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In a series of four experiments, we examined the relationship between male dominance and female preference in Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica. Female quail that had watched an aggressive interaction between a pair of males preferred the loser of an encounter to its winner. This superficially perverse female preference for losers may be explained by the strong correlation between the success of a male in aggressive interactions with other males and the frequency with which he engages in courtship behaviours that appear potentially injurious to females. By choosing to affiliate with less dominant male quail, female quail may lose direct and indirect benefits that would accrue from pairing with dominant males. However, they also avoid the cost of interacting with potentially harmful, more aggressive males.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the mate choice behavior of female Japanese quail toward taxidermically-prepared male models. Both experiments consisted of four phases: (1) habituation; (2) a pre-test in which two taxidermically-prepared models of male birds were presented; (3) observation in which the respective non-preferred male model was presented either alone or with another stimulus, and (4) a post-test in which male models were again presented alone. Results showed that focal females increased their preference for a non-preferred male model that they had previously observed with a live female (Experiment 1) or with a taxidermically-prepared female model (Experiment 2). Two control groups ruled out the possibility that focal females were choosing male models either because: (1) males were presented with an additional stimulus, or (2) females were choosing an area where they observed male models with other females. The findings suggest that female quail may utilize static, species-specific features of male conspecifics in mate choice.  相似文献   

In a series of three experiments, we examined the hypothesis that female Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica, are motivated to form aggregations to reduce the probability of harassment by conspecific males. When in the presence of a conspecific male, female quail both sought others of their sex and remained near them. However, if no males were present, females were indifferent to or tended to avoid one another. We interpret these data as consistent with the hypothesis that one function of aggregations of female quail is to avoid harassment by conspecific males. Skew in male mating success would be a probable consequence of such aggregations of females. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Gametic asymmetry implies that females invest more per gamete than males do and thus sperm is considered to be a relatively cheap resource. However, contrary to this classic view, sperm has been shown to be frequently in short supply; hence, selection favouring females that mate for fertility benefits should occur. For this reason, we determined whether males signalling fertility are preferred by female newts of the species Triturus alpestris . We performed paired female–male trials using unmated and previously inseminated females to determine potential criteria for female interest in a courting male, to establish what factors lead to successful mating and to assess the importance of female choice for direct and indirect benefits. We found that female interest in any potential mate and mating success decreased once mating had occurred. Furthermore, we detected an increase in spermatophore deposition rate and rapid spermatophore transfer in encounters that resulted in a successful mating. The results obtained indicate that female alpine newts are attracted to males showing signs of relatively high fertility and that females exhibit a decreased propensity to mate once initial sperm reserves have been acquired. Our results support the theory of initial female choice for fertility benefits.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 483–491.  相似文献   

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts increased investment in offspring when females mate with high-quality males. Few studies have tested whether investment varies with mate relatedness, despite evidence that non-additive gene action influences mate and offspring genetic quality. We tested whether female lekking lance-tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) adjust offspring sex and egg volume in response to mate attractiveness (annual reproductive success, ARS), heterozygosity and relatedness. Across 968 offspring, the probability of being male decreased with increasing parental relatedness but not father ARS or heterozygosity. This correlation tended to diminish with increasing lay-date. Across 162 offspring, egg volume correlated negatively with parental relatedness and varied with lay-date, but was unrelated to father ARS or heterozygosity. Offspring sex and egg size were unrelated to maternal age. Comparisons of maternal half-siblings in broods with no mortality produced similar results, indicating differential allocation rather than covariation between female quality and relatedness or sex-specific inbreeding depression in survival. As males suffer greater inbreeding depression, overproducing females after mating with related males may reduce fitness costs of inbreeding in a system with no inbreeding avoidance, while biasing the sex of outbred offspring towards males may maximize fitness via increased mating success of outbred sons.  相似文献   

Brooding behaviour is a likely cue to a female's reproductive status and therefore a potentially important factor in male mate assessment. We induced brooding behaviour in adult female Japanese quail by exposure to foster chicks for five 20-min trials over 3 days. In two experiments, we assessed the influence of this brooding behaviour on male mate choice in Japanese quail using an established mate choice paradigm. In each experiment we gave males a choice between two females presented simultaneously and measured preference by the time spent in proximity to each. In the first experiment, a male's preference for the initially preferred female significantly decreased after he had seen her brooding three chicks. In the control condition, male preference for an initially preferred female remained relatively consistent over consecutive trials if he did not see her brood chicks. These results suggest that females who are brooding chicks are less attractive to male Japanese quail. Further evidence from the second experiment substantiates this finding, and strongly suggests that males are averse to behavioural cues from maternal females, rather than the mere presence of chicks. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Territorial scent‐marking provides chemical records of male competitive interactions that are available to females, who gain valuable information to assess and identify best quality partners. In this context, the solitary subterranean rodent tuco‐tuco (Ctenomys talarum) offers excellent possibilities to evaluate the effects of male exclusive scent‐marking of territories on female assessment. For evaluation, we used wild caught individuals of C. talarum, manipulated their scent marks within the territories in captive conditions and staged preference tests where females were able to choose between exclusive and invaded territories. The evaluation was performed in two scenarios considering the identity of the intruder scent mark: territories invaded by a strange male and territories invaded by a neighbour male. Females investigated the chemical cues deposited on the substrate of the exclusively marked territory more frequently. Next, females displayed equal interest to scent samples of both males presented in a Y‐maze. Finally, when females could gain access to both individually isolated males and their scent‐marked territories, they spent more time within invaded territories despite they visited them with the same frequency. Moreover, females tried to get in contact by scratching the mesh of the owner of the invaded territory more frequently. We found that females of C. talarum evaluate the homogeneity (exclusiveness) of scent marks within a male territory and then show preferences in relation to the identity of the intruder's scent –whether strange or neighbour.  相似文献   

The Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) is an important agricultural species and is an animal model for genetic researches. This study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting live weight and growth rate on chromosome 3 in quail. Two strains of Japanese quail including wild and white were crossed reciprocally and F1 generation was created. The birds from F2 generation were measured for growth traits and all of 472 birds (8 pairs from the parental strains, 34 F1 birds and 422 F2 birds) were genotyped for microsatellite markers on chromosome 3. The results indicated chromosome wide significant QTL for hatching weight (P < 0.01) and weight at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks of age, average daily gain from hatch to 1, 1–2 and 3–4 weeks of age and Kleiber ratio (P < 0.05), an indirect criterion of feed efficiency. The highest QTL additive and imprinting effects (2.72 and 0.79 % of the trait variation in the F2 population, respectively) were related to hatching weight. The identified QTL for this trait (at 7 cM relative to the centromeric region of the chromosome) had significant interaction with sex and hatch (P < 0.01). The dominance effect of QTL was significant (P < 0.05) for bodyweight at one week of age accounting for 1.69 % of the trait variation in the F2 population.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is denned as small, random deviationsfrom perfect bilateral symmetry in a bilaterally symmetricalmorphological trait. The relationship between FA in forewinglength of males and the relative sexual attractiveness of theirpair-formation pheromones was studied experimentally in theJapanese scorpionfly, Panorpa japonica. This is the first studyof the role of FA in pheromonal communication systems, and oneof only a few studies on the relationship between FA and sexualselection. Collectively, the results of four interrelated experimentsreveal that females prefer the pheromone of males of relativelylow FA in forewing length. The experimental manipulation offorewing FA of males by cutting wing lengths did not influencetheir olfactory attractiveness to females. In this case, femaleschose the male with the lowest premanipulation FA. Thus, naturalwing length FA apparently is correlated with inherent differencesbetween males that influence the properties of sex attractantmales produce. Female preference for low-FA males may be adaptiveas a result of material and/or genetic benefits received byfemales.  相似文献   

Hamilton's rule explains when natural selection will favor altruism between conspecifics, given their degree of relatedness. In practice, indicators of relatedness (such as scent) coevolve with strategies based on these indicators, a fact not included in previous theories of kin recognition. Using a combination of simulation modeling and mathematical extension of Hamilton's rule, we demonstrate how altruism can emerge and be sustained in a coevolutionary setting where relatedness depends on an individual's social environment and varies from one locus to another. The results support a very general expectation of widespread, and not necessarily weak, conditional altruism in nature.  相似文献   

Healthy heavy body weight strain of adult male Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) of the same age were used in this study to observe the effect of hemicastration and castration on the frequency of foam discharges from cloacal gland and other related parameters. The quails were housed in individual cages and divided into four groups: control (intact birds), sham-operated control (intact birds with incision), hemicastrated, and castrated groups of birds. Hemicastration and castration were carried out surgically at 10 and 13 weeks of age, respectively. Subsequently, 3 weeks after castration birds were examined for different parameters. Hemicastration caused a significant (P < 0.05) drop in the foam discharge frequency, weight of the foam, and the level of testosterone in the plasma, whereas in castrated group these variables were observed nil or negligible as compared to both of the controls. A suppressive effect of hemicastration was also noticed on the body weight, area of the cloacal gland, as well as percent fertility. Castration induced the drastic regression of the cloacal gland and a significant reduction (P < 0.05) of the body weight was also noted as compared to other groups. Frequencies of foam discharges were twice the number in daytime (06:00-18:00 h) than night, irrespective of the groups. In another study, the effect of characteristics of foam or foam glands on fertility was examined in 77 male birds paired with females. Several characteristics of foam and foam glands were examined for infertility, such as light yellow foam, dark yellow foam, smaller area of foam gland (below 225 mm2), hardness of foam gland and certain unknown factors that contributed 0.23, 0.68, 5.23, 2.27 and 3.64% infertility, respectively. An overall 12.1% birds were found to be infertile. This data indicated that smaller sizes of foam glands might reflect the poorest fertilizing ability of the male birds. From this study, it may be concluded that the cloacal gland may be considered as an external indicator of testicular function of the birds. Characteristics of the cloacal gland or foam or both may be used as a simple and effective tool to predict the fertilizing ability of an individual male in view of the very small semen ejaculate that is very difficult to collect and evaluate for fertility.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The lavender phenotype in quail is a dilution of both eumelanin and phaeomelanin in feathers that produces a blue-grey colour on a wild-type feather pattern background. It has been previously demonstrated by intergeneric hybridization that the lavender mutation in quail is homologous to the same phenotype in chicken, which is caused by a single base-pair change in exon 1 of MLPH. RESULTS: In this study, we have shown that a mutation of MLPH is also associated with feather colour dilution in quail, but that the mutational event is extremely different. In this species, the lavender phenotype is associated with a non-lethal complex mutation involving three consecutive overlapping chromosomal changes (two inversions and one deletion) that have consequences on the genomic organization of four genes (MLPH and the neighbouring PRLH, RAB17 and LRRFIP1). The deletion of PRLH has no effect on the level of circulating prolactin. Lavender birds have lighter body weight, lower body temperature and increased feed consumption and residual feed intake than wild-type plumage quail, indicating that this complex mutation is affecting the metabolism and the regulation of homeothermy. CONCLUSIONS: An extensive overlapping chromosome rearrangement was associated with a non-pathological Mendelian trait and minor, non deleterious effects in the lavender Japanese quail which is a natural knockout for PRLH.  相似文献   

We previously reported that change, with age, in plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC) and LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) differed between apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotypes epsilon 3 epsilon 3 and epsilon 3 epsilon 4, in a sample of 77 older, unrelated males. By use of a larger sample from that cohort, followed longitudinally during 1969-87, the change in TC and in LDL-C, between the epsilon 3 epsilon 3 and epsilon 3 epsilon 4 APOE genotypes, over three exams, was reanalyzed. Additionally, the change in triglycerides (TG) and in HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), between the epsilon 3 epsilon 3 and epsilon 3 epsilon 4 APOE genotypes-as well as the differences between the epsilon 3 epsilon 3 and epsilon 3 epsilon 2 genotypes, for TC, LDL-C, TG, and HDL-C-were contrasted over the three exams. At exam 1 TG was higher in the epsilon 3 epsilon 4 group than in the epsilon 3 epsilon 3 group (mean age 48 years), and at exams 2 and exam 3 (mean ages 58 and 63 years, respectively) it was similar (P = .009 for the exam-by-genotype-interaction effect in the repeated-measures analysis). A similar trend was seen for TC (P = .03), yet previously detected LDL-C effects were not apparent (P = .46). Those with the epsilon 3 epsilon 2 genotype had higher TG and lower LDL-C and TC at each exam than were seen in those with the epsilon 3 epsilon 3 genotype, although the differences in the values were not always statistically significant. Differences in TC, LDL-C, and TG, between the epsilon 3 epsilon 2-genotype and epsilon 3 epsilon 3-genotype groups, did not significantly change over the three exams. HDL-C levels were relatively stable over the exams; however, the exam-by-genotype interaction was significant for the epsilon 3 epsilon 2 genotype versus the epsilon 3 epsilon 3 genotype (P = .02). The epsilon 4 allele effects on TG and TC changed between longitudinal exams and may be age dependent. Changes, with age, in the effect of the epsilon 3 epsilon 4 genotype on lipids may impact the risk of developing atherosclerotic disease.  相似文献   

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) clusters in families, but the only known common genetic variants influencing risk are near PNPLA3. We sought to identify additional genetic variants influencing NAFLD using genome-wide association (GWA) analysis of computed tomography (CT) measured hepatic steatosis, a non-invasive measure of NAFLD, in large population based samples. Using variance components methods, we show that CT hepatic steatosis is heritable (∼26%–27%) in family-based Amish, Family Heart, and Framingham Heart Studies (n = 880 to 3,070). By carrying out a fixed-effects meta-analysis of genome-wide association (GWA) results between CT hepatic steatosis and ∼2.4 million imputed or genotyped SNPs in 7,176 individuals from the Old Order Amish, Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik study (AGES), Family Heart, and Framingham Heart Studies, we identify variants associated at genome-wide significant levels (p<5×10−8) in or near PNPLA3, NCAN, and PPP1R3B. We genotype these and 42 other top CT hepatic steatosis-associated SNPs in 592 subjects with biopsy-proven NAFLD from the NASH Clinical Research Network (NASH CRN). In comparisons with 1,405 healthy controls from the Myocardial Genetics Consortium (MIGen), we observe significant associations with histologic NAFLD at variants in or near NCAN, GCKR, LYPLAL1, and PNPLA3, but not PPP1R3B. Variants at these five loci exhibit distinct patterns of association with serum lipids, as well as glycemic and anthropometric traits. We identify common genetic variants influencing CT–assessed steatosis and risk of NAFLD. Hepatic steatosis associated variants are not uniformly associated with NASH/fibrosis or result in abnormalities in serum lipids or glycemic and anthropometric traits, suggesting genetic heterogeneity in the pathways influencing these traits.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, mutations at the transformer-2, the double-sex, or the intersex loci interfere with the normal sexual development of somatic cells. In order to study the effect of mutations at these loci on germ cell development, mutant germ cells were introduced into normal female or normal male gonads either by pole cell transplantation or by induced mitotic recombination, and their ability to give rise to functional gametes was tested. In contrast to the effects seen in mutant somatic cells, the mutant germ cells (dsxdsx, dsxD+, dsxddsx, tra-2tra-2, ixix) developed normally according to their chromosomal sex, and no sexual transformations of germ cells were observed. In combination with the results of J. L. Marsh and E. Wieschaus (1978, Nature (London)272, 249–251) concerning the transformer locus, it seems that the four autosomal loci known to be involved in sex determination of somatic cells have no important role in the sexual development of the germline. The results are discussed with respect to sex determination in the germline of Drosophila and are compared to observations made on similar mutations in other animal species.  相似文献   

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