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Simultaneous recordings of spike trains from multiple single neurons are becoming commonplace. Understanding the interaction patterns among these spike trains remains a key research area. A question of interest is the evaluation of information flow between neurons through the analysis of whether one spike train exerts causal influence on another. For continuous-valued time series data, Granger causality has proven an effective method for this purpose. However, the basis for Granger causality estimation is autoregressive data modeling, which is not directly applicable to spike trains. Various filtering options distort the properties of spike trains as point processes. Here we propose a new nonparametric approach to estimate Granger causality directly from the Fourier transforms of spike train data. We validate the method on synthetic spike trains generated by model networks of neurons with known connectivity patterns and then apply it to neurons simultaneously recorded from the thalamus and the primary somatosensory cortex of a squirrel monkey undergoing tactile stimulation.  相似文献   

Advances in recording technologies have given neuroscience researchers access to large amounts of data, in particular, simultaneous, individual recordings of large groups of neurons in different parts of the brain. A variety of quantitative techniques have been utilized to analyze the spiking activities of the neurons to elucidate the functional connectivity of the recorded neurons. In the past, researchers have used correlative measures. More recently, to better capture the dynamic, complex relationships present in the data, neuroscientists have employed causal measures—most of which are variants of Granger causality—with limited success. This paper motivates the directed information, an information and control theoretic concept, as a modality-independent embodiment of Granger’s original notion of causality. Key properties include: (a) it is nonzero if and only if one process causally influences another, and (b) its specific value can be interpreted as the strength of a causal relationship. We next describe how the causally conditioned directed information between two processes given knowledge of others provides a network version of causality: it is nonzero if and only if, in the presence of the present and past of other processes, one process causally influences another. This notion is shown to be able to differentiate between true direct causal influences, common inputs, and cascade effects in more two processes. We next describe a procedure to estimate the directed information on neural spike trains using point process generalized linear models, maximum likelihood estimation and information-theoretic model order selection. We demonstrate that on a simulated network of neurons, it (a) correctly identifies all pairwise causal relationships and (b) correctly identifies network causal relationships. This procedure is then used to analyze ensemble spike train recordings in primary motor cortex of an awake monkey while performing target reaching tasks, uncovering causal relationships whose directionality are consistent with predictions made from the wave propagation of simultaneously recorded local field potentials.  相似文献   

Precise spike coordination between the spiking activities of multiple neurons is suggested as an indication of coordinated network activity in active cell assemblies. Spike correlation analysis aims to identify such cooperative network activity by detecting excess spike synchrony in simultaneously recorded multiple neural spike sequences. Cooperative activity is expected to organize dynamically during behavior and cognition; therefore currently available analysis techniques must be extended to enable the estimation of multiple time-varying spike interactions between neurons simultaneously. In particular, new methods must take advantage of the simultaneous observations of multiple neurons by addressing their higher-order dependencies, which cannot be revealed by pairwise analyses alone. In this paper, we develop a method for estimating time-varying spike interactions by means of a state-space analysis. Discretized parallel spike sequences are modeled as multi-variate binary processes using a log-linear model that provides a well-defined measure of higher-order spike correlation in an information geometry framework. We construct a recursive Bayesian filter/smoother for the extraction of spike interaction parameters. This method can simultaneously estimate the dynamic pairwise spike interactions of multiple single neurons, thereby extending the Ising/spin-glass model analysis of multiple neural spike train data to a nonstationary analysis. Furthermore, the method can estimate dynamic higher-order spike interactions. To validate the inclusion of the higher-order terms in the model, we construct an approximation method to assess the goodness-of-fit to spike data. In addition, we formulate a test method for the presence of higher-order spike correlation even in nonstationary spike data, e.g., data from awake behaving animals. The utility of the proposed methods is tested using simulated spike data with known underlying correlation dynamics. Finally, we apply the methods to neural spike data simultaneously recorded from the motor cortex of an awake monkey and demonstrate that the higher-order spike correlation organizes dynamically in relation to a behavioral demand.  相似文献   

Estimating the causal interaction between neurons is very important for better understanding the functional connectivity in neuronal networks. We propose a method called normalized permutation transfer entropy (NPTE) to evaluate the temporal causal interaction between spike trains, which quantifies the fraction of ordinal information in a neuron that has presented in another one. The performance of this method is evaluated with the spike trains generated by an Izhikevich’s neuronal model. Results show that the NPTE method can effectively estimate the causal interaction between two neurons without influence of data length. Considering both the precision of time delay estimated and the robustness of information flow estimated against neuronal firing rate, the NPTE method is superior to other information theoretic method including normalized transfer entropy, symbolic transfer entropy and permutation conditional mutual information. To test the performance of NPTE on analyzing simulated biophysically realistic synapses, an Izhikevich’s cortical network that based on the neuronal model is employed. It is found that the NPTE method is able to characterize mutual interactions and identify spurious causality in a network of three neurons exactly. We conclude that the proposed method can obtain more reliable comparison of interactions between different pairs of neurons and is a promising tool to uncover more details on the neural coding.  相似文献   

Identifying the structure and dynamics of synaptic interactions between neurons is the first step to understanding neural network dynamics. The presence of synaptic connections is traditionally inferred through the use of targeted stimulation and paired recordings or by post-hoc histology. More recently, causal network inference algorithms have been proposed to deduce connectivity directly from electrophysiological signals, such as extracellularly recorded spiking activity. Usually, these algorithms have not been validated on a neurophysiological data set for which the actual circuitry is known. Recent work has shown that traditional network inference algorithms based on linear models typically fail to identify the correct coupling of a small central pattern generating circuit in the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis. In this work, we show that point process models of observed spike trains can guide inference of relative connectivity estimates that match the known physiological connectivity of the central pattern generator up to a choice of threshold. We elucidate the necessary steps to derive faithful connectivity estimates from a model that incorporates the spike train nature of the data. We then apply the model to measure changes in the effective connectivity pattern in response to two pharmacological interventions, which affect both intrinsic neural dynamics and synaptic transmission. Our results provide the first successful application of a network inference algorithm to a circuit for which the actual physiological synapses between neurons are known. The point process methodology presented here generalizes well to larger networks and can describe the statistics of neural populations. In general we show that advanced statistical models allow for the characterization of effective network structure, deciphering underlying network dynamics and estimating information-processing capabilities.  相似文献   

The application of data-driven time series analysis techniques such as Granger causality, partial directed coherence and phase dynamics modeling to estimate effective connectivity in brain networks has recently gained significant prominence in the neuroscience community. While these techniques have been useful in determining causal interactions among different regions of brain networks, a thorough analysis of the comparative accuracy and robustness of these methods in identifying patterns of effective connectivity among brain networks is still lacking. In this paper, we systematically address this issue within the context of simple networks of coupled spiking neurons. Specifically, we develop a method to assess the ability of various effective connectivity measures to accurately determine the true effective connectivity of a given neuronal network. Our method is based on decision tree classifiers which are trained using several time series features that can be observed solely from experimentally recorded data. We show that the classifiers constructed in this work provide a general framework for determining whether a particular effective connectivity measure is likely to produce incorrect results when applied to a dataset.  相似文献   

The frontal cortex controls behavioral adaptation in environments governed by complex rules. Many studies have established the relevance of firing rate modulation after informative events signaling whether and how to update the behavioral policy. However, whether the spatiotemporal features of these neuronal activities contribute to encoding imminent behavioral updates remains unclear. We investigated this issue in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) of monkeys while they adapted their behavior based on their memory of feedback from past choices. We analyzed spike trains of both single units and pairs of simultaneously recorded neurons using an algorithm that emulates different biologically plausible decoding circuits. This method permits the assessment of the performance of both spike-count and spike-timing sensitive decoders. In response to the feedback, single neurons emitted stereotypical spike trains whose temporal structure identified informative events with higher accuracy than mere spike count. The optimal decoding time scale was in the range of 70–200 ms, which is significantly shorter than the memory time scale required by the behavioral task. Importantly, the temporal spiking patterns of single units were predictive of the monkeys’ behavioral response time. Furthermore, some features of these spiking patterns often varied between jointly recorded neurons. All together, our results suggest that dACC drives behavioral adaptation through complex spatiotemporal spike coding. They also indicate that downstream networks, which decode dACC feedback signals, are unlikely to act as mere neural integrators.  相似文献   

Cadotte AJ  DeMarse TB  He P  Ding M 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3355
A major goal of neuroscience is to understand the relationship between neural structures and their function. Recording of neural activity with arrays of electrodes is a primary tool employed toward this goal. However, the relationships among the neural activity recorded by these arrays are often highly complex making it problematic to accurately quantify a network's structural information and then relate that structure to its function. Current statistical methods including cross correlation and coherence have achieved only modest success in characterizing the structural connectivity. Over the last decade an alternative technique known as Granger causality is emerging within neuroscience. This technique, borrowed from the field of economics, provides a strong mathematical foundation based on linear auto-regression to detect and quantify "causal" relationships among different time series. This paper presents a combination of three Granger based analytical methods that can quickly provide a relatively complete representation of the causal structure within a neural network. These are a simple pairwise Granger causality metric, a conditional metric, and a little known computationally inexpensive subtractive conditional method. Each causal metric is first described and evaluated in a series of biologically plausible neural simulations. We then demonstrate how Granger causality can detect and quantify changes in the strength of those relationships during plasticity using 60 channel spike train data from an in vitro cortical network measured on a microelectrode array. We show that these metrics can not only detect the presence of causal relationships, they also provide crucial information about the strength and direction of that relationship, particularly when that relationship maybe changing during plasticity. Although we focus on the analysis of multichannel spike train data the metrics we describe are applicable to any stationary time series in which causal relationships among multiple measures is desired. These techniques can be especially useful when the interactions among those measures are highly complex, difficult to untangle, and maybe changing over time.  相似文献   

Cochlear implant speech processors stimulate the auditory nerve by delivering amplitude-modulated electrical pulse trains to intracochlear electrodes. Studying how auditory nerve cells encode modulation information is of fundamental importance, therefore, to understanding cochlear implant function and improving speech perception in cochlear implant users. In this paper, we analyze simulated responses of the auditory nerve to amplitude-modulated cochlear implant stimuli using a point process model. First, we quantify the information encoded in the spike trains by testing an ideal observer’s ability to detect amplitude modulation in a two-alternative forced-choice task. We vary the amount of information available to the observer to probe how spike timing and averaged firing rate encode modulation. Second, we construct a neural decoding method that predicts several qualitative trends observed in psychophysical tests of amplitude modulation detection in cochlear implant listeners. We find that modulation information is primarily available in the sequence of spike times. The performance of an ideal observer, however, is inconsistent with observed trends in psychophysical data. Using a neural decoding method that jitters spike times to degrade its temporal resolution and then computes a common measure of phase locking from spike trains of a heterogeneous population of model nerve cells, we predict the correct qualitative dependence of modulation detection thresholds on modulation frequency and stimulus level. The decoder does not predict the observed loss of modulation sensitivity at high carrier pulse rates, but this framework can be applied to future models that better represent auditory nerve responses to high carrier pulse rate stimuli. The supplemental material of this article contains the article’s data in an active, re-usable format.  相似文献   

Iglesias J  Villa AE 《Bio Systems》2007,89(1-3):287-293
Adult patterns of neuronal connectivity develop from a transient embryonic template characterized by exuberant projections to both appropriate and inappropriate target regions in a process known as synaptic pruning. Trigger signals able to induce synaptic pruning could be related to dynamic functions that depend on the timing of action potentials. We stimulated locally connected random networks of spiking neurons and observed the effect of a spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity (STDP)-driven pruning process on the emergence of cell assemblies. The spike trains of the simulated excitatory neurons were recorded. We searched for spatiotemporal firing patterns as potential markers of the build-up of functionally organized recurrent activity associated with spatially organized connectivity.  相似文献   

Information about external world is delivered to the brain in the form of structured in time spike trains. During further processing in higher areas, information is subjected to a certain condensation process, which results in formation of abstract conceptual images of external world, apparently, represented as certain uniform spiking activity partially independent on the input spike trains details. Possible physical mechanism of condensation at the level of individual neuron was discussed recently. In a reverberating spiking neural network, due to this mechanism the dynamics should settle down to the same uniform/ periodic activity in response to a set of various inputs. Since the same periodic activity may correspond to different input spike trains, we interpret this as possible candidate for information condensation mechanism in a network. Our purpose is to test this possibility in a network model consisting of five fully connected neurons, particularly, the influence of geometric size of the network, on its ability to condense information. Dynamics of 20 spiking neural networks of different geometric sizes are modelled by means of computer simulation. Each network was propelled into reverberating dynamics by applying various initial input spike trains. We run the dynamics until it becomes periodic. The Shannon's formula is used to calculate the amount of information in any input spike train and in any periodic state found. As a result, we obtain explicit estimate of the degree of information condensation in the networks, and conclude that it depends strongly on the net's geometric size.  相似文献   

Discovering regulatory interactions from time-course gene expression data constitutes a canonical problem in functional genomics and systems biology. The framework of graphical Granger causality allows one to estimate such causal relationships from these data. In this study, we propose an adaptively thresholding estimates of Granger causal effects obtained from the lasso penalization method. We establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed technique, and discuss the advantages it offers over competing methods, such as the truncating lasso. Its performance and that of its competitors is assessed on a number of simulated settings and it is applied on a data set that captures the activation of T-cells.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the use of partial correlation analysis for the identification of functional neural connectivity from simultaneously recorded neural spike trains. Partial correlation analysis allows one to distinguish between direct and indirect connectivities by removing the portion of the relationship between two neural spike trains that can be attributed to linear relationships with recorded spike trains from other neurons. As an alternative to the common frequency domain approach based on the partial spectral coherence we propose a new statistic in the time domain. The new scaled partial covariance density provides additional information on the direction and the type, excitatory or inhibitory, of the connectivities. In simulation studies, we investigated the power and limitations of the new statistic. The simulations show that the detectability of various connectivity patterns depends on various parameters such as connectivity strength and background activity. In particular, the detectability decreases with the number of neurons included in the analysis and increases with the recording time. Further, we show that the method can also be used to detect multiple direct connectivities between two neurons. Finally, the methods of this paper are illustrated by an application to neurophysiological data from spinal dorsal horn neurons.  相似文献   

Acupuncturing the Zusanli (ST 36) point with different types of manual acupuncture manipulations (MAs) and different frequencies can evoke a lot of neural response activities in spinal dorsal root neurons. The action potential is the basic unit of communication in the neural response process. With the rapid development of the electrode acquisition technology, we can simultaneously obtain neural electrical signals of multiple neurons in the target area. So it is crucial to extract spike trains of each neuron from raw recorded data. To solve the problem of variability of the spike waveform, this paper adopts a optimization algorithm based on model to improve the wave-cluster algorithm, which can provide higher accuracy and reliability. Further, through this optimization algorithm, we make a statistical analysis on spike events evoked by different MAs. Results suggest that numbers of response spikes under reinforcing manipulations are far more than reducing manipulations, which mainly embody in synchronous spike activities.  相似文献   

An algorithm for the estimation of stochastic processes in a neural system is presented. This process is defined here as the continuous stochastic process reflecting the dynamics of the neural system which has some inputs and generates output spike trains. The algorithm proposed here is to identify the system parameters and then estimate the stochastic process called neural system process here. These procedures carried out on the basis of the output spike trains which are supposed to be the data observed in the randomly missing way by the threshold time function in the neural system. The algorithm is constructed with the well-known Kalman filters and realizes the estimation of the neural system process by cooperating with the algorithm for the parameter estimation of the threshold time function presented previously (Nakao et al., 1983). The performance of the algorithm is examined by applying it to the various spike trains simulated by some artificial models and also to the neural spike trains recorded in cat's optic tract fibers. The results in these applications are thought to prove the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed here to some extent. Such attempts, we think, will serve to improve the characterizing and modelling techniques of the stochastic neural systems.  相似文献   

An important feature of interaction between two signal components is the direction of the interaction. Recently, different methods have been developed and applied for detecting the direction of interactions. Besides frequency-dependent methods, Granger causality is a well-known frequency-independent approach. One popular linear approach is based on autoregressive modeling of the underlying process and evaluates prediction errors under different past assumptions. In the present study, this linear concept is extended to self-exciting threshold autoregressive models, which cover a wider class of processes. An approach for the definition of a state-dependent Granger causality is given and applied to simulated data.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study aiming at model fitting for sensory neurons. Conventional neural network training approaches are not applicable to this problem due to lack of continuous data. Although the stimulus can be considered as a smooth time-dependent variable, the associated response will be a set of neural spike timings (roughly the instants of successive action potential peaks) that have no amplitude information. A recurrent neural network model can be fitted to such a stimulus-response data pair by using the maximum likelihood estimation method where the likelihood function is derived from Poisson statistics of neural spiking. The universal approximation feature of the recurrent dynamical neuron network models allows us to describe excitatory-inhibitory characteristics of an actual sensory neural network with any desired number of neurons. The stimulus data are generated by a phased cosine Fourier series having a fixed amplitude and frequency but a randomly shot phase. Various values of amplitude, stimulus component size, and sample size are applied in order to examine the effect of the stimulus to the identification process. Results are presented in tabular and graphical forms at the end of this text. In addition, to demonstrate the success of this research, a study involving the same model, nominal parameters and stimulus structure, and another study that works on different models are compared to that of this research.  相似文献   

Many recent approaches to decoding neural spike trains depend critically on the assumption that for low-pass filtered spike trains, the temporal structure is optimally represented by a small number of linear projections onto the data. We therefore tested this assumption of linearity by comparing a linear factor analysis technique (principal components analysis) with a nonlinear neural network based method. It is first shown that the nonlinear technique can reliably identify a neuronally plausible nonlinearity in synthetic spike trains. However, when applied to the outputs from primary visual cortical neurons, this method shows no evidence for significant temporal nonlinearities. The implications of this are discussed. Received: 29 November 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 1 July 1997  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of two simultaneously observed trains of neuronal spikes is described, using as a conceptual framework the theory of stochastic point processes.The first statistical question that arises is whether the observed trains are independent; statistical techniques for testing independence are developed around the notion that, under the null hypothesis, the times of spike occurrence in one train represent random instants in time with respect to the other. If the null hypothesis is rejected—if dependence is attributed to the trains—the problem then becomes that of characterizing the nature and source of the observed dependencies. Statistical signs of various classes of dependencies, including direct interaction and shared input, are discussed and illustrated through computer simulations of interacting neurons. The effects of nonstationarities on the statistical measures for simultaneous spike trains are also discussed. For two-train comparisons of irregularly discharging nerve cells, moderate nonstationarities are shown to have little effect on the detection of interactions.Combining repetitive stimulation and simultaneous recording of spike trains from two (or more) neurons yields additional clues as to possible modes of interaction among the monitored neurons; the theory presented is illustrated by an application to experimentally obtained data from auditory neurons.A companion paper covers the analysis of single spike trains.  相似文献   

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