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Riebe O  Fischer RJ  Bahl H 《FEBS letters》2007,581(29):5605-5610
Desulfoferrodoxin (cac2450) of Clostridium acetobutylicum was purified after overexpression in E. coli. In an in vitro assay the enzyme exhibited superoxide reductase activity with rubredoxin (cac2778) of C. acetobutylicum as the proximal electron donor. Rubredoxin was reduced by ferredoxin:NADP(+) reductase from spinach and NADPH. The superoxide anions, generated from dissolved oxygen using Xanthine and Xanthine oxidase, were reduced to hydrogen peroxide. Thus, we assume that desulfoferrodoxin is the key factor in the superoxide reductase dependent part of an alternative pathway for detoxification of reactive oxygen species in this obligate anaerobic bacterium.  相似文献   

Members of the newly discovered regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) families of proteins have a common RGS domain. This RGS domain is necessary for conferring upon RGS proteins the capacity to regulate negatively a variety of Galpha protein subunits. However, RGS proteins are more than simply negative regulators of signaling. RGS proteins can function as effector antagonists, and recent evidence suggests that RGS proteins can have positive effects on signaling as well. Many RGS proteins possess additional C- and N-terminal modular protein-binding domains and motifs. The presence of these additional modules within the RGS proteins provides for multiple novel regulatory interactions performed by these molecules. These regions are involved in conferring regulatory selectivity to specific Galpha-coupled signaling pathways, enhancing the efficacy of the RGS domain, and the translocation or targeting of RGS proteins to intracellular membranes. In other instances, these domains are involved in cross-talk between different Galpha-coupled signaling pathways and, in some cases, likely serve to integrate small GTPases with these G protein signaling pathways. This review discusses these C- and N-terminal domains and their roles in the biology of the brain-enriched RGS proteins. Methods that can be used to investigate the function of these domains are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the past decade, significant progress has been made in the development of new protein nanopores. Despite these advancements, there is a pressing need for the creation of nanopores equipped with relatively large functional groups for the sampling of biomolecular events on their extramembranous side. Here, we designed, produced, and analyzed protein nanopores encompassing a robust truncation of a monomeric β-barrel membrane protein. An exogenous stably folded protein was anchored within the aqueous phase via a flexible peptide tether of varying length. We have extensively examined the pore-forming properties of these modular protein nanopores using protein engineering and single-molecule electrophysiology. This study revealed distinctions in the nanopore conductance and current fluctuations that arose from tethering the exogenous protein to either the N terminus or the C terminus. Remarkably, these nanopores insert into a planar lipid membrane with one specific conductance among a set of three substate conductance values. Moreover, we demonstrate that the occurrence probabilities of these insertion substates depend on the length of the peptide tether, the orientation of the exogenous protein with respect to the nanopore opening, and the molecular mass of tethered protein. In addition, the three conductance values remain unaltered by major changes in the composition of modular nanopores. The outcomes of this work serve as a platform for further developments in areas of protein engineering of transmembrane pores and biosensor technology.  相似文献   

We report here the purification and the crystallization of the modular protein Grb2. The protein was expressed as a fusion with glutathione-S-transferase and purified by affinity chromatography on glutathione agarose. It was apparent from reverse phase chromatography that the purified protein was conformationally unstable. Instability was overcome by the addition of 100 mM arginine to the buffers. Because Grb2 appeared to be extremely sensitive to oxidation, crystallization experiments were performed with a dialysis button technique involving daily addition of fresh DTT to the reservoirs. The presence of 8 to 14% glycerol was necessary to obtain mono-crystals. These results are discussed in relation with the modular nature of Grb2. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many potentially useful synthetic gene networks require the expression of an engineered gene if and only if two different DNA-binding proteins exist in sufficient concentration. While some natural and engineered systems activate gene expression according to a logical AND-like behavior, they often utilize allosteric or cooperative protein-protein interactions, rendering their components unsuitable for a toolbox of modular parts for use in multiple applications. Here, we develop a quantitative model to demonstrate that a small system of interacting fusion proteins, called a protein device, can activate an engineered gene according to the Boolean AND behavior while using only modular protein domains and DNA sites. The fusion proteins are created from transactivating, DNA-binding, non-DNA binding, and protein-protein interaction domains along with the corresponding peptide ligands. Using a combined kinetic and thermodynamic model, we identify the characteristics of the molecular components and their rates of constitutive production that maximize the fidelity of AND behavior. These AND protein devices facilitate the creation of complex genetic programs and may be used to create gene therapies, biosensors and other biomedical and biotechnological applications that turn on gene expression only when multiple DNA-binding proteins are simultaneously present.  相似文献   

Analyzing and visualizing multiple sequence alignments is a common task in many areas of molecular biology and bioinformatics. Many tools exist for this purpose, but are not easily customizable for specific in-house uses. Here we report the development of an editor, CINEMA-MX, that addresses these issues. CINEMA-MX is highly modular and configurable, and we present examples to illustrate its extensibility. AVAILABILITY: The program and full source code, which are available from http://www.bioinf.man.ac.uk/dbbrowser/cinema-mx, are being released under a combination of the LGPL and GPL, for Unix or Windows platforms.  相似文献   

A previous study used atomic force microscopy saw-tooth retraction curves to characterize the adhesive mucilage pads of the diatom Toxarium undulatum. The major mucilage component consisted of adhesive nanofibers (ANFs) made up of modular proteins arranged into cohesive units, each containing a set number of modular proteins aligned in parallel. This study shows that T. undulatum adhesive mucilage is a biocomposite containing four additional adhesive components, including single modular proteins that are likely to be the structural units from which the ANFs are assembled. Two further distinct supramolecular assemblies were observed to coexist with ANFs (ANFs II and III), along with a continuum of single modular proteins through oligomers made up of varying numbers of modular proteins arranged in parallel. All components of the adhesive biocomposite produce a characteristic force spectrum with the same interpeak distance (35.3 +/- 0.3 (mean +/- SE) nm), suggesting they are derived from discrete supramolecular assemblies of the same modular protein, but they are distinguishable from one another based on the rupture force, persistence length, and interpeak force measured from their saw-tooth curves.  相似文献   

Synthetic spider silk: a modular fiber   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Spiders make their webs and perform a wide range of tasks with up to seven different types of silk fiber. These different fibers allow a comparison of structure with function, because each silk has distinct mechanical properties and is composed of peptide modules that confer those properties. By using genetic engineering to mix the modules in specific proportions, proteins with defined strength and elasticity can be designed, which have many potential medical and engineering uses.  相似文献   

Jadwin JA  Ogiue-Ikeda M  Machida K 《FEBS letters》2012,586(17):2586-2596
The ability of modular protein domains to independently fold and bind short peptide ligands both in vivo and in vitro has allowed a significant number of protein-protein interaction studies to take advantage of them as affinity and detection reagents. Here, we refer to modular domain based proteomics as "domainomics" to draw attention to the potential of using domains and their motifs as tools in proteomics. In this review we describe core concepts of domainomics, established and emerging technologies, and recent studies by functional category. Accumulation of domain-motif binding data should ultimately provide the foundation for domain-specific interactomes, which will likely reveal the underlying substructure of protein networks as well as the selectivity and plasticity of signal transduction.  相似文献   

Hydrogels with integrin binding activity were created from associating proteins with embedded RGD sequences. These proteins are a modified AC(10)Bcys triblock design composed of acidic A and basic B leucine zipper associating domains flanking a new soluble disordered coil block that contains nine repeats of AGAGAGPEG and three copies of the RGD integrin binding sequence. As with the original AC(10)Bcys design without the embedded RGD sequences, these proteins self-assemble into stable hydrogels at concentrations above approximately 50 mg/mL in a range of solution pH and temperature conditions. The mechanism for hydrogel assembly is the intermolecular association of A and B helical domains into bundles which act as cross-links connected by the soluble central disordered coil domains. The secondary structure of the proteins and the mechanical properties of the hydrogels they form are not adversely affected by the presence of the RGD sequences. The RGD sequences embedded in the disordered coil region support the adhesion, spreading, and polarization of human fibroblast cells on protein coated surfaces. Confocal microscopy studies demonstrated the presence of focal adhesion complexes and organized actin stress fibers in these cells. In contrast, fibroblasts seeded onto surfaces coated with the original AC(10)Bcys protein remained rounded and did not form focal adhesions, indicating that bioactivity is conferred by the presence of the embedded RGD sequences. Such hydrogel-forming bioactive proteins have potential for cell and tissue culture applications.  相似文献   

Highlights? Many domains are erased along every lineage thus depriving genomes of building blocks. ? Novel domains are rare but spread rapidly in genomes and confer a high adaptive value. ? Novel domains arise in their own ORFs, by exonisation or extending ORFs. ? Rearrangements of proteins are evolutionary fast and drive molecular biodiversity. ? Rearrangements entail subtle but important adaptations, triggering gene family growth.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat polypeptides contain repeated structural elements that pack to produce modular architectures lacking in close contacts between distant segments of the polypeptide chain. Despite this lack of sequence-distant contacts, ankyrin repeat polypeptides have been shown to fold in a cooperative manner. To determine the distance over which cooperative interactions can be propagated in a repeat protein, and to investigate the tolerance to internal duplication and deletion of modules, we have constructed a series of ankyrin repeat variants of the Notch ankyrin domain in which repeat number is varied by duplication and deletion of internal repeats. A construct with two copies of the fifth ankyrin repeat shows a modest increase in stability compared to the parent construct and retains apparent two-state unfolding behavior. Although constructs containing three and four copies of the fifth repeat retain this increased resistance to urea, they exhibit broad, multi-state unfolding transitions compared to the parent construct. For the Notch ankyrin domain, these larger constructs may represent a limit beyond which full cooperativity cannot be maintained. Deletions of internal repeats from the Notch ankyrin domain significantly destabilize the domain. This severe destabilization, which is larger than that resulting from end-repeat deletion, may arise from unfavorable interactions within the new non-native interfaces produced by internal repeat deletion. These results demonstrate both an asymmetry between the duplication and deletion of internal repeats, and a difference between deletion of internal and end-repeats, suggesting preferred mechanisms for evolution of repeat proteins.  相似文献   

Modularity is a hallmark of molecular evolution. Whether considering gene regulation, the components of metabolic pathways or signaling cascades, the ability to reuse autonomous modules in different molecular contexts can expedite evolutionary innovation. Similarly, protein domains are the modules of proteins, and modular domain rearrangements can create diversity with seemingly few operations in turn allowing for swift changes to an organism's functional repertoire. Here, we assess the patterns and functional effects of modular rearrangements at high resolution. Using a well resolved and diverse group of pancrustaceans, we illustrate arrangement diversity within closely related organisms, estimate arrangement turnover frequency and establish, for the first time, branch-specific rate estimates for fusion, fission, domain addition and terminal loss. Our results show that roughly 16 new arrangements arise per million years and that between 64% and 81% of these can be explained by simple, single-step modular rearrangement events. We find evidence that the frequencies of fission and terminal deletion events increase over time, and that modular rearrangements impact all levels of the cellular signaling apparatus and thus may have strong adaptive potential. Novel arrangements that cannot be explained by simple modular rearrangements contain a significant amount of repeat domains that occur in complex patterns which we term “supra-repeats”. Furthermore, these arrangements are significantly longer than those with a single-step rearrangement solution, suggesting that such arrangements may result from multi-step events. In summary, our analysis provides an integrated view and initial quantification of the patterns and functional impact of modular protein evolution in a well resolved phylogenetic tree. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: The emerging dynamic view of proteins: Protein plasticity in allostery, evolution and self-assembly.  相似文献   

Repeat proteins comprise tandem arrays of a small structural motif. Their structure is defined and stabilized by interactions between residues that are close in the primary sequence. Several studies have investigated whether their structural modularity translates into modular thermodynamic properties. Tetratricopeptide repeat proteins (TPRs) are a class in which the repeated unit is a 34 amino acid helix-turn-helix motif. In this work, we use differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to study the equilibrium stability of a series of TPR proteins with different numbers of an identical consensus repeat, from 2 to 20, CTPRa2 to CTPRa20. The DSC data provides direct evidence that the folding/unfolding transition of CTPR proteins does not fit a two-state folding model. Our results confirm and expand earlier studies on TPR proteins, which showed that apparent two-state unfolding curves are better fit by linear statistical mechanics models: 1D Ising models in which each repeat is treated as an independent folding unit.  相似文献   

Although telepathology systems have been developed for more than a decade, they are still not a widespread tool for routine diagnostic applications. Lacking interoperability, software that is not satisfying user needs as well as high costs have been identified as reasons. In this paper we would like to demonstrate that with a clear separation of the tasks required for a telepathology application, telepathology systems can be built in a modular way, where many modules can be implemented using standard software components. With such a modular design, systems can be easily adapted to changing user needs and new technological developments and it is easier to integrate modular systems into existing environments.  相似文献   

As studies aim increasingly to understand key, evolutionarily conserved properties of biological systems, the ability to move transgenesis experiments efficiently between organisms becomes essential. DNA constructions used in transgenesis usually contain four elements, including sequences that facilitate transgene genome integration, a selectable marker and promoter elements driving a coding gene. Linking these four elements in a DNA construction, however, can be a rate-limiting step in the design and creation of transgenic organisms. In order to expedite the construction process and to facilitate cross-species collaborations, we have incorporated the four common elements of transgenesis into a modular, recombination-based cloning system called pTransgenesis. Within this framework, we created a library of useful coding sequences, such as various fluorescent protein, Gal4, Cre-recombinase and dominant-negative receptor constructs, which are designed to be coupled to modular, species-compatible selectable markers, promoters and transgenesis facilitation sequences. Using pTransgenesis in Xenopus, we demonstrate Gal4-UAS binary expression, Cre-loxP-mediated fate-mapping and the establishment of novel, tissue-specific transgenic lines. Importantly, we show that the pTransgenesis resource is also compatible with transgenesis in Drosophila, zebrafish and mammalian cell models. Thus, the pTransgenesis resource fosters a cross-model standardization of commonly used transgenesis elements, streamlines DNA construct creation and facilitates collaboration between researchers working on different model organisms.  相似文献   

We present here a computational, rule-based model to study the function of the SH2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase, Shp2, in intracellular signal transduction. The two SH2 domains of Shp2 differentially regulate the enzymatic activity by a well-characterized mechanism, but they also affect the targeting of Shp2 to signaling receptors in cells. Our kinetic model integrates these potentially competing effects by considering the intra- and intermolecular interactions of the Shp2 SH2 domains and catalytic site as well as the effect of Shp2 phosphorylation. Even for the isolated Shp2/receptor system, which may seem simple by certain standards, we find that the network of possible binding and phosphorylation states is composed of over 1000 members. To our knowledge, this is the first kinetic model to fully consider the modular, multifunctional structure of a signaling protein, and the computational approach should be generally applicable to other complex intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   

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