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The highly biased transmission of ρ(-) mitochondrial DNA that occurs in hypersuppressive matings between ρ(-) and ρ(+) cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is thought to be a consequence of the replication advantage of the ρ(-) mtDNA. A nuclear gene, MGT1, that is required for this displacement of ρ(+) mtDNA from zygotic clones has been identified through mutation. When one haploid parent carries the mgt1 allele, transmission of ρ(-) mtDNA is substantially reduced. When both haploid parents carry the mgt1 allele, ρ(-) mtDNA is essentially eliminated from the zygotic progeny. Thus in the absence of the MGT1 gene there is a switch in the transmission bias; ρ(+) mtDNA rather than the hypersuppressive ρ(-) mtDNA is inherited by most zygotic clones. In contrast to its semi-dominant behavior in haploid matings, mgt1 behaves as a recessive allele in diploid matings since the ρ(+) genome in MGT1/mgt1 diploids is efficiently displaced when mated with a MGT1/mgt1 hypersuppressive ρ(-) diploid strain. We find that ρ(+) genomes can be comaintained along with hypersuppressive ρ(-) mtDNA for extended periods in clonal lines derived from MGT1 X mgt1 matings. However, as expected from the recessive nature of the mgt1 mutation, these ρ(+) genomes are eventually eliminated. Our work indicates that MGT1 plays a crucial role in the competition for inheritance between hypersuppressive ρ(-) mtDNAs and the ρ(+) mitochondrial genome. The MGT1 gene product may be a component of a mtDNA replication system that acts preferentially at the rep sequences found in hypersuppressive mtDNAs.  相似文献   

B-type cyclins are rapidly degraded at the transition between metaphase and anaphase and their ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis is required for cells to exit mitosis. We used a novel enrichment to isolate new budding mutants that arrest the cell cycle in mitosis. Most of these mutants lie in the CDC16, CDC23, and CDC27 genes, which have already been shown to play a role in cyclin proteolysis and encode components of a 20S complex (called the cyclosome or anaphase promoting complex) that ubiquitinates mitotic cyclins. We show that mutations in CDC26 and a novel gene, DOC1, also prevent mitotic cyclin proteolysis. Mutants in either gene arrest as large budded cells with high levels of the major mitotic cyclin (Clb2) protein at 37°C and cannot degrade Clb2 in G1-arrested cells. Cdc26 associates in vivo with Doc1, Cdc16, Cdc23, and Cdc27. In addition, the majority of Doc1 cosediments at 20S with Cdc27 in a sucrose gradient, indicating that Cdc26 and Doc1 are components of the anaphase promoting complex.  相似文献   

A mammalian temperature-sensitive mutant tsAF8 shows cell cycle arrest at nonpermissive temperatures in mid-G1 phase. DNA sequence comparison of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (Rpb1) from the wild-type and the mutant shows that the mutant phenotype results from a (hemizygous) C-to-A variation at nucleotide 944 in one rpb1 allele, giving rise to an Ala-to-Asp substitution at residue 315 in the protein. This amino acid substitution was introduced into the Schizosaccharomyces pombe rpb1 gene. Whereas tsAF8 cells showed growth defects and altered Rpb1 distribution at nonpermissive temperatures, yeast cells harboring this amino acid substitution did not show apparent temperature sensitivity. The effect of another temperature-sensitive Rpb1 mutation was also small. These results suggest that mutation of the rpb1 gene, which is critical in mammalian cells, may not be deleterious in yeast cells. RID= ID= <E5>Correspondence to: </E5>K. Sugaya; <E5>email:</E5> k_sugaya&commat;nirs.go.jp Received: 2 September 2002 / Accepted: 7 October 2002  相似文献   

Bogdanov  A. S.  Maltsev  A. N.  Kotenkova  E. V.  Malikov  V. G.  Lissovsky  A. A.  Stakheev  V. V.  Darvish  J.  Castiglia  R. 《Molecular Biology》2020,54(2):185-195
Molecular Biology - To clarify genetic differences between subspecies of the house mouse Mus musculus, their distribution, and hybridization, we first conducted a comparative analysis of...  相似文献   

Ska2(spindle and KT associated 2),也称FAM33A(family with sequence similarity 33,member A),是一个最近鉴定的参与细胞周期调控与肿瘤发生发展的新基因。现有研究初步证实,Ska2参与组成Ska复合体,在有丝分裂中期纺锤体检验点关闭中起重要作用;Ska2在小细胞肺癌和乳腺癌中呈现表达上调,可通过糖皮质激素受体等途径参与细胞增殖调节和肿瘤发生发展;NF-κΒ和CREB等转录因子可能参与Ska2的表达调控。Ska2有望成为一个恶性肿瘤诊断和靶向治疗的新靶点。  相似文献   

When proliferating fission yeast cells are exposed to nitrogen starvation, they initiate conjugation and differentiate into ascospores. Cell cycle arrest in the G1-phase is one of the prerequisites for cell differentiation, because conjugation occurs only in the pre-Start G1-phase. The role of ste9+ in the cell cycle progression was investigated. Ste9 is a WD-repeat protein that is highly homologous to Hct1/Cdh1 and Fizzy-related. The ste9 mutants were sterile because they were defective in cell cycle arrest in the G1-phase upon starvation. Sterility was partially suppressed by the mutation in cig2 that encoded the major G1/S cyclin. Although cells lacking Ste9 function grow normally, the ste9 mutation was synthetically lethal with the wee1 mutation. In the double mutants of ste9 cdc10ts, cells arrested in G1-phase at the restrictive temperature, but the level of mitotic cyclin (Cdc13) did not decrease. In these cells, abortive mitosis occurred from the pre-Start G1-phase. Overexpression of Ste9 decreased the Cdc13 protein level and the H1-histone kinase activity. In these cells, mitosis was inhibited and an extra round of DNA replication occurred. Ste9 regulates G1 progression possibly by controlling the amount of the mitotic cyclin in the G1-phase.  相似文献   

SNX-2112 is a heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor with anticancer properties currently in clinical trials. This study investigated the effects of SNX-2112 on inhibition of cell growth, the cell cycle, and apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, in addition to the various molecular mechanisms. The results of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and flow cytometric analysis suggest that SNX-2112 inhibits cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner more potently than 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanmycin (17-AAG), a traditional Hsp90 inhibitor, probably as a result of cell-cycle arrest at the G2/M phase and the induction of apoptosis. Downregulation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, upregulation of Bax, cleavage of caspase-9 and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), and degradation of the breast cancer-related Hsp90 client proteins human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2), Akt, Raf-1, and nuclear factor kappa-B kinase (IKK) were observed in SNX-2112 treated cells by Western blot assay. These findings suggest that the molecular mechanisms of cell-growth inhibition by SNX-2112 involve activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and the degradation of breast cancer-related proteins.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial matrix GTPase NOA1 is a nuclear encoded protein, essential for mitochondrial protein synthesis, oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production. Here, we demonstrate that newly translated NOA1 protein is imported into the nucleus, where it localizes to the nucleolus and interacts with UBF1 before nuclear export and import into mitochondria. Mutation of the nuclear localization signal (NLS) prevented both nuclear and mitochondrial import while deletion of the N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS) or the C-terminal RNA binding domain of NOA1 impaired mitochondrial import. Absence of the MTS resulted in accumulation of NOA1 in the nucleus and increased caspase-dependent apoptosis. We also found that export of NOA1 from the nucleus requires a leptomycin-B sensitive, Crm1-dependent nuclear export signal (NES). Finally, we show that NOA1 is a new substrate of the mitochondrial matrix protease complex ClpXP. Our results uncovered an unexpected, mandatory detour of NOA1 through the nucleolus before uptake into mitochondria. We propose that nucleo-mitochondrial translocation of proteins is more widespread than previously anticipated providing additional means to control protein bioavailability as well as cellular communication between both compartments.  相似文献   

To identify molecules that function in the plant secretory pathway,we screened for Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA clones that complementthe temperature-sensitive (ts), secretion-deficient sec15 mutationof yeast Saccha-romyces cerevisiae. RMA1, one of the genes obtainedin this screening, suppressed not only the ts growth of sec15but also its secretory defect. RMA1 is not a structural homologueof SEC15 but encodes a novel 28 kDa protein with a RING fingermotif and a C-terminal membrane-anchoring domain. Mutationalanalysis indicates that the RING finger motif of RMA1 is importantfor its suppression activity. In Arabidopsis plant, RMA1 isubiquitously expressed. A search for homologous proteins inthe database revealed that Arabidopsis, nematode, mouse andhuman possess close homologues of RMA1. (Received January 5, 1998; Accepted March 9, 1998)  相似文献   

目的:构建p21WAF1/CIP1基因小干扰RNA(siRNA)的真核表达载体,观察其对p21WAF1/CIP1表达的影响和细胞周期的变化。方法:合成了针对p21WAF1/CIP1基因的siRNA,将其克隆到siRNA表达载体pSliencer2.1-U6neo上,将重组质粒和带FLAG标签的p21WAF1/CIP1共转染293T人胚肾细胞,通过Westernblot检验RNA干扰(RNAi)敲低外源p21WAF1/CIP1的效果;将重组质粒单独转染293T人胚肾细胞,利用p21WAF1/CIP1抗体检测RNAi敲低内源p21WAF1/CIP1的效果;利用流式细胞仪检测敲低后细胞周期的变化。结果:测序证明构建了p21WAF1/CIP1siRNA真核表达载体;Westernblot和流式细胞分析证明,构建的siRNA能有效降低p21WAF1/CIP1基因的表达,并且使G1期细胞数减少14.03%,S期细胞增多13.45%。结论:构建了p21WAF1/CIP1siRNA的真核表达载体,该siRNA能有效抑制p21WAF1/CIP1基因的表达并部分解除了G1期阻滞。  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr is an accessory protein that induces G2/M cell cycle arrest. It is well documented that interaction of Vpr with the Cul4-DDB1[VprBP] E3 ubiquitin ligase is essential for the induction of G2/M arrest. In this study, we show that HIV-1 Vpr indirectly binds MCM10, a eukaryotic DNA replication factor, in a Vpr-binding protein (VprBP) (VprBP)-dependent manner. Binding of Vpr to MCM10 enhanced ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of MCM10. G2/M-defective mutants of Vpr were not able to deplete MCM10, and we show that Vpr-induced depletion of MCM10 is related to the ability of Vpr to induce G2/M arrest. Our study demonstrates that MCM10 is the natural substrate of the Cul4-DDB1[VprBP] E3 ubiquitin ligase whose degradation is regulated by VprBP, but Vpr enhances the proteasomal degradation of MCM10 by interacting with VprBP.  相似文献   

Hippo pathways are ancient signaling systems that contribute to cell growth and proliferation in a wide diversity of eukaryotes, and have emerged as a conserved regulator of organ size control in metazoans. In budding yeast, a Hippo signaling pathway called the Regulation of Ace2 and Morphogenesis (RAM) network promotes polarized cell growth and the final event in the separation of mother and daughter cells. A crucial regulatory input for RAM network control of cell separation is phosphorylation of a conserved hydrophobic motif (HM) site on the NDR/LATS family kinase Cbk1. Here we provide the first direct evidence that the Hippo-like kinase Kic1 in fact phosphorylates the HM site of Cbk1, and show that Kic1 is allosterically activated by Hym1, a highly conserved protein related to mammalian MO25. Using the structure of mammalian MO25 in complex with the Kic1-related pseudokinase STRAD, we identified conserved residues on Kic1 that are required for interaction with Hym1. We find that Kic1 and Hym1 protein levels remain constant throughout the cell cycle but the proteins’ association is regulated, with maximal interaction coinciding with peak Cbk1 HM site phosphorylation. We show that this association is necessary but not sufficient for this phosphorylation, suggesting another level of regulation is required to promote the complex to act upon its substrates. This work presents a previously undiscovered cell cycle regulated interaction between a Hippo kinase and a broadly conserved allosteric activator. Because of the conserved nature of this pathway in higher eukaryotes, this work may also provide insight into the modularity of Hippo signaling pathways.  相似文献   

While mitochondria are renowned for their role in energy production, they also perform several other integral functions within the cell. Thus, it is not surprising that mitochondrial dysfunction can negatively impact cell viability. Although mitochondria have received an increasing amount of attention in recent years, there is still relatively little information about how proper maintenance of mitochondria and its genomes is achieved. The Neurospora crassa mus-10 mutant was first identified through its increased sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and was thus believed to be defective in some aspect of DNA repair. Here, we report that mus-10 harbors fragmented mitochondria and that it accumulates deletions in its mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), suggesting that the mus-10 gene product is involved in mitochondrial maintenance. Interestingly, mus-10 begins to senesce shortly after deletions are visualized in its mtDNA. To uncover the function of MUS-10, we used a gene rescue approach to clone the mus-10 gene and discovered that it encodes a novel F-box protein. We show that MUS-10 interacts with a core component of the Skp, Cullin, F-box containing (SCF) complex, SCON-3, and that its F-box domain is essential for its function in vivo. Thus, we provide evidence that MUS-10 is part of an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex involved in maintaining the integrity of mitochondria and may function to prevent cellular senescence.THE mus-10 mutant was isolated from a screen aimed at identifying Neurospora crassa strains that were sensitive to MMS and therefore likely to lack proper DNA repair mechanisms (Kafer and Perlmutter 1980). Epistasis analyses involving mus-10 suggested that it belonged to the uvs-6 epistasis group, which functions in recombination repair (Kafer and Perlmutter 1980; Kafer 1983). However, mus-10 did not display several phenotypes common to other members of the uvs-6 epistasis group: chromosomal instability, a high sensitivity to histidine, and the inability to produce viable ascospores in homozygous crosses (Newmeyer et al. 1978; Newmeyer and Galeazzi 1978; Kafer and Perlmutter 1980; Kafer 1981; Schroeder 1986; Watanabe et al. 1997; Handa et al. 2000; Sakuraba et al. 2000). Furthermore, the frequencies of spontaneous and radiation-induced mutation observed in mus-10 were similar to those of a wild-type strain (Kafer 1981). Past efforts to uncover the nature of these discrepancies or the function of the mus-10 gene product have been uninformative.The majority of cellular ATP is produced in mitochondria through aerobic respiration, which couples electron flow through respiratory complexes within the mitochondrial inner membrane with oxidative phosphorylation. Besides their role in ATP synthesis, mitochondria are also involved in many other cellular processes including beta-oxidation (Bartlett and Eaton 2004), calcium homeostasis (Gunter et al. 2004; Rimessi et al. 2008), production of iron-sulfur clusters (Zheng et al. 1998; Gerber and Lill 2002; Lill and Muhlenhoff 2005; Rouault and Tong 2005), and apoptosis (Green 2005; Antignani and Youle 2006; Xu and Shi 2007). Although virtually all mitochondrial proteins are encoded within the nucleus, a small number of proteins are encoded by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The integrity of the mitochondrial genome may affect cell survival as mutations in mtDNA accumulate in patients suffering from severe neurological diseases including Alzheimer''s, Huntington''s and Parkinson''s, as well as several types of cancer (Chatterjee et al. 2006; Higuchi 2007; Krishnan et al. 2007; Reeve et al. 2008). The number of mtDNA mutations also increases with age, suggesting a link between mitochondrial dysfunction and ageing (Cortopassi and Arnheim 1990; Corral-Debrinski et al. 1992; Cortopassi et al. 1992; Simonetti et al. 1992; Reeve et al. 2008). Contrary to the single genome in the nucleus, there are several copies of mtDNA in each mitochondrion. Thus, defects in a few mitochondrial genomes do not necessarily lead to mitochondrial dysfunction. Many patients suffering from mitochondrial diseases exhibit heteroplasmy, a phenomenon in which a mixture of wild-type and mutant mtDNAs exist in a single cell. The ratio of wild-type to mutant mtDNAs is critical in determining the penetrance of the genetic defect, where mutant loads >60% are required to cause respiratory chain dysfunction within an individual cell (Boulet et al. 1992; Chomyn et al. 1992; Sciacco et al. 1994).Even though N. crassa strains are generally deemed immortal if they can be subcultured ∼50 times, a wild-type strain was recently reported to senesce after 12,000 hr of growth, implying that this fungus undergoes natural or programmed ageing (Maheshwari and Navaraj 2008; Kothe et al. 2010). However, replicative life span is also influenced by genetic background as certain mutations can cause progressive deterioration of growth, ultimately leading to death. One such example is the nuclear-encoded natural death (nd), which when mutant causes a senescence phenotype correlating with the accumulation of multiple mtDNA deletions (Sheng 1951; Seidel-Rogol et al. 1989). The deletions of mtDNA in nd occurred between two 70- to 701-bp direct repeats, suggesting that the nd gene product regulates recombination, repair, or replication of mtDNA (Bertrand et al. 1993). Another nuclear mutation, senescence (sen), was isolated from N. intermedia and introgressed into N. crassa (Navaraj et al. 2000). Deletions were also observed in the mtDNA of sen mutants, but unlike those occurring in nd were flanked by 6- to 10-bp repeats typically associated with GC-rich palindromic sequences (D''Souza et al. 2005). The nature of the sequences that flanked the mtDNA deletions in these two mutants supported the existence of two distinct systems of mtDNA recombination in N. crassa: a general system of homologous recombination (system I) and a site-specific mechanism (system II), mediated in part by nd and sen, respectively (Bertrand et al. 1993; D''Souza et al. 2005). The nd and sen mutations have been mapped to linkage groups I and V, respectively, but neither gene has been cloned and the precise function of their gene products remains unclear. Two ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive mutants, uvs-4 and uvs-5, are thought to undergo senescence, but unfortunately, these strains have not been studied in great detail (Schroeder 1970; Perkins et al. 1993; Hausner et al. 2006). Premature senescence has also been observed in cytoplasmic mutants of N. crassa including the E35 and ER-3 stopper mutants that harbor large mtDNA deletions, as well as strains that accumulate mitochondrial plasmids capable of inserting into mtDNA through homologous recombination (de Vries et al. 1986; Akins et al. 1989; Myers et al. 1989; Niagro and Mishra 1989; Court et al. 1991; Alves and Videira 1998).While trying to establish the role of MUS-10 in DNA repair, we discovered that the mus-10 mutant exhibited a shortened life span, an abnormal mitochondrial morphology and mtDNA instability. We cloned the mus-10 gene through its ability to complement the MMS sensitivity of the mus-10 mutant and revealed that it encoded a novel F-box protein. This suggested that MUS-10 is part of an Skp, Cullin, F-box containing (SCF) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that targets proteins for degradation by the 26S proteasome. The data we present in this article offer proof that an SCF complex can regulate both mitochondrial maintenance and cellular senescence.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence supports the idea that secondary metabolites obtained from medicinal plants (phytometabolites) may be important contributors in the development of new chemotherapeutic agents to reduce the occurrence or recurrence of cancer. Our study focused on Dehydroleucodine (DhL), a sesquiterpene found in the provinces of Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe. In this study, we showed that DhL displayed cytostatic and cytotoxic activities on the human cerebral astrocytoma D384 cell line. With lactone isolated from Gynoxys verrucosa Wedd, a medicinal plant from Ecuador, we found that DhL induced cell death in D384 cells by triggering cell cycle arrest and inducing apoptosis and DNA damage. We further found that the cell death resulted in the increased expression of CDKN1A and BAX proteins. A marked induction of the levels of total TP73 and phosphorylated TP53, TP73, and γ-H2AX proteins was observed in D384 cells exposed to DhL, but no increase in total TP53 levels was detected. Overall these studies demonstrated the marked effect of DhL on the diminished survival of human astrocytoma cells through the induced expression of TP73 and phosphorylation of TP73 and TP53, suggesting their key roles in the tumor cell response to DhL treatment.  相似文献   

We have isolated a fission yeast karyogamy mutant, tht1, in which nuclear congression and the association of two spindle pole bodies occurs but the subsequent fusion of nuclear envelopes is blocked. The tht1 mutation does not prevent meiosis, so cells execute meiosis with two unfused nuclei, leading to the production of aberrant asci. The tht1+ gene was cloned and sequenced. Predicted amino acid sequence has no significant homology to previously known proteins but strongly suggests that it is a type I membrane protein. The tht1+ gene is dispensable for vegetative growth and expressed only in conjugating cells. Tht1p is a glycoprotein susceptible to endoglycosilase H digestion. Site- directed mutagenesis showed that the N-glycosylation site, as well as the COOH-terminal region of Tht1p, is essential for its function. A protease protection assay indicated that the COOH terminus is cytoplasmic. Immunocytological analysis using a HA-tagged Tht1p suggested that the protein is localized in nuclear envelopes and in the ER during karyogamy and that its levels are reduced in cells containing fused nuclei.  相似文献   

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