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A study of the conjugal transfer of ColV,I-K94 tn 10 from acid-treated donors suggested that acid-habituated recipients repair acid-damaged plasmid DNA better than those that are not habituated. The presence of an increased repair activity for acid-damaged DNA in habituated cells was confirmed by isolating pBR322 from acid-treated organisms; habituated cells produced more transformants when transformed by it than did non-habituated ones. Additionally, agarose gel electrophoretic studies of pBR322 DNA isolated from acid-damaged cells and tests of its transforming activity both indicated that plasmid DNA in habituated cells is less damaged by extreme acidity than is that in non-habituated organisms.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study is to understand different adaptive responses in bacteria caused by three different mutagens, namely, an intercalating agent, an alkylating agent and a hydroxylating agent, and the repair systems according to the type of DNA damage, that is, DNA cross-linking and delayed DNA synthesis, alkylation and hydroxylation of DNA. A recombinant bioluminescent Escherichia coli, DPD2794 with the recA promoter fused to luxCDABE originating from Vibrio fischeri, was used in this study. METHODS AND RESULTS: The recombinant bioluminescent E. coli strain DPD2794, containing a recA promoter fused to luxCDABE from V. fischeri, was used to detect adaptive and repair responses to DNA damage caused by mitomycin C (MMC), and these responses were compared with those when the cells were induced with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The response ratio between the induced samples and that of the controls decreased suddenly when the induced culture was used in further inductions, indicating a possible adaptive response to DNA damage. DNA damage, or the proteins produced, because of MMC addition does not appear to be completely resolved until the seventh sub-culture after the initial induction, whereas simple damage, such as the base modification caused by MNNG and H2O2, appears to be repaired rapidly as evidenced by the quick recovery of sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that it takes more time to completely repair DNA damage caused by MMC, as compared with a simple repair such as that required for the damage caused by MNNG and H2O2. Therefore, repair of the damage caused by these three mutagens is controlled by different regulons, even though they all induced the recA promoter. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Using a bioluminescent E. coli harbouring a recA promoter-lux fusion, it was found that different adaptive responses and repair systems for DNA damage caused by several mutagens exists in E. coli.  相似文献   

Zou Y  Luo C  Geacintov NE 《Biochemistry》2001,40(9):2923-2931
DNA damage recognition plays a central role in nucleotide excision repair (NER). Here we present evidence that in Escherichia coli NER, DNA damage is recognized through at least two separate but successive steps, with the first focused on distortions from the normal structure of the DNA double helix (initial recognition) and the second specifically recognizing the type of DNA base modifications (second recognition), after an initial local separation of the DNA strands. DNA substrates containing stereoisomeric (+)- or (-)-trans- or (+)- or (-)-cis-BPDE-N(2)-dG lesions in DNA duplexes of known conformations were incised by UvrABC nuclease with efficiencies varying by up to 3-fold. However, these stereoisomeric adducts, when positioned in an opened, single-stranded DNA region, were all incised with similar efficiencies and with enhanced rates (by factors of 1.4-6). These bubble substrates were also equally and efficiently incised by UvrBC nuclease without UvrA. Furthermore, removal of the Watson-Crick partner cytosine residue (leaving an abasic site) in the complementary strand opposite a (+)-cis-BPDE-N(2)-dG lesion led to a significant reduction in both the binding of UvrA and the incision efficiency of UvrABC by a factor of 5. These data suggest that E. coli NER features a dynamic two-stage recognition mechanism.  相似文献   

Bifunctional alkylating agents are used in tumor chemotherapy to induce the death of malignant cells through blockage of DNA replication. Nitrogen mustards are commonly used chemotherapeutic agents that can bind mono- or bifunctionally to guanines in DNA. Mustard HN1 is considered a monofunctional analog of bifunctional mustard HN2 (mechlorethamine). Escherichia coli K12 mutant strains deficient in nucleotide excision repair (NER) or base excision repair (BER) were submitted to increasing concentrations of HN2 or HN1, and the results revealed that damage induced by each chemical demands different DNA repair pathways. Damage induced by HN2 demands the activity of NER with a minor requirement of the BER pathway, while HN1 damage repair depends on BER action, without any requirement of NER function. Taken together, our data suggest that HN1 and HN2 seem to induce different types of damage, since their repair depends on distinct pathways in E. coli.  相似文献   

A number of mutant strains of Escherichia coli have been examined for their sensitivity to nitrous acid and in some instances to methylmethanesulfonate. All ung- mutants tested are abnormally sensitive to nitrous acid. Since the ung mutation is phenotypically expressed as a defect in uracil DNA glycosidase, this observation supports the contention that treatment of cells with nitrous acid causes deamination of cytosine to uracil. In addition the observed sentitivity indicates that the ung gene is involved in the repair of uracil in DNA. Studies with other mutants suggest that both exonuclease III and DNA polymerase I of E. coli are involved in the repair of nitrous acid damage in vivo.  相似文献   

DNA loop repair by Escherichia coli cell extracts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nick-directed DNA repair efficiency of a set of M13mp18-derived heteroduplexes containing 8-, 12-, 16-, 22-, 27-, 45-, and 429-nucleotide loops was determined by in vitro assay. Unpaired nucleotides of each heteroduplex reside within overlapping recognition sites for two restriction endonucleases, permitting independent evaluation of repair occurring on either DNA strand. Our results show that a strand break located either 3' or 5' to the loop is sufficient to direct heterology repair to the nicked strand in Escherichia coli extracts. Strand-specific repair by this system requires Mg2+ and the four dNTPs and is equally efficient on insertions and deletions. This activity is distinct from the MutHLS mismatch repair pathway. Strand specificity and repair efficiency are largely independent of the GATC methylation state of the DNA and presence of the products of mismatch repair genes mutH, mutL, and mutS. This study provides evidence for a loop repair pathway in E. coli that is distinct from conventional mismatch repair.  相似文献   

The repair response of Escherichia coli to hydrogen peroxide has been examined in mutants which show increased sensitivity to this agent. Four mutants were found to show increased in vivo sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide compared with wild type. These mutants, in order of increasing sensitivity, were recA, polC, xthA, and polA. The polA mutants were the most sensitive, implying that DNA polymerase I is required for any repair of hydrogen peroxide damage. Measurement of repair synthesis after hydrogen peroxide treatment demonstrated normal levels for recA mutants, a small amount for xthA mutants, and none for polA mutants. This is consistent with exonuclease III being required for part of the repair synthesis seen, while DNA polymerase I is strictly required for all repair synthesis. Sedimentation analysis of cellular DNA after hydrogen peroxide treatment showed that reformation was absent in xthA, polA, and polC(Ts) strains but normal in a recA cell line. By use of a lambda phage carrying a recA-lacZ fusion, we found hydrogen peroxide does not induce the recA promoter. Our findings indicate two pathways of repair for hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage. One of these pathways would utilize exonuclease III, DNA polymerase III, and DNA polymerase I, while the other would be DNA polymerase I dependent. The RecA protein seems to have little or no direct function in either repair pathway.  相似文献   

Mechanism of damage recognition by Escherichia coli DNA photolyase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Escherichia coli DNA photolyase binds to DNA containing pyrimidine dimers with high affinity and then breaks the cyclobutane ring joining the two pyrimidines of the dimer in a light- (300-500 nm) dependent reaction. In order to determine the structural features important for this level of specificity, we have constructed a 43 base pair (bp) long DNA substrate that contains a thymine dimer at a unique location and studied its interaction with photolyase. We find that the enzyme protects a 12-16-bp region around the dimer from DNase I digestion and only a 6-bp region from methidium propyl-EDTA-Fe (II) digestion. Chemical footprinting experiments reveal that photolyase contacts the phosphodiester bond immediately 5' and the 3 phosphodiester bonds immediately 3' to the dimer but not the phosphodiester bond between the two thymines that make up the dimer. Methylation protection and interference experiments indicate that the enzyme makes major groove contacts with the first base 5' and the second base 3' to the dimer. These data are consistent with photolyase binding in the major groove over a 4-6-bp region. However, major groove contacts cannot be of major significance in substrate recognition as the enzyme binds equally well to a thymine dimer in a 44-base long single strand DNA and protects a 10-nucleotide long region around the dimer from DNase I digestion. It is therefore concluded that the unique configuration of the phosphodiester backbone in the strand containing the pyrimidine dimer, as well as the cyclobutane ring of the dimer itself are the important structural determinants of the substrate for recognition by photolyase.  相似文献   

Methyl-directed DNA mismatch repair in Escherichia coli   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Some of the molecular aspects of methyl-directed mismatch repair in E. coli have been characterized. These include: mismatch recognition by mutS protein in which different mispairs are bound with different affinities; the direct involvement of d(GATC) sites; and strand scission by mutH protein at d(GATC) sequences with strand selection based on methylation of the DNA at those sites. In addition, communication over a distance between a mismatch and d(GATC) sites has been implicated. Analysis of mismatch correction in a defined system (Lahue et al., unpublished) should provide a direct means to further molecular aspects of this process.  相似文献   

Cairns J 《DNA Repair》2002,1(8):699-701
An early attempt to find out if the DNA double helix is actively unwound before being replicated was not conclusive, but it did disclose the existence of a unique moment in the life cycle of Escherichia coli when the cell registers whether or not its DNA is intact. If not, the cell embarks on rapid breakdown of its DNA, like "apoptosis" in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

N Sharma  P S Fitt 《Mutation research》1990,243(2):165-171
Incubation of Escherichia coli AB1157 in a thiamine-deficient medium causes a large, time-dependent increase in resistance to UV-radiation (254 nm) and a fall in its UV-induced mutation frequency to histidine prototrophy which are abolished in its uvrA mutant, but only delayed in lon- and recA- cells. The response of the lexA3 mutant resembles that of the parental cells. These effects are very similar to those we have shown to be induced by heat shock and are clearly due to an error-free, DNA-excision repair-dependent process. They may represent a general response to non-mutagenic stress in these cells.  相似文献   

The survival of Escherichia coli following treatment with a low dose (1-3 mM) of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) that causes extensive mode-one killing of DNA repair mutants is stimulated by the induction of the SOS regulon. Results for various mutants indicate that induction of recA and RecA protein-mediated recombination are critical factors contributing to the repair of H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative DNA damage. However, because DNA damage activates RecA protein's coprotease activity essential to cleavage of LexA repressor protein and derepression of all SOS genes, it is unclear to what extent induction of RecA protein stimulates this repair. To make this determination, we examined mode-one killing of DeltarecA cells carrying plasmid-borne recA (P(tac)-recA(+)) and constitutively expressing a fully induced level of wild-type RecA protein when SOS genes other than recA are non-inducible in a lexA3 (Ind(-)) genetic background or inducible in a lexA(+) background. At a H(2)O(2) dose resulting in maximal killing, DeltarecA lexA3 (Ind(-)) cells with P(tac)-recA(+) show 40-fold greater survival than lexA3 (Ind(-)) cells with chromosomal recA having a low, non-induced level of RecA protein. However, they still show 10- to 15-fold lower survival than wild-type cells and DeltarecA lexA(+) cells with P(tac)-recA(+). To determine if the inducible RuvA protein stimulates survival, we examined a ruvA60 mutant that is defective for the repair of UV-induced DNA damage. This mutant also shows 10- to 15-fold lower survival than wild-type cells. We conclude that while induction of RecA protein has a pronounced stimulatory effect on the recombinational repair of H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative DNA damage, the induction of other SOS proteins such as RuvA is essential for wild-type repair.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from bacteriophage T7 has been used to monitor the capacity of gently lysed extracts of Escherichia coli to perform repair resynthesis after ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. Purified DNA damaged by up to 100 J of UV radiation per m2 was treated with an endonuclease from Micrococcus luteus that introduces single-strand breaks in irradiated DNA. This DNA was then used as a substrate to study repair resynthesis by extracts of E. coli. It was found that incubation with the extract and exogenous nucleoside triphosphates under suitable assay conditions resulted in removal of all pyrimidine dimers and restoration of the substrate DNA to its original molecular weight. Repair resynthesis, detected as nonconservative, UV-stimulated DNA synthesis, was directly proportional tothe number of pyrimidine dimers introduced by radiation. The repair mode described here appears to require DNA polymerase I since it does no occur at the restrictive temperature in polA12 mutants, which contain a thermolabile polymerase. The addition of purified DNA polymerase I to extracts made from a polA mutant restores the ability to complete repair at the restrictive temperature.  相似文献   

The repair response of Escherichia coli K-12 to bleomycin was examined in Rec- mutants showing differential sensitivity to this agent. Sedimentation analysis of the cellular DNA showed incision after bleomycin treatment. The subsequent reformation of the DNA, found in the wild-type and the recD mutant, was abolished in the recB and delayed in the recF and recBC sbcB mutants. The bleomycin-induced SOS response was reduced in strains containing recB or recBC sbsB mutations. It is suggested that the RecBCD pathway has the main role in the efficient repair of bleomycin-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

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