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This paper details the clinical and post-mortem findings of leopard geckos following ingestion of vermiculite bedding material. Death was attributed to the high magnesium content of the vermiculite.  相似文献   



Prenatal conditions influence offspring development in many species. In mammals, the effects of social density have traditionally been considered a detrimental form of maternal stress. Now their potential adaptive significance is receiving greater attention.Sex-specific effects of maternal social instability on offspring in guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) have been interpreted as adaptations to high social densities, while the effects of low social density are unknown. Hence, we compared morphological, behavioural and physiological development between offspring born to mothers housed either individually or in groups during the second half of pregnancy.


Females housed individually and females housed in groups gave birth to litters of similar size and sex-ratios, and there were no differences in birth weight. Sons of individually-housed mothers grew faster than their sisters, whereas daughters ofgroup-housed females grew faster than their brothers, primarily due to an effect on growth of daughters. There were few effects on offspring behaviour. Baseline cortisol levels in saliva of pups on day 1 and day 7 were not affected, but we saw a blunted cortisol response to social separation on day 7 in sons of individually-housed females and daughters of group-housed females. The effects were consistent across two replicate experiments.


The observed effects only partially support the adaptive hypothesis. Increased growth of daughters may be adaptive under high densities due to increasedfemale competition, but it is unclear why growth of sons is not increased under low social densities when males face less competition from older, dominant males. The differences in growth may be causally linked to sex-specific effects on cortisol response, although individual cortisol response and growth were not correlated, and various other mechanisms are possible. The observed sex-specific effects on early development are intriguing, yet the potential adaptive benefits and physiological mechanisms require further study.

This study reports temperature effects on paralarvae from a benthic octopus species, Octopus huttoni, found throughout New Zealand and temperate Australia. We quantified the thermal tolerance, thermal preference and temperature-dependent respiration rates in 1-5 days old paralarvae. Thermal stress (1 °C increase h−1) and thermal selection (∼10-24 °C vertical gradient) experiments were conducted with paralarvae reared for 4 days at 16 °C. In addition, measurement of oxygen consumption at 10, 15, 20 and 25 °C was made for paralarvae aged 1, 4 and 5 days using microrespirometry. Onset of spasms, rigour (CTmax) and mortality (upper lethal limit) occurred for 50% of experimental animals at, respectively, 26.0±0.2 °C, 27.8±0.2 °C and 31.4±0.1 °C. The upper, 23.1±0.2 °C, and lower, 15.0±1.7 °C, temperatures actively avoided by paralarvae correspond with the temperature range over which normal behaviours were observed in the thermal stress experiments. Over the temperature range of 10 °C-25 °C, respiration rates, standardized for an individual larva, increased with age, from 54.0 to 165.2 nmol larvae−1 h−1 in one-day old larvae to 40.1-99.4 nmol h−1 at five days. Older larvae showed a lesser response to increased temperature: the effect of increasing temperature from 20 to 25 °C (Q10) on 5 days old larvae (Q10=1.35) was lower when compared with the 1 day old larvae (Q10=1.68). The lower Q10 in older larvae may reflect age-related changes in metabolic processes or a greater scope of older larvae to respond to thermal stress such as by reducing activity. Collectively, our data indicate that temperatures >25 °C may be a critical temperature. Further studies on the population-level variation in thermal tolerance in this species are warranted to predict how continued increases in ocean temperature will limit O. huttoni at early larval stages across the range of this species.  相似文献   

The proximal mechanisms determining social dominance are not well understood. We used the highly territorial lizard A. cristatellus to test two main hypotheses: (1) that male social dominance is associated with locomotor abilities; (2) that locomotor abilities (maximal performance), as measured in the laboratory, are correlated with behaviour in the field. In the field, we recorded locomotor behaviours and assertion displays, then characterized microhabitat use and thermal relations. In the laboratory, we measured maximum sprint running speed, endurance and morphometric characters, and assessed dominance by pairing males of similar body size in an experimental arena. In 72 of 77 interactions, one lizard (the ‘winner’) was unequivocally determined to be dominant over the other (the ‘loser’). Winners performed more assertion displays than losers before capture and also had higher endurance in laboratory tests. Although contestants were matched for snout-vent length, winners had significantly deeper and wider heads. However, we found no significant differences in field locomotor behaviours, perch or thermal characteristics, head length, or maximal sprint speed. Our findings support those of previous studies, and extend them in several ways. This is the first demonstration that assertion displays in the field are related to both locomotor performance and laboratory-assessed social dominance. Locomotor performance may directly affect social dominance by allowing some males to perform better in dyadic interactions. Alternatively, both locomotor performance and social dominance may be linked to a common underlying mechanism, such as variation in hormone levels, which are known to affect aggression, locomotor performance and morphology.  相似文献   

In four large aviaries, we studied social assortment and reproductive behaviour of female brown-headed cowbirds housed with males differing in age class and in corresponding levels of intrasexual interaction. Juvenile and adult females resided with either (1) adult males, (2) juvenile males, (3) adult and juvenile males, or (4) no males. We observed social behaviour of males and females from September 1999 through to the 2000 breeding season. Throughout the year, males in the different conditions showed different levels of social interaction, with adult males being most engaged in male-male interactions and juvenile males being least engaged in male-male interactions. Females in the four conditions differed in their associations with males and with other females. In conditions with adult males, females spent more time near males, approached males more often, and associated with females less. During the breeding season, females in conditions with more adult males copulated more and produced more fertile and viable eggs. In the condition where females were housed with juvenile males, they copulated less, laid fewer eggs and destroyed more of their eggs. Results indicate that throughout the year, females are sensitive to male age and behaviour in their social group, and that this sensitivity can have reproductive consequences. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Members of the family Canidae are distinguished from other carnivore families by pair bonding and male care of the young. Because of the importance of food provisioning and territorial defence by males, social structure among canids is shared or even dominated by males. However, small, insectivorous species of canids show little male parental care, although whether social structure differs from other canids is unknown. We combined data from three independent research projects on a small canid, the swift fox, to help elucidate the social organization of this species. Based on data on movements of 35 adult mated pairs and the fate of litters, we found that adult females maintained territories and family structure, whereas adult males tended to emigrate. This is the first evidence of a female-based social organization among any canid species. This type of social organization probably resulted from the decreased importance of territorial defence and food provisioning by males, as their diet is primarily insectivorous during summer when young are weaned. Our results, along with others, indicate that variations in social structure among canid species are strongly influenced by the importance of food provisioning and territorial defence by males.  相似文献   

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