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W Waldeck  F Rsl    H Zentgraf 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(9):2173-2178
The origin of replication of bovine papilloma virus type 1 (BPV-1) has been determined by isolating replicative intermediates (RI) of BPV-transformed hamster embryo fibroblasts (HEF-BPV). These RI were treated with single cut restriction enzymes to determine the start-position (origin) of the extending replication eyes using electron microscopic techniques. 'Cairns'-type RI molecules were shown to contain one replication eye in monomeric as well as in dimeric molecules. The position of this eye was localized at 6940 +/- 5% bp in the physical map. In a second set of experiments BPV-1 DNA fragments cloned in pBR322 were tested for transient episomal replication. Transfected cells were harvested after increasing periods of time and screened for replication with isoschizomeric restriction enzymes to differentiate between input and replicated DNA. The part of the BPV genome harboring the replication origin spans the BPV ClaI-C restriction fragment corresponding to the non-coding region of the BPV genome and coincides with the DNase I-hypersensitive control region in the chromatin, isolated from transformed cells.  相似文献   

The great majority of viral mRNAs in mouse C127 cells transformed by bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV) have a common 3' end at the early polyadenylation site which is 23 nucleotides (nt) downstream of a canonical poly(A) consensus signal. Twenty percent of BPV mRNA from productively infected cells bypasses the early polyadenylation site and uses the late polyadenylation site approximately 3,000 nt downstream. To inactivate the BPV early polyadenylation site, the early poly(A) consensus signal was mutated from AAUAAA to UGUAAA. Surprisingly, this mutation did not result in significant read-through expression of downstream RNA. Rather, RNA mapping and cDNA cloning experiments demonstrate that virtually all of the mutant RNA is cleaved and polyadenylated at heterogeneous sites approximately 100 nt upstream of the wild-type early polyadenylation site. In addition, cells transformed by wild-type BPV harbor a small population of mRNAs with 3' ends located in this upstream region. These experiments demonstrate that inactivation of the major poly(A) signal induces preferential use of otherwise very minor upstream poly(A) sites. Mutational analysis suggests that polyadenylation at the minor sites is controlled, at least in part, by UAUAUA, an unusual variant of the poly(A) consensus signal approximately 25 nt upstream of the minor polyadenylation sites. These experiments indicate that inactivation of the major early polyadenylation signal is not sufficient to induce expression of the BPV late genes in transformed mouse cells.  相似文献   

Linearized bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) DNA was introduced into mouse C127 cells, where it recircularized and replicated as an intact monomeric, extrachromosomal circular form in the resulting transformants. These cells contained a mixture of complex high molecular weight forms that were converted to a linear form of approximately BPV-1 size upon digestion with an enzyme that cuts once within the BPV-1 genome. Further analysis of one of these cell lines revealed that these high molecular weight forms consisted of two components. One was detected on agarose gels as a diffuse smear of slow-migrating material representing linear forms that were tightly associated with host chromosomes, probably by integration. The second component was composed of discrete-sized oligomeric open and supercoiled extrachromosomal circular forms of up to approximately 48 X 10(3) base-pairs (6 tandemly linked BPV-1 genomes) in size. No catenated (interlocked) forms could be detected.  相似文献   

Two closely related adenovirus early region 1A proteins are expressed in transformed cells. The smaller of these, which is 243 amino acids in length, is required for the transformation of primary rat cells and for the transformation of immortalized rat cells to anchorage-independent growth. This protein is not required for productive infection of exponentially growing HeLa cells but is required for maximal replication in growth (G0)-arrested human lung fibroblasts (WI-38 cells). To determine the function of this protein in viral replication in these G0-arrested cells, we compared viral early mRNA, early protein, and late protein synthesis after infection with wild type or a mutant which does not express the protein. No differences were found. However, viral DNA synthesis by the mutant was delayed and decreased to 20 to 30% that of wild type in these cells. Viral DNA synthesis was much less defective in growing WI-38 cells, and in the transformed human HeLa cell line it occurred at wild-type levels. Furthermore, the mutant which can express only the 243-amino-acid early region 1A protein induced cellular DNA synthesis in G0-arrested rat cells to the same level as wild-type virus. A mutant which can express only the 289-amino-acid early region 1A protein induced less cellular DNA synthesis in G0-arrested rat cells. We propose that the early region 1A 243-amino-acid protein alters the physiology of arrested permissive cells to allow maximal viral DNA replication. In nonpermissive rodent cells, the 243-amino-acid protein drives G0-arrested cells into S phase. This activity is probably important for the immortalization of primary cells.  相似文献   

G Li  M Simm  M J Potash    D J Volsky 《Journal of virology》1993,67(7):3969-3977
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replicates efficiently in nonproliferating monocytes and macrophages but not in resting primary T lymphocytes. To determine the contribution of cell division to the HIV-1 replicative cycle in T cells, we evaluated HIV-1 expression, integration of proviral DNA, and production of infectious progeny virus in C8166 T-lymphoid cells blocked in cell division by treatment with either mitomycin, a DNA cross-linker, or aphidicolin, a DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor. The arrest of cell division was confirmed by assay of [3H]thymidine uptake; the nondividing cells remained viable for at least 3 days after treatment. HIV-1 was expressed and replicated equally well in nondividing and dividing C8166 cells, as judged by the comparison of the levels of p24 core antigens in culture supernatants, the proportion of cells expressing HIV-1 specific antigens, the pattern and quantity of HIV-1 DNA present in the extrachromosomal and total cellular DNA fractions, and the biological activity of progeny viruses. A polymerase chain reaction-based viral DNA integration assay indicated that HIV-1 provirus was integrated in C8166 cells treated with either of the two inhibitors of cell division. Similar results were obtained by using growth-arrested Jurkat T-lymphoid cells. We conclude that cell division and cellular DNA synthesis are not required for efficient HIV-1 expression in T cells.  相似文献   

By following up the chance detection in the electron microscope of a DNA replication intermediate within a preparation of bovine papillomavirus (BPV-1) DNA isolated from purified virus particles, information was obtained about the mechanism of BPV-1 genome replication during the final stages of virus multiplication in naturally infected bovine wart tissue. The structure of viral replication intermediates was investigated by electron microscopic analysis of viral DNA linearized by digestion with restriction endonucleases which cleave the circular BPV-1 chromosome at defined sites. Both Cairns and rolling circle-type molecules were identified. Furthermore, replication eyes were widely distributed within the viral genome, indicating that vegetative BPV-1 DNA replication origins are largely uncoupled from previously described plasmid maintenance sequence elements.  相似文献   

Cellular factors required for papillomavirus DNA replication.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
T Melendy  J Sedman    A Stenlund 《Journal of virology》1995,69(12):7857-7867
In vitro replication of papillomavirus DNA has been carried out with a combination of purified proteins and partially purified extracts made from human cells. DNA synthesis requires the viral E1 protein and the papillomavirus origin of replication. The E2 protein stimulates DNA synthesis in a binding site-independent manner. Papillomavirus DNA replication is also dependent on the cellular factors replication protein A, replication factor C, and proliferating-cell nuclear antigen as well as a phosphocellulose column fraction (IIA). Fraction IIA contains DNA polymerase alpha-primase and DNA polymerase delta. Both of these polymerases are essential for papillomavirus DNA replication in vitro. However, unlike the case with T-antigen-dependent replication from the simian virus 40 origin, purified DNA polymerase alpha-primase and delta cannot efficiently replace fraction IIA in the replication reaction. Hence, additional cellular factors seem to be required for papillomavirus DNA replication. Interestingly, replication factor C and proliferating-cell nuclear antigen are more stringently required for DNA synthesis in the papillomavirus system than in the simian virus 40 in vitro system. These distinctions indicate that there must be mechanistic differences between the DNA replication systems of papillomavirus and simian virus 40.  相似文献   

The E1 open reading frame of bovine papillomavirus (BPV) was expressed as a RecA-E1 fusion protein in Escherichia coli. The bacterially expressed RecA-E1 protein exhibited sequence-specific DNA binding activity; strong binding to the region from nucleotides 7819 to 93 on the BPV genome (designated region A) and weak binding to the adjacent region from nucleotides 7457 to 7818 (region B) were observed. The interaction between the BPV-derived RecA-E1 protein and region A appeared to be highly specific for BPV DNA, as no comparable binding was detected with heterologous papillomavirus DNAs. Binding to region A was eliminated by digestion of region A at the unique HpaI site, which suggests that the RecA-E1 binding site(s) was at or near the HpaI recognition sequence. Binding to region B but not region A was observed when nuclear extracts from ID13 cells were used as a source of E1 proteins. The absence of region A binding by ID13 extracts may reflect a negative regulation of E1 DNA binding activity.  相似文献   

The papillomavirus E1 protein is essential for the initiation of viral replication. We previously showed that the bovine papillomavirus E1 protein is unstable and becomes resistant to ubiquitin-mediated degradation when tightly bound to cyclin E-cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) before the start of DNA synthesis. However, neither the protection nor the targeted degradation of E1 appears to depend on its phosphorylation by Cdk. Here, we report that Cdk phosphorylation of E1 is also not a prerequisite for the initiation of viral DNA replication either in vitro or in vivo. Nevertheless, we found that phosphorylation of one Cdk site, Ser283, abrogates E1 replicative activity only in a cellular context. We show that this site-specific phosphorylation of E1 drives its export from the nucleus and promotes its continuous nucleocytoplasmic shuttling. In addition, we find that E1 shuttling occurs in S phase, when cyclin A-Cdk2 is activated. E1 interacts with the active cyclin A-Cdk2 complex and is phosphorylated on Ser283 by this kinase. These data suggest that the phosphorylation of E1 on Ser283 is a negative regulatory event that is involved in preventing the amplification of viral DNA during S phase. This finding reveals a novel facet of E1 regulation that could account for the variations of the viral replication capacity during different cell cycle phases, as well as in different stages of the viral cycle.  相似文献   

The establishment of bovine papillomavirus type 1 in somatic mammalian cells is mediated by extrachromosomal replication and stable maintenance of the viral genome as a multicopy nuclear plasmid. Previous studies indicated the requirement of viral gene expression for bovine papillomavirus type 1 replication and plasmid maintenance (M. Lusky and M. R. Botchan, Cell 36:391-401, 1984; Turek et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79:7914-7918, 1982). To define the viral genes which are necessary for this process, we constructed a series of specific mutations within the viral genome and assayed the resulting mutants for their ability to replicate extrachromosomally in mouse C127 cells. We report here that the bovine papillomavirus type 1 trans-acting replication factors were encoded by at least two distinct viral genes since the mutants fell into two complementation groups, rep and cop. Mutants (rep-) affecting the E1 open reading frame (ORF) failed to replicate bovine papillomavirus type 1 DNA extrachromosomally and would integrate into chromosomal DNA. We suggest that this gene product is one of the factors required to specifically preclude the integration event. Mutants (cop-) affecting the E7 ORF were maintained in the extrachromosomal state; however, the copy number of the mutant genomes was reduced 100-fold compared with that of wild-type DNA. Analysis of single-cell subclones showed that each cell contained the mutant genomes at a copy number of one to two, indicating that the cop- phenotype did not reflect a simple segregation defect. We propose that the gene defined by mutations in the E7 ORF played a crucial role in stably maintaining the copy number of the viral plasmid at high levels. Genomes with mutations in the cop and rep complementation groups, when cotransfected, rescued the wild-type phenotype, extrachromosomal replication with a high, stable copy number for both types of plasmids. Therefore, the gene products acted in trans, and the mutations were recessive to the wild-type functions. One specific rep- mutant showed a 30-fold-increased transformation efficiency when compared with that of the wild-type genome. In addition, morphological transformation mediated by the cop- mutants appeared to be unstable. These results imply that either or both of the replication functions played some role in regulating the expression of the viral transforming functions.  相似文献   

Spontaneous amplification of bovine papillomavirus type 1 DNA occurs following a prolonged period of serum starvation of wild-type virus-transformed C127 cell lines and is associated with abundant viral E2 protein synthesis and a concomitant induction of viral oncogene (E5 and E6) expression. We show here that a subpopulation of the permissive cells incorporate bromo-deoxyuridine under conditions of cell growth arrest (serum starvation), whereas DNA synthesis is suppressed in the resting population of nonpermissive cells. Flow cytometric measurements of the cellular DNA content of the permissive cell population indicated that it contained predominantly a 4n DNA content, suggesting that these cells were blocked in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. In keeping with the hypothesis that viral DNA amplification is associated with the induction of a cellular S phase, we observed a specific induction of expression of two cell proliferation-related cellular antigens (PCNA and Ki67) in a subpopulation of permissive cells. C127 cell lines transformed by an E5-minus bovine papillomavirus type 1 mutant, which was competent for autonomous plasmid replication in mitotic cells, were completely defective for the induction of DNA synthesis and mutant viral DNA amplification under conditions of serum starvation. Moreover, the E5 protein is shown by immunofluorescence analysis to be expressed at a high level specifically in the permissive cell population. These results imply a dual role for the viral E5 protein in the C127 model system, both as a transforming protein and as a factor required for the induction of viral DNA amplification in postmitotic cells. We suggest that E5 acts at an early step in the induction of this process in C127 cells and may be required to turn on host cell DNA synthesis as a prerequisite for viral DNA amplification.  相似文献   

Cis-acting negative control of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
J M Roberts  H Weintraub 《Cell》1988,52(3):397-404
We show that in stable monkey cell lines, the replication of a chimeric SV40-BPV episomal replicon occurs once and only once per cell cycle. The copy number of this episome is stably maintained even when an excess of the limiting initiation factor T antigen is provided. These experiments therefore uncover a cis-acting negative control mechanism whereby replication control is not focused on limiting the activity of positive factors; rather, replication is permitted in unreplicated replicons but is actively prevented, in cis, in replicons that have already been duplicated. We also find that the initiation factor SV40 T antigen remains associated with its SV-BPV episomal template in a kinetically stable and potentially heritable state.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses of bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) DNA in transformed mammalian cells have indicated that the E6 gene product is essential for the establishment and maintenance of a high plasmid copy number. In order to analyze the direct effect of the E6 protein on the replication of a BPV-1-derived plasmid, a cDNA containing the BPV-1 E6 open reading frame was subcloned into an SP6 vector for the in vitro synthesis of the corresponding mRNA. The SP6 E6 mRNA was injected into Xenopus laevis oocytes to determine the subcellular localization of the E6 gene product and to analyze the effect of the protein on BPV-1 DNA replication. SP6 E6 mRNA microinjected into stage VI oocytes was translated into a 15.5-kilodalton protein that was specifically immunoprecipitated by antibodies directed against the E6 gene product. The E6 protein preferentially accumulated in oocyte nuclei, a localization which is consistent with the replicative functions in which it has been implicated. The expression of E6 in replication-competent mature oocytes selectively enhanced the replication of a BPV-derived plasmid, indicating a direct role for this gene product in the control of BPV-1 DNA replication.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus saimiri is a lymphotropic herpesvirus capable of immortalizing and transforming T cells both in vitro and in vivo. Immortalized and transformed T cells harbor several copies of the viral genome as a persisting genome. The mapping of the cis-acting genetic cis-acting segment (oriP) required for viral episomal maintenance is reported here. Viral DNA fragments that potentially contain oriP were cloned into a plasmid that contains the hygromycin resistance gene. After several round of subcloning followed by transfection, oriP was mapped to a 1.955-kb viral segment. This viral fragment permits stable plasmid replication without deletion or rearrangement as well as episomal maintenance without integration or recombination. The function of oriP depends on a trans-acting factor(s) encoded by the viral genome. The 1.955-kb viral segment includes a dyad symmetry region located between two small nuclear RNA genes and is located upstream of the dihydrofolate reductase gene homolog. Therefore, this oriP contains novel elements distinct from those of other DNA viruses.  相似文献   

The hormonal sensitivity of adenylate cyclase from a normal rat liver epithelial cell line (K16) and its chemically transformed derivative (W8) were compared. Intact normal rat liver cells had markedly increased cAMP levels after brief exposure to epinephrine, isoproterenol, norepinephrine or prostaglandin E1. In contrast, the cAMP levels of chemically transformed cells were relatively unaffected by these same compounds even after prolonged incubation. A comparison of broken cell adenylate cyclase activities revealed a decreased basal activity in the chemically transformed cells; the response to NaF was similar in the two cell lines, while the response to catecholamines and prostaglandins paralleled the intact cell studies. These data suggest that one reason for loss of adenylate cyclase hormonal responsiveness in chemically transformed rat liver epithelial cells may be a dysfunction or loss of hormone binding sites.  相似文献   

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