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Dulov  L. E.  Lein  A. Yu.  Dubinina  G. A.  Pimenov  N. V. 《Microbiology》2005,74(1):97-103
Microbiological and biogeochemical measurements showed that the intensities of CO2 assimilation, methane oxidation, and sulfate reduction at the Lost City vent field (3° N) reach 3.8 µg C/(1 day), 0.06 µg C/(1 day), and 117 µg S/(1 day), respectively. On the surface of the carbonate structures occurring at this field, two varieties of bacterial mats were found. The first variety, which is specific to the Lost City alkaline vent field, represents jellylike bacterial mats dominated by slime-producing bacteria of several morphotypes. This mat variety also contains chemolithotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms, either microaerobic or anaerobic. The intensities of CO2 assimilation, methane oxidation, and sulfate reduction in this variety reach 747 µg C/(dm3 day), 0.02 µg C/(dm3 day), and 28000 µg S/(dm3 day), respectively. Bacterial mats of the second variety are formed by nonpigmented filamentous sulfur bacteria, which are close morphologically to Thiothrix. The intensities of CO2 assimilation, methane oxidation, and sulfate reduction in the second mat variety reach 8.2 µg C/(dm3 day), 5.8 µg C/(dm3 day), and 17000 µg S/(dm3 day), respectively. These data suggest the existence of subsurface microflora at the Lost City vent field.Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 1, 2005, pp. 111–118.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Dulov, Lein, Dubinina, Pimenov.  相似文献   

The ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field (LHF) on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is characterized by high hydrogen and methane contents in the subseafloor, which support a specialized microbial community of phylogenetically diverse, hydrogen-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophs. We compared the prokaryotic communities of three sites located in the LHF and encountered a predominance of archaeal sequences affiliated with methanogenic Methanococcales at all three. However, the bacterial composition varied in accordance with differences in fluid chemistry between the three sites investigated. An increase in hydrogen seemed to coincide with the diversification of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria. This might indicate that the host rock indirectly selects this specific group of bacteria. However, next to hydrogen availability further factors are evident (e.g. mixing of hot reduced hydrothermal fluids with cold oxygenated seawater), which have a significant impact on the distribution of microorganisms.  相似文献   

This study examines the representativeness of low-temperature hydrothermal fluid samples with respect to their chemical and microbiological characteristics. Within this scope, we investigated short-term temporal chemical and microbial variability of the hydrothermal fluids. For this purpose we collected three fluid samples consecutively from the same spot at the Clueless field near 5°S on the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge over a period of 50 min. During sampling, the temperature was monitored online. We measured fluid chemical parameters, characterized microbial community compositions and used statistical analyses to determine significant differences between the samples. Overall, the three fluid samples are more closely related to each other than to any other tested habitat. Therefore, on a broad scale, the three collected fluid samples can be regarded as habitat representatives. However, small differences are apparent between all samples. One of the Clueless samples even displayed significant differences ( P -value < 0.01) to the other two Clueless samples. Our data suggest that the observed variations in fluid chemical and microbial compositions are not reflecting sampling artefacts but are related to short-term fluid variability due to dynamic subseafloor fluid mixing. Recorded temporal changes in fact reflect spatial heterogeneity found in the subsurface as the fluid flows through distinctive pathways. While conservative elements (Cl, Si, Na and K) indicate variable degrees of fluid-seawater mixing, reactive components, including Fe(II), O2 and H2S, show that chemical and microbial reactions within the mixing zone further modify the emanating fluids on short-time scales. Fluids entrain microorganisms, which modify the chemical microenvironment within the subsurface biotopes. This is the first study focusing on short-term microbial variability linked to chemical changes in hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

The shrimp Rimicaris exoculata from hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) harbours bacterial epibionts on specialized appendages and the inner surfaces of its gill chamber. Using comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we examined the R. exoculata epibiosis from four vents sites along the known distribution range of the shrimp on the MAR. Our results show that R. exoculata lives in symbiosis with two types of filamentous epibionts. One belongs to the Epsilonproteobacteria, and was previously identified as the dominant symbiont of R. exoculata. The second is a novel gammaproteobacterial symbiont that belongs to a clade consisting exclusively of sequences from epibiotic bacteria of hydrothermal vent animals, with the filamentous sulfur oxidizer Leucothrix mucor as the closest free-living relative. Both the epsilon- and the gammaproteobacterial symbionts dominated the R. exoculata epibiosis at all four MAR vent sites despite striking differences between vent fluid chemistry and distances between sites of up to 8500 km, indicating that the symbiosis is highly stable and specific. Phylogenetic analyses of two mitochondrial host genes showed little to no differences between hosts from the four vent sites. In contrast, there was significant spatial structuring of both the gamma- and the epsilonproteobacterial symbiont populations based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences that was correlated with geographic distance along the MAR. We hypothesize that biogeography and host-symbiont selectivity play a role in structuring the epibiosis of R. exoculata.  相似文献   

The steep biogeochemical gradients near deep sea hydrothermal vents provide various niches for microbial life. Here we present biosignatures of such organisms enclosed in a modern and an ancient hydrothermal sulfide deposit (Turtle Pits, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Recent; Yaman Kasy, Russia, Silurian). In the modern sulfide we found high amounts of specific bacterial and archaeal biomarkers with δ13C values between ?8 and ?37‰ VPDB. Our data indicate the presence of thermophilic members of the autotrophic Aquificales using the reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle as well as of methanogenic and chemolithoheterotrophic Archaea. In the ancient sample, most potential biomarkers of thermophiles were obscured by compounds derived from allochthonous organic matter (OM), except for an acyclic C40 biphytane and its C39 breakdown product. Both samples contained high amounts of unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) of hydrocarbons. Apparently, OM in the sulfides had to withstand high thermal stress, indicated by highly mature hopanes, steranes, and cheilanthanes with up to 41 carbon atoms.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores were collected in an inactive area of the deep-sea hydrothermal vent field Rainbow (36 degrees N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Metals and carbonates were abundant throughout the cores; calcite (CaCO3) was found throughout the cores while dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] and siderite (FeCO3) were only found in deeper layers. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, we examined the bacterial and archaeal diversity in a sediment layer that contained the three carbonates. The retrieved bacterial and archaeal sequences were new and less than 4% of the sequences exhibited 94% or more identity with that of cultured organisms. The analysis of the composition of the bacterial library revealed a high diversity of sequences. Half of the bacterial clones was affiliated to the gamma-Proteobacteria. Most of them had environmental sequences retrieved from deep-sea sediments as closest relatives, some of which being distantly related to free-living and symbiotic sulfur-oxidizers. Other sequences clustered in the alpha-, delta- and epsilon-Proteobacteria, the 'Bacteroidetes', the 'Planctomycetes', the 'Nitrospirae', the 'Actinobacteria', the 'Chlorobi ' and the 'Verrumicrobia'. Based on clonal abundance and sequence comparisons, phylotype groups putatively involved in the oxydation of sulfur compounds appeared to dominate in the studied sample. The majority of the archaeal sequences clustered in an euryarchaeotic lineage recently identified in the walls of black smokers suggesting a possible thermophilic way of life of these uncultured microorganisms. Oxygen isotopic composition of siderite and dolomite indicated that they were formed at 67 degrees C and 94 degrees C respectively. Together with chemical and microbiological data, this suggested that hydrothermal fluids may have circulated through this sediment.  相似文献   

Microbial communities associated with a variety of hydrothermal emissions at the Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal field, the southernmost Okinawa Trough, were analyzed by culture-dependent and -independent techniques. In this hydrothermal field, dozens of vent sites hosting physically and chemically distinct hydrothermal fluids were observed. Variability in the gas content and formation in the hydrothermal fluids was observed and could be controlled by the potential subseafloor phase-separation and -partition processes. The hydrogen concentration in the hydrothermal fluids was also variable (0.8–3.6 mmol kg−1) among the chimney sites, but was unusually high as compared with those in other Okinawa Trough hydrothermal fields. Despite the physical and chemical variabilities of the hydrothermal fluids, the microbial communities were relatively similar among the habitats. Based on both culture-dependent and -independent analyses of the microbial community structures, members of Thermococcales, Methanococcales and Desulfurococcales likely represent the predominant archaeal components, while members of Nautiliaceae and Thioreductoraceae are considered to dominate the bacterial population. Most of the abundant microbial components appear to be chemolithotrophs sustained by hydrogen oxidation. The relatively consistent microbial communities found in this study could have been because of the sufficient input of hydrogen from the hydrothermal fluids rather than other chemical properties.  相似文献   

A vast number of lakes developed in the abandoned opencast lignite mines of Lusatia (East Germany) contain acidic waters (mmolSm–2a). Potential Fe(III) reduction measured by the accumulation of Fe(II) during anoxic incubation yielded similar rates in both types of sediments, however, the responses towards the supplementation of Fe(III) and organic carbon were different. Sulfate reduction rates estimated with 35S-radiotracer were much lower in the slightly acidic sediment than in the pH-neutral sediment (156 v.s. 738mmolSO4 2–m–2a–1). However, sulfate reduction rates were increased by the addition of organic carbon. Severe limitation of sulfate-reducing bacteria under acidic conditions was also reflected by low most probable numbers (MPN). High MPN of acidophilic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in acidic sediments indicated a high reoxidation potential. The results show that potentials for reductive processes are present in acidic sediments and that these are determined mainly by the availability of oxidants and organic matter.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation by bacteria associated with roots of intact maize plants was measured by exposing the roots to N(2) at a partial O(2) pressure (pO(2)) of 2 or 10 kPa. The plants were grown in a mixture of Weswood soil and sand and then transferred to plastic cylinders containing an N-free plant nutrient solution. The solution was sparged continuously with a mixture of air and N(2) at a pO(2) of 2 or 10 kPa. Acetylene reduction was measured after the roots were exposed to the low pO(2) overnight. The air-N(2) atmosphere in the cylinders was then replaced with an O(2)-He atmosphere at the same pO(2), and the roots were exposed to 20 kPa of N(2) for 20 to 22 h. Incorporation of N into the roots was 200 times greater at 2 kPa of O(2) than at 10 kPa of O(2). Adding l-malate (1 g of C liter) to the nutrient solution increased root-associated nitrogenase activity, producing a strong N label which could be traced into the shoots. Fixed N was detected in the shoots within 5 days after the plants were returned to unfertilized soil. In a similar experiment with undisturbed plants grown in fritted clay, movement of fixed N into the shoots was evident within 4 days after the roots were exposed to N(2) at 2 kPa of O(2). Inoculation with Azospirillum lipoferum yielded no significant differences in shoot dry weight, total nitrogen content, percent nitrogen, or N enrichment of plant tissues. Inoculated plants did exhibit greater root dry weight than uninoculated plants, however.  相似文献   

A diffusely venting chimney spire from the East Pacific Rise (9 degrees N) was analysed by petrographic thin sectioning and 16S rRNA gene cloning and sequencing in parallel, to correlate microbial community composition with mineralogy and inferred in situ conditions within the chimney mineral matrix. Both approaches indicated a zonation of the chimney spire into distinct microhabitats for different bacteria and archaea. The thermal gradient inferred from the mineral composition and porosity of the chimney was consistent with the distribution of bacterial and archaeal phylotypes in the chimney matrix. A novel phylogenetic lineage of euryarchaeota was found that co-occurred with clones related to cultured hyperthermophilic archaea. A few phylotypes related to mesophilic bacteria were found in the hot core of the chimney, indicating that seawater influx during retrieval and cooling of these highly porous structures can entrain microorganisms into chimney layers that are not their native habitat.  相似文献   

Synechococcus was more abundant and had a greater biomass thanProchlorococcus at most inshore and mid-shelf sites in the central(17°S) Great Barrier Reef (GBR), and at all shelf sitesin the southern (20°S) GBR. Significant Prochlorococcuspopulations were confined to mid- and outer-shelf sites withmixed or partially stratified water columns of greater oceaniccharacter in the central GBR, where depth-weighted average Synechococcusand Prochlorococcus abundances were better correlated with salinity,shelf depth and chlorophyll a concentration, than with concentrationsof NH4+, NOx (i.e. NO2 + NO3), or PO43–.Vertical gradients of normalized mean cellular red and orangefluorescenceof Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus populations imply thatvertical mixing rates were sufficiently low to allow these populationsto photoacclimate at depth at shelf locations in thecentralGBR, but too great for substantial photoacclimation to be observedat sites in the southern GBR. The presence of Prochlorococcuspopulations at inshore sites in the central GBR in the absenceof extensive intrusion events suggests that Prochlorococcuspopulations were actively growing.  相似文献   

Bivalve mollusks Bathymodiolus asoricus and Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis collected from the Rainbow and Logachev hydrothermal fields during dives of Mir 1 and Mir 2 deep-sea manned submersibles were studied. Rates of methane oxidation and carbon dioxide assimilation in mussel gill tissue were determined by radiolabel analysis. During oxidation of 14Ch4, radiocarbon was detected in significant quantities not only in carbon dioxide but also in dissolved organic matter, most notably 14C-formate and 14C-acetate, occurring in a 2:1 ratio. Activities of hexulose-phosphate synthase, phosphoribulokinase, and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase were shown in the soluble fraction of gill tissue cells. At the same time, no activity of hydroxypyruvate reductase--the key enzyme of the serine pathway of C1-assimilation--was detected. The results of PCR amplification using genetic probes for membrane-bound methane monooxygenase (pmoA) and methanol dehydrogenase (mxaF) attest to the presence of the genes of these enzymes in the total DNA extracted from gill samples. However, no appropriate PCR responses were obtained with the mmoX primer system, which is a marker for soluble methane monooxygenase. All samples studied showed amplification with primers for the genera Methylobacter and Methylosphaera. At the same time, no genes specific to the genera Methylomonas, Methylococcus, Methylomicrobium, or Methylosinus and Methylocystis were detected. Electron microscopic examinations revealed the presence of two groups of endosymbiotic bacteria in the mussel gill tissue. The first group was represented by large cells possessing a complex system of cytoplasmic membranes, typical of methanotrophs of morphotype I. The other type of endosymbionts, having much smaller cells and lacking intracellular membrane structures, is likely to be constituted by sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

In a coastal area of southern Chile (41° S), the major ammoniumassimilating enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) was detected ina green dinoflagellate bloom during April 2003. High chlorophylla concentrations (1000 µg L–1) attributable to Gymnodiniumcf. chlorophorum in surface waters were associated with highand very low nitrate reductase activities. Coincident with thebloom, dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations were nearthe detection limit (NO3 + NH4+ <0.5 µM). SinceGS correlates with the use of ammonium as an external nitrogensource, we suggest that GS activity seems to be a good indicatorof ammonium utilization in a period dominated by a single dinoflagellatespecies.  相似文献   

To evaluate possible compositional changes in archaeal communities at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent field scale, we examined five different samples obtained after deploying in situ collectors for different times on three spatially separated venting sulphide structures on the East Pacific Rise (13 degrees N). Direct cell counts and whole-cell hybridizations with fluorescently labelled 16S rRNA-based oligonucleotide probes revealed that the relative abundance of archaeal populations represented from 14 to 33% of the prokaryotic community. 16S rDNA sequence analysis of the archaeal clone libraries indicated that a large percentage of clones were closely related to known archaeal isolates recovered from similar habitats. Among the 24 different phylotypes identified, Thermococcales-related sequences were dominant in all the libraries that also included representative genera of orders Methanopyrales, Methanococcales, Archaeoglobales and Desulfurococcales. The presence of most of these phylogenetic groups was confirmed in enrichment cultures performed at temperatures from 60 to 90 degrees C. Additional sequences with no known cultivated relatives grouped with the Marine group I Crenarchaeota, Korarchaeota and Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Euryarchaeota (DHVE) within which a novel lineage was identified. Furthermore, the archaeal community composition was distinct from vent to vent within the same vent field and varied within short time scales. This study provides new insights into microbial diversity and distribution at deep-sea hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   

Summary CO2 evolution, fungal biomass and microbial population of two maize field soils differing in agricultural systemsviz., permanent agriculture on plain lands in valleys and ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture, were estimated at monthly intervals for one crop cycle. The results showed significant positive correlation among CO2 evolution, fungal biomass, microbial population, organic C and total N. There was significant positive correlation between bacterial population and moisture content in both the agricultural systems. Microbial population and CO2 evolution were always higher in the soils of permanent agriculture as compared to that of ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture.  相似文献   

The microbial diversity associated with diffuse venting deep-sea hydrothermal deposits is tightly coupled to the geochemistry of the hydrothermal fluids. Previous 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing (metabarcoding) of marine iron-hydroxide deposits along the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge, revealed the presence of diverse bacterial communities associated with these deposits (Storesund and Øvreås in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 104:569–584, 2013). One of the most abundant and diverse phyla detected was the enigmatic Planctomycetes. Here we report on the comparative analyses of the diversity and distribution patterns of Planctomycetes associated with metalliferous deposits from two diffuse-flow hydrothermal vent fields (Mariner and Vai Lili) from the Valu Fa Ridge in the Southwestern Pacific. Metabarcoding of 16S rRNA genes showed that the major prokaryotic phyla were Proteobacteria (51–73% of all 16S rRNA gene reads), Epsilonbacteraeota (0.5–19%), Bacteriodetes (5–17%), Planctomycetes (0.4–11%), Candidatus Latescibacteria (0–5%) and Marine Benthic Group E (Hydrothermarchaeota) (0–5%). The two different sampling sites differed considerably in overall community composition. The abundance of Planctomycetes also varied substantially between the samples and the sites, with the majority of the sequences affiliated with uncultivated members of the classes Planctomycetacia and Phycisphaerae, and other deep branching lineages. Seven different strains affiliated with the order Planctomycetales were isolated, mostly from the Vai Lili samples, where also the highest Planctomycetales diversity was seen. Most of the isolates were affiliated with the genera Gimesia, Rhodopirellula and Blastopirellula. One isolate was only distantly related to known cultured, but uncharacterized species within the Pir4 group. This study shows that the deep-sea Planctomycetes represent a very heterogeneous group with a high phylogenetic diversity and a substantial potential for novel organism discovery in these deep ocean environments.  相似文献   

Bathymodiolus azoricus and Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis are symbiont-bearing mussels that dominate hydrothermal vent sites along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Both species live in symbiosis with two physiologically and phylogenetically distinct Gammaproteobacteria: a sulfur-oxidizing chemoautotroph and a methane-oxidizer. A detailed analysis of mussels collected from four MAR vent sites (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, Rainbow, and Logatchev) using comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that the two mussel species share highly similar to identical symbiont phylotypes. FISH observations of symbiont distribution and relative abundances showed no obvious differences between the two host species. In contrast, distinct differences in relative symbiont abundances were observed between mussels from different sites, indicating that vent chemistry may influence the relative abundance of thiotrophs and methanotrophs in these dual symbioses.  相似文献   


Many cold-water sponges harbour microorganisms of which the role in the sponge host remains enigmatic. Here, we show a transfer of fixed inorganic carbon by sponge-associated microbes to its host, the cold-water coral encrusting sponge Hymedesmia (Stylopus) coriacea. Sponge were collected at approx. 100?m depth and incubated for 1.5–2.5 days with 13C labelled dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as tracer. Total DIC fixation rates ranged from 0.03–0.11?mmol C?×?mmol Csponge × d?1. 13C-tracer was recovered in bacterial-specific (i.e. short and branched) and sponge-specific (very long-chained) phospholipid-derived fatty acids (PLFA's), but was not incorporated into archaeal lipids. 13C-incorporation in biomarkers such as C16:1w7c and C18:1w7c indicated that nitrifying and/or sulphur-oxidizing bacteria (chemoautotrophs) were likely active in the sponge. Trophic transfer of microbially-fixed carbon to the sponge host was confirmed by recovery of label in very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA's) including C26:2 and C26:3. Tracer accumulation into several VLCFA's continued after removal of 13C-DIC, while tracer in most bacteria-specific PLFA's declined, indicating a transfer and elongation of bacterial-specific PLFA's to sponge-specific PLFA's. This implies that PLFA precursors released from chemo- as well as heterotrophic microbes in sponges contributed to the synthesis of VLCFA's, identifying sponge-associated bacteria as symbionts of the sponge.  相似文献   

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