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In studies of the phosphorylated proteins in rat liver and Walker-256, it was established that the ratio of various fractions of P-N linkages to P-O linkages varies from 0.6 to 3.1. In rat regenerating liver nuclei, the ratio of P-N and P-O varies with time after partial hepatectomy. Using [3H]-lysine and 32Pi, it is shown that phosphoryllysine forms in some new and, presumably, some preexisting H1 molecules. Using [3H]histidine and 32Pi, it is shown that phosphohistidine forms exclusively in preexisting H4. The half-life of H4 phosphohistidine appears to be about 2 h.  相似文献   

Nuclear matrix fraction was isolated from rat ventral prostatic nuclei previously incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP to label nuclear phosphoproteins with 32P. A significant portion of the radioactivity was recovered in the phosphoproteins intrinsic to the nuclear matrix fraction. At 12 h after androgen deprivation (i.e., when a significant portion of the nuclear androgen receptor was known to be depleted), the rate, but not the extent, of phosphorylation of nuclear proteins (predominantly nonhistone proteins) was markedly reduced. Nuclear matrix fraction isolated from such preparations demonstrated a profound reduction in the rate of incorporation of 32P into the matrix-associated proteins without any apparent change in the gel electrophoretic profile of these proteins. The results indicate that the cAMP-independent protein kinase activity which catalyzes the phosphorylation of nuclear matrix proteins is under androgenic control. This may be germane to nuclear matrix-associated initial events in androgen action.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of nuclear matrix proteins from normal and regenerating rat liver nuclei was examined using an in vitro system of isolated nuclei and γ-32P-ATP. Phosphorylation of the nuclear matrix proteins was 2–3 fold higher than that of the total nuclear proteins in normal nuclei. The level of phosphorylation of the matrix proteins was enhanced an additional three fold at a period in liver regeneration (12 hours) just preceding the onset of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAsearlyasin1948wehavefr8CtionatedisolatednucleifromnormalandtumorcellsbyextractionwithiMNaCIanddilutealkali[1].Thenuclearresiduewasthenstudiedmorethoroughly[2,3].Lateron,sillillarproteinousnuclearresidueswereisolatedbyotherworkers[46]andasstud…  相似文献   

A high salt nuclear extract from the true slime mold Physarum polycephalum was used as a source of kinase activity for the incubation of calf thymus histones with [gamma-32P]ATP. A major proportion of the 32P incorporated into histones was acid-labile and alkali-stable. The nature of the alkali-stable phosphorylated component was analyzed by subjecting the phosphorylated protein to total alkaline hydrolysis and separating the resultant phosphoamino acids by anion exchange chromatography. The 32P-labeled material co-chromatographed with phosphohistidine standards and did not co-chromatograph with phosphoserine, phosphothreonine, or phosphotyrosine standards. In similar experiments using reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography to separate the phosphoamino acids, the 32P-labeled phosphoamino acid behaved like the 1-isomer of phosphohistidine, in not being retained by the column, and unlike 3-phosphohistidine, phosphoserine, phosphothreonine, phosphotyrosine, and phosphoarginine, which were all retained on the column. Histone H4 was a good substrate for the histidine kinase activity and the location of the phosphorylated histidine residue was probed by peptide mapping using chymotrypsin or V8 protease. Both maps were consistent with labeling of histidine 75 and inconsistent with labeling of histidine 18. The data show that Physarum nuclei contain a major kinase activity which produces phosphohistidine. The methods we have developed for studying this kinase activity provide the basis for a complete characterization of the structure and function of the Physarum enzyme and can be applied to the study of similar kinase activities in other systems.  相似文献   

The dependence of cell proliferation on nuclear protein phosphorylation was studied with exponential-phase and stationary-phase cultures of Chinese-hamster ovary cells. Nuclear proteins were fractionated, according to their DNA-binding affinities, by using sequential extractions of isolated nuclei with increasing concentrations of NaCl. When viable whole cells were labelled with H332PO4, phosphorylation of nuclear proteins was found to be lower in quiescent cells than in proliferating cells. Phosphorylation of nuclear proteins soluble in 0.30M-NaCl (less than 50% of these proteins bind to DNA) was greater than for those proteins soluble in higher salt concentrations (80-100% of these proteins bind to DNA). Cyclic AMP enhanced the phosphorylation of nuclear proteins soluble in 0.3 m-NaCl by 40-50%, and this stimulation was independent of cell growth. Cyclic AMP also increased the phosphorylation of nuclear proteins soluble in 0.6M-NaCl and 2.0M-NaCl by 40-50% in exponential-phase cultures, but not in stationary-phase cultures. Several examples of specific phosphorylation in response to cyclic AMP were observed, including a 35000-mol.wt. protein in the 0.30 M-NaCl-soluble fraction and several proteins larger than 100000 molecular weight within this fraction. A major peptide of molecular weight approx. 31000 extracted with 0.6M-NaCl was also phosphorylated. Its phosphorylation was independent of cyclic AMP in exponential-phase cultures, and it was not phosphorylated in plateau-phase cells. These changes in cell-growth-dependent phosphorylation occurred in the absence of any apparent qualitative changes in the nuclear protein molecular-weight distributions. These data demonstrate that (1) phosphorylation of nuclear proteins is dependent on the culture's proliferative status, (2) both cyclic AMP-dependent and cyclic AMP-independent specific phosphorylation occurs, and (3) the cyclic AMP-dependent growth-independent phosphorylation that occurs does not appear to be a modification of DNA-binding proteins, whereas the cyclic AMP-dependent growth-dependent phosphorylation does involve modification of DNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

1. Tubulin is not an adenosine-3':5'-monophosphate-dependent (cyclic-AMP-dependent) protein kinase. Both entities have been clearly separated by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. With a tubulin preparation obtained by the polymerization-depolymerization technique protein kinase had a sedimentation coefficient of 8.7 S whereas tubulin sedimented with 6.4 S. After preincubation with both cyclic AMP and histone the kinase dissociated into its catalytic subunit with a sedimentation coefficient of 3.4 S. 2. Tubulin prepared by the polymerization-depolymerization technique was neither phosphorylated in vivo nor in vitro. On the contrary if this preparation was further purified by the Weisenberg's procedure (DEAE-Sephadex batch absorption) before incubation with [gamma-32 P]ATP, phosphorylation occurred. Thus, phosphorylation depended on the method used to purify tubulin i.e. was likely to an an artefact.  相似文献   

Proteins were extracted from isolated rat liver nuclei with 0.15 M NaCl and 0.35 M NaCl at pH 8.0. The number of phosphoproteins in these extracts was determined by labeling with 32P and autoradiography after two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Two proteins, B22p and B24p, contained small amounts of 32P and sedimented with the 30S nuclear informofer particle. With the exception of two phosphoproteins, CB and CN', all of the phosphoproteins found in the 0.35 M NaCl extract. Approximately 20% of the 0.15 M NaCl soluble proteins bound to rat liver DNA in 0.05 M KCl-0.05 M Tris-HCl (pH 8). Of these proteins, 1-2% bound to DNA in 0.15 M KCl and were eluted with 2 M KCl. This DNA bound fraction which contained both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated proteins was similar in both the 0.15 and 0.35 M NaCl extracts. However, two major proteins (C13 and C14) and three minor proteins (C15, C25, Cg') were present only in the 0.15 M NaCl extract. The results of the present study show that there are marked similarities in the two-dimensional gel electrophoretic, phosphorylation, and DNA binding properties of rat liver nuclear proteins soluble in either 0.15 or 0.35 M NaCl.  相似文献   

Summary Phosphorylation of microtubule protein was tested during differentiation in neuroblastoma cells. Two microtubule proteins were modified, -tubulin and MAP-1 B. In the first case less than one mol of phosphate was incorporated per mol of protein, whereas several residues were phosphorylated in MAP-1 B. The localization of the phosphorylated residue of -tubulin indicated that it is present in an isoform, at its carboxy-terminal region, and probably correspond to the serine 444. When comparing thein vivo phosphorylation of tubulin with that produced by casein kinase IIin vitro, a similar pattern was obtained. A similar result was found upon the comparison of the phosphorylation pattern of MAP-1 B after phosphorylationin vivo andin vitro using casein kinase II. These results suggest a role for casein kinase II in the phosphorylation of microtubule proteins in neuroblastoma cells. A result similar to that found for neuroblastoma cells was found after injection of [32P]phosphate into the brain of seven-day-old rats; however, a more complex pattern was found for the phosphorylationin vivo in adult rats.  相似文献   

The postsynaptic density (PSD) is an electron-dense structure located at the synaptic contacts between neurons. Its considerable complexity includes cytoskeletal and scaffold proteins, receptors, ion channels and signaling molecules, in line with the role of PSDs in signal transduction and processing. The phosphorylation state of components of the PSD is central to synaptic transmission and is known to play a role in synaptic plasticity, learning and memory. The presence of a range of kinases and phosphatases in the PSD defines potential key players in this context. However, the substrates that these enzymes target have not been fully identified to date. We analyzed the protein composition of purified PSD samples from adult mouse brains by strong cation exchange chromatography fractionation of a tryptic digest followed by nano-reverse phase liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization-quadrupole time of flight tandem mass spectrometry. This led to the identification of 244 proteins. To gain an insight into the phosphoproteome of the PSD we then purified phosphorylated tryptic peptides by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography. This approach for the specific enrichment of phosphopeptides resulted in the identification of 42 phosphoproteins in the PSD preparation, 39 of which are known PSD components. Here we present a total of 83 in vivo phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is the most common and pleiotropic modification in biology, which plays a vital role in regulating and finely tuning a multitude of biological pathways. Transport across the nuclear envelope is also an essential cellular function and is intimately linked to many degeneration processes that lead to disease. It is therefore not surprising that phosphorylation of cargos trafficking between the cytoplasm and nucleus is emerging as an important step to regulate nuclear availability, which directly affects gene expression, cell growth and proliferation. However, the literature on phosphorylation of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking cargos is often confusing. Phosphorylation, and its mirror process dephosphorylation, has been shown to have opposite and often contradictory effects on the ability of cargos to be transported across the nuclear envelope. Without a clear connection between attachment of a phosphate moiety and biological response, it is difficult to fully understand and predict how phosphorylation regulates nucleocytoplasmic trafficking. In this review, we will recapitulate clue findings in the field and provide some general rules on how reversible phosphorylation can affect the nuclear-cytoplasmic localization of substrates. This is only now beginning to emerge as a key regulatory step in biology.  相似文献   

Since it was first described 25 years ago, phosphorylation has come to be recognized as a widespread and dynamic post-translational modification of myelin protein. In this review, the phosphorylation characteristics of myelin basic protein, protein zero (P0), myelin-associated glycoprotein and 2′3′ cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase are summarized. Emphasis is placed on recent advances in our knowledge concerning the protein kinases involved and the sites, of phosphorylation in the amino acid sequences, where known. The possible roles of myelin protein phosphorylation in modulating myelin structure, the process of myelin assembly and mediation of signal transduction events are discussed. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marion E. Smith.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of proteins in Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cell extracts of the thermophile Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum catalyzed the phosphorylation by [gamma-32P]ATP of several endogenous proteins with Mrs between 13,000 and 100,000. Serine and tyrosine were the main acceptors. Distinct substrate proteins were found in the soluble (e.g., proteins p66, p63, and p53 of Mrs 66,000, 63,000, and 53,000, respectively) and particulate (p76 and p30) fractions, both of which contained protein kinase and phosphatase activity. The soluble fraction suppressed the phosphorylation of particulate proteins and contained a protein kinase inhibitor. Phosphorylation of p53 was promoted by 10 microM fructose 1,6-bisphosphate or glucose 1,6-bisphosphate and suppressed by hexose monophosphates, whereas p30 and p13 were suppressed by 5 microM brain (but not spinach) calmodulin. Polyamines, including the "odd" polyamines characteristic of thermophiles, modulated the labeling of most of the phosphoproteins. Apart from p66, all the proteins labeled in vitro were also rapidly labeled in intact cells by 32Pi. Several proteins strongly labeled in vivo were labeled slowly or not at all in vitro.  相似文献   

We have examined whether signal-mediated nucleocytoplasmic transport can be regulated by phosphorylation of the nuclear transport machinery. Using digitonin-permeabilized cell assays to measure nuclear import and export, we found that the phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid and microcystin inhibit transport mediated by the import receptors importin beta and transportin, but not by the export receptor CRM1. Several lines of evidence, including the finding that transport inhibition is partially reversed by the broad specificity protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine, indicate that transport inhibition is due to elevated phosphorylation of a component of the nuclear transport machinery. The kinases and phosphatases involved in this regulation are present in the permeabilized cells. A phosphorylation-sensitive component of the nuclear transport machinery also is present in permeabilized cells and is most likely a component of the nuclear pore complex. Substrate binding by the importin alpha.beta complex and the association of the complex with the nucleoporins Nup358/RanBP2 and Nup153 are not affected by phosphatase inhibitors, suggesting that transport inhibition by protein phosphorylation does not involve these steps. These results suggest that cells have mechanisms to negatively regulate entire nuclear transport pathways, thus providing a means to globally control cellular activity through effects on nucleocytoplasmic trafficking.  相似文献   

Numatrin is a nuclear matrix phosphoprotein whose synthesis and abundance were shown to be regulated during the cell cycle in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes (Feuerstein, N., and Mond, J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11389-11397). We examined the effect of (a) CTD-kinase, which contains the cdc2 catalytic component (p34) in a complex with a p58 subunit (cdc2/p58) and (b) the M phase-specific histone H1 kinase, which contains the cdc2 kinase in association with a p62 subunit (cdc2/p62), on phosphorylation of numatrin. We show that both cdc2 kinase complexes can phosphorylate numatrin. However, cdc2/p58 at conditions that caused a similar effect to cdc2/p62 on phosphorylation of histone H1 (dpm/micrograms of substrate/micrograms of enzyme) was found to have a 5-25-fold higher catalytic activity in the phosphorylation of numatrin. Analysis of the tryptic phosphopeptide map of numatrin phosphorylated by these cdc2 kinase complexes showed that both kinase complexes phosphorylated two major identical peptides, but minor additional peptides were differentially phosphorylated by each of these kinases. This indicates that under certain experimental conditions cdc2/p58 and cdc2/p62 may express some differences in their catalytic activity. In vitro phosphorylation by CTD kinase of a whole nuclear protein extract from murine fibroblasts showed that numatrin is the most prominent substrate for CTD kinase in this nuclear extract. CTD kinase cdc2/p58 was found to induce significantly the phosphorylation of five other discrete nuclear substrates. Particularly, two nuclear proteins at 75 kDa/pI approximately 6.5 and 85 kDa/pI approximately 5.3, which were not Coomassie Blue stainable, were found to be markedly phosphorylated by CTD kinase. The results of this study call for further study of the role of CTD kinase cdc2/p58 in the phosphorylation of numatrin under physiological conditions and to further characterization of the other nuclear substrates for CTD kinase.  相似文献   

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