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转基因植物生产重组药物蛋白的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因植物作为一种新型生物反应器,可以安全、经济、有效的生产各种重组蛋白,以此作为大规模的重组药物生产平台备受瞩目。但是表达量低、下游处理复杂、糖基化结构改变是植物反应器中经常遇到的困难,这些困难限制了植物表达重组药物蛋白的商业化发展。针对这些问题,人们分别采用不同的生物技术策略加以解决,对此做一简要综述。  相似文献   

转基因植物疫苗的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
韩梅  苏涛  祖元刚  安志刚 《遗传学报》2006,33(4):285-293
近些年,随着遗传技术和植物基因工程的发展进步,疫苗(亚单位疫苗、活载体疫苗和核酸疫苗等)的研究迅速发展起来。尤其是利用转基因植物技术生产植物疫苗的研究受到了广泛的关注,在转基因植物(蔬菜、水果、农作物)的可食用部位表达抗原生产人或动物治疗用重组蛋白和疫苗的技术为可食性疫苗的研制开辟了新途径,展现了诱人的开发前景。植物来源的疫苗具有很多优势,如生产成本低、易于保存、免疫接种方便、甚至不需提取纯化等处理而直接食用。目前已有很多转基因植物疫苗产品投入开发和生产。文章综述了近几年转基因植物疫苗在表达系统、生产、生物安全/管理、公众健康等方面的研究进展,对转基因植物疫苗存在的问题进行了分析,并对其研究前景提出了展望。  相似文献   

作为高附加值重组蛋白生产平台,由于在成本和安全性方面的优势,植物已成为继微生物、哺乳动物等表达系统之后,获得广泛认同的极具潜力的蛋白表达系统。植物表达系统主要包括转基因植株,叶绿体转化植物,瞬时表达系统,细胞悬浮培养。综述了这些表达系统生产重组蛋白的产量和质量,尤其是各种表达系统的优缺点。  相似文献   

转基因植物生产药用蛋白研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
转基因植物作为生物反应器能生产医学上有生物活性的药用蛋白,该文对转基因植物生产医药蛋白的种类、途径及优缺点、改进措施进行了阐述。  相似文献   

利用转基因植物生产药用蛋白研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要评述了国内外利用转基因植物生产药用蛋白的研究现状、发展趋势,以及转基因植物生产药用蛋白的基本方法、应用研究等。尽管目前植物作为药用蛋白的生物反应器受到诸多因素限制,优点与问题并存,但利用转基因植物生产药用蛋白是植物基因工程研究领域的一个新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

转基因植物生产药用蛋白的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用转基因植物作为生物反应器生产具有重要价值的多肽和蛋白质,包括抗体、疫苗、药用蛋白等较之其他生产系统具有很多优越性,已成为当前植物医药基因工程和药物生物技术领域中的研究热点,本文着重就这一领域近年采国内外的研究现状、发展趋势以及目前存在的问题及对策进行综述。  相似文献   

利用转基因植物表达药用蛋白   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着药物生物技术和植物基因工程迅速发展 ,转基因植物被用作生物反应器生产具有医疗价值的多肽和蛋白质已成为生物医学研究的热点。研究表明转基因植物表达的蛋白质能够保持原有的结构和功能 ,这预示它将为药用蛋白的生产提供一条安全和廉价的新途径。主要概述了近年来国内外转基因植物生产诸如疫苗、抗体和其他药用蛋白或多肽等的研究进展 ,并着重探讨了存在的问题和解决策略。  相似文献   

转基因植物表达药用蛋白的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因工程技术的进步使得转基因植物广泛应用于工业、农业各个领域,尤其在医药制造领域。研究成果表明,转基因植物作为生物反应器在制备药用蛋白,如重组疫苗、重组动物抗体、细胞因子等方面较其他表达系统,如微生物及动物表达系统具有成本低、应用安全等优势,但在工业化技术方面仍存在障碍。  相似文献   

利用转基因植物生产药用蛋白   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
本文简单介绍了国内外在利用转基因植物或植物病毒表达载体生产药物蛋白的研究和产业化现状及其发展趋势,并对21世纪特别是前10~15年我国在该生物技术领域的研究方向、产业化重点以及产业化应注意的问题提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

多种基因工程抗体、酶、激素、血浆蛋白和疫苗等都已在植物的叶、茎、根、果实、种子以及植物细胞和器官中得到表达 ,然而提取和纯化始终是大规模利用植物生产重组蛋白的主要障碍 .Borisjuk和Komamytsky等 (1999年和 2 0 0 0年 )依据内质网和内质网信号肽在蛋白质合成中的作用 ,把 3种重组蛋白 ,嗜热细菌来源的木聚糖酶、水母的绿色荧光蛋白和人胎盘分泌的碱性磷酸酶 (SEAP) ,定位到质外体中 ,通过植物根分泌和叶分泌途径获得表达 ,从而建立了 2种新的重组蛋白表达系统———植物根分泌和叶分泌 ,简化了分离和纯化程…  相似文献   

转Bt基因植物中外源基因时空动态表达的研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在转Bt基因植株中 ,外源基因的时空动态表达对于害虫的防治和转基因安全评价管理具有重要意义。利用生物测定法和酶联免疫吸附测定法 (ELISA) ,对植物不同组织在同一发育阶段、同一组织在不同的发育阶段以及不同转基因植株的外源基因的时空动态表达进行研究。本文综述了转基因植物中外源基因时空动态表达的研究进展和现状。  相似文献   

影响苏云金芽孢杆菌基因在转基因植物中表达的因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)杀虫晶体蛋白基因是植物抗虫基因工程中应用最广泛的基因资源。影响Bt基因在转基因植物中表达的因素繁多,阐明这些因素的效应对于获得Bt基因在受体植物中的稳定高效表达具有重要意义。现对Bt基因表达的主要影响因子,如Bt基因表达单元、植物发育、外部环境条件、受体植物遗传背景、整合位点及Bt基因沉默现象等进行了综述。  相似文献   

To determine if the production of recombinant human protein C (rHPC) could be increased in milk, we created two lines of mice homozygous for the mouse whey acidic protein (WAP)/human protein C (HPC) transgene. Females of both lines had normal growth, activity and fertility, but failed to lactate normally and were unable to raise litters. Histological analyses of mammary glands from lactating homozygous females showed barely distended alveoli filled with dense-staining milk. Epithelial cells within these alveoli had distinct, centrally located nuclei and contained intracellular lipid droplets. Hemizygous animals derived from these lines were able to lactate and raised normal sized litters. Northern blot analysis showed that the 6.4 homozygous (6.4H) line expressed the transgene at higher levels then corresponding hemizygous (6.4) animals, but the 4.2 homozygous (4.2H) line expressed the transgene at lower levels than the 4.2 hemizygous line. The 6.4H line also had increased rHPC levels in the milk as revealed by western blot analysis. The 4.2H, 6.4, and 6.4H lines showed decreased and/or delayed expression of WAP, -casein, and -lactalbumin mRNA's compared to wild type animals during lactogenesis. The 4.2 line showed decreased mRNA expression for -casein and -lactalbumin, but normal or higher expression of WAP during lactogenesis. Elevated levels of some proteins were detected in the milk of transgenic mice. From these results, it is concluded that expression of rHPC induced a lactational phenotype that involves abnormal morphological, biochemical, and functional differentiation of mammary epithelial cells. However, the induction of this phenotype does not appear to be directly related to the level of rHPC mRNA expression, thus suggesting that the basis of this phenotype may involve secondary, rather than primary, effects of rHPC on mammary gland development.Deceased.  相似文献   

Human insulin-like growth factor-1 (hIGF-1) is a growth factor with clinical significance in medicine. The therapeutic potential of recombinant hIGF-1 (rthIGF-1) stems from the fact that hIGF-1 resembles insulin in many aspects of physiology. The expression of hIGF-1 in transgenic tobacco and rice plants using different expression cassettes is reported here. In the present study, two coding sequences were tested, one with the original human sequence, but partially optimized for expression in E. coli and the other with a plant-codon-optimized sequence that was expected to give a higher level of expression in plant systems. Three different hIGF-1 recombinant expression constructs were generated. All expression constructs utilized the maize ubiquitin 1 promoter with or without a signal sequence. Analyses conducted using a hIGF-1 specific ELISA kit showed all transgenic plants produced hIGF-1 and the accumulated hIGF-1 increased from the E. coli codon bias to higher levels when the hIGF-1 coding sequence was codon-optimized to match that of the maize zeamatin protein – the most transcribed gene in maize endosperm suspension cells. Further analyses that compared the functionality of the bacterial signal peptide Lam B in plants showed that this leader peptide led to lower expression levels when compared to transgenic plants that did not contain this sequence. This indicated that this expression construct was functional without removal of the bacterial signal sequence. The maize ubiquitin 1 promoter was found to be more active in rice plants than tobacco plants indicating that in this case, there was a class preference that was biased towards a monocot host. Biological analyses conducted using protein extracts from transgenic plants showed that the rthIGF-1 was effective in stimulating the in vitro growth and proliferation of human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. This indicated that the plant-produced rthIGF-1 was stable and biologically active. As some plants have been reported to express an endogenous insulin-like protein, we also looked for any effect of the human growth factor in transgenic plants, but no developmental or morphological differences with wild type tobacco or rice plants were detected. Since insulin and hIGF-1 share some overlapping roles, hIGF-1 may become a substitute therapeutic agent in subjects with certain defects in their insulin receptor signaling. Hence, if the full beneficial potential of rthIGF-1 is achieved, it is expected that in the future the demand will likely increase significantly.  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)可直接进行活体观察,它的这个优点可被用于监测转基因植物中选择标记基因的消除。为此,构建了植物表达载体pGNG,将绿色荧光蛋白基因(gfp)和卡那霉素抗性基因表达盒(NosP-nptll-NosT)一起克隆在两个同向的lox位点间,在第一个lox位点上游置有CaMV 35S启动子以驱动GFP表达,第二个lox位点下游置有不含启动子的大肠杆菌β-葡萄糖醛酸酶(GUS)基因。首先在含卡那霉素(Kan)的培养基上筛选出转pGNG的烟草,借助绿色荧光可容易地检出表达GFP的转化体。然后用另一转化载体pCambia1300Cre二次转化表达GFP的转基因植物,利用另一选择标记基因潮霉素抗性基因(hpt)进行筛选,在获得的再生植株中,Cre重组酶的表达消除了转化体中两lox位点间的gfpnptll。实验结果表明可借助GFP荧光的消失,快速选出nptII被消除的二次转化体,同时GUS(作为目的蛋白) 在CaMV 35S启动子驱动下获得表达。最后利用后代的分离将hptcre除去。  相似文献   

通过体外操作,对豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂(cpti)基因进行修饰,获得了一个融合蛋白基因(sck).该基因是在cpti基因的基础上,在其5'端添加了信号肽编码序列,在3'端添加了内质网滞留信号编码序列,旨在引导基因转译产物进入细胞内质网,并最终滞留在内质网及其衍生的蛋白体内.用sck基因转化烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.),对获得的转基因植株进行ELISA检测.结果表明,含有修饰基因的转基因烟草CpTI蛋白含量有明显提高,比转未修饰cpti基因烟草平均高出2倍,最高单株可达4倍以上,同时转基因植株的抗虫性也有了显著的提高.结果表明,采用外源蛋白靶向定位的策略,可大幅度提高外源蛋白在转基因植物细胞内的积累量,在植物基因工程研究中具有广泛的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Colostrum and milk are natural vehicles for acquiring passive immunity and are valuable tools for decreasing neonatant mortality from diarrheal disease. The effects of recombinant human protein C (rhPC) expression levels on endogenous immunoglobulin and transferrin content of the milk of different lineages of transgenic pigs were studied. The levels of rhPC in the milk ranged from 40 to 1200g/ml. Transgenic pigs with rhPC expression levels less than 500g/ml had no significant differences in milk protein composition with respect to nontransgenic pigs. A line of transgenic pigs having rhPC expression levels of 960–1200g/ml had two- to three-fold higher IgG, IgM, and secretory IgA concentrations compared to other transgenic and nontransgenic pig groups (P<0.05), and four- to five-fold higher transferrin levels than nontransgenic pigs (P<0.05). Changes in milk protein composition were not associated with mastitis or other pathologic disruption of epithelial cell junctions as indicated by normal casein and albumin levels in milk. Since IgG, IgM, secretory IgA, and transferrin are transported into the milk by transcytosis, higher levels of these proteins indicate that transcyctosis in the mammary epithelial cell was likely upregulated in pigs having high rhPC expression levels. This study is the first that shows a statistically significant example that mammary tissue specific expression of a heterologous protein can enhance endogenous phenotypic characteristics of milk.  相似文献   

降低转基因植物外源基因扩散的分子策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马三梅  王永飞 《遗传》2004,26(4):556-559
转基因植物可以通过花粉或种子将外源基因转移到其他植物,从而对生态环境造成潜在的危害。如何降低外源基因的扩散已引起了人们的极大关注。目前降低外源基因扩散的方法主要有叶绿体转化、花粉不育、种子不育、闭花受精、无融合生殖、暂时性控制及转基因缓和等。主要对各种方法的原理和优缺点及目前的使用情况进行综述。Abstract: Transgenic plants can transfer foreign genes through pollen or seed to related plant species. This may cause potential harm to ecological environment. How to decrease the gene flow is drawing a growing public attention. The approaches for decreasing the gene flow include chloroplast transformation, pollen sterility, seed sterility, cleistogamy, apomixis, temporal control, and transgenic mitigation. The theoretical basis, advantages and disadvantages, and usage status of these approaches are presented in this review.  相似文献   

Expression of Functional Interleukin-12 from Mouse in Transgenic Tomato Plants   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Transgenic plants have been employed successfully as a low-cost system for the production of therapeutically valuable proteins, including antibodies, antigens and hormones. Here, we report the expression of a cytokine with immunomodulatory function, mouse interleukin-12 (IL-12), in transgenic tomato plants. Single-chain mouse IL-12 driven by the CaMV 35S promoter, accumulates to high levels in leaves and fruits (up to 7.3 and 3.4 μg per gram of fresh weight, respectively). Mouse IL-12 expressed in tomato displays biological activity in vitro, as determined by interferon-γ (IFN-γ) secretion by T cells. Possible uses of this plant-based cytokine involving mucosal delivery are discussed  相似文献   

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants were transformed with a construct encoding phytochrome A (PHYA) antisense RNA. The construct inserted into the tobacco genome contained squash PHYA cDNA in an antisense orientation under the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter providing for gene expression in higher plant tissues. Using immunoblot analysis and Z3-B1 antibodies against PHYA, the authors demonstrated that the PHYA content of the transgenic plants was lower than that of the wild-type plants. The studies of PHYA-dependent inhibition of hypocotyl elongation by high-intensity far-red light showed a considerable decrease in light sensitivity of the transgenic hypocotyl characteristic for aphyAmutation.  相似文献   

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