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A kinetic model for the production of lactic acid by Lactobacillus delbruckii from glucose has been developed using the batch kinetic data of Luedeking. This model incorporates the inhibitory effects of undissociated lactic acid and of hydrogen ion concentration upon cellular growth and production processes.  相似文献   

The present paper presents a generalized treatment of the principles of elemental and enthalpy balances which are applied to aerobic fermentation processes. It is shown that strict relations do exist between the various yield factors of biomass or product on substrate, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and between the various maintenance coefficients. These relations are confirmed from the existing body of literature data on yield and maintenance coefficients. Another consequences of the application of elemental balances is the existence of limits for the maximum biomass yield on substrate and oxygen, which depend on the degree of reduction of the substrates with different degree of reduction. It appears from this model that substrates with a high degree of reduction are C limited and substrates with a low degree of reduction are energy limited. Finally the effects of temperature on yield and maintenance coefficients are analyzed from the existing body of literature data. It can be concluded that the maintenance coefficients follow an Arrhenius type of relationship and that yield is temperature independent. The literature data seem to indicate that a degree of reduction of about 4 is optimal for the carbon and energy needs for biomass formation.  相似文献   

The precise details of how myosin-V coordinates the biochemical reactions and mechanical motions of its two head elements to engineer effective processive molecular motion along actin filaments remain unresolved. We compare a quantitative kinetic model of the myosin-V walk, consisting of five basic states augmented by two further states to allow for futile hydrolysis and detachments, with experimental results for run lengths, velocities, and dwell times and their dependence on bulk nucleotide concentrations and external loads in both directions. The model reveals how myosin-V can use the internal strain in the molecule to synchronize the motion of the head elements. Estimates for the rate constants in the reaction cycle and the internal strain energy are obtained by a computational comparison scheme involving an extensive exploration of the large parameter space. This scheme exploits the fact that we have obtained analytic results for our reaction network, e.g., for the velocity but also the run length, diffusion constant, and fraction of backward steps. The agreement with experiment is often reasonable but some open problems are highlighted, in particular the inability of such a general model to reproduce the reported dependence of run length on ADP concentration. The novel way that our approach explores parameter space means that any confirmed discrepancies should give new insights into the reaction network model.  相似文献   

A system of kinetic equations describing relatively slow large-scale processes in collisionless magnetoplasma structures with a spatial resolution of about the characteristic gyroradius is derived. Plasma is assumed to be quasineutral, while the magnetic and electric fields are determined by the instantaneous distributions of the particle and current densities and the stress tensor of all plasma components in the longrange instantaneous interaction approximation. A special version of equations is derived for the case of magnetized electrons described by the Vlasov equation in the drift approximation. The obtained system of equations can be used to develop a global numerical kinetic model of the Earth’s magnetosphere with a spatial resolution of about 100 km, as well as local models of certain regions of the Earth’s magnetosphere with a higher resolution.  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of maximising the productivity of a class of fermentation processes described by an unstructured fermentation process model. For a given dilution rate, an extremum seeking adaptive control has been used to maximise the productivity of a fermentation process. The concept behinds the extremum seeking method is to iteratively adjust the feed substrate rate in order to steer the process to yield a maximum productivity. The main advantage of the extremum seeking adaptive control is it does not require any structural information of the modeling uncertainty.  相似文献   

A great deal of variation in ecological processes can be generated through variation in environmental conditions. Models describing the underlying processes should be able to account for this variation. However, models may not be flexible enough, so that different realizations of a process may be better described by different models. This may lead to uncertainty in model selection.
Here we examine the question of whether two empirical models can provide consistent fits to different realizations of a process affected by environmental variation. We further examine the sensitivity of the model predictions to the amount of data available and the selection of the model. To study this, we simulated pollen dispersal patterns under varying wind conditions and then investigated whether the datasets consistently supported the same model. The role of the model selection and the impact of the spatial range over which the dispersal distances were observed were assessed by comparing model predictions at long dispersal distances.
There was no consistent pattern of one model providing a better fit than the other across simulations. The model providing better fit varied depending on the range of distances over which the dispersal patterns were observed, and on the amount of long-distance dispersal. The model predictions were found to be very sensitive to the selection of the model.
The variation between datasets produced with the same underlying mechanisms cannot be easily described using one model, which also limits our ability to reliably predict the underlying process. Therefore, the amount of information about a model choice provided by an individual field study may be rather limited. If we are to understand processes that are affected by environmental variation then we have to observe the range of possible outcomes of the processes under varying spatio-temporal conditions.  相似文献   

Development of a kinetic model for the alcoholic fermentation of must   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We Propose a kinetic expression which accounts for the temperature dependence of ethanol yield losses in batch alcoholic fermentation. Moreover, the characteristic parameters of the microbial growth equation have been calculated for Saccharomyces cerevisiae under typical wine industry conditions. A substrate consumption equation is established which minimizes possible model deviations in the latter process stages. Experimental data were obtained in the laboratory and the proposed equations were then applied at an industrial level (2.5 x 10(4) L) where they described the data well.  相似文献   

A batch fermentation model is presented in which the specific growth rate and yield functions are chosen such that sustained oscillations in both the cell and substrate concentration occur. This phenomenon is shown to be a Hopf bifurcation in the underlying system of non-linear ordinary differential equations which comprises the model. It is shown that for oscillations in the substrate concentration to occur it is necessary for the yield term to depend on both the cell and substrate levels.  相似文献   

Anaerobic batch fermentations of ricotta cheese whey (i.e. containing lactose) were performed under different operating conditions. Ethanol concentrations of ca. 22 g L−1 were found from whey containing ca. 44 g L−1 lactose, which corresponded to up to 95% of the theoretical ethanol yield within 15 h. The experimental data could be explained by means of a simple knowledge-driven biochemically structured model that was built on bioenergetics principles applied to the metabolic pathways through which lactose is converted into major products. Use of the model showed that the observed concentrations of ethanol, lactose, biomass and glycerol during batch fermentation could be described within a ca. 6% deviation, as could the yield coefficients for biomass and ethanol produced on lactose. The model structure confirmed that the thermodynamics considerations on the stoichiometry of the system constrain the metabolic coefficients within a physically meaningful range thereby providing valuable and reliable insight into fermentation processes.  相似文献   

This review describes integrated mathematical models of processes, such as calcium homeostasis, pathogen–host interaction (with hepatitis C virus as a pathogen), and the response of the human brain to a stimulating event. It is shown that integrated mathematical models provide a deeper insight into the mechanisms and conditions that lead to the development of diseases of different natures (musculoskeletal disorders, viral infections, and various impairments in brain function) and aid identification of the key targets and conditions for a directed effect of new generation drugs, as well as the interpretation of the results of state-of-theart CT imaging.  相似文献   

Four software sensors based on standard on-line data from fermentation processes and simple mathematical models were used to monitor a number of state variables in Escherichia coli fed-batch processes: the biomass concentration, the specific growth rate, the oxygen transfer capacity of the bioreactor, and the new R O/S sensor which is the ratio between oxygen and energy substrate consumption. The R O/S variable grows continuously in a fed-batch culture with constant glucose feed, which reflects the increasing maintenance demand at declining specific growth rate. The R O/S sensor also responded to rapid pH shift-downs reflecting the increasing demand for maintenance energy. It is suggested that this sensor may be used to monitor the extent of physiological stress that demands energy for survival.  相似文献   

This work describes a numerical model for predicting simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of Avicel, an insoluble crystalline cellulose polymer. Separate anoxic cultivations of 40 g/L glucose and 100 g/L Avicel were conducted to verify model predictions and obtain parameters to describe the reaction kinetics. Saccharification of Avicel was achieved with Trichoderma reesei cellulases from the enzyme preparation Spezyme CP with an enzyme loading of 10 FPU/g cellulose. Cultivations were supplemented with 50 IU/g cellulose of β‐glucosidase from Novozym 188 to prevent product inhibition by cellobiose. Saccharomyces cerevisiae MH‐1000 is a robust industrial strain and was used to ferment glucose to ethanol, glycerol, and carbon dioxide. The numerical model presented in this paper differs from previous models by separating the endoglucanase and exoglucanase enzyme kinetics and allowing for inhibitive site competition. Assuming all enzymes remain active and that each enzyme complex has a corresponding constant specific activity, the model is capable of predicting adsorbed enzyme concentrations with reasonable accuracy. Comparison of predicted values to experimental measurements indicated that the numerical model was capable of capturing the significant elements involved with cellulose conversion to ethanol. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:924–933. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A model predicting net photosynthesis of individual plant leaves for a variety of environmental conditions has been developed. It is based on an electrical analogue describing gas diffusion from the free atmosphere to the sites of CO2 fixation and a Michaelis-Menten equation describing CO2 fixation. The model is presented in two versions, a simplified form without respiration and a more complex form including respiration. Both versions include terms for light and temperature dependence of CO2 fixation and light control of stomatal resistance. The second version also includes terms for temperature, light, and oxygen dependence of respiration and O2 dependence of CO2 fixation.The model is illustrated with curves based on representative values of the various environmental and biological parameters. These curves relate net photosynthesis to light intensity, [CO2], [O2], temperature, and resistances to CO2 uptake. The shape of the [CO2]-net photosynthesis curves depends on the total diffusion resistance to CO2 uptake and the Michaelis constant for CO2 uptake. The curves range from typical Michaelis-Menten to Blackman types.The model is combined with a model of leaf energy exchange permitting simultaneous estimation of net photosynthesis and transpiration. The combined model is illustrated with curves relating transpiration to photosynthesis under a wide variety of environmental conditions. Environmental regimes yielding maximum efficiency of water use are identified for the given assumptions and biological parameters.  相似文献   

谭云  黎继烈  王卫  罗倩  朱晓媛 《菌物学报》2016,35(1):94-103
构建了重组毕赤酵母产青霉素G酰化酶的分批发酵动力学模型。实验考察了分批发酵过程中甘油消耗、甲醇浓度、菌体浓度、溶氧、补料时间对青霉素G酰化酶活力的影响。应用Matlab软件,对菌体生长、基质消耗和产物生成方程进行最优参数估算和非线性拟合,得到相应的动力学模型。模型的计算值与实验值能较好地拟合,表明所建模型能较好反映重组毕赤酵母产青霉素G酰化酶的分批发酵过程。  相似文献   

A penicillin sensitive enzyme electrode has been used to analyze the concentration of benzylpenicillin in fermentation broth. The electrode response time was in the region of 2 min and the response to penicillin concentration was linear within the range of 1 to 10mM. The buffering capacity of the medium influenced the sensitivity of the electrode. At low buffer capacity the sensitivity of the enzyme electrode to penicillin was very high, but then the sensitivity to small changes in buffer capacity was relatively large. At high buffer capacity the sensitivity to penicillin was reduced and the electrode became less dependent on changes to buffer capacity. Constant calibration curves were repeatedly obtained with the electrode when used for 2 hr daily in a fermentation medium over a six day period. Three methods devised to calibrate the electrode for use in fermentation media were investigated. Methods one and two, based on the relationship between electrode sensitivity and buffer capacity in phosphate buffer and in sterile media, gave rather high penicillin concentration values. The third method based on an internal standard was the most satisfactory.  相似文献   

A near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technique for the control of lactic acid fermentation process has been proposed. Lactic acid, glucose, and biomass concentrations were determined by the NIR spectroscopy method. The three parameters examined were closely correlated to the results obtained with classical laboratory procedures. Moreover, the conditions for the on-line utilization of the NIR spectroscopy measurement system were pointed out. The great versatility of the NIR spectroscopy should permit its use for other fermentation processes. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Data base management is needed in the whole industries, particularly in the fermentation industry, whose jobs are tedious yet require carefulness. The most important problem in the database system is not how to collect many informations, but how to handle the meaningful ones.The authors have recently developed an on-line monitoring and control system for the fermentation processes in co-operation with Fuji Facom Co. Ltd. and Komatsugawa Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd.This system enables us to measure directly those concentrations in fermentation systems which have been measured by offline so far, such as cell mass, substrate and metabolic products. The physiological activities of a microorganism, such as specific rate of cellular growth, that of substrate consumption, that of metabolites production, etc., became estimable precisely by eliminating the effect of noises.By enlarging the function of our monitoring and control system, we have developed a database system which is applicable in job scheduling not only in the laboratory but also in the production line, in automatic resource allocation and fault analyses of the fermentation processes.  相似文献   

AIMS: A study on the effects of tryptone and yeast extract on nisin production by Lactococcus lactis was carried out using a second order rotatable factorial design. METHODS AND RESULTS: The results show that both ingredients increased nisin production, although a small decrease in nisin levels was noted at high tryptone concentrations. In view of the low vitamin content of tryptone, the amino acids present in both tryptone and yeast extract may be responsible for these observations. CONCLUSIONS, SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The observed response suggests that maintaining tryptone concentrations in the centre of the domain and increasing the concentration of yeast extract would be ideal conditions for nisin production. However, when the economic aspects are considered, it appears that low concentrations of yeast extract and reasonably high concentrations of tryptone are optimal.  相似文献   

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