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Blockade of the spread depression [SD] in chemically or electrically stimulated areas of the cerebral cortex was analyzed in a series of experiments performed in 40 curarized, locally anaesthetised rats. Longlasting stimulation of the cerebral cortex (0.5 to 1.7 mA, 6 Hz, 0.1 ms) elicited recurrent episodes of enhanced evoked potentials propagating to remote cortical areas [Co], the caudate nucleus [Cd], the hippocampus [Hi] and the thalamus [Th] and was accompanied by marked slow potential shifts (4-6 mV amplitude, 2-3 min duration, at 2-5 min intervals]. The projected discharge interfered with SD initiation and propagation in all the examined structures. The SD blockade was most pronounced during the episodes and almost absent in the intervals between them. The block was manifested by reduced amplitude and duration of the slow potential of SD. Pentobarbital [20 mg/kg] suppressed the recurrent discharges and eliminated the corresponding SD blockade. Recurrent excitability changes induced by Cd and Th stimulation elicited similar effects but the threshold was higher in Cd and Th than in Co. SD was less effectively blocked by the projected discharge than by stimulation of the same structure, particularly in the vicinity of the recording electrodes, where the blockade could be observed even under pentobarbital. The SD blockade outlasted stimulation by a considerably longer period of time in Th (about 10 min) than in the Cd (about 3 min). The onset of stimulation and the projected episodes sometimes elicited SD waves but SD blockade prevailed with continued stimulation. The present findings support the hypothesis that excessive neural activity increases the potassium clearance and thus prevents the autoregenerative accumulation of potassium ions, mediating SD propagation.  相似文献   

Functional decortication induced by cortical spreading depression (CSD) was used to estimate the significance of cerebral cortex for swimming and depth avoidance in arts. In the swimming test (5 gr sinkers, 36 degrees C water) the median swimming time was reduced from greater 120 minutes in the controls to 16 minutes in the bilaterally depressed rats. Depth avoidance in the physical and visual cliff situation (6 cm to the shallow and 48 cm to the deep surface) was unimpaired by unilateral CSF but was abolished by bilateral CSD. Combination of monocular occlusion with ipsilateral CSD deteriorated the visual cliff test but not the physical cliff behaviour. Functional decortication increased descent latencies and decreased the explaration rate in both tests. It is concluded that cerebral cortex plays an important role in the regulation of unlearned, innate activities with the overall behaviour of the organism.  相似文献   

目的:观察皮层抑制对正常及帕金森病(PD)大鼠丘脑底核(STN)神经元自发放电的影响。方法:采用玻璃微电极细胞外记录法,观察正常和PD大鼠STN神经元的放电活动及脑内微量注射KCl后,两组大鼠STN神经元放电频率的变化。结果:对照组和PD组大鼠STN神经元放电频率分别为(9.78±0.71)Hz和(23.81±1.08)Hz,PD组大鼠放电频率显著高于对照组(P<0.01),且呈爆发式放电的神经元比例明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。皮层注射KCl后,经过较长的潜伏期,两组大鼠STN神经元放电频率均明显降低,后缓慢恢复。结论:PD大鼠STN神经元放电频率增高,爆发式放电增多,而抑制皮层可使这种异常放电得到改善,提示皮层兴奋性的改变可能是PD中STN活动增强的另一个诱因。  相似文献   

Ghrelin increases anxiety-like behavior and memory retention in rats   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Ghrelin is a peptide found in the hypothalamus and stomach that stimulates food intake and whose circulating concentrations are affected by nutritional state. Very little is known about other central behavioral effects of ghrelin, and thus, we investigated the effects of ghrelin on anxiety and memory retention. The peptide was injected intracerebroventricularly in rats and we performed open-field, plus-maze, and step-down tests (inhibitory avoidance). The administration of ghrelin increased freezing in the open field and decreased the number of entries into the open spaces and the time spent on the open arms in the plus-maze, indicating an anxiogenic effect. Moreover, the peptide increased in a dose-dependent manner the latency time in the step-down test. A rapid and prolonged increase in food intake was also observed. Our results indicate that ghrelin induces anxiogenesis in rats. Moreover, we show for the first time that ghrelin increases memory retention, suggesting that the peptide may influence processes in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Changes in extracellular space (ECS) diffusion parameters, DC potentials and extracellular potassium concentration were studied during single and repeated cortical spreading depressions (SD) in 13-15 (P13-15), 21 (P21) and 90-day-old (adult) Wistar rats. The real-time iontophoretic method using tetramethylammonium (TMA+)-selective microelectrodes was employed to measure three ECS parameters in the somatosensory cortex: the ECS volume fraction alpha (alpha = ECS volume/total tissue volume), ECS tortuosity lambda (increase in diffusion path length) and the nonspecific TMA+ uptake k'. SD was elicited by needle prick. SD was significantly longer at P13-15 than at P21 and in adults. During SD, alpha in all age groups decreased from 0.21-0.23 to 0.05-0.09; lambda increased from 1.55-1.65 to 1.95-2.07. Ten minutes after SD, alpha (in adults) and lambda (all age groups) increased compared to controls. This increase persisted even 1 hour after SD. When SD was repeated at 1 hour intervals, both alpha and lambda showed a gradual cumulative increase with SD repetition. Our study also shows that cortical SD is, as early as P13, accompanied by severe ECS shrinkage and increased diffusion path length (tortuosity) with values similar to adults, followed by a long-lasting increase in ECS volume and tortuosity when compared to pre-SD values.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the prevalence of affective disorders might be attributable to different sex hormone milieu. The effects of short-term sex hormone deficiency on behavior, especially on anxiety have been studied in numerous animal experiments, mainly on young adult rats and mice. However, sex differences in aged animals and the effects of long-term hypogonadism are understudied. The aim of our study was to analyze sex differences in anxiety-like behavior in aged rats and to prove whether they can be attributed to endogenous sex hormone production in males. A battery of tests was performed to assess anxiety-like behavior in aged female, male and gonadectomized male rats castrated before puberty. In addition, the aged gonadectomized male rats were treated with a single injection of estradiol or testosterone or supplemented with estradiol for two-weeks. Female rats displayed a less anxious behavior than male rats in most of the conducted behavioral tests except the light-dark box. Long-term androgen deficiency decreased the sex difference in anxiety either partially (open field, PhenoTyper cage) or completely (elevated plus maze). Neither single injection of sex hormones, nor two-week supplementation of estradiol in gonadectomized aged male rats significantly affected their anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus maze. In conclusion, our results confirm sex differences in anxiety in aged rats likely mediated by endogenous testosterone production in males. Whether long-term supplementation with exogenous sex hormones could affect anxiety-like behavior in elderly individuals remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Vitamin E deficiency from birth or infancy has recently been found to increase anxiety-like behavior in rodents. The present study was undertaken to elucidate the effect of dietary vitamin E deficiency on anxiety in adult rats in comparison with juvenile rats. Male Wistar rats, 3 or 10 weeks old, were divided into two groups and fed a control or vitamin E-deficient diet for 4 weeks. The results of behavioral analysis revealed that vitamin E-deficiency increased anxiety in both juvenile and adult rats. Plasma, liver, and brain α-tocopherol concentrations decreased significantly due to vitamin E deficiency in both age groups. Plasma corticosterone concentrations were higher in the vitamin E-deficient rats in response to the stress of a behavioral test. Based on these results, we conclude that dietary vitamin-E deficiency induces anxiety in adult rats as well as juvenile rats. This might be due to an elevated plasma corticosterone concentration.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that repeated restraint stress in rodents produces increases in depression and anxietylike behaviors and alters the expression of corticotrophinreleasing factor (CRF) in the hypothalamus. The current study focused on the impact of Bupleurum falcatum (BF) extract administration on repeated restraint stress-induced behavioral responses using the forced swimming test (FST) and elevated plus maze (EPM) test. Immunohistochemical examinations of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression in rat brain were also conducted. Male rats received daily doses of 20, 50, or 100 mg/kg (i.p.) BF extract for 15 days, 30 min prior to restraint stress (4 h/day). Hypothalamicpituitary- adrenal axis activation in response to repeated restraint stress was confirmed base on serum corticosterone levels and CRF expression in the hypothalamus. Animals that were pre-treated with BF extract displayed significantly reduced immobility in the FST and increased open-arm exploration in the EPM test in comparison with controls. BF also blocked the increase in TH expression in the locus coeruleus of treated rats that experienced restraint stress. Together, these results demonstrate that BF extract administration prior to restraint stress significantly reduces depression and anxiety-like behaviors, possibly through central adrenergic mechanisms, and they suggest a role for BF extract in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Steady potential shifts produced by focused ultrasond were recorded in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, and caudate nucleus. Impulses of 50–100 msec duration were presented at a frequency of 5 and 10 Hz. Negative steady potential shifts were produced in each of the structures investigated, which gradually increased during rhythmic electrical reaction to reach –3 to –7 mV within 10–30 sec, often succeeded by a wave of spreading depression (SD). In each structure analyzed amplitude of SD waves measured 20–30 mV, lasting 30–40 sec in the cortex, the caudate nucleus and the thalamus, and 80–120 sec in the hippocampus. In unanesthetized and lightly anesthetized animals SD waves were on occasions the precursors of convulsive discharges forming under the action of focused ultrasound. Ultrasound at threshold doses proved ineffective for 5–7 min after the occurrence of an SD wave, but again evoked repeated SD waves once the refractory period had ended. Accordingly, local effects produced by focused ultrasound can result in functional blockage of the brain structures due to cortical and subcortical spreading depression.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Institute of Brain Research, All-Union Research Center of Mental Health, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. N. N. Andreev Acoustic Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 55–61, January–February, 1986.  相似文献   

Leptin treatment during lactation programmes for leptin resistance at adulthood, evidenced by hyperleptinaemia, hyperphagia and overweight. Since leptin is known to affect stress response, emotional behaviour and memory/learning performance, the objective of the present study was to evaluate whether neonatal hyperleptinaemia programmes anxiety-like and novelty-seeking behaviours as well as memory/learning in adult male rats. During the first 10 days of lactation (from PN1 to PN10), pups were s.c. injected once per day with either 50 μL of saline (SAL) or murine leptin (LEP — 8 μg/100 g of body mass, saline diluted). Serum leptin was assessed at PN10 and at PN150. Two separate experiments were carried out: 1) experiment one: at PN137, 29 SAL and 30 LEP rats were tested in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and, at PN142, their behaviour was assessed in the hole board (HB) arena; 2) experiment two: at PN140, a different group of rats consisting of 53 SAL and 56 LEP animals were tested in the radial arm water maze (RAWM). Serum leptin concentration was higher in the LEP group at PN10 and at PN150. LEP animals spent significantly less time in the open arms of the EPM. Furthermore, the number of nose-pokes in the HB arena was higher in LEP rats. There were no differences between groups regarding latency to find the hidden platform in the RAWM. Our results suggests that a central mechanism of leptin resistance at adulthood, caused by neonatal hyperleptinaemia, is associated with an increased level of anxiety and also that it intensifies novelty seeking-behaviour.  相似文献   


The effects of fish oil for improving mental health have been reported. The present study was undertaken to compare the effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on anxiety-like behavior using a rat model. Experimental diets enriched in EPA or DHA as glycerides were prepared. Rats were exposed to social isolation stress and fed the experimental diet for 14 days. The results of behavioral tests revealed that rats fed the EPA-enriched diet exhibited less anxiety-like behavior than rats fed the control or DHA-enriched diets. Furthermore, EPA suppressed anxiety-like behavior only in socially isolated rats. The increase in EPA contents in the brain phospholipid fraction by feeding EPA-enriched diet was more significant than that of DHA by feeding DHA-enriched diet. These results suggest that dietary EPA is more anxiolytic than DHA in rats exposed to social isolation stress and is effective in increasing EPA content in brain membranes.  相似文献   

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be prescribed to prevent the symptoms of menopause. This therapy may include estrogenic and/or progestin components and may increase the incidence of endometrial and breast cancers. Tibolone (TIB), which is also made up of estrogen and progestin components, is often used to reduce the impact of HRT. However, the effect of TIB on the processes of learning, memory and anxiety has yet to be fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effect on learning, memory processes and anxiety in ovariectomized rats caused by different doses of TIB (0 mg/kg, 0.01 mg/kg, 0.1 mg/kg 1.0 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg, administered daily via the oral route for 18 weeks). Two behavioral animal models, the autoshaping and T maze models were employed. The concentrations of acetyl choline transferase (ChAT) and tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) in the hippocampus were directly measured by Western blot. No significant changes were observed in the autoshaping model and spontaneous activity test. In the T maze, increased latency was observed with TIB doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg compared to the vehicle. We observed that the ChAT content decreased with increasing doses of TIB, whereas TPH content increased with doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg of TIB. These data indicate that high doses of TIB improved emotional learning, which may be related to the modulation of the cholinergic and serotonergic systems by TIB.  相似文献   

Summary. Taurine and glutamate were monitored by microdialysis technique during various cerebral insults: a. Application of K+ triggered a cortical spreading depression (CSD). Taurine and glutamate increased concomitantly but recovery of glutamate was faster than that of taurine. b. Application of NMDA induced also CSD but only taurine increased. c. Induction of an infarct triggered repetitive CSDs. Taurine increased rapidly whereas glutamate rose slowly starting with some delay. d. After induction of ischemia, taurine and glutamate increased after onset of depolarisation. The increase of glutamate occurred late after a small, transient increase in parallel with the depolarisation. These data suggest a close functional relationship between the changes of both amino acids. Therefore, they should be monitored together especially in clinical settings: during excitation, only taurine will increase; during overexcitation, taurine will also increase but to a higher maximum followed by a moderate rise of glutamate; after energy failure, taurine will accumulate to its highest level followed by a continuous rise of glutamate. Received January 25, 2000/Accepted January 31, 2000  相似文献   

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