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The nucleotide sequence of cloned wheat dwarf virus DNA   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Restriction analysis and cloning of virus-specific double-stranded DNA isolated from plants infected with wheat dwarf virus (WDV) indicated that the virus genome, like that of maize streak virus (MSV), consists of a single DNA circle. The complete nucleotide sequence of cloned WDV DNA (2749 nucleotides) has been determined. Comparison of the potential coding regions in WDV DNA with those in the DNA of two strains of MSV suggests that these viruses encode at least two functional proteins, the coat protein read in the virion (+) DNA sense and a composite protein, formed from two open reading regions, in the complementary (-) DNA sense. Although WDV and MSV are serologically unrelated their coat proteins showed 35% direct amino acid sequence and their DNAs showed 46% nucleotide sequence homology. There was too little homology between the DNAs of WDV and those of two geminiviruses with bipartite genomes, cassava latent virus (CLV) and tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV), to align the sequences. However comparison of the amino acid sequences of predicted proteins of WDV, MSV, TGMV and CLV revealed clear relationships between these viruses and suggested that the monopartite and the bipartite geminiviruses have a common ancestral origin. Four inverted repeat sequences which have the potential to form hairpin structures of deltaG >/= -14 kcal/mol were detected in WDV DNA. The sequence TAATATTAC present in the loop of one of these hairpins is conserved in similar putative structures in MSV DNA and in both DNA components of CLV and TGMV and may function as a recognition sequence for a protein involved in virus DNA replication.  相似文献   

Agroinfection and nucleotide sequence of cloned wheat dwarf virus DNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cloned DNA of the geminivirus wheat dwarf virus (WDV) was successfully used to infect seedling wheat plants. The clone was derived from circular double-stranded viral DNA isolated from naturally infected tissue. The initiation of infection was mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens using cloned dimeric WDV genomes in a binary Agrobacterium vector. The WDV DNA which comprised the infectious clone was sequenced and is compared with the published sequence of a Swedish isolate of the same virus. The results confirm that the single WDV genome component of 2.75 kb carries all the information necessary for production of viral symptoms, virus particles and viral double- and single-stranded DNA forms.  相似文献   

The syntheses of main macromolecular substances, in a whole wheat grain allowed to germinate, are triggered in the following order: RNA, protein, DNA. The RNA synthesis, as judged by [2-14C]uridine incorporation, is initiated almost immediately after the seeds are exposed to the optimal germination conditions, whereas [1-14C]leucine and [2-14C]thymidine incorporation begins to occur only 3 and 4 hr later, respectively. The initiation of protein synthesis is accompanied by an apparent cessation of uridine incorporation.  相似文献   

Primer RNA-DNA, a small (approximately 30-nucleotide) RNA-DNA hybrid molecule, was identified in recent studies of simian virus 40 DNA synthesis in vitro. The available evidence indicates that primer RNA-DNA is the product of the polymerase alpha-primase complex. Primer RNA-DNA is formed exclusively on lagging-strand DNA templates; it is synthesized initially in the vicinity of the simian virus 40 origin and at later times at sites progressively distal to the origin. To further characterize initiation events, template sequences encoding the 5' ends of both primer RNA and primer DNA, formed during a 5-s pulse, have been determined. Analyses of these sequences demonstrate the existence of an initiation signal for lagging-strand synthesis. At any given position, the initiation signal is located within those template sequences encoding primer RNA, situated proximal to the nucleotide encoding the 5' end of the RNA primer. In most instances, the sequence 5'-TTN-3' (where N encodes the nucleotide at the 5' end of the primer) is a feature of the initiation signal. Initiation signals are present, on average, once every 19 nucleotides. These results are discussed in terms of the mechanism of Okazaki fragment formation and possible links between prokaryotic and eukaryotic initiation events.  相似文献   

For hepadnaviruses, the RNA primer for plus-strand DNA synthesis is generated by the final RNase H cleavage of the pregenomic RNA at an 11 nt sequence called DR1 during the synthesis of minus-strand DNA. This RNA primer initiates synthesis at one of two distinct sites on the minus-strand DNA template, resulting in two different end products; duplex linear DNA or relaxed circular DNA. Duplex linear DNA is made when initiation of synthesis occurs at DR1. Relaxed circular DNA, the major product, is made when the RNA primer translocates to the sequence complementary to DR1, called DR2 before initiation of DNA synthesis. We studied the mechanism that determines the site of the final RNase H cleavage in hepatitis B virus (HBV). We showed that the sites of the final RNase H cleavage are always a fixed number of nucleotides from the 5' end of the pregenomic RNA. This finding is similar to what was found previously for duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV), and suggests that all hepadnaviruses use a similar mechanism. Also, we studied the role of complementarity between the RNA primer and the acceptor site at DR2 in HBV. By increasing the complementarity, we were able to increase the level of priming at DR2 over that seen in the wild-type virus. This finding suggests that the level of initiation of plus-strand DNA synthesis at DR2 is sub-maximal for wild-type HBV. Finally, we studied the role of the sequence at the 5' end of the RNA primer that is outside of the DR sequence. We found that substitutions or insertions in this region affected the level of priming at DR1 and DR2.  相似文献   

The apical meristems in dry wheat seeds were exposed (dissected seeds) to provide a target for DNA uptake. Using wheat, dwarf virus as the marker DNA, various methods of delivery were compared. Dry dissected seeds imbided in wheat dwarf virus DNA solution gave infection in 16% of the seedlings growing from them. A wheat dwarf virus dimer placed between the T-DNA borders of a vector plasmid inAgrobacterium tumefaciens (disarmed C58) andA. rhizogenes (LBA 9402) gave high levels of infection (79%) when dissected seeds were soaked in theAgrobacterium inoculum (agroinfection). Bombardment of dry dissected seeds with tungsten particles coated in wheat dwarf virus DNA did not give infection, but when softened by presoaking in water for 14 h, infection was observed at a low level (3%). The exposure of the apical meristem in all three methods gave a higher frequency of infection compared with treating intact seeds and in some cases the difference was substantial. The significance of the approach for DNA uptake studies is discussed along with its relevance to achieving stable transformation with non-viral constructs.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of rice dwarf virus segment 5.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Identification of a new protein synthesis initiation factor from wheat germ   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A previously unidentified factor has been isolated from wheat germ that stimulates globin mRNA-directed polypeptide synthesis in vitro. This factor is separated from eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-4B by chromatography on m7GTP-Sepharose. eIF-4B binds to m7GTP-Sepharose, whereas the stimulatory factor does not. Further purification of the factor yields a preparation that contains one major polypeptide with a molecular weight of approximately 59,000, This factor enhances the binding of globin mRNA to 40 S ribosomal subunits in the presence of eIF-2, eIF-3, eIF-4A, and either eIF-4B or eIF-4F and has been designated eIF-4G.  相似文献   

The T1 oligonucleotide in the genome Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) that corresponds to the initiation site of DNA synthesis in vitro was identified by hybridization of genome RNA with RSV strong stop DNA (the initial 101-nucleotide long fragment synthesized in endogenous reactions) and partially sequenced. The sequence of (C2, U2) A-U-U-U-G found corresponds to the d(A-A-T-G-A-A-G) sequence at the 5′ end of the DNA product plus the CA-OH sequence at the 3′ end of the tRNATrp primer. Therefore the nucleotide opposite the terminal A of the primer is the complementary U. Furthermore, no internal repetition of more than 30 nucleotides of the 5′ sequence could be detected.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of rice dwarf virus genome segment 3.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Analysis of the nucleotide sequences at the 5' ends of RNA-primed nascent DNA chains (Okazaki fragments) and of their locations in replicating simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA revealed the precise nature of Okazaki fragment initiation sites in vivo. The primary initiation site for mammalian DNA primase was 3'-purine-dT-5' in the DNA template and the secondary site was 3'-purine-dC-5', with the 5' end of the RNA primer complementary to either the dT or dC. The third position of the initiation site was variable with a preference for dT or dA. About 81% of the available 3'-purine-dT-5' sites and 20% of the 3'-purine-dC-5' sites were used. Purine-rich sites, such as PuPuPu and PyPuPu , were excluded. The 5'-terminal ribonucleotide composition of Okazaki fragments corroborated these conclusions. Furthermore, the length of individual RNA primers was not unique, but varied in size from six to ten bases with some appearing as short as three bases and some as long as 12 bases, depending on the initiation site used. This result was consistent with the average size (9 to 11 bases) of RNA primers isolated from specific regions of the genome. Excision of RNA primers did not appear to stop at the RNA-DNA junction, but removed a variable number of deoxyribonucleotides from the 5' end of the nascent DNA chain. Finally, only one-fourth of the replication forks contained an Okazaki fragment, and the distribution of their initiation sites between the two arms revealed that Okazaki fragments were initiated exclusively (99%) on retrograde DNA templates. The data obtained at two genomic sites about 350 and 1780 bases from ori were essentially the same as that reported for the ori region (Hay & DePamphilis , 1982), suggesting that the mechanism used to synthesize the first DNA chain at ori is the same as that used to synthesize Okazaki fragments throughout the genome.  相似文献   

The rate of synthesis of cellular DNA is stimulated in stationary phase mouse embryo cells infected with polyoma virus. Nascent cellular DNA strands pulselabeled with [3H]thymidine in the presence of replicating viral DNA are smaller, by an average of 2·1 × 107 daltons, than DNA made under similar conditions in uninfected cells. Previous work (Cheevers et al., 1972) has indicated that this observation is the consequence of activation in infected cells of cellular DNA initiation sites not in operation during a similar pulse-labeling interval in uninfected cells. Similar results were obtained using cells infected with the temperature-sensitive Ts-a mutant of polyoma at 32 °C, which permits both the induction of cellular DNA synthesis and replication of viral DNA. However, at a temperature of 39 °C, which permits only the induction of cellular DNA replication in Ts-a-infected cells, the size of newly synthesized DNA is not different from that of uninfected cells. Similarly, in rat embryo cells abortively infected with polyoma (wild-type), stimulation of cellular DNA synthesis occurs but viral DNA replication is restricted, and no difference is apparent in the size of newly formed DNA as compared to uninfected cells. These results are interpreted to mean that in productively infected cells, polyoma DNA and some regions of the host genome may be co-ordinately replicated.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) genome contains both cis- and trans-acting elements which are important in viral DNA replication. The cis-acting elements consist of three origins of replication: two copies of oriS and one copy of oriL. It has previously been shown that five cloned restriction fragments of HSV-1 DNA together can supply all of the trans-acting functions required for the replication of plasmids containing oriS or oriL when cotransfected into Vero cells (M. D. Challberg, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83:9094-9098, 1986). These observations provide the basis for a complementation assay with which to locate all of the HSV sequences which encode trans-acting functions necessary for origin-dependent DNA replication. Using this assay in combination with the data from large-scale sequence analysis of the HSV-1 genome, we have now identified seven HSV genes which are necessary for transient replication of plasmids containing either oriS or oriL. As shown previously, two of these genes encode the viral DNA polymerase and single-stranded DNA-binding protein, which are known from conventional genetic analysis to be essential for viral DNA replication in infected cells. The functions of the products of the remaining five genes are unknown. We propose that the seven genes essential for plasmid replication comprise a set of genes whose products are directly involved in viral DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of poliovirus RNA has a long open reading frame capable of encoding the precursor polyprotein NCVP00. The first AUG codon in this reading frame is located 743 nucleotides from the 5' end of the RNA and is preceded by eight AUG codons in all three reading frames. Because all proteins that map at the amino terminus of the polyprotein (P1-1a, VP0, and VP4) are blocked at their amino termini and previous studies of ribosome binding have been inconclusive, direct identification of the initiation site of protein synthesis was difficult. We separated and identified all of the tryptic peptides of capsid protein VP4 and correlated these peptides with the amino acid sequence predicted to follow the AUG codon at nucleotide 743. Our data indicate that VP4 begins with a blocked glycine that is encoded immediately after the AUG codon at nucleotide 743. An S1 nuclease analysis of poliovirus mRNA failed to reveal a splice in the 5' region. We concluded that synthesis of the poliovirus polyprotein is initiated at nucleotide 743, the first AUG codon in the long open reading frame.  相似文献   

Unique single-stranded regions of simian virus 40 DNA, phage M13 virion DNA, and several homopolymers were used as templates for the synthesis of (p)ppRNA-DNA chains by CV-1 cell DNA primase-DNA polymerase alpha. Intact RNA primers, specifically labeled with an RNA capping enzyme, were typically 6 to 8 ribonucleotides long, although their lengths ranged from 1 to 9 bases. The fraction of intact RNA primers 1 to 4 ribonucleotides long was 14 to 73%, depending on the template used. RNA primer length varied among primers initiated at the same nucleotide, as well as with primers initiated at different sites. Thus, the size of an RNA primer depended on template sequence. Initiation sites were identified by mapping 5' ends of nascent RNA-DNA chains on the template sequence, identifying the 5'-terminal ribonucleotide, and partially sequencing one RNA primer. A total of 56 initiation events were identified on simian virus 40 DNA, an average of 1 every 16 bases. Some sites were preferred over others. A consensus sequence for initiation sites consisted of either 3'-dCTTT or 3'-dCCC centered within 7 to 25 pyrimidine-rich residues; the 5' ends of RNA primers were complementary to the dT or dC. High ATP/GTP ratios promoted initiation of RNA primer synthesis at 3'-dCTTT sites, whereas low ATP/GTP ratios promoted initiation at 3'-dCCC sites. Similarly, polydeoxythymidylic acid and polydeoxycytidylic acid were the only effective homopolymer templates. Thus, both template sequence and ribonucleoside triphosphate concentrations determine which initiation sites are used by DNA primase-DNA polymerase alpha. Remarkably, initiation sites selected in vitro were strikingly different from initiation sites selected during simian virus 40 DNA replication in vivo.  相似文献   

A plasmid containing the transposon gamma delta sequence was immune to further insertion of gamma delta (transposition immunity). Plasmids carrying a fragment containing either 0.2 kilobase pairs of the gamma end or 0.4 kilobase pairs of the delta end of the gamma delta sequence were immune, and other parts of the gamma delta sequence did not confer immunity. The terminal 38-base-pair (bp) sequence of the delta end of the gamma delta was sufficient to confer immunity, the 38-bp sequence of the gamma end conferred only moderate immunity, and the terminal 35-bp sequence, which was completely identical at both the gamma and delta ends, was insufficient to confer immunity.  相似文献   

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