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We examined the dynamics of the queen replacement process in African and European colonies that did and did not produce afterswarms. In colonies without afterswarms, the queen replacement process was completed in 24–48 hours, the first-emerging virgin queen (VQ) typically inherited the natal nest even if multiple queens emerged, workers performed few vibration signals on emerged queens, and all signaling activity was directed toward early emerging VQs. In contrast, if colonies did produce afterswarms, the queen replacement process required 5–6 days, there was no advantage for first-emerging queens, vibration rates on emerged queens were 25 times greater, and signaling activity was directed toward all VQs. Although vibration signal activity was more pronounced in colonies with afterswarms, the signal was consistently associated with increased VQ survival under all conditions. These trends were exhibited similarly in the African and European colonies, suggesting that they have broad applicability to queen-replacement decisions over a range of environmental and racial conditions. However, the African and European colonies differed in the total number of queens involved in the elimination process and the relative importance of queen duels and pre-emergence destruction under the different reproductive strategies. Taken together, our results suggest that worker behavior is a major determinant for the outcome of queen replacement, either through reduced interactions that allow first-emerged queens to rapidly eliminate rivals, or through increased use of interactions such as the vibration signal, which may allow workers to influence the ultimate fate of each emerged VQ. We discuss the possibility that these behavior patterns may reflect the roles of cooperation and conflict in shaping honey bee reproductive decisions. Received 8 May 2007; revised 7 November 2007; accepted 20 November 2007.  相似文献   

The behaviour of queen honeybees and their attendants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The behaviour of queen and worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) was observed using small colonies in observation hives. Workers paid more attention to queens which had been mated for 2 months or more than to those which were newly mated; virgin queens received least attention. Queens received most attention when they were stationary and least when they were walking over the comb; virgin queens were most active. Queen cells had as many attendants as virgin queens and queen larvae were inspected almost continuously. The queen pheromone component 9–oxo-trans-2–decenoic acid stimulated 'court' behaviour when presented on small polyethylene blocks, but workers responded aggressively to complete extracts of queens' heads. Both the heads and abdomens of mated queens received much attention from court workers but the abdomens were palpated by more workers for longer and were licked much more. The queens' thoraces were least attended. Abdominal tergites posterior to tergite glands were licked for longer than those anterior to the glands. Only worker bees very near to the queen reacted to her and joined her 'court'.
No evidence was found of a diel periodicity in the behaviour of a queen or her 'court'. During the winter the queen's court was smaller than in summer and she walked less and laid fewer eggs. When colonies were fed with sucrose syrup in winter, their queens laid more eggs and workers reared more brood but there was no change in the attention received by the queens.
The implications of these findings for the secretion and distribution of queen pheromones are discussed.  相似文献   

Females of social Hymenoptera show developmental plasticity in response to varying social and environmental conditions, though some species have strong genetic influences on the form of the female reproductives. In ants, a queen polymorphism can occur in which large queens initiate new colonies on their own, while small queens enter established nests. Most queen polymorphisms studied to date originate due to genetic differences between individuals of differing form. Here, we report on the development of female form in response to social factors within the nest in the queen-polymorphic ant Temnothorax longispinosus. Three queen size morphs occur: a rare large queen with higher fat stores that can found new colonies independently, a large queen that has low fat stores and is behaviorally flexible, and a small queen that rejoins the natal nest. Both in nesting units collected from the field and those reared in the lab, queen presence during larval development led to fewer larvae developing as gynes (virgin, winged queens), and most of those gynes were the small morph. This queen effect is transferred to developing gyne larvae by close, physical interaction between queens and workers, and causes slower larval development. We conclude that gyne size, and therefore reproductive behavior, in T. longispinosus is developmentally plastic in response to queen presence. Plasticity in reproductive behavior may be an adaptive response to the nest sites utilized by this species. T. longispinosus nests predominantly in acorns and hickory nuts, which can vary dramatically from 1 year to the next. Since queens are more likely to be present in each nesting unit when fewer nest sites are available, the queen effect that results in more small gynes produced links the expression of colony-founding traits to ecological conditions across habitat patches.  相似文献   

Animal societies vary in the number of breeders per group, which affects many socially and ecologically relevant traits. In several social insect species, including our study species Formica selysi, the presence of either one or multiple reproducing females per colony is generally associated with differences in a suite of traits such as the body size of individuals. However, the proximate mechanisms and ontogenetic processes generating such differences between social structures are poorly known. Here, we cross‐fostered eggs originating from single‐queen (= monogynous) or multiple‐queen (= polygynous) colonies into experimental groups of workers from each social structure to investigate whether differences in offspring survival, development time and body size are shaped by the genotype and/or prefoster maternal effects present in the eggs, or by the social origin of the rearing workers. Eggs produced by polygynous queens were more likely to survive to adulthood than eggs from monogynous queens, regardless of the social origin of the rearing workers. However, brood from monogynous queens grew faster than brood from polygynous queens. The social origin of the rearing workers influenced the probability of brood survival, with workers from monogynous colonies rearing more brood to adulthood than workers from polygynous colonies. The social origin of eggs or rearing workers had no significant effect on the head size of the resulting workers in our standardized laboratory conditions. Overall, the social backgrounds of the parents and of the rearing workers appear to shape distinct survival and developmental traits of ant brood.  相似文献   

In colonies of primitively eusocial wasps, some dominant workers become successive queens and inherit queenship after the death of the foundress queens. Although workers in many species do not mate, workers of Polistes snelleni are capable of mating and female production. In this study, we removed foundress queens from colonies of P. snelleni to evaluate the effects of queen loss on the dominant–subordinate relationships among the remaining workers and the productivity of colonies in the species. The foundress queens were the sole egg layers in almost all of the queenright colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour among the wasps in the queenright colonies was significantly less than in the orphan colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour in the successive queens after queen removal was significantly more than in the foundress queens. Multiple workers had developed ovaries, including the successive queens in 66.7 % (10/15) of the orphan colonies after queen removal. The orphan colonies produced significantly more cells and eggs than the queenright colonies. Our results suggest that the reproductive potential of the successive queens in the orphan colonies is not lower than that of the foundress queens, and that the productivity of the orphan colonies is maintained rather than causing potential conflict over direct reproduction among workers.  相似文献   

The vibration signal of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) may play a central role in the regulation of queen behavior during reproductive swarming and supersedure. We examined honey bee workers that performed vibration signals on queens and developing queen cells in three observation hives, each containing a population of marked bees of known age. In all three colonies, workers of all ages greater than 2 d old could perform vibration signals on queens and queen cells. However, most signals were performed by a small proportion of the bees of greater than 10 d of age. Relatively few workers less than 10 d old vibrated queens and queen cells, even though this age-group is typically associated with queen care. Thus, the regulation of queen behavior by the vibration signal may occur primarily through a relatively small subset of older workers that, under most circumstances, have only limited involvement with queens. It is unclear what triggers the vibrating of queens. Workers producing vibration signals did not differ from same-age non-vibrating controls in rate of locomotion in the hive or in task performance, and they rarely engaged in foraging, even though the majority of observed bees were of foraging age; vibrators also did not spend more time with queens and queen cells compared with controls. Vibration signals performed on queens and queen cells therefore do not appear to be influenced by task performance or increased contact with queens.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition in Apis cerana and Apis mellifera was studied by introducing sealed queen cells heterospecifically between queenless colonies. No A. cerana queens were accepted by queenless A. mellifera; but A. mellifera queens were accepted in queenless A. cerana colonies. A. mellifera queens oviposited in queenless A. cerana colonies, but A. cerana workers removed most eggs. In time, egg removals declined, and some A. mellifera larvae that hatched from these eggs reached adulthood, and eventually about half of the workers were newly emerged A. mellifera. Eventually, the colonies consisted only of A. mellifera after A. cerana workers died by attrition. A. mellifera workers are more sensitive to nestmate recognition and killed the A. cerana virgin queens. In mixed-species colonies, after newly emerged A. mellifera workers matured, they removed eggs laid by the A. cerana queens until there were no workers to replace the old ones.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were carried out to determine how newly emerged virgin queens destroy queen cells with broods which will be competitors for the succession of the colony. When queen cells with older, 13-day-old broods set to emerge within 1 day were presented together with those of younger broods to workers and newly emerged queens in the colony, we found that the older queen cells were preferentially destroyed. It was also shown that a virgin queen destroyed the queen cells with older brood (12–13 days old) first when they were presented together with cells with younger broods (9–10 days old) simultaneously in the experimental cage. However, no significant preference was detected in the destruction between queen cells with 10- and 7-day-old broods. We concluded that virgin queens selectively destroy the queen cells housing broods which will emerge shortly. The possibility that by the selective destruction of older queen cells, newly emerged queens can reduce their risks including death that might otherwise be caused by fights with competitors was discussed.Received 10 June 2003; revised 22 December 2003; accepted 15 January 2004.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts potential conflict between queen and workers over male parentage in hymenopteran societies headed by one, singly mated queen, because each party is more closely related to its own male offspring. In ‘late-switching’ colonies of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris, i.e. colonies whose queens lay haploid eggs relatively late in the colony cycle, workers start to lay male eggs shortly after the queen lays the female eggs that will develop into new queens. It has been hypothesized that this occurs because workers recognize, via a signal given by the queen instructing female larvae to commence development as queens, that egg laying is now in their kin-selected interest. This hypothesis assumes that aggressive behaviour in egg-laying workers does not substantially reduce the production of new queens, which would decrease the workers' fitness payoff from producing males. We tested the hypothesis that reproductive activity inB. terrestris workers does not reduce the production of new queens. We used microsatellite genotyping to sex eggs and hence to select eight size-matched pairs of ‘late-switching’ colonies from a set of commercial colonies. From one colony of each pair we removed every egg-laying or aggressive worker observed. From the other colony, we simultaneously removed a nonegg-laying, nonaggressive worker. Removed workers were replaced with young workers from separate colonies at equal frequencies within the pair. There was no significant difference in queen productivity between colonies with reduced or normal levels of egg-laying or aggressive workers. Therefore, as predicted, reproductive B. terrestris workers did not significantly reduce the production of new queens.  相似文献   

The resolution of social conflict in colonies may accord with the interests of the most numerous party. In social insect colonies with single once-mated queens, workers are more closely related to the workers' sons than they are to the queens' sons. Therefore, they should prefer workers to produce males, against the queen's interests. Workers are capable of producing males as they arise from unfertilized eggs. We found Polistes gallicus to have colonies of single, once-mated queens, as determined by microsatellite genotyping of the workers, so worker interests predict worker male production. In colonies lacking queens, workers produced the males, but not in colonies with original queens. Thus worker interests were expressed only when the queen was gone. The high fraction of missing queens and early end to the colony cycle relative to climate so early in the season is surprising and may indicate a forceful elimination of the queen.  相似文献   

We investigated worker regulation of queen activity during reproductive swarming by examining the rates at which workers performed vibration signals and piping on queens during the different stages of the swarming process. Worker–queen interactions were first examined inside observation hives during the 2–3 wk that preceded the issue of the swarm (pre‐swarming period) and then inside the swarm clusters during the period that preceded liftoff and relocation to a new nest site (post‐swarming period). Queen court size did not differ between the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods, but workers fed the queens less inside the swarm clusters. Workers performed vibration signals on the queens at increasing rates throughout the pre‐swarming period inside the natal nest, but rarely or never vibrated the queen inside the swarm. Piping was performed on the queens during both the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods and always reached a peak immediately before queen flight. During the final 2–4 h before swarm liftoff, queens were increasingly contacted by waggle dancers for nest sites, some of which piped the queen. The vibration signal may operate in a modulatory manner to gradually prepare the queen for flight from the natal nest, and the cumulative effects of the signal during the pre‐swarming period may make further vibrations on the queen unnecessary when inside the swarm cluster. In contrast, worker piping may function in a more immediate manner to trigger queen takeoff during both the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods. Workers that vibrate and pipe the queen tend to be older, foraging‐age bees. The regulation of queen activity during colony reproduction may therefore be controlled largely by workers that normally have little contact with queens, but help to formulate colony reproductive and movement decisions.  相似文献   

Reproductive cooperation confers benefits, but simultaneously creates conflicts among cooperators. Queens in multi-queen colonies of ants share a nest and its resources, but reproductive competition among queens often results in unequal reproduction. Two mutually non-exclusive factors may produce such inequality in reproduction: worker intervention or queen traits. Workers may intervene by favouring some queens over others, owing to either kinship or queen signals. Queens may differ in their intrinsic fecundity at the onset of oviposition or in their timing of the onset of oviposition, leading to their unequal representation in the brood. Here, we test the role of queen kin value (relatedness) to workers, timing of the onset of oviposition and signals of presence by queens in determining the maternity of offspring. We show that queens of the ant Formica fusca gained a significantly higher proportion of sexuals in the brood when ovipositing early, and that the presence of a caged queen resulted in a significant increase in both her share of sexual brood and her overall reproductive share. Moreover, the lower the kin value of the queen, the more the workers invested in their own reproduction by producing males. Our results show that both kinship and breeding phenology influence the outcome of reproductive conflicts, and the balance of direct and indirect fitness benefits in the multi-queen colonies of F. fusca.  相似文献   

Summary. Previous attempts to explain worker aggression against extra queens in young social insect colonies have used kin selection arguments. These have been inconsistent with experimental evidence demonstrating aggression against extra queens without strong evidence of kin discrimination. Using a game theoretical model, I suggest a series of decision rules that are consistent with the current experimental evidence from study of young colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. These decision rules are: 1) When workers cannot directly determine which queen is their mother, they should behave in favor of a queen that maximizes the product of the chance that a queen is the workers mother multiplied by the chance that it will survive to colony maturity. In some cases, the survival potential of the different queens may be the only character that influences the workers decision. 2) Workers should delay aggression against extra queens until the workers can gain their greatest advantage through such aggression. 3) Queens may adopt strategies that allow them to dominate rivals, either by gaining an advantage in fights among the queens or by increasing their attractiveness to workers.Received 2 June 2004; revised 5 July 2004; accepted 14 July 2004.  相似文献   

Incipient ant colonies are often under fierce competition, making fast growth crucial for survival. To increase production, colonies can adopt multiple queens (pleometrosis), fuse with other colonies or rob brood from neighboring colonies. However, different adoption strategies might have different impacts such as future queen fecundity or future colony size. O. smaragdina queen production was measured in incipient colonies with 2, 3 or 4 founding queens, following the transplantation of 0, 30 or 60 pupae from a donor colony. Pupae developed into mature workers, resulting in increased worker/queen ratios in pupae transplanted treatments and leading to increases in the per capita queen production. Conversely, more queens did not induce increased per capita fecundity. Thus, brood robbing added individuals to the worker force and increased future production of resident queens, whereas queen adoption increased the colony’s future production, but not the production of individual queens.  相似文献   

Summary The role of the queen in relation to wax secretion and comb building in honeybees was analyzed with respect to queen status (mated, virgin and dead queens and queenlessness), and pheromones of the head and abdominal tergite of queens. Worker variables considered were colony size, percentage of bees bearing wax scales, wax scale weight, and weight of constructed combs.The amount of wax recovered from festoon bees and the percentage of festoon bees bearing wax were independent of queen status, the pheromones of queens and access to the queen. Colonies with full access to freely moving mated queens always constructed significantly more comb than those headed by virgin or dead queens as well as all permutations of caged and division board queens whose mandibular glands and/or abdominal tergite glands were operative or not.Despite pheromonal similarity of virgin queens to mated ones, colonies headed by virgin queens constructed as little comb as did queenless colonies. The bouquets of the mandibular glands did not differ significantly among queens nor was the amount of comb constructed correlated with pheromonal bouquet. Comb building is greatest among colonies having full access to freely moving queens but the stimulus for such building is not attributable to the 90DA, 9HDA and 10HDA components of the queen's mandibular gland secretions.  相似文献   

In honey bees (Apis mellifera), virgin queens may eject a liquid substance from their abdomens while they are engaged in fatal combat. We investigated the functional significance of spraying behavior by staging queen duels within colonies housed in observation hives. Spraying occurred in 39.7% of all interactions between rival queens and was recorded in 12 of 15 duels. Workers were highly attracted to the surfaces and individuals contaminated by spraying, forming tight clusters with hundreds of bees in which movement was severely restricted. One or both queens in a pair became immobilized by the workers in 37.5 and 29.2% of all spraying events, respectively, but the queens were never killed by the workers. Conversely, a mobile queen penetrated the worker aggregation and stung an immobilized queen in one-third of the observed bouts. Thus spraying may serve as a fighting tactic by virgin queens to increase their chances of winning by temporarily immobilizing their rivals.  相似文献   

The poison sac of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta is the only identified glandular source of pheromones produced by a functional ant queen. This structure, which contains the poison gland, has previously been shown to be the source of a releaser pheromone that mediates queen recognition and tending by workers. The poison sac has also been demonstrated to be the source of a primer pheromone that inhibits winged, virgin queens from shedding their wings (dealating) and developing their ovaries. To determine if the poison sac was the only source of these pheromones, we excised the poison sac from queens and observed whether operated queens retained their pheromonal effects. In a first experiment, the poison sac was removed from functional (egg-laying) queens which were then paired with unoperated nestmate queens in small colonies. Counts of the workers surrounding each queen two weeks after the operation showed that queens without poison sac were as effective as their unoperated nestmates in attracting worker retinues. In a second experiment, we removed the poison sacs of virgin queens which had not yet begun laying eggs and thus had not begun producing queen pheromone. After allowing them to develop their ovaries, these individuals produced amounts of queen recognition pheromone comparable to those secreted by unoperated or sham operated virgin queens as determined by bioassay. Testing the head, thorax and abdomens of functional queens separately revealed that the head was the most attractive region in relation to its relative surface area. Bioassays of extracts of two cephalic glands-the mandibular gland and postpharyngeal gland-showed that the postpharyngeal gland is a second source of the queen recognition pheromone. Finally, we found that virgin queens whose poison sacs were removed before they began producing queen pheromone initiated production of a primer pheromone that inhibits winged virgin queens from dealating, indicating that this pheromonal effect also has an additional but as yet undetermined source. These results parallel those on the honey bee in which several of the pheromonal effects of functional queens appear to have multiple glandular sources.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(6):1628-1636
Parasitical behaviour is thought to play an important, yet so far largely unknown role in the evolution and maintenance of insect sociality. In this study, the influence of interspecific, facultative social parasitism upon bumble bee, Bombus, nesting biology was explored. Queens of B. affinis were introduced into 38 various-sized laboratory colonies of B. terricola. Foreign queens were very successful at killing the resident queen and usurping pre-worker nests (77% wins), although usurpation success decreased to 30% in colonies that contained workers. In addition, B. affinis queens were unable to suppress ovarian development in B. terricola workers that emerged prior to nest usurpation, resulting in the eventual death or expulsion of the foreign queen. In contrast, ovarian development was supporessed in workers that eclosed in the presence of a foreign queen, and in workers that were less than 5 h old when confined in small experimental boxes with a B. affinis queen. Foreign queens that usurped a nest prior to worker emergence were assisted by B. terricola workers, and achieved similar reproductive success when compared to a cohort of 22 B. affinis queens that initiated their own nests in the laboratory. These results suggest that there are periods in the ontogeny of Bombus nest defence, recognition and dominance during which bees are sensitive to the effects of nest parasitism. In bumble bees, and in other social insects, individuals of some species may exploit these weaknesses for their own reproductive benefit.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Virgin queens are as effective as mated laying queens at inhibiting colonies from rearing queens but not from producing queen cell cups. Colonies without brood produce fewer queen cell cups than similar colonies that have brood. Colonies without queens forage much less and collect less pollen than with either a mated or virgin queen. Colonies with virgin queens forage as much as those with mated queens but collected less pollen.  相似文献   

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