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Plants and many other eukaryotes can make use of two major pathways to cope with mutagenic effects of light, photoreactivation and nucleotide excision repair (NER). While photoreactivation allows direct repair by photolyase enzymes using light energy, NER requires a stepwise mechanism with several protein complexes acting at the levels of lesion detection, DNA incision and resynthesis. Here we investigated the involvement in NER of DE-ETIOLATED 1 (DET1), an evolutionarily conserved factor that associates with components of the ubiquitylation machinery in plants and mammals and acts as a negative repressor of light-driven photomorphogenic development in Arabidopsis. Evidence is provided that plant DET1 acts with CULLIN4-based ubiquitin E3 ligase, and that appropriate dosage of DET1 protein is necessary for efficient removal of UV photoproducts through the NER pathway. Moreover, DET1 is required for CULLIN4-dependent targeted degradation of the UV-lesion recognition factor DDB2. Finally, DET1 protein is degraded concomitantly with DDB2 upon UV irradiation in a CUL4-dependent mechanism. Altogether, these data suggest that DET1 and DDB2 cooperate during the excision repair process.  相似文献   

Jasmonates are a new class of plant hormones that play important roles in plant development and plant defense. The COI1 gene was previously shown to be required for jasmonate-regulated plant fertility and defense. We demonstrated for the first time that COI1 interacts with the Arabidopsis SKP1-LIKE1 (ASK1) to form a complex that is required for jasmonate action in planta. Functional analysis by antisense strategy showed that ASK1 is involved in male fertility.  相似文献   

The chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase‐like (NDH) complex is involved in cyclic electron transport around photosystem I (PSI) and chlororespiration. Although the NDH complex was discovered more than 20 years ago, its low abundance and fragile nature render it recalcitrant to analysis, and it is thought that some of its subunits remain to be identified. Here, we identified the NDH subunit NdhV that readily disassociates from the NDH complex in the presence of detergent, salt and alkaline solutions. The Arabidopsis ndhv mutant is partially defective in the accumulation of NDH subcomplex A (SubA) and SubE, resulting in impaired NDH activity. NdhV was mainly detected in the wild‐type thylakoid membrane, and its accumulation in thylakoids strictly depended on the presence of the NDH complex. Quantitative immunoblot analysis revealed that NdhV and NdhN occur at close to equimolar concentrations. Furthermore, several NDH subunits were co‐immunopurified with NdhV using a combination of chemical crosslinking and an affinity chromatography assay. These data indicate that NdhV is an intrinsic subunit of NDH. We found that NdhV did not directly affect NDH activity, but that NDH SubA and SubE were more rapidly degraded in ndhv than in the wild type under high‐light treatment. We propose that NdhV is an NDH subunit that stabilizes this complex, especially under high‐light conditions.  相似文献   

RecQ helicases are a conserved group of proteins with a role in the maintenance of genome integrity. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast), meiotic recombination is increased in the absence of the RecQ helicase Sgs1. Here we investigated the potential meiotic role of the Sgs1 homologue AtRECQ4A and the closely related AtRECQ4B. Both proteins have been shown to function during recombination in somatic cells, but so far their meiotic role has not been investigated. Both AtRECQ4A and AtRECQ4B were expressed in reproductive tissues. Although immunolocalization studies showed that AtRECQ4A associates with recombination intermediates, we found no evidence that its loss or that of AtRECQ4B had a significant effect on meiotic cross-overs, suggesting functional redundancy with other RECQ family members. Nevertheless, pollen viability decreased in Atrecq4A, resulting in a reduction in fertility, although this was not the case in Atrecq4B. Cytological analysis revealed chromatin bridges between the telomeres of non-homologous chromosomes in Atrecq4A at metaphase I, in some instances accompanied by chromosome fragmentation at anaphase I. The bridges required telomeric repeats and were dependent on meiotic recombination. Immunolocalization confirmed the association of AtRECQ4A with the telomeres during prophase I, which we propose enables dissolution of recombination-dependent telomeric associations. Thus, this study has identified a hitherto unknown role for a member of the RECQ helicase family during meiosis that contributes to the maintenance of chromosome integrity. As telomere structure is generally conserved, it seems likely that these associations may arise during meiosis in other species, where they must also be removed.  相似文献   

Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by the glucose transporter GLUT4 plays a central role in whole-body glucose homeostasis, dysregulation of which leads to type 2 diabetes. However, the molecular components and mechanisms regulating insulin-stimulated glucose uptake remain largely unclear. Here, we demonstrate that Axin interacts with the ADP-ribosylase tankyrase 2 (TNKS2) and the kinesin motor protein KIF3A, forming a ternary complex crucial for GLUT4 translocation in response to insulin. Specific knockdown of the individual components of the complex attenuated insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. Importantly, TNKS2−/− mice exhibit reduced insulin sensitivity and higher blood glucose levels when re-fed after fasting. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that in the absence of insulin, Axin, TNKS and KIF3A are co-localized with GLUT4 on the trans-Golgi network. Insulin treatment suppresses the ADP-ribosylase activity of TNKS, leading to a reduction in ADP ribosylation and ubiquitination of both Axin and TNKS, and a concurrent stabilization of the complex. Inhibition of Akt, the major effector kinase of insulin signaling, abrogates the insulin-mediated complex stabilization. We have thus elucidated a new protein complex that is directly associated with the motor protein kinesin in insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana line bearing a transposon insertion in the gene coding for the isozyme form of the plant-specific cap-binding protein, eukaryotic initiation factor (iso) 4E (eIF (iso) 4E), has been isolated. This mutant line completely lacks both eIF(iso)4E mRNA and protein, but was found to have a phenotype and fertility indistinguishable from wild-type plants under standard laboratory conditions. In contrast, the amount of the related eIF4E protein was found to increase in seedling extracts. Furthermore, polysome analysis shows that the mRNA encoding eIF4E was being translated at increased levels. Given the known interaction between cap-binding proteins and potyviral genome-linked proteins (VPg), this plant line was challenged with two potyviruses, Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) and Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) and was found resistant to both, but not to the Nepovirus, Tomato black ring virus (TBRV) and the Cucumovirus, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Together with previous data showing that the VPg-eIF4E interaction is necessary for virus infectivity and upregulates genome amplification, this shows that the eIF4E proteins are specifically recruited for the replication cycle of potyviruses.  相似文献   

Adenovirus early region 4 open reading frame 4 (E4orf4) protein has been reported to induce p53-independent, protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)-dependent apoptosis in transformed mammalian cells. In this report, we show that E4orf4 induces an irreversible growth arrest in Saccharomyces cerevisiae at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Growth inhibition requires the presence of yeast PP2A-Cdc55, and is accompanied by accumulation of reactive oxygen species. E4orf4 expression is synthetically lethal with mutants defective in mitosis, including Cdc28/Cdk1 and anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) mutants. Although APC/C activity is inhibited in the presence of E4orf4, Cdc28/Cdk1 is activated and partially counteracts the E4orf4-induced cell cycle arrest. The E4orf4-PP2A complex physically interacts with the APC/C, suggesting that E4orf4 functions by directly targeting PP2A to the APC/C, thereby leading to its inactivation. Finally, we show that E4orf4 can induce G2/M arrest in mammalian cells before apoptosis, indicating that E4orf4-induced events in yeast and mammalian cells are highly conserved.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome interacts with a number of different proteins, while the TREX-2 complex is an important component of the mRNA export machinery. In animals and yeast, members of the Ubiquitin C-terminal Hydrolase 37 (UCH37) family are found to associate with the 26S proteasome, but this has not been demonstrated in plants. The Arabidopsis UCH1 and UCH2 are orthologous to UCH37. Here, we show that UCH1 and UCH2 interact with the 26S proteasome lid subunits. In addition, the two UCHs also interact with TREX-2 components. Our data suggest that Arabidopsis UCHs may serve as a link between the 26S proteasome lid complex and the TREX-2 complex.  相似文献   

The anaphase‐promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that is involved in regulating cell‐cycle progression. It has been widely studied in yeast and animal cells, but the function and regulation of the APC/C in plant cells are largely unknown. The Arabidopsis APC/C comprises at least 11 subunits, only a few of which have been studied in detail. APC4 is proposed to be a connector in the APC/C in yeast and animals. Here, we report the functional characterization of the Arabidopsis APC4 protein. We examined three heterozygous plant lines carrying apc4 alleles. These plants showed pleiotropic developmental defects in reproductive processes, including abnormal nuclear behavior in the developing embryo sac and aberrant cell division in embryos; these phenotypes differ from those reported for mutants of other subunits. Some ovules and embryos of apc4/+ plants also accumulated cyclin B protein, a known substrate of APC/C, suggesting a compromised function of APC/C. Arabidopsis APC4 was expressed in meristematic cells of seedlings, ovules in pistils and embryos in siliques, and was mainly localized in the nucleus. Additionally, the distribution of auxin was distorted in some embryos of apc4/+ plants. Our results indicate that Arabidopsis APC4 plays critical roles in female gametogenesis and embryogenesis, possibly as a connector in APC/C, and that regulation of auxin distribution may be involved in these processes.  相似文献   

eIF4A is a highly conserved RNA‐stimulated ATPase and helicase involved in the initiation of mRNA translation. The Arabidopsis genome encodes two isoforms, one of which (eIF4A‐1) is required for the coordination between cell cycle progression and cell size. A T‐DNA mutant eif4a1 line, with reduced eIF4A protein levels, displays slow growth, reduced lateral root formation, delayed flowering and abnormal ovule development. Loss of eIF4A‐1 reduces the proportion of mitotic cells in the root meristem and perturbs the relationship between cell size and cell cycle progression. Several cell cycle reporter proteins, particularly those expressed at G2/M, have reduced expression in eif4a1 mutant meristems. Single eif4a1 mutants are semisterile and show aberrant ovule growth, whereas double eif4a1 eif4a2 homozygous mutants could not be recovered, indicating that eIF4A function is essential for plant growth and development.  相似文献   

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