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The theory of resource allocation assumes that a resource not allocated to one function may be reallocated to another. Thus, in hermaphroditic species, an individual that suppresses the use of one sex function may free resources for the other sex function. We determined the relative importance of male copulatory organs in terms of their fraction of the total dry body weight and tested whether in the pulmonate land slug Deroceras laeve (Müller), individuals that lack the male copulatory organs (aphallics) reallocate this resource towards the female structures and/or towards life-history traits. To this end, we raised 13 families under uniparental reproduction and compared growth, length of the juvenile period, number of eggs produced, percentage of hatched eggs and hatching time among a- and euphallics. We also measured the reproductive and sex allocation of all individuals. Six out of 13 families contained no euphallic individuals. In the other seven families, the proportion of euphallic individuals ranged from 0.13 to 0.43. There was an enormous variation in life-history traits and reproductive and sex allocation among individuals, even among individuals of the same family. Allocation to the male function was very low in euphallic slugs (i.e. 1.35% of the total body dry mass and 12.33% of the total reproductive dry mass). Our results did not reveal a reallocation from the lost male function towards the female function, nor towards one of the life-history traits. Finally, we propose a scenario that could explain the maintenance of phally polymorphism in D. laeve.  相似文献   

The evolution of phally polymorphism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phally polymorphism in snails offers an opportunity, hitherto neglected, to study the evolution of sexual polymorphism in animals. It is characterized by the co-occurrence in natural populations of regular (euphallic) individuals and aphallic individuals with no male copulatory organ. Both sexual morphs can self-fertilize but, when outcrossing, aphallic individuals can only play the female role. Using simple models, we investigated the influence of selling rate, inbreeding depression and allocation to female function on the evolution of aphally, assuming different kinds of inheritance of aphally. These models show that high selfing rates favour the maintenance of aphally and permit polymorphic situations at equilibrium for some sets of these parameters, except with cytoplasmic inheritance. We then review the empirical data sets on aphally, mainly available in the freshwater snail Bulinus truncatus , to evaluate the determination of aphally and the parameters of the models as well as the potential role of other factors, including polyploidy, parasitism, population structure and dynamics. In the light of both theoretical and empirical results, we propose likely scenarios for the evolution of aphally.  相似文献   

Resource allocation is thought to play a key role in the coexistence of different sexual morphs within hermaphroditic species. Indeed, most models assume that sexual functions are subject to a balance between reproductive advantage and energetic cost. Various types of cost (e.g. organ construction, maintenance and utilization) and levels of trade-off (physiological and genetic) may be considered. We here examine physiological and genetic costs of phallus construction and maintenance in Bulinus truncatus, a snail species in which aphallic individuals (without phallus) coexist with regular hermaphrodites. We use a quantitative genetic design involving 37 inbred lines (four populations) known to produce different proportions of aphallics, to test for the existence of genetic and nongenetic correlations between aphally and a range of life-history traits over the totality of the life cycle. Our results show that aphallic and euphallic individuals of the same line do not show consistent differences in either growth, fecundity (including offspring survival), or longevity. Furthermore, none of these traits is genetically correlated across lines with the frequency of the aphallic morph. We conclude that the cost of the construction and maintenance of the phallus must be very low in this species. Future studies should investigate the cost associated with using the phallus (i.e. male outcrossing behaviour) to explain the maintenance of high frequencies of aphallic individuals in natural populations.  相似文献   

B. Baur    X. Chen    A. Baur 《Journal of Zoology》1993,231(2):275-284
Several species of simultaneously hermaphroditic land snails show a genital dimorphism: aphallic individuals differ from euphallic ones by a lack of male copulatory organs (penis plus genital retractor muscle). Aphallic individuals can self-fertilize or outcross as females but not as males. Thus, the mating system of a population may be significantly influenced by the proportion of aphallic individuals.
We present data on the frequency of aphally in 23 natural populations of the rock-dwelling land snail Chondrina clienta on the Baltic island of Öland, Sweden. The populations varied greatly in percentage of aphallic individuals, ranging from 52.2 to 99.1%, (grand mean 77.7%)). This variation did not follow any geographical pattern.
In a laboratory experiment, we examined whether food supply (high or low) and/or population density (high or low) experienced during ontogeny affected the expression of genital dimorphism. Snails derived from a population with 99.1% aphallic individuals and raised under different food and density conditions did not differ from the original population in frequency of aphally. By contrast, when snails from a population with 66.7% aphallic individuals were raised on a low food supply, more individuals became euphallic than expected under complete genetic determination. These results suggest that, in addition to a genetic component. the expression of the genital dimorphism can be influenced by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

C. Doums  P. Bremond  B. Delay    P. Jarne 《Genetics》1996,142(1):217-225
In some species of self-fertile pulmonate snails, two sexual morphs co-occur in natural populations: regular individuals and aphallic individuals that cannot transmit sperm to other snails. Purely aphallic populations therefore reproduce obligatorily by selfing. Understanding the evolution of aphally and selfing in these snails requires a precise knowledge of phally determination. In this paper, we investigate the genetic and environmental determination of aphally in Bulinus truncatus by a survey of the family (offspring) aphally ratio of 233 individuals originating from seven natural populations and a study of the reaction norm of the family aphally ratio to temperature using 60 individuals from 10 selfed lineages of one population. Our results indicate a high genetic variability for the determination of aphally between populations and within some populations, associated with a high level of genetic determination. Our second experiment indicates a significant temperature and lineage effect though no interaction between these two effects. We discuss our results in the framework of threshold models developed for dimorphic traits with polygenic inheritance. We propose that the sexual morph of an individual at a given temperature is determined by a temperature threshold value depending on both the individual genotype and probabilistic processes.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits are predicted to show condition dependence by capturing the genetic quality of its bearer. In separate‐sexed organisms, this will ultimately translate into condition dependence of reproductive success of the sex that experiences sexual selection, which is typically the male. Such condition dependence of reproductive success is predicted to be higher in males than females under conditions promoting intense sexual selection. For simultaneous hermaphrodites, however, sex allocation theory predicts that individuals in poor condition channel relatively more resources into the male sex function at the expense of the female function. Thus, male reproductive success is expected to be less condition dependent than female reproductive success. We subjected individuals of the simultaneously hermaphroditic snail Physa acuta to two feeding treatments to test for condition dependence of male and female reproductive success under varying levels of male–male competition. Condition dependence was found for female, but not for male, reproductive success, meaning that selection on condition is relatively stronger through the female sex function. This effect was consistent over both male–male competition treatments. Decomposition of male and female reproductive performance revealed that individuals in poor condition copulated more in their male role, indicating an increased male allocation to mate acquisition. These findings suggest that sex‐specific condition dependence of reproductive success is at least partially driven by condition‐dependent sex allocation. We discuss the implications of condition‐dependent sex allocation for the evolution of sexually selected traits in simultaneous hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

This paper examines the consequences of self-fertilization on life-history traits and neutral genetic polymorphism in natural populations of three species of hermaphrodite freshwater snails: Biomphalaria straminea, Bulinus globosus, and the aphallic species Bulinus truncatus. Life-history traits (fecundity, growth, hatching rate, and survival of offspring) are compared under laboratory conditions between isolated (obligatory selfing) and paired (outcrossing possible) snails in one population of B. straminea and B. globosus and two populations of B. truncatus. The genetic polymorphism of the same four populations is analyzed using electrophoretic markers in B. straminea and B. globosus and microsatellite markers in B. truncatus. In B. truncatus and B. straminea, isolated snails have a higher fecundity than paired snails, whereas the contrary is observed in B. globosus. For all populations, no difference in hatching rate and offspring survival is detected between the two treatments. Genetic analyses using microsatellite markers conducted in B. truncatus on progeny of paired snails reveal a high selfing rate in spite of high copulation rates, highlighting the difficulties of obtaining outcrossing in highly selfing snails. The high survival of selfed offspring in B. truncatus and B. straminea indicates that inbreeding depression is limited. The extent of inbreeding depression in B. globosus is less clear. Overall, fitness decrease in this species is limited to fecundity. The extent of allozyme polymorphism is very limited whereas a much higher variability is observed with microsatellites. Biomphalaria straminea and B. truncatus populations are also characterized by very low observed heterozygosities and large heterozygote deficiencies, whereas the B. globosus population does not exhibit such a deficiency. Overall these results allow the definition of a self-fertilization syndrome in hermaphrodite freshwater snails: selfing populations (such as those of B. straminea and B. truncatus studied here) are characterized by high selfing rates in spite of copulations, limited deleterious effects of selfing, limited neutral genetic polymorphism, and large heterozygote deficiencies.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the three independent components of mating behaviour, sexual selection in females, sexual selection in males and mating pattern, we studied the distribution of shell colour morphs among mating pairs and between copulating and non-copulating snails in four subsamples of a natural population ofL. mariae. The colour of the shell, the sex and a qualitative estimate of age was recorded for every snail. We found sexual selection acting against one of the two commonest colours (yellow) among the young females. However, in males none of the eight shell colour morphs was favoured during matings. Male sexual choice or differences in female sexual activity may cause the sexual fitness disadvantage of yellow females. Moreover, individuals of different colour morphs did not mate at random, rather dissasortatively. A behavioural choice among shell colour morphs or a non-random microdistribution of the morphs may cause the departure from random mating in this population.  相似文献   

Cyclically parthenogenetic animals such as aphids are able alternating sexual and asexual reproduction during its life cycle, and represent good models for studying short-term evolutionary consequences of sex. In aphids, different morphs, whether sexual or asexual, winged or wingless, are produced in response to specific environmental cues. The production of these morphs could imply a differential energy investment between the two reproductive phases (i.e., sexual and asexual), which can also be interpreted in terms of changes in genetic variation and/or trade-offs between the associated traits. In this study we compared the G-matrices of energy metabolism, life-history traits and morph production in 10 clonal lineages (genotypes) of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, during both sexual and asexual phases. The heritabilities (broad-sense) were significant for almost all traits in both phases; however the only significant genetic correlation we found was a positive correlation between resting metabolic rate and production of winged parthenogenetic females during the asexual phase. These results suggest the pea aphid shows some lineage specialization in terms of energy costs, but a higher specialization in the production of the different morphs (e.g., winged parthenogenetic females). Moreover, the production of winged females during the asexual phase appears to be more costly than wingless females. Finally, the structures of genetic variance-covariance matrices differed between both phases. These differences were mainly due to the correlation between resting metabolic rate and winged parthenogenetic females in the asexual phase. This structural difference would be indicating that energy allocation rules changes between phases, emphasizing the dispersion role of asexual morphs.  相似文献   

The selective maintenance of gynodioecy depends on the relative fitness of the male-sterile (female) and hermaphroditic morphs. Females may compensate for their loss of male fitness by reallocating resources from male function (pollen production and pollinator attraction) to female function (seeds and fruits), thus increasing seed production. Females may also benefit from their inability to self-fertilize if selfing and inbreeding depression reduce seed quality in hermaphrodites. We investigated how differences in floral resource allocation (flower size) between female and hermaphroditic plants affect two measures of female reproductive success, pollinator visitation and pollen receipt, in gynodioecious populations of Geranium richardsonii in Colorado. Using emasculation treatments in natural populations, we further examined whether selfing by autogamy and geitonogamy comprises a significant proportion of pollen receipt by hermaphrodites. Flowers of female plants are significantly smaller than those of hermaphrodites. The reduction in allocation to pollinator-attracting structures (petals) is correlated with a significant reduction in pollinator visitation to female flowers in artificial arrays. The reduction in attractiveness is further manifested in significantly less pollen being deposited on the stigmas of female flowers in natural populations. Autogamy is rare in these protandrous flowers, and geitonogamy accounts for most of the difference in pollen receipt between hermaphrodites and females. Female success at receiving pollen was negatively frequency dependent on the relative frequency of females in populations. Thus, two of the prerequisites for the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations, differences in resource allocation between floral morphs and high selfing rates in hermaphrodites, occur in G. richardsonii.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that: (1) resources allocated to androecium should decrease with an increase in selfing, (2) a decrease in androecium biomass should be accompanied by an increase in the biomass of pistils, and (3) a decrease in androecium biomass should be coupled with a decrease in flower size, specifically corolla biomass. Another predicted change in reproductive traits associated with variation in selfing concerns seed to ovule ratios, but does not directly stem from sex allocation theory. It has been postulated that seed to ovule ratios should be positively correlated with the amount of selfing. These predictions were tested for six accessions of pigeonpea,Cajanus cajan L., that differed in selfing rates. The results were remarkably in accordance with the predictions. We conclude that sex allocation theory provides a powerful tool to understand the evolution of many reproductive traits in plants.  相似文献   

花柱二型是植物雌雄蕊交互异位的一种花多态现象.该研究以花柱二型植物连翘(Forsythia suspensa)为材料,通过检测其交配系统特征,比较两花型的胚珠产量、花粉质量及活力特性,以探讨花柱二型连翘两花型的功能性别分化及其进化意义.结果表明:连翘自交和型内异交坐果率均极低(<12.12%),主要以型间交配为主.长柱...  相似文献   

The close connection between reproductive ecology and life history in snakes leads to trade-offs between reproductive and other life-history traits. Optimal energy allocation to growth and reproduction is a key factor to determine life history structure. Therefore, elucidating the relationship between body size variations and reproductive characters is essential for a better understanding of life-history plasticity. The aim of this work was to determine to what extent life-history differs among populations of Boa constrictor occidentalis and to identify possible life-history trade-offs between morphological and reproductive traits. We compared two populations from areas that are separated latitudinally, with different climatic conditions and vegetation landscape structure. Reproductive and morphological data of specimens were recorded. Although populations had a similar mean length of mature snakes, the frequency of some size classes tended to be different. Size at sexual maturity differed between populations for females, generating variations in the proportion of mature individuals. Reproductive threshold and follicular size also varied, but female reproductive frequency was similar between populations. Reproductive frequency of males varied between populations although their body condition was similar. We discussed two major issues: (1) implications of size at sexual maturity for body size and fecundity; (2) trade-offs in reproductive characters.  相似文献   

徐旭剑  孙杉  操国兴 《广西植物》2017,37(3):335-341
两性花植物花序内的性分配常存在差异,资源竞争、结构效应、交配环境(雌雄异熟、传粉者定向访花行为等)或授粉不均匀等几种假说可以解释这种现象。为验证上述假说,该研究以云南草寇两种表型(雄先熟型和雌先熟型)为材料,分析了其花序内不同部位(基部、中部和顶部)的每花花粉数、胚珠数、花粉/胚珠比、结实率和结籽率,花序内传粉者的定向访花行为,以及人工辅助授粉和去花处理对结实率和结籽率的影响。结果表明:两种表型花序内每花花粉数不随部位而变化,每花胚珠数、结实率和结籽率由基部到顶部依次降低,每花花粉/胚珠比由基部到顶部依次增加,表明顶部花存在偏雄的性分配。人工辅助授粉后,结实率、结籽率仍由基部到顶部依次降低,表明授粉不均匀假说不能解释云南草寇花序内不同部位结实率、结籽率的差异。去除基部和中部花后,顶部花人工辅助授粉条件下的结实率、结籽率与基部花人工辅助授粉条件下的结实率、结籽率无差异,表明云南草寇花序内不同部位结实率、结籽率的差异主要由资源竞争引起。雌先熟表型每花花粉数、花粉/胚珠比高于雄先熟表型,表明两种表型存在性分配差异。传粉者主要先访问云南草寇基部的花,然后向顶部移动。云南草寇花序内顶部偏雄的性分配可能是由资源竞争和传粉者定向访花造成的。  相似文献   

JM Knops  WD Koenig 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43492
Trade-offs in sex resource allocation are commonly inferred from a negative correlation between male and female reproduction. We found that for three California oak species, aboveground annual net productivity (ANP) differences among individuals were primarily correlated with water availability and soil fertility. Reproductive biomass increased with ANP, but the relative allocation to reproduction was constant, indicating that reproduction tracked productivity, which in turn tracked site quality. Although there was a negative correlation between male and female reproduction, this was not the result of a resource investment trade-off, but rather a byproduct of the positive correlation between female reproductive biomass and ANP combined with the greater overall resource allocation to female, compared to male, function. Thus, we reject the hypothesis of a trade-off between these key life-history components within individuals of these species. For long-lived individuals, a plastic resource tracking response to environmental fluctuations may be more adaptive than directly linking life-history traits through trade-offs.  相似文献   

Hormones play a central role in integrating internal and external cues to help mediate life-history decisions as well as changes in behavior and physiology of individuals. Describing the consistency of endocrine traits within and among individuals is an important step for understanding whether hormonal traits are dependable predictors of phenotypes that selection could act upon. However, few long-term field studies have investigated the individual consistency of hormonal traits. Glucocorticoid hormones mediate homeostatic responses to environmental variation as well as stress responses to acute, unpredictable disturbances. We characterized the repeatability of plasma corticosterone concentrations in two species of free-living passerines across multiple years. We found repeatability in baseline corticosterone concentrations in both sexes of great tits (Parus major) and in female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) within the breeding season but no repeatability of this trait among seasons or across years. Stress-induced levels of corticosterone were only assessed in great tits and were not repeatable in either sex. Our data suggest that in line with their function in mediating responses of individuals to longer-term and acute demands, both baseline and stress-induced plasma corticosterone concentrations are rather plastic traits. However, individuals may differ in their degree of trait plasticity and hence in behavioral and physiological responses to a variety of organismal challenges.  相似文献   

In most terrestrial arthropods, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) function to assist in desiccation tolerance and chemical communications. However, few studies have clarified whether CHC profiles change among developmental stages or among different morphs in non-social insects. In the present study, we evaluated how CHC profiles change in accordance with polyphenism in the host-alternating aphid Prociphilus oriens, which exhibits a complex life cycle and five distinct morphs. These morphs are sexual or asexual and adapt to different host plants. We found that all generations of P. oriens shared high proportions of n-alkanes, but its composition varied among morphs. Three morphs that are attended by ants were characterized by relatively high proportions of n-C25 to n-C27, whereas two morphs that are not attended by ants had higher proportions of longer-chain n-alkanes, such as n-C27 and n-C29. The CHC profiles of sexual females were largely different from those of males. Considering that sexual females of Prociphilus spp. lack organs that secrete sex pheromones (scent plaques), the CHCs of sexual females are likely to function as a sex attractant. High proportions of methyl-branched alkanes were detected in the long and flocculent waxy substances of autumnal migrants. These methyl-branched alkanes are considered a cue to recognize conspecifics. We concluded that the functions and components of CHCs differ among morphs, and that those of sexual females differ from those of males and asexual generations because of their function in sexual communication.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between flowering time and sexual allocation in wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and in genetically similar lineages with single-locus mutations of floral induction genes. We examined whether the mechanisms of growth and development that govern resource investment would permit the independent evolution of reproductive phenology and sexual allocation, or whether constraints, manifested as pleiotropic effects of the single mutations, would link these two life-history traits. Flowering times differed significantly among genotypes, and, as expected, later flowering times were associated with larger vegetative size. Later flowering genotypes produced heavier floral parts (larger petals, in particular), and allocated a significantly lower proportion of biomass to androecia, especially in final allocations that included fruit biomass. At least part of this pleiotropic covariation of flowering time and sexual allocation is likely to be mediated by vegetative size and the rate of resource supply to growing reproductive tissues, because the larger fruits of late-flowering genotypes required the same time, or proportionately less time than the difference in biomass, to mature. Because fruit mass is considered an investment in female function, sexual allocation measured at the end of a growing season tends to be highly female biased in angiosperms. We consider the implications of the pleiotropic association of flowering time, vegetative size, and sexual investment for the theory of sex allocation, and suggest that the idiosyncratic phenology of sexual investment in flowering plants creates a departure from a central assumption of Fisher's seminal sex allocation argument.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation models predict that the evolution of self-fertilization should result in a reduced allocation to male function and pollinator attraction in plants. The evolution of sex allocation may be constrained by both functional and genetic factors, however. We studied sex allocation and genetic variation for floral sex ratio and other reproductive traits in a Costa Rica population of the monoecious, highly selfing annual Begonia semiovata. Data on biomass of floral structures, flower sex ratios, and fruit set in the source population were used to calculate the average proportion of reproductive allocation invested in male function. Genetic variation and genetic correlations for floral sex ratio and for floral traits related to male and female function were estimated from the greenhouse-grown progeny of field-collected maternal families. The proportion of reproductive biomass invested in male function was low (0.34 at flowering, and 0.07 for total reproductive allocation). Significant among-family variation was detected in the size (mass) of individual male and female flowers, in the proportion of male flowers produced, and in the proportion of total flower mass invested in male flowers. Significant among-family variation was also found in flower number per inflorescence, petal length of male and female flowers, and petal number of female flowers. Except for female petal length, we found no difference in the mean value of these characters between selfed and outcrossed progeny, indicating that, with the possible exception of female petal length, the among-family variation detected was not the result of variation among families in the level of inbreeding. Significant positive phenotypic and broad-sense genetic correlations were detected between the mass of individual male and female flowers, between male and female petal length, and between number of male and number of female flowers per inflorescence. The ratio of stamen-to-pistil mass (0.33) was low compared to published data for autogamous species with hermaphroditic flowers, suggesting that highly efficient selfing mechanisms may evolve in monoecious species. Our results indicate that the study population harbors substantial genetic variation for reproductive characters. The positive genetic correlation between investment in male and female flowers may reflect selection for maximum pollination efficiency, because in this self-pollinating species, each female flower requires a neighboring male flower to provide pollen.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The female‐limited colour polymorphic damselfly Ischnura elegans has proven to be an interesting study organism both as an example of female sexual polymorphism, and in the context of the evolution of colour polymorphism, as a model of speciation processes. 2. Previous research suggests the existence of correlations between colour morph and other phenotypic traits, and the different female morphs in I. elegans may be pursuing alternative phenotypically integrated strategies. However, previous research on morphological differences in southern Swedish individuals of this species was only carried out on laboratory‐raised offspring from a single population, leaving open the question of how widespread such differences are. 3. The present study therefore analysed multi‐generational data from 12 populations, investigating morphological differences between the female morphs in the field, differences in the pattern of phenotypic integration between morphs, and quantified selection on morphological traits. 4. It was found that consistent morphological differences indeed existed between the morphs across populations, confirming that the previously observed differences were not simply a laboratory artefact. It was also found, somewhat surprisingly, that despite the existence of sexual dimorphism in body size and shape, patterns of phenotypic integration differed most between the morphs and not between the sexes. Finally, linear selection gradients showed that female morphology affected fecundity differently between the morphs. 5. We discuss the relevance of these results to the male mimicry hypothesis and to the existence of potential ecological differences between the morphs.  相似文献   

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