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Fredericamycin (FDM) A is a pentadecaketide natural product that features an amide linkage. Analysis of the fdm cluster from Streptomyces griseus ATCC 43944, however, failed to reveal genes encoding the types of amide synthetases commonly seen in natural product biosynthesis. Here, we report in vivo and in vitro characterizations of FdmV, an asparagine synthetase (AS) B-like protein, as an amide synthetase that catalyzes the amide bond formation in FDM A biosynthesis. This is supported by the findings that (i) inactivation of fdmV in vivo afforded the ΔfdmV mutant strain SB4027 that abolished FDM A and FDM E production but accumulated FDM C, a biosynthetic intermediate devoid of the characteristic amide linkage; (ii) FdmV in vitro catalyzes conversion of FDM C to FDM B, a known intermediate for FDM A biosynthesis (apparent K(m) = 162 ± 67 μM and k(cat) = 0.11 ± 0.02 min(-1)); and (iii) FdmV also catalyzes the amidation of FDM M-3, a structural analog of FDM C, to afford amide FDM M-6 in vitro, albeit at significantly reduced efficiency. Preliminary enzymatic studies revealed that, in addition to the common nitrogen sources (L-Gln and free amine) of class II glutamine amidotransferases (to which AS B belongs), FdmV can also utilize L-Asn as a nitrogen donor. The amide bond formation in FDM A biosynthesis is proposed to occur after C-8 hydroxylation but before the carbaspirocycle formation.  相似文献   

We illustrate the use of a PCR-based method by which the genomic DNA of a microorganism can be rapidly queried for the presence of type I modular polyketide synthase genes to clone and characterize, by sequence analysis and gene disruption, a major portion of the geldanamycin production gene cluster from Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. geldanus NRRL 3602.  相似文献   

The GES-2 β-lactamase is a class A carbapenemase, the emergence of which in clinically important bacterial pathogens is a disconcerting development as the enzyme confers resistance to carbapenem antibiotics. Tazobactam is a clinically used inhibitor of class A β-lactamases, which inhibits the GES-2 enzyme effectively, restoring susceptibility to β-lactam antibiotics. We have investigated the details of the mechanism of inhibition of the GES-2 enzyme by tazobactam. By the use of UV spectrometry, mass spectroscopy, and x-ray crystallography, we have documented and identified the involvement of a total of seven distinct GES-2·tazobactam complexes and one product of the hydrolysis of tazobactam that contribute to the inhibition profile. The x-ray structures for the GES-2 enzyme are for both the native (1.45 Å) and the inhibited complex with tazobactam (1.65 Å). This is the first such structure of a carbapenemase in complex with a clinically important β-lactam inhibitor, shedding light on the structural implications for the inhibition process.  相似文献   

In the aerobic metabolism of aromatic substrates, oxygenases use molecular oxygen to hydroxylate and finally cleave the aromatic ring. In the case of the common intermediate benzoate, the ring cleavage substrates are either catechol (in bacteria) or 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate (protocatechuate, mainly in fungi). We have shown before that many bacteria, e.g. Azoarcus evansii, the organism studied here, use a completely different mechanism. This elaborate pathway requires formation of benzoyl-CoA, followed by an oxygenase reaction and a nonoxygenolytic ring cleavage. Benzoyl-CoA transformation is catalyzed by the iron-containing benzoyl-CoA oxygenase (BoxB) in conjunction with an FAD and iron-sulfur centers containing reductase (BoxA), which donates electrons from NADPH. Here we show that benzoyl-CoA oxygenase actually does not form the 2,3-dihydrodiol of benzoyl-CoA, as formerly postulated, but the 2,3-epoxide. An enoyl-CoA hydratase (BoxC) uses two molecules of water to first hydrolytically open the ring of 2,3-epoxybenzoyl-CoA, which may proceed via its tautomeric seven-membered oxepin ring form. Then ring C2 is hydrolyzed off as formic acid, yielding 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde. The semialdehyde is oxidized by a NADP+-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase (BoxD) to 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA. Final products of the pathway are formic acid, acetyl-CoA, and succinyl-CoA. This overlooked pathway occurs in 4–5% of all bacteria whose genomes have been sequenced and represents an elegant strategy to cope with the high resonance energy of aromatic substrates by forming a nonaromatic epoxide.  相似文献   

The oxazolomycins (OZMs) are a growing family of antibiotics produced by several Streptomyces species that show diverse and important antibacterial, antitumor, and anti-human immunodeficiency virus activity. Oxazolomycin A is a peptide-polyketide hybrid compound containing a unique spiro-linked β-lactone/γ-lactam, a 5-substituted oxazole ring. The oxazolomycin biosynthetic gene cluster (ozm) was identified from Streptomyces albus JA3453 and localized to 79.5-kb DNA, consisting of 20 open reading frames that encode non-ribosomal peptide synthases, polyketide synthases (PKSs), hybrid non-ribosomal peptide synthase-PKS, trans-acyltransferases (trans-ATs), enzymes for methoxymalonyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthesis, putative resistance genes, and hypothetical regulation genes. In contrast to classical type I polyketide or fatty acid biosynthases, all 10 PKS modules in the gene cluster lack cognate ATs. Instead, discrete ATs OzmM (with tandem domains OzmM-AT1 and OzmM-AT2) and OzmC were equipped to carry out all of the loading functions of both malonyl-CoA and methoxymalonyl-ACP extender units. Strikingly, only OzmM-AT2 is required for OzmM activity for OZM biosynthesis, whereas OzmM-AT1 seemed to be a cryptic AT domain. The above findings, together with previous results using isotope-labeled precursor feeding assays, are assembled for the OZM biosynthesis model to be proposed. The incorporation of both malonyl-CoA (by OzmM-AT2) and methoxymalonyl-ACP (by OzmC) extender units seemed to be unprecedented for this class of trans-AT type I PKSs, which might be fruitfully manipulated to create structurally diverse novel compounds.  相似文献   

SsfX3 is a GDSL family acyltransferase that transfers salicylate to the C-4 hydroxyl of a tetracycline intermediate in the penultimate step during biosynthesis of the anticancer natural product SF2575. The C-4 salicylate takes the place of the more common C-4 dimethylamine functionality, making SsfX3 the first acyltransferase identified to act on a tetracycline substrate. The crystal structure of SsfX3 was determined at 2.5 Å, revealing two distinct domains as follows: an N-terminal β-sandwich domain that resembles a carbohydrate-binding module, and a C-terminal catalytic domain that contains the atypical α/β-hydrolase fold found in the GDSL hydrolase family of enzymes. The active site lies at one end of a large open binding pocket, which is spatially defined by structural elements from both the N- and C-terminal domains. Mutational analysis in the putative substrate binding pocket identified residues from both domains that are important for binding the acyl donor and acceptor. Furthermore, removal of the N-terminal carbohydrate-binding module-like domain rendered the stand-alone α/β-hydrolase domain inactive. The additional noncatalytic module is therefore proposed to be required to define the binding pocket and provide sufficient interactions with the spatially extended tetracyclic substrate. SsfX3 was also demonstrated to accept a variety of non-native acyl groups. This relaxed substrate specificity toward the acyl donor allowed the chemoenzymatic biosynthesis of C-4-modified analogs of the immediate precursor to the bioactive SF2575; these were used to assay the structure activity relationships at the C-4 position.  相似文献   

Moorella thermoacetica is an anaerobic acetogen, a class of bacteria that is found in the soil, the animal gastrointestinal tract, and the rumen. This organism engages the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway of anaerobic CO(2) fixation for heterotrophic or autotrophic growth. This paper describes a novel enzyme, oxalate oxidoreductase (OOR), that enables M. thermoacetica to grow on oxalate, which is produced in soil and is a common component of kidney stones. Exposure to oxalate leads to the induction of three proteins that are subunits of OOR, which oxidizes oxalate coupled to the production of two electrons and CO(2) or bicarbonate. Like other members of the 2-oxoacid:ferredoxin oxidoreductase family, OOR contains thiamine pyrophosphate and three [Fe(4)S(4)] clusters. However, unlike previously characterized members of this family, OOR does not use coenzyme A as a substrate. Oxalate is oxidized with a k(cat) of 0.09 s(-1) and a K(m) of 58 μM at pH 8. OOR also oxidizes a few other 2-oxoacids (which do not induce OOR) also without any requirement for CoA. The enzyme transfers its reducing equivalents to a broad range of electron acceptors, including ferredoxin and the nickel-dependent carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. In conjunction with the well characterized Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, OOR should be sufficient for oxalate metabolism by M. thermoacetica, and it constitutes a novel pathway for oxalate metabolism.  相似文献   

Furaquinocin is a natural polyketide-isoprenoid hybrid (meroterpenoid) that exhibits antitumor activity and is produced by the Streptomyces sp. strain KO-3988. Bioinformatic analysis of furaquinocin biosynthesis has identified Fur7 as a possible prenyltransferase that attaches a geranyl group to an unidentified polyketide scaffold. Here, we report the identification of a physiological polyketide substrate for Fur7, as well as its reaction product and the biochemical characterization of Fur7. A Streptomyces albus transformant (S. albus/pWHM-Fur2_del7) harboring the furaquinocin biosynthetic gene cluster lacking the fur7 gene did not produce furaquinocin but synthesized the novel intermediate 2-methoxy-3-methyl-flaviolin. After expression and purification from Escherichia coli, the recombinant Fur7 enzyme catalyzed the transfer of a geranyl group to 2-methoxy-3-methyl-flaviolin to yield 6-prenyl-2-methoxy-3-methyl-flaviolin and 7-O-geranyl-2-methoxy-3-methyl-flaviolin in a 10:1 ratio. The reaction proceeded independently of divalent cations. When 6-prenyl-2-methoxy-3-methyl-flaviolin was added to the culture medium of S. albus/pWHM-Fur2_del7, furaquinocin production was restored. The promiscuous substrate specificity of Fur7 was demonstrated with respect to prenyl acceptor substrates and prenyl donor substrates. The steady-state kinetic constants of Fur7 with each prenyl acceptor substrate were also calculated.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains PA7 and Pa5196 glycosylate their type IVa pilins with α1,5-linked D-arabinofuranose (d-Araf), a rare sugar configuration identical to that found in cell wall polymers of the Corynebacterineae. Despite this chemical identity, the pathway for biosynthesis of α1,5-D-Araf in Gram-negative bacteria is unknown. Bioinformatics analyses pointed to a cluster of seven P. aeruginosa genes, including homologues of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes Rv3806c, Rv3790, and Rv3791, required for synthesis of a polyprenyl-linked d-ribose precursor and its epimerization to D-Araf. Pa5196 mutants lacking the orthologues of those genes had non-arabinosylated pilins, poor twitching motility, and significantly fewer surface pili than the wild type even in a retraction-deficient (pilT) background. The Pa5196 pilus system assembled heterologous non-glycosylated pilins efficiently, demonstrating that it does not require post-translationally modified subunits. Together the data suggest that pilins of group IV strains need to be glycosylated for productive subunit-subunit interactions. A recombinant P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain co-expressing the genes for d-Araf biosynthesis, the pilin modification enzyme TfpW, and the acceptor PilA(IV) produced arabinosylated pili, confirming that the Pa5196 genes identified are both necessary and sufficient. A P. aeruginosa epimerase knock-out could be complemented with the corresponding Mycobacterium smegmatis gene, demonstrating conservation between the systems of the Corynebacterineae and Pseudomonas. This work describes a novel Gram-negative pathway for biosynthesis of d-Araf, a key therapeutic target in Corynebacterineae.  相似文献   

We report the identification and characterization of the ste (Streptomyces eps) gene cluster of Streptomyces sp. 139 required for exopolysaccharide (EPS) biosynthesis. This report is the first genetic work on polysaccharide production in Streptomyces. To investigate the gene cluster involved in exopolysaccharide 139A biosynthesis, degenerate primers were designed to polymerase chain reaction amplify an internal fragment of the priming glycosyltransferase gene that catalyzes the first step in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis. Screening of a genomic library of Streptomyces sp. 139 with this polymerase chain reaction product as probe allowed the isolation of a ste gene cluster containing 22 open reading frames similar to polysaccharide biosynthesis genes of other bacterial species. Involvement of the ste gene cluster in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis was confirmed by disrupting the priming glycosyltransferase gene in Streptomyces sp. 139 to generate non-exopolysaccharide-producing mutants.  相似文献   

One challenge to the development of new antitubercular drugs is the existence of multiple virulent strains that differ genetically. We and others have recently demonstrated that CYP125A1 is a steroid C26-monooxygenase that plays a key role in cholesterol catabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis CDC1551 but, unexpectedly, not in the M. tuberculosis H37Rv strain. This discrepancy suggests that the H37Rv strain possesses compensatory activities. Here, we examined the roles in cholesterol metabolism of two other cytochrome P450 enzymes, CYP124A1 and CYP142A1. In vitro analysis, including comparisons of the binding affinities and catalytic efficiencies, demonstrated that CYP142A1, but not CYP124A1, can support the growth of H37Rv cells on cholesterol in the absence of cyp125A1. All three enzymes can oxidize the sterol side chain to the carboxylic acid state by sequential oxidation to the alcohol, aldehyde, and acid. Interestingly, CYP125A1 generates oxidized sterols of the (25S)-26-hydroxy configuration, whereas the opposite 25R stereochemistry is obtained with CYP124A1 and CYP142A1. Western blot analysis indicated that CYP124A1 was not detectably expressed in either the H37Rv or CDC1551 strains, whereas CYP142A1 was found in H37Rv but not CDC1551. Genetic complementation of CDC1551 Δcyp125A1 cells with the cyp124A1 or cyp142A1 genes revealed that the latter can fully rescue the growth defect on cholesterol, whereas cells overexpressing CYP124A1 grow poorly and accumulate cholest-4-en-3-one. Our data clearly establish a functional redundancy in the essential C26-monooxygenase activity of M. tuberculosis and validate CYP125A1 and CYP142A1 as possible drug targets.  相似文献   

Uronate dehydrogenase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens (AtUdh) belongs to the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily and catalyzes the oxidation of D-galacturonic acid and D-glucuronic acid with NAD(+) as a cofactor. We have determined the crystal structures of an apo-form of AtUdh, a ternary form in complex with NADH and product (substrate-soaked structure), and an inactive Y136A mutant in complex with NAD(+). The crystal structures suggest AtUdh to be a homohexamer, which has also been observed to be the major form in solution. The monomer contains a Rossmann fold, essential for nucleotide binding and a common feature of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family enzymes. The ternary complex structure reveals a product, D-galactaro-1,5-lactone, which is bound above the nicotinamide ring. This product rearranges in solution to D-galactaro-1,4-lactone as verified by mass spectrometry analysis, which agrees with our previous NMR study. The crystal structure of the mutant with the catalytic residue Tyr-136 substituted with alanine shows changes in the position of Ile-74 and Ser-75. This probably altered the binding of the nicotinamide end of NAD(+), which was not visible in the electron density map. The structures presented provide novel insights into cofactor and substrate binding and the reaction mechanism of AtUdh. This information can be applied to the design of efficient microbial conversion of D-galacturonic acid-based waste materials.  相似文献   

Iron limitation is one major constraint of microbial life, and a plethora of microbes use siderophores for high affinity iron acquisition. Because specific enzymes for reductive iron release in gram-positives are not known, we searched Firmicute genomes and found a novel association pattern of putative ferric siderophore reductases and uptake genes. The reductase from the schizokinen-producing alkaliphile Bacillus halodurans was found to cluster with a ferric citrate-hydroxamate uptake system and to catalyze iron release efficiently from Fe[III]-dicitrate, Fe[III]-schizokinen, Fe[III]-aerobactin, and ferrichrome. The gene was hence named fchR for ferric citrate and hydroxamate reductase. The tightly bound [2Fe-2S] cofactor of FchR was identified by UV-visible, EPR, CD spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. Iron release kinetics were determined with several substrates by using ferredoxin as electron donor. Catalytic efficiencies were strongly enhanced in the presence of an iron-sulfur scaffold protein scavenging the released ferrous iron. Competitive inhibition of FchR was observed with Ga(III)-charged siderophores with K(i) values in the micromolar range. The principal catalytic mechanism was found to couple increasing K(m) and K(D) values of substrate binding with increasing k(cat) values, resulting in high catalytic efficiencies over a wide redox range. Physiologically, a chromosomal fchR deletion led to strongly impaired growth during iron limitation even in the presence of ferric siderophores. Inductively coupled plasma-MS analysis of ΔfchR revealed intracellular iron accumulation, indicating that the ferric substrates were not efficiently metabolized. We further show that FchR can be efficiently inhibited by redox-inert siderophore mimics in vivo, suggesting that substrate-specific ferric siderophore reductases may present future targets for microbial pathogen control.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (P450) 2A6 activates nitrosamines, including N,N-dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) and N,N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN), to alkyl diazohydroxides (which are DNA-alkylating agents) and also aldehydes (HCHO from DMN and CH3CHO from DEN). The N-dealkylation of DMN had a high intrinsic kinetic deuterium isotope effect (Dkapp ∼ 10), which was highly expressed in a variety of competitive and non-competitive experiments. The Dkapp for DEN was ∼3 and not expressed in non-competitive experiments. DMN and DEN were also oxidized to HCO2H and CH3CO2H, respectively. In neither case was a lag observed, which was unexpected considering the kcat and Km parameters measured for oxidation of DMN and DEN to the aldehydes and for oxidation of the aldehydes to the carboxylic acids. Spectral analysis did not indicate strong affinity of the aldehydes for P450 2A6, but pulse-chase experiments showed only limited exchange with added (unlabeled) aldehydes in the oxidations of DMN and DEN to carboxylic acids. Substoichiometric kinetic bursts were observed in the pre-steady-state oxidations of DMN and DEN to aldehydes. A minimal kinetic model was developed that was consistent with all of the observed phenomena and involves a conformational change of P450 2A6 following substrate binding, equilibrium of the P450-substrate complex with a non-productive form, and oxidation of the aldehydes to carboxylic acids in a process that avoids relaxation of the conformation following the first oxidation (i.e. of DMN or DEN to an aldehyde).  相似文献   

Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are cyclic vasoactive peptide hormones with high therapeutic potential. Three distinct NPs (ANP, BNP, and CNP) can selectively activate natriuretic peptide receptors, NPR-A and NPR-B, raising the cyclic GMP (cGMP) levels. Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) was found to rapidly cleave ANP, but the functional consequences of such cleavages in the cellular environment and the molecular mechanism of recognition and cleavage remain unknown. Here, we show that reducing expression levels of IDE profoundly alters the response of NPR-A and NPR-B to the stimulation of ANP, BNP, and CNP in cultured cells. IDE rapidly cleaves ANP and CNP, thus inactivating their ability to raise intracellular cGMP. Conversely, reduced IDE expression enhances the stimulation of NPR-A and NPR-B by ANP and CNP, respectively. Instead of proteolytic inactivation, IDE cleavage can lead to hyperactivation of BNP toward NPR-A. Conversely, decreasing IDE expression reduces BNP-mediated signaling. Additionally, the cleavages of ANP and BNP by IDE render them active with NPR-B and a reduction of IDE expression diminishes the ability of ANP and BNP to stimulate NPR-B. Our kinetic and crystallographic analyses offer the molecular basis for the selective degradation of NPs and their variants by IDE. Furthermore, our studies reveal how IDE utilizes its catalytic chamber and exosite to engulf and bind up to two NPs leading to biased stochastic, non-sequential cleavages and the ability of IDE to switch its substrate selectivity. Thus, the evolutionarily conserved IDE may play a key role in modulating and reshaping the strength and duration of NP-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Prodiginines are a class of red-pigmented natural products with immunosuppressant, anticancer, and antimalarial activities. Recent studies on prodiginine biosynthesis in Streptomyces coelicolor have elucidated the function of many enzymes within the pathway. However, the function of RedJ, which was predicted to be an editing thioesterase based on sequence similarity, is unknown. We report here the genetic, biochemical, and structural characterization of the redJ gene product. Deletion of redJ in S. coelicolor leads to a 75% decrease in prodiginine production, demonstrating its importance for prodiginine biosynthesis. RedJ exhibits thioesterase activity with selectivity for substrates having long acyl chains and lacking a β-carboxyl substituent. The thioesterase has 1000-fold greater catalytic efficiency with substrates linked to an acyl carrier protein (ACP) than with the corresponding CoA thioester substrates. Also, RedJ strongly discriminates against the streptomycete ACP of fatty acid biosynthesis in preference to RedQ, an ACP of the prodiginine pathway. The 2.12 Å resolution crystal structure of RedJ provides insights into the molecular basis for the observed substrate selectivity. A hydrophobic pocket in the active site chamber is positioned to bind long acyl chains, as suggested by a long-chain ligand from the crystallization solution bound in this pocket. The accessibility of the active site is controlled by the position of a highly flexible entrance flap. These data combined with previous studies of prodiginine biosynthesis in S. coelicolor support a novel role for RedJ in facilitating transfer of a dodecanoyl chain from one acyl carrier protein to another en route to the key biosynthetic intermediate 2-undecylpyrrole.  相似文献   

Sesquiterpene lactones are characteristic natural products in Asteraceae, which constitutes ∼8% of all plant species. Despite their physiological and pharmaceutical importance, the biochemistry and evolution of sesquiterpene lactones remain unexplored. Here we show that germacrene A oxidase (GAO), evolutionarily conserved in all major subfamilies of Asteraceae, catalyzes three consecutive oxidations of germacrene A to yield germacrene A acid. Furthermore, it is also capable of oxidizing non-natural substrate amorphadiene. Co-expression of lettuce GAO with germacrene synthase in engineered yeast synthesized aberrant products, costic acids and ilicic acid, in an acidic condition. However, cultivation in a neutral condition allowed the de novo synthesis of a single novel compound that was identified as germacrene A acid by gas and liquid chromatography and NMR analyses. To trace the evolutionary lineage of GAO in Asteraceae, homologous genes were further isolated from the representative species of three major subfamilies of Asteraceae (sunflower, chicory, and costus from Asteroideae, Cichorioideae, and Carduoideae, respectively) and also from the phylogenetically basal species, Barnadesia spinosa, from Barnadesioideae. The recombinant GAOs from these genes clearly showed germacrene A oxidase activities, suggesting that GAO activity is widely conserved in Asteraceae including the basal lineage. All GAOs could catalyze the three-step oxidation of non-natural substrate amorphadiene to artemisinic acid, whereas amorphadiene oxidase diverged from GAO displayed negligible activity for germacrene A oxidation. The observed amorphadiene oxidase activity in GAOs suggests that the catalytic plasticity is embedded in ancestral GAO enzymes that may contribute to the chemical and catalytic diversity in nature.  相似文献   

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