 17 or 18 (modally 17) pectoral-fin rays [vs. 15 or 16 (15) in the latter], the last dorsal-fin spine fused to the first dorsal-fin soft ray (vs. spine and ray separated), and no white blotch on the pectoral-fin base (vs. white blotch present). It differs from O. japonicus, also occurring in the Philippines, in having relatively longer dorsal- and anal-fin spines, a greater number of well-developed long spinules on the body scales, and rows of white spots laterally on the body (vs. generally absent). Detailed comparisons of O. alamai with other members of the complex are made, and revised diagnoses given for O. hypsipterygion and O. japonicus. Ostichthys sheni Chen, Shao and Mok 1990 and Holotrachys major Whitley 1950 are both regarded as junior synonyms of O. japonicus.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the clingfish genus Kopua (Gobiesocidae: Trachelochisminae) in Japan recognizes three species: K. japonica Moore, Hutchins and Okamoto 2012, K. vermiculata Shinohara and Katayama 2015 and K. yoko sp. nov. Kopua japonica and K. vermiculata are redescribed with revised diagnoses on the basis of 20 specimens (10.4–30.4 mm standard length; SL) and the holotype, respectively. Kopua japonica is similar to K. vermiculata in head sensory pore characters (normally single nasal and postocular canal pores). However, the former differs distinctly from the latter as follows: 6–8 (modally 7) gill rakers (vs. 4 or 6); 31–33 (33) vertebrae (vs. 35); anus slightly closer to posterior margin of disc than to anal-fin origin (vs. much closer to posterior margin of disc); snout length 5.3–8.7 (mean 7.0) % SL (vs. 9.2 % SL); disc length 21.2–24.0 (22.8) % SL (vs. 18.8 % SL); pre-dorsal- and anal-fin lengths 72.9–78.4 (75.2) and 78.1–82.8 (80.1) % SL, respectively (vs. 67.5 and 73.6 % SL); and two stripes on cheek (vs. a triangular blotch). Kopua yoko sp. nov., based on 14 specimens (17.7–28.8 mm SL) from the Pacific coast of southern Japan, Sea of Japan and the East China Sea, is characterized by the following combination of characters: 6 or 7 (modally 6) dorsal-fin rays; 4–6 (5) anal-fin rays; 21 or 22 (21) pectoral-fin rays; 4–6 (5 or 6) gill rakers; 31–33 (31) vertebrae; a single (rarely two) nasal canal pores; two lacrimal and preopercular canal pores; snout length 6.5–7.9 (mean 7.1) % SL; gill opening depth 5.8–7.1 (6.5) % SL; least interorbital width 2.0–3.7 (2.6) % SL; disc length 20.3–25.0 (23.1) % SL, disc region D without flattened papillae; caudal-peduncle depth 8.1–10.2 (9.2) % SL; anus slightly closer to posterior margin of disc than to anal-fin origin; pre-dorsal- and anal-fin lengths 71.6–77.1 (73.9) and 77.0–83.7 (80.4) % SL, respectively; post-dorsal-caudal length 12.6–15.0 (13.8) % SL; arch-shaped blotches on lateral aspect of body; and two reddish-orange stripes on cheek. Morphological changes with growth in K. japonica and K. yoko sp. nov. are also described.  相似文献   

Three new species of Acropoma are described from the Indian Ocean. These species have been identified as “A. japonicum Günther 1859” by many authors, but clearly differ from A. japonicum in the shape and length of the luminous gland, counts of pectoral-fin rays and scales between first dorsal-fin base and lateral line, and other diagnostic characters. Acropoma heemstrai sp. nov. is described on the basis of 17 specimens (53.1–121.0 mm standard length: SL) collected from South Africa and Mozambique. It is distinguished from other congeners by its unique moderate Y-shaped luminous gland, extending from the throat to midway between the origins of the pelvic and anal fins, (luminous gland length 23.1–27.0% SL) and a pointed protrusion on the symphysis of lower jaw. Acropoma lacrima sp. nov. is described on the basis of 6 specimens (64.1–77.9 mm SL) collected from the Arabian Sea. Also, this species has been previously reported as “A. argentistigma Okamoto and Ida 2002” from the Bay of Bengal. It is characterized by having a vertical line on the cheek, short U-shaped luminous gland (luminous gland length 15.0–16.0% SL), and weakly ctenoid and cycloid scales on the side of the body. Acropoma neglectum sp. nov. is described on the basis of 5 specimens (105.3–168.5 mm standard length: SL) collected from the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea. It is similar to A. japonicum in having a short U-shaped luminous gland, but differs in having a shorter luminous gland (12.0–13.4% SL vs. 17.0–20.8% SL in A. japonicum), 3 scales between first dorsal-fin base and lateral line (vs. 4 scales in A. japonicum), and 16–17 pectoral-fin rays [vs. 14–16 (modally 15) in A. japonicum].  相似文献   

A new genus of righteye flounder, Samaretta gen. nov., is described from two specimens (one female and one juvenile) collected in deep waters (470–512 m) from submarine mountains of the southern eastern Pacific. The type species of the new genus, Samaretta perexilis, is characterized by unremarkable (i.e., not elongated) anterior dorsal fin rays, four pectoral fin rays, six parapophyses, reduced lateral line canals, a very slender body, large head and eyes, and minute scales. An updated key to the samarid genera is presented.  相似文献   

A new cave-dwelling species Triplophysa tianlinensis sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected from a karst cave in Hongxing Village, Langping Town, Tianlin County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by following a combination of characters: tip of pectoral fin not reaching pelvic-fin origin; body unpigmented, smooth and scaleless; dorsal fin with 8–9 branched rays, its origin anterior to pelvic-fin origin; black pigmented, rudimentary orbital spot; lateral line complete; 0+10 gill rakers on the first gill arch. Additionally, although the new species and Triplophysa langpingensis are from the cave of Langping Town, the new species could be distinguished from T. langpingensis by the following character: lateral line completed, 3+10 infraorbital and 15 preoperculo-mandibular pores.  相似文献   

The juvenile specimen of Cyclopteropsis jordani from the Kara Sea was first found and described. According to the trapezoid form of the first dorsal fin, the largest length of its median rays, slightly lateral compression of the body and the number of rays in the dorsal, anal and pectoral fins, the juvenile is classified as Cyclopteropsis jordani. From one-size juvenile of Eumicrotremus derjugini it is distinguished by the complete absence of bone plaques.  相似文献   

New and rare liparid fishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) are found and described. Careproctus armatus Andriashev, 1991 sampled off the South Sandwich Islands (at a depth 2281–2369 m); it is the second record of the species. Four species are collected in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands: Careproctus parini Andriashev et Prirodina, 1990 (off King George Island, 573–861 m), Paraliparis meganchus Andriashev, 1982 (off Elephant Island, 559 m), P. monoporus Andriashev et Neyelov, 1979 (off Elephant Island, 559 m) and Paraliparis specimens, most similar to P. tompkinsae Andriashev, 1992 (off King George Island, 766–861 m). Paraliparis charcoti Duhamel, 1992 recorded at the eastern part of the Weddell Sea (475–633 m). Paraliparis, most similar to P. tetrapteryx Andriashev et Neelov, 1979, found in the Southwestern Atlantic (1200 m). Four new species are described. Paraliparis porcus sp. nov. based on one male SL 85 mm from off the South Shetland Islands (Elephant Island, 332–374 m). Paraliparis acutidens sp. nov. described from the juvenile SL 115 mm, sampled in the western part of the Scotia Sea (3721–3723 m). Paraliparis kocki sp. nov. known from 3 adults caught in the depression of the Bransfield Strait (1914–1920 m), isolated from the Weddell Sea by shallower waters. The only specimen of the Paraliparis mexicanus sp. nov. collected in the tropical Pacific off Mexico at depth not more than 900 m.  相似文献   

Two western Pacific triplefins, Enneapterygius fuscoventer Fricke 1997 and E. howensis Fricke 1997 (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae), are similar to each other in sharing 15–19 (usually 17) notched lateral-line scales and the mandibular pore formula 3–5 + 1 + 3–5 (usually 4 + 1 + 4), in addition to similar coloration, viz. body with four vertical bands, the first and second forked ventrally, dorsal-fin membrane semi-transparent, anal fin entirely blackish, and caudal fin blackish with a semi-transparent margin. These species have previously been known only from preserved specimens. Examination of additional specimens plus color photographs of males and females of both species when fresh, and comparisons with type specimens resulted in several features, including coloration and counts of second dorsal-fin spines, anal-fin soft rays, pored lateral-line scales and longitudinal scale rows, being regarded as new diagnostic characters. Enneapterygius fuscoventer and E. howensis have been newly recorded from southern Japan and coastal eastern Australia, respectively.  相似文献   

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