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Learning to find fruit in Ceratitis capitata flies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wild Mediterranean fruit fly females, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), from an essentially monophagous population on the island of Hawaii were exposed to natural mock orange (Murraya paniculata) or sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) host fruit hung from branches of potted trees for 3-day periods in field enclosures. Subsequently, when flies were released individually onto potted trees harboring one or the other (or a mixture) of these fruit types, a higher proportion visited the type of fruit with which they were familiar (and visitors found familiar fruit faster) compared with the fruit type with which they were unfamiliar. Moreover, fruit-finding flies of this monophagous population attempted oviposition exclusively in the familiar fruit type, and thus appeared to be just as capable of learning to accept fruit for oviposition as wild flies from a previously-tested polyphagous population on the island of Maui. Additional tests were conducted in which flies were exposed to natural or colored-wax-covered mock oranges or sweet oranges and tested for response to colored-wax-covered natural or artificial fruit. Results suggested that fruit size was the principal character learned and used in finding mock orange or sweet orange fruit, while fruit color and odor appeared to be of little or no importance in this regard.
Résumé Des femelles sauvages d'une population essentiellement monophage de C. capitata Wiedemann, provenant de l'île de Hawaï, ont été mises en présence pendant des périodes de 3 jours dans des enceintes dans la nature à des fruits de Murraya paniculata et de Citrus sinensis suspendus à des branches d'arbres empotés. Quand les mouches ont été libérées individuellement sur les arbres empotés portant l'un ou l'autre de ces fruits (ou leur mélange), une plus forte proportion a visité le fruit avec lequel elles étaient familiarisées (et l'ont trouvé plus vite) que le fruit avec lequel elles ne n'étaient pas. De plus, les femelles découvrant des fruits de cette population monophage ne tentèrent de pondre que dans le type de fruit avec lequel elle étaient familiarisées. Elles se montrèrent aussi capables que les mouches d'une population polyphage de l'île de Maui d'apprendre à accepter de nouveaux fruits pour pondre. Des expériences complémentaires ont été réalisées dans lesquelles les mouches étaient mises en présence de fruits de M. paniculata ou de C. sinensis naturels ou couverts de cire colorée ou encore de fruits artificiels. Les résultats suggèrent que la taille du fruit est le principal critère d'apprentissage utilisé pour trouver M. paniculata ou C. sinensis, la couleur et l'odeur du fruit étant apparus comme de moindre importance ou sans effet.

Mechanisms producing inhibition of remating in mated female Mediterranean fruit flies Ceratitis capitata, were investigated by matings with surgically altered males. Comparison of remating by females mated with either intact control males or males with a shortened penis, showed that ejaculate or a physical stimulus of penis insertion caused remating inhibition for at least 10 days after first mating. Remating frequency at two days after mating was significantly higher in females mated to castrated (spermless) males than in females mated to sham-operated control males. This difference disappeared by day four after mating, indicating that sperm cause a shorter-term inhibition of remating than does a normal first mating. Other factors in addition to sperm must therefore play a role in inhibition of remating.  相似文献   

We examined the intra-tree foraging behavior of individually-released, wild-population Mediterranean fruit flies (medflies), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), on field-caged host trees bearing each of three different densities (0, 3, or 12 per tree) of non-infested host fruit (kumquat) or each of two levels of fruit quality (12 non-infested fruit or 12 fruit infested with eggs and covered with host marking pheromone). With increasing density of non-infested fruit, medflies tended to remain longer in trees, visit more fruit before leaving, oviposit more often, accept a proportionately smaller number of fruit visited, and emigrate sooner after the last egg was laid (i.e. have a shorter Giving-Up-Time). Medflies spent much less time, oviposited much less often, and exhibited a longer Giving-Up-Time on trees harboring pheromone-marked fruit than non-infested fruit. Variation in temperature within the range at which experiments were conducted (25–36°C) had little detectable influence on foraging behavior. We compare our findings with published findings on the intra-tree foraging behavior of another tephritid fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), and with current foraging behavior theory. We discuss implications of our findings with respect to medfly management strategies, particularly fruit stripping in eradication programs and use of synthetic marking pheromone for control.
Résumé Nous avons étudié le comportement de prospection dans un arbre, de femelles d'une population sauvage de C. capitata, libérées individuellement à l'intérieur de cages contenant des Eriobotrya japonica (kumquat), portant chacun 3 densités différentes de fruits no contaminés (0, 3, 12 par arbre) et chacun 2 niveaux de qualité de fruits: 12 fruits non infestés ou 12 fruits contaminés par des oeufs et recouverts de phéromone de marquage de l'hôte. C. capitata avait terndance à rester plus longtemps dans les arbres, à visiter plus de fruits avant le quitter, à pondre plus souvent, à accepter proportionnellement un nombre plus réduit de fruits déjà visités, à émigrer plus tôt après la ponte du dernier oeuf (c'est-à-dire à présenter un temps d'abandon plus bref), quand la densité des fruits non contaminés augmentait. C. capitata a dépensé beaucoup moins de temps, pondu beaucoup moins souvent, et présenté un temps d'abandon plus long sur les arbres portant des fruits marqués par la phéromone que sur ceux ayant des fruits non contaminés. Les variations de température dans la gamme de cells où les observations ont eu lieu (23–36°C) n'ont eu qu'une faible influence décelable sur le comportement de prospection. Nous avons comparé nos résultats avec ceux publiés sur la prospection à l'intérieur de l'arbre par une autre téphritide (Rhagoletis pomonella) et avec la théorie dominante sur le comportement de prospection. Nous discutons les conséquences de nos résultats sur les stratégies de lutte contre C. capitata, en particulier l'élimination des fruits dans les plans d'erradication et l'utilisation de phéromone synthétique de marquage.

Injuries frequently accumulate with age in nature. Despite the commonality of injury and the resulting impairment, there are limited experimental data for the effects of impairment on life history trade‐offs between reproduction and survival in insects. We tested the effects of artificial injury and the resulting impairment on the reproductive costs and behavior of male medflies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Treatment flies were impaired by amputating tarsomere segments 2–5 from the right foreleg at either eclosion or age 22 days. The effect of impairment and age on the cost of reproduction was tested by varying the timing of female availability among the treatments. Courtship behavior and copulation rates were observed hourly from age 2–5 days to determine the effects of impairment on reproductive behavior. Female access combined with the impairment reduced the life expectancy of males more than the impairment alone, whereas the health effect of amputation was influenced by age. Conversely, the risk of death due to impairment was not influenced by the males' mating status prior to amputation. The males' copulation success was reduced due to impairment, whereas courtship behavior was not affected. Impairment does not reduce the males' impulse to mate, but decreases the females' receptivity to copulation, while also increasing the cost of each successful mating. Overall, minor impairment lowers the reproductive success of males and reduces longevity.  相似文献   

Female medflies were subjected to four different patterns of host deprivation at each of three levels for a 24-day period. Treatments ranged from host absence 8 days post-eclosion to host absence 2 out of 3 days. Survival was recorded daily and egg production was recorded on the days in which hosts were present.The direct effect of host deprivation is to deny females the opportunity to oviposit. This disrupts their reproductive cycle and reduces their overall reproductive effort. Reduced reproductive effort at young ages increases survival (up to 2-fold) and daily reproduction (up to 8-fold) at older ages. Therefore, the long term effect of host deprivation is to postpone senescence.The implications of these findings regarding medfly sensescence are discussed in relation to: (i) reduction in population extinction rates during periods of host scarcity and (ii) egging strategies in medfly mass-rearing.
Résumé Les femelles de C. capitata ont été privées d'hôtes suivant 4 modalités pendant 3 durées (33, 50 et 67% de leur vie) par période de 24 heures. Les modalités se répartissaient de la privation pendant 8 jours après l'éclosion jusqu'à 1 jour sur 3. La survie a été notée chaque jour et la ponte pour tous les jours où il y avait des hôtes.L'effect direct de l'absence d'hôte est d'empêcher la femelle de pondre. Ceci interrompt leur cycle de ponte et réduit leur activité reproductrice totale. Un effort reproductif réduit des femelles jeunes augmente la survie (jusqu'à 2 fois) et la ponte quotidienne (jusqu'à 8 fois) chez les femelles plus âgées. Ainsi, l'effet à long terme de la privation d'hôtes est d'ajourner la sénescence.Les implications de ces observations sur la sénescence de C. capitata sont discutées quant à: (1) la réduction des taux d'extinction des populations pendant les périodes de rareté d'hôtes; et: (2) les stratégies d'obtention de pontes dan les élevages de masse de C. capitata.

Abstract. In studies conducted on potted host trees in field cages and in the laboratory, we examined the influence of egg load on the finding and acceptance of high-ranking (kumquat) and lower-ranking (grapefruit) hosts for oviposition by wild-origin Mediterranean fruit fly females, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). By prescribing the periods during which females had access to protein prior to testing, we generated four classes of females having progressively increasing egg loads but not differing in population origin, age, degree of protein hunger at testing, or amount of prior experience with host fruit (none). Egg load had no discernible effect on behaviour associated with finding either type of fruit but did have a significant effect on several behaviours associated with oviposition after alighting on fruit. Increasing egg load led to increasing propensity to engage in ovipositional-type behaviour on both kumquats and grapefruits. There was no evidence, however, to support a hypothesis that medflies would become less discriminating against grapefruits relative to kumquats as egg load increased. Relative to kumquats, grapefruits were accepted for oviposition by intermediate and high egg load females to a substantially greater degree in laboratory cages than on trees, suggesting that results of laboratory cage experiments on host discrimination by tephritid flies may poorly reflect differences in behavioural responses expressed under less constrained conditions.  相似文献   

Though traps are used widely to sample phytophagous insects for research or management purposes, and recently in aging research, possible bias stemming from differential response of individuals of various ages to traps has never been examined. In this paper, we tested the response of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) males and females of four ages (spanning from 1 to 40 days) to McPhail-type traps baited with a synthetic food attractant in field cages and found that the probability of trapping was significantly influenced by age. The type of food on which flies were maintained before testing (sugar or protein) also had a strong effect and interacted with age. In another experiment, we collected wild C. capitata adults of unknown age using 1–3 methods and then reared them in the laboratory until death. The survival schedules of these flies were subsequently used in a life table assay to infer their age at the time of capture. Results showed that on a single sampling date, males captured in traps baited with a food attractant were younger compared with males aspirated from fruiting host trees, or males captured in traps baited with a sex attractant. Likewise, females captured in food-baited traps were younger compared with aspirated females. In addition to providing the first evidence of age-dependent sampling bias for a phytophagous insect species, this paper also provides a novel approach to estimate the differences in the age composition of samples collected with different techniques. These findings are of utmost importance for several categories of insects, medically important groups notwithstanding.  相似文献   

1. The invasion success of Ceratitis capitata probably stems from physiological, morphological, and behavioural adaptations that enable them to survive in different habitats. However, it is generally poorly understood if variation in acute thermal tolerance and its phenotypic plasticity might be important in facilitating survival of C. capitata upon introduction to novel environments. 2. Here, by comparison of widely distributed C. capitata with a narrowly distributed congener, C. rosa, we show that both species have similar levels of survival to acute high and low temperature exposures under common rearing conditions. However, these species differ dramatically in the time‐course of plastic responses to acute low temperature treatments. 3. The range of temperatures that induce rapid cold hardening (RCH) are similar for both species. However, C. capitata has two distinct advantages over C. rosa. First, at 5°C C. capitata develops RCH significantly faster than C. rosa. Second, C. capitata maintains a RCH response longer than C. rosa (8 vs. 0.5 h). 4. A simple population survival model, based on the estimated time‐course of RCH responses determined for both species, was undertaken to simulate time to extinction for both species introduced into a similar thermally variable environment. The model showed that time to extinction is greater for C. capitata than for C. rosa, especially in habitats where temperatures frequently drop below 10°C. 5. Thus, variation in RCH responses may translate into significant variation in survival upon introduction to novel thermal habitats for C. capitata, particularly in cooler and more thermally variable geographic regions, and may contribute to their ongoing invasion success relative to other, more geographically constrained Ceratitis species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The responses of male Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera; Tephritidae) to trimediure were investigated in a wind tunnel of novel design with disposable plastic walls. Trimediure was presented to the flies either in the form of a discrete 'plume' or uniformly dispersed in the air passing through the tunnel. The flies showed an increase in flight activity in response to the two forms of stimulation and performed a zig-zag anemotactic flight in response to the plume, reminiscent of the behaviour of moths responding to a sex pheromone. They performed a straight, upwind, anemotactic response to the uniformly dispersed odour. The design of wind tunnel used in these tests was found to have several advantages: air flow and turbulence can be easily varied and the plastic walls can be changed to eliminate contamination problems.  相似文献   

Significant inter-populational differences in propensity to attempt boring into (accept) various types of fruit for oviposition were found among Ceratitis capitata females from two wild sources and one laboratory source. Evidence suggests that (a) fruit size had a strong influence whereas fruit taxonomic status had little influence on the acceptance pattern of each population, and (b) at least a portion of the inter-populational variation had a genetic basis.
Zusammenfassung Bei zwei Wildherkünften und einem Laboratoriumsstamm von Ceratitis capitata wurden Weibchen auf ihre Neigung zur Probebohrung in Früchte vor der Eiablage untersucht; dabei ergaben sich gesicherte Unterschiede zwischen den Populationen. Die Resultate deuten drauf hin, (a) dass die Fruchtgrösse einen grossen, und die taxonomische Stellung der Früchte einen kleinen Einfluss auf das Annahmemuster der Populationen ausübt, und (b) dass mindestens ein Teil der Unterschiede zwischen den Populationen genetisch bedingt ist.

Abstract:  EntostatTM is an electrostatically charged wax powder that is used as a carrier particle in novel delivery systems for contaminating target insect pests with insecticides, biologicals or pheromones. Here, the adhesion of two forms of Entostat to the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) was examined, and the adhesion of Entostat to live and dead medflies was compared. From controlled contaminations of medflies, it was shown that live medflies acquired larger quantities of Entostat than dead medflies, which could be due to the electrostatic charge shown to be carried by live insects. Air-milled Entostat (7.59  μ m mean diameter) adhered in larger quantities to medflies than pestle and mortar-ground Entostat (9.17  μ m mean diameter). Exposing medflies to different quantities of Entostat affected the initially adhering quantity but did not alter the proportion of powder retained over time. Medfly males contaminated with air-milled Entostat were shown to transfer small quantities to females during mating. This documentation of secondary powder transfer underscores the potential for using slow-acting killing agents on the basis of this delivery system.  相似文献   

We usedF-statistics to quantify the population structure of two sympatric species of leaf beetles,Oreina cacaliae andO. speciosissima (Chrysomelinae, Coleoptera), which share the same microhabitat since they feed on the same herbaceous host plants. We measured genetic differentiation at six allozyme loci 1) among populations separated by relatively small distances (40 to 250 kilometers), 2) within each population, and 3) between sexes within populations. For both species, the populations studied are not panmictic. For each population, heterozygosities are relatively high, but the observed heterozygosities are generally lower than the expected values. Overall, within-population differentiation is high and similar for both species (F is=0.326 forO. cacaliae and 0.332 forO. speciosissima). Additionally, populations of both species are highly differentiated (F st=0.234 versus 0.051 forO. speciosissima). ForO. cacaliae,F is andF st are greater among females than among males, while forO. speciosissima,F st is sustantially greater among the males whileF is is slightly greater among males. Differences in gene frequency among the sexes were statistically tested using a modifiedF st with sex as the defining category, and the sexes differed significantly with the exception of one population inO. cacaliae. Possible explanations for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared and wild-collected adult female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, were exposed to two host fruit species, sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) and mock orange (Murraya paniculata Jack: Rutaceae). The effect of experience with a fruit species on acceptance of these fruit species (i.e., learning) differed between lab and wild females, but only for flies that were exposed to mock orange. Similar differences in fruit acceptance between lab and wild females were observed when individuals experienced with one fruit species were exposed to the other fruit species (i.e., switching). Finally, when each group was exposed to sweet orange, wild flies subsequently deprived of host fruit retained the effect of exposure on acceptance of mock orange 1 day longer than did lab flies subsequently deprived of host fruit. An hypothesis is presented by which selection under artificial culture gave rise to these differences.
Résumé Des Ceratitis capitata femelles, élevées au laboratoire ou obtenues dans la nature à partir d'Eriobotrya japonica, ont été mises en présence de Citrus sinensis et de Murraya paniculata. L'effet de l'accoutumance à une espèce de fruit sur l'acceptation ultérieure des fruits d'une espèce déterminée (c'est-à-dire l'apprentissage) n'était pas le même pour les mouches sauvages et pour les mouches de laboratoire accoutumées à M. paniculata. Les mouches sauvages accoutumées à M. paniculata tentent de pondre dans C. sinensis beaucoup moins fréquemment que dans M. paniculata. Par contre, les mouches de laboratoire accoutumées à M. paniculata tentent de pondre dans M. paniculata aussi souvent que dans C. sinensis. Des différences du même type entre mouches sauvages et mouches du laboratoire ont été observées quand les individus mis en expérience avec une espèce de fruit ont été ensuite exposés à l'autre espèce, c'est-à-dire lors de réapprentissage. L'acceptation finale par les mouches de laboratoire dépend un peu plus de l'exposition à C. sinensis et un peu moins à celle de M. paniculata que lors de l'acceptation finale par des mouches sauvages. Enfin, des mouches sauvages accoutumées à C. sinensis et privées de leurs fruits, conservent un jour de plus l'effet de l'accoutumance, lors de l'acceptation de M. paniculata, que les mouches de laboratoire placées dans les mêmes conditions.Nous émettons l'hypothèse qu'une sélection due aux conditions d'élevage est à l'origine de ces différences. L'élevage dans de grandes bouteilles de polyéthylène peut sélectionner des mouches qui apprennent plus difficilement en présence de petits fruits comme M. paniculata et qui conservent l'influence de l'expérience pendant un temps plus bref.

Abstract. 1. This study was conducted in Greece using a wild strain of medflies ( Ceratitis capitata [Weidemann]) to assess age-specific vital rates in adults, and development and survival in pre-adults when reared on different host fruit. The results were used to construct life tables.
2. The demographic analyses suggested that there are basically four aspects of the medfly's life history which are of major importance: (i) multiple, highlyoverlapping generations; (ii) high net reproduction while young; (iii) high larval fitness in certain hosts; (iv) lack of diapause.
3. Reasons why these characteristics are felt to be important are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The AFLP technique (amplified fragment-length polymorphism) was employed to identify and isolate species specific markers in tephritids. We have found that the technique has good potential for this purpose, with the only difficult part being the reamplification of AFLP fragments from silver stained gels. Cloning of putative species-specific markers and genomic dot blot hybridizations resulted in the development of diagnostic probes for tephritid identification. A repetitive DNA sequence from the genome of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) was isolated. This sequence rapidly and reliably identified C. capitata and C. rosa Karsch in a collection of closely related and outgroup species tested in this study. Although this probe has been developed for C. capitata and C. rosa, the proposed methodology can be applied to any group of organisms.  相似文献   

Sperm storage organs allow females to temporally separate insemination from fertilization, manipulate ejaculates and control fertilization. In the reproductive tract of female fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), sperm are found in two different organs--a pair or triplet of spermathecae, and a "fertilization chamber". In order to understand the specific function of each of these organs, we tested the following hypotheses: (1) Sperm are distributed equally amongst the various sperm storage organs; (2) Both organ types maintain sperm viability; and (3) Sperm used in fertilization come from the fertilization chamber. We counted sperm in spermathecae and fertilization chamber of Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata) every 3 days for 18 days following insemination, and used a live/dead staining technique to determine the viability of sperm in these organs. Finally, by extirpating spermathecae from inseminated females and allowing them to oviposit, we were able to identify the fertilization chamber as the source of fertilizing sperm. Numbers of sperm in the spermathecae declined from an average of 3575 on the day of copulation to 649, 18 days later. Conversely, the fertilization chamber maintained a fairly constant level of sperms, ranging between an average of 207 cells on day 3 to 115 sperms on day 18. Throughout the period we monitored, we found high levels of sperm viability in both organs (> 80%). Sperm viability was similarly high in the fertilization chambers of females without spermathecae. However, fertility of eggs laid by these females declined rapidly, as did the number of sperm in the fertilization chamber. We conclude that both the spermathecae and the fertilization chamber are active sperm storage organs, with separate functions: the spermathecae for long-term storage and the fertilization chamber, periodically filled by the spermathecae, a staging point for fertilizing sperm. We suggest that the use of both organs by females results in sperm economy, which adaptively prolongs the intervals between copulations.  相似文献   

Molecular methods have been devised for sexing Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) individuals using minimal amounts of material from any stage of the life cycle. Molecular sexing methods are particularly valuable when material is obtained from pre-adult stages and sex identification based on morphological characters is not possible. These methods may also be useful for adult stage material in situations where only limited amounts or poorly preserved specimens are available. The sexing methods described here use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify sequences known to originate from the sex chromosomes of this species. One method co-amplifies homologous regions of the ITS1 ribosomal DNA from both the X and Y chromosomes. Males and females are distinguished based on the restriction fragment pattern produced after digestion of the PCR products with the restriction enzyme ApoI. A second method identifies males based on the positive amplification of a repetitive DNA sequence originating from the Y chromosome. Both methods are shown to be capable of establishing the sex identity of individuals using only minimal amounts of material from any stage of the life cycle.  相似文献   

The potential of entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Heterorhabditis zealandica and Steinernema khoisanae, to infect pupariating larvae, pupae and adults of Ceratitis capitata and Ceratitis rosa was investigated in laboratory bioassays. Pupariating larvae and adult flies were susceptible to nematode infection, with no infection recorded for the pupae. Pupariating larvae of C. capitata were generally more susceptible to infection than those of C. rosa. Significantly more larvae of C. capitata were infected by H. bacteriophora. For C. rosa, highest infectivity of larvae was obtained with H. zealandica. In contrast, adults of both species were highly infected by S. khoisanae.  相似文献   

Mature female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), isolated from conspecifics for 7 days prior to testing in laboratory cages, were attracted to yellow plastic fruit-mimicking hemispheres or spheres in significantly greater numbers when groups of conspecific females were present than absent on fruit mimics. Attraction of females to conspecifics occurred for females deprived of protein or continuously provided with protein since eclosion, for fruit mimics that were unbaited or baited with odor of food or fruit, and under single-choice as well as multiple-choice test conditions. Attraction proved just as great to fruit mimics having dead conspecifics as to mimics having live conspecifics, was evident also when fruit mimics were orange or white, and occurred also in response to presence of live Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)females on fruit mimics. We discuss our findings in relation to local enhancement, a form of social facilitation in insects and other animals.  相似文献   

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